Autumn Simplicity

My favorite diaries:

louis-du-lac profile - diary
comments: "Then again, if I spend much more time with my little brother, I may kill him and that won't be good for either of us."
ghostiness profile - diary
comments: "Oscar Wilde is my dead gay author boyfriend!"
damnedguitar profile - diary
comments: "Ok, I was so gonna update, but guess what? My brother kicked our computer because he was getting too many pop-ups and now it won't turn on."
allisonhazen profile - diary
comments: "I just hope that I live long enough to tell my kids about 9/11. It'll be a good lesson in how good people, when misguided, can do horrific things in the name of religion. So will the current war."
theshrike profile - diary
comments: "I'm going to go set something on fire. Maybe my head."
onceknownas profile - diary
comments: "Lucky for me, there's at least a 1/4 mile of rich people's houses that will burn down before it gets to my house - sucks to be them, eh?"
diarylandsux profile - diary
comments: "Today I'm a philosophical genius.. Tomorrow I think I'll use my knowhow to take over Canada."
london-times profile - diary
comments: "Alyssa and I were there just to dance, really. We had no ambitions to hook up with or meet anyone whatsoever. That means that we had to pull a lot of the lesbian "I'm with her" act that girls sometimes do."
turbogeek profile - diary
comments: "Brittney called and we chatted for awhile and I pretty much hid the fact that I love Quentin Tarantino. Okay, so I find him strangly attractive. So what?"
invaderniz profile - diary
comments: "Now, this is sad but true. The people I knew who voted in the last election voted for Gore for only one reason. Because he was "hot". Which is NOT a reason to be president, but this world is filled with idiots... "
dazzlinglife profile - diary
comments: " Begone the teachers who beleive that working to the point that your eyeballs bleed is helping you to learn and explore your world! Begone ye shirts that demand to be paired with a bottom not in our possession..."
faithspoison profile - diary
comments: "I'm feeling a bit like a paradox today, so I'll make an entry on my mood. Yes, that's right, nothing in particular. So think of all the empty space in my diary right now as my entry."
autumnleigh profile - diary
comments: "I�m sure there are some folks out there who wouldn�t take their cats to an Asian vet, especially not to an Asian vet whose office is across the street from a Chinese restaurant."
under-yuki profile - diary
comments: "I had retracted my arms into my shirt and huddled up in a near-fetal position leaning on the drink holder and attempting to extract warmth from the plastic."
askforthesea profile - diary
comments: "Wow. I think I just saw Neil Young stealing cardboard boxes from the butcher next door. Or a man that looked very much like Neil Young."
emu-head profile - diary
comments: "My great-uncle once ran as a candidate for the Communist party. Needless to say, he didn't win. Politics are funny."
warcrygirl profile - diary
comments: "Hubby looked out towards my side of the car and made some kind of comment on 'tornado food'. I look out and as far as the eye can see: mobile homes."
lotrhumor profile - diary
comments: "AUDIENCE: Oh, come on. Orlando Bloom as the token pretty-boy on a ship full of ghosts - yeah, we saw that over the summer. Next!"
kiss-a-frog profile - diary
comments: "I was in a bar with Ryder Strong. There was sawdust on the floor, but neither I nor Ryder Strong had anything to do with that."
bra2002 profile - diary
comments: "So a slip of the mouth has made me the most hated man in Southeastern Connecticut. I wish I was tooting my own horn."
darkwaltz profile - diary
comments: "Darkwaltz traveled hundreds of miles with the convicts (Samuel, Mo, Winston, and Pete) before leaving them in a small suburb of Idaho to join an interpretive dance troupe."
goingloopy profile - diary
comments: "I think the single biggest problem with the U.S. is that it's almost exclusively run by penises."
sugababie88 profile - diary
pungo67 profile - diary
elscorcho96 profile - diary
emeraldx profile - diary
comma-abuse profile - diary
meine-kleine profile - diary

My favorite music:

Green Day
Stone Temple Pilots
The White Stripes
Foo Fighters

My favorite movies:

The Lord of the Rings
comments: "My bow to no one." -Aragorn
Kill Bill
comments: "You're not a bad person. You're a terrific person. You're my favorite person. But every once in a while you just can be a real cunt." -Bill
Star Wars
comments: "I find your lack of faith disturbing." -Darth Vader
Mystic River
comments: "Thanks for finding my daughter's killer, Sean. If only you'd been a little faster." -Jimmy
Pulp Fiction
comments: "The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd." -Jules

My favorite authors:

J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen King
Douglas Adams
Chuck Palahniuk
Christopher Moore

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last updated: 2005-10-25 21:42:35
this user's total entries: 0
user since: 2001-02-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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