messages to ericg:
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from englishsucks :
12/28/22 im not sure if you noticed but the pic isn't working. i love your work!
from trainyard :
Beautiful pics. One of the first things I remembered about San Luis Obispo is great sandwiches, too.
from dangerspouse :
Is Wayne still alive? Does he still sit there?
from julymalaise :
Thank you, ericg. I'll return one day soon here. I'll still be around to look at entries.
from movingsands :
Frame that one. It's really good.
from dangerspouse :
I think I like it. A lot. You're right, the green really does pop.
from julymalaise :
I hate those reblog or share this to support a cause stuff on Facebook. I think they are pointless because you are not doing anything but just sharing the message. Besides, that's not how I express myself when I support or celebrate something. Lol, at the guy who had his homeless desk. They should've let him draw there lol.
from newschick :
could you please come on my next holiday and shoot all my tourist images? because damn, you're talented! (my holiday photos always look so bad...) ;)
from englishsucks :
You and TheGirl are such a gorgeous couple!!! <3
from englishsucks :
my heart stings when I read that TheGirl broke up with you. for whatever the reason is i'm very positive that it happens for a good reason. you sounds like an awesome guy. keep your chin up<3
from fatcowww :
Hi Eric :) I have decided to lock my diary again, probably indefinitely, starting the entry after next. I hope you would still want to read me - if so, please let me know where to send your details for login (via email would be best). Note me or email me (fatcowww@dl). xxx
from lostasyou :
You're going to be a new read for me :)
from englishsucks :
your Nov 29th entry made me laughed. im glad you're getting better each day. i think everyone is getting a cold around here. i have stomach infection at the moment - grr. anyway, have a great night wherever you are. ♥
from englishsucks :
It's November 28 right now, I see that its been awhile since you updated...I just wanted to say that I certainly hope that you're feeling much better by now. I'm sorry to hear about the whole drama with TheGirl and her family however there is something to be thankful...that you're still alive as well. Cheesy as it sounds but its true. (hugs)
from avantbedroc :
Love the eyebrow raise ;)
from darthuae :
great book.
from camera-girl :
I just love Van Gogh. :-D
from hexychick :
giving a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye kind of european thing is acceptable when you're not sure if they want you to kiss them or not. It at least breaks the ice and it's not rude. Try that next time.
from juniperhexum :
I miss you. I never see you around anymore and I don't know your work schedule otherwise I'd harass you via phone.
from icyjewel :
Howdy Eric, my fave male dlander, long time no talk. I hope things are going good for you. I miss you tons and I miss being able to chat w/ you. Maybe I'll catch you sometime this weekend!
from juniperhexum :
theres this stuff called "Barrs Leaks" and you pour it into your radiotor if you have any sort of leak. This stuff is supposed to seal up any cracks you might have. Super cheap and a quick fix that lasts a long time. Should be at any car shop.
from juniperhexum :
hey man, my excuse wasn't lame! I'm really sick! The night time meds kicked in and I was woozy.
from shyest :
are you a fellow commuter??? or is your car just busted??? So like if you were me would you let me take a picture of you? will be back to read your stories unless you lock your diary.
from thekirks :
I know how you feel, constantly having some kind of expense come out of nowhere and knock you on your ass. Just as soon as we get ahead on something, here comes something else. Don't lose hope though, that eventually these moments won't always be popping up.
from juli-anne :
Stay strong for both you and your grandmother. I know it's hard. I think it's great the way you are spending time with her. :) Drop me a line when you are around...I'm here for you!
from juli-anne :
Hey, I like your list on qualities you want in a woman. There is going to be one lucky woman out there who finds you. :~) That may possibly spur the creation of my own list!
from motherofian :
Hey sweetie! Sorry I haven't called, my phone isn't connected at the moment, but it will be sometime next week. But, what I'm leaving this note for is to wish you a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Much love to you always, Lori
from boutish :
Hi. Read your last entry. And I found nothing boring about it! Just thought I'd tell you. :) talk to you later!!
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites list. I am very honored because your diary is extremely cool. I am also impressed by the other things you have going on the web. The picture from Miami Vice on the American Ecstasy site is great - this is your site too- right? The only thing is that it's really hard to find a way to leave your a note! I love the first Star Wars movie too by the way.
from motherofian :
You are so inspiring. You made a lot of good points in your diary. Someone bought me a gold membership today, so my faith in humans has been renewed for a while and I think I might start carrying on like my life is wonderful. I think I might eventually feel that way too. All because of someone's kindness and a little inspiration from you :) Take care.
from ms-ashlynn :
i found your diary in erica's favorites- she designed my site. Anyway, i liked reading you- it was nice.
from minderella :
i think the missed calls thing is romantic. it is probably someone calling to just hear your voice on the message and then hanging up. oh but it might be one of those girls you don't like who cling to you like barnacles. but pretend it isn't.
from minderella :
i enjoyed the entry about you trying to ask the two girls out and it not working. it's kind of cool to imagine that some guy may be secretly thinking of asking me out and watching my movements and being disappointed if i don't come to class or something. i mean, i doubt that's the case, but it's a nice idea. (there's nothing wrong with being single)
from minderella :
i see you have added me to your list, and i feel compelled to do so in turn. i like your style. i like that there's a lot there to read so i'll have something to do tomorrow and the next day when i'm avoiding my class work. one request - can i have a comment next to my name on your list? i like the comments. i like when someone sums me up in a pithy one-liner. i like being reduced to one snippet of thought. wait... i only like that when the person doing it is witty and gramatically charming. so that's why i want one from you.
from desperato :
Hey dude. Two words, smoke weed. For reall. I think that you just take things a little too seriously. Dont get me wrong. I'm not telling you that drugs are good for you. They are far from being good. But once in a while, its OK. Once in a while everything is OK. Trust me. Much respect..... Desperato
from megan0905 :
Hey! Thanks for adding me to your list of favorite diaries! :-)
from delusionally :
hey there, i know just how you feel about school. i dont know how many times i sat in a class thinking, i really dont know what the hell that teachers talking about, but everyone else seems to know... so ill just go along. Keep writing!
from pencil81 :
hey there, thanks for the welcome, lol and loved your 33cent got a cool diary out there
from pencil81 :
hey there, thanks for the welcome, lol and loved your 33cent got a cool diary out there
from rockaction :
heck all your intersts are cool!!! and nice diary too!!
from rockaction :
your film interests rule!!!!

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