Come into my world..


A girl asked a boy if she was pretty.

He said No

She asked him if he wanted to be with her for a moment.

He said No

She asked him does she mean something to him?

He said No

She then asked him if he would cry if she walked away.

He again said No.

She had heard too much.

She needed to leave.

As she walked away, he grabbed her arm and told her to stay, he said,

"You are not pretty, you are beautiful. I don't want to be with you for moment, I need to be with you forever. You do not mean something, you mean everything to me. I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."

My favorite diaries:

chubbychic profile - diary
comments: "let me recommend that you cross-reference your meats on the internet before you ask your butcher"
markthehulk profile - diary
comments: "it would appear that the "Good Time" fairies have fucked off on holidays at the moment"
paintedgray profile - diary
comments: "they think of me as a depressed, addicted teenager with more emotional problems than she knows what to do with"
pink-pearls profile - diary
comments: "i was an actual girl guide for maybe 2 years, in which time I got one whole badge. Which even the goofy slow kids got"
the-story-of profile - diary
comments: "they don't know that it's them that's hurting me, them that's killing me the fastest"
thecritic profile - diary
comments: "people always think they know what will make them happy but search for it in all the wrong places"
xf0r3verx profile - diary
comments: "he thinks i don't love him. i do"
lastinghope profile - diary
comments: "why does saying what I really feel never fail to make me feel like throwing up?"
wakko101 profile - diary
krazieespy profile - diary
schmuck profile - diary
comments: "being passive is what I'm good at, but it's slowly tearing my soul to pieces."
chakra-chick profile - diary
comments: �He had a genuine, throaty laugh- just like the sound a dog makes before it throws up.�
donut-one profile - diary
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babysmacks profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: I know a lot of people see her as skanky, but I admire her open femininity
No Doubt
comments: Gwen Stefani Rocks My World
Craig David
comments: This boy is awesomely pretty, and his voice is so beautiful

My favorite movies:

Crazy Beautiful
comments: There are millions of people in this world, but in the end, it all comes down to one
The Butterfly Effect
comments: Seen with two different endings - awesome
Scream Trilogy
comments: Classic horror. Well they were scary when I was 14, anyway
A Walk To Remember
comments: This movie makes me cry everytime

My favorite authors:

Virginia Andrews
comments: Flowers in the Attic series, Ruby Series, Dawn series
John Saul
comments: Suffer the Children
Dean Koontz
comments: False Memory, Dark Rivers of the Heart

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last updated: 2005-11-16 19:48:27
this user's total entries: 93
user since: 2004-10-28

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