messages to anibananie:
(click here to add new message):

from sammygrl43 :
hey love Shakepears he rocks
from clairecav :
Good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck good luck - NOT that I think you'll need it anyway, but still :] Text me!
from buffylass :
A massive MASSIVE good luck for tomorrow. As always, it's time to roll out my own personal results day story... I require only the mildest of accidental prompts! I got way below the grades that I needed, had a bit of a break down, had to ring Sheffield immediately and then found out that I was in after all. So the moral of the story is, don't fret, as in general they're pretty flexible with your grades. Oh, and prepare to be put through the emotional wringer, which is always (read: never) fun. I shall cross my fingers all day for you tomorrow xx
from theswordsman :
I miss sweatermonkeys - I've got to get out where I can see them in their natural habitat. Good luck tomorrow. I'm rooting for you. See you at the new place - do you have a team of cryptographers working on a new password?
from ava-reborn :
I hate Summer too! Roll on Autumn! Good luck for tomorrow sweetheart! I'll be thinking of you!!!
from strawberrri :
GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW. i remember the scariness, oh yes indeedy. if it makes you worry less (not that you should have anything to unduly worry about) i needed ABB to go to leicester. in my first week there i met people on my course who'd got in through clearing with CCD. FRET NOT LASSIE :D
from randomrabbit :
Good look for tomorrow. When you get your results I'll do a big gay celebratory dance around my office in your honour. Possibly in the hat I just fashioned out of bulldog clips and sheets of A4!
from clairecav :
I am HONOURED that your entry title was from our conversation. Also, I very much like the look of the 70s/80s cross-dressing male.
from ava-reborn :
Your* Sorry!!! I was going to type "you're going to do great!" Well, you are!!
from ava-reborn :
Don't diss the Tempest!! That would be Joey Tempest, lead singer of Europe! I was in love with him! God I feel old!! Thinking of you and I know you're results will be great!!!
from clairecav :
Oh there's nothing to be jealous about my life at all. I only write the interesting bits (actually this is a lie as I write about Pot Noodle far too much) and even a lot of them are actually just stupid, immature bits. I am much more jealous of you being 18 and going to uni :]
from clairecav :
Dear me, if I was shocked everytime my family used racist, bigotted language then I would be known as 'that girl with a giant whole where her mouth should be'. But then I'm just a bit of a chav :] Nice clothes btw!
from theswordsman :
My 14th most favourite thing about my semester in England was the free Muesli at every breakfast. Yum. I've got my fingers crossed for your exam results - just for support, not because you need it. Have a great weekend. John
from skinnylizzie :
Oh yes, and thank you muchly for the mush, twas much appreciated! I can only hope he feels the same way :D
from skinnylizzie :
Good stuff! Yellow shoes brighten up everybody's lives, mine are one of my most beloved pairs! And I'm not pissed off he didn't take me (although I'm not going to lie, that would've been nice!)'s more the blonde women...with swishy hair...and tans...wearing next to nothing...and possessing no morals...I'm off to weep into my hoodie.
from ava-reborn :
It's ok, honestly! It's just, as you can imagine, that word really upsets me. I face that sort of prejudice every day! By real people, not just tv characters! And I'm just very sensitive and want to protect K, but know I can't, and that she'll face ignorance, prejudice, and cruelty for the rest of her life. I remember the word being in The League's Christmas special, and afterwards, because of complaints, they were forced to apologise, and cut it out of further showings of the episode. So, while I accept it was used to show up a vile character, it was deemed unacceptable to show, even for that reason. Anyway, I'm glad you don't use that word. I'm sorry for making you feel bad!! I hope you understand why I had to say something though! *hugs*
from tphi :
By the 'M' word, you mean 'Manchester'?
from johnguinness :
Sorry. I've obviously spent to much time at the Tube myself.
from johnguinness :
"Do tell me if I can pull off those shorts." Dare you to post that on YouTube...I'll go now.
from ava-reborn :
Was the property called that word? Or did you just use it?? I know it's your diary and you can say what you want, but I was shocked, and disappointed. I hope you don't mind me saying. x
from tphi :
It's now the 7th by my clock, so I've just read your message again and forgotten I had done so already.. your plan succeeded! x
from tphi :
Its not until tomorrow, but thanks :D
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, thank you very much! I was going to text you and ask but as per usual I am totally out of texts once again. I'm applying for some graduate jobs and they are quite literally obsessed with every grade you've ever gotten in your whole life, which isn't too much fun. Thank you again!
from ava-reborn :
In the words of the legend that is your dad, Fuck yes! Of course you should put it on your CV! And fuck yes, of course your parents are proud of you! Even I'M proud of you, and you didn't spring from my loins!! ;)
from strawberrri :
if you apply for a job somewhere do NOT tell them you'll be leaving in september and this will increase your options greatly! :D
from ava-reborn :
Can you sell some of your A-level books on eBay? Got anything else you can sell there? I love eBay for quick cash!
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, right back at you, I just laughed so much at your latest entry I snorted and a bit of wee may have shot out (note to self: exercise pelvic floor. Wait, should I really be reminding myself of that in public?...). The chair repair thing was the best bit, I have an excellent mental image right now! And I got my life-changing pear necklace from an older ladies' shop, for I have a keen eye and was being dragged around it by my heartless mother (cough, Wallis)
from clairecav :
Argh, you have every right to be annoyed..! Still Edinburgh should be very good indeed.
from ava-reborn :
Sweetheart, if you ever need an escape, you're always welcome here!!!! Me and K (plus the 4 cats and the dog) will always make you feel welcome!! You're always welcome here sweetheart!! xx
from skinnylizzie :
Why do you feel guilty?! I'd much rather go to Edinburgh than bum around in Grimsby! Never mind my love, at least if you come at some other time you'd be able to kip at mine and save some money, I know trains are expensive coming here because it's bizarrely akin to falling off the edge of the world. My dad is currently trying to convince my mum to go to the friendly football game on their anniversary. Something tells me he won't be successful.
from tphi :
That fucking sucks. What ass hats.
from strawberrri :
oh, only other thing is you could ring up/check website for cancellations so you don't have to wait so bloody long. this depends on how flexible your instructor is though (my instructor said he'd cancel one pupil's lesson if another needed to take a test at short notice, and that he'd do the same for me if it came to it). an idea anyway!
from strawberrri :
ugh that is wank beyond belief. i feel really angry on your behalf. CUNTS, CUNTS I SAY! i was thinking about what i'd say to you as a pep note today as well. arrrrrrrrgh *hugs*
from buffylass :
Noo! Oh man that is so shitty, you have all my sympathy xx
from tphi :
Oh, and A Fortnight's Time, definately. And Our Velocity. And Sandblasted and Set Free. Pretty much the whole album really.
from tphi :
Ahh, I love the new Maximo album too. Took me a couple of listens, but it is the awesomeness. My faves are By the Monument, Nosebleed, Books from Boxes and Parisian Skies :) Best of luck for Friday x
from strawberrri :
if it makes you feel any better, on my penultimate driving lesson my instructor had to use the dual controls as i careered in a crazy fashion around a small roundabout. i thought 'ah well,' but then he said 'i shouldn't be having to use the dual controls this close to your test,' and that made want to cry so much! so really, don't fret too much :) the going down the gears one by one is a slightly perplexing concept to me though!
from boredlaura :
Firstly your title, in a monumentous coincidence I actually said that exact thing yesterday, however it was in relation to Spike from Buffy showing up in Torchwood, and I prefixed it with a "Hooyah". And secondly to download your entries, if you're a gold member there's a link under gold resources, if your not go here - - follow all the instructions (with nearly 1000 entries you might need to wait a few days after making the changes before running the script) and you get them all in one big notepad file. It does actually work, as I've done it.
from clairecav :
Good luck in the test on Friday! I for one am vair confident you'll pass. I'd ignore the instructor because he is probably a twonk. And ah, I'm glad I'm not the only one considering a diary switchover! Though I must say I've always been a fan of your name, any ideas for what you might call your next diary? I think where my old entries are concerned I'll have a link back to this diary in my new one, and log-in and do something every now and then just to stop it disappearing into cyperspace forever.
from ava-reborn :
Yep, go to Gold Member resources on the left, under "other stuff". Then at the bottom of the list that opens is a link to make a back up of your diary to save on your pc!
from johnguinness :
Hey Annie. Good luck with the driving test. I don't know if it's the same there or not, bot on five-speeds here, if you lift your hand off the shifter without being in gear it goes to the middle, between three and four, and you have to push it to the side to get in one and two. Of course, you're doing it left-handed, and the engines are smaller, but it might be the same. Try checking under "Gold Member Resources" about downloading your diary. Mine ran out so I can't check, but there was some place that showed how you can do it. Cheers. John
from buffylass :
Man, sorry 'm so late - t'internet access is scant these days. And I have to say I loved your Edwardian toff costume - definitely very jealous of the mighty hat xx
from ava-reborn :
You look fantastic!! And I have to admit, a little bit sexy!! ;) I'm sure that makes me sound a little, or a lot, odd!!!!! Anyway...... take lots of pics at the party!! Especially of my Joe!!!! And have fun!!! Muah!
from johnguinness :
Hi Annie. I went to their website and found an unexpected answer. During WWII the U.S. Army Air Corps spotted some highly maneuverable flashes of light - unidentified flying objects - that they thought were some German secret weapon. Someone christened them foo fighters. See ya. John
from ava-reborn :
Um gaol maybe?! Oh little Joe is leaving home! That girl needs slapping! Can I volunteer!!!
from strawberrri :
i loved that entry! :) very splendid indeed. and have you not seen the amount of roadkill on the streets? animals are very dim. i credited a cat with the intelligence to get out of my driveway as i reversed out. i nearly squashed it even though i went reeeeeally slowly. i felt angry at it then later my mum told me it was a blind and deaf cat and i felt quite bad. i look out for it more now.
from ava-reborn :
Ha! He SAYS it was the ride!! ;) I like your idea for a theme park. On the same lines, when we were at Thorpe Park on Monday, we discussed a marketing idea, of handing out changes of underwear to people in the queue of a really scary looking ride, with a dead pan face! See how many people would change their minds!! Hope you're feeling better soon lovely! Oh, and how cool is it that you can now choose the still you want for your video on Youtube!! Yay! At last!
from randomrabbit :
I'm fairly sure it was Submission that was responsible for bruising my left nut! Submission as in the ride not the sexual practice. It's late. Sorry.
from strawberrri :
haha, he communicated last night...but i was asleep! :)
from strawberrri :
glad you enjoyed the pics! and yes, 'hitchin' a ride off a policeman was quite an experience. and meh, ely guy is being an uncommunicative sod so i'm not sure if he'll be gracing the pages of my diary again!
from boredlaura :
I believe it was the great Mister Dylan Moran who said "Vodka is a very deceptive drink, because you drink it and you say, why are we drinking this? This is nothing, it has no smell, no taste! Why are we on a traffic island?". I think that sums it up.
from tphi :
Aw, I've always liked Martha as she's had to deal with being the Doctor's post-Rose companion. Her exchange with Jack the other week "but sometimes it's like he just doesn't notice you're there"/"you too, huh?" was very sweet. Sally Sparrow would be cool. And she's been the cutest girl by far in the series :D (I don't have a one track mind, I swear). I just hope they're not selling out and having Kylie in the Xmas special.
from buffylass :
Oh I hope you don't need the canoe - people always look very smug paddling up the high street in them but I get the feeling they're actually having zero fun.
from tphi :
You hated Martha over-all or just when she left the Doc? I really liked her, apparently she'll be in three episodes of Torchwood before re-joining Who permanently mid-way through season four.. though apparently by that time the Doc'll have a new companion as well.. Tr�s interessant. ps. Crystal Maze rocked.
from skinnylizzie :
Aww Annie, I finally got around to reading that note you left me after my last entry, and I'm glad it helped, if even just a little bit. You'll have such an amazing time once you're all settled it, I'm not lying at all when I tell you how jealous I am of you. And also, you have my sympathy for the evil Womb of Doom. Mine is supposed to show up in the next couple of days and is preparing me by giving me phantom pains. I mean...isn't it enough to get pains AND be bleeding like a stuck pig (sorry) as well as pains BEFORE too? Sorry, rant over. Vodka usually helps for me! :D
from tphi :
Coolio, well, you need to definitely go on Air, Rita and Nemesis. But also make sure you go on the under-rated Spinball Whizzer - its extreme lack of safety features and utterly random spinning while you're speeding around is great. Oh and also have several trips on the rapids - seeing which out of your group get splashed the most is a huge laugh :)
from strawberrri :
eek. i think you better pray that 'marktubingyou' never sees that pic - you look amazing! i could never fathom the idea of talking about my own sex life with my family, though i was forced into telling my mum about my caused-by-sex bladder infection that i ended up going to hospital with. it makes me pull a face like this X-(
from clairecav :
Just a quick note to say what a LOVELY top! Where's it from?
from ava-reborn :
Ewwww, the brain squishing! And the stunning!! Did you watch the killing? Ewww! Hope you're feeling brighter and more Annie-like soon!!!! *hugs*
from randomrabbit :
from ava-reborn :
I don't know, you said a while ago that you thought we both deserved to be happy!! That made us think you must know who he was! And we both reckoned you're far to smart to not work it out!!! x
from ava-reborn :
Lol! We thought you had guessed!! We're both glad you did though!! If we marry you will have to be our bridesmaid though!!! ;)
from ava-reborn :
I'm so glad you're feeling so positive!! And look at you being oggled by older men!! Have a great weekend! Enjoy!
from strawberrri :
thanks. i certainly hope i have more ely guy tales in the future *sighs dreamily* :) i CANNOT WAIT for glastonbury - this is my 4th and i never ever plan on missing one ever!
from ava-reborn :
Good luck for your final two exams! You'll do great!! You're far more prepared than I was for mine! So I know you'll be fine! *hugs*
from vintagepearl :
from ava-reborn :
Oh, but I love you really!!! ;) Good luck with the revision!!
from ava-reborn :
Oh you bitch!! I so thought I was over my O-Zone obsession!! And you've just lead me back to the dark side!!! I'm off to listen to it for the 20th time today! Aaaarrgghh!!
from vintagepearl :
Your eyes are BEAUTIFUL and YOU WERE LISTENING TO REGINA SPEKTOR <3333333 Honestly Annie could you get any cooler....
from buffylass :
I don't really have anything to say, so I thought I'd settle for a good old fashioned "hello".
from vintagepearl :
Thanks x] If ever I am on MSN at the same time again as Nathan, I may just initiate plan C -- tell him how I feel. Which isn't good, heh. At first I was paranoid he blocked me because of what happened, but then I remembered his computer was on the edge of doom. I may call him, but that will require a li'l wine.
from tphi :
Love my diary's description you've written :D Just wish I shared your opinion of my "coolness" (inverted commas definitely needed). Anyhoo. You're doing the same war Lit module as me for your exams, sounds like. Good old Sassoon & Owen. Any excuse to watch Blackadder 4, I say. x
from ava-reborn :
Ah yes, one of those smile making things would indeed be TJ! ;) I hope you're revising hard! Or at least thinking hard about revising!! Or at very least thinking of a name for your new Bonsai tree!!
from ava-reborn :
Oh I know! Bad timing! Yeah, the pill should make you 1 week on 3 weeks off! (Evidently that's what normal people have! Who knew??!!) I meant I was 1 week on 2 weeks off BEFORE I went on the pill!! Which was horrendous!! Neighbours is still sad! (In the upsetting sense!! Not just the other sense!!) Thankfully I have some fun stuff going on to keep me smiling!! As do you with your handsome blue car!! Still Alex??
from ava-reborn :
I know! It was soooo sad!!! He died the day before "the anniversary"!!! So yes, it was horrid!! I really hope the pill sorts you out!! It did for me!! I was one week on, 2 weeks off!! And lots of pain and mood swings! How I never killed anyone, I don't know!!! But it sorted me out quite quickly!! Oooo and Evening Primrose is good too!! But you have to take it for a few months before you notice the effects!! And plenty of B vitamins!
from buffylass :
Oh bless you! You're reat sweet. And yes, you should definitely come and visit me - I can show you all the dizzying highlights of Sheffield. And bring that Zoe girl with you too - I haven't seen her for time xx
from ava-reborn :
Who could fail to see the sexiness of the Ramsay?! Even Randomrabbit can appreciate his sexgod status!!
from skinnylizzie :
People just aren't appreciative enough of the wonder that is Gordon Ramsay. There is something so utterly delicious about a man who can cook. Your texts the other night didn't half make me chuckle, by the way! Ah, never mind. Less competition for us in the end! The wife is bad enough...
from strawberrri :
indeed, falling over sucks the big one. my knee is now more blue than ever :( gordon ramsey a sex symbol? shudddddder!
from randomrabbit :
Gordon Ramsay is on my blokes I think I'd quite fancy shagging if I was a girl list.
from ava-reborn :
There really is something about Gordon "I'm not your fucking mate!" Ramsay! Very sexy! Have a good day tomorrow, I hope everything goes well! By the way, I forgot to tell you, you looked gorgeous in your emo-ish-type photos!!! Sooo pretty!
from clairecav :
Oh I do like to give people's cockles a good warming on occasion!
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, you look hot in that first picture on your photo diary! Not that you don't look hot in other ones, you know what I mean. And I am aware I now sound lesbo-tastic, but it's always nice to hear when you look so hot so I forged past that. Oh dear God, I'm rambling yet again.
from random-ditto :
Hehe, I ended up in your hometown yesterday... I had a smoothie, walked up the hill, sat by the monument & basked in the sunshine, which was rather dandy! Made for a change anyways! xXx
from vintagepearl :
On your photo diary, the pictures from the park, in "Evil Annie, plotting Evil deeds. Maybe." that old lady in the background is smiling at the camera. I think she enjoyed your happiness. Just thought you should know x)
from random-ditto :
Cripes Annie! You'd live like a queen on �40 food a week by my maths... You'll soon see for that you could probs include the food, the weekly wine budget & perhaps the belt & shoes. Hehe. I hope you feel better soon tho, any retail therapy is justified when you feel like that... hugs! xXx
from tphi :
I have their Elevator and Make Up the Breakdown albums and they're both greatness. Reminds me of the Kaisers, but better! By the way, I've realised I'm the only linked diary of yours who doesn't have a blurb. *hint hint* :D (If you can find anything interesting enough to include). x
from buffylass :
Trust me, Coventry was truly one of the worst places in Britain, if not the world. As for revision, I say don't worry - I didn't do enough for my A Levels, got rubbish grades and still got into Sheffield. Do what I did, and go play pool in the pub instead. Actually don't, because I'd feel bad if you failed and you deserve high grades. Finally, yay for the new car!
from strawberrri :
thanks! yes the knees are a tad sore :( your weight sounds fine to me - a few years ago at uni i remember being just under 11 stone or thereabouts but still being 'slim' cos i did a lot of sport and much of the weight was probably muscle. it's bizarre.
from tphi :
Hee.. sounds like you have a male interweb admirer :) Anyways. About the Samaritans thing, I know a couple of people just like this P character. You have every right to feel like you're improving as you've stuck with it and to get the recognition you deserve for it. Its not like you're saying its a thing you're now finding easy to do that you're now a master of, so people like that who chime in with some mock-clever thing to say.. yeh, I sympathise :P Hope you're in bed by now or you'll turn into a late night reprobate like me if you're not careful. You just got me on that bloody Meez site for half an hour..
from ava-reborn :
I'm so tempted now! But I'm guessing my neighbours may not appreciate me doing my Acker Bilk impression at 10 o'clock at night!
from ava-reborn :
I'm glad I hung!! I think you'll make a great Samaritan! I don't think being "nice" is the main requirement! I think having a sensible outlook on life is more important! I would rather take advice from you than someone who just pretends they understand and that they're my friend! Smelling of garlic is an optional extra!!! Ooooo you sang to Joe!!!! You know how I'd long to do that!!! If I didn't know you better I'd think you said that just to tease me and make me jealous!!!!! How was playing your clarinet after so long? I am so tempted to take mine out of its case! But I keep thinking of the weirdness of the reed and the feeling on my lips! It makes me shudder! How I did it for so long I don't know!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
from ava-reborn :
Ok, I'm hanging........
from strawberrri :
well done! :) as for my lack of power steering, i adapted quite easily. it's good for strengthening your arms! however i can't do any manoeuvres, even turn in the road is a fucking nightmare. the main difference between the car i learned in (a peugeot) and my car is the brakes. in the peugeot i barely had to touch them but in a micra you have to put your foot down hard!
from buffylass :
Aww big congratulations on passing! And I think the whole tuning your radio to a local station thing is so that you can hear about any (amazingly unlikely) road accidents that have happened in the tunnel xx
from randomrabbit :
But I wouldn't have known if you hadn't corrected it! But I think it's sweet that you can't spell! I do feel I should just emphasise the total tongue-in-cheekiness of that comment, just because I'd hate for you to come down here and beat me to death with a dictionary or something since I know that criticising your spelling would be something akin to besmirching your mother's good name!
from ava-reborn :
Congratulations lovely!!! That's such good news!! Now, if Randomrabbit can drive without hitting stuff for half an hour, I KNOW you can!! Good luck with the test!
from randomrabbit :
Good luck with the theory test. I didn't have to do that when I took mine, which is just as well being thick an' all. I just had to drive for half an hour without hitting stuff.
from randomrabbit :
or equally incoherent maybe.
from tphi :
Nice one :) Though what is this obsession with naming cars? I don't get it. That said, I used to love Brum. You ever watch that? With the old car which used to sneak out of the museum and go on adventures? (I just had to check Wikipedia I wasn't going made and the program did actually used to exist).
from strawberrri :
eeeee! we have the same car! well, mine is an N reg (1995), no power steering and red, but still. i love mine SO much, petrol lasts forever cos of the 1l engine and they are very trustworthy little cars. YAY for micras :) and good luck for your theory!
from johnguinness :
Congrats on the new car, and good luck with the test.
from skinnylizzie :
Meh...I was going to tell you in this note but I think I might text you instead...not that this story is at all interesting, mind! And I remember when all my friends were learning to drive (note to self: being the only one who can't drive is NOT a good thing) they would often come into school and announce that theory was 'one big bag of wank'. Why oh why does life have to be ruined by tests and exams?!
from johnguinness :
Things are so different over here. The semester before we turn sixteen, we have a driver's education class. Then there are something like five hours of in-car practice with the school teacher (in a car with a second break) and one or to of your classmates in the back seat. We took our written test in school, and then we got a permit that let us drive with older drivers. Then, on the sixteenth birthday, it was off for the driving exam. Before entering a tunnel, I would take off my sunglasses (learned by experience) and turn on the headlights. Diverting my attention to the radio, especially if I'm a thousand miles from home and don't know where a local station might be, would be idiotic. As is the embarrassingly common practice over here of honking the horn while you're in the tunnel.
from ava-reborn :
I've seen Ed Byrne do that sketch! It's so funny! But only because I'd had that same conversation with friends about that song sooo many times! Somebody give that woman a dictionary for god's sake! Lol!
from ava-reborn :
Whsmith is an option! Anyway, fingers crossed for your theory! And I'm so proud of you and impressed at your revision timetable!
from skinnylizzie :
In my mind I know that 'fadge biscuits' is truly foul and shouldn't be said at all, but it's just so damn satisfying that I can't stop myself. I do occasionally use 'piss midget' as well though! And what was mysterious in that entry?! I will quite happily tell you, it's not really anything big or secret, I just lost interest in writing about it very quickly (short attention span). And I shall have a look for your music recommendation the next time I'm at home!
from buffylass :
Hee! I like your notes. And your summary was very accurate. My sister rang last night and said, "Well, would you rather they get married or us have to trek over to bloody New Mills every time we want to see Dad". Personally, I'm massively not keen on either of those options.
from strawberrri :
waterstones, whsmith and suchlike do the theory discs. make sure you learn some theory as well as HP! most of it is basic common sense ("q. what should you do if you run over a small child? a) carry on driving b) scream c) grin d) perform first aid.") but you also might get questioned on stopping distances, various meanings of different coloured catseyes, etc.
from tphi :
What on earth is a lamp of truth and beauty when its at home? I think one of my speakers just blew on that last high note..
