messages to deadish:
(click here to add new message):

from aryssa90 :
hello! I just stumbled across your diary. I hope you heal up! My ex is on hemodialysis, we tried to get him to do peritoneal but the catheter kept getting clogged. We're hoping he can try again sometime. I hope it all works out for you!
from aryssa90 :
hello! I just stumbled across your diary. I hope you heal up! My ex is on hemodialysis, we tried to get him to do peritoneal but the catheter kept getting clogged. We're hoping he can try again sometime. I hope it all works out for you!
from blujeans-uk :
It was 'Wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?'.. I read it in Jo hnny 5's voice. And yeeeah I can't change the profile, I keep getting an error message.. maybe if i used the laptop and not my phone all the time..
from blujeans-uk :
Short circuit? I loved that film... Hi.
from dangerspouse :
Damn, that is a rough story. All kidding aside, I'm sorry to hear you're going through that. Really.
from dangerspouse :
How'd you get peritonitis, any idea? Isn't like a fungal or bacterial issue usually? Well whatever, I'm glad you're over it. That must have been rough. Almost as rough as becoming a young, successful, gay guy. But good luck with that anyway.
from dangerspouse :
Whew. I can sleep nights again, now. Thanks. And I think a 38 year old with a My Little Pony kitten figure is entirely, uh, well...good for you! Enjoy it :)
from dangerspouse :
Dammit. Another girl rejects my apology....
from dangerspouse :
from dangerspouse :
Hey you, put a link to your notes - or at least profile - in your new layout! And I really enjoyed a number of your audio clips. Maybe because I'm a radio guy, but I particularly was impressed by your Lewis Carrol reading. Well done. And...The Real Folk Blues! See you later, Space Cowgirl :)
from dangerspouse :
That's better :)
from dangerspouse :
Haha! I started MY bitch around (quick checks archives but gets distracted by PornHub on other tab and comes back 10 minutes and two tablespoons later) 17 years ago. I'm surprised we hadn't crossed paths before, as I'm an inveterate blog reader and annoying note leaver. Ah well, as you've now returned I suppose I could make up for lost time by visiting once in a while if you are adamant about keeping on. Sorry about the health problems, that sounds like an actual non-euphemistic beyotch. On the other hand...WELCOME TO THE MAN CLUB! Even it if's only part time. I have a very dear friend I've blogged about a few times who just transitioned from male to female, and I'm disposed to looking on that entire community with an enormous amount of affection. So, go you, buddy! Shameless pandering: did you like my hummingbird pictures? My ego demands you comment on them! Let's go.
from moodswing :
i've noticed that updating a template takes a while to kick in, especially for previous entries. there are pros and cons of an old relic like this. also, the 'last generation html' on your site is pleasing in the same way.
from dangerspouse :
Welcome back! (July 2020.) Are you still in Florida? Do you still listen to Hatsune Miku (which I recently discovered and am wallowing in, now)? I hope things are well with you, and you start updating again!
from surreal669 :
been a while since i been on here. if u still have that pic from rasputina my email is [email protected]. thank u sooo much.
from harmfull :
ahaha. fuck lj. lets have a retro diaryland party! i miss you.
from zerom3ph :
you know, i've found a very efficient way of dealing with people that i wish deceased. in my head, i believe that somebody beat me to it, and they are already dead. the person that still frequents my life, wearing their face, speaking their words, is nothing but a distant aquaintance. all similarities are merely coincidental.
from surreal669 :
this may be odd but a while ago at a rasputina concert me and a buddy of mine who recently passed away had a picture taken of us and rasputina by your mother. Id give anything to get it please let me know how i can. it was on my web site surreal669 on diaryland. id love u long time 4 your help.
from zerom3ph :
where to?
from xparrynightx :
i love luden's wild cherry cough drops! thank you kat :) *hugs* (but hugs from safe distance so as not to pass on cold germs)
from anahcra :
oh no.. okay thom's is oct 7
from anahcra :
same birthday as thom yorke?
from anahcra :
how've you been?
