messages to sundaygirl:
(click here to add new message):

from hezmagee :
i was devastated to read that you weren't going to be posting anymore. sure dooce has a following...of desperate housewives. AND she uses social media to promote her dribble. why haven't you? i love and adore your sense of humor and sarcastic wit. dooce may have monetized her blog, but you have 11 years worth of incredible content, that really, could easily be published as a book. think about it Sunday...i think you have more fans than you know. thanks for your stories. i've really enjoyed your blog!!
from roo2 :
Thank you SO much for sharing your life with all of us for this long. Sorry to see you go!!
from blistery :
Noo! You're like the last dinosaur! Your life & stories will be missed!
from allmadhere :
:( Bummer about you leaving the dland but so many of us have. I'm glad your life is full and exciting though. Wishing you the best.
from robotheart :
boo! at least here i half understand what you're talking about...unlike some other social site i know...i'll miss your letters to o...and your future reproductive're the light in the tunnel, missy...and damn it, i dont update anymore EVER!
from dharmabum :
I totally understand - there are so few hours in the day anymore, esp. with a little one (and re Dooce: you are right-on.), though you will be missed! All the best to you on the continuing adventure-
from robotheart :
you are definitely a rockstar...kick ass, miss s.
from elgan :
Congrats on the gainful employment. That's awesome.
from robotheart :
so happy you decided to change your mind about never again...oliver is going to be a spectacular big brother.
from roo2 :
I'm so sorry to hear about Stoosh, Sundaygirl. xo
from synchestra :
xo from one doggie mother to another xo
from gretl :
so sorry about stooshdog. when my animals have to go they're going to send me to the farm instead. I can barely stand it.
from voodoochick :
I'm so, so sorry.
from toejam :
I am sorry about your Stoosh. She is very beautiful and I'm glad she had a great and loving life with you.
from robotheart :
so. so. sorry for miss n.
from voodoochick :
Career change methinks! You could write a book on it
from roo2 :
Sundaygirl, I have been reading your diary for 10 years. I cannot believe it's been that long...I first found you through Partygirl's page. Remember her? You have gotten me through (and my roommate at the time) living in the countryside in Japan (no English t.v), working jobs I have hated, and much much more. You could (and should) absolutely be getting paid for writing your diary. A lot of people do - why can't you?
from sillybitch :
fwiw, i've been reading you for a billion years and i read dooce for a while and then got so goddamn annoyed and bored of her. so, no. i can't believe she gets paid to write her diary. because her diary sucks.
from robotheart :
you were totally in my dream last night...drinking lemonade and you had a live bear in your bathroom...that is all...
from robotheart :
motherrrrrrrrrboy! dont ask me for advice...i accidentally dress ocean and myself alike all the time...or is it really an accident?
from dragnflytype :
from julymalaise :
I used to watch the "Avatar." cartoon. I think the cartoon is totally better than the movie. I saw clips of the movie and it looked stupid.
from robotheart :
from hoonlives95 :
your writing is fantastic. i'm compelled by it on a deeper level than anything else i've read online. it's up there with the greats. you've inspired me. please keep up the good work- it's not something you want to lose. thanks forever.
from starkitten01 :
I sincerely hope that despite all of the assumptions about it being too late to try again, that you *will* be able to give your beautiful little boy a sibling to grow up with :) You are an absolutely wonderful Mom and your family seems loving and happy. I wish for all of the very best for you, your beautiful family, and your plans. :)
from rubyfoxx :
I hope you're wrong about being too old to get pregnant, because I am older than you and AT LEAST a year away from even starting to think about it. My grandma got pregnant at 38 with twins. We do have until we're about 40, you know. It's riskier, blah blah blah, but this whole "you have to do it before you're 35" is a lot of scare mongering designed to sell women's magazines. You will get another job and you will have another baby.
from robotheart :
just do it. seriously.
from voodoochick :
Good luck with that one :-)
from voodoochick :
I HATE that!
from simeons-twin :
Happy birthday :)
from voodoochick :
Have a lovely summer!
from ub40 :
Hope you all have a fab holiday
from synchestra :
Have a bloody russian for me. Can't decide between a black russian and a bloody mary. mix. promptly vomit. Safe travels!
from robotheart :
oh man, have fun! gonna miss you! take some children's benadryl?
from julymalaise :
Have fun in greece, luv ya!
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from coexistapart :
Actually, soon you will be getting to the point where baby CPR is no longer necessary: if you cannot lay Olliver comfortably along the length of one arm, then it's on to child CPR which has you covered until the age of 9 or so. Basically, if happens again, lay him on his back on the floor and use two fingers (index, middle) to deliver 1-2" deep pumps on his chest, in line with his nipples. Do five of those, then flip him over so that his chin is in the palm of your left hand, body is along your arm, tilt him DOWN over bent knees (kneeling) and deliver HARD sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your right hand. (Switch if you're a leftie.) Alternate front to back compressions, making sure to check for the object in his mouth, until breathing continnues. You will be fine! Seriously. Babies respond very, very well to CPR--unlike adults who only have less than 30% recovery. I am sure there is a YouTube video somewhere--try the Red Cross. I've taught First Aid in person for ten years, so I am not 100% certain what's available online.
from caligirl :
love your letter to your little guy on his 1st birthday. i'm 17 weeks pregnant today, and opposite of you, i didn't want to be. your letter pulls at my heart strings and nudges my maternal instincts (which i didn't think existed), and actually makes me a little excited to actually become a mama. (btw, i just stumbled upon your diary a few weeks ago. love your writing!)
from yeahsowassap :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OLIVER=] lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvee the cutie pie<3
from julymalaise :
Sorry if you wanted to reply back and my notes were currently off. Now they are on, so now you can leave a note, only if you want. That is all. Keep on writing, girl!
from elgan :
Happy 1st birthday to Oliver! That was a beautiful entry. My son is 20 now and I still love him as much as I did when he was one, if not more so. It's a wonderful feeling.
from julymalaise :
Hello, sundaygirl. Just commenting on your diary entry for today. Might I add that your baby, Oliver is so cute and that he is a July brithday like me! Go July, woo!!!!! Hahahha, he'll get the kick of being a summer baby like I had when he gets older. I liked your letter to your son, it was very informative with a pinch of humor in it.
from raven72d :
i love the tag line at your main profile page...
from robotheart :
happy birthday, o!
from blog451 :
I'm jealous of the new camera, I've been low level dying for one of those!
from robotheart :
i can hardly contain my jealousy.
from julymalaise :
Okay, thanks. Add me too if you like!
from julymalaise :
Hello, may I add you? I think your diary is fantastic!
from nicolamatheu :
are you in greece now?!! hello, jealous! have a fantastic time :)
from ub40 :
I adore your "Oliver" entries-fantastic piccies and wonderful words
from rubyfoxx :
PREACH IT, SISTER. I used to shop at Suburban almost exclusively, for the sole reason that there is one about a block from my house. I've been in twice recently, and the clothes look like something a turn of the century refugee would have worn. I blame Peaches Geldoff. She is the reason the kids are dressing so shambolically these days.
from synchestra :
Waaaaay back in 2001 you've an entry: I will design your page if you want. Obviously you didn't have a child then so maybe you don't have time now but hey you'll never know if you never ask. What do you think? Will you have your wicked way with my layout? I'm no computer wizz but I love my diaryland blog, it's my outlet but there's always been something missing. A cool layout.
from rubyfoxx :
AHMAHGAH I hear you re: Facebook. Try being from a small town in Texas. One of my former TEACHERS started a Facebook group called "Keep Guantanamo Open."
from robotheart :
holy awesome. walking already?! yay. he'll be taking greece by storm for sure this summer...what a little dreamboat. add me on fb. im not such a douche.
