Morgan's Musings

A recent university graduate in Maryland records his present, reflects on his past, and relegates all sorts of side-thoughts to this unique place.

My favorite diaries:

crapmaster profile - diary
fredberry6 profile - diary
jofriend profile - diary
pezdispenser profile - diary
sirloin profile - diary
car2nwallaby profile - diary
kurtbrowning profile - diary
lostatlantis profile - diary
zoostation profile - diary
luciyen profile - diary
deathspark profile - diary
arvensis profile - diary
omzhaara profile - diary
squirrelx profile - diary
auroraline profile - diary
hobbit7 profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: I just love that song "More Than A Woman"--I wish I could listen to it all the time! I wish she wasn't dead. Why do musicians always die?!? The Big Bopper, Elvis, Tupac, the list is endless...All great music comes to an end.
Michelle Branch
comments: Funny story about how this came to be; one day Aly shows me a bootleg cd with songs by her. "MichelleWhoNow?" I asked. I did not know what she looked like until the next summer when I saw her on MTV, poncho wearing & TRL talking. Cool.
Justin Timberlake
comments: No, I'm not just paying lip-service to my ring members! "Cry Me A River" is awesome! Oh,oh the damage is done, so I guess I'll be leavin'...

My favorite movies:

Back to the Future
comments: It's a classic. I've seen all 3, the first one entirely in spanish once! My personal favorite is Part2, but ya need a 1 & 3 of course!
Jurassic Park
comments: A lawyer gets eaten off a toilet! That's Spielburg for ya!
comments: Seen all 3 in this trilogy. The gory yet inventive original masterpiece, the awesome second, and the watered-down third (pretty much an omage to the first)
The Matrix Reloaded
comments: Ineffably excellent.

My favorite authors:

Eric Schlosser
comments: Read Fast Food Nation and see what Ronald McDonald is really all about
Louis Sachar
comments: Wayside School was awesome back in the day! Still is!
Zadie Smith
comments: White Teeth--what can I say, it's ineffably great! British folks doing all sorts of stuff, spanning several decades--you'll have to read it!

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last updated: 2024-09-21 22:00:10
this user's total entries: 190
user since: 2002-09-29

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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