Floating in Amazonia

The stars are in your favor, however. At least if you are a Libra. If so, according to "The Onion's" Lloyd Schumner Sr. (Retired Machinist and AAPB Certified Astrologer): "Scientists agree that you are a unique and fascinating specimen, but there are no practical applications for you as yet."

My favorite diaries:

snailpetal profile - diary
idiomatic profile - diary
harvestbird profile - diary
comments: You can't embrace a joint in bed as Auden embraced his vodka bottle.
chatnoire profile - diary
minderella profile - diary
harri3tspy profile - diary
comments: �How many AJs do YOU think there are?� He peers into the mirror. All the AJs peer back at him. �I think there are nine.� �Nine?� �Yes. I think
(con't) profile - diary
comments: nine is enough.� The AJs in the mirror looked satisfied with the answer too. Apparently nine is the point at which number is synonymous with �a lot.� Nine is infinity defined and domesticated.
orangepeeler profile - diary
odalisk profile - diary
dandlioneyes profile - diary
elgan profile - diary

My favorite music:

Nina Simone
comments: �There�s a few more lonesome cities that I�d like to see while the wine of wanderlust is still inside of me�
Manu Chao
comments: gets me lost in that crazy space between languages
comments: makes my motor hum. The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mountains sit in a line.

My favorite movies:

Todo Sobre Mi Madre
comments: The pinnacle of all things Almodovar
Easy Rider
comments: 'nuff said
comments: "oouuucchh"

My favorite authors:

Arundhati Roy
comments: The God of Small Things, Power Politics, War Talk...What more could I possibly ask for from an author?
comments: I could wrap myself in a cocoon and read him for years
Banana Yoshimoto
comments: surreal tokyo!
Paulo Leminski
comments: poems for a young revolutionary...
Mike Davis
comments: I want to live in his brain

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last updated: 2004-11-04 13:06:05
this user's total entries: 55
user since: 2003-11-20

AOL IM name: nemisugi
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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