Into my mind >^..^< Into my heart <3

Everything sucks.

So I guess I either suck, or am nothing.

Join my notifylist if you want to read this diary. I send out the password/username whenever I update and I change the password all the time.

If you have AIM, go into my Subprofile through my buddy info and vote for whether or not I should unlock my diary! America is, afterall, a democracy. Right? =P

AIM:KatLikesStars or FckStartMyHeart depending on my current emotional state.

My favorite diaries:

beingnaked profile - diary
comments: Travisboo..... I love yoo.
cai5fnatux profile - diary
comments: I really love this girl. She's my rainbow.
invernal profile - diary
comments: We were meant to live for so much more...
valschick profile - diary
comments: My old friend Sara from middle school/high school.
macattack2 profile - diary
comments: Pooter Libbity from Salinas
inanity profile - diary
comments: lol ... yeah... no, trust me, read it
liamshy profile - diary
comments: I found this boy on Tantilizing...
trsfrmaclown profile - diary
comments: *sigh*
startistchik profile - diary
comments: Stephie. Sometimes I wonder if she ever knows wut she's doin...
bard profile - diary
comments: same person as inanity
bloodnhate profile - diary
comments: a girl that matters
unrequited13 profile - diary
comments: Interesting reading.
geepers profile - diary
comments: AIM convos. Mine. You can't have them. *angry face*

My favorite music:

All American Rejects
comments: Change "she" to "he" and "her" to "him" and "hers" to "his". They are the story of my life.
Our Lady Peace
comments: I know why you're playin' these dirty games- they're killing me and I know how you love to watch me beg. Well here I am. Do you like it?
comments: I'm sorry that I hurt you. There're many things I wish I didn't do.
Taking Back Sunday
comments: You could slit my throat; And with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.
comments: Now we're so far apart, how can you mend a broken heart? Please say you're still in love- and swear on all the stars above...

My favorite movies:

comments: Matt Duncan is hotter than Keanu Reeves
comments: Matt Duncan is hotter than Brad Pitt + Orlando Bloom + Eric Banna COMBINED {what is WRONG with me?!}
Princess Bride
comments: Matt's hotter than Cary Elwes, too... is that how u spell Cary?
Down with Love
comments: ... DOWN WITH LOVE ... too much pain. I wanna be a down with love girl... too bad that's all I believe in... love. Yay for Ewan before Moulin Rouge and Rene before Chicago.
comments: I love JRR Tolkien. Matt is sexier.

My favorite authors:

comments: Crazy kitten smile.
comments: *sigh*
comments: Artemis Entreri is hella sexy.
comments: law thrillers... throw in sex and scandal... yay?
comments: God damn I love Northern California.

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last updated: 2004-08-15 04:27:00
this user's total entries: 717
user since: 2002-05-19

AOL IM name: FckStartMyHeart
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: KittyLovesMatt
MSN Messenger name: katlikesstars

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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