from xparrynightx :
i miss clinton too :/. and i totally agree. i don't want to get married either, not so sure i believe in the institution of marriage and kind of think it's going to become a passe kinda thing, but it's really about equal rights. phooey on them. *pokes kat's nose* :P
from xparrynightx :
yay! *squeezes kat* they're even cute and design fitting :P
from xparrynightx :
yay! i love the new layout. (would love it even more with "previous" and "next" buttons). i watched singing in the rain last night and thought of you. :)
from anahcra :
someone stumbled into me. do we all stumble into each other?
from cdghost :
hey stumbled across your diary and enjoyed reading it.. all the best..the cdghost
from emmazchaos :
Ahhhh! Tha moon iz very high! But not as high as maybe derigibles or zeppelins of LIGHTBULBS!! And maybe clouds... and also puffins I think maybe they go quite high too! Maybe not as high as tha moon coz tha moon iz very high! Thanks for signing my notes pagggee! Take care, yo.
from emmazchaos :
I think we all cried the day George Harrison died.
from parched :
*waves* hello kat. i like you. i miss you.
from parlance :
I am advertising myself.
from deadthyme :
more to cheer you up: "Media Blasters has announced that their AnimeWork's division will be releasing Invader Zim. The show, by of Jhonen Vasquez, known for his comic book work on Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, and Squee aired on Nickelodeon starting in 2001. The ingenious mix of cute and grotesque tells the story of Zim, an alien with an "advanced" robot side kick, assigned to prepare Earth for invasion after all the good posts where taken. Its hilarious look at human life has earned it a cult following among Nickeldoen's viewers, and older audiences. From the press release: AnimeWorks is ready to rain down Zim's doom upon theheads of animation fans everywhere with its release of Jhonen Vasquez's Invader Zim. Anime fans have been screaming for this DVD release since Zim first aired on Nickelodeon in 2001 and now it's finally here. Coming Spring 2004 will be the first of three double disc sets and a limited edition boxed set which promises to send fans' blood racing through their veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command them! Invader Zim currently airs on Nicktoons, Nickelodeon's digital home for animated hits. "We at Media Blasters are thrilled to add Invader Zim to our powerful line-up, and expect it to be one of our flagship titles in 2004," said John Sirabella, CEO of Media Blasters. "Zim has created quite a fan buzz in the anime community and we know that it will be a huge sensation!" From the inventive mind of comic book creator JhonenVasquez, and co-executive produced by animation veteran Mary Harrington, Invader Zim focuses on a paranoid alien named Zim from planet Irk who believes he is at the forefront of a sinister plan of galactic conquest. Jhonen Vasquez is famous for such fan favorite comics as Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, SQUEE!, and I Feel Sick. AnimeWorks is a division of Media Blasters. INVADER ZIM will be released in early Spring of 2004."
from anahcra :
i hadn't drawn in years. it really helped when i finally did. but. now. i realize there is so much inside me that is going to be <b>really</b> difficult to express.
from deadthyme :
Maybe this'll make you feel better:*
from megl42 :
welcome to the queer eye ring!
from deadthyme :
Ha! I saw it before it was replaced by a shriek!
from xparrynightx :
happy belated birthday darling kat :). when you are done with school, if you ever want to move into the land of the cold, i will hire you to work for me.
from deadthyme :
You are NOT fat and you know it!! Stop being silly, and Happy Belated Birthday (today was my son's birthday).
from xparrynightx :
*hugs* i miss kat.
from todzumir :
i'm going to start by saying that i was looking at your stuff on when i saw your "darling diaryland" image. so i came here to check it out. well, your diary rocks my socks, and i thought i'd tell you that...heh.
from popscene :
*creates a peculiar odor in your closet*
from deadthyme :
**Biiiig handshake**- yes, it sucks when your own blood is against you. But Dragoncon iscoming up- that's something to look forward to (even tho it'll be full ov people, most ov them will be in awesome and silly costumes, so they won't seem like real people. Is Jhonen s'posed to be there this year?).
from xparrynightx :
i've been neglecting diaryland too :(. and moving? yeah, LOADS of fun...hehe. your new place sounds nice.
from deadthyme :
That song is by Everclear, not STP (I think it's called 'Santa Monica'). I'm related to Emily Dickinson (on my Mom's side ov the family). I like her poetry.
