You Don't Use Words Like That

Saint Louise Is Listening

My favorite diaries:

fromthered profile - diary
comments: You're a miasma of sounds, sights, smells, touch... and above all else memories. Undoubtedly why I've carried this torch for so very long.
jackthripper profile - diary
comments: Locked now, but always has been an interesting read, meant to add you for some time my friend.
under800 profile - diary
comments: miracles happening constantly with the art of language
purplebanana profile - diary
comments: beautiful, gummy, honest, fellow curvy-girl.
suzysoo profile - diary
comments: perfect companion read to Alison
antioligarch profile - diary
comments: "And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth."
lv2write00 profile - diary
comments: Live, Lesbians, a Bris with a bartender... one of my most favorites
mrgrey profile - diary
comments: Fucking...Sexy....
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: A divinator like me, but somehow I'm still jealous of others with my talent. Nonetheless? Fantastic Emotional, Thoughtful and thoroughly beautiful in its simplicity kind of read.
ghostofgor profile - diary
comments: Hrm, as good reads go, I count this one in.
rushter profile - diary
comments: Rush fan. Enough said.

My favorite music:

comments: If Michael Stipe wasn't gay I might solicit him to marry and depress me forever.
comments: My Lifeblood Spills Over.
comments: I descend from Grace In arms of Undertow
comments: Don't believe the florist when he tells you that the roses are free.
comments: This is the last song I will ever sing... No I've changed my mind again.

My favorite movies:

Far and Away
comments: I know Joseph isn't really going to die, and I cry everytime, even when it's edited and on T.V. I'm a fucking crybaby.
comments: I need to sell cocaine and get out of retail.
The Last Temptation of Christ
comments: Jesus learns about prostitution and sex, the Catholic Church is in an outrage, sit your ass down for the longest, best and most thoughtful movie ever. Period.
The Princess Bride
comments: You Keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.

My favorite authors:

Mona Simpson
comments: Your dad has sex with you sure, but if you can make it something that i think is sexy and touching, hats off, I really am a novice at literature.
Mary Gaitskill
comments: "Romantic Weekend" really makes you think S&M is a droll artform. Pick it up.
Terry Goodkind
comments: "Just because Kittens are born in the hearth, it doesn't make them muffins."
Pauline R�age
comments: The debasement of a young woman, sensual and frightening, and horrifically realistic. Deliscious.
Rebecca Ray
comments: "Pure" kicked my ass, made me cry, made me cut myself, made me 15 all over again.

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last updated: 2005-12-09 16:21:40
this user's total entries: 195
user since: 2004-02-02

AOL IM name: DeeJayEllee
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Yahoo Messenger name: DeeJayEllee
MSN Messenger name: DeeJayElle_

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