messages to doctorkaysen:
(click here to add new message):

from atwowaydream :
Aw, dollface, that really made me smile. i've missed you too, but i know everyone on DL and FB have their own lives so i don't want to hover or older-siter their pages with sappiness and such, but sometimes maybe we need it. i know i did. html hearts all over this damn note box.
from cymbals :
surfbort. surfbort... (i'm so sorry i just couldn't help it!)
from atwowaydream :
thank you, love. i know your damn name but i also don't want to type it out in case you are private with Dl. anyway. all the loves to you.
from notunique :
was asked at work the other day if I was Vincent Martella.
from atwowaydream :
I know what you meant about people not understanding how crippling anxiety is. They think just because we get up, attempt to go out, put on a smiley face, that we're functioning just as normally as everyone else. Guess what, motherfuckers? This smiley face takes a hell of a lot of work. Which is why people never take us as seriously as they need to. I give you hugs hugs hugs.
from atwowaydream :
When you ask for a fountain soda, you better get a goddamn fountain soda. It's not something to play around with. That's like when I ask for a Sprite and someone brings be back a Sierra Mist. There's a good chance I won't talk to them for the rest of the day.
from notunique :
right back atcha sis
from atwowaydream :
d'aww. . . you said, "Selena". You complete me.
from loveherwell :
from loveherwell :
don't shy away from it if it's something that makes you feel good. (on the other hand, it if doesn't, shy away as much as you please.)
from bedwarmhands :
Yes!! Back in the womb....
from bedwarmhands :
[email protected] hooray!!!
from bedwarmhands :
Hi there! I used to read you lots when I was moonsocket and then when I was foreveragain too and now I'm bedwarmhands and I want to keep reading so can I climb back into the womb thankyouplease!
from the-grey-one :
"love feels like a swear word". dude. seriously. one sentence and it's a wonderful entry. skill.
from loveherwell :
the kind of person trying to get by (as we all are).
from atwowaydream :
we could be true friends. and whenever you're being a massive cunt, I'll be like, "Dude, whatever. get over it, you'll be find in the morning." because that's what true friends say to each other.
from loveherwell :
it really is. :/
from deflective :
Sorry. She made me sad too, that's why I had to tell her story.
from notunique :
12/1 it's a terrible feeling, I'm sorry that you're heading into this shitstorm.
from the-grey-one :
i think one of the main problems in my life is that i have never named a plant.
from the-grey-one :
yes. yes i do.
from loveherwell :
i swear i just love everything about your diary and you.
from notunique :
fuck Korea. FUCK KOREA.
from the-grey-one :
liking the Les Mis titles
from notunique :
Yeah, you sound like a blast, too.
from atwowaydream :
aw. i nub you, cookie monster.
from atwowaydream :
I knew you'd understand.
from the-grey-one :
20/09/2012 - awesome kaysen! i could make a comic outta that...
from lostasyou :
I've got to find someone that will do that with me ahaha
from lostasyou :
Haha, from the moment I saw the word "YO" I automatically read the rest of the sentence in Jesse Pinkman's voice. Cracked me up
from notunique :
Hahahahaha, I love it.
from loveherwell :
i can't think of anything that sounds more perfect than that.
from loveherwell :
from the-grey-one :
ah, but a lovely adult at that!
from atwowaydream :
Brad seems like it's out of Mean Girls. Trevor can also be a douche-your-vagina name.
from atwowaydream :
Perfect! And yes, fuck you, Brad, and all the Brads out there who ruin personal shit and make us lock shit up.
from atwowaydream :
you've locked yourself up. Boo. Boooo you. Let me in?
from loveherwell :
that's the most precious and wonderful thing i've heard in a while.
from lostasyou :
I sent you an email to the address about a password but it failed :( could you possibly email one to [email protected] ? :) x
from notunique :
from loveherwell :
i hope that you had a nice birthday!!
from atwowaydream :
Hmm. [email protected] If that doesn't work, well dammit all to hell.
