messages to godmoney:
(click here to add new message):

from ashtraygurl :
I think I got a message here from you in the recent past, but I can't find it. I am here!
from ashtraygurl :
Congratulations :). Don't keep it a secret too long! Love ya.
from ashtraygurl :
I don't mind condoms...I feel like they force my hubs to be responsible for our reproduction. Also, I am lazy and avoidant in all matters, including medical/reproductive health. Plus, it's really awesome when he's ready to go and I'm like *ahem* and he's all bummed bc he's got to slap a rubber on. Something may be wrong with me, yes, but his frustration with the situation brings me great joy.
from ashtraygurl :
congratulations on your lsat! i am also very proud of you.
from ashtraygurl :
mwah! just because.
from ashtraygurl :
I wrote a note in response to your last, and trust me, it was witty, insightful, introspective, and all-around awesome; however, my computer 'ate' it. Thus, I will leave it at this: you are right in your observation that one's experience with and needs in love change as one grows. And in that sense, I need to respect that your experience with love will always be different than mine. If anything, I offer my opinion as just that, I don't mean to provide any direction or insight, because you ARE a different person than me, and you will have different experiences. In discussing this issue with you, I have had some insights into my own personality and current needs. I think I feel like I need more of a challenge in love right now because I have grown "comfortable" if you will, and I don't know if that was the ideal I was seeking. For the moment, men are an area I've "mastered", in the way that I do not find them challenging or engrossing, and am therefore finding satisfaction for those needs through other avenues (ie: work and hobbies). Perhaps, when the right individual comes along, I will once again pursue my needs through an affair, even if it is an affair of the mind and not the body, but I still feel as if love is best explored briefly and with more than one person, as your needs change through the course of your life. What I miss most is the magic of love, and in that context, the man that I miss could be Any Man. To sum, I feel that monogamy is for most, but not all. But perhaps that, too, will change as I grow.
from ashtraygurl :
i have had both types of love, and i still find the type i have to constantly earn to be more fulfilling. unconditional love has a way of becoming cloying and mundane. i don't think humans are meant to be monogamous and non-competitive in love. i think it has become a societal standard but isn't natural. but then again, i have never known any couple to be truly, unconditionally in love for a long period of time. the couples i know to have been in a long term "monogamous" relationship (married or otherwise) haven't necessarily been in love with each other. i feel that passion is what is important, and passion is what is lost first when dealing with monogamous relationships lasting more than a couple or few years. you start living with someone and their bad habits for a few years and they become more of a family member and less of a lover. and i don't think it has anything to do with marriage vs. just living together, whatever. it's that moment that under whatever terms, the two of you decide to let down your guard and leave your toothbrush in the medicine cabinet, you have put an expiration date on the "lover" part of your relationship, and that expiration date is about 3 years. I just have no urge to be comfortable like that with someone and if I could do it again, I wouldn't. I guess I have a "men are only good for one thing" attitude, can we analyze that?
from ashtraygurl :
Sorry about the typos and the repetitiveness and the rambling. Deliriously sending these messages from my phone at 130 am probably not the best idea.
from ashtraygurl :
The thing about alpha men being monogamous is that. In some way it makes them seem less masculine. Take Shawn for example. In the beginning I deeply respected his alpha-maleness and valued our relationship because I felt like I had to work to stay in his good graces. But once that aspect was taken away, I don't feel as attracted to him. That is, once he 'chose' me and 'settled down' he lost his alpha male appeal. So even if those qualities go hand in hand, I think that those qualities are what attract women (if you are the type to be attracted to those qualities), and the monogamy aspect is in contradiction to those qualities and thus less attractive. Monogamy has always sort of felt like settling to me. I would prefer a non-monogamous relationship in which we both had to be on our A games constantly.
from ashtraygurl :
Forgive me. I owe you an email.
from ashtraygurl :
ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh! I know i've never been so vocal but this Rob guy is soooo going to be your 'Joe'...see: eight years of bad poetry if you wonder what i'm talking about. Love, Lauren.
from ashtraygurl :
he is sooo not your last ten.
from ashtraygurl :
he won't leave his gf. you owe him no explanation. cut him off. he will know exactly why you did. don't waste your time on the other guy either. if these relationships aren't working for you, why are you trying to make them work? you seem to have less trouble with men than you think. you should develop your relationship with you so you can become a true badass and conquer all these men. just an observer's pov.
from ashtraygurl :
from ashtraygurl :
darling girl! thank you for the shout out in your most recent entry. I wish I could report that I was still as happy as my last report. email me: [email protected]. I think we have a kot of catching up to do!
from ashtraygurl :
"One of the most touching things he�s said is, �My mom and dad constantly tell me that they wish they lived nearer but in my head I think, �It�s okay, I have her. She cares for me.��...more delicious than ice wine.
from ashtraygurl :
meta-trip indeed. "When in doubt, relax, turn off your mind, float downstream".
from ashtraygurl :
Nothing new under the sun - still in Florida, at least. Met 'the one', have two kids, two cats, one dog. Working for a non-profit, working on my master's, and (finally!) basking in the glow of being published. I've even won a literary and photography award. Fools all!
from ashtraygurl :
so i should talk dirty to you? hehe.
from ashtraygurl :
your dirty mouth is so hot. if i was a dude, i'd totally do you :)
from ashtraygurl :
"What was beauty unless you intended to use it, like a hammer or a key? It ws just something for other people to use and admire, or envy, despise. To nail their dreams onto like a picture hanger on a blank wall. And so many girls saying, use me, dream me."
from ashtraygurl :
miss you, love.
from theelsons :
Oh, wow, you are so kind! I haven't been around this part of the web in years. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the note you left. I'd love to check out your diary but I don't have a password! How can I arrange to get one? Take my friend. All the best, --Valerie
from ashtraygurl :
apparently, i don't. but i went through all my entries til i found your comments. i have to say, in response to your comment on "love letters", at the time i wrote that poem, i certainly didn't mean it that way, but it most definitely did turn out that way. the worst is when it's all over and the magick is gone, you feel the need to extend the hand of friendship, only to be completely burned by the man. some men have so much spiritual growth to achieve, however, it's not worth the effort to explain to them that the heart has the capability to love more than one person at a time. grr.
from ashtraygurl :
transition sucks. my thoughts are with you. xx
from minstrelite :
from ashtraygurl :
your writing style has slowed, it's more leisurely, it feels languid, i think more of you shines you've never called (and my heart breaks).
from ashtraygurl :
PLEASE PLEASE tell me these aren't credit card purchases!! please?
from psst-tsismis :
vin, did you change my password? icould you tell me what it is again? i'm going through college withdrawal, i need to konw what you're up to!
from ashtraygurl :
okay, so my password doesn't work anymore. at first i thought it was a glitch, but now, i feel extremely rejected. have you become too good for me? ♥
from minstrelite :
I was kind of charged up when you buzzed me on AIM. Sorry about all that. I type too fast, that's why there's so many words. (I think that's happened two or three times with us.)
from minstrelite :
Hey Vin & Happy New Year. I've been reading over your last three entries or so, and we've chatted a couple times recently. Far be it for me to be overly concerned about you, but I can't help but wonder if your current focus on your potential lover friend(s) is distracting you from your higher purpose. To put it bluntly, it would a real drag if, having been one of the few who gets accepted to Princeton, you have to leave there because you're not keeping up with your work. I understand that Princeton must be intimidating, but I know you have it in you to succeed there. Also (and far be it for me to judge) although the libido is a powerful force in us all, my personal opinion is that it works best for us when sublimated. (Freud had some interesting things to say about all this, not to drop his name, but I couldn't help but, having used the words "libido" and "sublimate" in the same sentence.) In Freudian terms, I think your "destrudo" is acting up a little bit. I guess what I'm trying to say is, all of us have drives for romance, sex, relationships, etc., but very few of us have the unique intellect of a Vin. Let's not waste it, okay, hon?
from ashtraygurl :
ugh. banana republic. are they brainwashing you up there? no, just kidding. nice to see you're as materialistic as the rest of us now. nirvana cover is umm...cibo matto! wow, i forgot for a minute there. so yeah. i miss you. we used to be so close...sniffle.
from itsjustmeliz :
Drinking is bad for you! Love, Liz xox
from minstrelite :
Hi Vin. I only read your very recent entry (10/13) after sending you an e-mail this morning, because I thought about you. Well, my first quarter at U.C. Davis was full of skipping classes, especially the ones that I didn't like or that were early in the morning. I often slept in till noon. I don't know if that makes you feel any better, but for what it's worth, that's what I did. But I got A's in the classes I liked, and the ones which were later in the day. I don't think I drank until after I was 21, though. It's hard for me to remember when I first developed a taste for alcohol, but it was relatively later on in life. Anyway, glad you have some friends to hang out with, those two gay guys, who appreciate your wit and humor. In the e-mail, I explain what I'm doing. I'm starsworth on AIM.
from minstrelite :
Hey Vin, I only skimmed your entry of 9/14, but you sound as bright and lucid as usual, perhaps even moreso. Hope your classes are going well.
from ashtraygurl :
hey you've got myspace don't you...give me your link so i can add you, friend.
from psst-tsismis :
vineta..ooh did i sound like your mother? who's your mama? anyways, will you email me your address? i have this impulse to send you an emergency care package... i never had that sorority sisterhood gene, but with you - it's a way cooler older sis sort of concern. xob
from minstrelite :
I haven't read your entry yet this morning (though it looks interesting at first glance) but am writing to let you know I've locked my diary again. Please e-mail me if you would like a password.
from psst-tsismis :
sure will (i live in chicago though not nyc - i wonder what gave you that idea - but i visit nyc often and the jersey shore not so often but i loved "chasing amy") re: communist boy - work what your mama gave you.
from minstrelite :
Wow, that's great, Vin (about the boy.) Good luck.
from minstrelite :
I hope you are behaving yourself.
from itsjustmeliz :
Know what? You remind me somewhat of Daria. And I mean that in the good way. Damn, I just wish they hadn't cut Daria over here. Oh well. I'm still reading your blog btw. Love, Liz xox
from minstrelite :
I was able to analyze, embrace, and elucidate. (the June 25th entry) - yesterday also was my estranged sister's birthday, she'd be 62 if still alive, of course none of us know, as she told us all never to speak to her again after Mom died. I sure have a strange family.
from minstrelite :
Thanks for your help yesterday, when I was troubled. And God bless you. You gave me a reason for living at a time when the world around me made very little sense. I will not forget you for this.
from psst-tsismis :
you'll charm the panties off everyone (worth it)! xo-b
from pansycline :
ok, here's another OCD note: I've just randomly read about 5 or 6 of your entries and I love love it! because, you can and are thinking about yourself for Real and expressing it and... it's making me inspired. Congrats on Princeton, ps! secret: I want to do my doctorate at Harvard but I think I come accross as too jokey for academia. Somehow, I have to trick them... ok, I'm reading some more now.
from pansycline :
hi new friend. I'm guessing [hoping] that the note to me you posted in dinahsoars notes is the one quoting my diary and giving her the password? If so, thanks!! [and thanks for the pass] If not don't tell me, I'm feeling buoyant now. Off to your diary!!
from dinahsoar :
Hey! I'm a close personal friend (well, sorta) of none other than Pansycline (ask - I'm sure she'll vouch for me). I'd love to read your diary - I can tell by the Pearl Jam on your profile & the fact that you & the Pans are buds. My email's [email protected] in case you want to give me the password. Either way, thanks (I'm the dinahsoar that Pansy linked to in today's entry).
from pansycline :
mmm. I clicked on your diary from minstrelite's note to dinahsoars. I want to read it. I cannot. too bad so sad.
from minstrelite :
I suspect you will take this opportunity to be supremely well-adjusted and beautiful.
from minstrelite :
vin check out my totally way cool new template (prolly not ur style tho) - i also linked to echo's deadjournal & my poetry web site
from minstrelite :
from minstrelite :
from minstrelite :
Tom Wolfe--good writer. If I decide to take a "Mental Health Day" today and blow off my self-imposed deadline to finish a transcription of a Cole Porter tune by noon, I just might pay off my $10 debt to the Public Library & check out the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, or some other similar whatever. There's stuff on my LiveJournal again. Take care, later.
from minstrelite :
Have you listened to my CD yet? I just yesterday finished the 8th Edition (the de-Christianized version). Should I send it to you? We're holding a reading this Saturday, a bunch of high school students here in town. Pretty cool.
from minstrelite :
I want to hear the Alanis album too. I gave my CD to the room-mate of the best bass player I know, he (the room-mate) is kind of a Deadhead and I did not think he would like musical theatre (especially with Christian overtones) but he told me next time I saw him that the music was cool and he had a big old smile on his face when he said that, I think he was sincere. So I asked the bass player if he would learn and record all the bass parts to my show and he (the bass player) said yes. I just emailed him 1/4 of my bass score in coda notation files and also left a hard copy at the cafe. I told Echo and she freaked out, ran up and hugged the guy and said "thanks for helping my dad" which was embarrassing. Anyway, I've been up all night and am kind of manic. I'm going to go talk to Fr. Rick. See ya.
from minstrelite :
Vin, those last three notes were left about a week ago, or longer. This one is on May 25. I'm going to delete my livejournal after printing it out, then I'll mail it to you. I know you're busy. Take care.
from minstrelite :
When are we going to chat?
from minstrelite :
Go read my LiveJournal.
from minstrelite :
You're intense.
from aeka :
well...i looked DAMNED hot! And since my dress was better than the other girls' dresses, then there was bound to be many pics taken. And Al said i looked like a "piece of candy". Shit. I need a scanner so I can post pics...I want to so badly.
from minstrelite :
The beholder says you're beautiful.
from aeka :
I've never thought of you as ugly. My first impression of you certainly wasn't that. Of course that--at this point--certain *jealous* people would say that: you kick ass and got into Princeton. But it's a really immature and weak comment.
from minstrelite :
Also, if 6/20 is your b'day I want to send you a card. I sent the CD today.
from minstrelite :
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
from minstrelite :
from psst-tsismis :
hey vin, coming from you, that's the ultimate compliment. i will forever read your diary, even if i stop mine for awhile. i can not wait for you to start princeton - those entries will be so damn juicy...
from aeka :
I left him a note, actually. Yesterday...something along the lines of "how dare you make speculations about my private life in front of others?" however (and I've told you this) he has the terrible, irritating habit of *erasing* my notes. It's terrble, really, that a 41 year old man cannot face a 19 year old girl's scolding. I've always thought that--because we've been friends so long--you have a right to comment on my private life...but it makes me damn angry when he refers to Al as the "Canuckian boyfriend" or "Other Male"--he's degrading a guy whose been in my life *much*, much longer than he has. I just wonder why he can't leave me alone? Especially with his other legions of whores (you know what I'm referring to just by looking at the notes page). But I've already put the profile back up--I won't let him deter me. Anyway, thanks for being on my side. You know I love you for this.
from psst-tsismis :
there was a party thrown (i vaguely rememember) last night, i finished a massive project last night - thus the party - and i came home sometime in the evening and erased all my entries? very dramatic - i know. i need a new journal. i'll let you know when one is up. it might be a bit though... tootles, b
from minstrelite :
I wrote a poem yesterday about an experience you will recognize from a past journal entry or two. I'll copy & paste it and email it to you in a minute or two. Also, I've prepared your CD and am still on my way to the Post Office.
from aeka :
Awesome. I'm thinking of focusing on Macroeconomics and international politics and if I don't get into Georgetown for grad school the world will come to an end...or, I'll apply somewhere else. It's always good to know that there are more econ junkies ; ).
