tanabug's diary

i used to be a superhero

no one could touch me

not even myself

you are like a phone booth

that i somehow stumbled into

and now look at me

i am just like everbody else

My favorite diaries:

ihatepizza profile - diary
comments: Ahhhh the joy of menstruation. It's such a lovely event really, why do they spoil it with the pain? I suppose it just makes it bittersweet.
me-me-meee profile - diary
comments: What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long? ????????????????????????Polaroids
ravynemyst profile - diary
comments: She tipped me 23 dollars for my Nintendo so she definitely deserves a place on my faves!!
sillers profile - diary
comments: but I did love her.. with everything I had. My whole heart, my whole soul, everything.
surromammy profile - diary
sistajanis profile - diary
grace02 profile - diary
puckle profile - diary
comments: i bit him. not hard though........... i just used the little teeth .... to show him how much damage i could have done if i chose to. i know he feels threatened now... don't mess with puckle.
alethia profile - diary
comments: There is no way in hell I can fit in a 38c. I've tried. Trust me. It just doesn't work.
flyinby profile - diary
comments: It's nice to read about another persons day-to-day life!
nicorette-j profile - diary
dizboy profile - diary

My favorite music:

ani difranco
comments: aint she just the most awesome ever???????
comments: i know, but i just cant help it - shes so cool!!
bon jovi
comments: oh baby!!!!!!
Air Supply
comments: makin' love out of nothin' at all.
Dr. Hook
comments: I got stoned and I missed it.........................

My favorite movies:

comments: Reese Witherspoon is just so..............sexy.
comments: Oh Johnny boy.................
shawshank redemption
comments: again - I LOVE STEPHEN KING
Children of the Corn
comments: need i say it????

My favorite authors:

stephen king
comments: there's just something about him that i love!!!
fransesca lia block
comments: I LOVE WEETZIE BAT!!!!
bill keane
comments: aint he that guy that does family circle?
judy bloome
comments: childhood memories......................

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last updated: 2004-10-04 19:33:40
this user's total entries: 280
user since: 2002-10-30

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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