Here is a list of long-ignored's favourite diary entries by other members:
You Can't Fathon My Love, Dude by retailharlot comment:   incredible A sense a few raised eyebrows in the near future. by betamale comment:   ... Inspiration can certainly be a bitch. by betamale comment:   a bitch you say? Let me be a bit more vague. by betamale comment:   bad news Please fucking fix me. by betamale comment:   .... So you thought I had something to say. by betamale comment:   ... Now I can leave. by betamale comment:   holy sentiment ANGER. by betamale comment:   he speaks the truth...essentially Jaded, but not smoking anymore. by betamale comment:   untitled Negativity rules. by betamale comment:   PS It means I'm sensitive. Motherfucker. by betamale comment:   Generation Gap I pity da foo who don't like my diary! by betamale comment:   a tight pool rack She Knows by retailharlot comment:   she sometimes writes something that just makes my heart swell with emotion. this is one of those times The one in which the title is a tribute. by betamale comment:   the one in which she smiles easier by idiot-milk comment:   easier I'm So Dizzy, My Head Is Spinning by retailharlot comment:   yeah, what she said Pixilated by retailharlot comment:   beautiful
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by long-ignored as a favourite:
long-ignored has 1 entries listed by shewhowalks as favourites long-ignored has 1 entries listed by sanetwin as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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