from geoffchaucer :
I went to Harvard at 18 and am graduating from Brown next month at 31. Your diary seems to be password protected, but I gather from your notes that you're starting college in the fall. Email me for bad advice: geoff(at)
from minstrelite :
I don't think you should worry about grad school right now, because many things can change in four years. When I was a Freshman in college, my roommate watched as I carefully mapped out every single class I would take for the four years. Did it turn out that way at all? Of course not. And of course, that has nothing to do with you . . . oh, and by the way, if I haven't updated lately, it's only because I have major writer's block, all sentences strung together at random with no coherence. Things are actually going pretty well, lots of good stuff happening out here.
from aeka :
Yes, I'll be working in the bookstore as well as the Admissions office. I don't know where you're finally going! Are you accepting Princeton or Duke? Because if you're going to Duke...then chances are slim of meeting up too often. But New Jersey is right around the corner and I can visit. I'm thinking of going to Oxford one semester to study Econ because Rochester gives me the flexibility to do so...and YOU should definitely consider doing the same thing so we can pick up guys together. Er. I together, of course. love ya.
from psst-tsismis :
life combusted, just taking a break
from minstrelite :
That's what it looked like, from your entry--and major congrats, btw. You should definitely go to Princeton! Take full advantage of the multiple acceptance and go to the best school of the three. However, what I was uncertain of was whether or not you were rejected at Stanford or you elected to go to Princeton in light of its being the better school. (Just curious.) Also, call me if you want to talk--I gave you my number & can call back, as I have unlimited pre-paid anywhere anytime USA long distance. Take care, and kudos.
from minstrelite :
I think I missed something--you did NOT get accepted at Stanford, or you DID get accepted at Princeton and just DECIDED to go there no matter what? I might be confused, also it's late at night, and I must have walked twenty miles today.
from aeka :
More ways than one? Does the sack count? (just a suggestion). I've thought about it some more, and I think I'll do it. Maybe I'll send you the manuscript sometime--I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with it (obviously, don't want to get nailed by copyright laws--I keep worrying about that for some reason). But I'll assure you that the writing I do in class does not resemble the shit I put on my blog. Honestly, I think we all aim to entertain in our blogs...even if just a little bit. I wrote this for me, and that's why I'm skeptical regarding the quality. As if I can't trust anything not created for the sole purpose of entertaining...but that's gotta be bullshit. I'm going to be brave and try to publish.
from psst-tsismis :
that is so fucking great! now i'm singing that song in my head as i have brunch with the family. how nasty and wonderful.
from minstrelite :
Wow - three notes in one day. I guess when I bother to write, people bother to read. Yeah, we need to catch up. Just so you'll know, there's a virus on my system right now and I'm unable to send an email. But if you email my hotmail minstrelite I can check it from the library and get back to you. No chat servers work on the system now either, it's pretty messed up. I'm able to send and receive D-Land notes and post on message boards, that's about it. Hope you're well, Vin.
from aeka :
::ahem:: Vin and Libet's polishing school for young hos: tuition--$2500; Room&Board--$500; Books and materials--$700; the chance being able to change men like we do underwear (assuming we even wear any)--Priceless.
from minstrelite :
I was just looking at the Duke web site and it sounds really great. I know you'll go far. I majored in philosophy myself.
from aeka :
sure. just promise to get lots of succexxy azzes...and send some my way!
from aeka :
sure, only i'd have to get a copy of mine under the guise of "i lost it"...only, we don't look alike. And, *raises eyebrow* what do you need it for, anyway? ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!
from minstrelite :
i figured it must've been someone else - you would've replied - no biggie, we'll catch up one of these days :-)
from minstrelite :
I meant AIM, where you (or somebody using your screen name?) have been on the last three nights in a row. Every time I buzz the Zwan Princess, there is no answer.
from minstrelite :
you never answer my IM's
from aeka :
::blows kiss:: you know ur crazy for me. btw, the last note i left totally messed up ur notes may consider erasing it.
from minstrelite :
Sounds as though you might have fallen through the cracks of the system. Anyway, I'm kind of preoccupied, the last couple days have been rough. I need to get my head together.
from ditzyfool :
Hi, this is Andreia from Cinderella Reviews... I was just looking through your diary and I can not find the link to us... so I guess you should add it very soon since I will be doing the review tomorrow... with or without it. If it is there then I am sorry and just note Cinderella Reviews back with where it is so that you do not loose 35 points!
from minstrelite :
Hey! Congratulations!! That's great, Vin, that you got into Duke. Are you going to go there for sure? Or do you not yet know? I guess you'll be hearing from others. Anyway, that's so great, I am so happy for you, and I know you are going to be great!
from psst-tsismis :
yo, good job girl. yay duke. are you taking it? anyways, if i get into florida - you'll definitely have to form a secret team of young geeks to spring me from this secluded no phone, no tv residency - bring poll vaults, i say. in fear of jinxing myself, i will talk no further of florida until i get the yay! or nay.
from cindreviews :
Hello... This is Andreia from Cinderella Reviews. I have been really looking forward to reviewing you diary but there is one problem, I do not have a password to read your diary. If you would still like the review please email it to [email protected] with it. Please do not use your diary password... that is very unsafe!!! Thank you, if you choose that you do not want this review please let me know as soon as possible, thank you very much!
from itsjustmeliz :
I am so happy for you. Really. I am. Isn't it weird how I don't know you un-online but your getting this has moved me to such emotion?
from ashtraygurl :
Duke...nice. xoxo
from aeka :
::SCREAMS:: Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
from minstrelite :
Yes. I am on both Windows and AIM, but not Yahoo.
from minstrelite :
No, no, no, my dear Vineeta! I came to this wondrous revelation through a concordial experience involving both me and the Big Guy, which however is too personal to post in the public notes arena, although I will gladly share it with you on AIM. And I've never been happier.
from minstrelite :
Sure I meant the statement! I have finally realized that I am not a person who is meant to be in a relationship, or go out on dates or anything. It's nice to have female friends, sex is certainly unnecessary if not dangerous, and a girlfriend is out of the question, because she will always sense that my artistic work is more important to me than she is. That's been the story in every relationship in my life, including my marriage. It's much easier on me if I simply do not bother, Thoreau notwithstanding.
from minstrelite :
I do not think that I will ever see her again. I have not heard from her, and I do not want to see her anymore. I have no need for further male-female relationships. I am an artist.
from itsjustmeliz :
I love you too. And you don't need ME telling you you're a smarty-panties lassy. You already know that! schnoozles, Liz xox
from minstrelite :
I don't think this is going to work out. Before the third date, I told her I was broke, and she wrote back and said she would buy the coffee. Then, on her way to the bank just before coffee, she found out that the government had deposited an unexpected $20,000 into her bank account - some kind of disability thing. She even showed me the check. Now she's going to think I'm just after her money, and also every other guy in town is going to go after her, and she'll simply pick the best one. So I don't stand a chance.
from minstrelite :
That's sad, about your friend Haylee. I think it might be good that you recognize a part of yourself in her, however. No sense forsaking what is good and healthy for what is "real."
from psst-tsismis :
and then of course i proceeded to have naughty dreams about him all night...
from minstrelite :
A lot of good students' grades seem to suffer second semester of senior year. Mine did.
from homeboy5 :
checking in, vin
from honeyxsuckle :
yes my friend told me about court's new album and I can't wait! I hope it's as good as the last and as pretty as celeb skin!
from ashtraygurl :
sad thing is, they are on the extreme side of being correct. i read that book when i was fourteen, and had i listened to it, i could be being privately witty whilst living off of a doctor or lawyer or something. sure, there are women that would like their own careers and successes and such, but if you would like to live the easy, lazy life (which is highly underrated these days), let men think you're nothing more than a shell of a human being and follow these rules!! then, you can skip college and go right to using his money to be a published novelist!! see? not so bad after all.
from honeyxsuckle :
hey I just stumbled accross your journal you like hole and the smashing pumpkins like I do so I'm adding you if that's ok?
from aeka :
Is there proof that this shit actually works?? And, the telling of sarcastic jokes is...what gives a woman personality!! I know, because you and I tell them all the time! ; )
from minstrelite :
yeah don't chase boys - it makes them think you're either easy or desperate (my 2 cents fwiw)
from aeka :
Which reminds me...there's an actual "Marxist Approach" to criticizing literature...I didn't even know that. Well, I guess we all learn something new everyday, eh?
from minstrelite :
oh, and also, i googled the name of the guy who posted the inflammatory article using my full name, and he's the president of some kind of Satanic Thought Guild which drew national controversial attention - weirdness.
from minstrelite :
also btw you can remove the "now defunct" from my description on your fave list - i'm not afraid of those trolls anymore, and i'll just openly use it for my spiritual journal - i'm just not going to say anything that my daughter and stepdaughter wouldn't want me to put down there . . . i think that's need to really buzz the trolls or return their buzzes, although i did read all their diaries from cover-to-cover, and Courtney's actually a sweet person; she discontinued her blog a week after it all happened, never talks to the other one anymore, and is going to school in Oklahoma. She still left the apology to me up on her site, which is heartfelt and genuine. I hope it goes well with her in life.
from minstrelite :
btw i've been having trouble with msn/windows messenger lately & can't sign on - i'll look for you on AIM
from homeboy5 :
hmmm, well you seem to be divided between your maturity and your immaturity (not uncommon among the gifted)
from homeboy5 :
My prediction is you and Eli will be together before Summer.
from ashtraygurl :
i didn't get the email telling me i got this note! this is like, the millionth time that's happened...and i am a gold member! super, if you want to get technical. anybut, thank you as usual for your continued support of 'whiney, crappy' poetry, as i like to call it. btw it is 6 am and i am without sleep so please don't mind the rambling nature of this note...xoxoxo
from aeka :
r u serious ~ him being confoozled regarding the meaning of "pretentious"? Then...this might just be a guaranteed lay for you. ^_^
from aeka :
You now *know* that you have a responsibility (to me, your true love) to get into Princeton...or at least, I have the responsibility to stalk the admissions ppl in Princeton. Either way, YOU'RE GOING TO LIVE CLOSE BY TO ME!
from homeboy5 :
one last blurp - just found out from my landlady that i'm in the newspaper because of my gig the other lodinews dot com
from homeboy5 :
oh vin - ive updated my homeboy twice, my livejournal once (in which i speak in code to the captain) and my starsworth, about my friend kent, obviously. you can give me advice if you want. i've got the day off today so will probably go into town to visit echo, gonna see fiddler on the roof tonight that one of my students is playing the lead in at her high school then visit my sister barbara tomorrow for obvious reasons - take care, love andy
from homeboy5 :
You know, Vin, as I read that account again, and I remember what was going on in those days, I marvel at the fact that I'm not automatically more thrifty now, or even a little stingy for once. Tonight I put ten bucks down at a Chinese restaurant, only because I knew I could. And in my head, I still don't know whether that counts as gratitude or the lack of it. In any case, I'm glad you got all your applications done - maybe we can chat later. You're a total blessing, as I'm sure you know, in my life.
from aeka :
the comment has to do about a certain *someone* whom I've told you about and cannot say right here in the open but I'll send you an e-mail.
from aeka :
thanks for the shoutout, babe...and, congrats on getting the college appies done! I'm so pRoUd of you!
from aeka :
i totally agree. but i'm not pro-palestinian either...i'm anti-israel because i'm pro-israel...get it? i hate what it's become, despite the fact that yes (and this is wide known) it is the closest thing to a democracy in the middle east. However, israel is to me the tail that wags the dog...the dog being the U.S. in my eyes, the israeli govt. is just as violent as the palestinian govt. there are differences, but in the end, they perpetuate the hatred and violence. and a *major* *major* reason why i'm anti-israeli (call it my personal grudge, call it immature, call it me being bitchy, lol) but for the ten consecutive years that the UN wanted to pass the resolution to lift the Cuban embargo...israel was the quintessential U.S.'s "butt-boy" country and voted it down along w/ the U.S. to me, that's not cool. and i used to think that we should sanction israel...but that'd be too fucking stupid--we can't afford to.
from aeka :
Wait a you're a tad pro-Israel? Well, I'm a tad anti-Israel (OK, you caught me...I joined the damned diaryring)...BUT the most important thing of all is...will our political diffferences affect sex???? OMG!
from homeboy5 :
i love you
from aeka :
LOL! I love you!
from homeboy5 :
Thanks for the free press! (mentioning the Burden)
from aeka :
And you know *why* my name appeared all over the place? Cuz u love me and wanna have an affair with me...of course.
from aeka :
That's only cuz you were scalded by Brody's HOTTNESS! ^~^
from ashtraygurl :
yay! a plug! *mwah*
from candoor :
I'm deleting my notes (it's a long one-by-one process) and wishing everyone who left me a note a happy new year... I'm still in the 2002 or 2003 notes and you left one for me way back... but that's all I actually know... happy new year anyway :)
from aeka :
I'm guessing dland need more $$ ? i dunno. the ads somewhat make me feel violated...damn it, can't i write a bullshit entry w/out the fucking telemarketers interrupting the sanctity of my teen daydreams????! *breaths deeply* btw, did i say i was gonna pull out of dland? i don't remember saying that...but for confirmations sake...i'm not, biatch! LOL
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from aeka :
Oh! mah bad...listen: my FEELINGS for the lad would prolly fade in/out from total crush/relationship feelings...towards sexual desire, *at best*. After all, by being the village Cassanova, he's already a self-implied man-slut.
from aeka :
That is true. I think that when it comes time for us to decide, we'll just have to count how many hot boys are at Harvard vs. Princeton vs. College of William and Mary, etc. etc.
from itsjustmeliz :
Uh, me? Well, my feelings either a( wouldn't change or b) heighten from the knowlege of knowing he has other chicks wanting him but you're, YOU'RE what turns him on. I'd also get in there quick before someone else gets to him... I think you should get in there quick before someone else does. Love, Liz xox
from aeka :
btw, if i ever say something really funny about my sex life, i am now giving you permission to quote it...remember:'ll work miracles.
from aeka :
::ahem:: *takes out spectacles* Let's see here...the boy. No, no, and no...for you see, you have just as much chance as any of these other girls. Trust me, you are funny. I cannot begin to count the times I've rolled on the ground w/ this diary of yours...and, no, I'm not saying this because I'm your ex-lover--er, because I'm one of your bffs...rather, because it's the truth. Honestly, remember the advice I gave you the other night (the one you claimed was 'guy advice'?) I truly meant that. If this boy is a regular cassanova (though I'm assuming he's not Paris/Adonis incarnate like Le Huguenot *giggles*) then your objective *should* be to get laid...or make out...and have a wild good time. What's this? You suspect that ur his fav girl? Then jump on him and kiss him. Utter wickedness mixed with wittiness is what'll separate your from those...*yawn* other amateur ladies. And another thing PUTKA, "...Al is so lucky to have her" *brushes hair/pouts lips* it's still not too late for us...*wink* heeheehee! Ta-ta! I love you!
from homeboy5 :
Those sound like healthy ups and downs, as far as such things ago. But sorry things are weird with your mom. Also, something you said is making me suspect you of an inconsistency, and you better talk to me soon! (Not that you're not allowed to be inconsistent). Otherwise, my word processor's messing up again - I rewrote the last scene of the First Act & some of the lyrics, but I'm wanting to tweak the second Act before I see AnnMarie, who is making me nervous, even at a distance. I'll explain later.
from aeka :
Remember what I told you about the essays: forget that you hate writing them...but just go crazy! I love your writing, Vin...because it's genuine. Your essays will be the same way. Love, Libet
from homeboy5 :
You're kidding, really? I never knew that. (About the derivation of "maudlin.")
from psst-tsismis :
i really know who it feels to be stressed out stressed out... - a la q-tip. sure, email it to me in microsoft word: [email protected]. when are you sending it out?