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much for your lovely note!! It meant soooo much to me! I can't thank you enough!! Enjoy your last day at school lovely!!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the good luck! In a state of nervousness as advanced as mine right now, I think I may need it...
from johnguinness :
Crossing America West to East is an excellent plan, as that way you'll have a tailwind most of the time. That might not seem to be important, but when I planned my own trip ages ago, it was to be done on a bicycle. Never happened. Yet.
from tphi :
Ha I was just on your diary to find the Ukraine Eurovision song again. *shame* Anyways, thankyee :) It went okay actually, the questions weren't evil at all, though I always find that the exams I think I've done okay in are the ones I fluff up, and vice versa. We shall see. Hope you're enjoying your last week, have you sorted Uni out? x
from ava-reborn :
I thought it was morse code!! I spent ages trying to decipher it! Then I actually watched the video and got the clue!! I pity the fool!!!!!! Thanks so much for your notes!! I've been so inspired by your videos!! Unfortunately, I'm not as young and pretty!! When we watched your last video, K said "That's Annie!!!!! She's so pretty!!" So we both appreciate your videos!! So to have you praise mine and ask for more means soooo much to me!!!
from buffylass :
Ha, well the day I find a way to appear flattering on my camera's rubbish filming option I shall make a video. Oh, and I'd need some life events to occur so that I'd have stuff to talk about. As for my accent, well it's basically Midlands, which isn't that great to be honest.
from randomrabbit :
But that would mean I've been duh-duhing it wrong all these years and now I'm all confused and don't know what my name is. I'm going to go back to humming The Fall Guy theme instead.
from randomrabbit :
I thought before the duh-duuuh bit, but I'm not sure now. It's stuck in my head now though, so cheers!
from tphi :
Phallic carrots, ey?
from randomrabbit :
Is there not a duh duh missing?
from randomrabbit :
Did they oui in the pool? Oh, that was bad. I'm so so sorry.
from skinnylizzie :
Ukraine made me laugh so much that a little bit of wee came out. I loved their dance; I may try it out on Saturday night. I also lurve your shoes! Silver is a v groovy colour in shoes, I'm after a similar pair for the grad ball. Ooh, and also, oodles of thank yous and love for your nice note (that you left last week, my bad!). He is excellently excellent, and that is all I'm saying. Talk to you soon amigo!
from clairecav :
I LOVED the Ukraine, Belarus, Greece and Sweden Eurovision entries. Simply superrrb.
from tphi :
That Ukraine song is too damn catchy. Damn you..
from randomrabbit :
By French-looking do you mean hairy?
from johnguinness :
Let's see, that makes two boob entries in a row. One more will earn you the prestigious "diarist of the month award" which actually only exists in my wee brain, but you can still put it on your CV when the time comes. Have a great last week at school. John
from strawberrri :
'so I shall be buying some extra-strength iron tablets this weekend' they turn your poo BLACK! (apparently!) spinach, broccoli etc are a good source of iron :D
from johnguinness :
Personally I think that all diary entries should have at least a paragraph or two about boobs. I actually saw part of an Oprah episode ***shifty eyes - I was being held hostage at the time*** that showed something like 60% of women wear the wrong bra size. They had an expert work with some of the women in the audience and they were shocked to find out how far off they were. Have a great weekend. John
from boredlaura :
Oh Rufus Wainwright. He's lovely isn't he? Want Two is good, but I much prefer Poses. Oh I can't wait 'til Monday for new album goodness. That is all.
from ava-reborn :
Good moods when you're stressed, more commonly known as hysteria!!! There are straight jackets for that you know! As for your brother, as soon as you get round to wrapping him up and sending him my way, I'll sort him out!!! ;)
from antom :
Hey, yeah sure I'm always keen to see what my stalkers are up to! Hehe... anyway, just send me an email on here and it should reach me ok :) x
from strawberrri :
i guess school traumas are fairly commonplace but it'd be nice to leave it all in the past where it belongs! i don't want to be friends with her. (i remember a while ago a girl i knew from argos also knew emma and said she did the same thing to her in primary school, so i think it was her who had the problem). anyway, i feel compelled to tell you i was having a series of incredibly lucid dreams this morning (the kind where you know you're dreaming and can consciously control your actions in them) and you were there! i was watching one of your video diary entries and all of a sudden i was there with you, lying on your (fictional, in my dream i believe) lavender coloured double bed. and then i met your brother and he had hair all over his face like a werewolf and he was explaining it to me. WELL, it seemed important at the time. it ended because my alarm was due to go off (i had this dream while it was on snooze) and i tried my hardest to turn my alarm off so i wouldn't wake up but was paralysed because of the dreaming. i think i may be coming across as slightly deranged :)
from ava-reborn :
But seriously, if Vaughn had been found hanged in the caravan, would it be much of a loss to society?!!
from clairecav :
You do not put enough in, you just put a splash in! At least a fifth of my general volume is milk.
from clairecav :
Ooh aside from being ridiculously jealous that you can update at the mo and I STILL CANNOT, I had to come and say that I completely immensely bum your video! You don't put enough milk in your tea, but I shall ignore that for now and just tell you how much I really loved it :]
from tphi :
I liked your video, you put it together well :) Even though I found it strange that 1 minute and 50 seconds of sped up footage into the video, I was still thinking to myself "I don't do any of this in the morning". I liked how when you were online it started off light and then hours later when it had gotten dark you were still on the computer. Reminds me of myself :D Except you'd studied like *all* day.. and then went to bed before eleven???!
from tphi :
Ah, blast ye. That explains how you can. I think this whole thing (been unable to post now for 4 days) is a ploy by Dland to make me join up to Gold! And yes, I think you should provide me with a password :) You know my addy right? [email protected] x
from ava-reborn :
It's the Law of Sod!!!! Of course you'll always bump into someone who matters when you're looking like a bag of shite! The last few days of school are weird aren't they!! Such a mix of emotions! I still have dreams that it's my last few days of school!! I love the trousers! Have a great weekend!
from ava-reborn :
Thanks lovely!! Have a great weekend!!
from strawberrri :
"I need 106/210 in my final exam to get the B I need. Which is attainable, certainly. The A is 166/210 which is not impossible either." AIM FOR THE A, IT IS EXTREMELY IN YOUR REACH! :)
from tphi :
Agh, how are you able to update? Diaryland's not letting me, are you a Gold member?
from onlyemma :
Thank you for my note a while ago, I'm sorry I took ages to get back to you. I'm very pleased that you got Gold Membership! We're Gold buddies, as I've got it too, as of today, and I've done absolutely nothing with it yet. I may make a banner one day though. Please let me know if you figure out how! Anyway, I don't say it enough (oh how melodramatic I sound), but I do love your entries :)
from buffylass :
Wedding jazz was indeed all good, bar all the religious bits. And I do love how everyone's agreeing with my pervy note. As for Zoe, well despite being my pseudo-girlfriend she is yet to send me my birthday haddock, so I am entirely devoid of lesbian love. Sniff.
from johnguinness :
You're welcome - if Andrew is awake, you should be good to go in a few minutes. Enjoy
from johnguinness :
Because I actually lost the twenty and was looking for a convenient way, like an iPod e-mail gift certificate, to get it to you. Would like like a six month gold membership so you can get posting again?
from johnguinness :
I agree with Holly )as is always the proper thing to do) about the finding females attractive thing. She and I used to have long conversations about Eliza Dushku. Oddly enough, at the exact moment you were congratulating me on my will power, I was sat disguised in a trenchcoat and full beard and sideburns at the drive-up window waiting for the aforementioned cheeseburgers and some chili fries to wash them down with. Do you by any chance have an iPod? Take care. John
from randomrabbit :
Which also I think proves Holly's point below.
from randomrabbit :
Had I posted it, my note would have been: Wey hey - bisexual!
from buffylass :
Sorry, as always I'm a million years behind, but I say yay for the whole bisexual thing. Fancying women is excellent, as you get to talk to blokes about it and they think you're generally amazing. Except they (i.e. my friend Rich) then start fancying you and suggesting horrible gropey things, so don't wax lyrical about them to the extent that I did. But seriously, nobody can look at Eliza Dushku and not find her gorgeous. Hope this comes off as sounding supportive rather than a bit pervy and strange!
from randomrabbit :
Are you implying there is something abnormal about the length of my toe!? Also, how good am I that I resisted leaving a note on you being a bit of a lezza!
from clairecav :
Ah I am a few days behind! But basically back up all of the below. I heard somewhere that all human beings are naturally bisexual, or something like that, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you ever do find a female you want a relationship with then you can cross that bridge when you come to it but as so far it's just been an attraction to some fit laaaadies (and who does not fancy the odd fit laaaady hey?) then I wouldn't worry at all! Glad the Samaritans stuff is going so well, you are doing a great thing :]
from skinnylizzie :
Shudder, why is the word vagina so hideous? I don't know, I think they're slightly more attractive than willies (that word always makes me giggle, I'm such a child) if they're, er, properly maintained. Not that I've done an extensive survey on the subject, but hell, it can't be too hard to be more attractive than a penis! And yes, you're right, I think we may have problems with our topics of conversation. Either you've always been secretly very dirty (oo-er!) or I've corrupted you. I prefer the first one, personally.
from skinnylizzie :
You heartless wench, trying to make me go shopping again! Because I would NEVER do that of my own accord, obviously...ahem. Actually I try not to buy the same things as my friends own, and apparently that extends to people I only know via the internet! My own brain mystifies me sometimes. Carrying on with the women attractive theme slightly, the penis has to be the ugliest thing in the world. My random thought for the day.
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, the two notes below me have already said what I wanted to say! Women are hot, let's face it, so much hotter than men (unless they're tall, dark and Oirish, OBVIOUSLY). For what it's worth, even exploring the idea in your own head is much braver than the people who just sit on it all their lives. Oh, and on a totally random note, I saw your necklace in Accessorize and I have to say it's possibly the most lust-worthy thing I've seen in there in a long time.
from ava-reborn :
Actually, I was just about to say something on the same lines as leggie! I think most, if not all, women have an attraction to other women. Some just aren't comfortable or open enough to admit it. I reckon a lot of the women you think of as completely straight have crushes on other women, like actresses, pop stars, etc. Hugs.
from leggierox :
For what its worth, I'm absolutely convinced that ALL women are bisexual to some extent, some are just less comfortable with admitting it =) hope you're cool otherwise x
from random-ditto :
Get a Fat Punto. My first car & he was glorious, never broke down & people were always impressed with the legroom when they got in the front seat. I was so attached to him that when my Mum called up to tell me he'd been sold the tone of her voice at the start of the conversation made me think someone had died or something terrible. I still miss him, though... I know he was only a car but he represented my FREEDOM!!! *Ahem* xXx
from randomrabbit :
Also your note shame made me chuckle. It took me ages to work out what you'd changed - you put the semicolon after cock. I can't believe that bothered you!
from randomrabbit :
I'm a little disappointed that I'm so predictable that you had a reply ready for a comment I hadn't yet made, but then did, obviously! I was disappointed also that Ecky-Thump is from Lancashire and not Yorkshire like wot I thought it was. You'll be claiming our puddings next, you buggers.
from randomrabbit :
But women have boobs.
from strawberrri :
oh a powerball! i played with one of those round my cousin's house recently, funnily enough :) i think i am overstressing about damian, or fear losing the independence of singledomton. i've always enjoyed being single- much less hassle!
from leggierox :
Love the video blog! And you room is about 3 trillion times cleaner than mine, so have no fear of associated shame...human civilisation hasn't ventured into mine for several decades now, so there's no chance that anyone online is gonna get a peek =) x
from strawberrri :
that was brill :D (did i just use the word 'brill'??)
from johnguinness :
Thank you. Be sure to pounce if you see any mention of pizza or cheeseburgers. Have a great weekend. John
from skinnylizzie :
Accessorize, eh? I will NOT be going in the big Newcastle one to perhaps look at it wistfully, NOT AT ALL! My Poppy was a Collie cross, all legs with a skinny little body. Probably the only dog we've ever had that wasn't at least part Labrador, actually! Man, I really want a dog again now, which I'm totally blaming you for.
from ava-reborn :
Awwww I'm sure she is!!!!!!!!!! I'd put up with lots of accidents for her cuteness!! And she seems to have been really well housetrained! She's adorable! Take care lovely! x
from ava-reborn :
Add another compliment about the necklace!! I love it! Those pics are both gorgeous! I had to laugh when you said you'd tempted fate about Poppy's house training!! I almost left you a note earlier saying that you may have spoken to soon and tempted fate!! Have a great weekend lovely!
from skinnylizzie :
Aaaaand I'm back! I do like the necklace...VERY muchly. And after all these animals called Poppy (I actually had a puppy called Poppy too, although many moons ago, and not handbag-sized like your little bundle of fun!), I'm beginning to wonder if I could ever take a human called Poppy seriously.
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, I like getting notes, it brings me far too much joy! Selling a horse has to be one of the most evil things in the world to suffer...probably one of the advantages of never having owned my own is that I've never had to do it. I'd never stop crying! Oh dear, I blame all of these exercise-induced endorphines for this dreamy horse-tastic mood. I'm going to go and read your entry now and try and stop thinking about how much my groin aches.
from randomrabbit :
Me too as of about 5 minutes ago! Yay also. I'm sure there must be some sort of dance or something.
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, my dad's away a lot, that's when I like him the best :D
from skinnylizzie :
Ah you'd always be welcome at mine, it might involve some lying to my parents but they're gullible as hell! And I understand the train fares thing, it costs a lot to get here because it's so out of the way. As many people have very kindly said, you can be driving along the A180 and it feels like you're about to drop off the end of the world. Lovely way to enter a town!
from skinnylizzie :
I ALWAYS wanted to play Dream Phone, but none of my friends had it and my mum refused to buy it for me, the wench. And I'm glad the Samaritans thingymabob went okay! I did mean to say that yesterday, but as per usual my brain wasn't engaged and I forgot.
from ava-reborn :
Noooo, that shouldn't make you feel immature! There's nothing mature about getting yourself pregnant while still a teenager! Nothing mature about having unprotected sex!! All that proves to me is that you're the mature one, not them! Glad you're feeling a bit brighter lovely, whatever the reason. x
from randomrabbit :
Ooh Bill Bailey! He's coming to Sheffield - cheers for the heads up.
from skinnylizzie :
Yeah, talking to dogs is the behaviour of the slightly more sane! At least they can hear you, even if they don't understand the exact meaning of 'oh arse, I don't want to do any work, because work smells' (I too used to have many conversations with my poor dog). I'm glad I'm not alone in that! And the whole brother-boyfriend fandango is extremely distressing. In the pictures I've seen, you don't look too much like him, which is the problem we have as I've told my parents many times, life would be so much simpler if I was an only child! And I'm rambling too. I blame being on my own all day.
from strawberrri :
general studies is the most wank lesson ever...there's nothing wrong with bunking off occasionally, especially for gen stud! on a different note ta for posting your ankle yesterday - very peculiar! i have really flat feet too, and hammer toes, so obviously deformed feet are all the rage. oh and if you have any car questions you can always ask me as i went through all this learning malarky just a year ago, though i'm sure you have loads of people to help you anyway :)
from buffylass :
Sending you some hugs because I think you're in dire need of them xx
from ava-reborn :
from skinnylizzie :
Annie, you are my new favourite person, even if you didn't mean that! I'd come and hug you if you weren't on the other side of the country and it wasn't a bit creepy to have a stranger hug you. Zoe to brain: SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP. I'm totally going to say or do something retarded tonight.
from strawberrri :
NO you are not overweight! mothers - meh! i think you should post a picture of your extra ankles. my friend tori has two knees on one leg which i find hilarious :)
from clairecav :
"...was sitting in a car for my rather hot driving lesson. No, not like that." Haha, that made me chuckle a strange amount! And I basically back up everything the note below says, and also - your mum is wrong! And probably jealous of your youth to be honest. Mothers are often jealous of their daughters and so she probably wants to make you feel bad about yourself. She probably doesn't mean it in a malicious way or is even aware that she's doing it, but... yep, that's what I'd say it is. My mum's obsessed with her weight and diets and just a couple of months back told me I looked fat before I went out, and I'm an 8-10. I have rambled enough now :]
from ava-reborn :
Sweetheart, I'm actually quite upset by what your mum said to you! You are not overweight by any means! You have a great figure! More slim than overweight! And her theory of a certain waist size equating to a certain dress size is frankly bollocks! I have a 31 inch waist and I'm size 12! When my waist was just 25 I was still a size 10 - 12! My friend is size 10 and her waist is 29! It's down to shape and proportion, not just waist size! You are beautiful, with a lovely figure, and so maybe no-one would describe you as skinny, but they certainly couldn't call you overweight!! Not even slightly! So please don't take your mother's comments on board! Promise me, or the puppy gets it!!!
from strawberrri :
hehe, nah she's not pink :) her dad (or one of her family tree at least) is called afterglow pop goes the weasel. i wonder what pedigree dog breeders' drug of choice is?!
from johnguinness :
The new dog is adorable. In the first indoor video, it looked like the old dog was playing border collie trying to singlehandedly surround it. It's kind of funny that you mentioned Ready Steady Cook today, when I had to look up the name just yesterday for my own diary. Cheers.
from strawberrri :
oh she is GORGEOUS! pedigree names are ridiculous - my dad has a daschund (also called poppy actually) whose pedigree name is laicsyde prawn cocktail (laaarvely...)
from ava-reborn :
Poppy is soooo cute!! I hope your dad enjoyed his sandwich and got to work ok!! lol!
from randomrabbit :
Would you care to swap the puppy for a rather bizarre cat? I'll chuck in some pics of me in my Speedos in a variety of seductive poses as a sweetner?
from leggierox :
*gasp* the poopy is like *Super* cute!!! I might have to come round and steal Poppy from you ;) xox
from buffylass :
HA, I love your dad at the end saying, "Right, I'll go make a sandwich if you do some work".
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, she is cuuuuuute! Especially the last picture, I just want to trek over there and steal her, she could even fit in my handbag! And if it's any consolation, my dog's pedigree name was Bonza Amy (or Bonzer, I don't remember, both are equally heinous anyway)...
from buffylass :
Hello hello, just thought I'd leave a note full of greetings as I haven't in ages. The only vaguely Scottish thing I did was get a Scottish ten pound note out of the bank. That and talk to lots of Scottish people that I didn't know. Yay for getting a puppy! xx
from clairecav :
from strawberrri :
oh and swimmingly - loved it :D
from strawberrri :
ah me dear, had i been born a few years later and been at your school, we'd have been great friends :) ooh i should probably go to bed so i'm not all bleary-eyed tomorrow. i have a MASSIVE advantage that damian has mainly seen me drenched in water and sans makeup so hopefully tomorrow i'll be about ten times better looking than he's ever seen me!
from vintagepearl :
THERE'S A DOCTOR WHO MUSEUM? Freaking United States, we have museums dedicated to things like cheese and road signs but nothing dedicated to the brilliance that is Doctor Who. Sigh. I like your pictures. That boy in the background of "THE ONE AND ONLY" photo appears to be admiring from afar. And I don't know if I've noted you this yet, but your background is beautiful.
from strawberrri :
thanks! at least if it goes wrong it will provide humorous writing material...maybe. i have friends who are fabulous texters, especially the ones who fit tons of simpsons quotes in.
from clairecav :
Lovelovelove handwritten notes. I also have no trouble reading your writing, in fact I think it is quite lovely! Spesh like your As(s). Ho ho ho.
from bemyownhero :
Is the woman in the video the same one that played the bad wedding caterer in Love Actually?
from skinnylizzie :
HA, I forgot about that! Dear God, I just blushed a lot. I feel like a stalkery perv all over again.
from randomrabbit :
Surely that's a good way to spend the day. Doing productive stuff is very overrated. Good spot by the way, she was in The day Today (and excellent taste once again, my dear!).
from boredlaura :
I think the Annie/Tennant one works best. It looks oddly natural and disturbing at the same time - and it's got follow-you-round-the-room eyes. And finally Belle's not a stupid name for a puppy, well maybe it is a bit, but not if you've already got one called Sebastian, but you don't, so it probably is a stupid name.
from randomrabbit :
I've been watching much Big Train recently - tis an absolute gem if you're a fan of sillyness. Did you see the cake sketch?
from randomrabbit :
Would Crunchy Nut Cornflakes work just as well?
from skinnylizzie :
I don't think I can take much credit for that, to be honest, all of my mum's side were naturally skinny before having kids. Hence why I can never get knocked up! I eat like a trucker though. I assure you that I am not that skinny right now (got stuck in a pair of jeans in Jane Norman today)
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, my squeaky voice would put you off, just ask Adam about how shrill I can be! Oh well, I hope you have a groovy gravy weekend, he keeps promising me a sleepover but I never get one, please tell me how you managed it! And there are some fools that refer to Grimsby as 'northern', but foolish is exactly what those muppets are.
from skinnylizzie :
I had no idea Lancaster was that far north, you know. Why did I think it was much further south than that? My geography is just wank. And you've seen Adam far more than I have this year (in fact, I haven't seen him in 2007). He told me he wasn't coming back home until Tuesday because of an interview. Well, now I know the truth!
from the-moo :
hehehe just been reading some of your VERY old entries *hug* I think I might stalk you so enthused am I with creepy internet love!! haha cute you xxx
from leggierox :
I think everyone feels like that, I do now - I'm convinced I'm actually 14, because thats sure as hell my mental age ;) Besides, you're vastly more mature/organised/forthright than I was a year and a half ago, so congrats =)
from clairecav :
Ooh I like the hair. And good luck for the Samaritans!
from the-moo :
Hello there - just to let you know MANY eating disorders start off WITHOUT the poor body image and entirely over control ... it IS still anorexia unfortunately and usually it WILL become about the body as much as the control and the food - is she seeing anyone about it? *hugs* also ... I love you xxx
from vintagepearl :
Thank you for your notes :) I've finally checked mine for the first time since the Civil War....
from vintagepearl :
"He's called Alex, he's 18, he's from Kent, and he's a nice way to pass the evening." It just made me happy and so I decided to quote you.... For some reason I imagined this attractive young man who's really a caring robot that walks around saying "Hi, I'm Alex" and smiling admiringly. Anyways. Your layout is attractive as well.
from boredlaura :
I've never been to the student village, but if it's like the rest of Glasgae then it's pretty indie-rock-tastic (that being my adjective d'choix for Glasgae due to the sheer amount of fantabulous indie bands from there). And yucky! poo! you don't want to go to Aberdeen uni, oh no, you want the far far superior RGU based in the same city but a hundred million times better (I may be biased since it educated and now employs me, but still old foostie Aberdeen, yuck!)
from skinnylizzie :
I was thinking about that just a couple of weeks ago! I remember that note because I was horrified that there were people in the world that didn't know who Frank Lampard was. Thankfully I was happy to educate every single one of them. That wasn't long after I started uni and now I'm about to THAT'S a long time. We should congratulate ourselves with a big fat pat on the back. Or perhaps some alcohol...mmm, alcohol
from boredlaura :
I've stayed in those there very halls of residence in Glasgae-toon. They're within staggering distance of the town centre pub-ness which is of the good, but the ground floor rooms get broken into a lot, which is not of the good. And yes, the old buildings do look all lovely (much nicer than that 60s monstrosity that is Strathclyde across town) and there's lots of museums, artefacts, statues and pretty architecture and I realise now am a big, big geek. Of course, none of that is nearly as good as my Aberdonian alma mater - but then I may be slightly biased!
from skinnylizzie :
Just had a look at my note from last night, that's pretty epic too! Thank you for the advice, I shall give it a go when I get back home. Stupid electrical stuff, why does it always malfunction around me?
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, now I'm a couple of hundred miles away from them both I can't for the life of me remember details... the computer is a new Dell one and that's all I can tell you from memory. And also that Windows Vista has many interesting features such as revamped Minesweeper, hurrah! My MP3 player is one of those Creative MuVo ones, which brings me on to the question I had to ask you - you have a Creative Zen, right? I plugged the player into my (new and working!) computer and the first couple of times everything was fine and dandy, but now when I plug it in, my computer recognises it but my Creative Audio/Media Explorer (whatever it's called) doesn't think it's plugged in...did you have any problems with yours? If not, then I've also set a new record for how quickly I've broken a new present. What is wrong with me?!
from clairecav :
Yesss, Lyla is an excellent name! And I am not a Southerner, you cheeky minx. I am really to the right of Brum so..! But to clear up my ghetto speak, to 'merk' is to severely batter and possibly kill, and 'brap' is merely something you say at the end of some heavy tune. It is like a gun noise you see, and we gs on the street use dem like. Innit. Braaaap.
from vintagepearl :
God bless David Tennant <3
from clairecav :
Ha don't be dissing me WKD or I'll get my crew and we'll murk you, brap brap. By the way, I recommend naming the dog after a song or some such thing. This is just after I heard Lily Allen's dog is called Maggie May and quite bummed the idea.
from ava-reborn :
Or of course "Farkorv"!
from ava-reborn :
Oooooo, I almost forgot, there's a couple of names I've always thought would be great. Particularly for calling out in the park! "Lookslikerain" and "endisnigh"!!
from ava-reborn :
Badger (because dachshund is German for badger hound. Oh how clever!!! Ahem! Not!) Tattsyrup!!! (Shame she's not a boy, Royston Vasey would be great!!!) Freckle! (Horrificly cutesy!) But my main vote has to go to Tim!!
from ava-reborn :
Oh that puppy is soooooooo cute!!! I remember being at school for the very first Red Nose Day!! (Yes, I AM aware that makes me sound very old!!!!!) I remember that day vividly!! We had a non-school uniform day, and I, and most of my friends new outfits for the occasion!! I even recall the outfit I wore! Sad but true! Back to tonight, K just shouted out to David Tennant on the Catherine Tate sketch on Comic Relief, "Annie loves you!!" Made me laugh!!
from randomrabbit :
Panda labia rugs probably aren't to everyone's taste - a little too ostentatious perhaps? But rest assured should I ever win the lottery and be able to afford one, you'll be first on my list of people I invite to come and squirm seductively on it. Oh yes, feel very honoured.
from strawberrri :
"HOW FUCKING DARE people who do not know me tell me I'm not working hard enough or 'I may not be bothered' to work hard enough at higher education?" i had a look at the link you put to the forum and i think maybe you took what 'jonnythemoose' said a bit the wrong seems he was 'judging' you because by your own admission you spent 2 hours in total revising for your GCSEs (this must be an understatement surely?!) and it's true (in *some* cases), if you don't have a foundation knowledge of a subject before studying it at AS level you will find it immensely difficult. employers aren't bothered about the majority of GCSEs but for a fair amount of jobs you need at least a C in maths, science and english, so they *do* matter essentially. sorry if this has come across preachy or judgmental or owt, tis just my (rambling) opinion. and of course YOU know you work hard enough to deserve to go into higher education and that's what's important :)
from skinnylizzie :
Why thank you, my lovely :)
from theswordsman :
Hi Annie. I'm going to quit double-posting my diary, which means I won't show up as theswordsman any longer. If you'd like to keep reading, please join your friends at johnguinness. They seem to like milling about in my notes section reading what the others are saying. Have a great week. John
from clairecav :
Ha, then that would explain the Harry Potter-ish vibe I got from it. CONGRATS on your results for the january exams. You are one brainy beanchild. No, I don't know why I called you a beanchild.
from ava-reborn :
OH yes!!!!!! Simon Amstell IS a god!!! His boyfriend is the luckiest man in the world!!
from clairecav :
I don't even know what lupus is but I'm sure you don't suffer from it. I am also sure that you are not thick, unattractive, naive or any of those other things you listed (photographic memory I do not have). BOO for feeling so bad! And you don't deserve to starve yourself, or to binge, you DESERVE, as a brilliant human bean, to be happy and healthy. Feel better *hugs and such*
from randomrabbit :
Nephews do make rather good little minions, and they come with a host of handy accessories. Like Nintendo Wiis. It's a bad thing yes that my lip balm collection is about half the size of yours? 'cause I'm a fella and stuff. Apparently. Thought so. But my lips do get rather dry and I have a slight addiction to the fruity smelling ones!
from skinnylizzie :
I get a lot of headaches now as well, although naturally I spend most of the time convinced I'm dying because of it. Most of mine are caused by stress; when I'm stressed out I find it really hard to relax and sleep deeply which means I never really feel like I sleep well (don't think I've had a good night's sleep in months!). Do you do exercise most days? It sucks, but it really does make you feel better, clears your head and helps you sleep better. And as for all of those things you think you are, I can quite safely say that I agree with none of them, and in this instance I am of course completely right :D (a rarity, I promise!). Chin up, little one. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, you don't have much longer left to go until you can start making all those amazing changes to your life that you're ready for xx
from ava-reborn :
I soooooooooo hope it's not lupus!! I have a friend who suffers from lupus and it is horrid!! Sooo horrid!!! Talking of Buzzcocks, did u see Preston storm off? Oh that made me a laugh like I haven't have for so long!!
from ava-reborn :
Hoooraaay for new puppy!!!! And wow, you have the most gorgeous teeth!!!!!!!!!
from skinnylizzie :
Glad to be of service! And also, SQUEE for perhaps getting a puppy! I miss having a dog in my life, they're so cute and cuddly and squishy and all things good!
from strawberrri :
haha, you in that 5th photo is quite possibly one of the funniest things i've seen (though i hasten to add i normally think you are a rather attractive girl.) i am going to have to bookmark that page in case i ever need cheering up! :)
from theswordsman :
I'm going to forward it to the address you gave me, but don't read it on a Friday night. And please remember that I wrote it as your friend, and someone who wants you to be happy. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
It was some unsolicited advice about school, because I was once in a similar position as you were the other day. I wish that someone at the time had said some things to me, so I said them to you. But I'll take the fact that you didn't get the e-mail to mean that you aren't supposed to get the e-mail, rather than just a sign that King Andrew of Diaryland is a tosser and things don't work. The note with your e-mail address has been deleted. Cheers. John
from theswordsman :
Nope, I actually know your surname - I think it was on your blood donor card that you posted or something. It's a cool one, though. And if you want to know mine, I sent you an e-mail last night to your diaryland address which I hope you'll understand I wrote with the best intentions. Take care. John
from boredlaura :
How 'bout Beefor Bonsai? Or Teefor Tree?
from randomrabbit :
Timothy Tree obviously. Or Derick. Colin?
from strawberrri :
i agree with zoe on cedric, but it has to be pronounced 'seedrick' like in home alone 2 :) i think you are ready to move on, i know i was when i was at the stage you are in a levels. it'll happen soon enough - don't wish your life away!
from skinnylizzie :
Or Marshall. Marshall would also be good.
from skinnylizzie :
Cedric. You know it makes sense. And I feel your pain about your Boris, my Boris is sitting behind me weeping softly at the thought. Actually, taking a closer look, he looks severely dehydrated. Oops.
from strawberrri :
the thing that scares me most about 40 pints is that 40 pints contain 10,000 calories.
from theswordsman :
Crap. Where did "cherry fountain" come from? I don't even know what the correct version of that is. But yep, Byron was once just a crazy mixed-up kid who had a pet bear and skinny dipped in a nice fountain out in the middle of everything. I'm glad that your driving lessons are going so well. I watched a Tour of California bicycling race last week, and now I'm desperate to make one of those two thousand one way road trips through the prairies, desert and mountains. Take care. John
from boredlaura :
Is it weird then when you wrote about "clubbing" my mind immediately went to "hitting people with sticks" as opposed to "dancing about in the dark to some dodgy music"?