from lostasyou :
I used to read you on my old account omfggwtf, and I still read you now. You're brilliant :) x
from atwowaydream :
facebook find me, you little hussy!
from atwowaydream :
we should be true friends, flute and all!
from atwowaydream :
beautiful, beautiful. . . vintage or not!
from loveherwell :
i am truly horrified by rudeness in a way that makes me feel a little ashamed somehow. i perhaps over value politeness but I've never seen much of a legitimate reason for people to act as rudely as they do!
from fairybones :
aw, thanks so much babe! i had no idea you and nora are vegan, that's so cool though. i'm totally looking forward to raising a vegan child too. <3
from loveherwell :
i know, right? for a while i felt as though i couldn't write what i felt, and then i locked it and that felt even worse... then i figured, fuck it, if he wants to read it that badly then i suppose i'll give him something read. i dunno, it is awful though.
from atwowaydream :
I meant to tell you yesterday, Happy Mother's Day, but I was watching some corny movie shit with my mom. Hugs to Nora.
from atwowaydream :
one of the many reasons why I adore you.
from atwowaydream :
fuck you is probably the best of all the poets.
from atwowaydream :
sending you love. that is all.
from notunique :
It's chronic in manboys that are too cheap to cut their hair.
from atwowaydream :
eeeeep. ::does show off dance::
from notunique :
we are everywhere. we are vincent martellas.
from atwowaydream :
never ever worry that you're riding the fucked boat alone, darling.
from fairybones :
aw, sorry! but don't worry, you weren't the only i freaked out. <3
from the-grey-one :
haha! if you're going to be a sociopath you might as well do it right.
from atwowaydream :
You are so awesome for saying that.
from cymbals :
happy birthday! one year older, one year wiser. (ha!)
from the-grey-one :
I'm glad you appreciate spiders and orifices!
from atwowaydream :
If they fall in love with you, then you have the main element of control. ::cheers low self-esteem glass to yours:: Drink up, darling.
from bliss-sad :
Be crazy and stupid and belligerent while you can. You are right for regretting nothing! I hope you get your hippie-gypsy summer; a few months draped in tye-dye is enough to bring anyone back to life for a minute. =)
from atwowaydream :
Yes, futons! Satan likes that feeling poking through his back-- damn masochist.
from atwowaydream :
::nuzzles:: Good to have you back. And you will have that apartment with nice pictures and no futons. Futons are meant for Hell. We should start an Anti-Futon Brigade.
from atwowaydream :
If I lived closer to you, I'd offer baby-sit Nora for you so you could get the hell out. . . for at least a night, sweetie.
from cymbals :
please don't.
from atwowaydream :
Nora is quite talented already.
from omfggwtf :
i've been reading you for months and i must say, i love you and you diary.
from atwowaydream :
I hate when neighbors all of a sudden put a lock on their internet, or move or some shit like that. It infuriates me. I just want to go over and be like, "Um, I've been using your internet access for months, possibly years, and you could at least have the consideration of leaving it open for people like me, who are awesome. If anything, you should be grateful". Well. ::sigh::: I feel your pain.
from nononename :
from notunique :
from cymbals :
congratulations <3 and <3 to your daughter
from atwowaydream :
Oh my gosh, congratulations. Nora still, or am I mistaken?
from swallowthkey :
from atwowaydream :
I loved Travis. And I completely agree with how awful it is when dogs die in movies. People are bludgeoned in movies all of the time, and we're almost immune to heartbreak when it happens. But animals, they're just different.
from atwowaydream :
don't worry darling, everyone makes me suspicious. but once in a while, perhaps there is someone who is genuine.