from aeka :
ROFLMAO "...Happy Ramadan." ???
from homeboy5 :
Interesting entry, Vin. I have a thought about it, but sometimes I think I take your entries too seriously, even when I can see your humor. In any case, I know you're busy, but I hope you find the time to read my new journal. There's three entries now. Every day, I remember some other feature of homelessness, and what it was like in those days. I do feel a kind of mission in writing this one, in hopes of clearing up prejudices and misconceptions about the homeless. Anyway, if I don't hear from you before Christmas, have a good one. Take care, ~ Andy.
from homeboy5 :
Please check out my diary. I just started up again, and I have one other reader that I know of. I've written a profile and a single entry, based on something that happened today that I felt I had to write about, and let people know about. It was really good to talk with my friend Tony after all these months.
from aeka :
It's probably the second most stupid thing I've ever done...just promise me *you'll* never do it--I've always respected you for that.
from minstrelite :
You're beautiful.
from aeka :
I'm not apologizing for the first one...because you're not overweight. I will apologize for the other three...Sorry &hearts. (smiles and offers libations)
from aeka :
Yo bitch....I locked my diary, but (of course!) I do have a password for you. I'll email it to you. Your TRUE love(r) --LIBET
from psst-tsismis :
nawlins! unfortunately no, would be nice. there was one phase i went through though when i visited a friend there every year for four years.
from aeka :
I'll be looking forward to it, I just have to figure out why I won't get email notification each time ppl leave me a note...
from aeka :
Well, if the opportunity does arise for a very decent (it sounds as if 'decent' is an understatement) piece of should take it. In fact, you should--....never mind, too graphic. Tell me if you're recieving my emails...because I switched to another account.
from ashtraygurl :
hey fanks. the 1st quote you liked was from 'through the looking glass and what alice found there' (the one about 'we are older children etc), the other quote ('if i win...') is from Sophie B. Hawkins, Only Love. it was a radio hit in the nineties. anyhoo...i have to go shopping now. toodles. xoxo
from psst-tsismis :
ohhh, that entry, i wasn't sure. go ahead girl.
from psst-tsismis :
but if it was for me, sure go link crazy girl, thanks for asking. toots, b
from psst-tsismis :
i think you accidently dropped a note meant for another on my desk. i didn't read it. well except for the "lap up my libido" part? and i'm like, whoa. that wasn't for me was it?
from minstrelite :
long time no talk to, old pal
from psst-tsismis :
if i've got time (and that's a really big effin IF) and if you don't mind, i'm going to write something very kickass about these college essays. as for now though, like yo vin, do you really want to go to college? harvard schmarvaahd. good luck, love to read your biting answers to these inane q's. you know one of u of c's questions (i was recently told) was - what do you think of tuesday? now that wins most inane question of the year, i think. and by the way, i love how you deligated these essays - very yale.
from ashtraygurl :
i just took the image and played with the hue and saturation, then inserted them into a collage project, cropped, flattened, and voila! my own andy warhol esque creations.
from psst-tsismis :
how about: do you like kinky sex? and then laugh like a oh-i'm-kidding laugh and then get serious and kill him with a sexy smile and walk away. try not to have an anxiety attack until you see him next and continue said banter. i predict kinky highschool* sex (highschool sex is really depressing) in a month with this sort of discipline. good luck vin. make me proud.
from itsjustmeliz :
I admit that the guy exudes class and hotness and has a sexy accent and makes my panties warm. Why else would I have gone and seen the film? But I don't like the guy. I think it's coz he's dating Sienna Miller. Don't like her either.
from miss-shirty :
Just wanted to say hello and thanks for the note :). -miss shirty
from aeka :
I'd really like to know: what is so fucking glamorous about a skateboarding (and not even *skateboarding*), hanging out with friends who coincidentally are in bands, and having a splitting headache? Glamorous? I think's's reality. Who knows, perhaps it's the life one of the more "socially-challenged" high schoolers craves, but for me, it's a reality. So here's a g/d recap on my life: I'm 18. My parents give me freedom. I drink every so often. I have friends. I get invited to parties. I attend an art magnet school. Um, so that means I have a fucking life.
from aeka :
"Overglam" is definitely not the word. Nothing's overglammed. :)
from apple-cutter :
Thanks for reading and giving me a note.Yes I know,I write about some sick shit.LoL I give advice to alot of people and hear how they are hurting inside.I turn all that into some poems from time to time.Write any time you like.
from godmoney :
this was my response to the second (except she actually hadn't deleted my note, my bad):thanx 4 deleting my note and adding a "note to self." makes me feel empowered. i guess u feel special, quite the idealist. maybe a vote for a never-been party would make badnik w/e feel warm and tingly like he's changing the world, but there is no merit in voting for the ugly girl for prom queen as far as i'm concerned. ur cute, though ("punk rock" lol). viva la revolucion to you too, sweetie.
from godmoney :
this was my response to the first note: A vote for a Democrat or a Republican is a vote for the government�Donkeys/ Elephants�two sides of the same coin� All of this is w/in my elementary grasp of politics. However, I am NOT going to throw my theoretical vote away to be a self-righteous hippie and make a protest vote. Not this election, babe. Adam Cobb, yey for him, got elected partly with the understanding that he would push a Kerry vote in swing states (cross my heart, hope to die). Kerry is for Patriot Act and No Child Left Behind. Either parties are overrun with lobbyists. Boo fucking hoo. You can�t come-to-jesus me. I choose the lesser of two evils willingly. That and John Kerry�s hot. I�m a Gemini, too, btw. So�s Marilyn Monroe and Joyce Carol Oates. If u wanna reply do it on my page, not urs, cuz I don�t intend to visit. Peace.
from iamhubpluh :
First of all, you say �hippie� as it is a bad thing to care about other people. The libertarian party is the closet to a �true anarchy� since �No society can live for a single day without laws.� �Voltaire-, so if anything it�s more �punk rock� than anything else. No vote is �throwing it away� if everyone who thought that way, truly voted the way that they feel is RIGHT, instead of making exceptions for the candidates, then there would be a chance that a 3rd party candidate could win.
from psst-tsismis :
that's funny she told your mom that. yeah, opp of faith is a collection of her essays, it's pretty much her autobiography - it's sooo good. she is the ultimate uber-dork, so i bet she appreciated you..:p
from iamhubpluh :
If you are voting AGAINST Bush, check out he is for 100% EQUALITY right for the Gay/Lesbian community as well as for stoping the war in Iraq, and NOT sending more troops as Kerry is for (based on his debate answers). Vote your heart, not the less of two evils!
from psst-tsismis :
in nyc, caught a cold, cough and flu sometime after i fell asleep and 3 a.m., haven't been able to sleep since. walked towards a book in the dark, on a shelf, a book i've read before, and so i read it again. and i really think you should too, i think everyone should on questionable times in life - the opposite of fate by amy tan. makes me think if the jco quote you once wrote to me - either everything in the world is coincidence or nothing is. i tend to live by the nothing is philosophy and the future pulitzer that you'll be, i suspect you do to. must hack up plegm now.
from i-am-tom :
Actually, its not working... the password and user name you gave me don't work. Just though you should know. And I didn't want to ask so it wouldn't look like I was emposing on you. I figured that if you wanted me to read your diary you'd give me a password.... And you did, so thanks, I've been quite curiues to see what you have to write!
from not-tuesday :
Thanks, I like it too
from i-am-tom :
Ninnie, I get it, Maggot. Jugallo, right right. I just keep embarasing myself don't I! Yes yes I do. Actually I'm quite interesting if you ever get past the spelling and grammer! It just takes some time for me to get the punch line if you know what I mean! Ok, I'm going to go now before I look like a complete idiot!
from i-am-tom :
Ninnie is a band then? I hever heard of them. Nor have I heard of Maggot. I don't really like Slipknot. They just kinda drummed out. And I havn't really been up to date on current music and such. I've been working and going to school for most of the time. In fact that last CD I purchased was Undertow by Tool. So please excuse my ignorance. And yes I can't spell. I miss speel at least two woords in anything I write. Then again... the worst spellers were some of the best minds of our time!
from i-am-tom :
I am not a ninnie! Dammit, I'm a dork!
from minstrelite :
how's it going?
from i-am-tom :
*blush's* hehe, I though you where someone else! ha... ahah.... ha................ Slap me silly and call me Mickael Jackson!
from i-am-tom :
I love you, too, but arn't you married?
from aeka :
please...I've been part of that ring for the longest time--you just now noticed? lol. if I miss the orgy w/ che, then I guess I'll just have to go to Greenspan. There's nothing wrong with being capitalist...only Republican ^.^
from aeka :
please...I've been part of that ring for the longest time--you just now noticed? lol. if I miss the orgy w/ che, then I guess I'll just have to go to Greenspan. There's nothing wrong with being capitalist...only Republican ^.^
from psst-tsismis :
heavenly orgy or dream team gang bang: cusack, caulfield (if we can summon fictional characters) and che... (and dead revolutionaries) although i wouldn't mind gael filling in...
from minstrelite :
I just read your September 29th entry, and I have a number of thoughts about this issue that may or may not be insightful. These are thoughts that come both from a teacher's standpoint, and from the standpoint of a student of your appoximate disposition. I'll share them with you in a subsequent email.
from minstrelite :
I just saw this note you left me a long time ago: "my family has a long history of financial worries and i try 2 focus on spirituality so the bitterness fades. u really are a role model." You probably know me well enough by now to know that I think there's no point in worrying about money. Possibly I take this to an extreme, in that I don't plan things out very carefully a lot of the time, and to some I seem unconcerned. But I just think most people in our culture are overfocused on the issue, which leads to the bitterness you allude to.
from teen-christ :
I lost your password damnit! can you give it to me again please!
from aeka :
AHAHAHAHAAA! YES! Hots for a teacher...IMAGINE the role playing involved! And, I'm the first one to support you in this venture. Btw, how cute is this guy, anyway? And you say he's a drunken fisherman? Stoic? (do stoics get horny? LOL j/k)
from aeka :
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I have the tendency to keep up on the latest gossip about my lover-to-be, yet, that will never stop me from supporting a party that upholds ecological wisdom and truly *can* make a difference.
from rumblelizard :
Voting is on Nov. 2nd. It's a joke, see? Like, "Vote Nov. 3rd, all you Republicans! Your country is depending on you!" Sigh. It's never as funny when you have to explain it. Thanks for stopping by, though.
from aeka :
Stats & Chem?? Oh come now...don't make me call the Marquis. Perhaps we'll need to take desperate measures and have him throw you over his lap. ::winks:: Hang in there.
from aeka :
::looks happy:: Do I really????? Wow. I suppose that makes me e-d-u-c-a-t-e-d then, huh? LOL. Thanks, babe.
from aeka :
::looks happy:: Do I really????? Wow. I suppose that makes me e-d-u-c-a-t-e-d then, huh? LOL. Thanks, babe.
from ashtraygurl :
the killers=yum=coming this way in nov!!!
from minstrelite :
I also read your more recent entry, and the entry of the person you linked (the woman to whom you referred The Heidi Chronicles.) I will have to read the actual Heidi Chronicles at some point in order to comment further. Often I see announcements on my theatre person's list that someone is directing that (or them - unsure of grammar.) Anyway, I just came back from the dollar beer night at Living Water and am contemplating that weekly event. There I received unusually good vibes from the Owner, possibly because it looks to her and everyone else down there as though I'm moving up in the world. But I am going to have to sruggle to maintain this momentum. As for you, my bright shining star, I think you're doing fine, and I believe you should look forward to your four years at Yale. After all, hell is what you make it.
from psst-tsismis :
oh jebus girl, please. thanks for that, that was really nice, unfortunately though, i couldn't in good faith say there was fornication - the "minor" exaggeration in my note started there.... baby's daddy drama - i only wish, right? well not really, it would be fun for like two hours...:P
from minstrelite :
this is in regards to your 9/15 entry . . . on the one hand one might say that you ought not to have made that girl cry, considering she broke down and was thrust into the evil hands of the mental health industry . . . on the other hand you must be aware that you are not responsible for her breakdown - or does a part of you glory in the apparent power that you might wield over victims when vicious? (one wonders . . . )
from renewedgrace :
I really wish that I could read your diary, but it's locked. Could you send me a password? email: [email protected] It would be greatly appreciated. :D
from aeka :
^_^ love u!
from psst-tsismis :
read ..chronicles. responded to it, somewhat, in my entry. thanks for sending it my way, it was really perfect timing.
from ashtraygurl :
not to deny the justifiable need for the ban on assault weapons, but the fact remains that the ban had its faults as well. like the fact that it didn't apply to weapons made before 1994, allowing people to purchase assault rifles and commit obscure, harmless pranks such as what took place at columbine. sarcasm implied, of course. and btw, i love this book. xoxo
from minstrelite :
Ah, yes! The memory of my 36 hours of self-effacing masochism! Actually, I wrote an email to myself, bcc'd it to everyone who had been complaining about the number of emails they had been receiving from me (a total of four people out of my Outlook address book of 250) told them that I had adjusted my mail client so that all their emails would be deleted without my reading them, thus not tempting me to send twenty-five rapid-fire replies to each of their emails. As a postscript I wrote: "Alex Hagen, in particular, may go to hell." I received an indication of a reply from him, but of course it was deleted without my reading it. I feel better now.
from minstrelite :
i see you left me a note but haven't been there yet - just wanted to say i read your new entry first thing in the morning today, tuesday, 350am. You are brilliant!! and becoming increasingly so . . . i suppose that "every girl" thinks about marriage at some point, even you i see, and i would only suggest that the correct direction will be revealed upon your absolute surrender of such a thought - there are certainly young men to whom your intellect will appeal, but they are far and few between, as most young men will be too unsophisticated to appreciate you. . . whoever can and does will of course be a lucky man. Most importantly, he must be someone who will appreciate you for who you are and neither demand submission nor quench the independence of your spirit. (And you do have an independent spirit, you know, despite the obvious.)
from aeka :
" I going to get married or not?" Obviously, you are much too brilliant for marriage--I should slap you for even asking. Secondly, get your tush up here to Sarasota so that I can make you president of Politiko. : )
from minstrelite :
I'm sorry I sent you so many emails. My friend Alex told me I was angering everybody by sending them more emails than anyone else does, and that everybody is just putting my emails into some kind of spam folder. I'm sorry, Vin. I won't bother you anymore.
from aeka :
thanks : )
from hamiltonian :
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity"
from hamiltonian :
I have that one on my profile and in my latest entry...
from hamiltonian :
Thanks! I had trouble with the username/passwords..
from hamiltonian :
Just letting you know I was snooping...
from minstrelite :
I will have to read your poetry in order to comment on the statemtns of ashtraygurl and the arrogant professor. Let me know where to find it when you have a moment.
from psst-tsismis :
done. book report will be on your desk soon. i need to read more plays, actually. and how can i pass up a playwright named wender? and here's my lowbrow recomendation for the weekend: the brown bunny (movie) - the mindnumbing pace is worth the 5 minute x-rated blowjob scene by chloe sevigny & vincent gallo in the end... if you're up for fellatio this weekend:o
from ashtraygurl : DO you pronounce it anyways?
from ashtraygurl :
and more on your prof...those who can't DO, TEACH!! grr...
from ashtraygurl :
grr...i've got major issue w/your english professor! is poetry not an expression of feeling? it's art, it's a gift, it's not something you study and dissect and put behind glass and say, now, this is art. that's so wrong. SO WRONG!! Sure you can learn it and discipline it and make it fit into stanzas and styles, but it's still emotion, it's still generated from something inside of you, and if it isn't, you can tell, because it's flat. anyone can write 'poetry' takes a gift for it to be art. i believe you have that gift. while an education can certainly benefit that gift, an education cannot turn someone without the gift into a poet.
