Eve - Part Two

New name.....same sassy, nerdy, shallow, sarcastic, cute, frustrated, angry, happy, retarded, hussy, funny, goofy, playful 23 (um, make that 24) year old girl....just pinker.

My favorite diaries:

slumper profile - diary
comments: the gorgeous little cute spunky swearing Ashy
unclebob profile - diary
comments: is it wrong to have a crush on a strange older(?) man you've never met?...........oh yeah, hello Bruce Willis
weetabix profile - diary
comments: talks about her girls, is an amazing writer and is so damn colour co-ordinated. I want to be her
mindriot profile - diary
comments: she mentions me with reference to Star Wars...I love her.
anhnie profile - diary
comments: She is sweetness and light and all things lovely and delicious.
caraxus profile - diary
comments: john, he is back. And still the same. Wonderful, intelligent, beautiful. If he leaves again though there will be trouble. I might even cry.
tithonus profile - diary
comments: he is very smart, I have trouble reading his intelligent posts sometimes, don't tell him that though.
rishi profile - diary
comments: I'm in love with this girl, she's very cool, clever, sassy and damn funny
propeller profile - diary
comments: stella stella bo bella fella bella, shops more than I do, smart, funny and actually gets distinctions at uni...weird. Plus the actual real life Stella? Frickin' awesome.
hooterville profile - diary
comments: hee hee, hooter. So good it's been banned from my work. Seriously.
puppetgirl profile - diary
comments: if you're easily offended don't be clicking this link, but really why are you here if you are?
sabine-f profile - diary
comments: a.k.a : skank, loser, tard, my sister.
movieboy profile - diary
comments: completely fascinating, literally cannot stop reading him.
porktornado profile - diary
comments: hugely entertaining

My favorite music:

comments: all time most favourite-est bestest band ever, apparently so good they affect my grammar
comments: when you're stuck like glue..
comments: hello evan dando.
comments: my chilling out album
jeff buckley
comments: music with emotion and intensity, guaranteed to make me cry

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

michael ondaatje
comments: beautiful sensuous emotive writing
jane austen
comments: chick-lit, but mr darcy? phwoar.
cs lewis
comments: the lion the witch & the wardrobe, I still love the entire collection
jrr tolkien
comments: you can not beat the lord of the rings, ever
douglas coupland
comments: indeed

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last updated: 2006-01-26 04:19:20
this user's total entries: 253
user since: 2004-09-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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