messages to pink-pearls:
(click here to add new message):

from propeller :
Don't say things like that : I may just buy them. And that would be bad (but good but bad). Ps, you looked hot in FIJI!
from slumper :
Haha, i know i am such a classy bitch. Admittedly it is THE messiest I've ever been. And the boy is still around. I have a feeling this one might be a keeper. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Will keep you updated obviously
from slumper :
Hahahaha go Team Tards! Did I mention this boy is in the Navy? HOW HOT IS THAT! I haven't started swearing in front of him yet though, so I'm not sure how it's going to go hee.
from slumper :
Visa :) But marriage all the same! And of course you will be at the wedding, it'll be in Sydney in Feb or March, will probably just be more of a party, but I'll be in a white dress! I'm so excited! I've demanded a ring but who knows if he'll come through. Don't know if I'd have kids with him though since all he'll do is teach my babies how to properly pronounce 'cunt'.
from markslament :
You know me too well. I am still thinking of killing them and now that you know this you are technically an accessory if I do it... No, thats a joke (not the part about me still stewing over it). 2 hours until I have to go to the hospital... eep... thanks for the well wishes...
from tithonus :
In spite of my strong desire not to tarnish the impression of intelligence which I have apparently left you with, I am forced to admit that in spite of my best efforts I am completely unable to understand your question. :P Also, I wish to inform you that you are required to give me your blogspot address. Email me at [email protected], or face the TERRIBLE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!
from slumper :
Fuck you, at least you have the curls, I have this gay as half straight/half wavy bullshit, when I try to straighten it it goes all wavy and lame, when I try to curl it it drops and goes dead straight, I can't believe I thought it was emo it is so totally mod you are so fucking spot on! Evie even if you did have a frullet (bless) you'd be the prettiest :)
from slumper :
heee your name is in Beaver.
from slumper :
from slumper :
Oh Miss Bo Beve, we did have some super rad fun times leaving notes, didn't we!!!! I'm moving back to the city in three months, and this time i won't be a druggo so we can drink beers and be awesome!!!!
from anhnie :
i want to read you, even if its at blogspot! so gimme gimme!!!
from propeller :
So like I love seeing your name up in red on my buddy list. How bout that? And yeah, address...?
from mindriot :
address! address! I fucking missed you.
from propeller :
Thanks mate...
from propeller :
Oh dude, so incredibly painful, 9 hours? Vomit! My necklace was from a place in leichhardt forum, 15 bucks on sale! I love sale.I don't understand boys though-why are they the way they are eve? and do they like you or are they just being boys...?
from propeller :
NO! I know , ended up happening. But I wanted to. He was the guy who was with me when the murder occured. I'm seeing him tomorrow night too. I don't understand boys...but yeah, wish me luck muffin. How was your trip away???
from mindriot :
oi! Shut up. I'm still shorter than you. :)
from propeller :
Awww, thankyou, have you seen the new vogue? It's about girl crushes (but we were both soooo there before they even had a clue!)
from propeller :
fuck yeah
from tithonus :
I couldn't agree more. A dark, dark day for Sydney and all Australians. I just hope everyone in the media who's worked to stir up this racist frenzy felt proud when the thugs acting at their behest attacked an ambulance to get at the "lebs" inside. Disgusting.
from tithonus :
And here I was thinking women found confidence attractive in men... ;)
from tithonus :
Ahahaha, no, no dancing of any type for me. Well, I can waltz. But other than that, no. The line dancing made me think of the following series of things from Penny Arcade: But also, yeah, I dunno. To me line-dancing seems like one of those things that is so monstrously uncool as to be something someone would only do if they were really fiercely passionate about it, and to me, being fiercely passionate about anything, especially if it's something that's not socially... you know, high-status, is a sign that someone is... well, I don't know. Something. People who care about something are careable. Uh. Ahem.
from tithonus :
Would line-dancing really be a deal breaker? Also... uh, I take it you're too far from work to be able to cycle there?
from justamephit :
Heh, once entirely by accident I got click-happy on the 02 website and downloaded a monotonic version of Highway to Hell to my mobile. It was the worst thing I've ever heard.
from mindriot :
How's yer heart? :D
from justamephit :
*very amused by librarian story* Possibly I just have Oxford conditioning but, damn, librarians are powerful :)
from tithonus :
Hmm. I assume you don't have a computer with a DVD drive in it? Failing that, explaining in slow, patient voice to the DVD player that it can either be more helpful or it can spend some time in the washing machine...
from tithonus :
I also have a manky DVD player, and sometimes when it says it won't play an episode, I can get it to play by going into "chapter selection" and choosing the first chapter of the episode. That or screaming obscenities at it. :)
from mindriot :
19? hee. hee. I'm so bloody glad I dont have kids and I'm free to do things like....go off to work now.
from anhnie :
i've done it- not once, but TWICE! // you think i would of learnt hey? // i dont really sunbake anymore -- im scared of getting dark these days, especially ever since i came back from vietnam (2 years ago!) & still haven't really lost my tan from that holiday *ha ha // that & getting cancer & all that jazz // i sound like such a tool hey?
from anhnie :
go get some aloe vera banana boat after sun lotion -- its the bestest thing ever after a sun burn. your skin will feel so cool & the hurt subsides. i like lather it on whenever i get a sunburn!
from propeller :
Major motherfucking payne. I fucking love you for that. Ahhhh, gratuitous swearing, where would we be without it? Thanks man. And thank you for being you. Cause, well dammit, you motherfucking rule. (Ahhh! there it is again!)
from tithonus :
*wiping away bitter tears* Well, when I am rich enough to start buying off people's principles, I will be sure to keep you in mind... *sniffle*
from mindriot :
chakras are the seven basic energy centers in the body.