from minstrelite :
thanks for the note . . . you should be receiving two emails from me shortly, one from my minstrelite at comcast and one from my reflectokryst at yahoo . . . let me know if the monologue at the end of I,iv suits you; if not, Cupid's in II,iv might be more powerful, but it's not on Word 2002 yet (problems with my system again) - i'll look forward to hearing what you think of my work!
from minstrelite :
Actually, if you go to my new blog, you can find the message board by clicking on the relevant words.
from minstrelite :
I haven't posted any ephemeral entries, although I can see how you might have suspected me of having done so. I haven't posted at all recently until today. I've been having a little trouble with the message board in that: (1) access to the discussion topics has vanished; and (2) access to the help desk is denied. I think they want my money. I'll find another provider and email you the URL then. By the way, what's your email? Can I reach you at [email protected]?
from minstrelite :
I just read your entry from August 31st, and I think your writing style is improving. Maybe it's just my own perception, but it seems as though your beginning to find your voice. Also, I'm inviting you to participate in my new discussion board if you have time. Of course, you will have to read the relevant work of theatre, which is about 90 pages long. You probably got a notice about it this morning, but if not, I'll give the URL. You are very intelligent, and your input will be appreciated. Good luck in finding the right school; that is to say, Stanford.
from psst-tsismis :
so he came, we talked about greek tragedies and how all stories tend to always originate from them, he read to us, we wrote for him, we read them out loud, we dissected ( holy shit weird), he talked about his life, family, girlfriend, and writing, about his voice, about obsession, ego and passion and love, had drinks after class, snuck away, mad sex on a platter, and baby daddy drama ever since. the school must remain a secret, part of my superb anonymity, that's all...
from psst-tsismis :
ooohhh, i am soooo going to name drop right now. but your smashing pumpkins boy, billy, he was my substitute teacher two semesters ago in grad school... and he was pretty damn cool
from psst-tsismis :
turning 26 in a couple weeks and am reverting back to childhood by playing two hours of mario brothers on nintendo because of it.
from itsjustmeliz :
Well, I can't help you too much because I'm the exact same too. The exact same, dammit! Sometimes I play out conversations in my head but I never go through with them by initiating convo or whatever. And now I'm embarassed because I told you all that. Oh, secret shame... *hides in a cave until 9385615643 AD* Love, Liz xox
from aeka :
OMG! We have a new crush this year! Oh! I cannot wait for the upcoming entries about this new hottie! No, haven't e/med you...I'll get to it.
from ashtraygurl :
i wish i could give you advice, but i am a tard when it comes to guys. i think it's better to offers more inspiration. but that's me, and we both know i am insane. i'm not much help either, huh? well, good luck!! xoxo
from psst-tsismis :
funny you asked, it was actually in conention w/ hamlet and i went shakespeare that day. it was bill murray playing ponta-something that got me. anywho, do you recommend it?
from minstrelite :
I've long been planning to remove all my entries once I had sixty-six good ones in order to craft them into my next book. Andrew recently advised me, however, that it would actually be easier to prove the authenticity of my work by leaving them online. So my removal of sixty-six entries prior to compiling my first book based loosely upon DiaryLand entries was unnecessary. The book sucks, by the way, but if you would like a copy of it, I have it on Word 2000 in five attachments and can email it to you. It includes approximately 250 Scripture quotations and is mostly a study of Galatians 5:22-23.
from renewedgrace :
Two questions...who are you? Wait...that's just one. Perhaps I should ask you again and have an even-double number. Who are you? There...Oh, have a super day! :D
from minstrelite :
I just read your other note. What is it about my profile that is disturbing?
from minstrelite :
actually i should qualify that by saying that when i first realized i was homeless back in may i did apply for food stamps and ate off of them for approximately one month before throwing away the food card upon its completion - in suppose i could have kept it and gotten further food later; i'm really uncomfortable with the whole welfare thing because they tend to treat you as though you're some kind of a thief or drug addict and it's hard on my ego
from minstrelite :
i went to apply for welfare a few weeks ago, was given an appointment the following week, was told at the appointment to fill out a few forms and take them to a distant town and have had no means of being able to get there yet - i did find myself wondering if i could possibly get two or three jobs in the time it would take for the welfare to come through . . . i've never been on welfare before and have no experience with the system in this area
from minstrelite :
It's an interesting issue. Tithing may or may not be figurative, and volunteer work is certainly a good idea, but I believe that the key here is in the difference between giving right off the bat and giving when you've got nothing left to give. Supppose the figure were $1,000 and I walked down and dropped it anonymous in the nearest Lutheran mail slot. I would be a lot more likely to be careful with the remaining $900 than I would have been with the $1,000 had I not done such a thing to begin with. So my take on tithing is that it's of psychological value to give your of the firstfruits of your increase. Wait too long and you won't have anything left to give.
from not-tuesday :
I haven't talked to her. I'm sort of avoiding her for awhile
from itsjustmeliz :
Whats a bts entry? And it's good hearing from you again too I was wondering what had happened to you. And thank you for making me feel better, I love you. I feel bad for letting something this trivial bother me though. Oh, do you live in Florida? I was/am really worried for you, in case you were. Love and all that jazz, Liz xox
from favoritegirl :
lessee, the red cross and salvation army seem to be doing most of the volunteering, but then there's the convoy of hope and the church of scientology. that's all i've seen, but i'm sure there's others. i'd call the red cross, they'd probably know what to do w/you. it's so awesome that you're coming down here to help!! i heart you.
from favoritegirl :
fanks lovey. guess what though? i am a bad girl and a forgotted my password. can you hook a sistah up? ♥
from minstrelite :
I hear you. For me it all comes down to that the universe isn't fair. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer; and though Jesus Himself in saying "to those who have, more shall be given them; and to those who have not, there shall be taken away even that which they think they have" was certainly talking about spiritual haves and have-nots, it has always stricken me that he might as well have been talking about economic and social reality. Life basically sucks; random acts of vioence occur; and even mundane reality is governed by brutally unforgiving laws of cause and effect which are utterly infallible unless God intervenes. And though He does intervene, we can't count on it happening. He does a lot more according to His schedule than He does through intervention. So I suppose it all suggests fate rather than karma, but I think that in the last analysis His will is what matters. And why He wills what He wills, we can only guess.
from minstrelite :
just now responding to your other note - no, not hard on myself, i don't think - i enjoy analysis and struggling to achieve higher standards both artistically and spiritually - my problem is that random self-abnegating thoughts spew forth from my mouth arbitrarily; others pay more attention to them than i do . . . hard to explain
from it-guy :
hey you...i am glad you got a chance to visit us way up here...although i don't remember getting a phone call or knock on my door??????...i forgive you...and you could have travelled further north...say Whistler...and enjoyed a glacier...close enough to snow...and we actually do get four seasons up here...'no snow season'...'wet snow season'...'cold snow and ice season'...and 'no snow season' appears it is only three...but technically the first was shortened from 'no snow but a sh@tload of bugs season' to just 'no snow season'...glad you enjoyed your visit...:)
from minstrelite :
No idea, Vin. I only hope you're NOT suggesting that the rape victim got what she deserved because it was her "karma." If not, I would think that leaves "fate." At least those were the only two alternatives you suggested. It seems to me that fate is the lesser of two evils in this case.
from lolotte :
Hi there, thanks for the note! I'm not on Diaryland anymore. However, here's my new blog:, no password needed. Can I have your password? :o)
from minstrelite :
all right - i haven't yet recreated the whole "cafes of this world" entry but i'm prepping for it & wrote the first of the series which i think is less egocentric, no less true, and of such an energy that i can easily defend it against anyone who objects - it's also honest which is the important thing for a blog . . . by the way, isolated fate, yea; karmic debt, nay & so be it!
from minstrelite :
I guess while I'm at it, you might as well know the extent to which I can take this kind of thing. I've written four musical plays. I wrote the third in the undergraduate reading room in about a two year period of time, wrote it all out by hand. The day I finished it, I got really excited, went upstairs, and told the first guy I saw: "Hey, Mike! I just finished my musical I've been working on for two years!" Immediately, he said, "Aw, so what?" Within five minutes, I had ripped the entire play into pieces and tossed it in the garbage at the library. Therefore, it is your responsibility to bookmark and/or print out the entries of mine which you like, because chances are I'll feel weird about them and delete them later.
from minstrelite :
uh...yeah....well, perhaps i was simply afraid of what my brothers and sisters might think - i will recreate the entry, and i do apologize
from minstrelite :
The reason why I do that is because I feel that, as a Christian, I was beginning to become deceived at the moment of writing the entry. Yesterday, for example, I spent the rest of the day following the entry drinking and lusting after women. (Well, I only had one glass of wine and a shot of Kahlua, but that's enough to alter me.) Then I feel guilty and compelled to delete the entry, even though it's usually artistically great, because I feel it's spiritually off-base. If I can ever equate the two, I'll be pretty happy.
from minstrelite :
oh wow - this is bad . . . that entry's been bugging me all day, so i just deleted it - if you or someone else didn't print it out or bookmark it, it's gone forever . . . when i was writing it, i thought it was inspired and absolutely my best writing; then throughout the day, i came to believe that it sucked so i took it off - oh well . . .
from dollcourtney :
thank you :) just got back from camp & it was yay to read ur note!! x0x
from frosted-fae :
Thanks for noting. Locked? :(
from mrs-dinosaur :
my password doesn't work :(
from psst-tsismis :
vin, dahling, scratch the last note, i figured it out. you're brilliant...keep writing
from psst-tsismis :
ummm, my password is not working. psst-tsismis/jesus, right?
from oxfordavid :
Hiya, you left me a note. I don't know anything about you. Any chance of getting your password. Then I can write more.
from aeka :
I luv u : ). ::blows rasberry to Felipe:: I'm egging his car.
from psst-tsismis :
dear god, it's me margaret, oh wait, oops, different letter. thanks for dropping a note and perusing, you seem like cool peeps. can i be vip and get in your journal, see what you're about? [email protected] latahs!
from kerrierw :
Hi. Yeah, I adore her. I made 2 layout featuring her at my design site: :o)
from aeka :
ah...but my overly-arrogant, over-privileged Felipe is my source of joy! and happiness! He's wonderful...very arrogant and privileged, but wonderful, no less.
from saltycheese :
I was reading the last few pages of your diary, and all I've got to say is that if you're able to apply to essentially all-Ivy league schools, you'll be fine. When I was a senior in high school, I was stressing about college apps as well, and now that I've been in school for two years, it feels a lot easier than I expected it to be. All you need to do is make sure you read a lot and keep up to date on political/social issues, and you'll be fine wherever you end up. Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, anyway.
from not-tuesday :
Just wondering.
from not-tuesday :
How old are you?
from saltycheese :
Thanks for the note - strangely, I've gotten the comparison to Jack's character in that movie before. I'm not sure if it's a good thing when you're a 19 year old girl being compared to Jack Nicholson, though... Anyhow, from what I've read of your notes, you seem pretty intelligent for someone who's not in college yet. Politically, anyway. Any way I could get the password to your diary? Tschus.
from aeka :
Duke as a safety? Yeah, I'm quite confident that it would work. But I will recommend Brown (because they are a bit more lax on their whole requirements bit). I believe you already have Brown, though...try not to worry, and charm your way through. Also, I would like to take the time to correct some things that I have written in the past notes re: free trade. You don't know this, but I have been doing a LOT more research on free trade, and while it's a subject that can be flipped just for the sake of argument, I will concede that you are is a euphemism for exploitation. It's raging capitalism at it's best, and I would be the worst of all hypocrites to praise Howard Zinn and NAFTA at the same time. Anyway, that's just briefly what I wanted to say, and my homeless encounter the other day also helped me to come at this realization.
from minstrelite :
I'd be more than happy to adopt you, if you truly wish to be adopted by someone who has no money other than the idealistic perfect money of a non-supply-and-demand reality that will one day exist in another world, no job other than that of a volunteer employee of the Almighty, no home other than the timeless potential home of Heaven, no income other than occasional contributions from saints, and no future other than the hope of eternal security in the hereafter. Otherwise, you're safe with me, kiddo.
from favoritegirl :
thanx for the compliments...i don't get the arrow thing either. that is, unless she wants me to follow the music to my ass. she did a meet and greet after the show. she was the only one out of seven bands to do a meet and greet--yet another reason she is utterly spectacular!!
from minstrelite :
Well, I think STANFORD would be good for you, if you want my highly biased opinion. Also, I still haven't done that study of Genesis you requested yet, largely because I'm scattered, disoriented, preoccupied, languid, and lethargic these days. It'll pass.
from aeka :
As your whore, I would like to say that you have nothing to worry about re: college admissions. In fact, I'm going in a panic over this same issue...but I'm solving it by applying to maybe two or three 'reach' schools a bunch of 'perfect fit schools', and of course, the couple of 'safety' schools that we all need. Think about it: if you don't get in for undergrad, you'll get in for grad! I am applying to Harvard, but only for law school. This probably didn't help, did it? I\Hopefully I'll get an 'A' for effort.
from pixie0323 :
oh yeah -- that scene and the scene where crabtree crashes the car into the wall just slay me! i could watch that over and over again and still laugh hysterically.
from not-tuesday :
Thank you!
from not-tuesday :
I saw that. But I left you a note after trying that password telling you that it didn't work. I thought maybe you gave me another password. And you use DORK negatively, like it's a bad thing.
from favoritegirl :
we ARE freaks, but there's nothing wrong with that. I had an UNBELIEVABLE time. *Sigh*
from quitenasty :
Here's the thing. Quite Nasty has been placed under new management (i.e. Me) and is going to be put under a bit of a make over. The Rules page doesn't work because it's been deleted, and I actually should have been smart enough to turn the Notes off, but I'm a fucking dimwit sometimes and it completely slipped my mind. Once I get things running smoothly again, I'll be able to do reviews and if you'll be kind enough to request then, it'd be appreciated.
from emovaries41 :
hey, thats pretty funny..same reason why i locked up for a long while before. the exposure would just be unbearable, like you cant face them the same way. i dont know im just rambling now, but thanks.
from not-tuesday :
Nope, didn't get it.
from brideof7less :
Thank you for the compliments! Can I get your username/password? I'm definitely voting for Kerry. :)
from lilydesigns :
I just realized, someone is using one of our designs and put their own image of their paasport in it, but we didn't design it that way. You'd have to ask permission from that person.
from lilydesigns :
WE don't have any layout with an oriental passport. Sorry, don't know what you're talking about.
from not-tuesday :
I tried to get into your diary but it wouldn't let me with that username/password
from emovaries41 :
why thank you for the was refreshing after believing that diaryland was becoming a deserted and barren wasteland of aging diaries. i would love to read your diary as well in return, but sadly its locked :\ do you think i could i get a password? if not i totally understand, no worries.
from datura93 :
Hey there....thanks for the note. I love getting messages from random strangers. :)
from not-tuesday :
THANKS for reading mine!! I'll start reading yours. :o)
from theyknew :
Thanks for the note.
from aeka :
Wooden crucifix? And I JUST finished reading C.S. Lewis' bit on "humility".
from ivanhoe :
In order to know you better, and to understand your perspective (I hate dismissing anyone categorically), may I read your diary?
from ivanhoe :
If you are going to condemn society, which you are a part of and which contributes to your formation as a personality, do you share in the condemnation? Your not yet another "superior" individual, are you? That is getting tiresome. Why can't people just concentrate on making society a better place, rather than destroying it.
from ivanhoe :
And for all its craziness, I love society so. Your diary is locked; may I have the key?
