*my friend delirium*

she says be my friend, my friend, i can't hear anything but i can feel her wings


i am confused and full of complaints and old enough to know better.

My favorite diaries:

hapithoughts profile - diary
comments: a cheeky canucky fairy that foreigners conspire against and she gets a pink ribbon tied in a bow, with fecking sparkles alright?
trancejen profile - diary
comments: can make me feel 10 different emotions in one sitting. and she likes to beat her kid as much as i do.
discothekid profile - diary
evany profile - diary
pischina profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
comments: 'The moral of this story is Robots Don't Wear Socks". oh my lord.
ann-frank profile - diary
chubbychic profile - diary
weetabix profile - diary
squirrelx profile - diary
marn profile - diary
saint-louise profile - diary
simplify profile - diary
juddhole profile - diary
dangerspouse profile - diary
science-girl profile - diary

My favorite music:

chainsaw kittens
comments: they will always be the best and in my heart
jane's addiction
comments: they changed me completely
elvis costello
comments: a gift from my husband
ani difranco
comments: what self respecting girl doesn't love her
comments: sleater-kinney, grateful dead, the clash, tori amos, catatonia, fleetwood mac...

My favorite movies:

chasing amy
comments: any kevin smith movie but this one is the best
the godfather trilogy
comments: i was forced to watch it and now i'm addicted
american history x
comments: oh yeah, sometimes even nazis are hot.
notting hill
comments: it's all about the welsh guy
comments: basketball diaries, kids, breakfast club, almost famous, LOTR, harry potter

My favorite authors:

jack kerouac
comments: any beat poet will do but he is the king
dr. suess
comments: oh the child in me
pauline reage
comments: "the story of o" is amazing, the "return to the chateau" is good too.
maeve binchy
comments: sad but true
comments: bill bryson, nick hornby, tolkien, roddy doyle, john irving

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last updated: 2007-05-26 22:40:27
this user's total entries: 419
user since: 2002-03-28

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