Solar Powered Countess

Art is the sunshine in your heart beaming out!

My favorite diaries:

educaitlin profile - diary
elsworthy profile - diary
rosine profile - diary
chris-sca profile - diary
meng profile - diary
genvieve profile - diary
theodora profile - diary
dameanne profile - diary
thjora profile - diary
ladysusanna profile - diary
lacuriosa profile - diary
thornbury profile - diary
nia-nia profile - diary
colin-g profile - diary
bera profile - diary
luciaantony profile - diary
richard-fg profile - diary
nikulai profile - diary
celynen profile - diary
bdeb profile - diary
supfiggy profile - diary
alesiag profile - diary
kyrre profile - diary
ladyakilah profile - diary
dreadbaron profile - diary
the-kilmeny profile - diary
inlondon profile - diary
the-bookgirl profile - diary
want2feel profile - diary
Blackbear profile - diary
ladyiseulte profile - diary
roland profile - diary
HalowenSlut profile - diary
jbicker profile - diary
halimadances profile - diary
barjavel profile - diary
ladyadriana profile - diary
mistressrhi profile - diary
padraiga profile - diary
kyneburh profile - diary
foxphotog profile - diary
moustache profile - diary
squirrelx profile - diary
ayo profile - diary
HoneyPot904 profile - diary
hun-e-b profile - diary
turgeis profile - diary
candoor profile - diary
howlindoggie profile - diary

My favorite music:

Harry Chapin
comments: I love ballads
Gordon Lightfoot
comments: I love ballads
Heather Alexander
comments: yup - more ballads. The words give me great visuals.
Chris De Burgh
comments: great lyrics full of meaning

My favorite movies:

Romancing the Stone
comments: Travel, adventure, comedy - more so because I've been to the area where this was filmed.
Above the Law
comments: I love watching Aikido. This was Segal's first movie and I think his best.
Practical Magic
comments: Always makes me smile

My favorite authors:

Laurel K Hamilton
comments: Guilty Pleasures series:Both of her series are awesome and will consume you. Don't start reading unless you have the time and are prepared to get sucked in.
Tom Robbins
comments: Jitterbug Perfume: makes you think and smile all at once.

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last updated: 2006-05-01 09:57:26
this user's total entries: 118
user since: 2003-06-21

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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