messages to bastet-hw:
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from hissandtell :
Ummm, sweetie-pie - it's been a while ... Love, R xxx
from daisydee1 :
So nice to see your update! I'm glad things are going well. And Belated Happy B day!
from hissandtell :
Hi - I found you through datura's favourites list and read several of your entries. I'm enjoying your diary immensely - I'm very impressed with your writing and your approach to the craft. In fact, you inspired me to dig out Dorothy Morrison's "Everyday Magic" again for a bit of a re-charge! I look forward to visiting again very soon. Love, R xxx
from daisydee1 :
Good luck with your job!
from daisydee1 :
You're so lucky to have a garden! It's the one thing (after my boyfriend and my cat) that I really miss about living where I did in northern california. My indoor container garden is barely making it this year, and the lack of seasons here doesn't help. :) But the basil is growing. Long Live Basil! And cheers to your garden!
from datura93 :
Sounds like you had a wonderful day of inspiration despite your initial disappoinment! I've been trying to get back into my yoga routine too, but it's hard...I'm certainly too stiff to do it in the morning, but I do enjoy using it to unwind at the end of my day. I'm just NOT a morning person! Bright blessings )0(
from daisydee1 :
I used to have the same problem being attuned to the moon phases, but now I try to utilize the nature of the waning moon for exactly what it is. Rather than trying to feel perky, I sink into an introspective mode (think: the deep undercurrent in a river) to resolve issues in my life. Dark moon rituals helped me connect and appreciate this time. Another thing you can do is try to connect with the sun energy. I find I tend to spend more of my lunches outside when the moon is waning. Best wishes!
from daisydee1 :
Re: guy in white: I've had a similar experience to yours. Trippy, isn't it? I don't think there's a specific meaning, I just think you're seeing beings of other frequencies/ vibrations. Perhaps your cloud reading is opening you up to different ways of seeing, and thus you've tapped into your environment in this way. Of course that doesn't explain WHY at 3:30 am. I wake up consistantly at that time every night whenever I'm working a lot of magic. I haven't figured that one out.
from daisydee1 :
The best way to win the hubby over: How about warming him up for two days with small anecdotes that illustrate just how funny and loving Pixie Honeydust really is. Then day 3, ka-Pow, sock it to him with the $139 pitch. :-) Might work best if you have a birthday or anniversary coming up. Good luck!
from datura93 :
Hi there. I just wanted to say thanks for your note and also tell you that I finally caught up on all your entries and absolutely adored that goddess/pumpkin entry. It was adorable and I do plan on passing it along! As for our dog food, I do thank you for your suggestion, but we are already using a top of the line food that the vet recommended, Science Diet. It's supposed to be one of the best too! Maybe now that she won't be getting any people food she'll finally get the benefit from it? I hope so. Thanks again! )0(
from stargazer41 :
Ohhh I have never bought amber resin, now cant you also soak the resin in a carrier oil for a fragrant oil? I ended up not having any hyssop so I used rosemary, lavender,peppermint instead with the copal and white willow bark, turned out really nice and I'm happy with it. I just got done listing a bunch of stuff on a pagan barter site I belong to, gourd rattle, voodoo dolls, voodoo veve chalk, and a witchball, and ritual painting brush, I had recieved all these items in a past barter and have no use for them myself, hahahaha Blessings Kelly
from datura93 :
Doesn't taco bell rock? That's my favorite fast food EVER. I liked your poem too...lots of feeling behind those words. Bright blessings! )0(
from datura93 :
I just wanted to pop in and say hello! I just love finding other witchy diaries and I look forward to keeping up with yours and learning more about your path :) I started reading from your beginning and have now added you onto my favorites as well! Wooo! My path is very much eclectic, but I can see we have a lot in common. I was quite flattered that you added me onto your favorite list...thank you! Bright blessings )0(
from stargazer41 :
Funny you should mention hyssop, i had checked my herbs to see if i had any, a friend recommened blending copal, white willow bark and hyssop as a good incense blend. I guess I will have to try and find a good place to buy some seeds and try growing several pots of herbs. I will give catnip a try, also thought of rosemary, I use so much lavender but I think that is one plant that doesnt do so well untill its been established for several years. Now do you grow Lupine? we have it hear and it grows wild, I just love the tall spikes filled with flowers. This summer if I spot any thats not on someones property I just might have to snip me some. I was going to grow chamomile but read it doesnt do well indoors or in pots, so I guess I will have to continue to buy alot of my herbs. Its just so hit or miss with them, some I get are wonderfully fragrant while others have little or no scent at all, lavender and roses seem to be the 2 that I cant seem to find good fragrance in , thankfully I have the EO I can add to scent them up . Like you, I showered my son with love and understanding, he never had to wonder if I loved him or not, I am so thankfull that I didnt repeat the pattern of abuse, which so many times is whats happens. As a child I always hated it when my mother would hug me, it gave me a awfull feeling in the pit of my stomach because i knew it was for show only, there was no love behind that hug. Garys parents are really elderly and I do get along fine with them, but his family is not a close one either, its not that they dont dislike each other, it just seems they are all caught up in there own lives, of working, children, etc. Sometimes I get really depressed because I feel so alone in this world. I miss the security of having family. How sad is it that people I meet online I have better relationships with them and they know more about me then my own family does. Hugs Kelly
from stargazer41 :
So what kind of herbs do you grow? I live in a APT and have no yard so at this time I am unable to grow any herbs. I am thinking about maybe getting some pots and planting some herbs in them and sitting them out on my window sills, any suggestions on what would be a good one to try this with? Ive never tried making cone insence, i cheat and just grind up resisns and herbs for a loose incense to burn on charcoal disk, hehehehe Right now my passion is making perfume oils. I've done well selling them on a witchy site i belong to.I also make dream pillows, my husband wont sleep without one slipped inside his pillow now :) So are you coping well with how things are between your mother and yourself? Myself, I'm doing okay, we talk once in awhile, but its not like a mother daughter conversation. Sometimes I find it hard going through life without a mother figure. When my husband had his stroke as you can imagine I was just devasted, and neither my sister or mother picked up the phone to see how I was doing let alone stop in to make sure i was okay. So I had to cope with it all by myself. Hugs Stargazer
from stargazer41 :
Hail and Merry Meet~! I'm so glad you left me such a heartfelt note. I also have a sister, she is 5 yrs younger then me, and we dont get along at all, but thats her choice. My Mother and I have never had a good and healthy relationship, she really only ever had one daughter (my sister). Its taken me many years and lots of tears to come to terms with it. Its hard to accept things you cannot understand. Being a mother myself I could never understand how you couldnt love your child. I can't begin to tell you how much comfort and peace my faith gives me. I finally feel complete. I feel all the love and understanding from the Goddess that I never got from my Mother. So as you know from your own experiance starting a diary is a very big step for me! I think once I become more comfortable with journal keeping I will probably write about some of my childhood experiances and hopefully maybe gain some insight from them by putting it to paper. As you probably guessed from my few entries, I love to make witchly goodies :) Yesterday I made some wonderfull tub teas, and today I think i might make some incense, I have lots of copal resin that I need to blend up . Blessings Stargazer

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