Always lusting for less

I'm a 24 y/o Female...I have many facets. I work. I'm bipolar. I have fibromyalgia. I go around and around on the eating disorder merry-go-round. Feed. Purge. Starve. I try stay busy. I love art. I love fun. I'm newly single...and far to crazy for my own good. I know I have a problem, but I am ok with it. I like the control. Wt Before ED: 210+ Wt now: 145. Low: 129 Goal:110

My favorite diaries:

just-fine profile - diary
comments: Still just trying to get through, day by day
sarahsundae profile - diary
comments: Oh how I adore her. Read her!!! She's a cool woman!
comfortm profile - diary
comments: This dear girl is in the middle of great turmoil, may she find strength
perfectnever profile - diary
comments: Has password. She's my kind of girl though ;-)
ghostofgor profile - diary
comments: I enjoy stalking this guy, He's such a doll. He is a REAL Man. Love him!!!
krugerpak007 profile - diary
comments: She goes through so much pain some days... Go hug her.
sleepyzoe profile - diary
comments: Working 2 jobs, makes corsets, oh btw, she is cute as a button!
sabathine profile - diary
comments: Tee hee....i love it!

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: What a goddess.
comments: Dave is super cool in my book
Barenaked Ladies
comments: pretty damn swell...for Canadians! ;-) heheh
comments: How can you live without them?
Coal Chamber
comments: Shock the Monkey!!

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

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diaryrings which perfectbone belongs to
diaries which list perfectbone as a favorite diary
last updated: 2005-04-05 05:43:58
this user's total entries: 541
user since: 2002-12-23

AOL IM name:
ICQ number: I'll give it to you, if you
Yahoo Messenger name: ask me for this
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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