Owens Sanctuary

AHHHHH! He's sitting on my head!

My favorite diaries:

balynar profile - diary
comments: WHat can you say about him that the FBI hasnt already?
Reeks profile - diary
comments: What can I say, i was travaling around and ran in to this, for a young women she has many deep thoughts. You should really check it out.
chris-sca profile - diary
comments: What do you mean the cats had babbies?!?
marsist profile - diary
comments: Now here is the Liberal left, and Irish too boot.
ninabean profile - diary
comments: No idea who this is, but the site has some wild pics..
minderella profile - diary
comments: I must say a most thoughtful young lady, she made me, yes me laugh.
bdeb profile - diary
comments: His is the spirit that will lead you to heaven, or cast you in to hell. A good man and friend.
havorc profile - diary
comments: My knight and friend
justjill profile - diary
comments: Its Jilll Its Jill, shes better than bad shes good Its Jill its Jill shes not made of wood... ITS JUST JILL from CBS
katy-bug profile - diary
comments: Do not know her, but she can write, and she seems a bit sad, I find myself wanting to read just to make sure everything turns out al right, plus I hope oneday I will be cool enough for her to put me on her diary list....
colin-g profile - diary
comments: The few the proud The right Wing!
zancani profile - diary
comments: sweet, kind, and FSG #2...Oh yeah and she can sing too
thisislife profile - diary
comments: a budding rock star
jofetish profile - diary
comments: I dont know but lets find out together shall we
pixiedust182 profile - diary
comments: met her through REEKS ( who rocks!) just started reading so I will let you know
anglebob profile - diary
comments: Ah Trystan Da Piston, what cant you say about him.. Well lets see um something good I guess um, he dosent smell to bad and he lets me ride his horses.
liketheirish profile - diary
comments: "I keep telling you I am not IRISH!
moirarowan profile - diary
comments: FSG#!, dont piss her off man! However despite the willingness to split your skull, she is prob one of the collest chicks in the world.

My favorite music:

comments: Thanks chuck for that
Violent Femmes
comments: The band I never seem to be able to see live, but who I LOVE!!!
comments: What ever I can say has been said already and better.
comments: Ah the poinied momnet
comments: He yeah I know to much Helgon influance

My favorite movies:

Rosencrans and Giuldenstern are Dead
comments: A better movie I could not find
comments: 2,3, sucked but 4 was not too bad...
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
comments: Both the movie and the TV show, What can I say they have every thing a growing boy needs
Star Wars
comments: I hated Jar Jar)

My favorite authors:

Robert Jordan
comments: Finish the Damn BOOKS!!!!!
David Eddings
comments: A cooler author never lived (yeah i know, i know, but i like it)
David Gammel
comments: English SF Author, writes great short books~Druss RULES!
comments: Yeah i know, but I have a poets soul, or I am jusst warped havent figured it out yet
Jane Austin
comments: Dont ask........

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last updated: 2010-06-02 09:49:05
this user's total entries: 37
user since: 2001-07-13

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Yahoo Messenger name: wyndhaven
MSN Messenger name: wyndhaven

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