from ambeee :
omgosh first steps =] bless xoxo
from robotheart :
:) thanks for the love on the babes...they are pretty awesome when they're not tag teaming me awake at night...sigh. and now i wish i were a spin instructor just so i could play 'road to nowhere' by the talking heads and be all cool and ironic like that. is that even irony? too tired. no coffee. xo.
from robotheart :
spin class is such a drug...esp. w. good music and loud.
from ambeee :
oliver is awesome. love him to bits<3
from robotheart :
um, baby's not coming...i missed the currently deciding which corporate logo to emblazon on my stomach for the upcoming beach season...
from robotheart :
im with manzypanzy down there...i LOVE o's monthly letters...they make me all verky and sorry that i haven't done that for my own children...oh, the guilt. the GUILT. btw, im not eating ANYTHING spicy EVER AGAIN...or until this crippling heartburn releases its deathclutch on my soul. amen.
from rubyfoxx :
Sorry about your pee and poop filled day. You LITERALLY had a shitty day. I remember my mom said that one time, after she was cleaning a patient that had soiled himself and her hair got stuck in some poo.
from voodoochick :
Aww, don't be so harsh on yourself regarding the exercise stuff. A watched pot never boils and all that.
from voodoochick :
Technology knows.
from rubyfoxx :
Do you want me to buy your rejuvenated printer? I can't get mine to work for love nor money.
from manzypanzy87 :
You write some of the most beautiful entries about your baby. Amazing. I always look forward to your monthly updates. They are amazing. Good luck with getting sleep!!
from bantenhut :
oliver is adorable! And I love how the pictures are sort of washed out, and then in other areas the colors are really deep. I'm curious, are you using one of the Lomography cameras? I would love to take pictures like that.
from voodoochick :
Ah. Got you over a barrel then.
from voodoochick :
That's terrible! I suppose they are expecting to make it up in tips. Is that legal?
from voodoochick :
Is that minimum wage?
from robotheart :
i think the transition from corporate to slinging booze was the most welcome in my life in a long, long that time. as was the decision to leave slinging definitely offers a social outlet. hope you charm their pants off...unless you dont have to be nice to customers in ny anyways.
from voodoochick :
Agh! Retail!
from amazinfuckup :
I was randomly browsing but stopped in to say that your baby is SO CUTE. Good work! Haha.
from kittendreamx :
Letter to Tater touched me. :) it's beautiful and so is your son
from voodoochick :
Someone call an exorcist!
from robotheart :
dude. that is hilarious. and you're right. it *does* look rather least ocean would enjoy it if i made that face...oh the many joys of at home parenting...feelin' ya.
from voodoochick :
No. I couldn't be that cruel!
from robotheart :
you can do it, sunday.
from sensguy :
i love your diary layout. grabbed you off the front page. not knowing anything about you .. are congratulations in order? i'm here usually:
from voodoochick :
Is that bridge in the Home Alone 2 film?! Yes, I really am that sad!
from robotheart :
magnesium supplements work pretty alright. i have some capsules, i take one when things seem a mite sluggish.
from l-alle :
i hope yr stoosh and yr doo is perfectly fine! :)
from voodoochick :
I love the way you put that in like a throw away comment at the end...running 3 miles! Well done :-)
from caterwaul :
dude. i weigh like TWENTY POUNDS Less than i did when i got pregnant. and yet i look like a flabby mcflaberson.
from dragnflytype :
That is so cool. It is a tiny world. I live further south, in Kensington, so who knows if I'll run into you again, but it was pretty cool.
from rubyfoxx :
He is so cuuuuuute.
from voodoochick :
How lovely :-)
from voodoochick :
It got me panicked!
from voodoochick :
How ace is that!!
from voodoochick :
I'll have to take your word for it - it doesn't work unless you're in America
from robotheart :
i looked for that show in our dvr line up and cant find
from lobo21 :
Hi, sorry to hear about your car. Maybe it become a shelter for strays...the animal kind.
from dragnflytype :
Were you at the vet yesterday (the 29th) on 7th ave? I saw someone who looked like you, with a dog who looked like Stoosh, who mentioned having a baby boy who cried constantly for 13 weeks. If not, wow coincidence, if so, wow coincidence. I was the red haired girl with the grey coat and the cat carrier. If that was you.
from lobo21 :
It's awesome moving back to familiar surroundings. I'm still looking forward to going back to my old neighbourhood too. Wandered in, hope you don't mind a visit now and then. All the best.
from caterwaul :
dude, your kid is seriously cute. seriously. I can't wait for those non-fussy stares :)
from voodoochick :
He's so completely adorable!
from robotheart :
try a beco or an ergo baby carrier...padded straps, more support. good for behemoths like o. miss you love you. sending a beaming wave of HEAT from so cal. i think we might really be in hell...just sayin.
from dogbones :
Want to draw attention to your diary? Check me out! I can help! If you don't then ignore this note and just think of it as a Kudos ;)
from goodluckgold :
hello wassup?
from deez-nuts :
from jeannedark :
Amen, sister!
from manzypanzy87 :
Good luck with the move!!
from elgan :
Best of luck with your move.
from manzypanzy87 :
Hey there! I totally adore your comment about Sarah Palin and her $150,000 wardrobe. Nice to see what our tax dollars and donations are being spent on huh? She probably bought clothes for her family too.
from manzypanzy87 :
Hey there! I totally adore your comment about Sarah Palin and her $150,000 wardrobe. Nice to see what our tax dollars and donations are being spent on huh? She probably bought clothes for her family too.
from stellarose :
if you don't already know it, check out rachel yamagata's song "moments with oliver" on her album "happenstance." it's super short but super pretty.
from l-alle :
i am with you on the endless, annoying summer. it is TOO HOT HERE!
from sundaygirl :
it's a janky nikon coolpix camera
from roo2 :
Hi Sundaygirl! I have been following you for a while now, and wanted to take the time to tell you that I think you are great. Oliver is adorable!! What kind of camera do you use?
from roo2 :
Hi Sundaygirl! I have been following you for a while now, and wanted to take the time to tell you that I think you are great. Oliver is adorable!! What kind of camera do you use?
from illumiknitti :
Happy birthday! That song is my favorite birthday song! Well, that, and the one by the Vandals...but this one's nicer.
from stepfordtart :
Happy Birthday! s x
from alure :
Happy Birthday!
from robotheart :
happy birthday! for your birthday, i give you my boobs! ahem. enjoy that in complete and utter (udder? yeah. im lame.) envy.
from elgan :
Happy birthday, sundaygirl. Hang in there.
from l-alle :
happy birthday!
from robotheart :
trip. i was just laying down w/ ocean thinking about how earlier when marin asked my girlfriend if drinking three bottles of wine between two people in one night wasn't "too much" and my friend answered back that when marin was 33 years old they would discuss that...and how i thought marin probably thinks 33 is SO OLD...and then i went on to think about how i would never think past the year 2000 (when, consequently we would be 25...not 24) and think how freaking OLD that sounded...and sort of in the same vein...when i was that young, i used to think the disposal was called the in sink erator was some kind of word for one who grinds up food. it was many, many years later that i made the connection...cuz iz smert.
from voodoochick :
He's got a lovely smile
from robotheart :
gush gush, blither blither. xo, lil' o.j.c. happy two month day!
from l-alle :
the degree of 'charmed' that characterizes the life that you live never ceases to make me smile. everything always ends up working out for you and yrs- and im so glad for it. you deserve it. xoxo l
from elgan :
Re your animated pregnancy gif: No stretch marks! You are so lucky!
from robotheart :
i'd be happy to come run interference for you while ry is away, hon.
from jedidiah77 :
Your banner comeing across my screen caught my attention, I read some of your diary, and I am interested...will keep peeking in if you dont mind me doing so....Are you from New York? Im from Tennessee....on you archive that a alley way in New York? hope to hear from you soon.
