Diary Of A Disgruntled Teenager

-Diary Of A Disgruntled Teenager-

Diaryland is shit. My personality can not be put into words because I am better than that and believe it or not, so is every human being on the planet. And yet I need to write in it from time to time.

My favorite diaries:

reallynormal profile - diary
comments: This is my old diary. She's a bit like me. Only different. (I hope)
abitstrange profile - diary
comments: Ryan. Humourous, funny. If I weren't too arrogant and vain to have a role model, it would be him.
sharybobbins profile - diary
comments: This is Tristan. He'll never know how smart he actually is.
tool-nin-fan profile - diary
comments: Never updates
honestliar profile - diary
comments: Intelligent writer, cool person.
plectrum27 profile - diary
comments: Lizzie. Never updates
kenz77 profile - diary
comments: Never updates
antisthenes profile - diary
comments: Never updates
chasingavoid profile - diary
comments: He rarely updates, but when he does I always read it, because he's cool. And he wrote my all time favourite entry (Although why I love it so much is beyond me)
suicidemuse profile - diary
comments: Sibz. Rarely updates.
superguitar profile - diary
comments: This is Rich. He is sheer brilliance. He plays the guitar. He gives good advice and his diary keeps me amused.
supertele profile - diary
comments: Rich again. This is his expressive diary.
cheerchik234 profile - diary
comments: This is Cassandra. I do not know her, I enjoy her diary, she leaves me notes, and breaks all prejudices I may have had about people with names like cheerchik
invader-am profile - diary
comments: Am. He's really cool and really nice. A fantastic person in general. His diary is what I might describe as both FANTASTIC and thought provoking. Read it.
stoner-girl profile - diary
comments: because for some reason, I doubted the existance of potheads on diary lands (possibly because the average age seems to be about 13) but yes, stoner-girl. She takes drugs. For this reason, her diary must be read and awed by many.
blacsunrise profile - diary
comments: I didn't realise that I say bloody. Do I?
dark-world profile - diary
comments: can't believe I didn't add Harriet before now. She's great. I actually mean it too, she is fantastic.
iamblessed profile - diary
comments: name speaks for itself really. I just want to read a Christian's diary, because, well, Christians are funny creatures and I guess I want to read a few of them because to put it frankly, I only actually know 2 of them.
purplebanana profile - diary
comments: and yet when you complain somebody always agrees with you. Why can't I find good diaries just by looking?
confrere profile - diary
comments: Took me a long while to get round to adding this one, but I do still read it
crazynahida profile - diary
comments: Nahida. She's cool. Funny. Interesting.
misssmitten profile - diary
comments: Don't know why it took me so long to add this one either. Someone who actually reads my diary.
brokenstare profile - diary
comments: Good writer. I read a survey she filled in and was a bit shocked as parts of it could actually have been filled in by me.
punk-loser profile - diary
comments: i need a role model when it comes to e. This person has taken it. I need to read their diary and learn from their experiences.
atwowaydream profile - diary
comments: Another drug taker. I need more of those on diaryland.
burythelie profile - diary
comments: I need to read something very different
cuzcowsrkool profile - diary
comments: ryan

My favorite music:

comments: It's kind of embarrassing that Metallica is the band that I am passionate about. We all have one. From what I hear, if you're a normal person Metallica is actually kinda shit, but I love every note and every word.
Rage Against The Machine
comments: I'm political, I like heavy music. I lurve Rage.
comments: Fuck The Pain Away. Fuck The Pain Away. Fuck The Pain Away. Fuck The Pain Away.
The Streets
comments: Because they manage to get everything, all of it, in a nutshell. And in a funny way.
Bob Marley
comments: Because he was the summer.

My favorite movies:

Donnie Darko
comments: Is the most beautiful, wonderful, brilliant film in the universe and everybody who hasn't seen it should go and watch it now.
Cruel Intentions
comments: Sexy. Manipulative. Beautiful. Wonderful. Fascinating. Hillarious.
Requiem For A Dream
comments: Trippy film about drugs. What could be better? It's a bit too sad though *sulk*
Fight Club
comments: Weird, cool, makes you think. What else could anyone ask for?
Blade Runner
comments: Yeah okay, you get it. I like weird fucked up films that are confusing and "deep"

My favorite authors:

Terry Pratchett
comments: It never ceases to amaze me how fucking amazing his books are. I only discovered them kind of recently. Poor me.
Lewis Carol
comments: Three words. Alice In Wonderland. That's it.
Phillip Pullman
comments: Northern Lights was a fucking good book. Kinda disturbing for a kiddy's book.
William Nicholson
comments: Because I must confess, he started it all
George Orwell
comments: I like a cynical bastard

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last updated: 2006-01-19 13:12:13
this user's total entries: 123
user since: 2004-02-22

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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