Heart of the one from the Evil Tribe

A 26 year old girl with a past is decidedly an atypical anti-hero: think Leblanc, sans Nooj, with more clothes.

Disc four: our heroine seeks adventure, teaching excellence, love and a place in the worlds of Azeroth and 21st century Japan simultaneously...

This story based RPG features a cast of several 20-somethings in business attire, stunningly rendered 4-d reality, gratuitous swearing and nudism, liberally sprinkled with wit, your DRV of self-interest, and twice the legalized limit of fandom. Everyone should read it, and feel dirty afterwards.

Toonami gives "MazokuHeart: Legend of the Devils' Child" 9/10. (Or they would, if SquareEnix made it. Promise.)

My favorite diaries:

sooner profile - diary
comments: the midget thing just -has- to be a lie.
mooncrack profile - diary
comments: my kid sister, and someday you will all know her name.
fy-study profile - diary
comments: my currently defunct sex education site for the young and faint of heart
potterslash profile - diary
comments: the unspeakable evil... I miss it, especially as Draco has gotten about 16 times more evil lately in my mind. o_O;
lv2write00 profile - diary
comments: restoring my faith in lesbian romance, one entry at a time.

My favorite music:

Hayami Sho
comments: Go out and buy the soundtrack to Zetsuai Bronze. Now. I command it.
comments: He's violent, angry, angsty, bigoted, and probably a sellout, but he's also fucking TALENTED. Wh007.
comments: What's not to love? The man named himself a verb, present tense. He's STING.
Matchbox Twenty
comments: Whining angsty white boy rock balladeers.
comments: Whining angsty white boy rock stars. There's a difference, see.

My favorite movies:

Avatar: The Last Airbender
comments: Easily the best American cartoon in the history of ever, researched and detailed to an almost ridiculous degree. "I believe that Aang can save the world."
Yami no Matsuei
comments: An entire cast of pretty boys. How can you argue? "Descendants of darkness, take on the night."
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Season 1
comments: Zoisite was the subject of my first novella, arguably the best thing I've ever written. "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"
Rozen Maiden
comments: Fighting dolls in Victorian costumes! I could die. ^_^ <3 "I want to become Alice."
comments: The anime AU version of "The Count of Monte Cristo," a seriously amazing piece of work from top to bottom.

My favorite authors:

Alexandre Dumas
comments: Okay, so not necessarily everything he ever wrote, but my favorite book is "The Count of Monte Cristo," so it bears noting.
Robert Heinlien
comments: Original 50's-70's science fiction cannot be surpassed...
Steven King
comments: I like all his stuff, but I love the Dark Tower series more than anything else on the list.
comments: I'm not as big a fangirl as some people, but they heavily influence my writing.
J.K. Rowling
comments: I might as well list it and get it over with. -_-() Adult Potter fans, unite!

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last updated: 2008-03-21 19:13:18
this user's total entries: 780
user since: 2001-02-10

AOL IM name: Midgar310
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Yahoo Messenger name: mazokuheart
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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