Fujiko's Castle of Dreams and Blatant Silliness

My daddy let me loose in Las Vegas one night on our family vacation. Full moon, no less.

I am a normal person. Of course, everyone seems normal until you get to know them. We all have our eccentricities.

I'm a college senior who was once pressured by enormous expectations from various people, but has since told everyone to SHOVE IT! by not applying to medical school this year.

I have a fianc�, J, and friends B, M and Zach. Really, I swear I have more friends than that, but those are the ones whom you will most likely hear about all the time.

I'm also an aspiring baby-catcher.

My favorite diaries:

sleepyzoe profile - diary
comments: She makes the prettiest corsets. I want to sew like her someday.
serenaville profile - diary
comments: This is perhaps the nicest person on the internet today.
trancejen profile - diary
comments: That's some crazy shit, yo.
luvabeans profile - diary
comments: You gotta luva.
golfwidow profile - diary
comments: golfwidow: (n) A woman whose husband leaves her for long periods of time so that he can play golf.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Perhaps one of the best diarists of all time.
heidiann profile - diary
comments: PsuedoLesbianPunkSophisticated.
idiot-milk profile - diary
comments: That's some crazy shit Part II, yo.
sturge profile - diary
comments: Sturge. Yes. Quiet, quiet sturge.
wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: I thought "wild conservative" was an oxymoron. Till now.
veryunspiffy profile - diary
comments: I wish I was this creative at that age. Her alter-ego is a member of my ATHF ring.
krazieespy profile - diary
comments: Someone from Fargo that is cooler than a person from Fargo. Or something.
silent-stars profile - diary
comments: She's one of the cool people in the ATHF ring.
crimsonvoid profile - diary
comments: I can't think of anything smart or witty or cool enough to say about this person...because he deserves the best.
thummtax profile - diary
comments: This is veryunspiffy, redefined.

My favorite music:

comments: ...i'm so tired of being here suppressed by all my childish fears...(I like to listen to them when I'm feeling especially less than perfect. There's nothing like bad teen angst.)
comments: Yes, I still like Hanson. Deal.

My favorite movies:

Romeo + Juliet
Say Anything
comments: "In Your Eyes" hasn't sounded the same since.
The Land Before Time
comments: Total Comfort Movie

My favorite authors:

Robert Frost

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last updated: 2005-12-16 01:02:35
this user's total entries: 258
user since: 2003-11-13

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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