Here is a list of sarkasmo's favourite diary entries by other members:
Where the hell have I been by whitehelmet comment:   He won�t even tell you that he�s lost another finger; he waits for you to notice. Last weekend I had lunch with him and we were eating sandwiches with chips and as always it took him forever to fill his plate up with food. I was semi-conscious of the fact that he was spending an awful long time with the Pringles can and after a few minutes my aunt said to me, �Could you help him with that? He doesn�t have any thumbs.� My Cat Has Stealth Issues by tyd comment:   Am I going to have to wait until someone writes a spy movie about a loopy, lazy, liquored-up girl who is involved in industrial espionage so I can audition for the role, or should I just write it myself? Cast-fucking-tastic! by hairburner comment:   It is amazing to me just how fucking curious strangers can be when you have your hand in a cast, and just how dull it is to tell them the same unintersting reason why said hand is in said cast. I started making up new reasons to entertain myself even before my surgery. Anatomy Of An Entry by purplecigar comment:   I used to write sporadically. That is, not every day or even every week. I�m not sure of the reason, but lately the need to write has consumed me. I must write something without fail everyday. Even a grocery list written with creative flair will suffice. (�Toothpaste---for the cleanliness of every mouth. Frozen chicken---that many may eat. Deli Meat---so that one shan�t have to cook.�) this entry is so gay by papotheclown comment:   from time to time i experience a little something i like to call a "gay-day". good, clean, steamy fun by idiot-milk comment:   Apparently the tiles were not completely watertight.
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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