"I bought you underwear in Salzburg, what more do you want from me?"

This has been a thing since October 1999.

My favorite diaries:

achren profile - diary
comments: Rubin Hall, dammit. Quotes list. Molsen on the Microwave. French Roast. Twin Peaks.
caterwaul profile - diary
comments: I want to go dancing with her
pablo profile - diary
comments: From the UK. Stylin' .
quoted profile - diary
comments: Your 15 minutes of fame
idiomatic profile - diary
comments: the irrevocable Q
oddgoogle profile - diary
comments: You just have to. Because everyone wants to know exactly how freaky people are.
rubyfoxx profile - diary
comments: Whorenun! Sista friend! "Wake me up when I'm having fun!" The pride of Texas! Weekends are lame without her. She's my redheaded star.
sillybitch profile - diary
comments: I like her style
snapshots profile - diary
comments: the minutiae of other people's lives.
ladypete profile - diary
comments: more bounce to the ounce
addieplum profile - diary
comments: goodness
peth profile - diary
comments: sweetness
SwanBenet profile - diary
comments: "The universal safeword is: safeword."
paper-girl profile - diary
comments: a-freaking-mazing layout. Go envy it!
ickypop profile - diary
comments: poetry and birds
hungryghost profile - diary
comments: from one new yorker to another...
gretl profile - diary
comments: my Windy City doppelganger
kissntell profile - diary
comments: gorgeous page
ohfiona profile - diary
comments: The wickedest Whorenun. She sweats charm and wit and foul language.
robotheart profile - diary
comments: Kickassery to the nth.
ebm profile - diary
comments: wow! insanity!
chiplambert profile - diary
comments: a close personal friend of mine, ladies and gentlemen. the inimitable Chip Lambert.

My favorite music:

Yo La Tengo
comments: No jokin', it's Hoboken! I love this band. There are no words.
Guided by Voices
comments: Anyone who used to teach first grade and is that in love with beer is alright by me.
The Strokes
comments: "Work hard and say it's eeeeeasyyyy...."
comments: "Because you're mistletoe. Because I gamble."
Lali Puna
comments: What is that? Portuguese? I don't much care. She sings like ohmygod.

My favorite movies:

comments: "These are O.R. scrubs..." "O.R. they?!"
comments: The music that plays whenever Tracy Flick gets pissed off is priceless.
City of Lost Children
comments: "Radiateur...."
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
comments: "Sand is overrated."
Drop Dead Gorgeous
comments: "Do you want to look like you've been rode hard and put away wet?"

My favorite authors:

Raymond Carver
comments: Sad, introspective, moody stuff.
John Hodgman
comments: the areas of his expertise include 700 hobo names
David Sedaris
comments: "Santaland Diaries." Rock on.
Cintra Wilson
comments: She sees celebrity as a disfiguring disease. She's also funny as hell.
Jeffrey Eugenides
comments: Middlesex, the Virgin Suicides... this guy is brilliant.

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last updated: 2010-06-09 00:25:02
this user's total entries: 3059
user since: 1999-09-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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