Enter my Wonderland...

curious is my middle name

The diary of an average high-schooler with a not-so-average thirst for knowledge.

My favorite diaries:

forleafclovr profile - diary
comments: my beautiful and talented best friend, who hardly updates anymore but is still a cool bean.
christabean profile - diary
comments: one of the first diaries I started reading. I can only HOPE to be this cool when I grow up.
epiphany profile - diary
comments: The life of a 9th grade English teacher--does that occupation sound familiar to anyone?
sundry profile - diary
comments: As soon as I see her name highlighted in red I begin cracking up. She's the funniest person on the planet.
mamijares profile - diary
comments: My little sister. She locked her diary so don't bother. (I have the password neh neh neh neh neh neh)
miss-miami profile - diary
comments: Another one of the very first diaries I started reading. Jen's life is far more exciting than mine, and she's Canadian! Word.
rainbow-rev profile - diary
comments: My review site--but it's closed until summer because I am a busy busy girl.
anniewaits profile - diary
comments: She doesn't update as much as she did before, but when she does it's totally worth the wait. She never fails to entertain me.
chicle profile - diary
comments: ella habla espa�ol!! aiiiiiiii me ENCANTA espa�ol
adancer317 profile - diary
comments: My cousin Abbey. She hasn't updated in like 3 months but I'll keep up her on--it's a family thing.
mzauberman profile - diary
comments: I hate him for thinking of all the funniest things before the rest of us can get to them.
ilanaswirl profile - diary
comments: one of my bestest friends Ilana. we discuss Johnny Mayer and Les Miz together. Also her pig-snot dreams. Wow disregard that.
scraps profile - diary
comments: beautiful layout, beautiful woman.
katress profile - diary
comments: She made my design AND she's an amazing writer. What more could you ask for?
openthegate profile - diary
comments: Trays is beautiful, in every single way. She and I are definitely kindred spirits. We've got so much in common that sometimes it gets to be a tad scary, but always interesting.
dreamer42087 profile - diary
comments: my bestest friend Julie, who's gonna be a STAHHH.
neuroticaa profile - diary
comments: "Have you ever felt...that the whole world completely understands you and loves you and accepts you for who you are, regardless of what you look like or choose to do? Neither have i."- That is the most poignant and candid quote I've eve
bluecharis profile - diary
comments: English is her second language...and STILL so poetic.
hopeless17 profile - diary
comments: can you say "blog crush?" lol in the words of no doubt, "why do the good girls always want the bad boys?" hehe
motherlode profile - diary
comments: the epitome of motherly radness

My favorite music:

comments: been a fan since '97. what can I say, old habits die hard!
The Carpenters
comments: an amazing voice: that's what it all comes down to.
Jason Mraz
comments: ...an amazing voice: that's what it all comes down to. Also he's a lyrical GENIUS.
Billy Joel
comments: this man's music makes me so happy. it moves me.
Johnny Mayer
comments: ohhhhh johnny. you and your guitar, ushering in the new generation of singer/songwriters. you are my idol.

My favorite movies:

Now and Then
comments: "That's a very scary topic for Mommy. That's like someone going 'BOO!' Ahhh. That's what sex is."
Josie and the Pussycats
comments: "Wyatt--whycome my limited edition Coke can has a picture of me with a goatee when EVERYBODY knows I shaved into a soul patch for the 'Don't Tell Your Papa' video?? This is wickedy wack Wyatt! You should be on top of this!"
comments: "Just checking to see if everything's okay." "Well, is it?" "::nods:: Two corpses, everything's fine."
Les Miz (not a movie, I know)
comments: "To love another person is to see the face of Gooooooodddd"

My favorite authors:

meg cabot
comments: she wrote the princess diaries books
jane yolen
comments: author of some of the best fairy tale fantasy books out there
lewis carroll
comments: i could read each alice book like twelve times over before i would get tired of them
comments: OH YES iambic pentameter. OH YES.
j.k. rowling
comments: good God how could you NOT like Harry Potter? I want to BE this woman.

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last updated: 2005-02-16 22:38:58
this user's total entries: 589
user since: 2002-01-05

AOL IM name: theduchess423
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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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