from tithonus :
So, a month of working on the perfect bj, huh? Let me just figure out how much all that other stuff would cost... *does rough calculations* *cries*
from justamephit :
Thank you so much for your notes, and the very kind message your left when my Granddad died and I belted off to the other end of the country shedding angst and woe as I went. This is a slightly embarrassing confession to make but I drifted out of the habit of reading you (I'm bad for that, and covered in shame, because I remember quite vividly how much I used to enjoy reading you) and I'm now stranded and passwordless - would you be kind enough to send it to me, again? Thank you and I'm still covered in shame.
from movieboy :
Thank you :) I don't think there will be any silences or anything; Sarah is way too loud for that. I'm thinking there will be tension or just something compltely unforeseen will happen and fuck everything up. And also it just won't happen anyway. But yeah, thanks :)
from caraxus :
Thanks darling !! You must come to what will be our undoubtedly rocking House-Warming of Total Love. You know it will be like a true Caraxus-style bash only bigger...more punch, more sluring, more fun than ever before!! xoxox
from propeller :
Not even a problem...Hey, you got caught by the big boss saying "the bigboss is here" - that's fricking hilarious. Shit like that happens to me all the time, you'd think I'd have have learnt...but it's nice to see it happening to someone else.
from mindriot :
aww. Tell you what, I'll bring over Colin Firth as Mr Darcy P&P adaptation soon and you can ogle on your future day off.
from mindriot :
Oh poor Eve. Enjoy your Survior fest, you totally earned it. You rock.
from mindriot :
I shower! The pearls I ordered are hot (and pink!). I'll have to take a picture for you.
from propeller :
from tithonus :
Hey, can't I be a perv and a music lover too? ;)
from propeller :
Muchos gracias. I forgot about those, so blendable
from tithonus :
Chanel Cole is awesome. Anyone who sneers at you for buying her album is ignorant about music, and betraying the fact that their sense of superiority is based not on better musical understanding or taste but rather on snobbery of the shallowest and most parochial kind. You can tell 'em I said so. ;)
from propeller :
Oh my god, it so does all three! Who would of thought that I, of all people, hated to go shopping? Well I do, and it's all thanks to witchery. As for trivial pursuit, i'm so there!
from propeller :
well, relatively speaking. I'll still be @ witchery. But I won't have a 'real' job. And goddamn, I desperately want a 'real' job, seeing as though full time witchery is bad for the soul. And I mean really, really really motherfucking bad.
from arthurgeorge :
no worrys love, iv been brasick anyway so probly good job we never meet up, but it would have been nice to see u again even if we only did meet the once. but hope u had a good time when u where hear. and i hope to come back to sydney soon but its all money money init, mind how u go and laters
from propeller :
Awww. You're so not a bad friend, actually you're much better than some other people I consider friends and so far we've only met once! That's why I love yer
from anhnie :
met any cute french boys yet?
from markthehulk :
Sacrae Coeur is the building of which you speak. It's divine. I ranted and raved about French keyboards when I was there. You clearly don't read my diary. Ha!
from caraxus :
Sure babe Username:Caraxus pass: useme
from propeller :
A hot funeral director? You totally made my day.
from arthurgeorge :
alright sweethart its arthur ash's mate i read in her notes that u r coming to london, we will have to catch up and have a night out and proper tear the arse out of it.
from propeller :
Hot diggity yeah!!! I love things that happen by proxy. it's the only way to get things done! Hope france is fun. visit sephora will you? Because that's retail heaven...ohhhhh sephora.
from markthehulk :
London Pride is good in certain pubs... The Spirit group pubs on the Thames have good Pride. I like Bombardier and Courage. IPA is also a decent ale. Like I said... acquired taste dude.
from tithonus :
:) Enjoy yourself... just watch out for the food. ;)
from mindriot :
You better not come back home unless you have an awesome fucking time there. I'm so jealous. xxx.
from markthehulk :
oh sod off... like I can afford to fly over there at the moment. Actually... I get paid today. I will have enough. No... I will stick with the sod off! I am glad you are liking London. I would have called you a fuckwit if you didn't like it. Have a kickass time and embrace the warm beer. Try the traditional ales at the pub. Tastes like warm dish water at first, but you grow to love (and miss) the stuff.
from propeller :
I hope you're having fun. Don't know if you'll actually even reading your notes but if you do - Have fun. And maybe they do drink their beer warm over there - they need to cause it's so cold and miserable. (any excuse to bag 'em!). Enjoy looking through topshop for me!
from anhnie :
ooooooo hope you have a safe flight miss eve! // remember you owe me lots of pictures [:
from caraxus :
Thanks babe - enjoy your trip and do lots of exciting and scary things!! Love you lots xoxo
from propeller :
You fucking rule.
from markthehulk :
How convenient that it comes up the day after I post about it. Hahaha. Hit the showers.
from markthehulk :
I have figured it out... Drinking on School nights... ya copy catting mo fo
from anhnie :
you've tapped into my weakness // i'll hold you to that ♥
from anhnie :
thank you miss eve // once again you are simply sweet // his getting better, nothing near death, but its still hard to see people you love in pain regardless // please pack me with you when you go to england // that would be the greatest!
from slumper :
I know, right? And like, I met this guy who has NEVER tried a ciggarette and NEVER tried alcohol. And it's not so much that I automatically think "You fucking douche bag", i just think "What on earth have you done all your life? Seriously? Who brought you up? Psycho nuns who still wear there habits?". Dude I'm so bummed that you're going to England next week. a) cause I wanna go, and b) Arthur is in Greece at the moment so he can't even take you out to get lagging! How homo man. But eeeeee!!!!!! LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from liadlaith :
from mindriot :
I want that too. I hope you get it real soon. <3
from liadlaith :
Dammit! I hate Australia! First Vesna and now Tim! How could they? YOU'RE ALL EEJITS! (Not you, lovely, everyone who votes for Greg. EEJITS)
from liadlaith :
People voted out Vesna cause they know Lefty Tim's got a better chance of winning if he's up against Greg.