from idividedbyi :
just roaming aimlessly, stumbled on in here. i clicked on 'xo'. first, congratulations. second, thank you for sharing that. it gives me a sense of hope i had long ago given up on. love is still alive.
from tcklyrpharsn :
Free monies!!!! What what. Nice work.
from voodoochick :
Go you!
from jeannedark :
There's something that happens around six weeks called the "evening fussies," which can turn into the "all-day fussies." It's nerve-wracking, I know. Two suggestions that have helped me, baby-wearing (riding in a sling, even around the house, is soothing for many babies) and earplugs-the good silicone kind. And yes, it really will get better. Hang in there!
from voodoochick :
The next one will be as good as gold!
from dharmabum :
and also: it will get better, and i love that you are aware of that even tho it's hard!!! srsly tho, maybe what he needs is to be on the east coast?? ;) you will get thru this and be alright and then (AND THEN) it will be truly awesome.
from dharmabum :
i am sure you are reading lots of bloggies already (?) but may i suggest b/c she has also had a hard time, but a better time lately, and perhaps it will give you hope?! IT WILL GET BETTER AND HE WILL SLEEP!!! HE WILL!!! anyway, i love her cute poetry/rambles and perhaps it will sustain you a bit :)
from voodoochick :
What's wrong with French people exactly?
from robotheart :
man im jealous. im actually one of the assholes who STAYS fat until im finished breastfeeding...i still have 4 lbs to go to get to pre're a wonder.
from kanyooceemee :
He is absolutely precious!!
from voodoochick :
He is totally adorable!
from stellarose :
omg, love the letter to 1-month old oliver. awwwwwww. he's SUCH a peanut!
from alure :
your baby is the most beautiful baby EVER!! those pictures are priceless!!
from spring1234 :
from allmadhere :
I know earthquakes are a bitch, but I'm always glad we have that, rather than tornadoes and flooding every year or blizzards. I guess you have to pick your locale by probable natural disaster.
from bantenhut :
Aie! I would miss NY terribly, too. Oh, well! Someday!
from j-leem :
Hi...bland introduction...I found your diary through Elgan's and have been reading along for a few months now. I too have just recently had a baby (girl) and she had terrible gas when we brought her home. We used a product called Infants' Mylicon and it was magical! We would give it to her before her feeding and she was/is such a happy baby ever since. Anyway, congrats and good luck. Cheers! - J.
from betteblue :
My son was the master fussmeister for about 5 months. In fact the only sleep I got the first few days was when my sister was holding him. I found holding him to me all the way down into the crib would help getting him down, also swaddling tight and the swing. Hoo boy the swing saved me from going totally insane, he'd sleep in the swing. At about 5 months the fuss departed and he was the best, happiest baby. He would sleep marathon hours like 8 PM to 7 AM, heaven! But the months before were pure hell and I was almost suicidal from lack of sleep, nothing did any good and the doctors would not give him anything at all, I still think it was colic/gas but who knows. Good luck, you will survive!
from stellarose :
my dear friends' baby logan had bizarrely extreme fussiness, never slept, was incredibly difficult. it wasn't colic. after like, six MONTHS they finally learned that he had baby acid reflux. once treated he did a 180 and was happy and healthy and slept tons more, etc. ..just a thought...
from voodoochick :
Don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you're doing a great job.
from rubyfoxx :
I can't wait to meet him! Congrats again. He's beautiful and you guys are awesome. And tell your inlaws to chill the fuck out.
from dharmabum :
he is so beautiful ... enjoy all the moments!
from robotheart :
point #1: oliver is amazing, you are amazing. i am in awe and so proud. point #2: you get WAY more notes than i do...lucky whore.
from ikss :
congrats! he is truly beautiful.
from nicolamatheu :
he is adorable!! congratulations sundaymama! you and the mister did a fantastic job :)
from kanyooceemee :
awwwww.. so cute! congratulations!
from blistery :
he's precious! congrats!
from voodoochick :
from sillybitch :
so utterly awesome, congratulations!
from amethyst- :
congrats! he's gorgeous
from swanbenet :
P, he is BEAUTIFUL, so he already takes after you and Mr. Cone. Send me your address at [email protected] and I'll send Oliver a few things from the Green Mountain State. He smokes pot, right? I'm so goddamn happy for all 3 of you. As per usual, you made me smile. I miss you.
from stellarose :
I'm so so so so happy for you. You are both so beautiful!
from stellarose :
I'm so so so so happy for you. You are both so beautiful!
from bantenhut :
Oh, he is just adorable! Congratulations. I don't know if it's because I'm listening to Coldplay, I'm tired, or I'm mental, but I actually teared up a little when I read your entry. Mazel tov but for babies! :D
from fussbudget :
Yay! yay! yay! What a cutie! Congrats. xoxoxo, h.
from toejam :
Gah! Baby! Congratulations to all of you!
from princesscee :
He's adorable! Congratulations!
from sun-dials :
Oh! Oliver is gorgeous! I hope everything went well!
from nicolamatheu :
good luck today!! i can't wait to read about your experience and the little ones arrival! -nic
from gretl :
You're going to have the best day tomorrow. I'm really excited for you. Can't wait to hear all about it and everything after.
from amethyst- :
good luck tomorrow! i'm so excited for you!
from bantenhut :
Wow, only 5 days! How awesome! I hope everything goes just swimmingly for you and the new Tater! :)
from robotheart :
i thought about you today. one week. one week until you get to kiss his fuzzy little head. verky to the max!
from achren :
good lord, woman. say the word and i'll send you an assortment of things that smell REALLY GOOD to wave under your dainty nostrils. srsly. xoxo.m. (but in all seriousness, you're a rockstar, and you're going to be fine. right?)
from rubyfoxx :
also, i do realize i just told you not to stress about giving birth. i'm an asshole. i guess i just wanted to tell you that it will REALLY be fine, i can pretty much promise.
from rubyfoxx :
for what it's worth, my sister has never said word one about a cauterized flesh smell, and she has not only had a c-section herself, she was the attending nurse on a great deal of them. do not stress! it'll be fine. and you've got a great home team in LA behind you.
from elliestuff :
nice opening line on your sat.28th post.
from gretl :
My Mom's bday is 7/11. It's a great day! 7/11's happen at random in her life--addresses, mostly. But how many 711's can you live at? It's always a sign. You're going to be super!
from robotheart :
sob. you guys really are a dream come true. cheers!
from fussbudget :
Those swings are kid crack. That's the only way one of my friends could get her son to stop wailing for the first few months of his life.
from bantenhut :
haha! that is kind of...monstrous...cute entry! XD
from stellarose :
i just wanted to say that, as i stumble through the madness that is my mid-twenties, your diary has proven some kind of real-life fairytale perfection. i LOVE reading back through what you've experience, thought, felt, and to see where you are now. i recommended you to a friend, who is going through a bad breakup (e.g. "love of my life" type heartbreak) and she is totally hooked on sundaygirl. she's only up to your first engagement, but she says that she just loves knowing that it all ends happily. thanks for giving us that. ;)
from sundaygirl :
I'd love to have her waterboarded. today she was convinced that "it'll" was not a real word.
from robotheart :
LOL vvvv
from voodoochick :
That is totally a horrid thing to say. You should have said, "Right back at you kid!"
from dharmabum :
wow - what a thing to say. people utterly floor me sometimes. how rude and ridiculous; is she totally nuts?
from robotheart :
seven eleven is a fine day to be born.
from rubyfoxx :
It's so disappointing, because I heard so many first-hand accounts of how AMAZING it is and how WONDERFUL the beaches are. But maybe we picked the wrong island. Then again, all the islands said that one was the most beautiful! I don't know -- I feel like I must have done *something* wrong.