from aeka :
I love the layout! It's refreshing!
from ivanhoe :
Isn't it nice when a simple spelling mistake allows you to make your intended point, and another? You were explaining what comprises Western society, and rather than writing that is was "made of", wrote that "Western society is mad..." I agree. It is largely, if not nominally, Christian, and also somewhat pagan. And it also happens to be mad, as in crazy.
from aekarambles :
lol! i could get used 2 that kind of respect!
from aeka :
ok. on the aekarambles profile, i deleted all of the 'classical music crap' lol, and I put in a quote by Che. Tell me if you like it. Right now, I'm working on the mag intro. I'll have it to you by nine o'clock tonight!
from godmoney :
from aeka :
meh. I liked it, but it didn't 'speak' to me like the London underground pic did. I don't believe you ever asked me a question. Oh well, I'll just say that yes, you have been a bad stalker for the past three days. Actually, perhaps you've been at your best except that you've been working covertly..oh my, say no more. ; ) btw, I found a hidden camera in my don't happen to know WHO put it there, do you?
from mindlesspop :
you're fabulous for catching the "lost in translation" quote.
from aeka :
Excellent. I will now confess that I almost used your layout a few days back when I was doing my weekly 'layout shopping'. The Hammer and Sickle in the background grab my attention.
from minstrelite :
yogic misery, mystery, or mastery? cool that you identify with the description of whatever it is...i kinda like it only because it's so rare....
from godmoney :
what do u mean 'stalking properly'!?
from ashtraygurl :
from aeka :
Damn...I need to get you a KGB flask to go with the fabulous layout. Btw, you haven't been stalking properly these days.
from aeka :
I absolutely 'heart' your layout. While the pictures aren't showing up, don't stress. I am actually experiencing a few problems with mine--I can't get the links and diaryrings in the right place.
from favoritegirl :
hun, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but i can't see the pix :(
from aeka :
Woe is me, for Congress refuses to pass my measures for free government-distribute liquor. Also, they don't seem to keen on the new Whitehouse position of Secretary of Sexual Favours. What shall we do? Perhaps give each Republican a bottle of Vodka?
from aeka :
Of course not, darling...only when we're each forty-five.
from godmoney :
i meant 2 say that i only read it 4 aesthetic purposes and because i love u (both which go w/out saying, i think). but neither of us are meant to be taken seriously, don't u think?
from mrs-dinosaur :
oh! ♥ ♥ ♥ thank you! i totally didn't make general burnside, though. my best friend cow did. so she deserves credit. i can't seem to look at your diary because it needs a 'password' ??? suckness. tata
from aeka :
um...perhaps instead of taking my entries seriously (which I don't recommend anyone do), you should read them solely for aesthetic purposes. And oh, yes, my dearest! As promised, here is an excerpt from C.S. Lewis: "But the most remarkable thing is this. Whenever you find a man who says he does not believe in right and wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later. He may break his promise to you, but if you try breaking one to him he will be complaining 'It's not fair' before you can say Jack Robinson. A nation may say treaties don't matter; but then, next minute, they spoil their case by saying that the particular treaty they want to break was an unfair one. But if treaties do not matter, and if there is no such thing as Righy and Wrong--in other words, if there is no Law of Nature--what is the difference between a fair treaty and an unfair one? Have they not let the cat out of the bag and shown that, whatever they say, they really know the Law of Nature just like anyone else? It seems, then, we are forced to believe in a real Right and Wrong. People may be sometimes mistaken about them, just as people sometimes get their sums wrong; but they are not a matter of mere taste and opinion any more than the multiplication table." So far, interesting. I am merely trying to take it all in and formulate a concrete opinion later on. I like him, though.
from aeka :
um...perhaps instead of taking my entries seriously (which I don't recommend anyone do), you should read them solely for aesthetic purposes. And oh, yes, my dearest! As promised, here is an excerpt from C.S. Lewis: "But the most remarkable thing is this. Whenever you find a man who says he does not believe in right and wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later. He may break his promise to you, but if you try breaking one to him he will be complaining 'It's not fair' before you can say Jack Robinson. A nation may say treaties don't matter; but then, next minute, they spoil their case by saying that the particular treaty they want to break was an unfair one. But if treaties do not matter, and if there is no such thing as Righy and Wrong--in other words, if there is no Law of Nature--what is the difference between a fair treaty and an unfair one? Have they not let the cat out of the bag and shown that, whatever they say, they really know the Law of Nature just like anyone else? It seems, then, we are forced to believe in a real Right and Wrong. People may be sometimes mistaken about them, just as people sometimes get their sums wrong; but they are not a matter of mere taste and opinion any more than the multiplication table." So far, interesting. I am merely trying to take it all in and formulate a concrete opinion later on. I like him, though.
from ashtraygurl :
i've been dying for you to update!!!
from aeka :
Oh my dearest, perhaps we should discuss our possible entrances into Ivy-League when I venture down there...over a cup of damned good vodka. (hmp, and you thought I was giong to say tea). Toodles and smooches.
from minstrelite :
just a lack-of-progress-report: i've been preoccupied with a comnbination of (1) serious computer issues (2) the fact that the serious computer issues are occurring on a computer i don't own, (3) the suspicion that the owner of the computer will kill me when she comes back and finds out, (4) a recent falling in love, and (5) a very important appointment tomorrow morning that will probably determine where i will be living for the next several months....therefore, i have made no progress yet & in fact have not even read my bible - catch you soon though; take care
from for-you-only :
206 entries is a lot... I wonder how many I have. You don't know me, but I go by Pink. Hi!!! Happy belated 4th of July. TTFN! -pink
from minstrelite :
This is a good project. I don't know all the answers, but I'll get to work on it and send you an email. You obviously are very erudite, and you have a very inquisitive mind.
from minstrelite :
i understand that, about being concerned (perhaps inordinately, perhaps out of decency) with not wanting to offend someone whose views you respect yet with whom you might disagree - if i recall correctly, mondale acted that way in the debate he lost against reagan prior to losing the presidential race in 1984, but no matter - your O.T. questions are all significant & i'll send you an email soon...take care my friend...
from minstrelite :
Well, I managed to read three of your entries, and although I still find nothing offensive, I think you might benefit from a creative writing class. You seem to be a very intelligent person, but it rambles quite a bit. I suppose I should talk - I've been slowly editing my older entries, many of which were written either late at night or underneath some sort of bizarre influence or duress, if you know what I mean. At least one of them is totally unintelligible. (It must have made sense to me at the time, but it no longer does.) Anyway, back to your journal, I wouldn't worry too much about the Christian Coalition. Right-wing grassroots organizations are a natural reaction to the leftist impulses of vibrant freethinkers, and they exist as part of a greater social scheme designed to hold all things in check. It's the Neocons we ought to be worried about. Extremist ultra-right-wing fascist fringe groups that suddenly seize power are more terrifying than relatively innocuous traditional conservatives such as populate most born-again Christian organizations.
from minstrelite :
actually i just now read the assorted excerpts entry & found nothing offensive there in the least - you seem an interesting person
from minstrelite :
Thanks for the key. I'll take a look at it tonight. Also, I'll be happy to do my best to provide an accurate interpretation of any Old Testament Scripture that concerns you.
from minstrelite :
no prob w/the ol' healthy debate & so when do i get a key to unlock your journal?
from aeka :
I love you too. and btw, I thought I was the only one that thought Kerry was hot! ROFLMAO! He is kinda cute...I'm voting for him : ) of course, there are other reasons...
from minstrelite :
cool...thx for adding me...btw, your notes page is rather interesting (talk about "radical" lol)
from godmoney :
lol! i can imagine (ashcrofts antics)! he's a crazy xian, so... but i linked mmoore on my site i figured that was doing my bit. hey--do u think j-kerry's hot? CUZ I DO.
from aeka :
lol! I see that you don't appreciate the devil's advocate role...but sometimes I do it unintentionally (which wasn't really the case here). So anyway, yeah...I am very surprised that you haven't seen Guru Moore's film yet, but lemme tell you...John Ashcroft, singing! You'll def laugh ur ass off--I did. The funniest part is that he was so serioius about it.
from matthewpv2 :
I tried looking at your diary. Seems to be locked. Thanks for dropping a note. :)
from godmoney :
...also if the conditions were "ripe" it was because MLK had an invisible team of idealists behind him, not because of "luck"--it wasn't in the stars and the planets weren't alligned. there have been momenteous blocks of history that are fully indebted 2 fate (some major Civil War battles, i believe), but the 1960s civil rights movement was not one of them. it was a culmination of unrest lead by... the idealists.
from godmoney :
whoa whoa whoa--YOU'RE arguing communism because it's an easy target. I'M arguing idealism. Nazism was idealism, too--another easy target. r u going 2 accuse me of arguing Nazism "...indirectly"? I am arguing that idealists are the imetuous for change and progress. if mlk sat around saying, "eh, this'll get me nowhere" and so did all his peaceful protesters--dear, there very likely wouldn't have BEEN a civil rights movement. thousands of movements ended in varying degrees of catastrophe and failure, but nonetheless we are thankful for thier efforts--especially those who made contributions for "freedom." attacking MLK's personal character (he was an adulter, so u claim) is irrelevant. i did not make him out 2 b a saint. i made him out 2 b a martryr, who's idealism the modern civil rights movement was founded on. pure + simple. this dates back 2 u saying "idealism changes nothing" not me saying "viva la revolucion." call me noble when i do something 2 change the world, not when i talk about it.
from teen-christ :
she actually signed the poster MADM... at first I was like WTF IS THIS!! then I realized it was her initials. woot! I like her cd too!
from aeka :
Well, that's certainly very...noble of you. I'm very certain Thoreau would respect that. But personally, I think that when you argue idealism, you ARE arguing communism...indirectly. What better example of a failed idealism than communism? I also think that the conditions were ripe for MLK to get ahead (I won't argue in regards to Ghandi, for lack of more thorough knowledge). Any good revisionist historian (Byrd, I think) will tell you that the successes and failures of history were not coincidences, but rather aiming more towards conspiracies. MLK...the same hypocrite who had a lover to the side whilst preaching Sunday sermons? Yeah...that's him. Listen, the idealists can keep their seemingly impeccable character, but I choose to believe that human beings only "luck" out. Not tha
from godmoney :
p.s. u said "idealism changes nothing" when idealism changes EVERYTHING. u can choose to swim with the tide or against it. i want 2 make a difference. if i don't, i'll deal. i'll cry my cry and deal. but i couldn't live with myself if i threw my support behind child labour--even if my protesting it did nothing.
from godmoney :
honey, we're not arguing communism. i have no authority 2 argue a cause which i haven't even studied or pretend 2 kno shit ~. i think it's real-world applications (ussr, cuba) ended in utter failure. what we're arguing is idealism. numerous attempts at making liberty + justic 4 all ended in failure. che died in vain. but ghandi didn't. mlk jr didn't. and if i have to choose a team--idealists who make progress however unnoticed, sometimes dying in the name of righteousness for their beliefs, or realists who ignore their moral calling--i'll choose the underdogs. the losing team. because it means i can sleep at night even if i can't afford Nikes.
from aeka :
That's quite funny, because it's only a fucking HANDFULL! Take the Knight of Labor who basically dismantled because they wanted to change the world in one day. If those things worked, it's also because they were aware of failure and they knew what was feasible and what wasn't. With all due respect to Karl Marx, Communism is quite absurd, and only one of those idealist theories that will never work. Che died in vain and the only thing he has today are a few American "I pretend like I'm a commie" children wearing his t-shirts, and raging capitalists laughing their asses off at his idealism. Sure, to have a vision is one thing, but one must make sure that their feet are still on the ground, because it's very easy to want to change the world so quickly. I guarantee you will be sorely disappointed.
from aeka :
Again, my argument is on my notes page.
from ashtraygurl :
i love you too!
from godmoney :
that's funny, 'cause i'm thinking of a little thing called the STONEWALL RIOT that made a few changes... before that SUFFRAGETTES... before that ABOLITIONISTS. idealists of their time, i believe. silly rabbit.
from aeka :
My rebuttal is on my notes page.
from aeka :
Idealism changes nothing. You will wake up, and nothing has changed. I am speaking in all seriousness...
from godmoney :
Yes, in this world there ARE "people who take advantage of others, and then there are those who can get screwed up the ass." i choose to condemn the ass-fuckers and urs is to say, "hey, if u can't beat 'em..." and hand them some lube. MY argument is the world we SHOULD live in. so there ;p
from aeka :
LOL! You find my argument outrageous and appalling? It's reality! In this world there are people who take advantage of others, and then there are those who can get screwed up the ass. My argument is the world we live in...
from favoritegirl :
I'm sure you can accomplish all the slashes. You've got it. And umm, if not, then, well, I'll beat up said admissions peeps.
from aeka :
mun response to free trade is on my notes sections.
from aeka :
btw, two Texans insulted Che Guevara today...should I inflict some sort of pain on them?
from aeka :
HAHAHA!!!! Sounds like a great book...
from favoritegirl :
yay! so glad someone joined. there are only nine people (two of them, me) that list her as their fave. i saw the moldy peaches blog on your faves and did the requisite creaming over it...totally adding it to my faves!...xoxo...Lauren
from ashtraygurl :
thanks for joining auf der maur, lovey
from aeka :
This is an urgent message from your stalker: You have most certainly not updated, which concerns me to a great extent. As well, you have not replied to my e-mails ::whines:: and I was rambling about hot Ivey law majors.
from myownjourney :
Hi. Thank you for your note. I certainly never intended to make you want to cry. :) I'm assuming it wasn't because your a big Bush supporter and were just pleased to see another out there? Either way, If crying is ever truly needed I only hope it is from the overwhelming joy life brings to you. -Take care
from aeka :
It probably sounds odd when I say that I have absolutely no opinion on the war in Iraq, yet, I feel strongly about it. Contradictory? Perhaps, but I can't get up there and completely bash the government in saying that we have no business in Iraq. I would say it if we were to invade countries like Belgium or Poland. Iraq is a distinct case because it indeed was hell, and whatever the government's motives may be (we both know there are motives not pertaining to "making the world safe for democracy") the truth of the matter is that the hundreds of Iraqis who have died have not died because the government explicitly calculated their mass murder. Life loss as well and spectacular expenditures are consequences of war...a war which we weren't exactly prepared for. We didn't exactly find WMDs when we first went in, but that in no way implies that there aren't or ever weren't any. Large countries having WMDs is almost common sense, at least the way in which I see it. Anyway, let's face it, S-Hussein isn't exactly what Freud would regard as a "normal" person. It is an insult to any human being to suppress them, and this, I know. And in regards to Cuba, things fluctuate rapidly and violently in regards to food. Everything is rationed, and when it isn't, then it costs a lot of money to buy it on the black market. The main problem with Cuba in regards to job and food, is that you have to KNOW people that work in different areas--connections. Conscription is also a part of daily life, as well as "manual labor" (which is meant to mold us into good revolutionaries), and manual labor consists of people our age and even younger working and sweating all day in the sugarcane or plantain fields. There's also the fact that there is no such thing as an independent news media, and 90% of all books that have ever been written have been banned under the pretext that they support counterrevolutionary ideas. Cuba is in deep deep stagnation, because of the fact that we are so isolated. There's actually a very prominent Cuban movement here in the United States funded by more Elite Cubans (congressmen, and descendants of the aristocrats who fled after the revolution) that makes the dismantlement of the Communist regime its main goal. Usually, most or all Cubans you will meet advocate the lifting of the embargo, and there is no doubt that the Cuban-Americans will move to establish a new government in Post-Fidel Cuba. Thank you for taking interest! : )
from favoritegirl :
thanks for being such a great dland fwend...i don't know if i'll ever give up my diaries!