from xparrynightx :
wahoo! i got over half of them right :) but i suppose i still failed. sixty percent is a D i guess :P
from deadthyme :
Are you o.k.? I hope you're o.k. Everybody seems out ov sorts right now- lotsa unhappy diary entries on my favs! Don't want you to be unhappy- you a sweetie (ain't I cheesy!). Cheer up, or I'll have to come over there and give you a biig hand shake!!
from anahcra :
kaaaat.. i misses you. :-( tawk to meh.
from deadthyme :
Did you know about this: MARILYN MANSON Gets Animated - Jan. 22, 2003 MARILYN MANSON has a starring role as a singing nutritionist in "Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo" in the new MTV animated series "Clone High". Catch MANSON in action at the following air times: Monday, Jan. 27 at 5:30 p.m. ET Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 11:30 p.m. ET Friday, Jan. 31 at 6:30 p.m. ET Saturday, Feb. 1 at 11:30 p.m. ET Monday, Feb. 3 at 5:00 p.m. ET cool, eh (tho' Mtv- ugh!)...
from parched :
gollum pulled my heart out and then kicked it. all pathetic and insane. such huge, sad eyes.
from xparrynightx :
ooh kat! i luuuv the new layout. 's purdy :)
from parched :
while i will agree that you are a cute girl, the person who posted that photo is a moron. hobbets? what the fuck are 'hobbets'?
from goldenlights :
i have emailed you from daddy's account to flyeater, mosh, AND spooky just for safe keeping! i wish these had dates, dontcha? 12/31/02
from deadthyme :
O.k.- I sent yer cd out yesterday, but I sent the wrong one! (I made one version, but it didn't quite flow as well as I wanted it to, so I made a few small changes and made another, and liked it, but then I accidently sent you the first one! D'oh!!)
from deadthyme :
I's almost finished with your cd, but you gotta give me an address to mail it to...
from deadthyme :
errr- i just realized that last note sounds kinda creepy in a 'i'm hitting on you in a jockish fashion' because ov my use ov the word 'hot' (which I never use). i was trying to write it in haiku form, and the word 'pretty' had too many syllables, so i had to go with hot (i just though i would comment on your picture, since you seem to have a low self opinion- we can use all the encouragement we can get). alright- put the following in order ov fav to least fav: 1) goth 2) industrial 3) metal 4) alternative 5) punk, then i'll be all ready to make your cd!
from deadthyme :
you are very hot i will make your cd soon i hope you like it
from deadthyme :
I'll make you a cd, dear. What do you want on it?
from deadthyme :
ooooo- better than pie! I had cheeeeeesecake!! numnumnumnumnumnumnum!! Hapy holidays...
from deadthyme :
I knew you'd appreciate it (the new layout). Thanks! Hope everything's going goooood with you.
from deadthyme :
where are you? I miss you! My cables's out, so can't watch Courage or Zim!! Aaaarghh! Jason smash puny cable box!!
from xparrynightx :
hehe... thanks kat :). glad you're feeling better. i am too today...
from xparrynightx :
yay! i'm seeing tori too this month. i feel the same way sometimes darling kat...that i will forever be depressed and stuck in this place... but i think it's gonna change. it is, right?
from deadthyme :
Happy Halloween!!
from deadthyme :
Chance was actually the first name I thought ov when people were trying to convince me to go with th 'ch' motive- I always liked that name (and there was a comic book I liked awhile called 'Leave it to Chance', but Chance was a girl in that, and this kitty is a boy). So, it's euther going to be Chance or Sam, I'm still not sure which.
from paxilbarbie :
iiii know. socks rule you wear them on your feet. they warm your feet and the jcv will *always run my life*
from paxilbarbie :
i LOVE the JCV collection. you are as close to me as a sock
from black-dahlia :
I'm jealous of your many Calvin and Hobbes books. *L*
from deadthyme :
I love cartoon books- Dilbert, Dork Tower, Far Side, Bloom County, Get Fuzzy, but most ov all, Calvin and Hobbes. I have several ov those books (I think I have them all), I wish he had done a couple more. More more MORE!! By the way, if you like some boy, just kill him. That'll get him off your mind! (or you could turn him into a doll, for your collection. Heeheehee).
from deadthyme :
Calvin and Hobbes!!! Yezzzyezzzyezzz. I like to say smock. smock smock smock. Don't knock my smock or I'll clean your clock!