from theswordsman :
I'll try to cheer up your thoughts of Lord Byron with a story. I don't recall which of Cambridge's colleges it was - I have a photo and could lead you right there if I wasn't thousands of miles away - but when Lord Byron was a student, the college outlawed dogs as pets. Byron noticed that they hadn't outlawed pet bears, so he and a bear lived out on the courtyard. There's a cherry fountain in the center of the quad where it's said that he used to bathe. Hope that helps. Take care. John
from the-moo :
*hugs* you're lovely do you know that? you are very very lovely indeed and I lovelovelove you and your lovely diary!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, you don't HAVE to do languages to do Classics! Well, if you do pure Classics then you do, but most universities are lenient and let you study in translation (for instance, my actual degree is Classical Studies, not Classics, which means I can be a bum and not learn any Greek or Latin whatsoever. However, I am a fool of epic proportions and have done both at some point in my life). And a secret geeky YAY for the coin! I definitely have NOT sneaked and looked at it for half an hour and then spent all of my seminar in the museum yesterday reading about it, OH NO. And finally, you're very welcome for the hug my lovely, just hope you're feeling a bit better xx
from skinnylizzie :
Obviously, I'm extremely biased and so I'm going to reply that I think it's totally worth be honest, studying something like that is only ever going to be casual study anyway unless you wanted to go on and do a PhD or something (which means these past three years have been useless...oh well!). As for the History thing, I HATED History at school. I dropped it 4 weeks into my GCSE course and did Geography instead. I think it helps if you're good at History but I despised anything after the Romans, basically, and I have a mad obsessive love for Classics. All joking aside, I personally think it's fascinating learning about all those crazy, crazy people who helped shape our world. They have cults for sacred eggs and everything! Bloody hilarious. So yes, I would definitely recommend it! Although you might want to look into a bit first (I think the School of Historical Studies website at explains quite well what it's all about if you just wanted a general overview). And finally, to end this HUGELY epic note, I'm just going to give you an imaginary big fat hug. Don't let the buggers get you down xx
from strawberrri :
*hugs* your d-land friends are always here to listen x
from ava-reborn :
Oh sweetheart!! I really do feel for you! I know how you're feeling! I'm glad your dad is there for you! You know where I am too if you need to offload!! hugs!
from swordmaster :
Hang in there Annie. If you ever really need to talk to someone, leave me a note and I'll shoot you my MSN. Take care. John
from the-moo :
just catching up and realising how much I have missed you - your diary makes me smile :o) like that xxx
from vintagepearl :
Haha, that's awesome! From whereabouts did your Flat Stanley come from? Ms. B's came from downstate, Portland [Maine]. I must tell her there's a FS floating around overseas!! She'll be thrilled. Are you as bad as her when it comes to taking pictures? She walks around with FS, her digital camera, and tape. During Creative Writing while Meagan and I were working on the computers, Ms. B just came over and taped FS to my computer screen and was like "Pretend you're working! I need a picture! Well, I'd appreciate if you were actually working, but anyways, SMILE!" I guess FS is in a story or something, and he travels everywhere. Makes sense :) Well, now that I've spent an entire note talking about a small paper boy . . . time to go?
from strawberrri :
last time i went ice-skating i ended up with a big blue knee. don't worry about stalling, i stalled in all of my driving lessons bar about 2 and even stalled on a roundabout just as my instructor had said 'now, it is very important that at this crucial moment you don't st*interrupted by me stalling*all.' 1 litre engines are the way to go - incredibly fuel efficient and means lower insurance premiums (mine's a micra).
from swordmaster :
Okay, it's there, but you could clearly have used a stunt double and we'd be none the wiser.
from swordmaster :
It says your video is "no longer available." No fair being a tease...
from vintagepearl :
It sounds like you had fun! I may be going ice skating tomorrow, somewhat nervous because I haven't been in a year and I'm terrible. Ooh, what's your story behind Flat Stanley? My teacher Ms. Bourassa had a Flat Stanley her nephew sent to her, she had to take pictures of where Flat Stanley went, blah blah. It was interesting because Flat Stanley was just this small, paper, illaminated boy. She'd stick him everywhere. Anyways.
from skinnylizzie :
Ah, isn't he just? But don't tell him I said that, I have a pretence to keep up ;)
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, you met my Sweetcheeks! You know you can tell me all the gossip. I wouldn't dare repeat any of it to him anyway.
from vintagepearl :
I enjoyed your pictures, they're very beautiful.
from buffylass :
Oh GOD, it's one of those bloody "disguised as someone else" plays, like Twelfth Night. Bloody NIGHTMARE.
from buffylass :
Heh well apparently so, although he then asked me what my conscience sounded like when I was all surprised, and I said, "Well, a normal voice", which slightly offended him. Ugh, I'm going to Wikipedia As You Like It right this second and research the damn play.
from vintagepearl :
from swordmaster :
Are you okay? John
from leggierox :
You are The World's Most Giant Doctor!!! *ish uber jealous*
from clairecav :
I've had a fiddle with my template - what do you reckon? And do you think the font would be better black now, or anything? Your advice is much appreciated so if you wouldn't mind :)
from randomrabbit :
It's probably a fat bearded fella called colin under the guise of a tool.
from randomrabbit :
Your notes page seems to be a little surreal all of a sudden!
from mycool101 :
im not annoying!!!! u r!
from mycool101 :
blah blah blah......who cares??? and anyway im bored so there. hahahahahahahaha!lol
from mycool101 :
blah blah blah......who cares??? and anyway im bored so there. hahahahahahahaha!lol
from uglypony :
bahahahaha, i find this all highly amusing.. mycool is retarded, it is the only explaination i can find for such obsurd behaviour. i am suddenly a "big meanie" because i dont wish to talk to young children that obviously have nothing intelligent to say, and am being told on to people i have little desire to impress or even know. that.s the end of this story, now, all of you can leave me the fuck alone. ~END
from leggierox :
Dudeface! sorry, haven't read any dland for a few days, so only just read your entry from a few days ago. I think I've been beaten to the comfort-notage by numerous people, but I was gonna recommend maybe joining a gym or dance/martial art class. I've been going for 3 weeks now, and although it's too early for a huge visible difference, I FEEL so much better, more energy, more positive about myself's kinda scary actually! =) As long as you're not in immediate danger from your weight, you genuinely have nothing to worry about =) xox
from mycool101 :
A 13-year old boy in the USA made online friends with an older man via an online gaming website. In July 2004 after playing and chatting for several months, the boy and his new friend arranged to meet. The boy thought he and his new friend were to spend 4 days playing role-play games. The boy�s mother put him on the plane to fly to meet this friend in another state. She didn�t know that the new friend was a convicted sex-offender. The first day of the visit the boy was invited to the Zoo and experienced an unusual amount of 'hugging' and 'back rubbing'. And then, luckily, the visit ended: some relatives to the sex-offender had alarmed the authorities and the boy was rescued by the police. dont let that happen 2 u
from mycool101 : 4 her!!!!=( never thought of that???anyways nice profile and if u read this expect it to b important
from strawberrri :
i think you sounded slightly more northern in that vid. you're so natural on camera and it's always a joy to watch and listen to you :) i built a huuuuge snowman on my lunch break today. (sorry!)
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, in my defence I'm off to see the Killers in a week and a half! I have a very, erm, eclectic taste in music. Yeah, the red-haired one was...interesting. And how I didn't murder some small child, I just don't know.
from mycool101 :
so i dont care just letting u know!!!!=) anyways i dont care if u dont just tellin ya!!!anyways do u have a gut to tell me that???
from mycool101 :
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.........just here 2 say that dont chat with uglypony she dosent care...... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........have a nice day!
from buffylass :
Sending you a big creepy internet hug because I figure you could do with it xx
from skinnylizzie :
Okay, firstly, I realise you're sensible girl and deep down you'll know this, but not eating or making yourself sick doesn't make you lose weight. It slows down your metabolic rate which means that any time you do eat food, you'll put weight straight back on. Eating and drinking healthily as well as regular daily exercise is the best way forward. Looking at your photos, I would never have said you needed to lose weight at all, but we all see ourselves differently. If you really do want to lose some, have you thought about WeightWatchers or something? I have a friend who's doing it and she says that it encourages her to eat well and exercises without being Spartan. And finally, FINALLY, I'm always here if you want to talk. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't really know and if you do ever want to vent your spleen, I have sweet naff all to do most days (let's keep that quiet) and I'll quite happily nod and add some sage words of advice (er...or not) to any conversation. Right, and now I need to go to a lecture!
from theswordsman :
Hey Annie. Hang in there. And don't despair on the weight loss. You just had a birthday week with wine and chocolate fountains and things. But you'd be way healthier just staying the same weight and keeping active than you would doing something drastic. Go to the diaryland members area some time and start clicking on the ones with "ana" in the title. If you read for a bit, I doubt you'll see many that consider themselves happy. And every day they take in their five hundred or less calories just makes their metabolism shut down more so that it can't burn calories when they eat normally. I'm sorry your professor is so terrible, but developing an eating disorder is no way to feel like you have control over something in your life, because you're actually giving over control along with your health. Okay, that was way too preachy. But hang in there and be yourself. Take care. John
from leggierox :
Kudos for starting your driving lessons, I'm scared to, since I just KNOW I'm gonna hurt someone, probably the car too...
from theswordsman :
I guess that means you've seen Much Ado About Nothing as well? It was my first time seeing Kate Beckinsale in anything, but the whole play was pretty awesome. Densel was classic. Have a great week. John
from vintagepearl :
Haha :) Yes. If Salo brings up Phineas Gage one more time... but other than that, class is good.
from ava-reborn :
A day in the life of Annie - enviably strange!!
from ava-reborn :
Lol, you nutter!! Sounds like it!! I imagine most days in the life of Annie to be rather strange!! With your mind and sense of humour, there is "strange" potential in everything!!! *hugs*
from ava-reborn :
The reason for two is, no matter what people tell you, it is uncomfortable or even painful at times to breastfeed! So after one feed on one breast, you don't want to be using that one again for a while!! So you use the other one on the next feed, and alternate! Also, some babies are so hungry, one doesn't have enough milk to feed them! And the other reason is because of twins, so you can feed 2 at once! too much information?? Probably!! lol! oh well! I tried!!
from leggierox :
I'm totally jealous about the Hot Fuzz gala malarkey - SotD is by far the best Brit film in yonks! Plus, you need to change the age on your profile now =) x
from ava-reborn :
Oooo you just reminded me how much I love Casanova!! I'm off to watch it in bed!! Sorry your birthday left you with such a poorly feeling!!! Hugs!
from ava-reborn :
Glad you had a good birthday! Sorry I didn't leave you a note here lovely!! I did leave you one on Myspace though, so am I forgiven? *hugs*
from uber-shaker :
happy belated bday! hahaha i sooo have that stripey top...Next! x
from swordmaster :
Oh crap! Belated Happy Birthday! Can I blame it on the time difference??? Take care. John
from strawberrri :
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's 18 exclamation marks cause that's how significant it is :) Hope today has been and continues to be everything you want it to be and that you get david tennant on a stick or something equally as good xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Bonsoir, birthday girl! It's username bottom, password biting (ahem)
from buffylass :
A massively huge Happy 18th Birthday xxx
from clairecav :
Happy Birthday! Pip pip! Have a drink on me ;)
from skinnylizzie :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE! Welcome to adulthood! If I lived anywhere near you I'd buy you a drink to celebrate this momentous occasion, but sadly I don't so we'll just have to pretend it happened. Have a groovy gravy day, and make the most of being all legal! xx
from randomrabbit :
Have a bloody wonderful birthday my dear.
from strawberrri :
my driving licence photo is bloody horrendous. you'll be delighted to hear you HAVE to have the photo which was on your provisional. i'm not allowed to change mine until 2011 :( i think it's feasible you'll pass in six months, though i strongly recommend doing at least a two-hour lesson a week, as the average driver needs 48 hours (or a number thereabouts) of lessons before they pass.
from randomrabbit :
from randomrabbit :
Complete freak would have been a little harsh. True, but harsh. But - David Mitchell? Just saying!
from leggierox : world has just fundamentally changed in it's foundations - you're a 'Susie', not an 'Annie'!!! =S hehe xox
from randomrabbit :
She also has podgy little legs, but oh what a woman. I also have a slight crush on Fern Britton and desperately want Aggie MacKenzie to call me a dirty boy.
from strawberrri :
good luck with the exam! hmm it appears i'm a day late. glad it went well :)
from buffylass :
Ooh good luck with the exam tomorrow x
from clairecav :
Good luck with the exam tomorrow - not that you need it!
from randomrabbit :
You should study accountancy. Accountancy helps no one.
from skinnylizzie :
Bloody hell, I didn't realise I let it get that long, sorry!
from skinnylizzie :
Five months IS a long time when you're ready to move on, I can definitely sympathise there! As for the Psychology thing, Christine went into doing a Psychology degree with absolutely no background knowledge on it, and she always says that the thing she finds hardest isn't the actual subject, it's just the sheer amount you have to learn. And as fabulously clever as Christine is, she's also prone to lacklustre motivation (which I'm very guilty of). If it's what you really enjoy, to hell with English. You can't do a degree you're not filled with enthusiasm about. You're taught in a very different way at university and everything is geared towards helping you achieve the best possible marks, in a far more productive way than at school. You'll be fine at uni, I think it's just a case of putting in the effort. And finally, thank you for your lovely note. I refuse to believe you're the same age as my brother, because you possess far more maturity than he ever will, the poor goatboy... x
from vintagepearl :
You're gorgeous and your hair looks awesome!
from clairecav :
Ha, don't worry, I won't be smoking again. I was only intrigued last night because Katie had menthols and I wondered if they were more bearable than regular fags. They're not much. I love you for your concern and slightly authoritive tone!
from uber-shaker :
i hated tess, and be careful in the war synoptic, i thought it would be easy and slacked...its not!
from randomrabbit :
But dark chocolate hobnobs are surely horrible? Milk chocolate are where the fun is at.
from strawberrri :
thanks! :) god we had tiles falling off the roofs of our offices at work today (lifethreatening much?!), and my neighbour's fence has collapsed into our garden.
from randomrabbit :
Bless you for updating. Now if you'd be so kind as to do that every day around this time I'd be ever so grateful. And if you could some how arrange it for someone to bring me a cup of tea and a biscuit at the same time that would be grand and increase the reading pleasure no end. Wind - hands down the worst weather condition. And horrible to walk in especially when it does that thing where it somehow sucks the air from your lungs. Our sign in the car park blew over and landed on 2 cars. No one was hurt so I think I'm okay to find it funny now.
from vintagepearl :
NOTESSSSSS. Notes are VERY lovely, so I'm leaving you one. I love your layout. I've done another myself, I have Extreme Diaryland Interest Trichonosis (EDIT hoohaw!) and insist on changing my layout five million times a month. Hmm. Good luck!
from ava-reborn :
Oh yes, I love Digital Spy!! It often makes me chuckle! And the Big Brother forum is probably the best!!
from skinnylizzie :
What the...I just caught sight of my last notes, I clearly meant POST, not past. I am a fool of epic proportions. Anyway, yes, thank you for your nice note! The exam was shizzle but it's in the past now, no point worrying. Oh, if only it were that easy!
from leggierox :
Bill is a LEGEND! BADGERS! ;)
from random-ditto :
Oh, your diary did make me chuckle today. Took me right back to those last days of school... brilliant! On another note, I know this makes me sound totally ignorant but do you have to a)pay lots of money or b)have deep technological knowledge to get a nice pretty template like that? Mine's disgusting, but I'm inept at these things! xXx
from boredlaura :
Ooh Creative Zen M, goooood choice. There're mucho better than an aye-pod. Is it really that obvious where my allegiances lie?
from skinnylizzie :
And I just found your notes on my photo diary...don't make me show you the photos I don't past, dammit! I think I'm just going through a low self-esteem phase, and I have a habit of apologising for looking terrible when I am. It's truly bizarre. Right, I really need to go and do something constructive now instead of cluttering up your notes page!
from skinnylizzie :
If it's any consolation, I think I have mushrooms growing in my room here. God, student accommodation SUCKS. And you actually have no idea just how jealous of you I am right now. I want to be done with exams!
from randomrabbit :
Ha! I called Kev a piss midget today thanks to yesterday's entry with the clip of the wonderful Dylan Moran. I think you might be a bad influence.
from clairecav :
Generally I think T-Shirts you have to read are kind of strange, but I have to admit them ones are a wee bit on the jazzy side! If I had money I would so totally buy you one for your birthday. Sadly I don't so I shall probably be sending you a virtual hug, like every year.
from random-ditto :
Yes I know, it definitely has it's advantages! But it is addictive. Le sigh. Sorry if you came across any weirdness with my diary, have had the same template for ages and am always jealous of everyone elses, so just tried to play around with it - disasterous results! xXx
from buffylass :
Ha! And dare I ask what word you use for the enteric nervous system?
from buffylass :
Ugh, the HPA can go fuck itself - it thinks it's great, but it's really quite rubbish xx
from buffylass :
Ha, I like the idea of this unconscious invasion. And it wasn't horribly patronising in any way, don't worry. As for Ciaran, well I'm ashamed to admit that I missed half of Shameless last night so I'm not sure if he was in it or not, but he was in the credits so he must've been. Anyway, he seems to wear a white tracksuit in the trailers, and I know that his character is the new Gallagher family member and hasn't come out of the closet yet, if that helps. Ooh, and he owns an German Shepherd called Bastard. Finally, huge good luck for your exam xx
from skinnylizzie :
Unfortunately, Pooface Freud read far too much Greek myth and tragedy (I had to study him last year for one of my modules. I vividly remember writing 'penis envy' over and over again in the exam). Nobody should take the Greeks that seriously. And really...that Bowie obsession is a little bit scary. Mullets are nobody's friend, not even David Bowie's. Finally, good luck (again) for tomorrow!
from vintagepearl :
Pret' lightsssssss shineeeee. And I always enjoy your entries, your life seems genuinely interesting.
from skinnylizzie :
I only hope your revision is going better than mine today, my friend. Just dropped by to wish you luck for Thursday's exam, seeing as I should probably spend the next two days locked up in a windowless room with no distractions. I'd even rather CLEAN than revise.
from clairecav :
I hate vagueness! I'm also a bit of a Caroline hater and don't really think she deserved Mac OR Guy. I kind of secretly wished Mac and Guy would end up together. Or at least Mac and Sue White! Or Sue and Boyce. Oh yes, that would have been a good relationship full of bushels.
from buffylass :
*Least favourite minor key. Stupid fingers.
from buffylass :
Ha, A# minor, possibly my least minor key ever. And I have much loathing for the HPA too. Aww I do like that you're doing brain stuff too now, we get to geek away together and play games involving Guess The Brain Lobe and stuff.
from clairecav :
Aloha, you watched Green Wing then? Now, much as I love this programme (and that is a LOT) - I HATED the ending. Buckets. What, so he's still going to die? Joanna and Allan? What? Balloons? WHAT.
from theswordsman :
Hey Annie. I'm vacating the Internet, and just wanted to say goodbye. Good luck with getting into your uni of choice. I'm sure you'll do great. Or, you could probably just turn Twat the Queen into a television game show and rake in the squid. Take care. John
from randomrabbit :
The world is indeed full of bastard scum. I may start randomly hitting folk in the head, because chances are eventually you'll get one of the bastards. The money was a pisser but now I have to go shopping for a new belt or there could be an unfortunate arse related work incident, and I hate shopping. Especially for work stuff.
from leggierox :
No problemo, I love it too - I'm going round humming it too =) Happy New Year! xox
from big-bean :
Well G'day! I have a brand new diary after being quiet for ages and ages, so thought I'd drop you a note to let you know! Hope you're well and...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
from randomrabbit :
If it wasn't for that entry I wouldn't have known Mr Gatiss had written a book. Nay 2 books. And they'll both soon be in my greasy little mitts. I mean I've ordered them not that I'm going to burgle you. You're not only fun to read but informative too. Happy New Year and that.
from ava-reborn :
Oh the evilness of the Sims 2 addiction! I have that affliction too!! I've done the cold turkey thing, but it always comes back!
from clairecav :
Snap! New Year's quizzle =D You managed to keep your's fairly short and normal though, whereas I rambled for Queen and country. Also a nod in your direction for the Green Wing quote that was your last entry title! Only one more episode to watch on my Series 2 DVD now, and the special is this Thursday! [Insert whooping noise here.]
from ava-reborn :
I heard the news about David Tennant leaving as Doctor Who! Thought of you! I hope he goes on to do something else fairly high profile so you can continue to admire his "yumminess"!!
from leggierox :
Yeuch, sounds positively squirmful...
from theswordsman :
Hey Annie. Thank you for the keys to the kingdom. I could never have cracked the code in a zillion years. Top cryptographers would weep at the attempt. Diabolical. Anyway, I've spent much of the day catching up with your doings (in a non-stalkerish, smelly American hobo sort of way) since you've locked up. I even watched the entire Twat the Queen video. Thanks for the free entertainment. Have a great New Year. John
from vintagepearl :
Hello dear - good luck with your family troubles. They're definitely universal, and for some reason they hit nerves this time of year. Which makes no sense, with the holidays and new year. Annnyways. I know you'll figure it out, take care!
from babyphat706 :
wanna be friends?
from swordmaster :
Hi Ani. It's John of the funny and sometimes disturbing notes. Talk on the Internet is that your diary is a totally happening place, and I wondered if it might be possible for me to gain entry? Either way, have a wonderful New Year. Take care. John
from vintagepearl :
I enjoyed your Christmas entry!! It sounds like you had fun, and obtained many superb gifts! Happy after Christmas and I hope your New Years is remarkable!
from the-moo :
hi hi hi I've missed you I am back and noting and reading and trying madly to catch up I LOOOOVE YOOOOU glad you had a good christmas!! xxx
from onlyemma :
thank you for your 2 notes, they're very much appreciated. I liked the one beginning "twat", especially :) sounds like you had a joyous time at work, it's poo that you had to work on Christmas eve though! Love the cardie conversation by the way, your "but I like shitty brown" made me laugh out loud! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas xxx
from strawberrri :
thank you! hope your christmas is awesome :)
from uber-shaker :
ooooo god i hope you didn't eat anything dodgy, Camden is famous for it's dodgy chinese. don't tell me you went through the tunnel of doom where they all scream at you..
from vintagepearl :
Haha, fairy porn :D
from uber-shaker :
yay you love my hometown :)
from vintagepearl :
OH MY GOODNESS Phantom of the Opera! Have fun and be sure to write about it!
from clairecav :
N's lucky to have you as a friend. Hopefully you can help her enough for her to help herself of the crappy situation.
from uber-shaker :
i missed reading your diary! x
from randomrabbit :
If I do a g it shoots about half way down the page and interferes with lines beneath, and I'm either a right leaner or straight up depending on how reckless I'm feeling at the time. perhaps less a psycho and more an idiot I think.
from uber-shaker :
so yeah, i pretty much love you. remember me? lostcookie...giggle-junky. Yes I'm back again, under the guise of 'Suzie' as my last blog was found out by a real life friend. i better carry on catching up with your blog now :)
from vintagepearl :
Just read your entry, and I'm sorry your weekend sucked. Hopefully, this coming week will make up for it. Take care!
from skinnylizzie :
Bah, that sucks that your weekend bit the big one. I'm quite happy to share my Herbal Happies if you want a quick fix, legal pick-me-up. Far too many people have announced the pills make them feel high now. I highly recommend them! And also, how can there be THAT much to say about somebody's handwriting? I copied my handwriting off the school secretary when I was 11, what does that say about me?...
from vintagepearl :
Ah, okay, I see haha. Enhancing knowledge. Thank you :) How was your weekend?
from vintagepearl :
Cooo-all! It sounds like you have more freedom/interesting-ness than we do at my school. What's General? [I'm sorry, I ask so many questions haha. If you get annoyed just tell me to shut up. I eventually get the point :)] Dunnn! Skipping class is hard at my school, because we have seven periods a day [excluding lunch break] which are 45 minutes each. Teachers take attendance at the beginning of every class, so pretty much everyone gets caught unless you have a teacher who's on crack [or something like that]. For instance, Maura & I didn't get caught the other week for skipping 7th period [chorus] because Mr. Nelson like, doesn't take real attendance. I don't know what he does. But anyways. This has been a long, blabbering note, I apologize hehe. Have a super weekend, take care!
from vintagepearl :
Your inner geek is cool :) Your school system sounds immensely different from mine! Like, better different! Do you get in trouble if you skip a class? I want to come to England and go to school. And Psychology is definitely an excitement-filled thing! <3
from clairecav :
Why put "Colin Farrel" in "these" as though it was not REALLY Colin Farrel *wide eyes*? Heh, and thankyou. Most of my clothes are rather scabby, but I think both of those tops I'm wearing in the photos were from New Look. Once you get past the skanky things, they do actually have some nice things. Oh, and penile theory? Do tell.
from buffylass :
Ooh, and thankyou for your lovely note xx
from buffylass :
Mmm apparently female orgasms are all to do with plunging the cervix into the sperm or something. Although if this is the case, then why the hell is everything biased against a woman having a damn orgasm during sex? I have no idea why I'm writing this note; I just sound like a total nympho.
from clairecav :
My dog sleeps on my bed every night. Not in it, because like you said, that is wrong on so many levels.
from randomrabbit :
And Phoebe would be a pretty friend, yes?
from randomrabbit :
Just because it's you, my dear: They do a Freud doll too but I think I prefered Gandhi.
from skinnylizzie :
I'm going to say it's not to save some face, but I think we both know the truth here. And that wasn't quite ALL that I said, but perhaps the latter part of what fell out of my big fat mouth that day should remain private. I still have nightmares about running into the poor man around town, despite it being six years ago...
from skinnylizzie :
I have issues blowing my nose as well, I refuse to do it in front of anyone but my flatmates or my family. And ooh, the Electra complex! I am slowly starting to see the relevance of Greek tragedy on life, although I'm reluctant to admit it. Don't worry about the whole thing with Mr K though - I'm sure that just a couple of weeks of keeping quiet will mean they forget about the whole bloody thing forever. Friends are excellent, with their selective memories and all. If it's any consolation, when I was in Year 10 I had a crush on my old maths teacher, and was saying rather loudly on the way down to a tech lesson 'phwoar, I liked it when he showed us how good he was at press-ups' and he was walking right behind us. He left the school two days later citing a nervous breakdown as his reason. Let's never talk of this story again.
from leggierox :
Kewl shoes! Office in London were selling them, and the same design in a blue/green colour combo for only 20 squid! Plus a while back, they were doing BOGOF on everything, so that would've been �15 apiece for two! It took all the willpower in my body to walk away from that one... ;)
from buffylass :
Man, I LOVE schizophrenia (God, geek alert), it's so interesting to learn about. The freaky-ass behaviour kind've makes sense once you realise that they're missing a lot of brain because of the mamma huge lateral ventricles. Anyway, I thought I could maybe get Zoe an apron showing Gordon frollicking with some fish. Surely that would be her dream come true?
from vintagepearl :
Prettttty shoes! :)
from muddyirene :
Hi, thanks for the message! That's really interesting to know actually! All the different school systems are quite funny, though I never know how to quite name my country's secondary school and such ^^ But college and university seem to have different meaning in the usa?
from strawberrri :
oh i'd have to glue the filings to the racket then, using some glue like EV-R-BOND or something like that :)
from randomrabbit :
There�s nothing wrong with a bit of classical, my dear. The time to worry is when you inexplicably develop a penchant for Gilbert & Sullivan and start singing along to A British Tar in an operatic fashion. And what do you mean you hope I was joking? He�s a pretty lass. I�ve seen plenty worse in town of a Friday night.
