messages to anne-jumps:
(click here to add new message):
from melia5553 : |
hey anne, well i wanted to join ur ring and well i know a lot of people their including elgan. she is nice right? so leave me a note bye |
from rocio717 : |
hi,I joined in your ring "lipgloss lovers"but it has picture which doesn't show.I just thought maybe you could put it right? |
from thatmarygirl : |
i love when you update. |
from cherry-girl : |
I applyied to join your username and password are my and immortal. |
from thatmarygirl : |
wow. wow. wow. good luck and congrats on such a good find! |
from mary-harper : |
hey anne - i'm at now - come visit? :) |
from sparklefae : |
Oh yay! I correct people on their punctuation and grammar a lot, spelling and such and I consider myself a grammar bitch but I wanted to be sure and ask before I tried. Thanks =0) *will have to work on capitalization* |
from sparklefae : |
Hi. I want to join your grammar bitch diaryring but I have a few questions. I tend to use a lot of slang and made up words that my friends and I use because, well, we understand them, even if it isn't proper english. This is not to say that I talk ghettoese (although I have been learning it for various reasons and from a certain friend) or anything but I do have a particular way of talking. I was just wondering what exactly your requirements are and if I should even bother. Thanks for your time. Jess |
from howdy2324 : |
Just a sad note from a Krispy Kreme lover to another. The Krispy Kreme down the road from me is closing. :( If I want donuts I have to go to a gas station. So so depressing... |
from jumpfan : |
Is Matt high and drunk at some shows?? My friends said he looked like a stoned drunk at the Tyber Creek show. |
from jumpfan : |
Am i kidding..he's not what?? he's not your bf or he's not hot? |
from jumpfan : |
hey anne. I love Jump, Little Children too! Is Matt your boyfriend? he's hot. |
from angryquail : | |
from goovie : |
yeah, that's how i first hard of jump -- everyone on the nields nook was talking about them after they toured together. |
from p-brain : |
This grammarbitch ring... Does it count if you're (me) non-american but still want a language as perfect as it can get? I'm a swede and... well, my english could be alot better. I'd like to join, though. |
from ejsaturn615 : |
Hey its me again, jsut so you know your pic for your kripsy kreme doughnut ring isn't working. |
from ejsaturn615 : |
Hey, I joined your Kristy Kreme ring. Finally, people who know what they are! I just wanted to tell you, in case you didn't know, that the picture isn't working. |
from pixiia-8 : |
I just joined the I'm a grammar bitch diaryring..thanks :). Luv, Pix |
from faygobabe : |
i searched for 'i am weird' on google and found you. we're a like in a lot of ways, except i think i might be weirder. hopefully not too weird for you to get back to me some time. keep all your internet stuff up, it looks great. [email protected] |
from ray-andrew : |
Quotes are gooooood. So, you must be goooood. Peace to you and yours this holiest of commercial holiday seasons. |
from cutelilfish : |
I'm sorry I'm sorry. I tried to email you but it got bounced back. You have tooo many addresses! I'll send it along soon, I'll use whatever your regular page pulls up for email, though I fixed the bleu board situation so in a a few days the lock down might end. :) I didn't purposely leave you in the dark. *hugs* |
from youth-decay : |
Nice Profile:) |
from stoopid-me : |
yeah i love lewis black! the only time i ever get to see him is on the daily show with john stewart, which kinda sucks. and i wasn't rejected the 2nd time.... >=) |
from inthemind : |
My diary was locked for awhile, but now it's unlocked. :) |
from anne-jumps : |
i'm leaving myself a note like a big tool! woo! |
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