from propeller :
Shit, I don't have much more to say than "I agree" - with everything. Because I do. Agree. Er...yeah. We should definitely catch up soon.
from liadlaith : - there, that's what I've been up to : )
from liadlaith :
Hey, congrats on the boy sitch! Jealousy abounds ; ) Contrary to popular belief, I do still read my Diaryland friends religiously, but I am shit at commenting : )
from tithonus :
Bah, you're all talk. You say you'll swear, but all I see is "crap". Is that the best you can do, you big girl? ;)
from caraxus :
from caraxus :
Hey babe, feel free to bring Rachel and your sis if she wants too...or any other people. Would be good to see them all...xoxoxo
from propeller :
I'm so glad that you've read it - i've been waiting to express my depression with someone. And how much do you want snape to just die. Painfully, preferably. Fucker.
from littledjblue :
alright, i changed it just.for.YOU. :) i knew that, i just have brain farts quite consistantly.
from propeller :
Ohhh, party. This might actually mean a conversation thats not a) typed b)full of stella's worry that she might appear like a psycho weirdo interneto person. O.
from slumper :
He is I think his other site is one of your favourites, wallofmyroom??? He is lovely, but lazy and emo :)
from propeller :
Congratulations! At least you're being appreciated (i figure that's a good thing) Country boys are cute. They're all labourer-like without the attitude. Wear a boob-y (cleavage! Lots of it) top. One for the team!
from propeller :
That was the cutest story! I just wanna give you a noogie now...As for the date, have you chosen what you're going to wear already?
from anhnie :
i was at bicentenial park today for a friends bbq & next to us was this huge group of people & i swear this girl there reminded me of you! // lucky i didn't ask her if she was you :p
from propeller :
I love it when that happens! They think you're joking (but you're not) and convincing them that you're not confuses them even more. God, we rule, Eve, RULE i tells yer. Innapropriate girly crushes are great (they're the only ones that are ever reciprocated wholeheartedly - because I do like you, eve...heehee). Viva Forever!
from caraxus :
Hugs hugs hugs honey...xxoox
from tithonus :
Hey, you shouldn't delete it; the meltdowns are all part of who you are, too. Anyway, you write it so well you remind me of a time not that long ago when I felt like I was such a fucking loser because one person said one nasty thing about me and I spent months feeling shitty about it and I kept thinking, how can I be so weak, that this crap would get to me? Anyway, two things... there's this line in a song by Leonard Cohen that goes, "Forget your perfect offering/ there is a crack in everything/ that's how the light gets in". I think about that when I'm low, which is more often than I'd like. The other is, well, just, you know, lots of love and hugs and good-thoughts-vibes going your way, and if there's anything I can do for ya, let me know.
from anhnie :
you know, even the most confident people have their downtimes // all things happen for a reason, &what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger // i dont know what happen nor do i pretend to know but i hope you feel better soon miss eve! // lots of love ♥
from propeller :
All 11 of mine don't actually reside in this hemisphere - but I like to think I could rustle some substitutes up if I had to. I hope lunch was all good and have fun away...
from caraxus :
Hey love... I might be at the airport too...about 9:30am... Maybe I'll give you a call. Oh and you're officially invited for dinner next week...when's good for you? Email me bubs...
from propeller :
Yeah, well, if I knew who he was he'd get wayyyy more than a verbal lashing - cause he's an arsehole. And I'm Greek (I got cousins, bro)
from mindriot :
You're not having the best of luck lately are you, hon? *hugs and much love* I probably should go do some more work, huh?
from propeller :
Don't let him make you think any less of yourself because it's not your fault that you're willing to see the best in someone and view a situation as an optimistic one. If he makes you get mad at yourself then he's the one with the problem. FUCK HIM. because you're a gorgeous girl - believe it. And fuck him for not seeing it, especially when everyone else does.
from tithonus :
:( Sounds like this particular manipulator was just after confirmation of his power over you... no wonder you're angry. Men are pigs, and nice men are pigs with manners. Well, with a few exceptions, I guess. But, speaking as a nice, quiet, shy, nerdy sort of guy, I can tell you, you gotta watch us just as close as the out-there "jerks".
from propeller :
That redrum episode was hilarious. I'm so over the movie @ this point in time - should you ever need any sound analysis of it gimme a holler.I'm glad you agree with me on the spectacles issue (I tell people & generally they tell me not to be stupid...) - well screw 'em i say! If I had to cultivate an air of intelligence by wearing glasses the let me do so (because i certainly can't cultivate that air whilst actually speaking). On another note I hope your feeling of not-wellness has subsided. I'm with you, cannot handle being sick. Hate it.
from markthehulk :
Like I said... Shit happens man!
from markthehulk :
Try tea tree oil dude.
from slumper :
or she'll be the girl who's in the cab with the gross driver who keeps putting his hand on her thigh and she is too drunk to stop it or know how to stop it! ew ew ew. stupid drunk 18 year olds. We need: How to survive being super drunk! lessons in high school
from markthehulk :
I am really, really, really good. Seriously. Good to hear you are a corporate sellout... Good times.
from markthehulk :
Oh good lord woman... I will give it a go! Would you like that I delete that last note (in case someone clever puts two and two together). And how are you by the way? Good I hope.
from markthehulk :
I have tried the name and password thing and still it does not let me read... This makes me frown. Anyhoo... Ummmm... Hi!
from mindriot :
do eeeet. We need to meet up again quick smart. And I so not opposed go meeting other d-landers, I havent met ( HI JOHN!)
from slumper :
oi man!!!! let us read your fuckin diary. love love
from propeller :
You're on. So on.
from propeller :
I said this to your lovely sister, but shit I love you two. I wanna give you both noogies, thank you eve - but i fear the non regularity of updating might hurt. But I will survive. Even though... okay, so not going there!