from randomrabbit :
The girl second from the right in the video is hot. I was going to watch Panorama but bollocks to that, I needed to know how to play Twat The Queen. Nice usage of twat by the way - I think twat in all its forms has to be one of my all time favourite words. Nice musical score too!
from vintagepearl :
Hilarious :) And I thought my teachers were crazy. Gotta love 'em. The ones at my school do something like that for Winter Carnival. Each class and then the teachers lip sync and dance to a song having to do with the year's theme. Hilarious. Except my freshmen year the guy gym teacher came out in short shorts. Talk about first impressions. Anyways. Good video :)
from strawberrri :
oh i have only just watched your video and... <3 it so much!! what a lovely girl you are. and if it makes you feel any better i got rejected by nottingham too.
from clairecav :
*Throws 50p at you* Make my day.
from clairecav :
Oh dear, does it involve dirt? And I SHALL make one, soon... just not today. Must pick a day when everyone is out of my house and so won't ask strange "Claire, is there a REASON you're talking to yourself..?" questions.
from clairecav :
It's not so much my accent as my whiney, three-year-old-girl voice that is the twattish thing. I'd really like to see your underwear drawer.
from clairecav :
"That is my belly and my legs." Haha, random little bits just make me laugh a LOT. While it will be nice to have your written word gracing my eyes again, I do insist that you keep up the occasional vlog. I want to do one now, but my voice is much more twattish than yours... maybe I shall do it as my 1000th entry celebrations?
from leggierox :
I DO feel priveleged ;) Your room is so much cleaner than mine... *shifty eyes*
from clairecav :
LOVE the video! The way you said "March twat." was possibly the funniest thing ever. I listened to that one phrase about three times! I love you and your big posh voice. xXx
from leggierox :
ack *uber jealous* x
from buffylass :
Definately not. I'm just doing a tiny bit from A Midsummer Night's Dream, but I have no idea which tiny bit to do.
from buffylass :
Ha I know, there's just nothing like some hardcore CBT to start the day with. Ah well, it's worth a try, and something to tell the grandkids if nothing else. Also, totally adored your video - you too have inspired me to complete my Shakespeare sock project. And finally, don't worry about not getting into Nottingham, because whilst they are excellent in some areas they totally ride on their reputation in others. Loads of my friends got rejected from there too xx
from vintagepearl :
I love your layout, and I love your pictures, haha.
from vintagepearl :
Thanks :) I'll note it to ya as well: password vintagepearl username this .. haha hope you enjoy my ramblings as well! That last entry, verrry rambly!
from vintagepearl :
Heya! Stumbled upon your profile, I loved it. Mind if I snag your un & pw? The email is [email protected] if yes. Take care!
from the-it-man :
Been a longtime. I like your twat the queen game... BTW I had a little girl and we clled her saffron. So that two girls i have now
from clairecav :
*Completely backs up point below* Especially when the obsession revolves around Johnny Depp... excuse me while I go and be giddy for a moment or two. But before I do that -I'M GOING TO LONDON TOOOOO! One week Saturday. Doing touristy things. Very excited.
from skinnylizzie :
There is NOTHING wrong with the odd healthy obsession or five. It is far, far less complicated than actually having a relationship or anything else as terrifying. And �9 an hour...God, even I'D clean for nine quid an hour!
from leggierox :
I'm thinking about quitting my job too, before I lose whats left of my sanity (admittedly not much left to save...). And chocolate hobnobs rock. And thanks for the Light A Candle link =) x
from randomrabbit :
Your teasing the kitten of life bit in your profile just made me laugh. I wish I did still have M&W to look forward to, but sadly no. I went at the beginning of this month. Or was it the end of last, I can�t quite remember. I was avoiding mentioning it in case I ruined any of it for you, but I do wish I�d have thought to tell you to think of a question for Big Talk though, sorry about that. I enjoyed it very much except for having the Table of Reds song stuck in my head for a week afterwards. And there it is again. And how�s this for speed? 4 days to reply to your note! In my defence I am very very lazy.
from boredlaura :
Oh hello there. You stuck me on your buddylist, can I, in return, come in and have a look around?
from strawberrri :
*snorts* at 'My brownie leader hit me over the head with the handbook.' My brownie leader made me stand in thr corner for fifteen minutes after i made noises like a goose :( seriously though Big Boss should not be a boss of anything. can't you report her to someone for being a complete fuckhead?
from buffylass :
Oh GOD, all this notage is making my head spin. Karma Police totally rocks, it's one of my favourites (Fake Plastic Trees is my favouritest though). As for Hitler, well his toothbrush tache didn't really do him any favours either.
from buffylass :
Man, go me times lots! Indeed, my job was �3.06 an hour, which was also a lot to do with me hating it. There was also a whole uniform issue too. And I'm sorry, but the Hitler hairdo (to quote Radiohead) means that all eye sexiness is rendered null and void.
from skinnylizzie :
The more I think about this, the worse it seems - did they honestly expect a teenager to be all sweetness and light 100% of the time? That's no reflection on you personally, it's just that we all have days where we're not quite as nice and helpful as normal! I once fell out with my boss for a month and not once did he threaten to fire me. So fuck them; you're not all those bad things. Your bad days aren't the sum total of your personality, they're just certain aspects that everybody suffers from now and again. Tell them to go screw themselves, the nob jockeys! They've clearly got no personnel skills if they think somebody can manage to be happy all of the goddamn time regardless of whatever life throws at them. BAH!
from buffylass :
Sorry, it's only today that I've managed to catch up on everyone's entries. To be quite honest, fuck Wattakar's. I worked for Three Cooks, which is kind've like Greggs but shittier and less well paid, for 6 weeks, until I decided to ring up one Friday and quit because the job was so goddamn awful and the staff were so irriating. I refused to work any notice because I couldn't face one more shift there, despite the manager bitching and whining at me, and it was most definately one of the best and most empowering things I've done. Don't think for a second that you're useless... I was probably totally rubbish at that particular job, but it doesn't matter because it was never what I wanted to do in life. There's lots of things I'm rubbish at, such as dancing and geography and trigonometry and speaking properly, but it doesn�t matter. The only thing that matters is that I�m good at science, and that�s all I want to do. You're not worthless in any sense of the word and you've got so much going for yourself. Don't fret. I think I've rambled on for about three thousand years, so I shall cease at once. Oh wait, finally: Robert Webb is the strangely sexy one, not David Mitchell xx
from clairecav :
Boo to Wattakers. Boo.
from ava-reborn :
I'm so sorry things are so shite!!! "I" haven't abandoned you, if that means anything!!! I'm sending you hugs and happiness!!!! xxx
from leggierox :
It's freaky, but I do exactly the same thing whenever anyone is nice to me. It's ridiculous how often I cry come to think of it...but if there's one thing I've learnt it's that (generally speaking) its just a phase. You'll wake up in the morning bright and bouncy, and all will be ok again =) Take care x
from skinnylizzie :
I guess that no matter how big other people's problems are, that doesn't make yours any smaller or less significant. We all have bad days and less than fun things happen to us, and you've been put through the mill recently as well. These things take time to piss off, damn the bastards. Ah well, enough of me trying to sound sensible and failing miserably - I recommend chocolate and either reading a good book in bed or watching a funny film. Oh, and I forgot to say before, huzzah for the first offer!
from skinnylizzie :
Why oh why do some parents encourage their children to sing? It's like all those dodgy families in the X Factor auditions where the girl is craptacular and the gran goes in and tries to thump Simon Cowell for being mean to somebody with no talent at all. Actually, that's the best bit of X Factor...
from the-moo :
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughughughugsquishsquishhuuuuuuuuuuuuug Hello I'm just catching up on entries (again) missed it here!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Good God...there are so many filthy things I could say right now but I have already been reprimanded for saying disgusting things on Claire's notes page so I shall resist the temptation. And I just noticed I spelt his name wrong in my note below. Bad spelling keeps me awake at night, why can't you edit these damn notes??
from buffylass :
*Johnson one, not was. Dufus.
from buffylass :
The Johnson was is the best episode of season 1, no question. Or maybe the last episode is. "She should have to wear a mask. Spider-man or Batman... actually she'd look pretty horny as Batman... Jesus!" Ooh, and on a sidenote, pasta is amazing and my body's staple food source. I sometimes have it twice a day for three days running when Lisa's not around. "No no, that feels nice... I mean not nice, just normal."
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, well we shall have to agree to disagree on the toast fandango. But I DO agree about the Gordon Ramsay thing...I've always had a bizarre crush on him. My first year flatmate Leah bought me his calendar, she thought it was hilarious. Bit rich coming from a proven psycho, I think
from skinnylizzie :
Don't even TALK to me about toast, the evil stuff! But Tesco ready meals are everybody's friends (5 for �4! Bargainous!). I was really surprised at how many students actually manage to eat quite healthily, to be honest. I was terrible for the first four weeks or so until I learnt how to actually cook. It gets old very fast though. Which is why I will marry a chef. Who is a footballer in his spare time, of course...
from buffylass :
I'm afraid we have to go back to the amazingness of Peep Show though. "But could I think about... kissing him? Well, obviously I could. No, I'm just thinking about thinking of it."
from buffylass :
You certainly are the coolest. My favourite M&W is the sketch they do at the hospital: "I'm sitting here with Mark who's broken his arm. What happened, Mark?" "Just broke." "That's an interesting story. In a minute he'll be getting it set and we'll be there to film it and put it on the telly. Soon I'll be talking to a doctor who's tired. Back to you."
from buffylass :
"Cool wet grass, cool wet grass". Man, I cannot wait until my dad buys the boxset so I can sneak it back to Shef with me. "God I'm such a cockmuncher... no, *not* cockmuncher" xx
from skinnylizzie :
Ack, I gotta tell you, the pasta thing gets old REALLY quickly. I got sick of it six months into university and yet I'm sitting here eating a giant bowl of the bastarding stuff. Learn how to make stir fries, they will be your saviour! And also, I too am rather intrigued about your present... (nosy, me?)
from random-ditto :
Permission to have your password? And thanks for reading my diary, I really had no idea. I promise to try and write in it more often.. I can't promise to make it vaguely coherent and interesting, but I'll try! xXx ps. nice taste in music :)
from clairecav :
I wish I had an aunt like yours! And what are you on about with your fat face?! I saw a photo of me t'other day and my cheeks took up so much room that my eyes looked like tiny black sperm. It was very attractive. Anyway, if you do indeed want to partake in a bit of lesbianic wildness in your teenage years, and I know you DO, then I suggest you get a lot of people together in a park with a few bottles of some chavvy drink like WKD and just watch the magic happen.
from strawberrri :
not fatface, prettyface! :)
from leggierox :
Your aunt is fab! So cute (as much as I hate to be all patronising and all...). Plus is that the very fab Next top I spy on thee?
from leggierox :
<3 that song =)
from ava-reborn :
I LOVE that song!!!!! I love The Fratellis! My friend went to see them in concert on Wednesday! Have a great weekend! x
from skinnylizzie :
If it's any help at all, my first offer was from Newcastle and didn't show up until December 29th (or around that date, anyway!). Vair annoying to hear everybody banging on about all of theirs and I had nothing! So I feel your pain
from leggierox :
Yay for Hammy!
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much for your note the other day lovely!! Hugs!! xxx
from randomrabbit :
What do you mean why? They're knitted boobs, damn it!
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, that's the beauty of university, they're legally obliged to employ a team of counsellors for those among us who are so lazy we forget to work all year and then get stressed out at exam times :). Hurrah for studentdom! And also for us both being cheerful again!
from the-it-man :
I love scotland just like you and i took my new wife on honeymoon to orkney this year. I am hoping to take are 2 year old daughter and are new born ( due on 14th Nov by c sect ). I recommend edinburgh. My brother in law live in inverness and hes taken me to aberdeen and its quite dull. The one thing i will say is aberdeen has the lost number of gays or lesbians in the whole of the uk. Stirling is nice as its virtual in the centre of scotland and glasgow and edinburgh.
from randomrabbit :
You do have impeccable taste in comedies, my dear. Number 21 I do love very much.
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, even your note the other day made me feel a bit better; I'm such a sucker for sweet notes (well, there goes my hard-ass reputation!). I'm loving your tea party by the way, I'm especially intrigued by the multi-coloured cake which I think looks like the piece de resistance of the whole affair. The eyeballs are frighteningly realistic, however...
from clairecav :
Ha, the teaparty looks fan-bloody-tastic. Your hat! How sexy.
from the-it-man :
Hi thanks for your kind note Could I have access to your diary please
from clairecav :
Gasp! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one with a precious new table in the house! We got a load of new furniture just before the rentals went away last weekend, and it killed my mum to leave me with it all. I was under strick instruction to sit at the table to eat every meal, to always have coasters down, to not sit on the cream leather chairs in case the dye came off my jeans, etc etc. Of course I respected them. I didn't eat everything on the new sofa. Or have my feet up on the new coffee table. Or anything. No, no,
from buffylass :
My grammar gene's stopped hyperventilating and would love a cup of hot sweet tea, thankyou.
from buffylass :
Oh crap, you raise a good point. I don't know which it should be, and my grammar gene's freaking out and begging me to make things okay. Which is it?!
from buffylass :
We should call it Robbing Bastards Revenue, which is both factually correct and pleasing to say.
from buffylass :
They are total hell fuckers. I think the best thing to do would be for me and you to take over the damn place and revolutinize the system.
from ava-reborn :
I think you did the right thing not going! And your dad is genius!! I love that!!
from skinnylizzie :
I bet you would've laid money on me leaving a note after mentioning neddlingtons. It's almost a given! ANYWAY...the whole riding from an early age thing is utter BOLLOCKS! I didn't start until I was 12 and I'm now riding with people who've been riding 16 years. The older you are, the quicker you learn (up to a certain point, anyway). And my tiny flatmate Christine is only starting lessons now! Oh, it fills me with secret joy to discover another's love for neddlingtons! Dammit, you've made me want to go and pat or horse or something now...
from buffylass :
Heh bless you, thankyou :) I think the sooner my brain turns off and stops obsessively over-analysing, the better for everyone. And I really liked your photos xx
from leggierox :
I'm glad someone is else is spending money in things she likes for the hell of it! Good on ya for waiting for so damn long...I usually give in after about a week at the very most =) x
from leggierox :
I know what you mean - I was whinging just earlier this afternoon about how all I wanted was a nice chair to ease my back pain, and a nap in front of Countdown...
from leggierox :
Wow. I second below note =)
from ava-reborn :
I'm proud of you! (in a totally non patroniasing or condescending way!!) You sound like you've really got your head sorted out and I'm so glad you're feeling more positive!!
from buffylass :
Aww man I LOVE the gay porn one! "Johnson, Johnson Johnson. If you love Johnson so much, why don't you MARRY him? Why don't you actually screw him, since that's so clearly what you want to do?"
from leggierox :
Haha pina colada...sometimes you just gotta laugh through the cringing ;) Maybe you're right - I'll give the poor guy a chance =)
from skinnylizzie :
THANK YOU for the info! I shall start planning my trip to ye olde London Town right now, which probably isn't a good thing as I'm so broke it hurts, but ah well! Thank you again! xx
from randomrabbit :
My friend has a signed dvd by the LOG(?) that says - Chrissykins Love & Kisses! An advantage of having a pal who is a bouncer at the City Hall.
from skinnylizzie :
I notice Holly conveniently left out her vast array of 90s vocabulary from her last slanderous note! What she hasn't told you is that she is actually very enamoured with the word stormin'. You should see my Facebook wall right now. I know she only does it because she has this mad lesbian love for me. Who can blame her? (I jest I jest!) Anyway, before I get too distracted by Hollipop's (call her that, go on, she loves it), I actually just came here to say that you must embrace your fangirldom! I think I might've told you that before, but it's always worth repeating. And I think being a fangirl over signed merchandise is perfectly acceptable!!! xx
from buffylass :
I do know what you mean... I just have a love of over-analysing and doing things logically, which obviously doesn't work for this kind of thing. However, woo indeed for a month of work! We completely rock. And feel free to also laugh at Zoe for using the word stormin', by the way xx
from skinnylizzie :
Ha it's cool, I'm stuck permanently in 80s and 90s mode when it comes to language (why oh why have I started using the word 'yo' again?). Holly laughed at me using the word 'storming' earlier. ANYWAY...I have no idea when we'll be tripping it, hopefully when we're less broke! But I lurve ye olde London Town and I'm vair determined to drag Christine along, the poor tiny fool, hehe
from skinnylizzie :
Oh oh oh, do you have any info on that youth hostel in ye olde London town? Only Christine and I were thinking of taking a trip down and needed somewhere cheap to stay! And in other news, you have my sympathy vis-a-vis UCAS forms. I didn't fill mine in until late November and I think I cocked it up at least twice. Fun times, yes!
from randomrabbit :
I'm glad you mentioned Mitchell & Webb as I've just checked my tickets and apparently I go on the 28th not the 25th, so cheers, you've saved me a kicking from the boys when we end up at Daniel O'Donnell or G4 or something.
from strawberrri :
mitchell and webb? arrrghhh take me with you!!!! :)
from buffylass :
Heh thankyou. The sweetness did not stick around, unfortunately. And all your talk of Tess has made me want to attempt reading it.
from randomrabbit :
Ooh I go to see Mitchell & Webb on the 25th. I do so very much love those boys. I go to see Jimmy Carr this Saturday too but I still can't decide if I like him or not - half of me finds him funny and the other half wants to punch him very hard in his smug spherical head.
from leggierox :
Yikes, you sound A LOT like me at the moment. And Pride and Prejudice is the quickest route to an afternoon nap after a mug of Horlicks...
from leggierox :
Don't tell anyone, but I well up at most X Factor shows, on or off period. I can only blame it on the slow-mo Westlife-soundtracked sections ;)
from ava-reborn :
Fantabulous photos!!!!!! You are gorgeous!!! All subjects have their shittier parts! I only did a little of my psychology A-level (before having to drop it because I took K out of school!) but found it rather dull. Hugs!
from buffylass :
Heh they're pretty dull - I had to learn the names of all the branches and where they ran and which parts of the brain they supplied. To be honest, my degree was more interesting than your notes ... I got to do lots of dissection and learned more about brain diseases and disorders, stuff like that. There was some boring background cellular stuff though; I guess every subject has some uninteresting stuff. And pipe cleaners do indeed rock.
from buffylass :
Ha, those boring boring notes are pretty much my boring boring degree. Only I got to make blood vessel pathways out of pipe cleaners.
from buffylass :
Hmm, is that little cross diagram at the top showing the sensory pathways of the eyes?
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for your note yesterday, apparently my mum agrees with you because if I hear the word 'psychosomatic' one more time from her I'll have to attack her with a pointy stick. Human brains are very odd things, aren't they? Anyway, thank you again, and I just have to say that the accommodation in your pictures looks AMAZING. My first love will always be Ricky Road here, of course, but whoa! It looks like a hotel!
from randomrabbit :
Lesser folk might have tried to garrotte themselves with the elastic band rather than listen to the tedious pile of dreary pish that is the Lighthouse Family. Well done for not. Edinburgh is pretty. You should study there. Your choice though.
from leggierox :
Lurvely hair medear! And also, last night's QI show was one of the ones that we went to see being recorded...the tea cosy jokes were STILL funny last night ;) x
from strawberrri :
no offence but i think your friend jess is a complete cunt.
from ava-reborn :
Your hair is gorgeous!!! You are gorgeous! And I'm so proud of you for going to the doctor! *hugs*
from buffylass :
Just wanted to say I'm glad everything going okay, and I hope counselling proves useful. Just don't feel like you have to take everything they say as gospel truth, as they can sometimes get it a bit skewed. Big good luck either way xx
from clairecav :
'Who The Hell Are You?' :P Fabulousness. Anyway, well done for going to the doctors! I still think you were immensely brave. Hopefully you can start to feel better about everything soon.. =D
from the-moo :
WOW everytime I end up away for a few days so much happens and then the guilt for missing it enarly cripples me once I get back online.. I haven't caught up enough to know exactly whats going on yet but please know I am here for you and I am going to try to read all that I've missed and I send support and love SO MUCH LOVE xxxxxxxx
from clairecav :
Hope docs goes okay!
from leggierox :
Something Joe said to me yesterdau hit a chord - "everything is relative". If you are feeling down, and need a hand, then you shouldn't feel bad about getting help. Perspective is great, as long as you can see the way out of what you're in in the first place...if that makes any sense? x
from strawberrri :
meh you're not selfish. you deserve happiness and shouldn't feel bad about going to the docs. i don't know if it makes you feel any better but when i was 13 my mum threatened to leave and actually did, for a month. you have to try to put yourself in their shoes i guess... but i know how much of an effect it can have. hope you'll be ok x
from buffylass :
Ha, not really but it passed the time. I demand that you now make a dancing video too.
from buffylass :
Oh buggery, I changed the settings but they've maybe not been updated yet.
from leggierox :
Glad things are falling into place for ya =) x
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, if I ever find out what the 'something' is I'll be sure to let you know so that you can avoid missing it too! Happy shoe shopping, oh how I wish it was me enjoying such delights :)
from skinnylizzie :
Aww uni's amazing, I've never disliked the student experience, it's just...I don't know. I'm a long way from home and I miss something when I'm away (it's not my family, but I won't tell them that), I just don't know what that something is. And think of the student loan! And the discounts! It's all good. And woo for your wages! I'd recommend buying a pair of shoes because they always make me feel better, but perhaps that is just my shoe-obsessed mind...
from skinnylizzie :
Bah, to be honest I've been in Glum City, Crapsville for about a year now, I just like to take a holiday from it every now and again. It's frustrating, I know what needs to happen but unfortunately I'm no timelord and I can't achieve it (note to self: research possibility of speeding time up). Anyway, it sounds like we both need hugs. And possibly men to buy us pretty things. I wouldn't say no!
from zoe-great :
i used to read this back in the day, could you give me the password?
from clairecav :
Cor, blood-giving time again already? How often do you have to do it? GAWD. Can't they just accept that you're a great person, gave blood once, and leave it at that?
from buffylass :
I'm sorry you're going through a lot of shittiness at the moment xx
from clairecav :
After reading that, and then Zoe's note below, I'm starting to think that all primary schopol kis are strange, food-obsessed little people! I remember at lunchtime we always used to say "Hands up if you like..." and I always had to pretend that I didn't like certain things, like bananas, because I knew that if I put my hand up for them then.. I don't know... outcast! Heh, tis very strange, really. Anywho smanywho, tell your diary a happy third birthday from me! It was mine some time in August. And I'm still updating no less than every other day. Maybe I justhave too much spare time on my hands?
from skinnylizzie :
PS: I LOVE Milky Way yoghurts. How dare anybody suggest that they're anything but little pots of heaven?!
from skinnylizzie :
Somebody once tried to make fun of me in my second primary school for eating a Milky Way pudding. I ate the whole damn thing and then accidentally on purpose whacked a rounders ball at her in PE later that week. I feel your pain over the peanut butter sandwiches, my friend. As for all the other things you seem to think you are...I've seen no evidence of that. I know you'll probably use the whole 'we've never met' argument here, but whenever I've spoken to you on MSN, emailed you etc you've always been lovely. Everybody has their off days and I think you're just going through a shitty patch right now. She completely overreacted in that situation - chucking an apple? How old is she?! You're a truly fantabulous person, don't believe anything else. And here endeth today's semi-serious note xx
from skinnylizzie :
Yep, there's nothing quite like being harassed by a man in a giant foam suit in front of three and a half thousand football fans and thirty footballers! I can't wait until I can announce that I'm Mrs Giant Foam Man, it will be a joyous day. Anyway, what I really came here to say is that I hope the first day at your new job goes well and that the cold disappears very soon :)
from clairecav :
I've already done the congratulations jazz, so I am instead here to say that you have a very BIZARRE taste in men. David Tennant I can handle but Reese Whatshisface is just peculiar :P
from skinnylizzie :
Ah're talking to the queen of perving, I would never judge a fellow perver. Okay, all this talk of perving is getting me a bit hot and bothered, I think I might have to go and do something mundane like the washing up to take my mind off it!
from skinnylizzie :
Bloody Windows Live Mail! It's ruining my entire email experience! Ah it wasn't a particularly impressive comparison so I shall assume you don't want to see it (although I wouldn't blame you if you did want to see a picture of him...gah, I'd never refuse!). And perving is good, embrace it! I claim that I'm only this bad because there's NO good-looking guys here at all. I've had reports that I really am quite normal and well-adjusted with regards to men I've never really met whilst in Newcastle. So claim boredom and continue ogling. I'm sure I read somewhere that it's healthy...
from buffylass :
Ahh big and wondrous yay for the job. We are clearly taking the employment world by STORM.
from skinnylizzie :
Hurrah for the second job! That's a rather large amount of money to be earning in one week so I salute you, friend and fellow ogler of tasty men (no, I don't know either). And I thought the Lord of the Rings books were bloody boring, drove me up the wall but I had to finish them on principle. And finally, I have to apologise for the typo in my email. I realise that in the great scheme of things typing 'on' instead of 'one' doesn't matter even a little bit, but typos and spelling mistakes keep me awake at night, and I only saw that one after I'd hit send. Oh God, shut me up now!
from leggierox :
It's spooky, everything you just said in your entry (theme-wise) is exactly how I'm feeling at the moment. Having no one to talk to and being stuck at home is eroding away my sanity...and I'm really starting to love getting away from it all at work. Getting more and more sad about leaving now...
from buffylass :
Aww, and your wondrous package has just this second arrived, and you are officially the most fantastic person in the entire world. And I shall be sending you something in return, although unfortunately it'll just be a Sheffield postcard because Shef's not really famous for much, except Sean Bean, Pulp, steel and being the Gritty City xx
from buffylass :
Wasn't it called Unleash the Dragon? I hope so, if only because Unleash the Lesbo sounds bloody fantastic.
from buffylass :
HA, Zoe is literally *dying* to send you a photo of her. She is a lesbian on a mission.
from skinnylizzie :
Yeah there's not too much cleaning involved in my daydreams, especially not when there's nekkid Oirishmen to be ravaged (SORRY...I'm sorry, I forget that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed sometimes). Is it just me you need a photo of (great, now I sound like I'm spreading the lesbian love further afield than Holly)? I think that's quite interesting actually, it does get a bit freaky-deaky with how alike some people are
from skinnylizzie :
Aww woo for the cleaning job! And another woo for being gainfully employed! You've asked for it with that email, by the way. It set me off on another pervy daydream. I'll give you three guesses as to which guy I picked, but you'll only need one (and don't believe Holly's slander, she's actually my girlfriend. Which makes my entire last point about men completely pointless. Ah well!)
from buffylass :
It's okay, I've had it re-delivered for tomorrow. And yay for the cleaning job! And finally, Tim does indeed appear to be embracing the lesbianism vibe. It's all part of a global conspiracy (fronted by Zoe) to turn me gay.
from buffylass :
Guttingly, I got into Sheffield yesterday (totally migraine-infested) to find that your package hasn't been delivered because it wouldn't fit through the crappy letterbox. I am beyond distraught, and shall be having strong words with Royal Mail today. Also, good luck with getting either of your wondrous jobs.
from randomrabbit :
I'm sorry your brother thinks you're a lesbian! But then lesbians are a wonderful wonderful thing. I know that doesn't help you any, but I really just wanted to voice my view on lesbians.
from skinnylizzie :
My my, there's a LOT of all girls schools up the top of that list! Oh God, Eastenders keeps distracting me from writing this note. Anyway, I shall keep my fingers crossed that one of those jobs is yours v soon :)
from leggierox :
Ooooh George IS creepy...