from bantenhut :
Right on indeed! California has one thing going for it now! :)
from robotheart :
CUTE HAIR! CUTE SHOES! cute smile...and dont even sweat the weight gain...its all baby! you look amazing! oh yeah, and ryan too.
from kanyooceemee :
what a perfect couple! and you look GREAT!
from tcklyrpharsn :
Ohhh, what a sweet picture! And I looove your dress!
from amethyst- :
you guys are super cute!
from sun-dials :
That might be the cutest picture of a couple that I've ever seen! :D And your dress is fabulous!
from robotheart :
lucas and i were out at the bar a few weeks ago and some girl came out onto the patio...i caught the end of her ended w/ the word "skanktard"...i immediately thought of you. for obvious reasons.
from bantenhut :
Going to Central Park with grandma! That's so awesome, I love your life! Some kids go to the park, but Oliver will go to central park, sweet! - 5-1-07 (I'm trying to start a trend where I put the date on these things)
from robotheart :
from robotheart :
me too. greece sounds astoundingly more amazing than my current locale.
from wildguess :
hey! ive been reading you for a while (before you came to LA) and I love the way you write! Just wanted to say Im sorry you've had such bad experiences here. Ive been in LA for 12 years and I love this place...then again i guess I dont mingle with the type of people have so far so that could make a huge difference. Good luck on your move back to NYC!
from voodoochick :
I think they think it looks attractive. They're wrong.
from robotheart :
wait til it gets hot,'ll be rockin the cankles for sure...swimming is AMAZING for the pregnant bod. i miss you, oddly. lets do something!
from skinny--girl :
i adore reading all of your updates. enjoy london, lucky...
from argentum :
Its not that I dont think you deserve a 20 dollar burger...its just that I think that a 20 dollar burger should not exist.
from theturtle :
Oh, fer fark's sake, why do people fart around with food like that? I looked that site up, and you're right. An apple that tastes like a grape. And nobody seems to ask, "why not just buy a bunch of GRAPES???"
from argentum :
Props for 'douchelaser'. Glad you, the tater, and everyone else is allright.
from robotheart :
oh my so sorry. that is SUCH a scary thing to go through. thank god you, ryan and little o are ok.
from voodoochick :
Glad you are all ok.
from stellarose :
thank god you are all okay! i swear, your entry made my cry. so so so glad you, ryan, and oliver are getting out of the city and back to your proper home before the year is out.
from rubyfoxx :
again, thank jebus you all are okay. i miss you. and it's true, it sucks to be at the mercy of other drivers!
from elgan :
Glad to hear you and the Tater are safe. Sorry about your car, though.
from bantenhut :
ooookay, since dl does not let you press enter in notes, let me clarify-- username: bantenhut password: go
from bantenhut :
i love that you call your kid "kiddo!" my mom calls me that. i'm 21, but it's probably the only juvenile-ish name that i'm cool with. anyway, just thought you'd like to know. :) oh p.s. i don't know if you read me or not but my diary's locked now. u: bantenhut pw: go tchao!
from robotheart :
when he learns can he come teach me? i just googled the same thing a few days ago...deboning, that is. also, made a huge pot of chicken soup for the sickened fam this last week. yay for jewish penicillin.
from robotheart :
the whale thing? very cute. ocean has some sweet whale shorts from mon reve...or petit bateau? not sure.
from elgan :
They don't know about the rapture because they haven't seen that episode of The Simpsons.
from rubyfoxx :
oh my god, i could watch that all day.
from argentum :
Rocket Raccoon?
from robotheart :
we got one that said "biggest dick in the family"...needless to say, its hiding in a drawer someplace and im mortified just thinking about it. maybe i already told you about that. the weird thing is that the couple that bought it for us was also pregnant at the time...with a girl. i wonder how they'd feel if i bought them the female equivalent..."wettest/tightest/biggest(?) bleep in the family"...guh. anyways. i already told you you'd be fantastic at the onesie creation...make the screen/design and i'll get it screened for you.
from argentum :
How about one that says 'Wherez my bitchez!?'
from rubyfoxx :
I can't wait to meet Beauregard!
from robotheart :
i am presently dreading le sexe talke right now. like whoa...altho im not the least bit scared to have it with my son. yay boy team. yay giants!
from robotheart :
old navy maternity clothes are pretty rockin'...for fat people clothes. i pretty much wore them exclusively. but then, im wearing old navy from head to ankle right now. workout clothes...but still!
from rubyfoxx :
also, my sis said changing tables are a waste o' money. She just used the top of a regular old dresser.
from rubyfoxx :
but dude, think of the cock jokes we missed out on! ok, yeah, you're right, Rooster Boy woulda been a disaster...
from robotheart :
you're joking. about the shrine, right? ahmahgah. thats rediculous. invest in some papaya pills. they are the BEST for heartburn...and that shapeofamother site is pretty intense. yet true.
from argentum :
Three mos. post-partum was interesting.
from argentum : At least you don't have triplets.
from rubyfoxx :
Who are those fetching indie boys?
from elgan :
Loved those video clips. Thanks for posting them.
from bantenhut :
JUNO!!! Great last hurrah movie choice! And great movie choice in general, if you ask me. I saw it twice in the theater.
from argentum :
BP's for the word 'retardery'
from robotheart :
im doing my BEST not to be offended every time you slaughter los angeles with your hilarity...but i do own maybe i should just start getting pissed. sorry bout the pizza. i would cry and im not even preggo. kidding on the preggo thing.
from bantenhut :
'asshattery' and 'blobosity'! great words! :)
from robotheart :
i think all of the formfitting maternity stuff is the hottest...i have a really cute tube dress that i never might be too big on you, but you can try it.
from voodoochick :
from gretl :
I can't believe there is a bun in yr oven! It's all so fast it seems. Guess we're getting old. For example I applied for social security yesterday. Ok, well no. Happy New Year. Sounds like you're off to a great start. & to echo other sentiments, tomorrow's testing will be a-ok. :)
from elgan :
Happy New Year! Don't sweat your tests tomorrow. Everything will be fine.
from stellarose :
happy new year! i'm still reading 2003, but also now keeping up with the current. only vaguely "back to the future" bizarre. ;) x
from argentum :
from smashthegas :
Your page about the bagels showed up randomly in my stats. Heh. Congrats on the baby! Umm, I shall come back and read some more later. Don't worry, I'm not a weird stalker person or anything, though I do sometimes do strange things with cheese spread and prawn cocktail flavoured crisps. Smashx
from robotheart :
LOL @ jazz hands.
from elgan :
That is so incredibly cool! Congratulations!
from stellarose :
sundaymama, congrats congrats!!!!
from argentum :
Yeah. You're having a kid AND saving money. Good luck with that.
from achren :
Oh! Mama Sundaygirl! Congratulations. :) xo.m.
from bantenhut :
Twelvedy hundre? Awesome. I'm trying to read your diary front to back, but I'm still in Feb. 2001. It's nice to read a true story about a woman who goes through some guy trouble before she meets her guy; it makes my trouble seem less significant and surmountable. Congrats on your baby! Rock on, my new friend!
from vanoonoo :! congrats!
from dharmabum :
wowie! so many congrats!
from allmadhere :
Best holiday news ever? Congratulations!
from fussbudget :
Yay! The cat's out of the bag!!!
from elgan :
Congratulations. I knew it all along.
from robotheart :
*sniff* a pink line is never quite so beautiful.
from alure :
omg! congrats!! that is effing good news!
from argentum :
from argentum :
Does that include the feathers?
from robotheart :
omg marin is going to be soooooooooooo jealous. she loves that vid and ergo that band.
from alure :
fuck you are funny.
from robotheart :
im on fucking pins and needles.
