this is the sound of my soul.

i smell your breath my love, but i can't taste it yet. i smell your mind my love, but i can't waste it yet.

My favorite diaries:

bite-bite profile - diary
comments: the doctor will see you now.
dr-venkman profile - diary
comments: one of the original ghostbusters. unfortunately, they cut her out in the movie release.
dr-retarded profile - diary
comments: is he a defensive forward? or a offensive defenseman? or just a puck hog? you decide.
shawnshank profile - diary
comments: the unavoidable human pylon.
emike profile - diary
comments: big man. little car.
zerb profile - diary
comments: dances like a brother and plays guitar like a metalhead.
ihatejeff profile - diary
comments: she designs things graphically and is down with the zerb-o-matic.
astiocles profile - diary
comments: not only an amzing musician, but an excellent writer as well.
powderp profile - diary
comments: he's big, he makes mean faces. he'll beat you up if you let him. he still gets choked up during bambi.
jwilliams profile - diary
comments: awesome guy. great drummer. wicked with a pellet gun.
radiokat profile - diary
comments: she owns vertical verve records ( and yes, they're real.
piebald profile - diary
comments: garbage goal king.
bobmcgoogle profile - diary
comments: my sister, she's a wild child. she likes to talk about poop.
nyquilgirl profile - diary
comments: she actually moved HERE from california. she likes the sushi.
scottypoops profile - diary
comments: he does it for the ones who wanna rock.
fearoffolly profile - diary
comments: the remaining landsrtider that didn't have one of these. the boy makes singing sound easy.
sweetjane1 profile - diary
comments: she's letting us back in. and then decided to not update anymore.
merwinjtoomy profile - diary
comments: a cynical, half jewish, steelworking curmudgeon. go figure!

My favorite music:

afghan whigs
comments: one of my all time favorites. greg dulli is the only man who can say i love you and fuck you in the same song without you ever realizing it.
dinosaur jr.
comments: no words to describe it.
comments: my newest favorite. the boy's lyrics are unreal and the music is so choice.
sunny day real estate
comments: the godfathers of emo?
the weakerthans
comments: poetic lyrics that help a wounded heart.

My favorite movies:

star wars
comments: saw it at the drive-in when i was 5 with my dad. i've never been the same since.
comments: best gangsta movie ever made. i even like it better than the godfather.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
comments: this movie was the all time quote movie. i saw it the first time when i was a sophmore in high school and i still quote it.
breakfast club
comments: the defining gen x movie.
High Fidelity
comments: my life, except i don't own a really sweet record store and i don't get to make out with lisa bonet.

My favorite authors:

douglas coupland
comments: the defining gen x writer
stephen king
comments: i enjoy a good scary book. his imagination is beyond limits.
charles baxter
comments: the feast of love. amazing, amazing, amazing.
comments: star wars books. i own and have read them all. i'm a star wars geek.

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last updated: 2003-12-31 20:04:11
this user's total entries: 377
user since: 2001-03-31

AOL IM name: landstriderkid
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Yahoo Messenger name: mboyd72
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