Fold the corners, break the silence...

Open up my eyes Flooded with daylight Another sleepless night turns color black and white With all the things I�ve said There is just regret Repeating in my head -FINCH

My favorite diaries:

unclebob profile - diary
comments: <-------- get your kicks here
wzrdofozfan profile - diary
comments: This is my friend J...she's purdy kewl
Catielynne profile - diary
comments: This is my friend Ca-Smiff!!!
xxviciousxx profile - diary
trpklcoconut profile - diary
aflacduck profile - diary
Evoqueen profile - diary
comments: <----- AWESOME!!! I can't even tell you....
imabigtree profile - diary
comments: tom

My favorite music:

comments: MY VERY FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME!!!!! Don't argue with me about will lose.
Finch (obviously)
comments: Trapt, Thursday, Taking back Sunday, Sonic Youth, Whispers, Guster, Nirvana
comments: default, sum 41, saliva, all american rejects, puddle of mud, hoobastank, red hot chili peppers (the zephyr song), chevelle, taproot, adema, seether, rage against the machine, Dashboard confessional, 3rd Strike, The Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag
comments: Nicole C. Mullin, Stephen Curtis Chapman, The Swift, Mercy Me, Audio Adrenaline, Caedmon's Call, DC Talk, Switchfoot, 2 edged sword, All Together Separate, Men As Trees Walking, MASSiViViD, Newsboys, Nickel & Dime, Nichole Nordeman, Cloudbreak
Good Charlotte
comments: I love BENJI MADDEN!

My favorite movies:

Cool Runnings
The Road To El Dorado
My Fellow Americans
Notting Hill
comments: Some Like it Hot, Blondes Prefer Gentlemen, River of No Return, like I said...ANYTHING

My favorite authors:

david wilkerson
beverly willis holt
tim lahay
jerry b jenkins

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last updated: 2005-07-05 20:29:29
this user's total entries: 40
user since: 2002-02-24

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