from allan-poe :
Nah you don't need your head checked. Cleaning i think is a natural calming thing, because when i get to upset i clean too! its almost like your scrubbing off any anger or tension.
from argentum :
I like how you used 'shit' three times in the same sentence. "Have you heard sundagirl's latest bon mots'? Its all the rage in the salons!" (patton oswald)
from fifidellabon :
Aha, the company cornholing festival! How I remember it. A good time was always had by all...
from argentum :
Does that DO feel like dancing?
from rubyfoxx :
Jesus, I feel you. I've screamed bloody murder at two strangers in the past week. People here have zero consideration for others, whether that means not blasting your music at ear-splitting volumes and pissing off your neighbors, moving down the aise on the subway or bus so others can get on, and saying thank you when someone opens a door for you. It is seriously a city full of 8 milliion really self-centered people. It sounds like London and LA should go on a date.
from robotheart :
god how long do we have to wait?
from robotheart :
my boobs didnt hurt until 5 or 6 cautiously optimistic about these other signs, however.
from blistery :
re: listen i so feel you! don't feel bad about bitching or feeling whatever, i was feeling the same and honestly i know i would have snapped myself out of it, but your post made it happen that much faster. i'm just a spoiled, rotten brat sometimes, but at the same time i realize that i've got it pretty good at the end of the day. anyway... just wanted to relate and say thanks for bringing me back to reality along with yourself. your diary still rocks.
from robotheart :
she's fucking with you. has to be. are you sure shes at her desk and not like...leaving someone's myspace prof. open?
from rubyfoxx :
yes, you should adopt a hip, ethnically vague child! as edina says on ab fab, "a mixed race baby is the Chanel of babies." But seriously - BLACKFACE. For Halloween. In the office. The HELL? I'm from Texas and even I know that's in extremely bad taste! Not to mention, unfunny! What does she think this is, 1949?
from robotheart :
haha. i totally like that song. note to self: leave anything scissor sisters off of sunday's mixtape.
from stellarose :
it's so funny, because here i am, relating to the 26-year-old you, and so sad that what i'm reading is seriously SIX years out of date. because it makes me want to comment, and be like, "OHMYGOD YES, i'm right there with you!" silly diaryland. now you're all married and babymaking and i'm still doing what you were doing when you were my age. it's actually the vaguest of mindfucks.
from elgan :
One doesn't usually feel pregnant until one has been that way for about six weeks. Good luck.
from robotheart :
check yer yahoo
from robotheart :
hey look at you resurrecting diaryland a banner at a time! yay. and on the pregnancy business....visualize. (dont shoot me.) i believe in your ovaries.
from n-poledancer :
I had to say hi, I clicked on your banner a couple days ago and have been reading obsessively since. You're a good writer. Ive been in LA for 11 years, I hated it at first but it grew on me eventually. I cant blame you for preferring NY though...
from anthronut :
There's no guessing your feelings toward Christmas Music. I can't say I blame you. I think what makes it so obnoxious is how catchy it all is...and it just takes one asshole singing jingle bells in June, and it's stuck in your head and by the time Christmas rolls around, you're ready to shoot yourself...I have no idea what your problem is! :)
from pischina :
Oh gosh I'm pretty sure we work in the same office except I live about 400 miles north of you... Last year I also wrote about that damned christmas music blasting from the cubicle nearby... and Mandatory Funtime Activities!!! At Work! My most beloved rant of all time!!! (I came by through your lovely banner, but I'm pretty sure we've crossed paths before, especially since you've been writing so long... I went back through a lot of entries, and I love what you write... Good Luck with EVERYthing that's going on right now, I'll definitely be reading more often now)
from raven72d :
Vur' delightful find...
from caterwaul :
ok dude. there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with saying (and it totally can com across as not bitchy) "aaah. i'm so sorry. i just can't listen to christmas music anymore. can you use your headphones?" .. if said with a sense of humor, it can defend your boundaries (which are pretty understandable) and also not make her feel bad. I would not be able to go for more than an hour without feeling it was my right to ask somebody to stop somthing like that. At my company we definitely feel free to say "stop tapping that pencil!" but we also tend to be overly blunt "that music sucks" ;)
from robotheart :
random smells are definitely a sign. the way i know is that i feel uncomfortably plump and my mouth waters too much.
from robotheart :
i second swingers...its kitchy but has some pretty healthy options a la tofu, oatmeal...the pantry is down by you guys and its your traditional breakfast joint...only its been in business almost a hundred years or something like that and its open 24hrs...and NOTHING is as good as the pantry at 4am. but nothing is light or feathery there...the potatoes are awesome as is the coffee...and for some reason they serve cole slaw as a complementary app. and i fucking LOVE it with their sourdough toast. as far as feather light. look for a marmalade cafe nearby, their breakfasts are pretty awesome, imo. and you can get fruit, oatmeal, eggwhites the whole nine...though im still not sure what you meant by featherlight. to me, a light breakfast is a croissant and coffee.
from stellarose :
i found your site via a banner..and i am seriously addicted. my productivity this weekend has decreased a thousandfold because i have been reading your diary from 1999 on. i don't know what that means, other than your life (and presentation of it) is compelling. just thought i'd let you know. rock on.
from dharmabum :
The last night I was in LA we looked and looked for a decent place, and my friend who'd just moved there from NYC and I lamented the delicious breakfasts/brunches we'd had there. SF has some mostly OK stuff, though.
from allmadhere :
Swingers is fun, though I wouldn't say they have the best food in the world. But it is breakfast. Let me know if you ever want veggie food suggestions.
from robotheart :
well you're gonna have to eat for the next ten months, so tell me...what do you look for in a breakfast spot? i'll find you one...we live by breakfast.
from hilthethrill :
Breakfast at Mel's diner on the sunset strip in LA. Open 24 hrs. Apple pie a la mode to die for. Healthy options, too.
from robotheart :
haha i used one of your banner clicks! didnt know it was you, tho, til i clicked...guess i love you in any form.
from rubyfoxx :
Soooooooo well said! Everything you've written captures my feelings on leaving NYC and living in London so much better than everything I've written on this subject, ever. We will reunite in a year or so - but not before we visit each other!
from wildrosie :
Dropped in from your banner, and as a native Californian, I can only say, "Why the hell do you think all of us natives moved elsewhere ages ago?" Oh, and from my ex-New Yorker BF, who couldn't imagine living anywhere else until he moved here, there are other places to live, give 'em a chance!
from robotheart :
god im so glad you're drinking...ocean was spawned in a puddle of booze. im quite sure so was i.
from allmadhere :
"But everyone else I've encountered here thus far is a fucking douchelord. Douche after douche after douche. And that's just Whole Foods." That's a classic line. I think there are some walkable neighborhoods in SoCal where you can forget that you're in such a stupid place (LB, for one. My town of Tustin--though full of old people and republicans), but it's impossible to get away from the fact that you do have to drive a million miles to work or to visit friends, and that does indeed suck.
from robotheart :
dude, i totally agree with you. (spoken in true californian douchiness) everything you listed about that corner of the country i love...there is no "corner" anything here, which blowwws. and the whole freeway delirium and blah blah...i keep telling lucas how much he'd love new york. maybe one day i'll pry his ass out of the valley long enough for it to be proven. i mean, why do you think all those sitcom families and like...elvis only come to california for a season at best?
from captvfirefly :
Ok, so I just wanted to say (before you wondered why the hell your page views spiked like crazy) that I clicked on your banner, and I have read about eleventy billion of your entries so far. And I'll probably read more, too, depending on how much I can procrastinate here at work. So, even though I'm a total stranger, I swear I'm not a stalker (I live in Ohio, and I'm lazy). So, yeah. Hi, and stuff.
