Gorm's Homeport

Hi, I'm Gorm...and you knew that already...you probably know everything else too...but if not, ask.

My favorite diaries:

ladyrhi profile - diary
comments: Hey, she's my wife and my Lady, so her thoughts are important to me
balynar profile - diary
comments: Hey, would you listen to a Knight AND a wrestling fan?? I sure would!
colin-g profile - diary
comments: Well...he's Conservative...but he's a nice guy nonetheless
sarna profile - diary
comments: A darned good friend of mine, so there :P
puck-eater profile - diary
comments: Head of my household...hockey player, flyers fan...don't worry, there will be NHL again...someday
the-bookgirl profile - diary
comments: colin-g's wife, and a good friend...maybe someday I'll come up with a pithy quote
daughtcalm profile - diary
comments: "Where are you Gorm?" "Right next to you Matt" "BAM! - wrong answer!"
dameanne profile - diary
comments: If I were a peer, I'd wanna be a peer like her
blackbear profile - diary
comments: Never piss off a man with a big hammer
thjora profile - diary
comments: She knows more about Virginia than any person has a right to know.
foxphotog profile - diary
comments: Yeah, we disagree...but I'd buy him a beer anytime.
bdeb profile - diary
comments: Even Double Peers forget to check their flies on occasion
mistressrhi profile - diary
comments: The Other Rhiannon (in my mind at least...I know, everyone else thinks my wife is the "Other" one)
genvieve profile - diary
comments: Another one of those people I'd be like if I could be like people.
leofwynne profile - diary
comments: Another SCADian who fights better than me (admittedly...it's a large club...)
duchessniobe profile - diary
comments: Quite possibly the most gracious Queen I've ever seen.
blueduke profile - diary
comments: Another page I'll have to explore when I get the time.
hun-e-b profile - diary
comments: It's amazing what you find when you follow the friend of a friend links
roland profile - diary
comments: He works with metal...so it's something to keep track of.
elsworthy profile - diary
comments: The only person I know who's happier the paler her skin is...
spinedoc profile - diary
comments: NO longer Stuck in Atlanta, but Atlantian in his heart
Theodora profile - diary
havorc profile - diary
Richard-FG profile - diary
moirarowan profile - diary
comments: Finance of Bryce, and an interesting person
muirgheal profile - diary
kyneburh profile - diary
comments: She wears a crown, she metalcasts, she's an EMT, it's SUPERKIMBER!!!!
Thornbury profile - diary
comments: Hmmm...big guy who's into motorcycles and beating peple senseless with sticks...good guy to have in your corner :)
ladyiseulte profile - diary
dragonazure profile - diary
marsist profile - diary
comments: Another person who understands that Patriotism and Republicanism don't go hand in hand, and that lightheartedness is good too
ysabeau profile - diary
comments: Recent transplant from Aethelmarc, and a heck of a nice person
dwolfhunter profile - diary
comments: Also a recent transplant from Aethelmarc...probably because he and Ysabeau are married...
geniealisa profile - diary
comments: Lady of my household...and drives the coolest cars

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

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diaries which list gormofberra as a favorite diary
last updated: 2005-01-08 21:58:56
this user's total entries: 309
user since: 2002-02-05

AOL IM name: gormofbera
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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