from buffylass :
A massive good luck for the interview. And I'm sorry I've sullied the good word "package" for you. Hopefully it'll fade with time xx
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh good luck for the interview! One of my best friends worked for our Ottakers for years and I seem to remember them asking about her favourite authors from different genres and why she liked them so much. Anyway, hope it goes well!
from clairecav :
Yay congrats, rock that interview!
from buffylass :
Aww I am tres excited about the wondrous package. God, I always feel dead pervy when I say the word "package". I'm leaving chez Manc for Sheffield in a couple of days, so not long to wait now xx
from randomrabbit :
I hope you don't mind but I followed the link on your page and got a new template thing. It dawned on me that mine was a bit crap and because I'm far too lazy to fanny about and find one for myself I just pilfered from you. It's a different one though, I just didn't want you to think I was a shifty bugger or something.
from the-moo :
beyoooooowtiful pictures lovely one!! *hugs* I too get REALLY bothered by my hair on a morning and then stop caring and let it get all minging.. AND... I think you're FAB - just so you know xxx
from buffylass :
It's my stupid computer, for the first time ever it's decided to revert to the previous index page whenever I try to read an update. I'm going to have to go delete the temporary internet cache now xx
from buffylass :
Aww massive woo :D I shall raise a flag in your honour when it arrives. And you appear to have deleted an entry tonight, so hope you're doing okay xx
from leggierox :
Yeah, they're great aren't they, everytime I see them, I feel all happy and warm and fuzzy, even if I am being knocked about on the way to the train platform, squished against the window on the train, and given weird looks the whole way ;)
from leggierox :
I'm afraid not, none of my uncles are as such. But weird things are happening in familial circles. I guess thats just the way it goes, eh?
from skinnylizzie :
Good GOD, it sounds like you've had the week from hell...if I had any spare good karma floating around I would pass it your way. Alas, I am fresh out of the stuff, but I will say that I hope good things come your way soon, because you clearly deserve them. Have a big hug from me xxx
from clairecav :
Oh GOD, I'm sorry for your pooey family situation right now. My mum always complains that we don't respect her or something, but generally we ignore her. Which is good because she says the most random things when she's in one of those moods: that she's going to divorce the Step-Daddio, that she hates her life, even that she hopes she gets cancer and dies (though that's more when she's had one or seven glasses of wine)! Bascially, I think all mothers are insane and say mad things sometimes... try not to let it affect you TOO much... I hope everything works out alright.
from leggierox :
Ouch. It's everything I fear is happening to my family, but under the current...and yet to surface... I think I understand x
from strawberrri :
*hugs* :( x
from buffylass :
I'll be thinking of you xx
from buffylass :
Oh excellent. Because everyone loves awkwardness and strained attempts to make out that everything's absolutely fine xx
from buffylass :
Oh shit, I'm really really sorry. I hope you're doing okay xx
from buffylass :
Aww you rock, thankyou :) and I'm sorry to hear about your uncle... sounds like a horrific thing to have to deal with. I'm guessing that's why you're not in the happiest of moods at the moment? xx
from clairecav :
The news about your uncle is awful, I'm so sorry. And bum also that London wasn't fantastic. At least you got on the London Eye! *My turn to be jealous*
from clairecav :
By the by, the traffic wasn't too noisy in my opinion. But maybe I was too absorbed in the big mysticness to notice =D
from leggierox :
Hmmm if you live in the close proximity of those who indulge (i.e. if you ever go to uni...likely on the basis of your results ;) you start to not notice. Every time my family visited, they'd start coughing and spluttering at the "smokey" air. I think I was on a low-level high all year ;)
from strawberrri :
thanks :D glad you enjoyed V - i heard tickets were going for �20 on ebay because of the rubbish weather, but as long as you avoid getting trenchfoot it never matters too much.
from randomrabbit :
So very jealous. I very much love Thom Yorke and Beck. But not in a gay fashion you understand.
from leggierox :
*jealous mucho* And why did you call Keith beautiful? BECAUSE HE IS!!! *drool* I love We Are Scientists! Again very jealous ;) Hope the comedown isn't to harsh on you... x
from buffylass :
Glad you had fun at the festival of V. I'd have killed to see Radiohead, and I mean literally *killed*.
from clairecav :
Hello chum! Glad the V Festival was groovy. I don't think anybody really knows anything about Stonehenge, other than it's really, really old. And there's all this stuff about it being a big clock for the months because of where the sun sets at different times of the year, and then there are all these burial mounds around it junk. Whatever it is, it's quite groovy to look at. Have a bitchin' time in London, by the way!
from clairecav :
A late but still very hearty CONGRATS! on your magnifique results! Hope you had fun at V ;)
from strawberrri :
someone suggested me and the boyf go as elephant and castle! but it would not be an easy feat...i think he's going as crouch end and i'm unsure. your results are bloody great btw, be proud :)
from buffylass :
Aww huge well done on your results xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Congratulations on your splendiferous results! They really are an impressive looking set of grades so I salute you :D
from leggierox :
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I never mention it because I fear some of them may read it and be offended, but there are times when I feel like the skivvy, desperately trying to get people together and get things done, when no one else can be bothered. And no one ever does anything for me either. It's all one way traffic. I've organised surprise birthday parties, nights out, special random presents, and have never had any of the above done for me. All selfless. Such is life. Hopefully one day someone will recognise our efforts =) x
from buffylass :
Thanks chicken, I appreciate it :) And I'm sorry you're having shitty friend problems at the moment xx
from buffylass :
I'm sure we can manage that... however I have no idea what Sheffield merchandise to send, as the only thing Sheffield's really famous for is steel.
from buffylass :
Heh you and me both. And when I do I shall send you wondrous Sheffield merchandise in return.
from buffylass :
Ha! I am well excited now, which is good because I'm on a right downer at the moment, so thanks :) xx
from leggierox :
whoopsie daisy...ignore my last note - I really should get out of the habit of leaving notes before reading my own =)
from leggierox :
ah, I think I'm in need of a password ;)
from buffylass :
Aww, a package!! Now I'm all excited... and I have no qualms at all about giving out my address because I secretly adore stalkers (just ask Zoe). Ooh, and I do love your hair quite a lot. I think you should tell me more about the wondrous package (check this for innuendo heaven) xx
from ava-reborn :
Your hair is gorgeous!! So sexy!!
from clairecav :
Bwaha! I came back, just as promised. Your hair looks just as funky, if not MORE, than I imagined - tres fantastique indeed!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, I like it! It's very groovy and funky, it suits you. And I bet not waiting an age for it to dry rocks as well. By the way, I LURVE your black and white scarf...
from buffylass :
Heh thankyou, I am indeed looking forward to it in a geeky way. And I may have to ask Rich to buy me some cake now xx
from the-moo :
I think you should cut your hair and take lots of pictures!!! then I can tell you repeatedly how amazingly beautiful you are!!! *hugs* also.. I LOVE PRIMARK!! xxx
from clairecav :
Ooh I think you'd suit jazzy short hair! And I don't say that very often as I adore long hair on everybody, so the fact that I imagine it would look nice on you is a rare thing. But go for it... even if you hate it, it'll always grow back.
from onlyemma :
thank you for your note! my diaryland mojo returned after I read it because I thought a proper entry was in order so I squeezed one out. lol that sounds horrible! But anyway, I hope you don't mind but I saw your diary password etc on hol's notes page a while ago so I still read your diary. I really hope that's ok! I'd miss you if I couldn't! xxx
from buffylass :
I'm still loving cake, by the way. This afternoon I tried carrot cake for the first time... Paddy swears by it, but I'm not so impressed. It's definately not as good as chocolate cake.
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, thanks, YAY was my first thought too :)
from clairecav :
Ag I know, it is awful. It's still not really sunk in though..! I just feel awful for the families, and the close, close friends. And now we're all scared because we think they're both such coincidences that there could be some horrible link and we're all infected, or something. Dramatic? Us? It's scary though. And sad. So, so sad.
from buffylass :
Friend issues always suck ultimate ass and you have all my sympathy xx
from clairecav :
GAH, just reading Mandy's note there, maybe I shouldn't have wrote that? Feel free to delete!
from clairecav :
Tis fine - bumhole away! And, no offence to them, but your friends sound extremely sucky if they make you feel so bad. My advice (because I am just the *best* person to get friend advice from, what with all my best-friend-but-I-hate-you stories) would be to try and arrange something with the people you mentioned as people you're not that close to. All great friendships must start somewhere...
from the-moo :
AH just got around to catching up and I won't comment on anything personal for notes can be seen by all but *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs* come and live up here and I shall be your very most very best playmate!! xxx
from strawberrri :
thanks my lovely, your message is gone. bruges is beautiful btw - i'm sure you'll have a blast taking photos there!
from buffylass :
Just read your note, dude, sorry it's taken so long to delete but I've only just gotten to the Union. Hope no one read it over the weekend xx
from clairecav :
Cheers dearest, note safely deleted! So, locked for a third time? I can't blame you, really. Your reasons make sense. If my real-life friends read mine then I'd just spend all my time censoring myself.
from ava-reborn :
The answer to you posed question, and your dilemma is don't wait!!! The first is a statement "Annie Waits". The 2nd is a suggestion, "Let's Not Wait". So the answer? You wait, but you shouldn't! There! Solved! As for the toe thing, Jason has 2 toes on each foot that are joined together and it's never caused him any problems. So that helps prove your theory right! And, I've got "Annie, I'm Not Your Daddy". And "Smooth Criminal". I've been trying to think of others. Thank you for giving me something to do on a boring Sunday!! xx
from randomrabbit :
Thank you for the password! I finally managed to delete your note with it on after about 20 minutes of trying to work out how. Anyway, you can rest assured that no one will ever find it out from me. Thanks to growing up with a rather sadistic older sister I became quite adept at withstanding most forms of torture � thumbscrews, Indian burns, Bolivian spoon poking. Not tickling though. If they tickle me then I�m afraid I will squeal like a pig. Well, hope you�re having a good day my dear. And if I see a mad middle aged couple in Whitby I�ll be sure to say hello!
from ava-reborn :
I've deleted your note! Thanks for giving me the keys!! Why did you lock up? Great pics!! Joe's a cutie!! Looks a lot like my "Jason" when he was younger!! Gorgeous!! And your parents look sooooo young!!!!! And you my dear, beautiful as always!!
from strawberrri :
haha i wouldn't worry. a guy on my course at uni was THE EXACT REPLICA OF LES DENNIS (but ginger) though not a single person agreed with me.
from strawberrri :
yay annie pictures!! your brother reminds me of jack osbourne lookswise, though i don't mean that in a nasty way :)
from gaffor :
Despite talking to you on MSN right now I feel I should send you a note. I neglect many people notewise, you being near the top of the neglect list. Perhaps inform some kind of charity and report me. But yes, keep up the splendid diary, you're great.
from buffylass :
Ha! Flattery will get you everywhere. In return, I did enjoy your holiday photos and you too looked lovely. I hope you had a very bon time xx
from ava-reborn :
Wow, I must have written several hundred identical diary entries when I was younger!! *hugs*
from clairecav :
I don't care if you tell me not to, I'm always going to hassle you with notes telling you that I don't think you're a terrible person... because friends ignore friend's requests not to do that. You know, maybe you ARE agressive and opinionated and assertive - but why is that any reason not to like yourself? It's not as if you go around coshing old ladies with your agressiveness (well not as far as I know. If you ever have coshed an old lady then I take it back and agree you are a horrible person). I for one wish that I could sometimes be more outspoken, more assertive - the things I dislike about myself sometimes are the fact that I find it HARD to stand up for myself and say what I think. Would you really rather be like that? Doubtful. Not wanting to sound like your life-coach here, but you need to see all the good things about your qualities - because we all do! It means that you stand up for yourself and for other people and that you're not afraid to say what you think. They're really good things to be able to do. Okay, I have offically rambled enough now... and reading back through I notice it kind of sounds like I'm lecturing you. Heh, I could not lecture a lettuce (and believe me, I have tried) and mean this kindly =D
from ava-reborn :
Welcome home!! Lovely pictures!! And photos of beautiful Annie!!! Yay!!!
from the-moo :
I never work TOO hard but anyway... HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A FABULOUS TIME!!! xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Okay, so you've probably left already and won't see this until you get back which kind of defeats the object, but I'll say it anyway...have a FABULOUS holiday! I'm eternally jealous of you for getting away :)
from randomrabbit :
Bugger, now I want a radio controlled dalek.
from ava-reborn :
Oy!!! More photos of you!!!!!!!!
from ava-reborn :
Yeah, we've been about 6 or 7 times. But never to the one that used to be Oasis. We've always been to the one in Longleat. We love it!
from clairecav :
Mwaha, you can have him... and he will BITE you! I sooo wanted to watch your videos but they took about a gazillion years to load, and in the end never did. For shame. I'll try again later, I must see your insane ramblings. And nice new template by the way... even if it does wreck my eyes a bit!
from leggierox :
My pleasure, it is a fantabulouso song, whatever people may say ;) Black Holes and Revelations is next on my to-buy CD List, and they're also next for me to go to a gig for (tickets on sale next week I think!). You're welcome to add me or vice versa =)
from leggierox :
Nice layout ;)
from strawberrri :
"This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request." bah, i say. maybe my computer will behave one day and i can watch them.
from strawberrri :
thanks, it's in the first half of august so not long now! unless i cancel it! i can never get your videos to play for me :(
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, thank you! My dad hasn't even bothered to ask how I did (insert unimpressed face here) so you can have his brownie points. Right, I'm not making sense so I should end that one there. And I miss it when you update! I haven't been online all weekend but if I had, I can guarantee I would've missed it. It's always nice to see your diary in all its red glory on my buddy list :D
from clairecav :
Ah, you quoted me in your profile *is freakishly happy for a while*. Being quoted in moments of deep stupidity is just what makes life fun. Anyway, just so you knoweth, I care if you randomly go silent over the weekend. Partly because I stalk you, but partly because you are fabulously grooveh.
from buffylass :
Aww, I missed you not updating over the weekend.
from ava-reborn :
I agree! Pirates 2 was funny and enjoyable but just too damn long! Could have done with being 30 mins shorter! That's when I started needing the loo!!! As soon as it ended I coudn't get out of there quick enough!!! And the whole kraken thing didn't work for me. It's just mixing too many genres! Add a little green man from outer space and a tweed dressed old lady solving murder clues and you'd have them all covered!
from buffylass :
Man, you have ALL my sympathy.
from buffylass :
Jesus, you have to make them Christmas cards??
from buffylass :
Heh thanks :) Ooh and she rings a bell in my mind, but you're going to have to refresh my memory as to the specifics of her Creatures...
from leggierox :
Aw thanks, I definitely picked up on those hug-vibes =) The football was pretty dismal, no? But at least I had a sort of distraction hehe.. cheers! x
from clairecav :
I resent saying this because Holly will no doubt be on this page soon and will therefore be witnessing yet more of my notes-page-typos disease. But I actually meant good instead of goo there. It is not goo to know about people.
from clairecav :
Ah, I love you also! (Actually, I'm not sure you used the word 'love' in your note to me, but try not feel too scared) very good entry by the by, it's goo to know about people's backgrounds and beliefs and such.
from buffylass :
Did you actually get any secrets posted? When I'm bored I always sit and think about what I'd make mine on. Oh, and your thoughts about God are pretty much exactly how I feel. I don't believe because I'm too science-based, and the whole thing just seems ridiculous when I sit and think it through. And then Becky's all massively religious and it's almost like I resent her faith, because she gets to just trust God to fix all her problems and I have to fix mine for myself.
from ava-reborn :
You're more than welcome lovely!! I did English A-level too. But it was also back in the days before they turned into A1 & A2! And it was combined lang and lit. I loved it! Ok, I'm off to watch Lost! xx
from ava-reborn :
I've been meaning to thank you for adding me!!! Thank yoooouuuuu!!!!! And for the sweet comment *blush*!! I love the idea of phalic ice!! Hehe!! I played clarinet at school! And I also did 6 months of psychology A-level! It was a correspondence course but I had to drop it when I took K out of school. What others are you taking?
from kate-lee :
Thank you so much for your message! I may well pick your brains before long, as we don't know anyone at all who has personal experience of the process. Cheers a miliion-billion-many hon xxxxxxxx
from the-moo :
hahahahahahahhahahaahhaahah way too amused by that!! xxx
from randomrabbit :
I too freeze my water bottles and end up with a frozen penis. Well, not an actual frozen�ah, you know what I mean. Never felt the urge to draw it though. Hmm, my first comment to you and it�s about an ice penis (if you say that out loud it sounds like a nice penis). I think we�ve found my level. Good day.
from theswordsman :
Oh darn you for the ghost car. It's one thing on a phone, but with a large monitor and stereo speakers turned all the way up, ohmigod. I'm glad you changed your template, because I always use Netscape and now I can actually read more than your first paragraph. Yes, the ghost car was definitely wrong.
from skinnylizzie :
*at school right now. I tried to combine two words apparently and just got confused
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, I realise that you will actually be at school night so my advice is useless vis-a-vis the shirt...but I'm going to say it anyway - do you have any Febreze? If not, then I highly recommend it. I use it on all the tops I go out to bars in because they don't get dirty but just stink of smoke, and if you spray it the night before it smells just washed the next morning, hurrah! My, I'm just giving away my dirty unwashed hobo secrets for free now, that's a bit worrying
from leggierox :
Haha my dad used to say "Jesus wept" made me laugh everytime, as all profanities/blasphemy does when you're about 6 ;)
from the-moo :
*HUUUUUUG* have a nice warm hug xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Woo, mad as badgers! I applaud your use of that excellent phrase yesterday, it really was truly spectacular. And also, WOO for the tickets!
from leggierox :
*gasp* You got V Tickets? Again, V jealous! ;)
from leggierox :
Swanky top! Muchissimo jealous!
from onlyemma :
Thanks for your note. Glad to find another felt-tip pen lover! I used to use felt tips in all my Science books. Anyway, it's funny about your mum saying she's trying to marry you off. My dad used to try and do the same thing when my sister and I were about 18 because he thought we were too lazy to find our own boyfriends. So it's obvious that parents will say and do very strange things when it comes to their daughters! xxx
from onlyemma :
Thanks for your note. Glad to find another felt-tip pen lover! I used to use felt tips in all my Science books. Anyway, it's funny about your mum saying she's trying to marry you off. My dad used to try and do the same thing when my sister and I were about 18 because he thought we were too lazy to find our own boyfriends. So it's obvious that parents will say and do very strange things when it comes to their daughters! xxx
from buffylass :
I properly just tilted my head to the side there to get the full effect and must concur, it does look decidedly axe-murdery. Aww I'm sorry your day's been shit, I shall send some good vibrations westward just for you.
from skinnylizzie :
Ugh, that is nasty! What is it about teachers and Sixth Formers? It's just so WRONG. And the sight of topless Lamp-my-ard kind of sends me into a daze...mmm...I'm blaming you for the fact that it's back in my head now, damn!
from buffylass :
Good vi good vi good vibrations! Thankyou very much, they should definately make a new emoticon to signify "Grinning Like A Loon", because in my opinion a capital D just doesn't cut it. As always, hoping your day's been good x
from clairecav :
Och, I KNOW. My school is really cruel. I think we're the first year that are doing it, but it's just that we do a few exams, as soon as we learn the material for that particular one. In the RE for example, in Year 10 we study Mark's Gospel and then in Year 11 we do euthenasia and all that stuff. So the previous years have had to do both of those exams in Year 11, having to revise all the Mark stuff from a year previously. We're just doing it now as soon as we've learnt it, and can now forget about it all and concentrate on our next year's course. Which I suppose is better in the long run. The really, really long run, because currently it just seems shite.
from the-moo :
ooooooooooooh *SNAP* I used to LOVE colouring my timetable in I also used to rewrite it in a neater more organised way too and stick it to my wardrobe door next to the bed... that makes me sound like I'm organised or something but I'm not I'm just a big geek haahaha *hugs* xxx
from clairecav :
Ock, now I really prefer your blue template to my pink one!
from leggierox :
Yay! I ish redeemed! I still think Firefox rocks my geeky little socks - so many plugins, not enough time!
from the-moo :
I love that song I love your inner geek and yes... I just am full of love for the bananie of the annie variety!!! *hugs* xxx
from buffylass :
Yes! Thankyou! I loathe Firefox with a passion because my layout looks absolute shite with it, and every time Dave sneaks onto my computer and reinstalls it I go right ahead and unreinstall it because Firefox is undiluted DEVILSPAWN.
from leggierox :
Yeah, I've noticed your layout wasnt quite right in firefox, but figured that it was only me who was using firefox, and after all the problems you were having with html, I thought it was best to keep shtum. Besides, Firefox kicks IE's ARSE! Woo! =D
from clairecav :
I LOVE the Frosties advert. It makes me guffaw everytime I see it. I love his ghetto hand gestures at the end. The div. Ha!
from leggierox :
Bwhaha that Frosties advert makes me want to stick my fist through the TV. Thankfully for us all, the box is still in one piece =)
from leggierox :
The other thing about uni-ing in Scotland is the significantly cheaper fees and living costs. Deffo wort hit from what I heard from my Glasgow-uni mate =)
from buffylass :
Ohh I know what you mean, the summer up to leaving for Uni I was decidedly unexcited about the prospect of it, and kind've half-wished I could just stay at home with all my friends forever and ever.
from buffylass :
I wish I was going off to Uni too. Sigh.
from skinnylizzie :
Clearly we are the noting queens tonight! Meh, it's close enough to Newcastle for me! My geography is appalling. And I understand about the grammar school thing, I used to get that until I hit A Levels, well, got lazy. Okay, I'm going to attempt to stop noting you now for tonight because the last few have all been from me and I'm becoming to look like some kind of crazed notes page stalker...
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, I shall join you in that club then, unemployment is the way forward methinks. Ooh, Stirling, that's not that far from Newcastle! Well, kind of. Northerners party hardest, good choice going up north. And with regards to the whole A Level thing, I know it's easy for me to sit here and say it because they're just a distant memory for me now, but things will always work themselves out, and universities are more lenient with grades than they let on (Newcastle let my friend do electrical engineering with Cs and Ds - and possibly an E). Right, I'm rambling again...
from skinnylizzie :
They're not all �8 an hour, I was cruelly misled! That's only night shifts or something else ridiculous like that. In my last job I was only on �3.80 an hour, and I was 18 when I left :)
from skinnylizzie :
I wish I could say that I'm a big enough person to pack fish in return for some much-needed cash...but oh God, the stench...if it smells this bad on a hot summer's day in my neighbourhood then I dread to think what it could smell like down on the docks. Bleurgh. Although I think this particular factory is just food packing, the woman in the agency said 'we don't deal with wet, smelly fish here'. Nice!
from clairecav :
Here's hope that the dashing husband is David Tenant! So basically your life will finally setlle down in your 30s, but then you only get twenty years max of goodness before you die. How cheerful. You should have just made a friend read your palm like I did, as they tend to be a bit nicer.
from buffylass :
Heh unfortunately our house is indeed wonky - you can stand Becky's exercise ball in the middle of the floor and it'll roll. Apparently all the houses on our road are wonky and are one day going to collapse. Yay for Sheffield architecture! I really wanted to write wanky there too.
from clairecav :
Ah but they're not like cool Mafia, they are like just-a-bit-rough types.
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, now that sounds like a PLAN. Sign me up! I'll be there, I fold up really small and everything! And excellent diversionary tactics, by the way, hehe :D
from strawberrri :
what you said makes sense :) what i hated about AS levels was having to go back for the rest of the summer term after the exams! oh and having to go on a biology field trip, though my friend tumbling into a rock pool whilst on the trip made up for that.
from strawberrri :
hooray no more exams for you! i don't think people mean to offend when they say media is 'easy' (it's called Advanced level for a reason) but i think looking at it relatively, media is an easier subject than, say, physics or further maths.
from skinnylizzie :
Once again, I'm disgustingly jealous of you. Do you think you could sneak me in in your bag? And I bet all of that money will be totally worth it! On a slightly different note, WOO for no more exams!
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, I think I'm just about over it now, it's taken long enough! And I may have to pay that quid in installments...would you like it in 10p or 5p pieces?! But yes, arenas and stadiums are pretty groovy places, I always get a little bit bedazzled by them (simple things...)
from clairecav :
You could always get the Motorola L6 like me because it's jazzy and really cheap =P Much like me!
from leggierox :
Oh and I'M jealous of me for Mauritius =P
from leggierox :
Ah, well I have two phones - my original PAYG, and a contract that my dad basically got for free for a year through some swanky chequeback thing online, so that I could use it whilst at uni. That's expiring soon, and they're gonna actually charging for the line rental, so I'm kinda vaguely looking to upgrade as well. Interesting... *strokes porverbial beard*
from leggierox :
Ooh! I've wanted that red slvr ever since it was announced in the Independent special newspaper edited by Bono. Although my studenty tightwad pocket budget will probably not stretch to it =(
from buffylass :
Aww I really enjoyed your entry today. I just thought I'd let you know.
from clairecav :
GET THE RED SLVR! GET THE RED SLVR! Hum. There's my imput. I loved the picture where you felt like a clown, you look so purdy, dearest!
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, and those veggie burgers have almost converted me, I didn't think it was possible!
from skinnylizzie :
No no no, boo for Motorolas! I'm not denying the prettiness of the phones, but bleurgh, my Motorola has given me nothing but grief since last summer, it truly is the phone of DOOM
from clairecav :
YES! I am not alone...
from buffylass :
I'd like to say a big go you for donating blood. I'd write more but I'm up writing this note at the ridiculous time of 6:07 am, and don't want to accidently put something moronic out of stupid brain x
from strawberrri :
why not donate your eggs too?! :P my mum was found as a match for bone marrow doning...i'm not sure what happened with that but i know she was only going to do it if her work were prepared to pay her for the time she would need off as we're not rich.
from strawberrri :
i hope that despite the pain and discomfort you got a huge amount of satisfaction for doing such a marvellous deed. i haven't been able to bring myself to give blood...though my mum and the boyf do.
