Here is a list of wench77's favourite diary entries by other members:
more crap by deadthyme comment:   A bit of loving anteaters but a great entry about Ashcroft's vision of US society and the existence of "concentration camps" lying empty in the States. Frightening and insightful. Evolution? by cailliath comment:   An excellent rant about how our greed and idiocy is ruining the planet. Let's fix this one before we ruin the next. Great rant. Thanks Cailliath!! a partial phlosophical development of *0 by starzero comment:   A history of stars' life view development from highschool on, roughly paralleling my own (though as a woman I didnt do Nietsche hehe)... just tellin it like it is. Today is by thedevlyn comment:   Today is the day that someone is doing something for the very first time. What are you doing today? Magical and made me cry. Move along. Nothing to see here. derdnuh enO. by thedevlyn comment:   I was refered to this from Onewetleg's faves... it is a pondering on what we get from Diaryland. Amen The Green Radiance of J by tosborne comment:   A gorgeously hopeful entry about one young boy and his drawing of his family, which is representative of the green tendril of hope growing up through the asphalt, that we all need in life. a ride in a taxi by onejjaday comment:   A beautifully evocative ride to nowhere. We've all had nights in the rain like this. For Miss NascarWidow by mom-on-roof comment:   Women with powertools.... mom-on-roof shows we can do it on our own! yahoooo! verbosity is my weakness, being emotionally schizophrenic is too. by starzero comment:   musings on why we write in a diary, and the desire, no, necessity of getting some feedback I Sang by clrmehppygrl comment:   Her husband works miracles and makes her sing like she has always wanted to sing. A beautiful entry. 11 Simple Rules for Not Being a Piece of Shit. by meeyapede comment:   ohmigod, what a great rant! 11 simple rules for not being a piece of shit. Read it and get your butt kicked into a bit of sanity for the rest of the day. mmm. gone by loathe comment:   the smell of white-out will eventually make you sick. Please dont go. you by loathe comment:   The things people do to make themselves happy. A dark poet. So few words say so much. enough! by loathe comment:   This is like a sort of poem of my days these days. This guy has succinctly got it. Is there antyhing left that matters? by alternamommy comment:   Does anything matter? a rant about integrity, and kings and people...wise words about the US accountablity after the war on Iraq. quote:"The point is clear: If the people speak and the king doesn't listen, there is something wrong with the king. If the king acts precipitously and the people say nothing, something is wrong with the people." Click and read it all.... Sock it to me by alternamommy comment:   Goldie Hawn speaks words of wisdom (no she is not as ditzy as she looks) about relationships and self, and inspires our heroine alternamommy to reexamine her life and hubby's controlling nature... a really strong entry les tomates by alternamommy comment:   an entry about tomatoes so fresh you can smell them on your fingers and dribble juice down your chin The packaging of Nine Eleven by alternamommy comment:   A non-nutso american view of 9-11. Well-spoken and down to earth. Dom's Born at Home Birth Story by alternamommy comment:   A beautiful story of a home-birth. Single Woman's Rant by sugaslice comment:   The sweet slice ponders why she is still single (at 20) after 6 months, cuz she is a CATCH!! I dont know why I find this so refreshing. This is how I feel at 40! I feel like taking her hands and dancing in a circle screaming we're single and we're great!! LOL!
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by wench77 as a favourite:
wench77 has 1 entries listed by ramble-on as favourites wench77 has 2 entries listed by onewetleg as favourites wench77 has 1 entries listed by defektengel as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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