from atwowaydream :
beautiful. just beautiful. I bet she'll have your fire ans spirit. :)
from acreeper :
I hope you don't read this. I hope you resent me so much, I shouldn't have even glanced at your profile, it hurt a little, you didn't have to have my baby, I am sorry you are regretting it. I am sorry I ruined your feelings, we don't need to like each other, but is there anyway we can learn to tolerate each other? Sure, I am just like everyone else, didn't I tell you that from the beginning? If we can't even tolerate each other, then there is no place for me here. I honestly never thought I would be one of those people you hated, you despised, but so much has happened...I guess that was stupid of me to think otherwise. I never really had any redeeming qualities anyway. I know you hope the worst for me, but I hope the best for you, and know you will be a one of the best mom's out there, you shouldn't worry about things like that.
from atwowaydream :
you won't be like your mom. your little girl will grow up in a way that you didn't get to. i really do think you'll be a good mom.
from warpednormal : are much too sweet <3 thanks.
from acreeper :
Without the sake of coming off needy, why would you worry so much about me flirting with other girls, if you don't want me? This has bothered me so much.
from acreeper :
I miss you. I wish things were simple. You and me. They will never be, will they? They liked my accent, but I was too busy being hurt and trying to work around it to care. All I could think about was you. Now I am questioning if it was the same way. I think you think about him more than you;dr
from atwowaydream :
I completely understand the entry about mundane mannerisms grating your last nerve. After four years with someone, the way he blinked actually drove me up a wall. I seriously would want to sucker punch him in the face for the way he ordered a burrito at taco bell.
from notunique :
don't call me peanut
from moonsocket :
hello. i'm yr newest fan. yr rawness is refreshing. thank you.
from pettyquarrel :
"I told myself I would still treat this like no one reads it, and it's been one of the hardest things to do, but I'm still going to do it." I told myself the same thing. It's been the same way. I'm still going to do it, too.
from notunique :
there is just no way to tell what keeps us in love with these people.
from acreeper :
I'm sorry to bring this up, but what did you mean by some things never change? Was it me telling someone that they had a positive impact on me? I can't tell if you were being rude or not, but it upset me.
from acreeper :
we updated at almost the same time...
from acreeper :
I'm sorry. Is what I meant to say.
from acreeper :
Emotions make us do so many things we regret, don't they? I hah'd to attempt to make you angry, when you're angry...when we are angry...we say hurtful things, hateful things. I never wanted to Hah, I do not wish to Hah. It's very difficult to even Hah. I ha to help myself get over things. I shouldn't do it.
from acreeper :
from cymbals :
i was really flattered when you added me so i was reading back through your entries and saw the one about being almost 18. i am almost 23 and (i genuinely don't mean to sound patronizing but) you sound sort of like me when i was almost 18. i had an online diary too, and if you ever wanted to read it, you could ( i like to keep it alive because it is a bit like 18 till i die. also, you on january 21st, 2010 = me, all the time. friend?
from saudades :
Yes, money can't buy happiness, but it can buy anything remotely effective in getting the most depressed person thru the night. :D
from mahagony :
So what do you like about me
from saudades :
Yeah, I get the vibe. He/she just put you at the bottom of the priority list. But one day they will be sorry. They'd better be. I think you're too good for them.
from saudades :
Hello, I have been reading your older entries , so I thought I'd identify myself. I had to add you to my favorites after I read an entry that said " 'take care?' fuck you." That's my reply, too, for people who think they can just throw that phrase around.
from gonzoprophet :
do you mind me asking about the source of your username? is it a reference to the author?
from notunique :
As long as Dennis Quaid is involved, I am all for it. All. For It.
from notunique :'re me? I'm you? This could be awesome.
from notunique :
your Nov. 27th entry. I thought it looked familiar.
from ceilings :
want to trade zines?
from gonzoprophet :
you freak me out on various inexplicable levels. probably a sentiment best left unmentioned but i couldn't contain myself so fuck what's best.
from warpednormal :
it doesn't bother me much either.
from shewholies :
10/21-- Your writing is beautiful. I'm always left wanting more.
from dinosaurs :
huh. YOU'RE peachy
from raven72d :
I do love your entries.
from ceilings :
you love me? my favourirte thing is when genius poets love me. so thankyou baby!
from raven72d :
Wonderful, melancholy, finely-crafted... I want to read so much more...

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