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, go the you! You have earned my eternal respect for having the guts to do it!
from clairecav :
Go you giving blood, Bananie!
from leggierox :
Good for you for giving blood! I wanted to, especially after The London Bombings, but I just knew I'd pass out, and I'm sure they have better things to be doing than dealing with wimpy teens =)
from skinnylizzie :
Good luck for giving blood, mon cherie. You are a far braver girl than I and I have only admiration for you for even contemplating doing it!
from onlyemma :
Thank you for your note! I'm sure my grandchildren will one day enjoy hearing all about my crapness as a runner :P At least I have something else to put on my CV anyway. Sorry your psychology exam didn't go too well, but I agree with Holly (note below) I have done exams where I have only written 2 paragraphs or I've simply reworded the question as an answer and I've passed. So it can be done! I bet you'll surprise yourself. Good luck with the rest of your exams! xxx
from buffylass :
Hey hey, sorry your Psych exam sucked so much ass. If it makes you feel better, I've had exams where I thought I'd kicked ass and ended up with a totally rubbish mark. And one of my exam essays last year consisted of just two paragraphs and I still passed it. So don't worry about it too much... there's always re-sits after all.
from clairecav :
Good luuuuuck, good luck good luck good luck, good luuuuuuck, good luuuuuck! Ahem. Now that the 'good luck' song is over, I shall go.
from strawberrri :
good luck, i don't know anyone who doesn't find exams stressful if that helps. chocolate is good for exams too apparently, and would make a much nicer dinner than salad!
from skinnylizzie :
Bonjour mon petite pal, I have arrived to say please don't smash your head on the desk because I would miss you if it led to some fairly serious kind of injury. And also, good luck for tomorrow, because I share your revision pain at the moment (I don't think I've left the flat in a good few fact, I don't remember the last time I saw sunshine without a pane of glass in the way). Comfort yourself with the fact that the build-up to exams is worse than actually sitting them. Unless you do A Level Maths, of course xxx
from the-moo :
BLEH I left two messages in your guestbook and only one of them is showing so I shall say sorry now in case it shows later and I have also said it here but hey... I wanted to say that I LOVE the pics and I wish I could have been there with the party and the eating and the fun glasses and the lovely friends and the EUROVISION!!!!!!!!! *takes a moment to relflect on goodness that is EUROVISION* I was in suffolk it was raining.. there was no eurovision or glasses or you!! *sobsob* *hugs* xxx
from skinnylizzie :
Yeah, 5 AS Levels is a lot, isn't it?! I dropped Biology after the first year, which was daft considering how hellish Maths was (still don't understand my reasoning behind that one). We always used to get told that people at grammar schools think too much about their answers and they learn so much that the answer ends up being too complicated...which sounded suspiciously like an excuse not to revise to me, hehe :)
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, interesting, Laura said Hugh Jackman...not that I would've complained about George Clooney! The film's good, I thought my mate Tom would ruin it but I didn't think he was too bad. And meh, AS Levels - I don't know if this helps at all, but everybody I know (including me) did next to no work for them and we all got really good grades. I even managed 3 As, a B and a C and I swear, I did nothing. So there is hope, little one! All the same, I shall think of you come Thursday (is it Thursday? I think I'm right but I'm not entirely sure). And if my mad ex-flatmate Leah can get an A in A Level Psychology then you will have NO problems, my friend
from buffylass :
Ohh I'm really sorry - it's now 12:27 and I totally sacked it all off after I posted my entry and went home. I'm now preparing to watch some Apprentice. You should keep working though! xxx
from the-moo :
EEEEEEEEP hello new and very attractive friend *hugs* I have no space on my buddy list to add you but I am working on a better way to add people and to have a lovely linky page and you WILL Be going on it because you are "teh fab" as I beleive the younger trendier ones would say - I however would simply say that I think you're GREAT and hi *huuuugs* xxx
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) unfortunately the hospital is definately a fair step away from Lancaster, and I'd be all grumpy anyway, so probably for the best xx
from buffylass :
Yay David doll!
from skinnylizzie :
Lordy, you're right, I lost all sense of time when I came to university and am utterly convinced it's still 2004. Number 12 is a teensy bit creepy, actually...I think that may well be one that I skip every time without fail...
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh, I got the new Snow Patrol album today as well! All these months we waited have been worth it, hurrah! :)
from buffylass :
*K9 even.
from buffylass :
I know, it was so sad when K9 was left behind in the kitchen, and with the Doctor saying, "You're a good dog" and Kp going, "Affirmative". Bless.
from buffylass :
Turns out it's a virus, so I'm going to be getting as much sleep as is physically possibe. Aww, and did you see Doctor Who last Saturday? K9 was possibly the cutest thing EVER.
from leggierox :
*grins manically* Mucho cheers...I realise that pretty much everyone saw this coming except for me, so thanks for it all =) x
from clairecav :
Granny feet - ugh! I truly admire you.
from strawberrri :
oh my...if he had a beard like that i would beg him to marry me, just to ensure that i could wake up every morning for the rest of my life and laugh until my sides hurt :)
from clairecav :
And once again :) I'm glad the THINGS stopped and sorry you felt so crappy in the first place. I understand what you mean about feeling alone though. You can be surrounded by people who love you and have good friends but still not really know where to turn when you feel bad. But I really doubt that anybody's ever too busy for you - I know I never am! =D
from buffylass :
Oh bless you, I'm glad you managed to write it all out of your system xx
from strawberrri :
i think it's really nice (for want of a better word) that you can talk so openly about things in here. hope it was therapeutic and you're feeling better. you do have a good life but we all get down at times and you shouldn't feel bad because of it xx
from leggierox :
Believe it or not, I think I know how you feel sometimes. It's weird being so "close" to people but in reality so bloody detached. I'm glad you're back =) x
from clairecav :
Bah, it seems I always come to make a note and someone's already said what I wanted to say! So yup, basically I hope everything's alrighty for you and you get whatever you need to get sorted =D
from buffylass :
Hope everything turns out okay chicken xx
from leggierox :
Oh =( Well I hope you get your stuff sorted out soon, gonna miss your updates. I recommend taking up a paper diary =) Take care, xxx
from clairecav :
Meh, don't see what all her fuss was about myself! =P
from clairecav :
Ooh, in the Memoirs of a Geisha film, is the chairman a big chunk of hunk like he's made out to be?
from clairecav :
iPod minis are the gods of mp3s.
from buffylass :
Ohh lime and soda totally rocks, don't worry. When I'm broke I always drink that in the pub because it costs 20p or something.
from leggierox :
*gasp* You blaspheme! You Apple Traitoooorrrr! =D
from strawberrri :
yep, i love the pill. however when i came off it once i did have a three week period, but the good points far outweigh the bad.
from clairecav :
We should make a Pill fan club. I went on it last year for my horrible periods and it was rather fantastic for me! They'd be really light and only last a few days. Sliiight increase to the rick of breast cancer due to the added something-or-other (oestrogen I think?) but it would definitely make life easier, as long as you remember to take it. Just tell your doctor you want to go on it and that should be that, being over sixteen and all.
from leggierox :
I second the Pill info below - its worth it if just for the regularity =) And cheers for the johari thingy - feel like i have more friends ;)
from buffylass :
With regards to the Pill: well, I went on it when I was 16, and it's absolutely wonderful in that your periods are a lot lighter, you know exactly when they'll turn up and you can miss one if you want to by running two packs together (so handy for parties, holidays and when you're feeling lazy). However, since I've been off it, because you're meant to take a break after 5 years, I am totally irregular, and it kind've takes the piss. So I think I'm gonna have to go back on it just to get some routine back again. In conclusion to this long rambling spiel about me me me, there's good points and bad points to the whole thing.
from buffylass :
Oh bless you, with regards to your mum. If it makes you feel better, whenever I see my gran she always tells me that she thinks I have some kind of eating disorder. And when I'm home Mel is a tiny 7 and a half stone, and so always makes me feel like a complete whale in comparison. Hope you're doing better today x
from skinnylizzie :
I know your issues with your mum at the moment can't be particularly fun for you...but I laughed A LOT at the Creme Egg rebellion story, I couldn't help it. It's the kind of thing I do to my Evil Grandparents (who insist I'm too skinny, I don't think you can win either way to be honest. Bloody parentals and the like!). Anyway, I came to tell you that your Sims-related note made me laugh so hard, I may just have weed myself and not noticed. Seriously, I'm chuckling again just remembering it. I make them WooHoo an abnormal amount too, although I hate the stupid Sim children so I have tendencies to lock them in their rooms...right. I probably shouldn't say anymore in case anybody tries to have me committed. But yes, possibly my favourite note so far, hehe
from leggierox :
Yes, The Look. Well I did English, Geography and Maths. The latter almost redeeming me for all my other non-academic enough courses =P
from leggierox :
I know what you mean about media - I was sick of people saying media was an "easy" option, or giving me The Condescending Look when I told them what A Levels I did. Ah, screw them. They don't understand the sheer joy my family experience when I deconstruct the entire opening to MI2 by heart =)
from strawberrri :
you should definitely talk to your mum about her insensitive and unnecessary comments!
from clairecav :
Ah, you could always get preggers yourself ... forget I said that!
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, the same thing happened to me at our stupid Connexions thingy in Sheffield! Vair embarrassing. And there is no shame in being addicted to the Sims! It's okay, embrace it (I'm forming a support group just in case though, I really need to do something other than torture the stupid things when I'm in a bad mood)
from buffylass :
Thanks chicken :) you really are quite lovely.
from electricguy :
Hmmm... Beauchamp. Now, that wouldn't be the same Beauchamp of 'Beauchamp Electrical Repairs' on 60 Dover St. in Leicester, would it?
from theswordsman :
I use Netscape. The top has a white box that hold your forst four paragraphs, so that's fine. But everything below that has green font on a green background. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi Ani. It's a bit of a challenge reading the green on green in the lower part of your entries. Hope you're having a great weekend. John
from strawberrri :
thanks, and YAY for ferret walking!!! it looks fun :)
from skinnylizzie :
I feel your pain vis-a-vis the Sims 2. I arrived home on Friday evening and a fair chunk of time since then has been devoted to it. They should really set up Sims 2 anonymous; I think I may need help in detaching myself from it... (semi-colon! Oh, the joy they bring to me, even on cloudy Tuesday mornings!)
from leggierox :
You could try adding "height: 90%;" to your div/table snippet, and seeing what that gives you...I'm not too familiar with your layout either, sorry! =)
from buffylass :
I'm not too familiar with your layout style... you could always convert to a table style and add in the bottom border that way. Also, cheers for the birthday wonderfulness :D
from buffylass :
I'll stake my 2p-worth opinion - I wouldn't recommend just doing English as loads and loads of people do just English, and although it's a degree with a really good pass rate (in Sheffield at least) there aren't too many jobs linked with it, save the obvious English teacher, and the jobs that are around are apparently heavily applied for. That's all according to Vicky anyway, and it might just be the case in Sheffield, but I thought I'd ramble on about it all the same.
from leggierox :
Same, thinking about futures and jobs and stuff freaks me out beyond belief. I cna tell you from experience that even doing a "pure" subject, namely English doesn't do you any favours in the choosing-a-life-path stakes, so stuff it - do what you want to =) x
from strawberrri :
those cardboard tube thingies are called she-pees. they gave them out at glasto - it was very liberating!
from electricguy :
Jeez, you should take the 'Pixie' photo and gently but firmly (ahem) edit it (Translation: mutilate it) with PhotoShop. The pic would look great if you just added wings...
from strawberrri :
nah, it was after the first date that i said 'i don't even like him that much' which i feel terrible about! it was first date nerves coupled with the fact he didn't come all the way back to king's cross with me to get my train home. it was only later i discovered that had he come to see me off he wouldn't have had time to get home before the underground closed for the night, not that he was uncaring (he is the most caring person in the world - yesterday he let me have the head of his happy hippo after i'd devoured mine :) )
from clairecav :
I meant to send this the other day, but I am a lazy tart. Thanks for the note and the kind words of wisdom! And um, I had something else to say, but it has slipped from my mind.
from buffylass :
Thaankyou :) x
from buffylass :
Two things: 1) I have that CD (I just bought the Vol. 2 as well because I am a classical music whore) and the best disc is disc 1 - listen to track 18, the Bach violin concerto. It's so very very gorgeous 2) I was sure I left a note about this, but apparently not, so here goes: big big congratulations on your results.
from skinnylizzie :
Yeah, sorry, I realised last night that that was the least constructive note I think I've ever left...really sorry for sounding like a complete nob and a half! I took a year to decide what to do for a degree and picked up prospectuses for pretty much every uni in Britain, I recommend it as the way forward! (unless you do it at a higher convention fair and have to carry them around for the rest of the bag split, vair embarrassing). Anyway, long note ever - I long to have a cool title like Dr or Professor. I may follow your lead and just make it up!
from skinnylizzie :
HULL?! Sorry, I have nothing against the university (my mum is doing a degree there, so I'm not allowed to bitch about it too much). But...oh, I'm sorry. I just really don't like Hull. Maybe because it's in Yorkshire (don't tell Holly I said that). The rest are good choices though, I applied to Bristol and Durham, both vair nice places. And congrats on your fabby results!
from electricguy :
Knock, knock. At some point I found out there is a copyright agreement for bloggers, so I have to ask. May I (lovingly) rip off some of your HTML for my own diary? Just leave me a note.
from strawberrri :
yay!!! well done!
from clairecav :
Congratulationoes on your marvellous resultoes!
from clairecav :
Ooh, actually we were asked about the religious reference (as a Catholic school, we find religious reference in everything - and I mean everything)the other day, but I didn't have a frickin' clue other than basically, the Last Supper, so I just said something I heard a girl in front of me say to her nieghbour. Turned out it was very much right, and I felt bad because I had just robbed it off this girl. Not that I admitted it, or anything (as... IF!).
from buffylass :
Oh bless you, I'm sending you lots of hugs because you seem so down xx
from clairecav :
Ha ha ha ha! Oh, I'm not sure it's nice that we laugh at the idea of our friends not having friends. Oh well. Ha ha ha ha all the same! WE should put the Spade and Clare together in a room and just let them mind-game the hell out of each other.
from skinnylizzie :
Oh man, that's exactly how I feel...I couldn't have put it better myself when you said that life's something that happens to other people. I wish I could say something comforting that disproves that statement, but alas, my psychic abilities still require some honing. So instead I shall keep all of my fingers crossed that we are proved very, very wrong! xx
from clairecav :
Ooh, I truly dig the new template idea! I kept refreshing =)
from leggierox :
I was wondering why that colour theme looked familiar! Melikes the new changed, verrry fancy html work, well done =) Also cool photos, you rock with funky angles =D
from clairecav :
Our canteen's yellow too. I don't know why, maybe we were just wacky to begin with. Or not.
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, the needle phobia's an odd thing. I've had it for years but I've had my ears pierced twice (they actually use this gun and it's the earrings that pierce your ears...sorry, you probably didn't want to read that). And yet the thought of giving blood sends me into hysterics. As I said on myspace, you are far, far braver than me and I salute you!
from strawberrri :
thanks...he's proof that there are some good'ns out there :)
from leggierox :
Wowee, a bunch of note to catch up on, starting in reverse order...yes, I have a similar Oblivion story...'cept the ride got stuck halfway up the *up* bit, which did nothing to help my somewhat hysterical composure =P I'm slightly confuzzled about why the layout not working...will give up for now anyway =P And that poster rules - literally hours of amusement. And last but not least I am indeed the one on the right in the photo =) x
from leggierox :
=O Oblivion! I still have nightmares about that...thing! DON'T...LOOK...DOWN! At least there were no fishes there to compund my absolute terror =D x
from leggierox :
Hmm ok then, will play with it a bit more =P
from leggierox :
Hmmm I checked in my IE and it looks ok, but I fiddled some stuff - still not lined up? Thanks by the way, I'm glad SOMEONE told me *glares at all quiet readers who let me go on in blissful ignorance* hehe
from buffylass :
Mmm your magazine cover is indeed most shiny and good.
from leggierox :
It is? Do you mind me asking what browser you use? Cheers by the way =) x
from purplebanana :
Your Chinese meal totally takes me back to oh so many similar things with family. If nothing else, one day you can assemble all your memories in a scrapbook and either publish it OR present it to your mother as punishment. Or both.
from leggierox :
Oh you poor thing. I know what you mean. It seems that in my absence from home, what I know as domesticity is slipping downhill as well, but I guess at least I'm not there to witness most of it...I hope you're feeling better, love Lianne x (and I second the MSN offer =)
from skinnylizzie :
Oh man, it sucks that you feel so down. If you do ever want somebody to complain to then I'm always lurking on MSN, just let me know and I'll come online (and I am capable of being serious too!). Enjoy your chocolate and I really hope you feel better in the morning xxx
from theswordsman :
Coincidentally enough, I happen to be a smelly tramp, but off in America, so a fat lot of good that does you. I hope the tears are gone, and you're feeling better very soon. As a distraction, I've got a favor to ask you. I know you don't read my diary, but I enjoy yours, and your photos. I just posted a link to some pics I just had developed. I was wondering if you could take a look for me and tell me what you think. There's a red link at my diary. Take care, Feel better soon. John
from leggierox :
Ah I read a Heath interview somewhere where he said that Jake refused to do the naked-jumping-into-the-stream scene out of safety, so that bloke in the picture is a double! And jeezus, I nearly died when I innocently came wandering along to your new entry and was confonted by a nakey Heath Ledger =D
from buffylass :
Aww your photo entry rocked and kept me very entertained, so thankyou.
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, posh voice - that's my normal voice! And I too enjoyed the Edinburgh entry very muchly, your photos always make me giggle. Also, thank you for your lovely notes this week, twas much appreciated xx
from theswordsman :
Thanks for that. Edinburgh is one of my favorite places in the world. Cheers. John
from strawberrri :
what an entertaining entry :D
from leggierox :
You don't like Kanye? (we're on first name terms now - mwhahaha *ahem) I dunno, he just seems the most normal/nicest of all the rappers out there. Anyway, KT Tunstall was really cool. She is also now on my album-to-buy list which is as long as both my arms put together ;)
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) that was indeed a lovely note. I hope your day's proving pleasant.
from leggierox :
Happy Valentine's, whatever you're up to =) Take care, love Lianne x
from leggierox :
Hmm random morning bus accostation by random stranger? Ah, those were days ;) And yay for you being a nice friend to your mates on V-Day =)
from strawberrri :
Ta for the technical advice!
from buffylass :
Thanks :) I'm still waiting for him to ring... think I'll maybe feel better once I've spoken to him.
from leggierox :
I've lost so many countless zen micro foam pieces, it just doesn't bother me any more - just bought a bunch of replacement ones online =) And hoorah for being as mad as a hatter ;) x
from theswordsman :
Wow, that is SOME shirt! How on earth are you ever going to repay their generosity??? Have a great weekend. John
from strawberrri :
hello, i would like to express my opinion and say if i were you i certainly would not bother with RE AS level next year. universities don't really value AS levels all that highly on their own and can actually prefer it if you do three rather than say, five A levels. you're likely to be more expert on three subjects as you'll have been able to devote a decent amount of time and attention to them and they acknowledge this. (though of course it's entirely up to you, this is just my tuppence worth :) )
from buffylass :
Yes, the hello mummay bit would have made things a little disturbing. Paddy makes me laugh the most out of everyone ever, and I think I bang on about him just a little too much. Hope you're feeling better re the Tom situation.
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, you're welcome x4! And the semi-colon is everybody's best friend, it is a grammatical aphrodisiac (I too have read Eat, Shoots and Leaves, it is my BIBLE)
from theswordsman :
I'm sorry he hurt you. The guy is obviously a player a well as a jerk (that's American for nob) and he obviously doesn't know a good person when he sees one. Take care. John
from buffylass :
Sorry about the Tom thing chuck. And anyway, he sounds like a big nobhead with no nob, to quote Bridget Jones.
from skinnylizzie :
What a nobbing nob. You're obviously far too good for him, Miss Bananie, so don't sweat it. And uni is full of some pretty attractive guys and far better opportunities (of course I'm biased, but Newcastle apparently has the most attractive male student population in the country. Hurrah! So why can't I find them?...). Also, GOOD LUCK for tomorrow! (I told you I'd remember, hehe)
from xylem :
hello! hey, that note only took me two weeks to find, that's not bad going for me. long time no note indeed, how have you been in the last year and a half? :)
from leggierox :
Damnit! You'll have a significant other in time for the cursed V-Day...*glares*
from leggierox :
How DOES the rest of that song go?... =D
from clairecav :
Ooh, so much mystery at the end of that entry!
from leggierox :
Happeh Birthday wishes coming your way! =) x
from buffylass :
Aww you've made me miss the Traff now, with all the crappy statues and Japanese tourists that stand and video the fountains for hours and hours.
from strawberrri :
happy birthday miss seventeen year old annie! looking forward to the pics :)
from clairecav :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wooo to the hoo and all that jazz. And I think Maggot has potential too! In that strange, tall, Welsh way.
from buffylass :
Happy birthday chicken :)
from skinnylizzie :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE! Hope you have a truly fantabulous day! xx
from theswordsman :
Hi. I know you don't know me, but I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Take care. John
from leggierox :
Oh by "complicated" I just meant that if I agreed to meet up with him alone in a bar its effectively a date anyway and he would've probably got the wrong idea from it...despite the fact that I'd already turned him down previously. Makes any sense? There's not really much more than a friendship history between us, don't worry you're not missing out on anything ;)
from leggierox :
Yeah it's great, isn't it...I really just want to dream something tonight so I can test it all out =)
from buffylass :
Heh half of my essay for my brain disease exam was on the physiological aspects of stress. I also had to bang on about corticosterone, Valium and drug addiction. It made my hand ache.
from buffylass :
Thankyou! Yeah, Huntington's such a bastard of a disease... it's probably top of the list, along with Alzheimer's and MND. Hope your day has been most pleasant.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) indeed, everyone seems to think that Roy's a big freak who needs castrating. I'm not really sure what to do about it all.
from anti-love- :
something witty
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, does it really say that?! I'm going to have to shun revision in order to watch more television, methinks. I got all misty-eyed when GMTV visited a circus in Lincolnshire this morning so the mention of fish and Grimsby in the same advert might just tip me over the edge... I sound sufficiently strange now. Good God, what's wrong with me?!
from strawberrri :
thanks, think i was grinning at the boyf :)
from skinnylizzie :
'But the dream may also be a reminder from your subconscious that it is time to make an appoitment with the dentist'...hmm, intuitive! I think somebody one told me it was meant to indicate feeling out of control...but I'll take it all with a pinch of salt! Anyway, it was vair nice of you to look it up for me, and thank you for the good luck (think I'll need it!) xx
from strawberrri :
i think the fact that jimmy saville is in 'celebrity' big brother speaks volumes about how big a celebrity he really is (ie. really, really not). so don't feel bad :)
from clairecav :
By the way, I wasn't trying to imply that you're a stupid person for not knowing who Jimmy Saville is! It was really meant to be a nice note.
from clairecav :
Bonjourno my dear! You know, all I know about Jimmy Saville is that he had some programme called Jim'll Fix It (which I know the theme-tune too also, for some reason) and that my stepdad claims to have once seen him in a cafe. But I don't think he was really on telly when I was younger - so I don't see why he would have been when you were, either. And I bet lots of people I know wouldn't know what he does either. Maybe that's just because my school is full of stupider people than your school or something, I don't know.
from tphi :
Sure thing, just gimme an email address which I send the password to!
from leggierox :
Yeah I know! Unfortunate timing, no? And you can call me Lianne =)
from leggierox :
Oooh yeah same, but also in a lot of my entri;es I've said some risque things about certain people, so I'm just gonna cross my fingers and hope no one ever finds it =)
from leggierox :
Hehe yeah, I'm sure they probably gave up trying to hack in within a week or so of finding it =P
from leggierox :
Ah nice, good ol' Bard. Which play? I've gotta read Hamlet by tomorrow as well...
from leggierox :
=) Uberly cool! Richard does indeed rock! I shall delete the note from my page asap =)
from leggierox :
P.S. Can I please, it you do not object too much have your username/password combination for future stalkage? =)
from leggierox :
Cheers! Lol yep, apparently we were spotted in the audience by various members of our friends who we had pre-warned. Will save notage space and divulge all in my entry =P Thankies again!
from clairecav :
But... but... there are families doing The Supremes and The Beatles and such... it's COOL.
from buffylass :
Oh, I remember bleeding school dinners in primary school. Where the sadistic fascist dinner ladies would give you semolina, and then not let you leave until you'd eaten a mouthful, even though you'd told them last week and the week before that you hated it with a vengence.
from buffylass :
Yeah, it's pretty crappy - I got to dissect a fish and a pig's heart in year 12. Do a sciency degree and they'll shove you in the dissection room for at least one module... but they will make you learn endless muscles and some of it can really be quite gross. When our group got to go on the actual cadavres, I ended up having to scrape a load of dried blood out of someone's aorta. Mmm.
from buffylass :
Very, very good hair.
from buffylass :
No no no, the Primark is fantastic! Except for on weekends, when it's rammed full of Manc slappers. However, I agree in that I never buy jeans from Primark either, because I'm wary of them falling to pieces a week later.
from buffylass :
Manchester does indeed have bon shops, and the HMV's huge too. Just avoid all the crazy people who sit in the middle of Market St and play xylophones. I'm not sure if I just spelt xylophones right or not.
from buffylass :
Heh that did actually cross my mind as I wrote that line.
from smallprint :
something witty
from buffylass :
I do like your pictures. Indeed he is sexy, but in a non-conventional way, which is the reason I like him (I think).
from clairecav :
Thankye. And oh, this guitar business is hard. To be honest, I just hate practising anything. I want to be a pro straight away, which is just not going to happen, sadly. But I'll perservere (and so must you!) and be an excellent guitar player before long! Because they are so very groovy.
from buffylass :
Woohoo! Merry Christmas chicken, I hope you too are overflowing with festiveness.
from strawberrri :
hello little annie, a merry christmas to you!
from clairecav :
Mwahaha, excellent ASBO pictures! I might join the craze and go on a shoot too. Photo shoot I mean, obviously... mwahahaha....
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, I LUFF the ones with the ducks and you kicking the post box, they made me laugh even more than the rest, I am definitely going to have to try this ASBO photo lark...
from clairecav :
I don't break up til Wednesday either... suckage. But I go back the FOURTH I think - THE FOURTH! What insanity!
from skinnylizzie :
Heh, I'm fairly sure the real reason I wanted Shayne to win was because he was so yummy that I just wanted to... Yes, well, let's not go there at half 9 in the morning. Is it your uni friends' first real holiday back from uni? Because if it is, then I sympathise completely, my Christmas holiday last year sucked (I even managed to have a row over a toothbrush and made my mum cry). Right, now I'm off to drool over some pictures of Shayne some more. Mmm... :)
from clairecav :
*Pats head* Oh Annie, your faith amuses me. It was always rather obvious that Shayne would win. I liked Journey South, even though they were sometimes a bit cheesy =)
from final137 :
Merry almost Christmas.
from buffylass :
Ohh bloody Glossop. I have to go through that place on the way to Manchester from Sheffield, and it's always RAMMED full of traffic every single time.
from buffylass :
I'm afraid that is Leslie Grantham, doing his infamous finger-sucking foreplay thingy on his webcam from his dressing room on the Eastenders set.
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, now that is a PLAN! She'd never harass me again. I also made a mental note this morning to ask you where you got your badge maker from, because you are the only person I have ever heard of who actually knows where to buy one, and I now NEED one (can't remember anything I've ever been taught in Greek, but this I remember)...please enlighten me, oh Grand Bananie!
from buffylass :
I think I need to show my guitar love more often. Ah, and I'm glad you have a similar hat too, as you seem to love hats as much as I do. You also seem to look better in them than I do too.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) yes, losing pets does indeed suck the big one. It's all very depressing really.
from strawberrri :
my other two favourite quotes from that ep are 'call that a knife? THIS is a knife *wields spoon*' and 'bullfrogs? i'd a called them chazzwazzers.' :D
from buffylass :
I was seriously concerned that I was going to get chucked out, I am worryingly competitive sometimes. And as for the skanky bitch-ho saying all that to you, well sounds like she was just putting you down to make herself feel better. I had a semi-friend like that, and she's now at uni in her hometown with no friends. So don't worry, karma will work its magic.
from strawberrri :
well all i can say is the popularity layering that goes on in schools counts for bugger all once you leave. she seems the kind of person who tries to make herself feel better by putting other people down - in this case it's worked because you found her comments hurtful. i hope karma bites her on the arse, hard :)
from strawberrri :
what fucking right does she have to say that to you? sounds like she's jealous of you in some way, though she'd never admit it. just be thankful you're not like her - she sounds like a horrible cowbag who doesn't deserve friends, no matter how 'tactful' she was trying to be.
from skinnylizzie :
Pfft, I wouldn't worry about it my lovely. Anyone who's armed with wit and knows how to use it can't possibly be an idiot - and besides, that's such an overused word. I think you're fab (your hair is gorgeous, by the way), and anybody who thinks otherwise is just a little bit wrong in the head. Being able to make people laugh is a rare gift that most people would kill for. And woohoo for your A!! xx
from buffylass :
Aww it's the best sketch ever! You can never get sick of Papa Lazaroo, it's just too kick ass.
from buffylass :
Hallo Dave? Is that Dave? Okay, is Dave there? Okay... Dave? My wife would like to use your toilet.
from clairecav :
Thankyou mucho. Your wise word were seconded and thirded (is thirded a word? I think not) - be proud.
from skinnylizzie :
Mwahahaha, you're learning! I think you should set up a group that promotes non-chav use of the word 'mint'. I would, but living where it was founded would probably just get me lynched or something. Bloody Geordies.
from skinnylizzie :
I am the complete opposite to a chav!!! I would be the black sheep of the chav clan!!! I feel you should inform your friends that although chavs may have pounced on this word and claimed it as their own, it actually has its origins in Geordieland, where they have been saying it since the beginning of time (because they are all as mad as badgers). And I have to agree that yes, LoveHearts have tragically gone downhill. I also ate one in the middle of my lecture today that simply said 'PIE' on it, and it made me laugh so much that I had to stop writing
from strawberrri :
aargh, i know the music you mean but i can't picture it in my mind! i shall have to wait until tomorrow :) i do like sting ring but the result is i have snippets of sting songs flowing through my head all day. ROXAAANNE!
from electricguy :
But, even if I do feel like crap because of other people's choices, does that mean I have to stop ranting about it?
from electricguy :
Thanks for the history. I had no clue.
from clairecav :
Ah, your words are always wise, Annie! Gosh, your friend Clare sounds weird. If I ever get THAT obsessive, I hope you personally shall shoot me.
from strawberrri :
£150 a month?!! kids today! :P
from buffylass :
I did the hypnotism thing! And... I totally forgot to do the hypno-hypno-hypno thing, because I was concentrating too hard. Glad you enjoyed the photos... if I can find some more only semi-embarrassing ones I shall post them. No one's seeing the Shrek dancing one though. Ever.
from skinnylizzie :
Rabid badger...I think that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me! Sniffle. Yeah, losing pets bites the big one, I cried for about a week solid when my dog died last year. In fact, I cried for about a year before she died because she was getting old...I'm such a sap when it comes to animals, I got all teary-eyed at your story (but shh, because I like to pretend that I'm emotionally retarded)
from buffylass :
Also, if it makes you feel better, I get really clammy hands sometimes when someone holds my hand, and have to sneakily wipe them down on my jeans every now and again. It's really not pleasant.
from buffylass :
Ha! The hypno-hypno-hypno appears to be spreading. I shall most definately make sure that I think it before I go under tomorrow afternoon. Man, I'm getting all excited like a kid, it's worrying.