from fussbudget :
Nope, starts with an E. Directed a couple of flicks about kids having some torturous, horrifying issues when traveling abroad.
from robotheart :
oh god. come on baby!
from fussbudget :
I wonder if one of the horror directors you hung out with was my sophomore year R.A.
from vanoonoo :
hiya - I have had to have my home laptop wiped and dont have your p/word stored anywhere else - any chance you cold let me in again? Cheers! vanoonoo at gmail dot com
from robotheart :
funny, i just read your re-rsvp...haha. well i think im gonna make it later cuz the hubs has to work til the early morn the night before (that make sense?)...but if you're still aids walkin, i any case, it'll probably be moved til 130p, we'll see!
from robotheart :
keep some water and a flashlight and a whistle know, so you can sue faster. glad you're gonna make the bday festivities...should be a killer sunday afternoon.
from robotheart :
happy big A. and clean test! and email me a picture of/link to your necklace...i want tiffany's and my husband told me to wait til anniversary # 5. how sick is that? anyways, im drooling. must see necklace...
from amethyst- :
happy anniversary!
from rubyfoxx :
oh girlie, I am so sorry about your results but glad you got through the colposcopy okay. we shall drink heavily next weekend! miss you and love you and can't wait to see you.
from rubyfoxx :
oh girlie, I am so sorry about your results but glad you got through the colposcopy okay. we shall drink heavily next weekend! miss you and love you and can't wait to see you.
from tcklyrpharsn :
Haven't dropped a line in a long time, but I wanted to say that the woman in the waiting room is a self-centred bitch. Courage!
from robotheart :
yeah, that bitch had no tact. have a BLAST in ny. be safe, be crazy.
from fussbudget :
Why can't I have dreams about public sex with Anthony Bourdain? When are you getting here? Hit me up for drinks/fun when you're in town.
from robotheart :
see you're getting used to california life. :) pretty much half a year or more of beach days...and drinking.
from robotheart :
twins would SO rock. i think.
from robotheart :
my condolences to you and ry and his family...
from robotheart :
my condolences to you and ry and his family...
from theturtle :
If you can find one, buy a used Volkswagen TDI, either a Jetta or a Golf. Sure, they'll be rather hard to find and a little pricey, but you can get 50mpg with it. Oddly, where you live, diesel is about a dime or two more expensive than gas, whereas here in Maryland it's up to 20 cents cheaper.
from robotheart :
as in bev hills...or doctor? either way, good research on how to be 'california', totally kidding. you're glad you didnt go to that show last quite positive i lost all my hearing and nearly went into labor from the punk rock of it all.
from rubyfoxx :
I am so proud of you!
from fussbudget :
May your move be quick and hassle free. Ours most definitely was/is not. Oh yeah, we still don't have all our shit out of our Philly house! Good, good times.
from robotheart :
i have seen your skin and i have no earthly clue wtf you're referring to. im trying to remember even once thinking "proactiv"...and uh, nope. not a once.
from caterwaul :
aww man. i wish i could have met the two of you while i was down there in LA. but we were on a mission. a mission of love, yo. (it was our wedding anniv. we stayed in venice and saw The POlice. was a great warm time. i think i like LA!)
from robotheart :
we'll be sure to give you a proper energetic cleansing at the door ;). this time i am kidding. i have plenty of sarcastic, wry-mouthed friends to keep the proper karmic flow, sister. im looking quite forward to your presence.
from robotheart :
hippy. haha. wait 'til you come to my baby shower. we'll have you burning sage with the rest of us hairy, smelly, grateful dead twirling bitches. im only kind of kidding.
from vanoonoo :
i justcaught up.thatsa lot goin on lady x
from robotheart :
i dare you not to get into a huge fight halfway through ikea and give up, leaving your cart in the middle of the store...oh wait, thats lucas and me. sounds like a wonderful weekend!
from robotheart :
you're in heat!
from swanbenet :
You said VAGINA.
from robotheart :
deal. i had them changed and reprinted, though...after wwiii that is. cross not the path of the hormonally spiked. he says no one would have noticed...but you know. you *know*
from idiomatic :
i'm so glad. i knew you would love that place. and you so deserve your new gig after dealing with that slack-lipped asshat all those years.
from gretl :
good christ that place is amazing.
from robotheart :
fancy digs,'ll be FINE in downtown if you've lived in brooklyn. the bums(everyone) are way more polite(fake) in los angeles. im so happy its all coming together for you. to the up and up...and up to the pool! so very cool. you'll be right down there by the fashion district, i think. or close enough, anyways. congrats!
from vanoonoo :
HLL YEAH! - awesome place! I'm coming to visit ;)
from swanbenet :
Small favor-can you name one of your shades "Bitch Please" for me? Thanks in advance.
from theturtle :
Sunday, could you email me a login again? I am on a new machine at home and the only machine I can read you from is at work... thanks... I guess this is a stupoquestion, but now that you're free of Diddyworld, why password it at all now?
from robotheart :
i hate those nutsack thingys...they're rather revolting...check out silverlake, as might like it, happy you're acclimating.
from flusianna :
Congratulations you California girl! New York's loss! Still never saw wedding pictures. And I know they were beautiful. Flusi
from robotheart :
dude, i just re-read the california driver's manual genius. what page is that on?
from robotheart :
oh sweetie there is no doubt in my mind you would rock the invites like nobody's biz...its a co-ed shower for lucas and i and since he's a graphic designer/printer and all...well it was no contest. :) oh yeah, and hes free. or works for sex...and very little of it, at that.
from swanbenet :
Dude, I'm so goddamn happy for you. I just looked up the word "awesome" in the dictionary and there's a picture of YOU there. Let's get in our Way Back When Machine and witness the time when your goals were only to not have AR pee and/or write all over himself at a party and our trying not to laugh out loud at The Big Spoon. Seriously. Talk about EVOLVING. Love you!
from fussbudget :
Congratulations!!!! I am so, so happy for you. That is fan-fucking-tastic!
from robotheart :
of course you did. you're incredible! and when i read the 35k, i was way is she only getting paid that per year...haha. glad to know its in addition to whatever amazing salary you already had. good job, ladygirl. im excited for you...and now you can stop obsessing about things like a social life...haha. look at you, miss fancypants. look. at. you.
from vanoonoo :
hooray fucking ray! congratumilationies!!
from robotheart :
i emailed you. i hope its still the same address.
from robotheart :
oh and check out indie 103.1, as well.
from robotheart :
i was waiting for your california layout! good luck on the job front. that took no time at all.
from amethyst- :
your life sounds so amazing. i hadn't read it in over a month but it was nice to get caught back up. enjoy the california sun but just so you know- it's in the 80s here on the east coast today too ;)
from robotheart :
haha. you'll be wearing flip flops everywhere in a year,
from swanbenet :
Um...who's the head bitch in charge of New York now that you're gone?
from robotheart :
welcome to the holyland. ok, the holyshit its sunny and amazingland...x-country w/ your sweetie and your doggy is awesome, and grueling all the same time, no? i'll email you soon with some prospective lunchdate plans.
from robotheart :
well summer here lasts until about september...and im due in late july/early i think a cocktail is allowed. mocktail, cocktail, im sure we can find some fun. altho i know you've experienced summer in the med., california really is amazing this time of the year. yay.
from robotheart :
yay for nonplagued petunias. now get thee to california and stat, your summer's gonna be out of control.
from robotheart :
oh darlin', i know all about the latex sheathed wand of sonography...i hope they're gentle.
from theturtle :
I'm picturing Cary Grant clacking the cradle on a phone in a 1937 black and white movie and shouting, "operator! Operator! I need to send a transvaginal sonogram to New York immediately!"
from idiomatic :
holiday: totally made!
