Life According to Me

My favorite diaries:

mangofarmer profile - diary
comments: "But I think I'm going to go on strike until I get some sushi. Strike from what? Um. Unemployment. Yeah that's it."
emu-head profile - diary
comments: "Do Americans really need an explanation of what Canada Day is? I sincerely hope not. I really hope that if they hadn't added that explanation that there wouldn't have been a million Americans scratching their heads..."
nudeplatypus profile - diary
comments: "Bob the Badass Cat had not been at his morning feedings for a few weeks...He showed up at my sister's house...He now only has one eye...He is Bob the Badass Cat."
gumphood profile - diary
comments: "Baggage Claim in airports is the insulting equivalent of having your corpse being spit on after you�ve been executed. Some say that the security checkpoint is the worst process of air travel, but I disagree. It�s baggage claim."
megmarch profile - diary
comments: "Then I suddenly begin and I have four and a half [pages] before I need to think about stretching it at all. It's very weird- the writing demon nudges me aside and says in this superhero voice, "I'll save you, fair maiden."
ebm profile - diary
comments: "Whoever wrote that 'I Adore Being a Girl' song was totally over-compensating. Being a girl is 90% retarded followed by 90 varieties of excuse for said retardation. "
zemcomplex profile - diary
comments: "I woke up around 4am for no particular reason and discovered we sleep the same way. On our stomachs with our arms tucked under, in a way that would not look out of place in a mass grave somewhere in the Middle East. Charming, really."
chicagojo profile - diary
comments: "Note to all: Just because someone�s famous doesn�t mean that they should be allowed to talk in public."
boxer-briefs profile - diary
comments: "It�s quarter after 11 p.m. on a Monday and you�re kind of drunk after drinking some wine while immersing yourself in �Wife Swap� or �Trading Spouses� or whatever followed by a nice, solid hour of teen drama on �Everwood.�
volstead profile - diary
comments: "except for the occasional bathroom run and the trip to White Hen for some Ben and Jerry's I remained in bed all day recovering from a very serious hangover."
so-charming profile - diary
comments: "Home again, home again, we fought amongst ourselves like a pack of wild dogs the entire way from Augusta to Chicago, then stopped at Chipotle's for supper and margaritas and now I'm drinking beer until I pass out."
misspinkkate profile - diary
comments: "But it's good, I deserve a vacation- I work very hard. And what better reward than eating until you pass out?"

My favorite music:

comments: Chicago, U2, Van Halen, Def Leopard, Steely Dan, Live, No Doubt
Chick Music
comments: Dido, Sarah McLachlan, Darr Williams, Nelly Furtado, Norah Jones
comments: Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Ravel, Prokofiev
comments: hmmmm.....maybe some Garth Brooks and Dixie Chicks songs? Definitely Patsy Cline.
comments: Outkast, Usher, Ludacris, Black Eyed Peas, Snoop

My favorite movies:

The Godfather
All About Eve
A Beautiful Mind

My favorite authors:

comments: Edith Wharton, Julia Alvarez, J.K. Rowling, Alexandra Fuller, Nancy Mitford
comments: Roald Dahl, Irving Stone, Erik Larson, Kingsley Amis

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last updated: 2005-10-24 00:01:36
this user's total entries: 226
user since: 2004-08-25

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