from ashtraygurl :
congrats on your sat scores :)
from aeka :
That free trade is a euphemism for exploitation, I have yet to see. Free trade is to me, synonymous with "economic anarchy". By cutting down and getting rid of antiquated restrictions such as tariffs and VERs,we are allocating money to the areas where we actually need them. Free trade stimulates competition, which in turn, stimulates the economy. While people on the opposition usually like to argue about the outsourcing, I will say that outsourcing only affects 10% of American jobs a year, and the money that the corporations save is spent on other areas: research, new facilities, and opening new jobs in other areas. In 2003, 90,000 new jobs were created, and it is most likely that the number will each 317,000 by 2008. We can't experience "free trade", but we do have NAFTA which does a pretty good job of simulating it. However, in this cruel world of trade, you're only exploited if you let yourself be. After the breaking down of trade barriers and restrictions, you either kill or be killed, because regulations are no longer existent. And yes, there are many environmental concerns, and that's actually what mildly turns me off...however, I am a true advocate.
from oicur12 :
I need a password, and yes it's alright. :) [email protected] Thanks! :):):)
from aeka :
I believe it was the entry you wrote yesterday : )
from it-guy :
hey...i find it funny how people still get hung up on the whole inter-racial thing...especially the mind set of black and white or indian and oriental...they forget that inter-racial by it's definition can mean white and white...for being irish and my wife being ukranian...we really share no racial similarities other than we both have white skin...our religion and upbringing, social characteristics, the whole lot are quite different...but we are not seen as an inter-racial couple...guess some people would be better off color blind...or at least unable to speak...;)...but that it just my half a cent...:)
from aeka :
::applauds:: Beautifully written!! I'm so proud!
from minstrelite :
I believe Mark 6:4 and John 4:44 will give you the quote you're looking for. Mark 6:4 reads: "A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house." I think it's commendable that you've brought this Scripture to my attention, and I'm honored that you might want to add me as one of your favorites. As far as what to say about me, that's up to you, of course. "Some radical Christian guy" comes to mind immediately, only because it's both true and somewhat humurous, but I believe you ought to choose your own words. And I'm honored, by the way! Thank you, and God bless you on His day.
from teen-christ :
no book of cp. I saw him, he did a q and a, and read some stuff from next years book. I will never for get him.
from aeka :
I didn't catch his name...I was mainly paying attention to the convo as oppossed to him. BTW, YES, I will go to Prague with you and to the Marquis pub... : )
from favoritegirl :
so what do i do when i am completely crazy and all that's left is like, weirdo cackling or something? you better cherish these moments that you've got with me while you can *feigns importance*...because i may soon be gone (mad)!...xoxo...Lauren
from aeka :
I love you so much, I will never meet anyone cooler than you. Although, everytime I see an Indian girl with dark hair, I keep thinking of you, except that I'm ultimately disappointed because they lack that whole "Vin-ness" quality. I'll be back on the fourth o' July! Btw, did u just delete Al from ur fav's list?
from ashtraygurl :
i wuvva you too...xoxo...Lauren
from itsjustmeliz :
think the guy has the hots for you?
from ashtraygurl :
just wanted to say hi and fanks :)
from ashtraygurl :
all i ask is that you link me...something simple like by ashtraygurl or something. thanks, hun...xoxoxo Lauren
from godmoney :
i am. it wasn't me pouting--it was me being slapped in the face, sucking in my breath, and walking out. and it's newspaper... one day i will show you the paper and how my section owns and the others suck.
from aeka :
Quitting yearbook?!? I hope you are certain about this.
from itsjustmeliz :
I tried to go vegetarian once but it turned out I'm too much of a carnivore. Well, I'm very sorry for your non-promotion *unleashes the man-eating bees on the bad people* and happy that you got to talk to drama-president-popular-rocker-boy. Love you, Liz xoxo
from it-guy :
hey...perhaps your 'teacher' is more insightful than you give them credit for...maybe they are giving those 'less qualified' a chance at something they know you can handle no problem...and giving you something below your expectations to teach you confidence and persistance...or perhaps it is all a crock and you are getting the boots taken to ya like most of the rest of do on a daily basis too...hang in are still awesome in the eyes of those who count...;)
from ashtraygurl :
want i should break their legs?
from aeka :
::engages in deep contemplation:: --this will be a while--
from teen-christ :
it's from a tori amos song, has nothing to do with nine inch nails... but phm is a brilliant album, my favorite of theirs.
from theviolence :
This username'd be good, thanks :o) Thanks for the username/password. Mine is: mmm password: pie. x
from theviolence :
Hey, I'm the owner of Grunge Reviews. Yeah, who doesn't like MadM? :op And wow, you like the same music as me... and Sylvia Plath. I'll add you to my buddy list :o)
from over25revue :
i'm sorry, 16.99 is just too much of a stretch. i hate to dismiss you out of hand, and tried to read you, but alas, you are locked. i see that bindyviews gave you rave notices. i would recommend a site but i don't know who you have been review by other than bindyree, so i really can't. sorry. love,
from oicur12 :
Hehe. Thanks. :) shhhhhhh LOL
from oicur12 :
l00PyBoY (the other spelling) is my old username, and you mentioned it. Google bots are good at finding those things.
from oicur12 :
Please remove my old username from your favorite diary list???
from minstrelite :
Hi there. I'm just letting all my readers know that I've been updating recently and that today's entry "Christian Artists" is particularly interesting, if you've been following. Peace, Love, and Solidarity.
from it-guy :
hey...that 51st state thing is still kinda cute...and you are kidding about D-Day and Normandy right???...better be...that is grounds for an atomic wedgy otherwise!!!!
from aeka :
I love you... : )
from godmoney :
ur such a fucking loser--u do 2. i am the unworthy one. loser.
from aeka :
Well, I wasn�t using you for JUST sex you know... ::cups hands together and speaks in an all-knowing tone:: Vin, I don't deserve you ::voice cracks in tears::
from it-guy :
hey you...i will add your PUWDA story to the soon to be public enries on the PUWDA site...;)...and it does qualify as dumb-assery...hard to take people like that seriously eh?!?! are still amazing..;)
from jesbohn :
hey, thanks for visiting. hope to see you around. -jes
from aeka :
I would never be so stupid as to think of myself as Thoreau's successor. Perhaps as a person, I could more or less identify with him, but in regards to talent? I know for a FACT that there are at least two million angsty teens out there that write in the exact same manner that I do, leaving me with absolutely no originality. Oh, Vin, I'm a fucking basketcase...if I were on the outside looking in, I swear I'd bitch-slap myself.
from ashtraygurl :
im pj harvey :)
from it-guy :
hey you...consider yourself a member of PUWDA...;)and Brooks is a genious...;)
from minstrelite :
hi there & thanks for caring; actually i'm doing all right now, or beginning to again anyway...i went through a period of homelessness & finally realized that God will not automatically take care of me no matter what I do (surpising. huh?) so I'm trying to cooperate now and do my part - I'll make an entry soon, but have limited Internet access so it might be awhile - have a good one......
from aeka :
Well, you know...sticking one�s head in an oven is a bit...unusual. Fuck, if I were really depressed-crazy, then I would definitely want to be as creative as she. I will always luv u no matter what!
from aeka :
I just noticed--Sylvia Plath is on ur favs list...the way she committed suicide really makes you think.
from aeka :
oh no...I'm not obsessed with her, but I simply have to comment on her obvious talent. Remember, Thoreau is my thing. Although I tend to switch from Zinn to Thoreau every so often. Did u get my email, or has hotmail been acting up again?
from aeka :
JCO is a fucking genius!!!!!!!!! No book has made me feel this way in a long time! She�s perfect! She�s a genius!
from ashtraygurl :
my favorite thing about jco: her description of tachycardia reminds me that anxiety was not always the mental affliction du jour.
from aeka :
Dangerous words indeed, especially coming from you--anti-romantic who doesn't believe in fate. Alright, in my entry, I wasn't trying to say that J is impossible, rather, that the entire situation is absurd. Mainly so because you are much too intelligent for him. Vin, he's a major conservative, and can't even see the world past his own little suburbia paradise--that is NOT you. That will never be you, and if ever that came to be you, then you would be regressing as opposed to progressing like you would IF you would move onto Princeton and lead a JCO similar life. I do believe that we are all found attractive by someone...there's always someone out there that finds us and our quirkiness irresistable--always. You say that he makes you feel something kind of out of the ordinary, and I am definitely not going to argue with you... in fact, that statement really made me pause and think. I still have a hard-core romantic side of me which will never disapprove of the legitimacy of one's own intuition--after all, it's there for a reason, and I always believe that people give off vibes, whether good or bad. But, Vin, (and you don't have to listen to me if you don't want) Sophia once told me that you just have to "let sleeping dogs lay wherever they are"...I can swallow fate, but not when you are sixteen. How many times in my young life have I been fooled by the very idea of "this is my soulmate"...too many times. Oftentimes what we want is not what is best for us. Honestly, it makes me mad that everytime I give you what I think is solid advice, Joey does a complete turnaround, and that pisses me off. You know why? Because you are left wondering whether or not he likes you, or whatever, and he ends up being the fucking puppet-master. That is degrading, and is definitely something that you don't need to put up with. I say this--I believe this because you are intelligent, and way more than he'll ever hope to be. I say forget about it, because at the end of the day, there's always someone else. Yeah, and I'm sure you don't want someone else because they couldn't measure up to Joey's beauty, but trust me...there's always someone else that will perplex your soul and be worthy of your affection. I'm being honest because I care for you too much in order for me to just give some piece of insignificant advice that will just flop. I just want you to think about this situation and what I have told you. Remember that at the end, it's always your choice.
from aeka :
Guess who just got her first JCO book? I also saw a pic of her--she's quite pretty, at least I think so anyway. : )
from itsjustmeliz :
WAY! You sent me a note! And damn right they're amazing! Liz xoxo
from teen-christ :
my GPA has been below a 3.0 for the past 2 years... and I doubt I did any better then a 1100 on my SATs, like i'm REALLY going to get into those schools.
from aeka :
::sniffs:: I smell something fishy in the air. This could be it--his going away to college pretty soon, and it really pisses me off that he has to go back to those childish games of taking turns ignoring each other. First off, I don't think that you "flirt" with him--you're above that, come on you don't flirt. Secondly, I do think there's an interest there, but you have to remember that the kid is going away pretty soon. For example, put yourself in his place i.e. going to Princeton or something. Think about it. All along you've been telling me how your sole objective was to become the trusted female best friend that could "stick the tongue out at the girlfriend", and it's actually the easiest way to go, especially if he's going away. So, all I say is that you should keep ur cool (like u've been doing so far), and step into the friendship zone...before you know it, u'll be paying him campus visits ::crosses fingers:: hopefully...btw, I have to read a book for English class, and guess who I have chosen? Do the initials JCO mean anything to you? lol, since she's ur fav author, I thought I'd check her out...I trust your tastes. ttyl and take care, gal.
from bindyviews :
your review is up. you do good work. :)
from favoritegirl :
i wonder if she just said that b/c she found out you applied and she wanted a snippet of revenge? i would wait till you hear the final decision before you get too worried...she may just be trying to throw you off.
from ashtraygurl :
aww...luv ya too! i hear back may 12, and only if i win too. it IS mean. i've got my fingers crossed!
from godmoney :
(!!!) Calling Operation: Fuck Altar-Boy (hereby known as Op: FAB) OFF. Things just went from �I am totally short of breath for you why can�t you shut your stuff off� (AM), to �Did you just call her amazing?/ Surely we both can�t be amazing� (AM). When he came back 4rm his college tours and he�s keeping his distance like hell. I�m sad but resilient. Then YESTERDAY I was doing this top-notch performance w/my gal pals + he just WALKED OFF, like ::yawn:: she doesn�t interest me nemore. Except at the end of class he was like, �I think about you sometimes.� �Oh yeah? What do you think?� �I think, she�s a cool girl. I want to marry her.� (�Don�t you know/ when you go/ it�s the perfect ending?�-Sheryl Crow) Much love (and nothing eventful happened 2day, either). *SO: YOU THINK I SHOULD FLIRT EXTRA W/HIM SO HE DOESN�T WIND DOWN? GIVE ME SOME TIPS.
from aeka :
blech! A fucking disgusting. And now, suddenly I am reminded of those retarded blonde girls I saw at the store yesterday when shopping. Seriously, Vin...why do girls end all of their sentences as if they're asking questions? Anyway, stay calm...VERY calm. We've been through this before, and usually I'd just tell you to fuck him (not literally...he he he you devil...)and ignore him by getting back at him in the same manner. Not this time...this time, we try something different. You keep on being the "shut-up and sit down, Joey!" type of Vin, because this just dawned on me: there is a possibility that he's doing this to test you--even if it is subconsciously. Please, do you know how many hos have flirted with him? Yet, he acts fickle and is more consistent with the dark-haired, intelligent beauty. Did I mention, DARK HAIR AND LUSCIOUS LIPS? Yeah...
from favoritegirl :
sorry i am just getting back to you, since i don't update this diary much, i lose track of the notes. the username is ureverybodys, password is favoritegirl. you should check out my public diary too, it's Btw, can I have your password? thx....Lauren
from callmedum :'s me again. I know I just left a note a couple of minutes ago..but I just had to tell you I absolutly love your archives layout. <3 Moulin Rouge
from callmedum :
Jesus believe me, it pisses me off when people that are skinny claim they are fat, also. I am I think 5'1" and 123 pounds. I am pretty overweight. It doesn't really bother me too much, on certain occasions I get pretty down about it though. Oh well, it's better than being 4'11" and 147 i was last year. ~alysha
from godmoney :
Libet. Listen. To. This. You won�t believe it. Ever since I can remember there hasn�t been a day when he hasn�t said something polite 2 me, right? 2day: nada. Zip. Not A SINGLE WORD. I said one offhand thing 2 him (which I do occasionally) and that was IT. PLUS he�s getting 2 cozy w/a certain girl that I, unfortunate enough, have utmost respect for despite her beauty, wealth, and popularity (note: this girl, Meryll, is a famous model�and by famous, yes, I mean famous)! NOT ONE THING. Even after yesterday�s escastic insanity! 4get that he didn�t flirt w/me�I�m saying he didn�t say ONE THING 2 me. (!!!) Even when G came over 2 talk and I was chillin-like-a-villain w/him + B. Libet! ::whines:: I�m thinking�yesterday he was hyper or something and goofed around w/me. 2day he�s like, �Shit�Vineeta: gross.�
from aeka :
Why wouldn't he be in the bag? Is he not soliciting you? Ok, maybe I went a tad are right, don't ask him out again. However, keep it up. That right there--the "I'm ignoring you..." deal is perfect and seems to work for now, so keep doing it. We'll see where this takes us. Just keep it cool, and perhaps if we don't meticulously plan anything this time, things will flow in their natural course. About your friend--he reminds me of 'anonymous'. I don't think that 'anonymous' is racist (some comments he's made, but I really don't think so). But he's totally conservative Christian--totally. I mean, he gives reference to God and all that shit. Personally, I agree with you. I talk to David, and I'm not like, "yeah...I'm talking to gay guy over here..." I'm thinking more along the lines of "yeah...I'm talking to David, the HUMAN BEING" lol, but alas, some people don't see it that way. Who is say what is a sin or not? Are we forever going to be confined in our life decisions by words stamped on an old text? (direct reference to the bible). I respect religion, and like Al says, it represents "love and sharing and all that shit..." but I don't see any reason why it should in any way have complete dominance over my decisions.