from black-dahlia :
oops, i did not intend to post that twice. All apologies. I guess I was just really excited. *L*
from black-dahlia :
Awesome diary. Quirky content and inspiring layout.
from black-dahlia :
Awesome diary. Quirky content and inspiring layout.
from xparrynightx :
happy belated birthday :)
from xparrynightx :
Yay for you :). I feel the same way...I think. I have been wanting to move somewhere on my own cause I think it would be good for me. But I don't think I'm quite ready yet...too scary.
from anahcra :
hey coolness.. you're moving!
from scarydoll :
hi... good luck in Atlanta- I live there, its great.
from anahcra :
i feel the same way many times, dear.. about the creativity and art. you love my spheres painting, i love it too.. it is the most emotional of my pieces, the most revealing.. and i long to feel that passion and frustration and energy again.
from goldenlights :
the purple picture is ooh-too-cute!
from deadthyme :
Love the new page. Thanks fer taking my survey (the Simpson's Halloween special you spoke ov was the 5th one (which came out in the 6th season- kinda confusing). It's my fav, tooo...
from xparrynightx :
yay :) i can read you now...
from xparrynightx :
ooh, medical transcriptionist? wow... your font is all little again! although i do like the design :)
from deadthyme :
Helloooooooooooooooooooo Hallo!!! Yes, even going to Wal-Mart and watching commercials on t.v. is cool at this time ov year. Halloween is my time! You have to come take my Halloween survey (just go to my profile page and cliclk on my surveys). Gotta love it!!!
from anahcra :
can you believe we've been e-communicating for about six years now? can you believe that? i can't believe that. anyway. it sucks that you have no friends where you are. i kinda know how you feel. i'm lucky that there's one person (forty minutes away) who lives in my dorm and is in the same year as me. but before that, and even now, most of the time, i'm pretty much alone. i think, though, that halloween happens while we're at school, so there's always someone to see your costume. where will you be then? at home? hmm.. i really dig the way you celebrated yesterday (911). just because you're so earnest.
from parched :
gothgirls.jpg- is someone sketching you? ooohhh, pretty kat. i hope you had lots and lots of fun. i can't see your old page in this very evil netscape, so i have to keep checking over and over, afraid i'll miss something. eep.
from invaderniz :
*gasp* You're going to DragonCon too? ME TOOOOO!!!!! Ah! And yes, I want to see this Tallest layout! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a Red layout... RED! *droolz* Ah, I can't wait for DragonCon! *explodes from all the excitement* You'ze going on my friend list!
from anahcra :
actually.. i was singing in that part of the song where there is no background music.. right before ''when you get to heavaaaaaannnn.... you will wish you're in HELL!'' etc etc etc..
from anahcra :
cool you got rid of the excess note-age. hey! i wasn't singing AT you! i was singing.. um.. in front of you! and potentially with you!
from anahcra :
hey check this out: anarchy = an archy! haah. me!
from anahcra :
shit. i;'m sorry.. twasn't me fa=ult!
from anahcra :
8.20.02--hey girl. you twerp! you can't have it! nup! *sings* <i>then i got my winnngs and i never even knewwww it..</i>
from xparrynightx :
yay! i can read you again :). well, at least without copying and pasting into microsoft word and enlarging the font...
from goldenlights :
ps i saw rasputina open for kula shaker in 97 BEFORE IT WAS TRENDY. teehee. they scared me! *shrivels*
from goldenlights :
your mum is so cool!
from xparrynightx :
rawr! :)
from parched :
yay, because i sent you a pack!
from grotesque :
kat! rasputina is so close! i got my tickets today (finally) and i can't waaait. we get to meet! :D yay!
from xparrynightx :
i do miss my daily doses of kat ;) hurry up and change then :P hehe
from xparrynightx :
grrrr...can't read your diary at work or at home because the font is sooo small :( it worked on my parents computer...
from deadthyme :
You are correct Madam, ov course. The Lobe rulez! Thank you for adding me to your fav's page. Do you have the '12 Tales' cd? I tink yu'd like it...
from deadthyme :
You need to go to the surveys directory, click on c, and fill out the one called 'cartoons'. It's fun!
from goldenlights :
doh! pixeldust!
from goldenlights :
i remember when you got accepted in the zombie biker babe webring! we were working on pixelproductions then, nest pas?
