Miss Wilde Presents: Oral Sex in the Age of Deconstruction

Miss Wilde was born in California in this foul year of our lord, 1980 A.D., has traveled the world and currently resides in Seattle. She was never properly socialised or imprinted. She is a student of linguistics. She likes cats. Her prefered death would be by assassination, and her second choice would be to commit suicide at a mandatory suicide awareness seminar with a note pinned to her shirt which said, "You drove me to it." She is a hedonist, a misogynist, an atheist and an anglophile. And not just an anglophile, an anglophiliac. Which means not only does she like and admire English things, she wants to rub them all over her body.

My favorite diaries:

his-holiness profile - diary
comments: curiously affecting
justamephit profile - diary
comments: might consider rubbing her all over my body...
meeyapede profile - diary
comments: I want to be her friend, but she scares me
mslovejoy profile - diary
comments: the moment I have 100 entries, I am so there
opalreviews profile - diary
slutreviews profile - diary
comments: hysterically funny
sleepyzoe profile - diary
pura-vida profile - diary
diarygoddess profile - diary
comments: Against my better judgement, I have become friends with these people.
saint-louise profile - diary
lass profile - diary
fairlywell profile - diary

My favorite music:

Dead Kennedys
comments: Jello is fucking hot.
Bad Religion
comments: consistently awesome, brainy & sexy
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
comments: do it better than anyone
the Beatles
comments: impossible to overrate

My favorite movies:

Miller's Crossing
comments: of course, anything by the Coen bros is brilliant
A Hard Day's Night
comments: Richard Lester
The Three Musketeers (the seventies version)
comments: Richard Lester again
Monty Python's Anything
comments: geniuses. Can't go wrong with a Terry Gilliam movie, either.
The Ladykillers
comments: or any Ealing Studios film, for that matter.

My favorite authors:

Douglas Adams
comments: 42
Roald Dahl
comments: both his children's books, and his twisted shit for grown ups.
Neal Stephenson
comments: Cryptonomicon, I stand in awe
Hunter S. Thompson
comments: A demi-god, to be sure. My personal hero.
Charles Bukowski
comments: a sweet, loveable, squishy teddy-bear sort of guy

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last updated: 2004-03-30 04:31:11
this user's total entries: 5
user since: 2003-12-11

AOL IM name: ssegwilde13
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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