from anhnie :
of course miss eve! // name: paper // pw:wings // though most times i am here now: // coz dland is sucky sometimes & doesn't let me update!
from sweet18-2004 :
Never mind. You beat me to it. Ta love
from sweet18-2004 :
Hullo Eve. I would love a password to your diary - remembering that I gave you mine... Email me at [email protected] if you aren't keen to leave it in my notes..
from caraxus :
Miss-Eve love...of course we must catch up. The B and I be in Newtown aye. Thanks for the praise darling - miss you and can't wait to catch up. Is Adam doing well? Haven't talked to him since the move... Caraxus
from liquidhuman :
Heyo, I would like to continue reading, if you don't mind. :) You can note me or email me at [email protected]
from markthehulk :
Yes yes... I too would like a password (you secretive thing you). I marvel at your ability to break computery type things, particularly as you work in IT. Heck, I am even kinda jealous of your destructiveness. :P Email me through the password if you wish, otherwise I will just pester you. Yeah. Sike.
from littledjblue :
so you don't know me, but i've been reading your diary for a while and am interested in continuing the read, if that is ok with you. password, please?
from anhnie :
i want in // i want in!
from propeller :
Eve, you know what I want...)
from liadlaith :
Password me up!
from caraxus :
Eeek - password me now!!
from mindriot :
I would like to be passworded. (And one day when you're not horribly busy, lets have a coffee and catch up.)
from propeller :
Ewwww, viruses from diaryland. That's a bad thing. Does the it guy know the site then? Would that be bad?
from propeller :
Ive reread it but it doesn't sound too bad as a reread. It was worse than that eve, i've had the biggest crush on him for a year and a half and he was watching it. I didn't know he'd seen that part of the tape until he said "you go do a great crazy beautiful(the name of the hanson song)" with this really hot smirk/laugh on his face. I want to die. And hey, what's this pass word stuff, you can't deprive me of my daily eve dose! Please...?
from sweet18-2004 :
You mentioned me in your diary.. You are the most gorgeous girl on all of diaryland!
from mindriot :
I havent had sex since January! God lord that's pathetic.
from propeller :
OOOOh, I'm so in for that!
from caraxus :
Hey bubs, Just wanted to say glad the move went well, hope all is cool in Eve me and come hang out or I'll come visit the new Eve-pad of love. Take care. xoxox
from propeller :
I do have a slight crush on Tom. I can't believe you like Penelope (I love penelope, but until now I'm the only woman I've met who does...) You rule, miss eve. Kidman? Not a total fan, but she's interesting to watch. I'm with you on the Joey thing. Creepy. Like SO creepy. I love your canisters. How dirty does that sound? I love Ikea. We should do a trip sometime - of all the random places. Can you believe I haven't gone?
from propeller :
I dunno, I don't think Tom's a whore- he's just got abominably bad taste in women, yeah (except for penelope who I desperately wanted to hate but really couldn't : saw an oprah episode with her and she was too cute and helped mother theresa in calcutta) But jesus christ Katie Holmes, that's the most ridiculously bad pairing that I've ever seen in my life. Worse than Demi and Ashton, Ben and J.Lo. Seriously, what the hell...? He's just not met me that's all...Harhar!
from sabine-f :
finally have a saturday off work.. need a chaperone to ikea? may even get nate to drive us!
from scottie1402 :
Argh, I'm so bad. Happy birthday my dear, I know I've been all slack and non-visity lately. But this small note makes up for ALL of it, right? RIGHT?
from mindriot :
Nope, no sex. I am so sad.
from propeller :
Heppy berthday, to you, heppy berthday to you! Heppy berthday dear eeeeeve! Heppy Berthday to you (my written rendition of an old greek grandma singing you happy birthday.) So, er...happy berthday.
from candypop23 :
Happy Birthday!!
from mindriot :
It's my birthday today! :) Also I want, nay i demand a business card.
from anhnie :
happy birthday for tomorrow! // just in case i can't near a comp coz im visiting my friend who's girlfriend just had a baby! A BABY! // at like 22 // their life is over *he he he // hope you have an awesome day misseve [:
from propeller :
1) tax returns rule. 2) way to go on just settling down. That's a beautiful feeling, it is. 3) Screw boys. Take that whichever way you wish, heehee.
from mindriot :
"plus he's a politician, maybe he was just campaigning :)" hahahah. "polling the electorate."
from tithonus :
No, no, I'm just... well... isn't porn mainly a thing that boys like? What with it being exploitative and degrading of women and stuff? Not that I'm saying it's those things, just that those things are the things that women often talk about if men mention that they watch porn which is why men mostly don't... uh, if you see what I mean. Um.
from propeller :
1. I have no idea either. That's the best bit. 2. I will fight you to the death, heehee. 3. Hey, at least he likes you back. That's a step in the right direction. Trust me on this one. Grrr. And at least there's a possibility of him being The Boy. Go for it, please. Let me live vicariously through you - where there is a high probability of action and romance. Please...? Cause it aint happening on my side of the world.
from propeller :
Two pairs! (But on sale. I'm materialistic wanker yes, but I'm not so stupid as to spend 600 dollars on hideously cute pink suede flats. Three hundred will do. I'm the worlds biggest idiot/loser. And I wonder why I'm poor). There's a new boy? I love new boys!!! And yep, wholeheartedly in agreement about the crying thing. I'm a girl. If I cry I will get my way. And dammit, I intend on using it to my full advantage.
from tithonus :
You watch porn?
from mindriot :
If you ever wanna do stuff I'm totally up for it. We have to do something in the rockingest month of the year that contains both our birthdays. xxxx
from mindriot :
the boy interest? Word. A THOUSAND TIMES.
from stuberosum :
Writing you notes feels wrong - being rorted by Telstra wrong. These noteleaving people are very nice though and seem ... wise. There I said it, I blame my honesty on my discomfort with the whole leaving Eve a note thing. Ask anyone I'm a guestbook type of guy, I mean notes are great and all but ... Oh sweet guestbook why must you be blank :`( Hope you are going good. I think that may have been the point of this note and I almost forgot it.