from grotesque :
i'm asking my aunt if i could possibly borrow her car and have adam drive. there's quite a few people going. but if i do get to borrow her car it doesn't matter because i will pick you up! i just need to ask her but she's out of town at the moment. eh. but you must go!
from grotesque :
NO KAT!@!@ you WILL see rasputina. i will give major gas moonies to whoever i ride with if they'll pick you up too !@ you MUST GO!!@#!@ maybe my aunt will let me borrow her car and i will pick you up. i swear ! you HAVE to see RASPY!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!
from grotesque :
KAT!#@! oh. my. god !! RASPUTINA.. ATLANTA.. AUGUST 9th.. EEEEeee!@E!@#!@ :D :D :D
from grotesque :
ooh katattack!@# you know that chEEEEEEEZzzZZZZZZburgerrrrss are my favorite!! sigh. you know.. i can't wait for that crazy mariloon's new album. and i wonder if twiggy is starting a new band.. hm? anyway. stay smooth, yo! :D
from deadthyme :
YES!!! Freakazoid! I almost forgot about that one. We need to start a campaign- the 'Geeks for Eek and Freak' campaign. We'll storm the Cartoobn Network, make them get rid ov crap like 'Waynehead' and 'The Flintstones', and bow down to our demands!! Are you excited, yet? Oh, yeah, I realized you were female pretty fast after I wrote that about not knowing if you were male or female (you wrote something about being the queen ov laziness, or something- not that that necessarily means you're female, but with you, you can just tell). stay gold, deadishgurl...
from xparrynightx :
i wanna see your skates :) they sound fun.
from xparrynightx :
can i add you to my aim list? i rarely go on icq, as you may have noticed :)
from audiophile16 :
I got your note in my diary..... I like Kevin Manthei's music a lot..... there arent many ppl on diaryland that do, hehe. ^_^
from thecutter :
I have to say, your NNY toys are fookin awesome. ...I wish I had some!
from grotesque :
do NOT weep, kat! goodness. you are one of the neatest, sexiest hoes i've ever met! don't feel bad. *huggggs*<3
from grotesque :
i don't really like danzig.. i've only heard a few songs. and ARR! i'm bored. hee.
from morguecrawl :
Awwwww....not apartyment for you?
from grotesque :
your new layout is so nice! it's tight, yo.
from xparrynightx :
oooh, use the new layout you did :) i like it...
from morguecrawl :
*gasp* I love you dollies! I want one!
from morguecrawl :
Gah! I dunno!!
from morguecrawl :
*lights your dolls on fire* There! *looks proud. Ignores the faint doll screams of agony*
from morguecrawl :
Your evil eye has become a thing of my nightmares...
from grotesque :
take this quiz, pooface! i was the "spooky kid manson" haha!!
from parched :
ack. you made me want to have muchmusic again.
from xparrynightx :
i loved "clarissa explains it all" too :)
from parched :
did you want to laugh at the "you make me complete. it's like i'm more together, but at the same time... blah blah blah... and i can feel in myself that you have made me..." thing? i was laughing so hard i started crying. stephy and i were just weeping our eyes out while sara was smiling up at the screen going 'awww.'
from grotesque :
oh my goodness! i can't believe twiggy left the band!! aw. this is not good at all :( ! i guess it's good that they got tim skold to replace him though.. cos he is so so awesome. but i wish twiggy didn't leave. eh.
from grotesque :
kat! i don't understaaaand!@#! 'anarchy star see all' eee.. it did make me laugh though considering i sat here for about 10 minutes repeating it over & over and getting very mad because i didn't get it. ahaha. yay! :D
from xparrynightx :
ooh, i love the picture you drew :) and i love lena from singing in the rain... and i love kat :)
from xparrynightx :
i'm jealous of amy too... i love your new layout :)
from parched :
kaaaaat, i'm in greece! wow! send me your address again so i can send you a postcard, ok? ok. yeah. and i'll email you my phone number, ok? ok. i'm sorry you are sad. i'd send ice cream, but i am not able. bye.
from xparrynightx :
lexy called me once too, but i wasn't home...just got messages :( i'm always home, just not when people call for me...blah :P
from xparrynightx :
ooh, so you really can't be mean to kids :) i worked in the children's section of a library once. it didn't last long...
