
I don't always use actual names. I may cuss, I may yell. Don't be turned away. I love my daughter more than anything in this world. I sometimes believe I live in a parallel universe. Don't hate me. Just listen.

My favorite diaries:

pink-petalz profile - diary
comments: It depresses me to no end.
completeliar profile - diary
comments: he reminds me of my boyfriend
nanna-fix profile - diary
comments: my mom. I love her so much. She does make sense a lot though.
dukkha-tanha profile - diary
comments: I love this diary. This chick talks like I think. You rock!!
nebet profile - diary
comments: I love the fact that she always has an end statement. I only wished I had thought to do that first! ;)
porktornado profile - diary
comments: This dude is kick ass fun-ee!! He's so straight foward with everything.
thedailywtf profile - diary
comments: I love it. I just fucking love it. "Uglier than a bag of smashed assholes" <--what could be more entertaining than that???
sparkle280 profile - diary
comments: I love people who have something nice to say about me. Thanks gal, it means a lot.
amberness profile - diary
comments: She got married on my Sweet 16! Isn't that just the neatest thing??
annachan profile - diary
witch-baby profile - diary
comments: Sad that she doesn't update anymore.
msmmack profile - diary
comments: She made me a pretty,pink purse. I like the way she thinks.
xxpaperdolxx profile - diary
comments: She's really down to earth. I enjoy reading her diary.
vickithecute profile - diary
comments: The short attention span diary

My favorite music:

comments: Definitley go buy his new album "Encore" ..It's the shit!!!!!
Green Day
comments: Rock Hard, Warp Tour, Kick ass!!!

My favorite movies:

S�v� th� l�st d��c�
comments: Not a movie .. THE movie...lol
The Pacifier
comments: Godd, he's so fucking hott....

My favorite authors:

Christopher Moore
comments: I love his book, "Blood sucking fiends"
Jonathan Kellerman

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last updated: 2006-12-31 22:17:10
this user's total entries: 121
user since: 2004-12-02

AOL IM name: lilmissmom16
ICQ number: 178643424
Yahoo Messenger name: soft_ballgirl13
MSN Messenger name: rachelscott02

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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