from propeller :
Consider yourself invited. Now i gotta go through with it!
from sweet18-2004 :
P.S - I LOVE you. You are easily the cutest thing on diaryland. Thanks for the notes.
from propeller :
Just cry as much as you need to cry. Because crying is always good and as long as you can do it and just get it all out it's a good thing. There's no point in repressing it, yeah? It feels like shit now, but just make sure that somewhere in the back of your head you know that you'll get adjusted to it and it'll smooth out somewhere along the line - just don't force yourself into adjusting to something if your not ready. I dunno, it's always worked for me. I hope you feel much better (but not if you're not ready :)
from anhnie :
misseve, i hope you feel better soon. even the strongest of people need a little break sometimes. crying does you wonders. what doesn't break you, only makes you stronger. &i know you will get through all this and emerge on the other side, a better misseve then ever before! because you have it in you. &we will have the sassy as ever cute you back [:. until then, smile because tweety believes in you!
from liadlaith :
*hug* Fall apart for a bit. Through destruction, creation (or something like that). Hope you feel better soon : )
from tithonus :
I wish I could give you a hug right now. Much love to you, angel.
from mindriot :
much good thoughts + love your way Eve.
from mindriot :
I'm drinking and making out with random boys! (well okay one.)Its progress. Actually he's Tan's friend so not so random but y'know.
from mindriot :
I want to go to a strip club.
from sabine-f :
re. the Armish pic- you post, you die. kapish?
from tithonus :
Hey. *hugs* and, um, stuff.
from propeller :
hey eve, there's probably nothing I can say that'll make going through this any easier for you but just so you know I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this - cause you're right, it isn't fair. Which just makes it all harder to deal thoughts are with you.
from anhnie :
my condolensces // adrian's best childhood friend died on friday morning at 2am // he was just 22 years old // but his been fighting for his life everyday he lived, coz he had cystic fibrosis // even though he outlived what they thought [ doctors told his parents he wouldn't live past 6], it was still heartbreaking when we found out // his funeral is tomorrow -- i'll be keeping your grandpa in my prayers when i think about josh too ♥
from markthehulk :
Nope... still feeling utterly dodgey.
from anhnie :
haha stoppp // im actually salivalating ((i know i spelt that wrong) // im such a pig // trying to lose weight & eat healthier myself // its not so bad... just hard when my skinny pricks cousins come over bearing bad food that they stuff themselves with! terribles!!!
from mindriot :
not exactly broken up- had a talk, waiting for his reaction so I guess hiatus is a good description until we've actually talked some more and sorted it all out. Its a a bit of a mess really.
from mindriot :
May just have broken up with the boy myself. She has my sympathies.
from anhnie :
oh no... my sister's office used to be in rozelle, but now we just work from home, which is out like out in the boonies in the southwest // but i thought if you worked in the cbd, &you love chinese so much, i could recommend this place that has the BEST satay chicken or lasksa for like cheap !! // its on castlereagh st, like near chanel // its called MALAY CHINESE ((how inventive?)) &its underground so you walk down stairs // it looks dodgy but boy,, during lunch time does it get packed out by business people!! // best lunch ever i tell you // man im drooling about the thought of the satay chicken now as im typing it // so hungryyyy!!!
from mindriot :
awww poor Faith.
from anhnie :
hey miss eve, where do you work in the city?
from propeller :
Skim Caramel Lattes? Get out! We should get illegally married, and have illegal skim-caramel-latte drinking, reality-tv-show obsessesed, suede & the smiths loving children! Hardcore... God these children would rule...
from markthehulk :
Normally by swearing at someone... I feeleth like crap actually. But you get that on these bog jobs.
from markthehulk :
It happens... See my latest entry for an update on my exciting day!
from markthehulk :
That last note of mine was a joke... perhaps I should have put a [joking] [/joking] around it to make it clearer... thanks for the sass though, you know how much I love it.
from mindriot :
Dude who knew Spike got killed and didn't tell me? Um. Guilty.
from propeller :
Suede AND the Smiths? It's like I've found my musical soulmate...weird...Oh and uh...redrum?
from propeller :
So agree with you on the Biggest Loser front- why is mo still in? he should have been gone the first episode in, no? And i'm glad to hear your grandad is back in familiar surroundings, I think small things like that are comforting to them, just to be somewhere that they know so well. I know when my grandad was sick he definitely appreciated it, hope he gets proliferately better very very soon for you...
from markthehulk :
No need to justify your craziness to me. But yeah. Good times!
from markthehulk :
You and your shoes. You are crazy. You AND your shoes. Crazy. My shoes are comfortable and have great traction. Just so you know!
from anhnie :
even the strong get weak sometimes // it shows that in the end, no matter how amazing we are, we're still only human // death && illness was never an easy thing to deal with &&i don't even know how i would cope // i'll keep you &your grandpa in my prayers ♥
from mindriot :
god I'm sorry eve.
from mindriot :
we missed yoooou. Lets have a drink sometime.
from poppyred :
...Vaseline! When you're black and blue...
from tithonus :
Nice to have you back. :)
from markthehulk :
hahaha... True... I do love a great rack. But a brain is more important. It was a close call!
from anhnie :
hurry & come back misseve // i miss your daily updates! // hope you are well ♥
from tithonus :
Uh, yeah, my extreme sport skillzorz are perhaps not as aw3som3 as necessary in order to be a jock... I do cycle everywhere though, surely that counts for something?
from tithonus :
Also, what's this nonsense about "real" haikus? If someone wants to write a "real" haiku I guess they should learn japanese, but really, who cares?
from tithonus :
Except it should be <BR> and not <B>... my mighty html skillz are not so awesome after all... if I fail as a geek that makes me a jock instead, right?