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm...I didn't mean giggle in a bad way, you actually pull it off which is a rare skill...I really am the queen of tact :)
from skinnylizzie :
Of course I read it all! And I was feeling revived by a nourishing organic strawberry, hence the ridiculously long note, hehe. Your diary is interesting, I enjoy reading it, and the orange wig pictures just made me giggle an unnecessary amount, I really do have to find somewhere that sells them
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, nice, you obviously have the measure of me :D. I am loving that orange wig very muchly, I think I might have to get me one of them. You know, just to wear out to lectures and so on. I would probably be the least bizarrely dressed person there...people have gone mad today because it's Halloween, I am a little frightened. Oh, and I like the vomit song, I might have to find somebody soothing to sing that to me in times of need
from clairecav :
Clammy Annie, I am your friend Clammy Claire! Nobody actually calls me that (I may cry if they did...), but they should, because I too got landed with clammy hands. Oh, fate is cruel.
from clairecav :
The mental image of swooning with my father is totally worse than both the mother and the nan images combined. Oh, leave my mind!
from clairecav :
Swooning should be an activity strictly between friends of a similar age group. Family members should always be excluded. ALWAYS.
from buffylass :
Thankyou! Yeah, it may end up being a big fat �400 expensive, but I'm hoping that I'm a little less mentally screwed up than that, and will consequently require less sessions.
from strawberrri :
how pretty you are! and indeed, i intend on stealing a copy of the boyfriend's me-collage and putting it on my diary, modest person that i am :)
from clairecav :
I know! There was a bit of me that wanted to say "Don't you mean the DOWN low?" but I think that's probably because I've watched the Fresh Prince of Belair one too many times.
from clairecav :
Though, watching Nightmare Before Christmas now, I think "God, this must scar the minds of small children!". So, at least that's your excuse! No fear, I am not going to turn into a David Bowie obsessive, it's just he has slight Secy Beast qualities in The Labyrinth. TRUST ME.
from theswordsman :
Thanks for taking my survey. I actually wrote it at 6 AM before any sugar at all, so that may be part of the problem with some questions. If you've come down off the sugar, which celebrity WOULD you give their own drawer in your bedroom?
from strawberrri :
thank you, he is a very pretty man :) like the annie look btw!
from clairecav :
Yes, I know. It's nice to have a bit of Note Karaoke now and then, a mon avis. So, that's from Stargirl? Very strange, as I've never even read it! Heh, strange.
from anibananie :
from clairecav :
from clairecav :
from clairecav :
from clairecav :
from clairecav :
You just wanna live while you're alive...
from clairecav :
Ah well, you must do it because you know, it's your life and it's now or never... you ain't gonna live for ever...
from clairecav :
Ooh, sounds frickin' brilliantay! Have a bundle of fun when you go... though how ARE you going to get all that dosh?
from buffylass :
I may have to rob it off you. Or just buy myself one.
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, I don't recognise the name, I'm more likely to know her if she does a subject like mine or lives in Richardson Road or Marris House :)
from skinnylizzie :
Isn't it a fantabulous game? Although not so much fun when you have a HUGE crush on the person you're playing it with, le sigh. And I too am loving the hat
from buffylass :
I do like your hat quite a lot.
from buffylass :
Yeah, Catholics do seem to be very "woo, God!". You're probably best off out of it. They had a bible reading session here on Thursday night, so the religion thing just seems to be getting worse and worse.
from clairecav :
Annie, you are a nut.
from gaffor :
I wore a skirt once and it rained that day. Actually, I tell a fib. It didn't actually rain.... And I was wearing jeans. But still a good story!
from buffylass :
I know, I just read. Bless you indeed. Maybe we're just not cut out for this studying malarky.
from clairecav :
Hmm... that means Michael Parkinson thinks you're a loser too. But like... who the heck kissed Michael Parkinson anyway? The poor girl, I bet she never recovered...
from clairecav :
Thankyou... it could have been a lot worse, definitely.
from loopykisses :
Password request..
from clairecav :
Thanks! I feel liked and trusted now... =D
from clairecav :
First of all, thankyooou for the birthdya message, even if you did call me a poo. And secondly, what's with the password-ness? And can I have the password please? I need my doses of Annie Bananie.
from strawberrri :
aw...the others get a password but i don't *sniff*
from skinnylizzie :
Ooh hell, did I miss something? Please could I have the password? (when did I get that polite?...)
from buffylass :
Hee that made me laugh. Thankyou!
from buffylass :
Ooh, password for me too please.
from strawberrri :
password please!
from buffylass :
Heh oh don't tempt me.
from buffylass :
That's actually a really good point, I wonder what that actually feels like. It doesn't matter though, because I think soon I'm going to have the Big Honest Talk with him, and either get my life screwed up or my heart trampled on.
from buffylass :
Man, tell me about it. I too have just settled for anybody, and it never works ever, because for me personally I still sit around and think of Paddy. Damn him, he fucks my world up so goddamn much, and he probably doesn't even realise.
from buffylass :
Boys suck ass and always will suck ass. I'm thinking about turning lesbian, personally.
from badmj :
he might like u. I had a mate I really liked and he would always go on bout other girls so I didnt do anything about it for ages. Then I found out that he had liked me the whole time!
from buffylass :
Heh I don't think you can "stuff" karma, but thankyou anyway :)
from leggierox :
*UBER GASP!!!* SAME! Mine's navy too! Down with the ubiquituous iPod!!!
from leggierox :
Heya! I randomly discovered your blog through clairecav, and just thoought I'd drop by to say hi...and WOO! fellow Zen Micro user! =) love Lianne
from clairecav :
You know, I thought of that too! I wasn't exactly sure of the plot, but just something to do with some teenager who was a "follower". But then our English teacher was talking about it, and I think it has to be something to do with someone actually being followed. But who knows, I might have a random surge of rebellion and do something totally random like the conformist idea. As long as the title makes sense, why the heck not?
from clairecav :
Aw, thankyou very muchly. I suppose if I think about it too much, I'll go all doo-lally, so I'm just going to do what you say. Take it as a (very random) compliment, then cry a river, build a bridge and GET OVER IT!
from clairecav :
Indeedio you must - pet pictures are amazingly groovy. I'm a mushy kind of person when it comes to animals. My friends know me as this kind of cool, calm, collected type who's sarcastic about stuff and definitely doesn't appreiciate slushyness. But when a little doggy or kitty is put in front of me, I just dissolve into an annoying, hysterical weirdo. I even do the whole baby-talk thing, kill me now! And ooh, it is good to know you still do cutting-and-sticking things in Sixth Form =)
from skinnylizzie :
It would be pretty groovy to have an evil twin, and she does look amazingly like you! And flip, I wish my brother had been that bothered about me going to uni. All he said to me was 'excellent, so you're not coming back for three months?', and then half moved into my room. It made me cry. A lot. But I've never told him that...
from skinnylizzie :
I know this won't sound very comforting at all, but I thought you should know - your Lincolnshire lookalike works in our Superdrug, I was a tiny bit freaked out when I walked past her because she really does look amazingly like you!
from clairecav :
Oh, tis peculair. On one side I have my friends sniggering away because I'm the only one that doesn't have a fig's idead what to do once Year 11 is over, while they all have their lives perfectly mapped out (boring!). Then on the other side I have older, more experienced people like yourself (you're loving being 'older and more experienced', aren't you?) telling me how it's fine, there's no rush, choose later! Ah, believe me, I am much more inclined to listen to you older more experience folk =)
from strawberrri :
i know it's sad when siblings and friends leave for pastures new, but you will adapt and be alright :) plus uni holidays add up to 5 months of the year so you'll never be apart for long!
from buffylass :
I have the people leaving bug with Lisa going off to France... it's thoroughly depressing all round.
from strawberrri :
according to a few of my lecturers at uni, our era would be known as the age of technology or something similar.
from clairecav :
Noooooo! How can you work with Irish Jim and stay so cool? If he said anything to me (ESPECIALLY that he was impressed with the way I handled a situation!) I would just become a total puddle! I am insanely jealous of you, and shall get myself a job in Superdgug one day, in the vain hope lots of Irish people work there.
from loopykisses :
Hey Annie, how was your first day at sixth form? I remember mine...Ahh...Anywho, I was just wondering if you had gotten round to throwing out all of your GCSE notes yet? It truly is one of the greatest feelings ever.
from buffylass :
I vaguely remember you talking about the adoption at one point, and it's definately a similar situation to me. The program makers often get it so wrong... sometimes I wonder why I force myself to watch programs that are just going to stir up badness.
from loopykisses :
Oh dude, you kicked bum, you kicked bum to the extreme!
from strawberrri :
yup. what they all said, very well done indeed. you should be proud.
from clairecav :
Congratulations, Brain!
from buffylass :
Well done, that's brilliant :)
from skinnylizzie :
Well done on the fantabulous results!!!!!
from buffylass :
I'm sure you'll do nothing but kick ass. And don't worry if you don't - my A-level results sucked ass but I still got to go to Sheffield.
from loopykisses :
Best of luck with tomorrow! You'll kick bum!
from buffylass :
Good luck with your results tomorrow :)
from skinnylizzie :
Le poop, I also meant to say good luck for tomorrow :)
from skinnylizzie :
Oh my lord, I saw your double in Next today, it was a little freaky-deaky actually, how much like you she looked (well, like you do in your photos). Just thought I'd share that with you
from buffylass :
Nuke nuke nuke nuke... nuke. Good point, I wouldn't want your journal to end in any shape or form. Therefore I shall nuke Viv first thing tomorrow morning.
from buffylass :
I shall happily nuke the pair of them, right after I've nuked you.
from buffylass :
If I now have a sex dream about that revolting image, I shall kick your ass.
from buffylass :
Heh bless you. My Paddy is vaguely more sexy than the Paddy from Emmerdale. Plus he has a London accent.
from clairecav :
Thankyou, I lurve it too. Wish I could say "See this? I MADE IT!" but that would make me a liar of the highest degree. Your template always rocks!
from buffylass :
Well in!
from clairecav :
Go you Annie, you little maneater! Though mucho embarrassment that your parents found you two in bed. They sound like they acted quite calmly though! My mum would have flipped, big-style.
from clairecav :
Annie, I say with all honesty, I never, EVER intend to say the word 'masturbate' around my mother. NEVER. Heehee, the granny ROCKS!!! Also the woman at the party "Hello Shushan, I'm in a shilly mood too!".
from clairecav :
Hehe, but you do get to do groovy stuff like stalk shop staff and be a Sugar VIP when you are *old* and *mature* like you, mwahaha! Life's not too terrible, I supppose... Ooh, Extras was uber-funny last night. I missed last week and didn't think the first one was that brill, but last night it was fab, with the girl who had Cerebal Palsy. It was so evil, but, you know... AM I BOTHERED, THOUGH?
from buffylass :
from clairecav :
The fabness of the trailers times a gazillion is the coolnes rating of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is so very brill.
from buffylass :
Typo on eaves that I've only just noticed - apologies for that.
from buffylass :
Ahh thankyou, my general knowledge has now increased. If I owned eves I'd definately hide and listen to random people's conversations, just for the fun factor.
from buffylass :
I'm now going to bore you with a physiology comment, so prepare yourself: 180bpm shouldn't hurt you too much, as the maximum heartrate you can sustain is 220 minus your age, making yours... 204bpm. Woo!
from skinnylizzie :
Ah crap, how out of date is my comment?! I'm on it...
from clairecav :
You see? Is your ego well and truly boosted now?
from clairecav :
It's OK, we'll pretend it never happened. Good luck with your latest stalkee shop bloke!
from buffylass :
Thanks :) on the one hand I'm used to them, but on the other hand haven't been to one since Bernie, so am more than a little apprehensive. Maybe I'll get drunk or something, it works for most occassions.
from clairecav :
Annie dear, you're talking so much about Big Brother and actually QUOTING Eugene, so why do I have this vivid memory or you noting me and telling me how crap you think Big bRother is? Hmm? HMMMMMMMM?
from buffylass :
Bless you, I hope you're feeling happier today.
from loopykisses :
I've had days like that. I know what you mean, about the lonely thing. I had a Rowan-esque relationship last Summer, we seemed to get on well and I was never sure what happened. We split, but just before he told me how hot my best mate was. Talk about body blow. I'm not saying Rowan is the same, but I know that empty feeling of being lonely and the need for love, no-one, how much they may try, can replace a boyfriend's love when you feel like that. But it will get better, brownie honour.
from strawberrri :
er...think you mean you RETREATED back to hers :)
from clairecav :
EUCH, Daniel Radcliffe is the slimiest, most disgusting boy ever. I hate him. He's the only reason I'm praying Harry Potter will die in the last book - just so I can see him die on screen.
from loopykisses :
Stupid Rowan.
from loopykisses :
I bet you're wearing a note mini skirt wearing note knee high boots, standing on a note-like corner on a laptop.
from loopykisses :
Stupid Joel.
from loopykisses :
Aww you missed me *sniffle*, missed you too! And D-land methinks! I'm currently halfway through the Rowan saga...Yes I made it through the bombings ok. We had a near miss because my dad was on the tube...he got off 5 minutes it was very scary, but luckily he's OK.
from loopykisses :
HEY ANNIE! It's me lostcookie, with a new diary! I'm baaaaaack! Can't wait to see how youve been....
from strawberrri :
also, "Grandma: Mary, do I pong? Mum: I don't know. Annie, go smell your grandma." - HAHAHAHAHA :)
from strawberrri :
the being a bit scared of being in london thing is to be expected but i'm going to go with the fatalist attitude of when your number's up, your number's up! last thurs i was at tower bridge, just one stop away from aldgate, fifteen minutes after the bomb had gone off. and the circle line, passing aldgate and l'pool st was my route back to king's cross. i try not to think about it...
from buffylass :
I was linked, get in! I shall now proceed to give you my "My friend does Psychology..." story: my housemate Mel really enjoys doing Pysch here, but if you don't like walking up and down mountains every day and being called "love" and "duck" by old Yorkshire men, then Sheffield is possibly not the place for you.
from clairecav :
WOO *waves hand in air* I'm a disgusting old perve, I'm a disgusting old perve! Seriously. All this immature, insecure, obsessive teenage stuff. SO making it up! Heh. I wish.
from skinnylizzie :
Mwahaha, definitely not a sick perv, just an immature 19 year old student. No offence to my darling Adam, but I would've hurt myself if I'd gone to Warwick, I just didn't like the look of it at all, but then again that was just the Classics dept. Christine, one of my flatmates, is doing Psychology and although she whines about all of the statistics involved, she really seems to be enjoying it. Hope you're enjoying London!
from strawberrri :
aw :) enjoy london tomorrow. london dungeon is pretty cool, though i was a bit squeamish about the torture weapons when i went.
from buffylass :
Aww you consume Bags of Fun too (Sherbert Dib Dabs)! Do they not rock incessently?
from clairecav :
Mwahaha. I knew it.
from skinnylizzie :
Ah Next. My spiritual home. I too have a giganticus bottom compared to the rest of me but I find Next jeans fit me quite well. And I've seen the skirt in the shop, it really is nice. And dammit, Gaffer will enjoy the fine art of clothes shopping by the time I've finished with him tomorrow afternoon, mwahaha!
from skinnylizzie :
So very not worth �8 an hour though, those poor people deserve at least double that for doing what they do. Ugh, smelling like kitchens was bad enough! And excellent use of the word mofo, it amused me no end (no, I have no life)
from anibananie :
There seems to be a general concenus that Rowan is a fucktard... (bangs gavel) I do declare the ex a fucktard. For now. Until I am less bitter.
from buffylass :
Mmm I agree with everyone else, Rowan doesn't sound worth it. Most boys suck ass anyway, and aren't worth the effort.
from skinnylizzie :
Aww, I'm sorry about Rowan, but I agree with strawberrri, he really doesn't sound mature enough to handle a relationship. Embrace your singledom, it's less expensive and you can be completely and utterly selfish :)
from strawberrri :
rowan sounds far too immature to be in a relationship so i hope you don't take it too personally.
from invisibledon :
from clairecav :
I dig your Creiiiiiiiiiiiiib. It's all so Annie-ish. I want to do my version of Creiiiiiiiiiiiibs, but my digital camera won't work yet on my rubbishy computer. So I'll have to wait a while til I copy you *pouts*.
from skinnylizzie :
I feel exactly the same way about my Percy, who I've had since I was born. He's kind of falling apart but I don't care. I once slapped someone for making fun of him! Serves them right...
from skinnylizzie :
Only me again...I too have the Dozy Dog! Which is still named Dozy Dog. I lose all street cred when boys walk into my room and point and laugh at my teddies, the bastards
from skinnylizzie :
I think my Statcounter is one of the most fun toys I've ever had. Gaffer should become head of their marketing department because I never would've got one if I hadn't seen the fun he had with it!
from buffylass :
Woo indeed for exams finishing. Unfortunately you'll start to get results dreams soon... I've had two already: in the first one I passed R.E. with 71, and in the second I I failed half of my exams. Fun times indeed.
from skinnylizzie :
Why thank you :D. Mums are odd things, aren't they? God bless them. And at least your GCSEs are very nearly over now (if it helps, my brother gave up on them last week when he realised even me and my crap A Level in Maths couldn't save him from certain dooooom), and you'll never have to do that many exams in one go EVER again! Hurrah!
from buffylass :
Heh thanks, the whole thing seems totally surreal today in the bright sunshine. We can't wait to move house now, counting the days.
from strawberrri :
it's worth more than its weight in gold :D thanks.
from buffylass :
Everyone definately has Their Summer, or at least a few select Their Summers, and one of mine was definately the summer after GCSEs. Beer gardens... there are no funner places.
from strawberrri :
good luck with keeping your 'rents away from rowan. it can be done! i'd been seeing my ex for nearly a year before he met my mum, though living at university did help with that.
from buffylass :
Hee thankyou :) I thought you'd like it with the whole green thing. Just used Cilit Bang on the bathroom, and it smells just like Mr Muscle. Works just like Mr Muscle as well, disappointingly, so we should maybe just buy that in the future.
from strawberrri :
hmm i don't really think it can tell you whether you're overweight though, as my weight is perfect for my height and i'm a size 10-12. *shakes fist menacingly at body fat tester*
from buffylass :
On a sidenote, I've just noticed that on my original fruit fly note I spelt the plural of 'flies' as 'flys'... I do apologise for that awful spelling error.
from buffylass :
Ha! Check the eerie coincidence. I do hope you kicked their evil antennaed asses in your exam. My GCSE biology exam contained questions about the size of polar bears' ears I think, which was a lot cuter.
from buffylass :
Thankyou :) exam actually went pretty well, probably because there were no Drosophila fruit flies involved, and I had to write an essay on the swallowing mechanism instead.
from clairecav :
Ahh Annie, you have joined the League of Lovers. I am very happy for you, but you have left me all alone in the Single Losers League.
from buffylass :
My god, I can't imagine being exposed to fruit flys at what, age 11? They haunt my every step at the moment, it's only a matter of time before I start hallucinating about them. If I repeat this enough times maybe it'll ward them off: BASTARD FRUIT FLYS!
from clairecav :
Go the Annie!
from skinnylizzie :
Go you! ;)
from skinnylizzie :
Glad your exams went okay. My brother did the ICT paper as well yesterday and he thought it went alright. And he's a complete idiot. Good luck for tomorrow!
from strawberrri :
goooooooood luck! you're a smart girl, you'll be fine :)
from clairecav :
from clairecav :
Gimmie the uncrooked banana now, I have found the semi-colons in your entry. Unless the ones I found were not hidden. The riddles, the riddles!
from strawberrri :
thanks :) good luck to you too young lady. just be thankful you don't have to do what my friend did while we were doing AS levels, which was she had to go sleep round a teacher's house in 'isolation' because she had too many exam clashes to sit them all in one day. i remember one day i had 5 and a half hours of AS exams all at once. that was nice! *sarcasm*
from skinnylizzie :
Ha, mint, that really livened up my revision break, thanks!
from strawberrri :
i remember staying up til 3 am to do my tech coursework for gcse. had the tv on to keep me company and got a bit worried when the news people kept saying 'good morning'!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the hair and the Greek thingamabob! And yes, I too am very glad that I survived my incredibly stupidity on a rapist's hunting ground. What an idiot. Anyway, I came to sympathise with the sexy but evil Rob thing - it's just hard to believe that anybody sexy could be that evil! But I had to work with a couple of people just like that, so I know how you feel :)
from clairecav :
Oh dearie me, it seems nobody really knows who Super Ted is... I shall explain. He is a cartoon character. He is part bear, part superhero. Superhero teddy bear, you see? I watched his programme when I was little. They showed us it at school once and it was Super Ted teaching us how to cross the road. I used to want to marry him. I don't know why. Something about being sensible and helpful but at the same time a rugged superhero. A bit like Hercules, really, if Hercules was a teddy bear.
from clairecav :
ANNIE! It feels like we haven't chatted for a millenia! Note me, email me, just give me Annie Contact! *Faints dramatically*
from gaffor :
Add me on MSN! I rock! Erm, either that or I am a rock,will let you decide. Ahem, I will stop talking now.
from buffylass :
I'm surprised people haven't told me to go to Anger Management classes as well as Stress management classes... I'm sure they'd suck ass just as much. Kudos for kicking the locker, sounds like fun times.
from skinnylizzie :
Man, it sucks to be feeling so down, you poor little chicken (I mean that in a nice way, of course). I went to a grammar school and felt like shit when I realised I wasn't going to get straight A*s in my GCSEs. I later came to realise that it wasn't that that they wanted from me - a school like that just wants you to achieve your very best to realise your full potential (apparently, anyway). Although I could often be heard muttering 'facist bastard school' during exam time. So don't sweat the small stuff - as my mum always tells me, even now, just do your best and things will fall into place. Hope this didn't sound too preachy (God forbid), and hope you feel better soon. xx
from strawberrri :
chin up annie lass! :) hormones are horrible things aren't they? plus i'm sure you'll have more drive for revision closer to your exams (says the girl who started revising for her gcse food tech the morning before the afternoon exam).
from strawberrri :
hmm, don't think i've ever bothered with capitals when leaving a note. how unobservant of you to have not noticed before ;)
from strawberrri :
if loneliness didn't have its E it'd be pronounced 'lonnliness'. which is wrong. plus i'm a pedant and i do not care!
from tremendous :
Yeah, thanks a lot for the info! I decided to go for it, and I think I'll enjoy my time there. I'll actually be in Delhi, Leh, all around for the trek, Lhasa and Dharamsala. So it sounds like there are a few similarities. But I'm looking forward to visiting the best country in the world. Thanks again for your input!
from tremendous :
Hi, anibananie, you may remember me from adding your diary to your favorites. Anyway, I have a question. I know you went to India recently(ish) and I am actually going this summer. I'm for sure going to India and Tibet for three weeks, but I'm trying to decide if I want to go for three more weeks prior to that, for more of a rugged and physical part of the trip. (I've mentioned some of this in my last entry or two, if you care to read it.) So I am able to make this choice, but I have to do so by tomorrow. SO! I'm trying to get any information and opinions that I can, and thought that I would love to hear what you had to say, seeing as you are about the same age and went on a similar trip that I might take. I'd really appreciate your thoughts, if you could. Thanks! -Erin
from skinnylizzie :
Oh, I join you in the cursing of that game, because thanks to it I have done no work this holiday at all. Glad you had fun on holiday!
from strawberrri :
hope you had a fantastic time in barca. would love to know what you thought of the segrada familiar, the ramblas, parc guell, etc.
from clairecav :
Congrats on your job, you scarily grown-up person!!!
from skinnylizzie :
Hello! I know you probably won't see this for a few days, but just wanted to say good luck for the interview tomorrow!
from clairecav :
(Last note, I PROMISE!) That should say REASON not RSON (goodness) and NEED not NEE. Though arson and knees are probably more interesting. BYE. For EVER. (Lots of capitals this eve)
from clairecav :
I must be feeling a bit strange because for some rson while writing that note I felt the nee to say GOOSE luck and I was also going to say for your INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE for NO reason whatsoever. Ciao.
from clairecav :
Erm... THANKYOU Auntie Annie!!! Me and my friends had great larfs over the 'homeopath' thing... we thought it must have something to do with being a counsillor to gay people and er, sending them down a path of gay life. Very fun-sounding. But instead it is to do with herbs. Not as fun. I am jealous of you seeing Razorlight soon (I actually LIKE Razorlight - yes, a band I LIKE. Shock shock horror horror). But GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR INTERVIEW!
from strawberrri :
there's more than a hundred! someone else didn't find it funny but i couldn't work out why!
from strawberrri :
ah intermediate paper is ok - it's still possible to get a B that way!