from xparrynightx :
yay, mutual child-hating :) what's your job?
from toothbrush :
Thank you, Kat! I suppose we will be driving through Georgia a couple of times. I'll send you brain waves, ok?
from paingod :
johnen rules.
from xparrynightx :
eeeeeeeeeee! i love kat :)
from anahcra :
kat... thinking of you*
from parrynight :
kat, i've moved diaries. i'm not parrynight anymore. i'm xparrynightx now. hehe...big change, huh? :P
from harmfull :
sarah, i'd come decked out in full costume next time i went to the grocery store. bastards. superkat, may i post the poly chat about our band? (i saved it with the help of the trusty back button. yay.) the world should know that we are about to take over.
from parrynight :
yay, headgear :). i used to wear my lamb ears out in public all of the time, but then some bitch at a grocery store wouldn't let me through the checkout so i stopped wearing them out in public as much. i have tons of those little butterfly clips too, but never wear them. ever.
from parrynight :
i have kitty ears too :). and lamb ears, and bunny ears, a few crowns, and some headbands with flower petals. i guess i'm kind of obsessed with things coming out of my head...
from harmfull :
kat has kitty ears!
from morguecrawl :
Males? Females? Meh! What does it matter?
from grotesque :
kat, i love you! you are wonderrrful and i wish we lived close together so we could talk and talk and do silly things all the time. if you ever want to talk i am there.. you can call me whenever you want.. (865) 386-9073 <3
from harmfull :
work, damn you! i am nny.
from harmfull :

Take the What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you? quiz!
from harmfull :
wheeeee! kat, i love you. you are so great. i read this "for some tiny barbies i won off of ebay" and thought you said babies instead of barbies. much laughter. kat is buying babies off ebay. she will paint them and dress them and send them off into the world as very short goths.
from goldenlights :
ohmy3years. pixel dust productions alas.
from anahcra :
yeah. i sorry. you nice.
from harmfull :
the point? it would make me cry. that is a point. maybe. my icq hates you.
from energysucker :
i don't feel good. i think it's all those pixy sticks i ate. uurrggh.
from harmfull :
i found them on kazaa. it's horrible with the spyware, and always slowing down my computer. still, i can find what i want. try here too: i mostly crochet instead of knit, too. i suck at knitting.
from harmfull :
i downloaded invader zim shows since it does not play here. it upsets me so. my computer does not like downloading 20 minutes of video.
from jen-04 :
"Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink nor slumber.Nor a roof against the rain."-Sonnet 30
from goldenlights :
haha oh no what have i done!
from goldenlights :
If I were a

I would be:


take the Living Dead Dolls Test
from goldenlights : we painted caspar's skin gh0stly white and he reflected the light when we took the picture! he is a naughty caspar! from deadish : yays amy! i am sadie too. yays. from lilacevening : grrr...i'm an html disaster zone. forgive me... from lilacevening : glad you've got the computer back. i liked your website, especially the kitty cemetary. i've only had one kitty, and she's still with me. well, with , if you remember him from poly. you won't remember me. i wasn't there. but yes. i'll be going now :) from harmfull : diaryland will mess with this html. boo. hiss.

If I were a

I would be:


take the Living Dead Dolls Test
from anahcra : you thought about me? aw.. from anahcra : hey kat. remember me? this is archana from anahcra : hey kat. remember me? this is archana from energysucker : melikes hellen! from goldenlights : oh man, congratulations! for the librareee i hope? from cucumber : KATPACKAGE! KATPACKAGE! from toothbrush : Naaaaaaah... I hadn't even thought of that though! Thanks, Kat. Now I can pretend that I am that clever.

But I'm not. from toothbrush : Hey Kat. What do yer mean you finally got let's recap, shall we? ? Is there something to get? Did I steal it from somewhere? I just thought it was a clever but silly way to say that these are the last five entries. Hmmm... from harmfull : oh! jthm goodness. from un-bad : Mmmm... candy. I was a fiend for fun-size Snickers. Because. So small. But so good, so sweet. from toothbrush : Hi Kat. I forget what muenster tastes like. I prefer havarti cheese, actually. from deadish : yarrg! bow before the greatness that is MUENSTER CHEESE!

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