Here is a list of manchmal's favourite diary entries by other members:
Six cigarettes later.... by uberfrau comment:   I am too messy for the germans, too pragmatic for the french, too tall and badly dressed for the Italians(and spanish for that matter), too poor for the nordics, too clumsy for the swiss, too bored by the belgians, too american for the dutch, too frightening for the Irish, Eastern europeans wouldn't even talk to me, so I'll take that as a sign and while the british are initially fascinated by me and think I am funny, in the end I think they decide I am too quirky. I suppose that just leaves me with the danish, and you know, I don't think I've ever met a dane before. Maybe there is hope there. If I were a superhero by uberfrau comment:   If I were a super hero, I would roll up all of the undatable, the goobers, the assholes, the dorks, the freaks, the egomanaics, the pretentious quasi intellectuals, the emotional fuckwits, the creepy older men, the lameasses, the lead singers of bad indie emo bands,, the chirpy starbucks employees, etc., into some sort of force field or womb like in the matrix to get them off of the streets, so no one would ever be mislead enough to go out with them ever again...She told me it was time to move beyond the humanties and the social sciences, ie. the complex and closeted novelists and move on to med students, avoiding the science students altogether, because they are the biggest goobers of them all. Change In the Weather, Changes In Me by joleen comment:   It's too early yet, there are Dog Days to endure, there is Indian Summer, but there are those little pumpkins they sell at the grocery store, and little girls' socks with ghosts and goblins on them, multicolored leaves to crunch underfoot on the ground. ...only to be replaced by boys that don't love me and broken hearts by moretoknow comment:   "I'm not a painter, but I do paint. I'm not a photographer, but I do take pictures. I'm not a writer, but I do write. I'm not a chef, but I do cook." it's all relative - part two by yclept comment:   We do not realize that our familiarity with an other is only a snapshot in time of that person. it's a start by yclept comment:   At an early age the quality of their characters will be revealed. The weak ones will flounder, sinking into depression, become bulemic and eventually gravitate toward DiaryLand where they'll start diaries documenting their lives binging and purging. The strong ones will realize the folly of being so strongly affected by other people's opinions and make their own decisions based on their own knowledge and well considered opinions. The ones in the middle will continue being wishy-washy, losing weight in order to gain the acceptance of their more popular and slimmer peers (but without regard to health benefits) or they'll gravitate toward the weak ones, start diaries here at DiaryLand documenting their struggles of feeling fat while hinting that there may be something wrong with them. in which ravieslave pens this entry by ravieslave comment:   In which Ravieslave dutifully misconstrues her tempestuous relationships to blue-collar, street-born rebels as a reasonable facsimile of love, and later recognizes the sheer irrationality of the situations, thereby leaving the blue-collar, street-born rebels to the sullied roads, among other things. i threw a few things down on the pavement by tealeaf5 comment:   "The air is so dry, the anti-South, and I know if I were to hop in my car and drive down the road toward town I would see the Indian-cotton-skirted girl hippies and the waist-length-dreaded boy hippies trying to hitch rides to either town or to crazy Ward, or walking on the shoulder of Peak to Peak to get to the Co-op to buy Brewer's Yeast from the bulk containers or organic, locally grown chard." but i have a crush on the sunrise. by ravieslave comment:   --I'm afraid to say I know, and it's not at the expense of all of my fantasies, believe me. sleeping with duchamp by stormyclaude comment:   I do get up. I get up when I hear the bathroom door open and close, and the hollow porcelain clank of the seat being lowered. He'll be in there for a while. I grab a fistful of aspirin from the bottle in the kitchen and chew them absentmindedly as I walk towards the library, little crushed bits avalanching down the black nylon front of my slip. I walk quietly, the way some flowers turn toward the sun throughout the day. I walk to his chessboard, look at the game he has been playing with himself for years. I pick up a horsie and move with undeliberate stealth back to bed. It's my nature. throw out yer clocks everybody by molu4 comment:   I don't know how to be alone in the great swarms of people all over this planet without smokes, without smoking. Smoking reminds me of my insides. I go outside and I light up and I'm me, not because of the cigarettes, I know, but because I use them to get me somewhere, an instant path there, to my secret self Smelly Old Feeb is Captured-- and the world rejoices. by meeyapede comment:   This is one of those "I couldn't have said it better" entries. She captures, for sure, the way I felt the day they captured The Man. Aiming For a Spotless Mind, and a Semblance of Sunshine by joleen comment:   I need a lot of time between me and right now. don't just stand there and shout it by ravieslave comment:   In this transcended, half-stage of Saturday Night intoxication, touched by sheer boredom and unremitting manic-depressiveness, I found a Visa and MasterCard sticker sitting on Terry's computer desk. I tore it so that the crimson circle proclaiming Master remained, and I pasted it to my belly. What Must It Be Like, Not To 'Be'? by joleen comment:   But the moment, the space of a minute, two maximum, in the shower, reaching to soap all the parts of my body, not missing a cranny, thinking about the time, and hurrying, but suddenly deeply despondent, pained someplace deep inside myself, because I realized I love life and I don�t ever not want to be in it, and I am terrified, totally afraid of what it will be like no longer to �be�.
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manchmal has 1 entries listed by pumpkinfish as favourites manchmal has 1 entries listed by moretoknow as favourites manchmal has 2 entries listed by joleen as favourites
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