from godmoney :
LOL. I think I like the �fucklist� better than the �datelist.� And let�s not go overboard�I�m not kidding myself. I KNO he�s just messing around w/me. This is not going newhere w/his whole xian schpiel. I am one 4 the whole patience=virtue dealie, and my goal is 2 make him have a crush on me + then seduce him somehow @ a l8r time when he�s fully intoxicated by my passions. Lol. Don�t u think the whole roller coaster has a ringing of FATE, tho? Honestly? Neway�u say �keep it up,� but I really haven�t been DOING nething. Alls I do is avoid eye contact and make comments within his earshot. Me asking him out would scare him in2 thinking I�m all hot + heavy 4 him again. My being slightly cool/aloof is working TOO WELL for me right now. And being like, �See u at church, Joey, praise the lord!� would be a tad suspicious, no? remember: I�ve been keeping my promise 2 myself not 2 b all over him. It is HE that kind of extended the olive branch. Don�t think this means that he�s flirting w/the other chicks ne LESS, just that the physical aspect gives me the tingles. Do u really mean all he says about J being �in the bag� + shit??? U kno all the history more than ne1 else, so� my one friend, C, is a closet-racist + also hails from the crazy xian conservative cult. ::shudders:: sometimes I am pissed @ him beyond words. Others I think he is fun as hell. Alas�ppl cannot be as enlightened as u + I, libet. Thanks, again, libet�4 keeping up 2 date w/my drama. U kno I �ppreciate it, right? Outies.
from aeka :
1) Joey--GREAT. FANTASTIC. PERFECT. Keep it up, mainly because I see a definite opportunity, and he may not be an ice-crotch as I once thought he was. This is so great! I think that you might have made his fucklist, or even better...his DATElist. What's this? His attention wasn't diverted after hot chick stole his sweater? ::ears perk up:: is that opportunity knocking? Ok, here's what you can can keep this up and the flirting and all that bit, and then you can ask him casually, "so, wanna hang out?" BUT, suggest that you want to go to church with him--just to check it out. Oh...he is in the bag! 2) My Lj...sorry I haven't updated on that thing. But my name is frantic_muse and if that doesn't work, try putting caps on the "F". I put you on my "friends" list. 3) My friend is actually a, which is weird, because guys don't react this way. own boyfriend doesn't behave this way with me, so I'm not tolerating it from a guy friend. We also have other issues--he's a Xian conservative, and I'm not. I believe in gay rights, and he doesn't. He's made some comments that I don't like, and it pissed me off. The future is bleak in regards to this friendship. Al says that I should kick him numerous times for being a such a conservative. lol. Anyway...I don't know. I want to confess something to you...I think I'll do it over an e-mail. It has to do with a new political awakening.1) Joey--GREAT. FANTASTIC. PERFECT. Keep it up, mainly because I see a definite opportunity, and he may not be an ice-crotch as I once thought he was. This is so great! I think that you might have made his fucklist, or even better...his DATElist. What's this? His attention wasn't diverted after hot chick stole his sweater? ::ears perk up:: is that opportunity knocking? Ok, here's what you can can keep this up and the flirting and all that bit, and then you can ask him casually, "so, wanna hang out?" BUT, suggest that you want to go to church with him--just to check it out. Oh...he is in the bag! 2) My Lj...sorry I haven't updated on that thing. But my name is frantic_muse and if that doesn't work, try putting caps on the "F". I put you on my "friends" list. 3) My friend is actually a, which is weird, because guys don't react this way. own boyfriend doesn't behave this way with me, so I'm not tolerating it from a guy friend. We also have other issues--he's a Xian conservative, and I'm not. I believe in gay rights, and he doesn't. He's made some comments that I don't like, and it pissed me off. The future is bleak in regards to this friendship. Al says that I should kick him numerous times for being a such a conservative. lol. Anyway...I don't know. I want to confess something to you...I think I'll do it over an e-mail. It has to do with a new political awakening.
from godmoney :
***TO LIBET***aah--i'm going 2 slip in2 the dangerous habit of writing 2 myself which resembles a little 2 closely TALKING 2 myself. no matter. anything 2 restrain me 4rm writing another goddamned wretched entry. libet--u better b reading this!!! ok: today J literally chased me around the room--even when i tried 2 divert attention 2 a cute chick who made off w/his sweatshirt--until i sat in an empty seat upon which he leaned up against me + pushed me in all the way + pushed me in2 a corner all of 2 times throughout the day and began playing with my legs during calc. he also made his usual conversational overtures. am i craZ 2 think that we could start up again? ur response eagerly anticipated, Vin. also: don't 4get 2 read my last note, few down.
from godmoney :
that is most certainly a comforting notion. xoxo ~Vin~
from itsjustmeliz :
Ah I see... Maybe you've just been meeting up with mean xians then. If it makes you feel better, I don't think you're going to hell! Love and all that jazz, Liz xoxo
from itsjustmeliz :
OH! I get it! Just like xmas and xtina and all those words that begin with x! *feels like a tard for not having figured it out* And hey! What's wrong with being a crazy xian? Love and all that jazz, Liz xoxo
from godmoney :
(!) Libet--the skepticism is beginning 2 sink in about NOW. remember when u were like, "go 4 mike, vin, totally" when i was winding down, and then i fell in love all over again??? i never officially 4gave u 4that, whorebag! i'll tell u the whole situation. he asked 2 see my class ring so i took it off 2 show him. he said my fingers were fat, i said i kno. he said just kidding. he said i had small hands + "the girl i'm dating" (i have substantial reason 2 believe they have since cooled down--also note he didn't say "my girlfriend") has hands bigger than his + he thinks that's cool. so i laugh politely. he asks me if i bite my nails. i say something like, "like crazy. so bad." and he says, "your lips too?" and i'm like, yeah. and he's like, "it shows. I MEAN, YOU HAVE LUSCIOUS LIPS, but..." and i raise my eyebrow at him. when JOEY is absent, GIANCARLO will come over. i figure i can play my jealousy card? cuz the last time J was all touchy-cutesy was when B + G were PICKING on me. HOW EXACTLY DO I GO ABOUT HITTING THAT, SO 2 SPEAK??? libet, i submit myself 2 thee...
from aeka :
Joey walks up to Vin--"Hey Vin, I go after women like call me Ishmael." Vin sits and looks at him--"And?" Joey stares--"Ur my first prey!!!!"
from itsjustmeliz :
Vin, whats a xia? I seem to be unfamiliar with the term. Love, Liz xoxo
from aeka :
first came to sleep with ME, so...pssh to you too lol. And secondly, you don�t even need to look up a synonym for the word luscious! Gal, he WANTS you... I can�t get over that whole "you have luscious lips, Vineeta..." NO, he wasn't high--you need to hit that...
from godmoney :
::screams on top of lungs like girl:: Aaaaaahhhh! i can't believe u wrote that! I mean... you thought so, too??? I just looked at him like he was high. This is why i love you! i mean, someone told me the only synonym for luscious is SENSUAL, right? i think we should alert his preacher.
from aeka :
::erotic undertones:: you have luscious lips, Vin! HAHAHAHAHAH! So...the monk does have the hots for you...interesting, very interesting. ::thinks to self:: (vin should def. hit that!)
from it-guy :
ok Clitoris Queen...enlighten me...what are the 3 parts of the clitoris???...knew women could get an erection...did not know there were actually 3 parts to the nub...(guess it makes sense if there are that many parts to the penis and that the penis is basically evolved from the clitoris)...did you know barnacles have the longest sex organs in the world?...;)
from aeka :
You don't pretend you have all the answers, but you try to help me out all the time and that is very much appreciated. I will always come to you...and this is exactly why I'm going to the Vin-Trent Reznor wedding dressed in my skanky bridesmaid outfit.
from itsjustmeliz :
*hugs* Vineeta, poor baybee. I know how you feel cuz my parents are the exact same too. Your mom will start talking to you and your grades will come back. Strawberry kisses and all the jazz, Liz xoxo
from aeka :
lol...i luv u. listen, i just got a livejournal, and i've written three entries so far but i'm having a hard time getting everything in order because i don't know where some shit is, but i'm putting you on the "friends" list.
from godmoney :
a trophy wife school? sounds like ivy league 2 me!
from aeka :
I think it's a good idea that ur studying for SAT II's, and while I encourage you to not let go of the thought of Harvard and other out-of-state schools that you and I constantly drool over, I do think that you should let it come to you. However, if I can be of any help, what I usually ask is "what's best for my career?" I think that you should think of the career that you want and go to the school that will give you the necessary credentials so you can kick-ass in your field. Let's face it: our careers will be with us for a large part of our lives. I hope everything works out ::hugs::
from teen-christ :
wicked. even though I don't like them much. my friend got to interview xiu xiu, if you know who they are. yup yup... I have yet to interview a rock star :(
from itsjustmeliz :
Yes. Sid Vicious was hot too. And isn't the fact that they both killed themselves all the more alluring? I don't know bout you but I find it so... Lotsa love, Liz xoxo
from callmedum :
i love the layout. i was searching for it all damn day yesterday. talk about tedious work. im glad you didn't use it =P or i wouldn't have been able to. i love your layout also, though. --dum
from godmoney :
no--no math. math nooooo... I talked 2 my guidance counselor and tried 2 talk her in2 talking ME out of taking Chem-AP next year but she's like, "You're applying to Princeton, aren't you...?" and i'm like "wah" and felt like an anime character (thanx :p).
from aeka :
R U craZ? Of course that Acing the SAT II's will remove that little...."blemish" from your report card. What if you take SAT II's in math and Ace them? They'll be quite impressed. I'm here for support. : )
from callmedum :
hi. its dum. i don't know if you read my diary or not, but if you do i locked it because some people were getting into it that i didn't want in it, but if you read it your username/password is godmoney/godmoney
from itsjustmeliz :
I have an idea: let's be each others stalkers! hehe! Don't worry baybee, I'm not scary! And um, I hope I'm not one of these fucking exhibitionists, I desperately hope not... Toodles, mucho love, Liz xoxo P.S I love getting notes too, it makes me feel loved and cherished.
from itsjustmeliz :
Oh. So you're saying that you're a typical American girl (which is to be expected what with you being raised there) but your parents are wanting you to conform to your Indian traditions? I get you. I so get you. My parents are very conservative Chinese parents too. I don't know what my point is... maybe I just thought to note you to tell you I know how you feel? Hell, I just LOVE seding notes I guess. Strawverry kisses, Liz xoxo *mwah*
from godmoney :
from itsjustmeliz :
I read your quiz answers and was shocked to see you are 16. Wow! I always thought you sounded 25ish! And why are you so grudgeing being Indian? Mucho love, Liz xoxo
from aeka :
::pauses to think:: Try not to go too hard on the matchmaker thing, but try and give the both of them a bit of a nudge. Everytime you talk to Brandon, bring her up, and kind of brag about her...for now, just try and squeeze in those conversations.
from godmoney :
Libet: WHAT DO I DO? how can i play matchmaker? ::submits myself for ur priceless advice::
from minstrelite :
Wow! What words of encouragement! Somehow God is going to take care of me. I don't know how. I base that belief on two factors, one of which is empirical, and the other of which has to do with faith. Empirically, that is to say, He is always has taken care of me; therefore, why should He stop now? And in terms of faith, I have faith that He will take care of me, because He has promised me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. By faith I believe that. Thank you for the compliment. Though I hardly qualify as a role model, I would venture to say, as did Mark Twain, that I can live three days on a compliment. Therefore, for at least three days, I need not worry about where my next meal is coming from. Thank you, and bless your heart.
from leslieirene :
Maybe for some Christians, but not this one. Who am I to say? Lots of people who go by the very literal word of the Bible would tell me otherwise, but I feel that if God is Love, then the whole concept of hell seems contradictory.
from aeka :
Hey girl...just want to say ::frown and holds hand over heart:: that I feel for your friend Shandi (great name). Anyway, I think that if Brandon really tried to get to know her, then everything would be cool. Did you say she has a nasty sense of humor? What a woman! Def the girl to have in a circle of friends...
from science-boy :
Thanks for stopping by. I'd like to do the same. What's the high sign? [email protected] Thanks!
from godmoney :
thaaaaaank u.
from aeka :
"the kiss of death?" they refer to it as that? I want to reassure you. Hell, I want to reassure myself, but if other school besides MIT refer to a "C" as the kiss of death, then we're screwed. BUT, my "C" in precalc is my first one out of an ocean of A's and B's...and shit, you're taking AP Calc AB--there are kids that can't even fucking pass Algebra I!!! At least you're taking risk, and if MIT or any other school doesn't like it, then screw them! But anyway, we have SATs, and you kick ass! Vin...the miracles that you could work with an entrance essay.
from leslieirene :
No, no, no! You misunderstand me. Please show me what I wrote that made you say that, and I will correct it, as I don't ever want to say anyone is going to hell.
from godmoney :
lol @ teen-christ :)
from teen-christ :
I do what I can.
from godmoney :
::confused:: Libet: fixating over an emotionally unavailable guy for monthes on end is NOT normal.
from itsjustmeliz :
Ooh you! Beautiful you! Thank you for making me feel better you are Buddha with mucho style. Luv, Liz xoxo
from aeka :
Yes...I understand. Just be there for her, eventually she will deal with her problems step by step. It's inevitable that we get over these's normal. : )
from godmoney :
caitlin is getting better, i think. i hope. but this is something she needs 2 go thru on her own. like u getting over Forbidden One was something u needed 2 do on ur own.
from teen-christ :
could I have a password please? mail to: [email protected]
from aeka :
Well, you have to be patient with her...she just needs you guys. Don't try and block her off mentally (even though she sounds like a brat sometimes, no offense I don't know her personally). As her friends, you have to have patience and swallow these nasty instances like a bitter pill. The girl is going through shit, and she can't deal, so you guys should help her--that's my opinion. ::sighs:: words cannot express how much I loved this last little entry of yours...are you fond of little coffeehouses too? ::sighs::
from godmoney :
the crux of it is caitlin being oblivious 2 her surroundings. she is one of those ppl who don't want 2 face reality and do that self-deciet thing really well. if she saw herself thru a bystander's eyes she'd correct her ways before allison + i completely write her off mentally.
from aeka :
It's ok to cry, she means something to you...but perhaps she really means well. Look, you just can't be friends with someone for so long if you don't like them--deep down she must care. Judging from your prior entries, I must say that the crux of these Caitlin conflicts could be internal problems that she's dealing with--her boyfriend...and you mentioned something about her mom? I think that C's relationship may have gone stale, and she hasn't realized it. Instead of alienating her, you guys should try to make her see what she's been trying to avoid. If you really didn't care, then she wouldn't be in your diary...think about it. Of course, give it a few days so things can cool down.
from godmoney :
well, what do u think, libet? i mean, u kno my history w/the girl... i don't understand how she can justify her cruelty in her mind. she gets it 4rm her mother, actually, who is a monster. the fact that i cried makes me feel ashamed. i feel as if i should reinforce my hurt but what good would that do? on the other hand, allison + i r forming a tacit alliance. we agree about the ludicrisness of caitlin's behaviour (regarding her bf/ex-bf dilemma that i spare 4rm my entries) and can't help her. so we sort of alienate her which isn't fair.
from legwarmers- :
hmm i was feelin pretty lowwhen i rote that im 16 not 13
from aeka : entry...wanna talk? : (
from aeka :
thanks...I was looking for something more depressing-sophisticated...I'm still in search of that "perfect" layout.
from it-guy :
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!!!
from aeka :
listen chica, we're in this report card deal together! Trust me...I'm going through the same shit...let's hold hands and skip all the way down to Princeton admissions office and BITCH SLAP anyone who doesn't want to look at our apps.
from godmoney :
LOL! damn str8!