from mindriot :
your sunday sounds awesome. Mine will be spent with family. BAH. I'm exhausted (working practically full time) but I shall email you later this week.
from tithonus :
It's complimentary. BUT NOT AS COMPLIMENTARY AS THIS!!!!!: <B>You rock, Eve <B>Like, I totally <B>Mean that, yeah.
from tithonus :
Thanks ever so much, happy new year to you too... looking forward to another year of reading your diary... love the eve love, yo... ;)
from tithonus :
Well, at least it's not 10am anymore. ;)
from markthehulk :
Hahaha... Girl/Girl or make out with KC. My sides hurt... for serious!
from mindriot :
Merry Christmas hussy.
from anhnie :
well i guess they do but for the wrong reasons // they believe things that i couldn't be bothered clarifying to them because i believe if they were really my true friends, it shouldn't bother them, &if it did, they should have the decency of asking me about it, rather than making their own (wrong)conclusions // also, the group kinda split in two &im slightly stuck in the middle &can't deal with it anymore because i think that's so highschool, which we've been out of 4 years now &everyone should grow up sometimes instead of bitching about eachother behind backs &acting like nothing is happening when we're all together // im just over all that act &just want a friendship that gives as much as it takes // i hate being nice all the time!!
from onlyjustjo :
I loved Handbags and Gladrags. The trashier the better.
from anhnie :
oh this would probably be the 2nd new years out of my whole life that i actually do have a boyfriend to share it with -- but i was actually talking about my girl friends // we've spent every new years together over the last 6 years together due to it being a reason to get drunk & silly &also it being my birthday helps too // but we've kinda drifted apart this last year due to circumstances one too many &&i know this new years would be our first one we don't all share it together **sighs // i hate that i care so much about it when it probably doesn't even bother them!!
from tithonus :
wootie, flying is great, you'll love it. :)
from markthehulk :
Dude... Twisted Sister was indeed my first concert. My second was INXS I believe! I was in pre-school or some shit. Thanks for being the first to answer my survey. It was a pleasure having you!
from mindriot :
Sounds like a rockin' new years eve. I have no plans. Or friends. As for Mr Sedaris' status, I have no idea, it hasnt been discussed but perhaps it shall be brought up when I see him next.
from tithonus :
*awards medal*
from mindriot :
I think I'm already firmly set on the road of Bitterness, Cynicism and Living in a Trailer with no Front Teeth Wearing Muumuu's with no Company except Cats". I have no friends left because most of my friends are like that. Really the only person I can stand seeing on a regular basis is Mr Sedaris, which is sad.
from mindriot :
Thinking about it. My parwnts keep threatening to kick me to out because I want to see the boy.
from mindriot :
The references they ask to provide when you rent a property, are they just personal references?
from mindriot :
Bwahahaha. That's an awesome suggestion, you are fantabulous.
from mindriot :
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris.
from mindriot :
He has a brother, one I havent met yet admittedly but still: he has brother.
from mindriot : There you are, dear. Second one down.
from mindriot :
Am utterly jealous of your weekend. i spent the weekend working and not seeing Mr Sedaris. Excitement++
from markthehulk :
Didn't even recognise the number... I had to punch it into my phone to check. It was a random friend who I went to school with. I remember thinking "fuck this is gonna hurt" at the time. I couldn't get the fucker off the phone.
from markthehulk :
I won't ask why you have a golfing outfit ready to go... ummm... ok... I am going now!
from markthehulk :
Let me know when the next company golf day is on. I will lend you mu clubs and you can just rock up. Yeah!
from markthehulk :
I am a fan of your new comment for me. A big fan. I particularly like the "very smart" bit. Yes indeed. Tee hee hee!
from markthehulk :
Dude... The singing must be done! I wish I could just sleep at work for a bit. That would fucking rock!
from markthehulk :
Dude... I feel super sick. I want to go home, close my curtains, curl up in my bed and sleep for 379098 million years... I assure you the bike trick was pretty special. I met up with Lexo after his shift in the pub (it was his bike). Fortunately he had just gotten off the handlebars moments before my crash.
from mindriot :
I am short, have short black hair, glasses. Uh, I dont know what to say here. I'll take some really abd camera phone photos sometime soon for you. and 2) it should be "At Ease" for the line in fitter, happier by radiohead, it stems back from when I had my diary hosted elsewhere and it was called at ease. Mind Riot is from a Soundgarden song so you can totally pick my musical tastes from the title of my diary.
from anhnie :
oooo im a lot more fiesty than i look! // despite my nauseous writing ((even if i want to write about something the moment i start typing that gushing comes out)) i have a very sharp tongue &im not afraid to use it, specially on strangers // so you see im not so sweet *heh heh heh // chuck a sickie miss eve -- you deserve it!!
from tithonus :
Sorry, I'll try not to let it happen again. ;)
from mindriot :
yeah I think that enough as it is, the message just really gets driven home on nights like those.
from mindriot :
Hee. You too would be my first choice. Alas science has not yet caught on to this phenomenon so you're safe. all joking aside: yay radiohead!
from mindriot :
you're listening to Radiohead? Oh man. I wish we couldhave children.* *that wasnt meant to be creepy. Just we'd have awesome kids. Think about it!
from anhnie :
ive been to the orient like once before // there were lotsa aussie guys oogling me in that disgusting kinda way that wanted me to slap them &tell them that im not some pushover meek asian call girl *heh heh // if only there were at least decent looking! // the kinda place that you NEED to be drunk to have fun eh!
from anhnie :
miss eve, one could never possibly deem you as ordinary ever ♥
from mindriot :
yep, totally been there. Still kinda am there actually. Its a weird weird place to be.
from mindriot :
I know what you mean, you like sitting there going hang on so how do I fit into it now you have all these fabulous plans and things.
