Random and Holistic

My favorite diaries:

alisandra profile - diary
comments: In Pittsburgh, sports is religion
balynar profile - diary
comments: A brave man with an odd roommate
bdeb profile - diary
comments: Shaggy!
blackbear profile - diary
comments: My warm and fuzzy pal Liam
foxphotog profile - diary
comments: The too rarely seen Andrew.
celynen profile - diary
comments: Naughty girl, behind that overly educated smile.
colin-g profile - diary
comments: Captain America and his boys too.
cynwrig profile - diary
comments: Kenny the no-I-don't-have-an-inside-voice monkey.
elsworthy profile - diary
comments: My favorite Angel of Death
geniealisa profile - diary
comments: The effervescent Genie.
genvieve profile - diary
comments: She who rules the squirrels
inlondon profile - diary
comments: Keilyn 'I look stunning in purple' Tanner
chris-sca profile - diary
comments: Bibs. You wore bibs over a tie dyed shirt.
bera profile - diary
comments: She looks good in orange, damn her.
roland profile - diary
comments: My one true.
thjora profile - diary
comments: What? Cruellers? Are you German or something?
educaitlin profile - diary
comments: Owns the minivan samuri
debsiobhan profile - diary
comments: A mom and a lady, fighting the good fight.
havorc profile - diary
comments: My English teachers were never like this.
love2fly profile - diary
comments: Honestly, what can't she do?
the-bookgirl profile - diary
comments: Belle. ("Cause that girl is strange, but special")
scalisette profile - diary
comments: Red hair and killer boots.
thornbury profile - diary
comments: No! No chips in the shortbread! Have I taught you nothing?!
moirarowan profile - diary
comments: Kimmie!
catullus profile - diary
comments: Obvious evil is so trite. :>)
giuliana profile - diary
comments: An subtly fractured little mosiacist - with that excellent little chuckle.
mistressrhi profile - diary
comments: Fear the snowcat.
ladyadriana profile - diary
comments: I'm taking the inflatable monkey, and you can't stop me.
zancani profile - diary
comments: Bells. The prize is bells. Do you have any punishments?
padraiga profile - diary
comments: Only for you would I pick thistles.
nia-nia profile - diary
comments: "Monkeys! They are all monkeys!"
dreadbaron profile - diary
comments: Skulls on the coronet. Festive.
lacuriosa profile - diary
comments: Lacemaker and party mavin.
kyneburh profile - diary
comments: Am I bluuuuueeeee.....
jdl profile - diary
comments: But where did Heisenberg put the litter box?
ladysusanna profile - diary
comments: Grey in the dark.
dameanne profile - diary
comments: Mojo's lady.
luciaantony profile - diary
comments: Gritty, gregarious, greek goddess.
ladyrhi profile - diary
comments: Weaver, seeker, puppy mom.
meng profile - diary
comments: Style, beauty and chutzpah.
knitgeek profile - diary
comments: Big knots from little string
puck-eater profile - diary
comments: That much hockey can't be good
alesiag profile - diary
comments: Hmmm. What does that fondness for silk really mean?
gormofberra profile - diary
comments: Herald and curler
honeypot904 profile - diary
comments: Librarians are the secret rulers of the universe.
nikulai profile - diary
comments: Crazy like a fox
blueduke profile - diary
comments: Rhetoric is a dangerous tool.
hun-e-b profile - diary
comments: Lady and supreme ruler of Low Ravenspur
luciab profile - diary
comments: Artist on an adventure
dragonazure profile - diary
comments: Scribe on walkabout.
ealdthryth profile - diary
comments: Ducks in the bathroom, eh?
Leofwynne profile - diary
comments: Smiling dancer
duchessniobe profile - diary
comments: I can hear her voice in my head, 'Choose good, Theo, choose the good.'
moustache profile - diary
comments: No one, no thing, should be able to bend like that.
scatristan profile - diary
comments: Owner of the kind eyes and slow smile inherited by little Brandon
mitake profile - diary
comments: I have seen her drink with a Pooh Bear.
nitenar profile - diary
comments: No one should quote Clockwork Orange that early in the morning
omswyn profile - diary
comments: A mad Brit with mad skills. But no hat.
bbrigit profile - diary
comments: Art is happiness.
supfiggy profile - diary
comments: cut me and I will toilet paper your dog
richard-fg profile - diary
comments: Duke who? Wait, I hear the Darkwing theme song in the distance...
squotter profile - diary
comments: Sigma-Kappa-Alpha, Delta Baroness
findlaech profile - diary
comments: Turns phrases and wood.
idonealuv profile - diary
comments: A lady of remarkable sense
mongolherder profile - diary
comments: who taught me to never waste your brain cells on cheap alcohol
halowenslut profile - diary
comments: good taste in pets, tattoos, and holidays
rosine profile - diary
redswanne profile - diary
damenora profile - diary
ladyiseulte profile - diary
redcaitlin profile - diary
comments: She will rock you. And feed you, too.
moldcastle profile - diary
comments: Gotta be impressed without someone that can sleep on a roof.
terrshee profile - diary
comments: quietly gleaming
justus1199 profile - diary
elishabeth profile - diary
comments: Elee, tall and incomparable

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last updated: 2007-01-04 21:59:16
this user's total entries: 551
user since: 2001-07-10

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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