messages to chadly7:
(click here to add new message):

from captvfirefly :
It's so good to see you post. :)
from captvfirefly :
Hey darlin' - I saw you updated the other day, but I can't for the life of me remember the user/password info. Wanna email me? I miss you! I hope all is well!
from hubbabub :
Wondering how you're doing. Hope everything's okay!
from sweeters :
Hey there Mr. Chad just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know I'm curious about what's going on with you now so if you wanna give me some super secret info on your password I'll stop by, hope things are well-s.
from captvfirefly :
Hey, you're locked up. :( I hope you're doing OK. I miss our chats. Drop me a line and let me know what's up. :)
from lifeasme66 :
Aww... locked up! Hope you are doing ok. If you feel like sending the password my way, I won't say no ;) amyssister 26 @ hotmail. com (no spaces) **HUGS!!**
from hubbabub :
Noticed you're locked up. Just wanted to say I hope you're doing okay! Thinking of ya.
from twobaddogs :
Hi! We are capitalist american swine. = Bonjour! Nous sommes des cochons capitalistes americains. Does your wife need to use my razor? = Est-ce que votre femmes a besoin de se razer avec mon razoir? Please speak english (I can't believe this one is not on my CDs, seriously).= En Anglais! Why does your food suck so badly? = Pourquoi est-ce que votre cuisine est tant degoutant? Go Bush! = Allez-y, Bush!
from mousemilk :
You can only use that excuse twice. I'd let her get better if I were you.
from anisettekiss :
"sounds like new year's should be a great time! have fun. hope you get seduced. chadly7" I TOTALLY got seduced!!! THANKS BABY!!!
from anisettekiss :
I wanted to stop in and let you know I'm still reading. xoxo p.s. I really liked that last entry. Your writing style totally flows and is very enjoyable to read. later, tater.
from anisettekiss :
from anisettekiss :
I am UPSET I haven't met you before... you know like, all of my friends!!! I'm adding you.
from bigpimpinmba :
Not sure how I stumbled across your diary, but it definitely gives me a chuckle. Keep writing, Sir Chadly and I'll keep reading.
from razor-vixen :
Since I will soon most likely be out of work, I will need a job. Being your spell checker sounds like fun!
from mousemilk :
Hotels are great. The chainier the better. Is it wrong to love the generic lobby, the tinkle of fake fountain or the airless magnolianess of the conference room? No! PS: Faux pas.
from supermom3604 :
Wow. Powerfully said, and I couldn't agree with you more. Congratulations on your new job, I hope it makes you happier.
from mousemilk :
Congratulations, you heartbreaker, you.
from chickie-legs :
Congrats on your new job dude! I hope it works out well =)
from hotcarl :
Very nicely done! I'll have to try that book/coffee trick out, I am always looking for strangers to come and bug me... Oh wait, No I friggin' hate that, plus coffee tastes like ass.
from chickie-legs :
wow! you're too sweet! I look forward to reading your diary and getting to know you better. then i can stalk you, b/c that's always fun.
from joecartoon :
Ummm... Wow. I'm not sure I know where to start. Very nicely done.
from lonelylatina :
Good Lord!! You're a GREAT writer. Awesome, just awesome.
from joecartoon :
Wow. Mr. Cartoon. So Formal... please, call me Joe. (and no, I'm not hitting on you, although I suppose your little 'hit' counter did go up 1 when I came to visit). Hey, gay or not, as long as you've got the girls convinced you're good to go. And tell Corks to go blow himself.
from joecartoon :
Okay, is it horribly wrong that I noticed after that entry that your stat counter is very, very rainbow colored. Here's all that matters. As long as your girlfriend (the one that presumably is having sex with you) doesn't think you're gay, then you're in good shape. Who cares about what the rest of these schmucks think?
from pandionna :
Howdy! I found you through Ms. Firefly. Just wanted you to know that I raised your hit count by snooping in all of your closets.
from anisettekiss :
Okay. I find it amazing how interesting you made your story about peeing and a doofus. Thanks you for making me laugh out loud.
from incredipete :
Thanks for coming by my site today, and for listing me in your profile! I appreciate your comment even though I deleted it. I just didn't want to dwell on my mistake. I hope you didn't mind. I'll be listing you as a fav as well! Keep up the great writing.
from madamepierce :
oh, do you really think i am making things up in my diary? That is actually pretty flattering. no but seriously, what did you think was fake? i'm intrigued.

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