messages to anikk:
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from chagrine :
I hope it's nice to be home again :)
from superflickan :
Syksyn s�vel on ihan oikeesti koskettava. :S
from piilu :
air-conditioned apartment!?!?! THERE? :)) that's cool. and: you seem to have it interesting :) take care!
from chagrine :
Well, I've seen Americans who speak Estonian before. But I haven't seen any who spoke Finnish. Of course, first 6 times I was astonished that people in U.S. could actually *know* about Estonia in the first place but then there were more and more of those who knew and spoke and I stopped wondering. Btw, s�branna is written with 2 n-s. :)
from chagrine :
joo, kyll� m� ymm�rsin. :) m� usein kirjotin ranskaksi siksi ett� mun kaverit ei puhu ranskaa mutta nyt olen melkein unohdanut sen kielen :( M� tied�n ett� noita asioida (kun joku kuolee) on vaikea sanoa yst�ville.. mutta joskus sen pit�� tehd��. ((hugs)). ;)
from chagrine :
you know, it's damn funny when you start writing in Finnish. It's like my internal image of you changed according to what language you speak at a certain moment. Besides, it is just too funny to imagine a native English-speaker speaking Finnish ;)
from egbridges :
my e/mail got lost. it was long. i feel like shit.
from egbridges :
please read my journal. I tried to write it got lost. i am freaking out and running out of time at this cafe. read my journal. write me.
from piilu :
i LOVE Arvo P�rt. :)
from chagrine :
Azerbaijan?! Wow. That sounds cool :) And 9 years is a lot. It isn't that much about getting what you want or not getting it (i'm used to not getting things), it's more about building your future basically on air. But hey, there's the saying that "we live in the world of possibilities" or something. I already have hundreds of alternative plans. :) Btw, I'm 19. I went to uni when I was 17. I must have missed something but how did you get interested in countries like Estonia or Finland? (don't worry, I am not going to disillusion you, Estonia isn't exactly the worst place to live in, but still...) ;)
from kimuchi :
sorry to have disillusioned you about the great white north... (maybe that's part of the trouble - people forget the white means snow!!)... sadly, we sometimes refer to alberta as the texas of canada. and that's not in a good way! just checked out your diary and i'll check back again.
from chagrine :
hehe, I am not planning to buy anything, unless I get to me a millionaire one day. but the CD looks nifty :)
from piilu :
oh, and about jaan kross. don't tell anyone!!!, but i've only read one book. it was ok. :)) but didn't make me want read more. i will. someday. in about 50 years or so.
from piilu :
yes, KinkyGrandpa is my grandfather. He is 88 and REALLY kinky. ;) as for the estonian bands... there might be some good ones, but... i have to think about it. dektor would suggest you listen to id_rev, i'm sure. :)) our eurovision band - ruffus is quite good, as is was the band that started ruffus- claire's birthday. but, yes, i have to think now. :) have a good night. it's noon here and i'm TRYING to work. huhhh.... :S take care! (PS your estonian was perfect!)
from piilu :
[btw, Apocalyptica IS a Finnish band. :)]
from chagrine :
ohyeah, the same old comparison with diabetics. can't they think of anything new to compare antidepressants with? My opinion is that whatever Prozac might do to people, it is not always good. period. Of course there are people who should take it to get well.. but there are also people who get screwed by it.
from chagrine :
yap. so, figured out now? ;)
from chagrine :
btw, I also wanted to mention that the list of diaries by Estonians, it is terribly old. A year or more, some of the diaries do not exist anymore and there are numerous others. Just in case you might have wondered. I didn't have too much information either when compiling that list. take care :)
from piilu :
the word is "leidsin" ;) take care!
from chagrine :
yap. there are multiple Estonians at diaryland. I wonder why are people always so surprised to find us here? We're not in Africa, youknow. We do not live in a jungle. We actually *do* have some computers here ;)
from spelas :
Hi Meghan! My computer crashed and I lost everything including your e-mail address. Please write to me to address [email protected]. Is Elizabeth coming to Austria this weekend? Wish her safe voyage for me. Take care, Spela.
from ubertuff :
hi M! welcome to all this online diary hubub. i moved to livejournal but still checking the old diaryland stomping grounds. -ubertuff

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