Mental drippings

My karma ran over my Dogma.

While most people are deciding what to have for dinner, I am consumed by the realization that if I only buy black underwear, the skidmarks will never show.

My favorite diaries:

skanksin profile - diary
comments: Well, he's pretty much my best friend, and funny as hell. He should write more.
Bingoguy profile - diary
comments: Sorta' seems to get off on writing about the same kind of stuff I do.
hamsterfood profile - diary
comments: Some little punk who lives in Israel and was inspired by me to start writing.
scanzilla profile - diary
comments: I'm afraid of his evil robot hoardes and what they might do to me.
foxphotog profile - diary
comments: Says things that I am trying to say, except he sounds smart when he says them. Damn him and his ability to communicate.
ozwald profile - diary
comments: Has helped me out on many occasions with my templates and such. Interesting fellow.
icantread profile - diary
comments: ...the guy runs through the crowd up to the ticket booth and starts beating on the window with his fists yelling about how he wants his money back and Fuck something, Bitch something else. It was all very "I'll cut you".
kristintracy profile - diary
comments: This girl can make me laugh. what a great collection of observations.
epeter2025 profile - diary
comments: This mother is one to keep an eye on, and the ninja brother of Kristintracy. My money is on the two of them taking over the world, and I'll be their on-site standards guy.
facepunch profile - diary
comments: Just look at the picture. Now look at it again. it's Hitler and a dinosaur. If that isn't comedic genius, it does not exist.
thedailywtf profile - diary
comments: I add about five folks to my faves list a year, and they are only the ones I will go read EVERY time they update. Not as favors to friends or any of that crap. This chick has sarcasm glands that rival my own.
juddhole profile - diary
comments: A god among men. Truly.

My favorite music:

Umphrey's McGee
comments: More talented than your favorite band.
Bela Fleck
Tenacious D

My favorite movies:

girls gone wild 7
Royal Tennenbaums

My favorite authors:

David Eggers

leave a note for porktornado
diaryrings which porktornado belongs to
diaries which list porktornado as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-09-03 01:20:36
this user's total entries: 243
user since: 2002-03-08

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MSN Messenger name: Pork Tornado

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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