messages to evilgnome:
(click here to add new message):

from manda6425 :
Hello, I wanted you to know that I'm using one of your templates. I do apologize, but I wasn't able to access the guest book. They're lovely (the templates)... and for someone who is HTML illiterate, they're a life saver from the mundane! :D Thanks!
from aidy :
hi how do i add diary rings to your layout, i have girlreadingtemplateindex Thank you
from ihmx100 :
Hey, I can't get your guestbook to work so I'm leaving a note. I'm borrowing the covered ivy template. Thanks a lot!
from pinkxstarx :
The guestbook is having issues, so... I would like to request a Romeo + Juliet layout, and I have a good picture that is very close to a good size. :) The base site for this picture is: and has a bunch of really good pictures on it!
from kylsie :
my friends diary is at ... I don't know enough to figure out the exact problem with the coding, but I appreciate your help, thanks!
from kylsie :
Hey... yeah I'm having the same problem with the pictures on the Girl Reading layout... the pictures don't work on the 'older' page. I finally helped my friend understand how to copy the layouts into her diary, but now they won't work so she thinks I don't know what I'm talking about! Hehe would you mind taking a look at it? thanx ;)
from endor :
Hey, it's not a problem right now, but my last few entries aren't on my older.html page. I don't know if I did something stupid (what, me, do something stupid? RIIGHT.) But could you perhaps point me to the nearest restroom or help me? Thanks ^_-
from minisurf101 :
on your new girl laying down, or reading, or whatever, it wont show the pictures. same with the makeup layout. just wondering why it wont work, and letting you know. bye~!
from skydawn :
GRR your guestbook wouldn't let me sign in...anyway im using your guestbook template.
from fuckatruck :
all gnomes are evil. believe me.
from orwhatever :
yeah, actually i'm taking Lisa's white sofa template instead. and i got my URL wrong. it's i'm a moron. thanks.
from orwhatever :
Guestbook wasn't working . . . I grabbed the green fan template. Thanks a bunch.
from doombilly :
I don't have any Pistols pix but here's my dead punk rocker page...
from catsilenium :
Your guestbook won't load so I thought I should leave a message. I am using Katyl's template of Orlando Bloom. Thanks very much, the templates are absolutely stunning and just a great use of theme and photograpy there. Where did you get those pictures? Purely amazing at what your artwork shows. Thanks again! ~Catsilenium (
from blankwave :
Hey, your guestbook won't load so here I am. I used your "wall" design (the one with the white couch and cords) and I really like it. It's hard finding good templates if your a guy cause most of the designs on all the sites seem to cater to women. On that note, I wanted to say thank you for an outstanding and sexually nuetral template! (and if there are any good design sites with guys in mind let me know. but i plan to use this template for a while.)
from teaflavoured :
hi there i took "girl reading" from lisa. IT's awesome!! Tanks guys you rock!!
from chrissyangel :
Hey i wanted to write in your guestbook and tell you guys that im using a template but it wouldn't load for me...=/...i hope this counts..if not i will sign as soon as i can get on it...thanks...=D
from liastnir :
Wow. All I can say, wow. I used one template from L on my archive pages, and one from M on the main page. I love them.
from mandypandy83 :
You've been nominated!
from silent-pleas :
heyz.. do you guys do customs? contact me through email please!! cheryl [email protected]
from grandmadeath :
I used your fan design for my diary. It's amazing. I know it wasn't personally for me, but I just wanted to say thanks. -Meghan-
from iluvjd :
Hey! I luv ur designs and I've used the green fan one, but changed the background. The rest of the html is like u made it. I will leave the link 2 ur website, and I will give u all the credit cuz u did all the work, but I'm just wondering if I can change the background? Click on my username to see the edited design and plz leave me a note. p.s. just the main page of my diary works, the rest isn't even linked yet. Thanks! =)

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