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you, that was sweet :)
from clairecav :
Risky indeed, but for you my dear Annie *pretends to be a strange Englishman in some old strange film* I would do anything. Ooh, I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE... BUT I WON'T DO THAT... (what was That, anyway). Um, I have done it so there. Mwaha. We take risks together!
from strawberrri :
might be beneficial to not get the superdrug job. one of my schoolfriends used to work there and was on some horrible slave wage. think it was more than a pound an hour less than what i was on!
from clairecav :
Oh my Annie, here I go feeling rejected by you now! *Sobs quietly* How aboot I put my adress up and then we are even?
from clairecav :
Luckily I am not a paedophile, no worries there. And if I was a paedophile, I wouldn't be interested in you seeing as you are 16 and look like a uni student. That must be a good feeling, not appealing to paedophiles anymore, I imagine??? I absolutely hate that pissing Bebo. God knows why I've joined it too. Because about 1000 people (yes, that is an exaggeration) have emailed me for it. I hate it. Oh, I do.
from clairecav :
*Does fabulous Primark dance* The only place you could buy a whole new winter wardrobe for about 50p.
from skinnylizzie :
Wow, that is fantabulous timing! I break up for Easter the next day and my birthday is 2 days before...I can already see what my birthday money is gonna be spent on. And yeah, THEY ROCK!
from lostcookie :
Unfortunately I will not post any pictures in my diary because I had a diary in the past that got found by someone at my school, and it was a nightmare. Sorry!
from clairecav :
I'm sorry, Keane must be bashed. Though we do agree on one thing - that Otis Thingy IS a TOTAL ARSE!!! I was having a bit of a rant about him just today. He's such a twat (language, Timothy). And I dig your fingerless gloves. And I also watched the 'Why Men Wear Frocks' programme last night... wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be. Though I thought I saw that man on Trisha this morning... turned out it wasn't the same man, but really, what are zee chances of two strange-looking men like that living in the same country (but this one was NOT in a frock. Sadly. I hate Trisha.)? Ooh, on the Team America soundtrack does it have the "America... FUCK YEAH!" on it???
from abc-reviews :
Your review is up.
from strawberrri :
'she doesn't mind almost any swearing except "piss"!).' next time you swear in front of her replace 'piss' with 'c*nt' and see how she reacts ;)
from skinnylizzie :
A tube?!.... I'm so very confused by the idea of a tube of material in girls' knickers. So very, very confused. So I'm no help at all really. I second the commercial crap comment and also applaud your stand against anything red. Hurrah!
from clairecav :
I bet they were scarref for life! *waggles finger* you can NOT blame your age, young Susannah....
from skinnylizzie :
Ahh, your note oozed respect and made this poor student so very happy after a long and boring day of lectures, so thank you! I wonder if I'll be this excited on my actual birthday?... Although turning 19 doesn't really feel THAT exciting, not after turning 18. Ah well, thank you again for the respectness!
from clairecav :
Practically empty? PRACTICALLY? So people could stil have been watching you you dirty little flasher...
from clairecav :
You do realise that your lie was a lot tamer than your truths? Licking someone's face is MUCH better than SPITTING AT YOUR DAD (goodness!) and FLASHING... at a CAMPSITE? There is something very wrong with you. No wonder you like Keane *flicks hair* (PS - Telleth me the flashing story!).
from strawberrri :
oh i only just saw you'd taken the survey too! spitting on people? disgraceful young lady! ;)
from skinnylizzie :
Maybe it's just me, but I've accidentally licked somebody's face and I've never a boyfriend. But it was a tough choice! Spitting or licking - I was just so confused, sigh. The flashing thing is just funny!
from clairecav :
Ahh, is THAT what you think? *scratches chin* I must inform you that that is the wrong answer(dum dum dum DUUUM). You ARE the Weakest Link... anywho-haa, I believe your lie was the spitting on your dad-ness? At least I hope that was a lie. Most terrible! Keane? Don't make me guffaw! *Draws rather large club thingy* Even FRANZ FERDINAND are better than Keane, and that's saying something! Check out how long this note is getting. Guess what. I'm not going to stop writing this note. Not yet, anyway. I will create a mega-long note. Yeah. So. I am impressed by your stalking skills. You are Zee Expert Stalker. I bet you REALLY needed that beanbag though, and was not just using at as an excuse to see Argos Man. Rock on stalking! I will go now. I think this is long enough. Toodles.
from clairecav :
God knows what I got... I was coming to the end of the time and still couldn't work out the final bit I thought I needed to work out... so filled in one of the random squares (the answer paper is scarily official, isn't it?). BUT in our Maths lesson yesterday our teachie went through a few of the questions and I believe the answer WAS 54kg... though who cares about a fish anyway?? *Salutes* I will follow your strict order to do the 'Three' thing.
from skinnylizzie :
I want to say number 3, but I have a feeling I'd be horribly wrong. Thing is, I'd spit on my dad, but obviously I can't vouch for what anybody else might do... Cryptic.
from skinnylizzie :
Haha, well done! I still can't work out which one of yours is the lie though, I'm torn between numbers 2 and 3...
from skinnylizzie :
Thank you for the good luckio! I have a feeling I might need it... And ach, number 2. I only wish it were the lie! (don't think any less of me...I was young and foolish, sigh)
from lostcookie :
Yeah! Jake Gyllenhaal is my ultimate fantasy! HELL YEAH!
from clairecav :
I did the Maths Challenge yesterday... I did rubbish, I assume as the one we did was for Years 9, 10 and 11, so we were the youngest age group. Did yours have a question about a fish?
from tremendous :
Well I didn't know that, interesting. And I can only guess your stance on the princes... they sure are a couple of nice young HOT lads.
from tremendous :
Wow, that kind of weather does sound pretty dreary, but at least your life isn't like that. That's funny about the Queen, I had no idea people hated her! I never really thought about it, I guess, but still... what about the princes?
from tremendous :
That's too bad, you should start saying that. I was kind of confused how you were talking about your day like it had already ended, because it's almost noon now, and then I realized the time change. That's crazy. Where in England do you live? I've been to London for a few days 2 summers ago, and loved it. And do you not like the Queen really? I don't know anything about her.. I'm sure she's better than our dear President, though.
from tremendous :
Haha, I love the British vocabulary, even though I had to guess what knackered meant. I don't know the Thrill's, but I'm guessing they are good. I know you'll have an amazing time at both.
from tremendous :
Okay, I have to admit that I love you. I found your diary, read some entries, and now am convinced that you are one of the coolest people on diaryland. I am going to add you to my favorites whether you like it or not. Plus you have some great music taste, if I can say so myself. I'm sorry about Razorlight! But you DID get to see Snow Patrol... You should check out my most recent entry because I mentioned a music festival that I think you would love to see- I know I would. Wow, it would be amazing. Okay, I think this is long enough. Oh, and happy birthday (I think)!
from clairecav :
Oh, wow, that TOTALLY sucks about Razorlight... I'm really sorry. Still... there's hope you can go to one of the re-sheduled gigs, I suppose???
from strawberrri :
he's the bloke i've been seeing since i was 17. in the august just gone we split, but after a bit started seeing each other again, albeit less regularly. now we are back together 'properly'. heh i'm managing to confuse myself now!
from strawberrri :
happy belated birthday! sorry for the delay but i've been in london all weekend :) also, beware of argos name badges. when i worked in argos i was 'janet' for a while!
from clairecav :
*bounces up and down* You have great handwriting! It's all neat and grown-up. And yup, you DO look grown-up. I like your new top, by the way! And pig-tails rule. Ahh, I wish I could chat to you on MSN, but it is STILL broken... *glare*
from clairecav :
Everyone's up to this bisexual business it seems... perhaps that is the way it is supposed to be and we have been opressed by society or something equally puzzling? BALLOONS? BALLOONS? How fabulous! Imagine if you did have 91 balloons... all the fun you can have... HAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are 16 (duh). Scary.
from lostcookie :
Happy biiirthhdaaay toooo youuuu!
from skinnylizzie :
Happy birthday!!!
from clairecav :
from cloud-shove :
Dude. How big is your diablo? I have a giant blue one, but I haven't played with it in a while.. Like, three years? You've just inspired me to go and get it out again. ~Luther~
from cloud-shove :
Would you mind if I borrowed the soundtrack page from your bio?
from skinnylizzie :
Well done for your mock results! You're doing much better than my younger brother :D
from dudetterevue :
Your review is up x x
from clairecav :
Ahh yes, because my original plan was to paint it cream and then have one wall a different colour and every year or so if I got fed up with I could just paint that one wall and then accesorise that colour... giving a totally different feel, you see. I'll probably change my mind a thousand times before I actually do it though. My mood and vibes change so much things that really appeal to me one day hopeleslly bore me the next. Oh well!!! I watched that 'Pushy Parents' too... I don't think you should mind too much about what you could have been, because if you were meant to be that then you would have been. Obviously it wasn't what you wanted at the time, so that's just the way it rolls. And if you've still got talent in those areas, then you can really do anything you want! =D Ramble over!
from lostcookie :
And for the record, Jake is the only soap opera-ness in my life! He always makes it much more complicated than it is. Last year I wanted to meet someone who was really exciting and kept me on my toes...yeah...careful what you wish for. Otherwise, life is quite dull. But no news is good news.
from lostcookie :
I'm sorry about the bird incident, it's awful with stuff like that happens. One time my goldfish jumped out of it's bowl and I came downstairs to find it dead, suffocated. It was horrible. Stupid wind.
from skinnylizzie :
I sympathise with the Maths brain block thing, I had that from the age of 11. From past experience my only advice would be to NOT take it as an A Level knowing that, like I stupidly did. And hand cramp sucks :(. Hope Maths (ugh) and Spanish go okay!
from clairecav :
Oh, Annie! You ooooooze originality! I still remember your watch necklace ;) THAT is mucho original. I need some originality to give me s boost from boredom right now. Because Emmerdale has just come on telly and I think I am going mad.
from gwumpysmurf :
hello, i am randomly leaving notes on d-land today as a desprate attempt to make lots of friends who will send me lots of expensive presents for x-mas... or not.
from skinnylizzie :
Hello, just wanted to say merry Christmas (I know it's premature, but never mind) - have a great one!
from xylem :
meh, i still think of anything on the alternative kinda spectrum as a gig. we shall have to agree to differ! (either that or i really am too old...eek!)
from xylem :
:) I still think of them as gigs. I kind of think of a concert as something U2 or Westlife would put is probably just me, though.
from xylem :
i am jealous! i went to see them once, but it was in a little place about five years ago and all i remember is me being drunk and going home halfway through to get the train. besides, they weren't as good then. they've stopped playing starfighter pilot, though! that is plain silly. i was going to mock you for calling it a concert, but i realised that would be really rude, so yes.
from skinnylizzie :
Snow Patrol, sigh. I'm so flippin' jealous of you right now it's untrue
from button-maker :
That's very strange. <img src= ""> Should work. ;)
from button-maker :
Awesome - I see it. :) ~Pink
from button-maker :
Hey, your button is made. To get it, make a "link me" page in your diary. Link me in this page, and leave a space for your button to go. ~Button
from clairecav :
Am digging (with my spade) the new template, Annie!!! So heady... and by that I mean the headbanging meaning. Yeah. *Headbangs*
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, back again. Am liking the pretty new layout. Just wanted to let you know how jealous I am that you're going to see Snow Patrol - it's taken me a long time but I've finally realised how much they rock
from skinnylizzie :
Hmm, yeah, I realised that once I'd written it. I think I meant that I discovered today she wasn't just nice, she was nice nice...if you get what I mean (I really don't). The photos thing - I upload them using which is free and actually quite good, you get enough bandwidth so plenty of people can look at your photos
from clairecav :
You are a Sex GODDESS, Annie. I want to jump on you and lick your face off - HARGUMPH!!! Ooh, nearly ;) So close, so close... yes, I SHALL be emailing you to find out the meaning of 'heady'... I assumed (maybe wrongly *shrugs*) it wasn't quite as blunt as to be an extension of 'head'... I hope, anyway. *Crosses fingers*
from r-e-v-i-e-w :
your review is up!! :D
from skinnylizzie :
Hehe, look at this, possibly the oddest medium for a conversation ever! Where did you see it? Was it off my photos thing? Really should change that, stalkers scare me a little...Oh, and if I ever see that guy again, rest assured I will be snapping away with my camera. He was HOT!
from skinnylizzie :
Would love to post a picture of the yummy Frank Lampard lookalike but unfortunately I forgot to take one of him, I'm gutted! But I agree with you, Frank Lampard is v good looking
from chibizuum :
XD You're great! *high fives* Yay for insane peeps!!
from skinnylizzie :
Aah, loads of people haven't heard of Frank Lampard. He's a football player, he plays for England and Chelsea (I think...not really big on it myself). He's also fairly attractive :)
from skinnylizzie :
If it makes you feel any better, I've never had a *proper* boyfriend and I'm 18. The single life is better! (well, that's what I tell myself anyway :D )
from strawberrri :
i didn't have a proper boyfriend until i was 17. i really wouldn't worry about it, things'll just happen when they're meant to happen, you're still very young (although drugs are bad mmkay!).
from tphi :
Hiya, I've decided to lock my diary for the moment, just to make doubly sure no one from the scary real life world will find it for a while. Email me and I'll send you the password. Tom. ([email protected])
from strawberrri :
hope you have a great time in india :)
from purplebanana :
I love Paperchase so much. So, SO much.
from lifeortheatr :
definitely #3 ...
from anibananie :
Woohoo, someone bothered to read all of them!
from audinary :
I love your midnight entry.
from lumin-ant :
thanks for adding me. your diary is absolutely awesome. xox -jessica
from cdghost :
stumbled across your words and enjoyed them.keep writing and i am going to keep reading.
from lifeortheatr :
damn. you could sell those on ebay. the watch thing i mean. and the diary template. very very jealous. nice job.
from purplebanana :
Oh, my rhyming named British gal, unless you've lived in America and celebrated Halloween for twenty-some years before moving to Britain, you don't know what you're missing!! The lack of trick-or-treating is impossible for me to comprehend, but it's more than that: haunted houses on every corner for the entire month of October, haunted hayrides/forests/walks, hot apple cider by fires at midnight, pumpkin patches everywhere, carving pumpkins...I miss it.
from strawberrri :
aw it is a shame you didn't enjoy it...but it's over with now :)
from rainy-daze- :
wow, i absolutely adore your profile title... it's amazing! xxx PS: hope that didn't come out in a sarcastic voice - it wasn't meant to. *eek*
from clairecav :
Speaking from a strictly female, friendly perspective, I say, Gray and all your other stalkers (you're so lucky...) would like you because: a)From what I have seen you ARE pretty b)You're damn smart and c)You could single-handedly bring an army to it's knees with laughter. Hey, if you were male, I'd be in there!
from strawberrri :
*wants your hair* *badly*
from clairecav :
Hmm, take it you changed your mind on the locking of the diaryness? And hmm also on the Gray situation. A boy who cannot stomach a girl's sarcastic streak, umm, I've (briefly) been there. I think all boys should be able to handle sarcasm, if not enforce it. But that be my preference.
from strawberrri :
a First is the equivalent of an A i suppose, and a 2:1 a B, and i'm aiming for a 2:1! why are you locked!? may i have a passwoid please?
from audinary :
Aw... you should get one. I'd sign it. Only don't let it go round the entire class because that's just embarrassing. And what's with the locked diary? I can't get my daily (more or less) dose of Annie! Which sounds weird. Wasn't meant to. Anyway... if you ever want to unlock it? I'd favour that suggestion. Go, unlockednessity!
from diary-nazi :
Aaaaah close, but no cigar I am afraid. We're not looking for any reviewers at the moment. We just don't have enough people requesting for it. Bah. Really, I can't understand it. Everyone needs a good ass-raping sooner or later. -Amanda
from secretspark :
Please please purty please Annie? I will never ever call you Susannah again if you let me have your password. Go on go on go on!!!!! Luv n hugs- Meg xxxx
from smartepants :
ah, so then youre one of THOSE (medicine cabinet freaks!) :D
from swcprincess :
Ha! I know I have my "blonde moments", but really!
from clairecav :
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnie, imagine my dismay at not being able to enter your diary!!! The dismay was huge, I tell you, huge! Please give me your passwordy thing, and end my dismay!
from tphi :
Hmm.. may have to just do that. :P
from tphi :
Hey.. just noticed (call me dumb, musta missed it before) your changey coloury thing you got going on with the links when you mouseover. I want! Is that done with CSS? I may have to steal.. :D
from xylem :
Aww, I never went away! Well, I suppose I kind of did, but I always read your diary anyway.
from swcprincess :
Thank-you! I think I'm more excited about their results than I was about MINE. But your brother at least has a year to get his act together. Bad results are gonna put a stick up ANYONE'S day- give him a while for it to sink in and you never know, he might surprise you. I hope things pick up anyhow.
from audinary :
Hi! Well... I've moved. from aud-girl, that is. For many reasons. But I'm back now! Hopefully. And it took me a while to catch up on all of your entries but I did it and so now I am fully qualified to say that I am a true anibananiefan. Oh, and that maths thing? Shudder. You are very brave.
from tphi :
Hey, good luck with yours as well. Just gots mine, not too shabby at all. :) tom.x
from strawberrri :
oh, working now - yay :D
from strawberrri :
none of your photos are showing up. where are they hosted? a good place that hosts pics is
from clairecav :
Indeed, it just seemed a bit lame-o to do a whole 'one-year ago today...well actually two days ago...' thing. I kept meaning to check the date i started this thingy so I could have a big celelbration, but bah... I shall just have to wait til next year! Glad you had such a good time in France - the train situation sounds HORRIBLE though... ugh...
from strawberrri :
yeah i noticed that too. all the weather pixies are gone, to the great [insert place pixies live] in the sky :( welcome back anyhoo, glad you have the net again, even though you're on holiday soon!
from clairecav :
Ah oui, that is what I am holding on to. Someone must appreicate my humour. SOMEONE. It was my 301st? Wow, go me! I should really notice these things, shouldn't I?
from my-reviews :
You've been reviewed! Yay.
from teen-review :
Review's up. Enjoy!
from clairecav :
Ah, if anything I think I def. do NOT want to be a Year 9. I mean... I'll be 14 this year. And. That. Is. Just. Scary. I remember being 4, for God's sake. 10 YEARS HAVE PASSED? Nooooooooooooooo.
from dtreview :
Yo! Your review is up...
from strawberrri :
you know in france, as part of their job the footballers also teach football to children, which i think is great because it keeps the players grounded plus they're doing something to help society, rather than just providing sporting 'entertainment' (i put that in quote marks because you obviously do not find footie entertaining!). have (or hope you had) fun in endinburgh :)
from clairecav :
Aww I love your day-logging!
from xylem :
Aww, reviews are generally cack anyway. I don't think you really can review someone's diary - it's like reviewing their own thoughts, or reviewing their life.
from secretspark :
love the new temp x
from acidreviews :
Your review is up at Acid Reviews. Thanks for requesting.
from aud-girl :
Note posting is a worthwhile and fulfilling past time!!!
from anibananie :
what, frankie? what's with all the note-passing/posting?
from smallprint :
from smallprint :
The debate cuts to the heart of what has been going on over the past 150 years in painting.
from smallprint :
from smallprint :
say it
from lil-bexy :
That was all very umm hectic? lol good on ya
from scarletwh0re :
Heya. This is your reviewer. You're perfectly welcome, of course! And I'm really not sure why I mentioned the username. o_O;; Seriously, it was just... incredibly arbitrary. I'm actually Canadian. = ) And I can't believe I didn't read your profile... I usually do. But... Roald Dahl? I LOVE Roald Dahl! I read so very many of his books as a child... they're wonderful. And Monty Python and The Holy Grail is frickin' fabulous, although I have yet to see Life of Brian. And Adrian Mole... ehehe. I read that when I was younger, as well...
from aud-girl :
I never did tell you how much I liked that depressing little butterfly. And now it's gone...
from autumn-revs :
Your review is up. = )
from pinkgirlie07 :
Cute Diary! Come check out mine sometime!
from strawberrri :
thank you! you've had tetanus TWICE!? i heard it's meant to be extremely painful, is old lockjaw.
from clairecav :
from clairecav :
I wish I could go canoeing... I've never been. Have been on some little rowing boat thing before but that's not REALLY the same thing, I guess....
from tphi :
Hi, thanks for the note.. yeh, times have been better :) I guess they'll get sorted out eventually tho. tphi.
from scarletwh0re :
That is a weird and nasty hand injury. Ow. Oh, and... you haven't sworn in front of a teacher until you've smiled and called down, "Have a nice f***ing day!" to a friend, or screamed, "That f***ing cunt!" across the schoolyard... heh. xD
from clairecav :
OUCH about your hand....
from strawberrri :
thank you! also that needle thing sounds horrible! be more careful in the future, unless you WANT tetanus of course ;)
from tphi :
You read all that? Lord.. that means you'll read my extra long entry today. Ok.. but be sure to balance it out with entries of me being happy and not so freakish. Which.. come to think of it.. don't exist. Merde. :) tphi.
from tphi :
Hi there, well thanks. Not sure about wiser.. I'm feel pretty confused at the moment. And today's entry probably isn't the best to enter my world with. In fact, it is the worst probably.. But anyway, I like your writing style: "Queen Bitch Evil Moo Moo From Hell"? Made me laugh ^_^ How'd you know I like cheese, mm? tphi.
from clairecav :
Yes, thankyou for the reminder about lovely tests to look forward to!!! I shall wait with baited breath! And OK, Cain Dingle is kinda gross, but I had this DREAM and in the dream he was really COOL!! We robbed this little shop and this old dude came out and was gonna arrest me (a citizen's arrest, I suppose) but Cain stopped him. Knight in shining... leather jacket.
from smallprint :
Hello moto.
from xylem :
Aww - think of me as an undercover Diaryland spy, going over to the dark side disguised as one of them. Or something.
from clairecav :
*raises eyebrws* Am i supposed to believe you have a CLEAN MIND??? Mwahahah, how likely. :D I have an odd 'Stretchy' (cannot believe you have nicknames them in an affectionate manner) on the back of my knee also. This is worrying - is my KNEE getting fat or what? Trust moi, if you start getting more, they shall not be so lovable...
from clairecav :
I believe, dear Annie that your mind is filled with filth enough before I start on it with my arse-crawler talk. And may I add, stretch marks are not things to be hopeful for. I hate them and wish them a swift exit from my thighs.
from secretspark :
Oh my God. I just... I don't know what to say. Sorry. That's all I ever seem to say to you. I mean it you know. So sorry. About everything.
from aud-girl :
I, also, am sorry to hear about Joel.
from aud-girl :
Oh my God I have a stalker! I live in Essex. And is that a proved fact that it rains more in the NW? Because we get our fair share of rainness too... And ooh I've heard this thing on the radio about parallel lives, and... yeah that probably doesn't apply but please feel free to tell me what's going to happen to Liz next. Although I think you're a day behind... ;)
from xylem :
Aww...I think you made the right decision, really. If a relationship doesn't feel right, then it *isn't* right, is how I see it.
from clairecav :
Ahh, tres sorry about you and Joel. But some things are just not meant to be m'dear!
from clairecav :
*Waves banners* Woo, welcometh backeth! I am *slightly* jealous for you having a boyfriend while I am still an Official Single, but... ahh, i shal not hold it against you!
from clairecav :
Oh Annie, return to us... *sobs hystericlaly like some poor war-widow*
from xylem :
Thankyou for the beautiful song. :)
from secretspark :
It'll all work out in the end. Try and find out about your stalker. Don't give up on the idea. It took John 6 months remember! 6 God damn months... Just hang in there. Patience is a virtue etc.
from parlance :
I've had that happen before. It was just kind of...bad.
from smallprint :
Welcome back to anibananie! Party! woo!
from clairecav :
*stands up and applauds* Woo you tell that reviewer, girlfriend!!! I luv your diary, and I'm not even a close friend of yours who knows oyu personally. I just like what you write about.
from clairecav :
Granted, the KKK are like the most EVIL people EVER, but a drawing of them can be rather funny. Was it a tringle? With eyes? Mwahahahaha!!!.. why am I so warped?
from xylem :
KKK members are always easy options for fancy dress parties, though. All you really need is a white sheet, or even a white hooded top.
from strawberrri :
hun there is something on your diary that triggers off about a million pop ups when i'm reading it!!
from idiotreviews :
Reviews up. Thanks for being so patient!
from falsesmile :
Happy 134th entry! HUZZAH! Yuh huh yeha. Ok I'm mad. See you tomorrow!!!
from strawberrri :
Happy birthday!
from xylem :
Happy birthday, you! (okay, so I'm writing this at 11:26pm, so there's not much left of the day, but never mind)
from clairecav :
I know, tis terrifying!!! Do you have MSN? then we could continue this cinvi in *nicer* surroundings :)
from clairecav :
Right then, I have no idea. It's OK, I love you. You quoted me!!! And you noted me!!! And you... boated me??? Yeh that too. Herumph - do you have any idea who the note i have off "lrigeht" is actually from? I don't know why I'm asking you, but I'm stumped as to who it is.
from clairecav :
Hmm, status bar? Is that like... the thing across the bottom, that...erm says things? In which case, non I do not. Note her and she'll be happy to help though (a girl straight from Asda, clearly). If it's not that, then what the bugger are you on about? I am so un-computer-ised. I relaly must learn some stuff one day. Anywho, ya you are the Almighty One.
from clairecav :
Definitely! Like the music on your diary! Fits with your template lots!
from clairecav :
Och your template is so confusing... you can't note you straight from it!!! *Grr* Anywhohaa, I have decided to quote you on my profile... when I have time to o' course!!! It'll be easy as pie to find soemthing to put up, your diary is such a fab read ;) Well doen on your presentation!
from clairecav :
*Mwah!* Thanks for adding me! Also - YOU QUOTED ME!!! I've alwys loved it when people do that (because people reading your diary will be given the - wrong - impression that I am actually an amusing and worth-reading person) but no-one had ever done it before. Then i stumble across two in one night! Tis fab. With knobs on. I really like you NSPCC speech. Really moving. ;D
from xylem :
Aww, I was feeling special having that password! And it was a very impressive password as well.
from xylem :
That was a very impressive evil laugh. Knowing everything about me is sort of scary in a way, though...promise you won't stalk me? :) And sadly, I didn't make the Bill Oddie thing up, that was actually what I had on the background of the message board. I think I was very bored when I made it.
from strawberrri :
so if you were forced to be stranded on a desert island for the rest of your life with either johnny depp or an otter i suppose you would choose the otter! shame on you :)
from mmeanaya :
nice layout....found your journal via html clinic... good luck
from xylem :
Someone else who thinks that Harry Potter is overrated! YAY! I was worrying that I was the only one. I mean, those books are *alright*, but that's it.
from htmlclinic :
First thing, you can add "groovy" little messages in the status bar by the method found here If you also want them for your links, try this (scroll to the very bottom) Second thing; if Andrew said that he's "fixing this" and has taken everything down, then I don't think it's possible to make a diary public.
from xylem :
Yep, kind of like David Brent, only with more friends! I come across a lot of these. Sitting in silence is far more fun, I think.
from crashreviews :
Your review is up!
from xylem :
You have Stargirl! I love that book...the sweetest book I've ever read, I think.
from dreamsheep :
Hello and I HAVE UPDATED!!!! SO THERE!!! Meh, hello, again....
from falsesmile :
nooooo annie dont leave us! you know you dont want to! its like a lil community... oh pretty please stay
from falsesmile :
hello my partner in crime! i love your diary, especially the new layout, and your geni layouts are soooo awesome! mwuah mwuah! oh and i cant wait to see how your hair looks @ 3 o clock...
from smegan :
Thank thank you thank you! You are so right I clapped like a manic... Megan when I read that entry. I'm realy glad for you. Good on ya babe- y wait around for the next guy? I say grab the opportunity while u can cos it passed me by and I regret it. I love u Annie, Megz xxxxxxxx PS- hope Spain was ace
from smegan :
thanx 4 siding with me on the whole "Clare" argument :) Ill help Jess set u up if wiv sum1 if u want (Tom? Ryan? Etc?) mwah! - Megan
from smegan :
Hey Annie. I hope this boosts ur self esteem (I'm poorly and there's nothing better to do ok;)): I allways feel extremelly guilty when I think of how much I hurt you last April. I guess I'll never be able to make it up to you, but I just want you to know that if you want me to be your friend, I'll never do anything like that again. You don't deserve that cos you're kind and considerate and cute(teehee) and above all, you are a great friend. I love ur diary. Well done 4 the writing examey type thing. Mwah darling- Meg xxxx
from frankiesmind :
Also, I am not an Alexoid. Nor is jane a Kathyoid. And that is the end of that.

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