from anhnie :
1. your bag is hot // 2. thank you for the well wishes in the exams -- i can't believe they're finally over!! well until next year anyways // 3. my posts about my boyface are corny &gagworthy but it seems everytime i want to write about something he just has to pop up in it &ruin it *hehehe no his a lovely boy &he makes me believe that there is good boys still out there...
from sabine-f :
Dunno about the bikini skank. Maybe get the tan first? We can go shopping and ill give you my honest opinion.. You know I will. P.s. Dad kinda is an old man now
from propeller :
You like Suede? That frickin' rocks! I know very few people that do. You're even cooler now, Eve...
from anhnie :
ive watched all sex & city already because my sister brought the whole thing over in thailand // &i was a tiny bit disappointed buuuuuut it was all good because sex & the city is my favouritest show ever &it at least left it on a good note rather than dragging on &waiting for us to hate it &wish they wouldn't still be going in their 10000th season ((but oh i miss it so much already!!)) so how have you been miss eve besides hating workies?
from mindriot :
you're on as soon as this final exam on monday is done. ;)
from mindriot :
I meant to say oddly enough the beach makes feel better about myself but I didnt 'cause I'm quite clearly a genius at typing. My confidence is fine now. I'm back to tellinng everyone how amazing and awesome I am. ;) You however truly are amazing, you always say something nice and helpful. Remind to buy you copious amounts of chocolate for that.
from mindriot :
oddly enough the beach makes me feel about myself. I say wear what you like, in front of whoever you like as long as you're comfortable. PS I have exactly one week until I am free! PPS. The boy: "you dont have enough sex to justify getting a contraceptive implant." We'll see about that. Hmph.
from tithonus :
I've been called old~fashioned before but I think this is the first time anyone's called me "renaissance"! ;) Uh, we always will have Paris, my love, because you'll always be able to say to me, "Remember that time you went to Paris and didn't take me, you selfish prick?" and I'll like, look guilty and stuff. Isn't that worth so much more than soppy romantic stuff?
from tithonus :
Not to mention "lusty young wenches ready to..." actually, maybe it's better if I don't go there. Speaking of not going to places, I already went to Paris and came back. Tomorrow I'm going to Budapest, though, so if you hop over to London by then I might be able to sneak you into my luggage... ;)
from tithonus :
I predict that now that you have an entry with the words "naked pictures" in it your stats will soar. ;)
from sabine-f :
so, double the people reading youre thing huh? could have been the link to my fab picture that done it.. soo self absorbed Love It.
from mindriot :
thats is indeed cool. Lets go shopping one day. Actually that reminds me. I am long overdue for a trip to glebe markets.
from mindriot :
its much deserved. I got your messages and calls from the boy at the same time so I have an excess of love.
from mindriot :
random love!
from markthehulk :
grrr... Why ruin a perfectly good note by putting "there there" in it?
from slumper :
man, i'm swooning hard. I would've jumped him, if the opportunity arose and he wasn't starting work at 8am. But you know, i'm not getting my hopes up too high. He's an extremely boyish boy, you know, so who knows whats happening. We all had dinner the next night and it was slightly uncomfortable, but surprisingly alright. But anyway, the kiss was worth it, believe you me!
from anhnie :
i dont even get drunk anymore &i dont even have friends to drunken text message // so you've got to do both with more vigor for me as well (;
from mindriot :
Hee. All I'm doing this weekend is studying, incoherent messages are more than welcome.
from slumper :
oh my gracious, beautiful, wonderous Miss Eve. I have been a cunt-o-rama friend of late, i can't believe it. For the record, I'm eating very well, sleeping excellently, and yes, watching too much tv. But you know, I'm on top of the world. Very much in debt due to my boycotting that nasty thing called 'working', but kind of freakishly happy. Money would be nice, but i'm just about the happiest i've been since leaving school, so that's something, right? And for the record, i'm not on the dole, just living off my mum, friends, and catalogue delivering. Aren't i fabulous? Oh well, next year i'm going to tafe and am actually gunna start doing something with my life. i can't fucking wait to be a student again, and hopefully after doing this kinda-hsc-thing, I'll get into a Bachelor of Arts (Languages) at Sydney uni, which is awesome. it's a four year degree in which you have to spend either a semester or a whole year studying at a uni in the the country you're majoring in (France), wicked hey? But, it's a tough course to get into so fingers crossed. Also, on the boy front, they're a bunch of cunts. anyway miss, email me please, so we can discuss boys and the finer things of life more indepth please, [email protected] xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo
from propeller :
No matter how adult you wanna be it's okay to have those "it's not fair days" . That's what I tell myself anyway (AND it's a great justification for the block of chocolate you may chose to eat when you're feeling lonely and sad - one of the very few comforts when you're in that mood...)
from mindriot :
awww. I'm sorry you had to work 12 hours Saturday and KC was being a bastard. If I think hard enough do you think I can send this brownie I stole from work over to you? I'll try anyway. Cheer up miss eve.
from anhnie :
ah miss eve! // its good to put such a cute face to the sassy writing // &hooray for cleavage -- the only thing im happy about my putting on 15 kilos after highschool!
from mindriot :
I'm going to leave it and hope she comes around. Thank you for the advice though. <3
from mindriot :
I asked but all I got was "I cant respect anyone who is scared of girls!" To which I replied "He's not sacred of girls, he's just wary of you." She laughed and that was the closest I got to an answer so I really have no clue.
from mindriot :
I second the "so cute!" motion.
from scottie1402 :
OMG! You're so cute! A little stretched, perhaps, but I'll attribute that to the photo rather than your face. Now I REALLY want you to be my not-really girlfriend!
from mindriot :
Teach me, oh jedi master. :)
from mindriot :
Heh. Well when I grow up I hope I'm as cool as you. Even if it takes bleach fumes to amke that way :) Also: yay Buffy chatrooms! Now I just relive my old Buffy nostalgia via the DVD box sets my sister owns.