from robotheart :
actually, my name was supposed to be bowie. my mom wanted to name me bowie...and then opal...and then she settled on rebecca, however that may be...and named her dog bowie many years later. ma and pa were wicked bowie fans.
from robotheart :
might i petition you to design a lovely babyshower invite? i can pay you!
from swanbenet :
Dude, don't give up hope yet. I recently interviewed for MY OLD JOB and had to wait 2 weeks for an offer. And the guy is even a friend of mine. These job offer things just take time. 5 classes and a full time job? My life is chaos.
from rubyfoxx :
WHOA. When's the official last day?
from robotheart :
you can write a follow up email thanking her for her time and letting her know how much you gained from the interview...unless you already did that. GOOD LUCK. fingers crossed, twice!
from rubyfoxx :
And I also meant to say, well said.
from rubyfoxx :
Oh girl, I don't know why our psyches do that, but holy shit, do they ever. Letting it pass - like the turd that it is - is the only thing to do.
from robotheart :
i still cant believe you're coming out here.
from zanzinger :
i have you in my buddy list and i used to be able to view your diary but now i cant. can i view it again? :)
from idiomatic :
as i say: "Always remember to never forget if you've eaten beets the night before!"
from robotheart :
haha. easter eggs! in the toilet!
from robotheart :
baby dreams usually mean you're fertile. do it a lot for the next four days.
from robotheart :
i agree w/ ruby. self taught makes many design geniuses, for real! just make a slick portfolio on a disk or something...
from rubyfoxx :
You are so talented! You SHOULD be doing design. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't spend $40K for a useless master's from SVA. Go out there and get work - you totally can.
from robotheart :
uh yeah. its nearly ninety degrees today. swelteringly beautiful.
from allmadhere :
When you land in CA, if you ever want to meet, pass me a note.
from robotheart :
you know, i emailed you awhile ago when you asked me where i lived...i dunno if you got it...but yeah, i do live near lb. less than an hr. by freeway. which isnt really far for california, btw. :) beach days!
from robotheart :
ive been dreaming lately that my gramma is dying/died/etc. she is going through her closet and giving me these awesome vintage dresses and necklaces...i got a thousand bucks from my gramma pre-death as a grandkid felt so wrong to take. of course, it got sucked into bills and i should have bought a fuckin necklace with it...c'est la being in debt.
from rubyfoxx :
You are so funny
from robotheart :
hey hon. you can find it in pillform im sure...maybe check out a health food store tho if you can...i know you'll find the tincture there, and possibly some powdered capsules...i know i always harp on the acupuncture thing, but it might be another avenue for you to explore...actually, today i found a cool 'fertility cocktail' on lj: Take Whole Cycle: 1 Prenatal Vitamin Daily 1 Baby Aspirin Daily 1 50 mg B6 Vitamin in the morning 1 B-50 Complex in the evening From Cycle Day 1 until Ovulation is confirmed: Two Vitex, 500mg Capsules in the morning Two Vitex, 500mg Capsules in the evening Evening primrose oil capsules granted, you could do it all...or some of it. im not sure HOW deep into this you're going to dive, but i used a site called to chart my cycle and it helped to map out when was the best time to do the deed...and hey, it seemed to work...
from theturtle :
"i'm sure they mean "1 or 2 glasses of red wine" is good for you. Not, say... the entire bottle." Jeez, don't you hate sensible people? I mean, think about it... a 20-ounce bottle of soda claims it contains "two servings," but really, who's gonna open it and not finish? Same thing with a 24-ounce wine bottle... "I'm only considering it before i have to have my insides removed." That would hurt a lot.
from theturtle :
Pregnancy: worse than they tell you. Children: overrated and bad for the planet. Think about it some more, don't just do it because you think everybody does. In the mean time, red wine can be good for you.
from justsaying :
nothing insightful here. just thinking about you.
from robotheart :
there is this stuff called vitex (chaste tree/berry) that you can take as a tincture to help things get on their relative schedules, reproductively speaking, that not exactly sure of where your challenge lies, and all...but ive read good things.
from gretl :
wicked is one of my all-time faves. OPI's lincoln park after dark wooed me, but didn't have the staying power that wicked does. i heart you, wicked.
from achren :
Holy shit, thanks for the flashback! I should go find the Good Stuff List and the Shit List. It's about time for another trip down 1201 lane... right? (ps. am at these days...)
from robotheart :
beware post-nuptial hand injuries! they are a strange phenomena.
from robotheart :
los angeles is ok. altho i think you've got the world at your feet over there, really...i spoze we'll see wont we?
from idiomatic :
are you kidding? wow. LA gets a bad rap but i like it. you're going to love living there.
from gretl :
my ipod, Fran, died this morning. she was 3.5, so I have had much time to become attached to her. the crunching noise coming from her insides breaks my heart.
from robotheart :
i am just *so* happy for you. sincerely.
from gretl :
best. friday. night. evarh.
from robotheart :
oh GOD i concur about the new years and the booze...
from idiomatic :
i was going to say something witty about black christmas trees but i can't possibly follow the sink fuckin' comment.
from blistery :
nothing says lovin' like some sink fuckin'.
from swanbenet :
I was almost placed under pussy arrest once, but I have a good lawyer and got vagina probation instead.
from theturtle :
Ow. That could hurt, particularly if you accidentally turned on the hot water tap with your ass. No sense getting parboiled for the sake of sex.
from robotheart :
from robotheart :
twatwaffle. do you own the rights to that? i cant stop saying it. what a hooch, besides.
from idiomatic :
a mobius strip, goddamn brilliant.
from tcklyrpharsn :
boooo... wherefore locked?
from robotheart :
all i know is that you two bozos are goin' to miramar...
from robotheart :
did you guys get that wicked rad cube shelf thingy? they are the absolute best for record storage and look nice doing so...
from tcklyrpharsn :
Hooray to you!!! You win at life!
from amethyst- :
i am so happy for you and jealous of you! congratulations :)
from dharmabum :
hurray! happy wedding! lots of happiness to you both!
from theturtle :
If the dress was any of these, it's hot. I am envious on Suzanne's behalf.
from robotheart :
omg you're so knocked up. or stressed. or cuz youre exercising a lot. or you're pregnant. you better divulge the results, lady.
from crazyblueyes :
Hey, i used to read you a while back and you've been on my list but i now see that you have put a lock on your diary. Is it possible for me to read your diary again? or are you reserving it for only those close to you?
from blistery :
[email protected] please, thanks.
from bassclargrrl :
Can I have the login? Pretty please? fillemelodique at gmail dot com
from theturtle :
Hey, send me the login! [email protected] (going through Sunday withdrawal now)
from sinnergi :
[email protected], if you would oblige...thanks m'dear!
from second-love :
[email protected]... please oh please oh please :)))
from blazingstar :
My email address is [email protected] -- thanks!
from sundaygirl :
for those wishing to get the password, please leave your email addies and I will drop you a line. sorry for the kerfuffle!
from second-love :
Well FRICKAZEE... this blows MOOSE PETER. Who the HELL is being too nosey and screwing this good read up. If i find out WHO it is... i may kick their ass!!!! I wanna read *boo hoo*
from blazingstar :
Hey, I guess you probably won't give me the password since you don't know me, but I'd love to read...Just giving it a shot.
from theturtle :
I would, but your email is on... your locked site! You can email me through my site... you can't leave me without my sundayfix! I'll rot!
from theturtle :
Hey, what's the deal, you locked your site!
from flusianna :
Hi, this is Flusi again. I can't shoot you an email because I don't know your email address. The only thing I can think of to do is try a email...otherwise - I hope you will email me. [email protected] thanks
from robotheart :
good god. i know ruby in person, does that count?
from dadeeli :
sorry to see that you've locked up. I always look forward to reading your journal. hope to see your journal open again soon. Good luck with the wedding...