from mindriot :
Hee that's okay, I know I'm still just a youngin'. And for your information I am retarded. Completely and utterly,I mean who sprays noxious chemicals to clean stuff, then leans over it and breathes it back in, repeatedly who isnt me.
from mindriot :
I'm eighteen and I'm doing a Diploma of Aplied Science at UWS Richmond. hahaha. I feel really little now that I've said 18. I posted this to my notes. i am an idiot.
from mindriot :
Those bastards. Oh well ten million notes for you then. I'm at uni, killing time. I dont have a class 'til one and I dont know if I'll even go to that. Me=slacker+++
from mindriot :
Do you by any chance have MSN on your computer at work? I'm bored.
from mindriot :
Oh yeah. I've wanted to do that ever since I read it. I dont know what I'd inflict on a girl, I love Scout but I wouldnt be cruel enough to name my girl Jean Louise. Second favourite book's female character perhaps?
from mindriot :
I'm naming my son Atticus if I ever have one. Except no one reads anymore and the sheer brillance of this move will be lost on everyone but a select few.
from anhnie :
it is already chilled &it does contain ice // &&once you have one miss-eve you would be addicted for life // i swear // you know how in chinatown they have them bubbletea places? the ones you see little asian girls drinking with weird looking black balls at the bottom?? // well u get them there but anyways, im a loyal customer at the one near my place ((no one does it quite like they do, i've tried them everywhere)) but anyways, they specialised in chilled tea drinks -- &theres milk flavoured ones ((coffee is nice)) or just flavioured tea ((green is best!!)) &&then to make it even more complicated you can get sagos ((also called pearls, kinda like a jelly consistency)) in them // but if you order just a plain peach green tea it should be ok!
from markthehulk :
Please tell me you knew the cold sores thing before today!
from markthehulk :
for serious? you think that I am funny. good lord woman!
from markthehulk :
No really... I do not like them... You know this!
from markthehulk :
Yeah... thanks dude!
from markthehulk :
NONE.... I think!
from mindriot :
I <3 shopping. I bought this awesome red shirt dress the other day and i love it to pieces.
from justamephit :
I've concluded that taking time off work (either through illness or holiday) is just an elaborate and complex way for the company to screw you. I mean, let's say you take a couple of days off at the end of week, you have to work like a maniac Mon-through-Wed to ensure everything doesn't crash and burn on those days when you're not in, and then, when you come back, there's a huge pile of stuff (as you say, completely disproportional for the lousy two days you took off) awaiting your return, so you spend the next week working like a bastard to clear it as well. Humph. Not that I'm cynical or anything.
from anhnie :
you should so take pictures of your shopping finds &post them so i can be jealous because i haven't brought anything in like YONKERS &can't really coz im suppose to save up for gym membership coz im a little porker now &thats bad coz its summer &in summer you're suppose to show some skin coz its too hot to cover up your rolls ((sighs)) lookee at me complaining when there are people who are far worse off than me! // so hopefully everything is okay with you miss eve ♥
from tithonus :
Ooh, filing, doesn't everyone just love filing? Also, have you heard Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"?
from mindriot :
I love Jeff Buckley. There was also other things I was going to say but i have a headache and forget.
from markthehulk :
Miss Eve... I am fully aware that I am already manly and clever without 22.5 beers... Please refrain from calling me a tool as it hurts my feelings**. **Utter Lie.
from markthehulk :
You call getting drunk on two and a half beers "going out for drinks"... Puhlease! Anyhoo I'm going drinking tomorrow night, so I will see your piddly 2 1/2 drinks and raise you like 20 of them!
from onlyjustjo :
Eeeeek! I found you! I found you! :D
from markthehulk :
No I did NOT drown (unfortunately).
from slumper :
found you bisnitchin xo
from anhnie :
&matching with everything ROCKS!
from anhnie :
lansdowne is cool isn't it // yay for cheap food that makes us fatter // not all chinese food has to be fattening you know!! // i don't know where you work in the city, but if you want a GREAT place to eat thats like always super packed during lunch hours, on castlereagh st, like diagonal from louis vuitton & kinda opposite cartier &all that jazz, theres this chinese malaysian place that you have to enter via stairs &its downstairs // underground kinda thing //&& it has the bestest satay chicken EVER or if you feel like laska or something // try it sometime!! &its relatively cheap tooooooo
from markthehulk :
I can't play hookey from swimming... If I skip it I won't want to do it anymore (I am kinda like that). Though I would rather pull out my own fingernails than to swim tonight, I kinda have to! Why do you want me to skip it?
from mindriot :
yeah, getting laid is over rated. :D I did on the weekend and oh god I hurt. /end whinge.
from markthehulk :
Thanks for naming a survey in my honour (which I did happen to provide the questions for)... You are far too good to me! :oP quit it with the nerd thing though... that's getting old! hahaha!
from markthehulk :
Oh... and stuff the photos... I want some seriously kickass surveys to fill out! I LOVE surveys!
from markthehulk :
You will find a missed call on your mobile... I would like my money in cash please... Thanks!
from scottie1402 :
No,'re quite right. I really AM wanky. Oh, and self-indulgent. But big snaps to me for being able to admit it, right? Right?
from markthehulk :
That looks so much better... Well be sure to youse my ninja move on them... Polish Half Heel kick to the face (or neck). Trust me!
from markthehulk :
Dude... Why do you leave the J out of JRR Tolkien? I have meant to ask you that for ages now...
from markthehulk :
Thank you ma'am... High praise from a funny lady. You will, however, realise you are so so wrong on the nerd thing one of these days!
from markthehulk :
You wish I was a nerd!
from markthehulk :
She didn't choose it... Mwahahahaha... Meh! Yay for the new diary (you so need a pink template now!)
from anhnie :
yay me! // i get to devirginize your notes page ((pats herself on the back)) go miss eve for choosing such a pretty name for her pretty self // heres to many funfilled entries ♥tweety

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