from flusianna :
Hi I just don't think I can stand to not see wedding pictures. I live in Florida and have been reading your diary forever. I would love the password (and RubyFox as well). I understand though because my work place crap is causing me to lose my position. Send to [email protected] - thanks.
from sundaygirl :
SORRY, FOLKS. Unless I know you personally, I'm afraid we're closed for the time being. Someone's too nosey and I'm nipping it in the bud. I will return, I promise!
from vanoonoo :
hey there - pretty much what the previous note leaver said - hope things are ok with you and its nothing hideously ominous that has made you lock up. [email protected]
from caralynne :
hey, sg. im just wondering if i could have the password, since your diary is one of my favourite reads. i dont know you in real life and i wont disclose it to anyone, i promise. send it to [email protected] if its okay.
from lrig :
no! not locked! lrig. [the girl who finds comfort in yr life b/c im living a version of it from a number of years ago.] may i have a password? [email protected]
from second-love :
girl... did you lock up? may i have the pw pretty please?? email it to me at [email protected] :)
from sundaygirl :
thank you. i'll be here all week. tip your waitress. thank you. try the veal.
from second-love :
Again i say... funny... just damn funny
from candoor :
ah, NYC... I lived there long... black walls?... I say get flourescent posters and black lights and stobes and 60's music... some beads and incense... that ought to balance out the Doc Martins and leather... seriously though, cheers for beating the C and happy life to you :)
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from second-love :
You just crack me up...i stumbled across your diary somehow - i just laugh my ass off :)))
from captvfirefly :
I never know what to say without sounding completely dorky, but, I loved your diary, and I added you to my favorites. I've been around for a while; I'm surprised I haven't seen you before! Anyway, if you'd like to read mine, drop me a note and I'll give you the info. (Gotta love idiot ex-boyfriends who know how to use Google...)
from terrarose :
very nice diary. i appreciate fellow work-ranters.
from candoor :
your banner got me to thinking, is that my life too?... I don't want an answer, I want to start again again :}
from joiedv :
heh. I hear ya. I had a mammogram today. Ouch. ps: cute layout.
from joiedv :
heh. I hear ya. I had a mammogram today. Ouch. ps: cute layout.
from crazyblueyes :
hello there, i saw your banner and decided to stop by. i enjoyed reading your stuff and look forward to more. i can identify with living in a small town and relatioships that suck...
from vanoonoo :
cute dog! cute you! I added you - hope thats ok :)
from candoor :
you've been at it for seven years and thousands of entries and you're from Brooklyn (I spent a few decades there) and I never knew?... wow, as much browsing as I do, that's a surprise... hope your baby feels better... red and angry is not a good way for a suture line to look... sounds like the ear needs the medicine... sending get well thoughts :)
from f-i-n :
hugs and kisses from miami
from pchan33 :
about your dog...I wouldn't put her though the surgery if it was only cosmetic. just my 2 cents. peace.
from pchan33 :
sundaygirl used to be my nickname when I was a cashier, so I decided to check out your diary. And I like it.
from discodave :
OK, so feel free to delete these messages...I'm an arse and just realised why it wasn't working - this is why I shouldn't try and read diaries when I'm tired. Sorry. Dxx
from discodave : doesn't seem to like me for some reason. Haven't pissed you off, have I? Still p... f... ? Dxx
from discodave :
Um, have you changed the locks? Dxx
from larrielou :
Are you or do know the host of 'kissntell'? If so, PLEASE talk to me ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!! I need an entry to be deleted desperately.
from discodave :
Sounds like a plan. Dxx
from flusianna :
hi, my computer lost the password...can you email it back to [email protected] thanks flusi
from thefields :
wait, let me in, please. i loved you once. xo
from daylightkaty :
So I should fess up, after not being able to get on Friendster, that I stumbled up on you a long while back through Miss Achren and was linked to you for a long time through Freyja (my other diary). Rubin Hall was what sealed it...oh the fifth floor. I think it shaped my life. LOL. then you locked so I didn't link you on your new one but I was too shy to leave a note for you. I have serious trouble getting on Friendster reliably so I wanted to leave you a note here.----k.
from gretl :
guestbook issues. as a proud Wisconsinite, I would like to inform you that the movie was partly inspired by Ed Gein, a serial killer from WI. Rock on, cheeseheads!
from fussbudget :
the guestbook isn't working right now, but i just wanted to let you know that i hear ya on the having its own zipcode business. i just made an appt. with the dr. today....
from lbackard :
Hi, may I have a password to your diary? Thank you
from euphorically :
I have been reading your diary for years, and am wondering if I may have the password to continue?!
from brat2no :
Can I view your diary entries?
from bluechicken :
boy it's a small diaryland world, isn't it?
from bluechicken :
what gives w/ the password thing? i luuuve yr stuff!
from poplife :
i THINK i like canaries.....can i see this mutha? can i also have a password? like thanks! :)
from dharmabum :
dear sundaygirl ... you have been one of my favorites for a long time, though i don't think i've ever left a note, i would love to keep up with your adventures, if that's ok. all the best to you - and good luck!
from amethyst- :
i need your email address then!
from amethyst- :
can i please have the password to your diary? thanks.
from poplife :
lady -- that would be totally cool (if you would help me with my page)...right now it's pretty....plain. saw you on FRIENDSTER by the way!!
from vivakate :
i can't even begin to imagine what the smoking ban is like. i'm in boston and we don't start until may (i think). what the fuck are smokers supposed to do? quit? i think not...
from heartshaped :
love this. <3
from neuroticaa :
hello... i just added you to my d-land hall of fame... aka, my favorite diaries... because, well, you are just that cool. lol drop me a line some time =)
from ravingchina :
omg it looks like every one is troubling u to do the designing! erm... can u join me to that list too i just like ur design (i am male so no flowers). so if u can do it for me ill very much appriciate it :)
from gonzokid :
High there. WHats up? Um, Uhhh, you wrote something about making page designs, or having your way with people's pages? Can you design one for me? Please, thanks... Gonzokid
from dubito-quinn :
i have a problem. not only is the content of my new diary depressingly boring, so is the way it looks. Help me?
from peth :
(I meant Freak in the nicest and best way, by the way).
from peth :
you know, I was just noticing how often you update, and I started thinking about how you were one of the very first d-landers in the universe, and i started guessin' that you probably had a lot of entries under yer belt, and I was just thinking I should check your profile to see JUST HOW MANY, and lookie, lookie. Happy 1000th, you Freak.
from peth :

Oh, my Lemon!

from ontheikes :
hey, rob pollard taught fourth grade. i'm from dayton, and i know what school he taught at.
from addieplum :
oh, sunday girl, you're even cooler on a friday night with beer in hand and d-landers all around.
from sinevil :
You speak as a factual informative, The Onion is in fact the greatest news source in the world.
from dial-revenge :
oh my GOODNESS. let's be friends.
from pleasureable :
from goovie :
hey, i was just watching election last night for the first time in awhile, and totally digging the pissed-off tracy music. oh, and yay yo la tengo! i saw them at maxwell's in october when they were backing neil innes, and i liked them so much i ended up buying and then nothing turned itself inside-out.
from boyrepellant :
excellent taste in music! also, you are talented at expressing yourself as well as not taking yourself too seriously. check my diary, we should talk sometime.
from bookgrrrly :
Hahaha, I also enjoy the tribal sounding noises in election. You rock. :)
from illiac :
oh, and if i hit you with my lunchbox, that only means i like you.
from illiac :
i would trade lunches, but i am the kid with the brown apple slices.
from illiac :
i call you out. after school, by the bike rack. no friends.
from sundaygirl :
Reporting from Hell's Vestibule, a friendly Aloha! I am the Queen Dork.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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