from aeka :
huzza for your man!
from godmoney :
thanx! :)
from aeka :
What can I say? I see Putin and I immediately think: Vin's husband...
from aeka :
March 14, 2004 06:41 PM EST "MOSCOW - President Vladimir Putin claimed victory early Monday after easily winning a second term with more than 69 percent of the vote, confirming widespread expectations of a commanding victory. Just minutes after polls closed, a fire gutted an exhibition hall off Red Square, killing two firefighters who helped bring the blaze under control. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said neither terrorism nor arson were suspected as the cause of the fire, which broke out while the building known as the Manezh was unoccupied. By midnight, Luzhkov said the blaze had been localized. Two firefighters were killed and one injured, having inhaled poisonous fumes while combatting the blaze, said Viktor Beltsov, a spokesman for the Emergency Situations Ministry. The two dead firefighters had been in the building's attic when it collapsed, ITAR-Tass news agency reported, citing city fire department spokesman Yevgeny Bobylev. It wasn't immediately clear what caused the fire that broke out in the wooden rafters and beams of the roof, Luzhkov said, adding that the ventilation system may have been at fault. Assured in advance of victory, Putin was looking for a powerful turnout to strengthen his grip over Russia - already tightened by his appointment of a new Cabinet just before the vote and by December parliamentary elections that gave the main pro-Kremlin party full control over lawmaking. According to preliminary data, 64.27 percent of voters nationwide had cast ballots, electoral officials said. With 49.7 percent of precincts accounted for, Putin had 69.3 percent of the vote, the Central Election Commission said. The partial results were backed up by an exit poll by the non-governmental Public Opinion Foundation, which surveyed 120,000 voters at 1,200 polling stations and concluded Putin had won 69 percent. "I promise you that for the next four years, I will work in the same mode," Putin said. Putin first thanked voters for turning out, then thanked those who supported him. He promised to ensure further economic growth, strengthen civil institutions and media freedom. "All the democratic achievements will be guaranteed," he said. Putin, who reined in Russia's independent media following his first election in 2000, dominated the nationwide television networks before the vote. His five challengers received less coverage, adding to the widespread impression that the vote was a one-horse race. "I voted for Putin because he is going to win anyway, and what is the point in voting for someone else?" said financial inspector Yelena Chebakova, 31, one of a handful of early voters at a Moscow polling station. Secretary of State Colin Powell said he was concerned with a lack of openness in Russia's presidential election and "a level of authoritarianism creeping back" into Russian society. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice also expressed concern. But Powell said he did not think Russia was reverting to the hard-line ways of the former Soviet Union. "Russians have to understand that to have full democracy of the kind that the international community will recognize, you've got to let candidates have all access to the media that the president has," Powell said on "Fox News Sunday." Dmitry Kozak, the head of Putin's campaign headquarters, rejected the criticism, saying that Russia's election campaign was "in strict conformity with the election law." "Russian voters already have significant experience in democratic elections and don't need suggestions from anyone, even less so from representatives of a country that has clear flaws in its election procedures," Kozak said in a statement released Sunday night by the Kremlin press service. A frenzy of television appeals by Putin, his rivals and even top religious leaders urging people to vote reflected Kremlin concerns that the lack of a challenger with a chance of unseating the president might keep Russians away from the ballot box. After voting in Moscow on Sunday morning alongside his wife, Lyudmila, Putin made a last-minute plea, saying that "much depends on this election" and that "the feeling of involvement must increase year after year." The election lasted 22 hours, stretching over 11 time zones, before ending at 8 p.m. in the Baltic Sea exclave of Kaliningrad. Nadezhda, a kindergarten teacher who gave only her first name, didn't need the encouragement provided by a van that cruised around her Moscow neighborhood with a loudspeaker shouting that voting is the way to "a dignified life and a bright future." "I always vote - it is my country and my responsibility," she said, adding that she voted for Putin. She said he is "young and energetic" - qualities that many Russians cite for their support of the trim, 51-year-old president, who has also benefited from steady economic growth during his first term. "We voted for Putin because under him there's been stability in society, in the economy," said Mikhail Antonchik, a young miner who voted with his wife in Cheryomukhovo, a Ural Mountains village. "You can plan for the family." But about one-fifth of Russia's 144 million people live in poverty and the gap between rich and poor remains wide, stoking anger at the authorities. Communist challenger Nikolai Kharitonov appealed to the poor and polled more strongly than expected, bringing in 14.3 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results. Some 3.9 percent of voters checked the box marked "against all." Irina Kozhukhova, a 42-year-old radio factory worker in St. Petersburg, said she'd voted in that category. "I didn't vote for Putin because I've seen no changes - neither in politics nor in the economy," she said. Amid calls by some liberals for a boycott of the vote, which came three months after parliamentary elections that international observers called a setback for democracy, rival candidates and rights groups alleged vote-rigging in favor of Putin, including pre-marked ballots and pressure on students and soldiers. "The authorities are resorting to pressuring the electorate and abusing their powers to manipulate the vote," nationalist candidate Sergei Glazyev told The Associated Press at an election monitoring center he set up jointly with Kharitonov and liberal candidate Irina Khakamada. Citing monitors, the joint center said that patients at a Moscow psychiatric hospital had complained that the ballots they received were already marked for Putin. VOICE, a grass-roots election monitoring association, reported that officers at a military base in the Volga River region of Samara received telegrams from the Defense Ministry ordering them to tell their superiors, in writing, the time they and their family members voted. Students at Samara State Aerospace University were threatened with eviction from their dormitory if they didn't vote, VOICE alleged. Putin did not campaign openly, relying instead on his image as a stable, disciplined leader to appeal to a nation still traumatized by the political and social upheavals that followed the 1991 Soviet collapse. In addition to Kharitonov, Khakamada and Glazyev, Putin faced Oleg Malyshkin, the little-known candidate from flamboyant nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky's party, and Sergei Mironov, the speaker of the upper house of parliament, who has said he was running to support the incumbent. Glazyev polled 4.7 percent and Khakamada 4.6 percent, according to preliminary results. "
from minstrelite :
As I understand it, metaphor, as opposed to simile, means when one entity is likened to an image other than that entity without the usage of a likening word such as "like" or "as." For example, "He will be like a tree planted on many waters" (Psalm 1) involves a simile, because it employs the word "like," which is a "likening word." Had it been written, "He will be a tree planted on many waters," that would have been "metaphor" (and a very poor use of metaphor, if you ask me.) So, something is metaphorical if it involves a lot of metaphor. Poetry involves much simile and much metaphor, and the Bible involves much poetry.</P><P></P><P>To the best of my knowledge, allegory involves a lot of symbolism. For example, as I wrote in an earlier entry, "Egypt" in the Bible is symbolic of a place where one was once held in bondage and has since been freed. It may be interesting to note that historically, the Jews actually did leave Egypt; thus, they were literally freed from the literal bondage they had suffered there. So, many Old Testament passages refer both literally and figuratively to Egypt, and are therefore allegorical.</P><P></P></P>Mythology involves the usage of imaginary characters, often gods or goddesses. The Bible on the whole is not mythological, although there are references to mythology throughout.</P><P></P></P>I believe that the Bible is a result of God's intention to express the inexpressible in the limited human vocabulary available to limited human beings at the time that such human beings read it. As we both may know, all our composite languages on this earth lack many words which we wish were available but, regrettably, are not. I constantly struggle to find a single word to express what I then find I can only express in a phrase consisting of any number of words. Once God installs a New Heaven and a New Earth, there will no longer be any need for those of us who have been given the right to become His children to belabor ourselves over such linguistic issues. We will understand everything we need to know, with or without words, and we will be in Joy. He will have wiped every tear from our eyes, and we will reign with Him, as joint-heirs with Christ, forever.</P><P></P><P>I don't know you very well. Many of us believe that "second priority in life" is going to the bathroom. I mean, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Have you yet realized first priority in life? If not, it is: believing that Jesus Christ paid the full price on your behalf for every wrongdoing you have ever committed or ever will commit (barring one exception) and that His death on the Cross was the greatest act of responsibility and courage ever accomplished by a man. What He did for me was an act of unconditional, irreversible, irrevocable, unilateral, inalterable, and spectacular Love. He is my Lord and my God, forever and ever.</P><P></P></P>If you have so realized this truth already, forgive any apparent arrogance on my part, please accept my apologies, and God bless you. In fact, God bless you, no matter what. Shalom.
from godmoney :
(!) "Have I told you l8ly that i <3 u?!" (Rod Stewart)! u r gr8 4 remembering that +, ya, the entry was entitled "CUTE GUY SIGHTING" and is towards the bottom of my main archives. just--thanx!
from aeka :
What's the title of your original Giancarlo entry? I need to know've written about him before, is he the guy that wasn't that good-looking but suddenly became good-looking? Um....I don't know...listen, I found a really cool diary yesterday--wonderful flow of [email protected]. Ciao, babe!
from it-guy :
hey...i didn't know i had an online fan base???...i guess the thought that people look forward to reading about my 'gloomy' work adventures is long as it isn't out of pity...;) are cool VIN...;)
from brittanya :
Hey, thanks! I tried to check out your diary but it's locked, damnit!
from godmoney :
i'm just kidding... callmedum is endearing. fred durst is 2... sort of.
from godmoney :
::disbelief over being virtually told-off by 12-yr-old who prolly wets her panties over fred durst + thinks liking classic rock is validating and impressive::
from callmedum :
no offense but i don't know you, and i'd like it if you didn't diss my bands. i have already been through the awkward 'stupid bands' faze, and i have settled into the music that i enjoy. i like limp bizkit. but i also like classic rock and roll and punk. so don't tell me you hate my music, and don't tell me i have time to acquire taste in music. it may be a different music taste then you, but i am also very different from you.
from aeka :
ah...well, the restraining order is coming along, but you know these people...LOL. By the way, it normal to read vin--I mean..."someone's" diary and then dig through their garbage? Not that I would... ::ahem:: liked my diary? I'm glad, I'm just curious, was I obvious when talking about the whole wine issue? OH, and nice for quoting JCO. I kinda have the same problems now, and to be honest, this has been my worst academic year...just can't seem to get it straight. ::sighs:: shit...btw, you're a calc student, so do your math... (YOU + ME + SOHPHIA)SPRING BREAK = ??? notice that you will have to use the "distributive property here... does anyone know the answer? um...VIn???
from aeka : I see you read my latest entry. I really don't want to compromise my health anymore, and I guess it's harder for me because if I don't eat meat, the least I can do is provide my body with rest...which I don't do. I feel bad though, like the teachers hate me everytime I miss school, but I feel so tired sometimes that I can't help it. I know there's an AP exam coming up and everything, but AP exams are forever, and I don't know how long I'm going to last if I keep this up. But anyway, thanks for your support. Btw, can you e-mail me the link to your livejournal? Another thing, I want to add you as a link in my journal, but I really don't know how to do it... mucho amor---Libet
from aeka :
Vin, tell the kid to shut his pie-hole!!!!! I think you're pretty...and so does Trent... ; )
from itsjustmeliz :
Just want to say I know what you mean bout being the unattractive-smart-girl coz that's what I am RIGHT NOW! *sighs dramatically* Luckily, you seem to have grown out of it, hopefully I will too someday... *looks into distance and sighs again* Mucho love, Liz xoxo
from godmoney :
well 2day i ignored him. yey 4 me. i should be attending Joey Anonymous. Hi, my name's Vin and I'm not over Joey...
from qtcommunist :
Hey Vin and Libet and others, Personally my favorite character was Jesus. I always thought that he could escape and kick the Rabbi's asses with super god lighting power. It turns out that Jesus was more of the super hero that dies... and gets beat up... does that remind you of the comlumbine kids? I guess they were Jesus of america with guns instead of passificism. I hope I haven't crossed the line... if so I apoligize... I also like to get people a little testy. But I really don't mean any offence and it was a horrible tragidy. Actually the united states governments dropped record amounts of bombs on foriegn factories that were supposedly weapons factories, but turned out to be medication factories... but I ramble on... I wonder if that was because the phamasudical companies wanted them to cut off supplies to those that were copy right infringing on their drug? The communist that goes too far. -Al PS. J- I don't know if he is gay, but i think he definitely wants to be a challenge.
from maddash- :
thanks for the note. i'd take a gander at your writing but lack of a password will not permit me to view your diary.
from godmoney :
Ah--i love it. it's like my very personal message board. 2day my friend Bryan gave me a mini-New Testament as a joke and we talked a little about the movie and j was like "Vineeta-Vineeta-Vineeta-Vineeta" and i finally acknowledged him and he's like "you should read it. it's a good book." then l8r he's like "you saw The Passion? You liked it" and i'm like "who's ur favorite character? 2!" but we didn't talk much else.
from aeka :
Al...sweetie, it's so EASY to make fun of Joey! I still think the kid is gay...
from qtcommunist :
Nice convo Ladies. I have to say that the J- situation seems a little bleak. He might be the devoute religious guy. He could be 'not-horny' I have met guys like this. (very few and far between). Or he could be Gay... a possibility. What is probably happening is that he is shy and ignorant. He might not pick up the subtle hints or the over ones which you see so well because they are moving in on your territory so to speak. It was an entertaining conversation to read anyway. I would say Vin that you like difficult situations. If you do end up with J- then he might not put out... (not that you want that) and you will undoubtably get into lots of arguements. I think what could be happening is that he does like you, but he doesn't like you making fun of his religion. Just a thought... cool it with the religion bashing and start giving him a hard time in another way... such as he has a pronounced butt or something. Just to mix it up and to let him know that you are appraising his body... I don't know, have fun with it and don't be so worried about your rivals so much... Actually I ask the impossible with that... I know that I could never ignore my rivals when a potential relationship is involved... but I don't got to worry about that now, you do... I bid you good luck on your Quest Vin. The savant communist. -Al
from aeka :
You'll be getting them soon...hey, I'll give them to Vin! Hey Vin! You quoted me?! I'm flattered! I'm telling that Joey essay will make open up eyes... but hey, he's cool...after all, I get all my jokes at his expense.
from qtcommunist :
Confrontation is Good... very good... it means that your teacher will start giving you better grades or give you worse ones... I would say go for it... you are already getting WAY under waht you deserve... ofcourse I haven't read the essays yet, so I don't really know. Your analitycal communist. -Al
from aeka :
ok...there's this other guy in my class that also has problems with her, and him and I have tried to go up and tell her. We ask her why we get the grades we get, and she says something the first time...and we do the papers like she says...but then it seems as if she turns around and changes the entire thing...I dunno. But we have confronted her.
from godmoney :
LIBET, what mean u: "tried to compromise" and "to no avail"?
from gigamonster :
Thanks for granting me entry, I have done as you asked. I'm in the same boat as you with the F in Cal, except I'm taking Stats, damn these universities, I don't need any more math! Anyway, buena suerte.
from aeka :
I have tried to compromise...but it is to no avail...
from gigamonster :
Hi, thanks for leaving a note, I like your music though. It's a bit hard for me to think of all the music I like in five minutes. Anyway, thanks for reading, it makes me want to update. Maybe someday, I'll read your diary, in other words, may I please have the password?
from paralytic :
What's your password?
from paralytic :
I haven't read it, but I found a txt at guttenberg project.
from qtcommunist :
Yo Libet... Vin is right... have aconversation with the teacher... Or just do what she wants... i know it is hard bullet to bite, but bite you must. About you being ridgid... I can't produca any evidence so it is a forgotten comment. I am guilty of slander. I apoligize... not that you were offended. I agree with you on not comprimising... but it also bepends on what you are looking for. Not in you case, but others... people just wan to hook up and it could be with anybody who does it for them... they don't have to be the most attraztive person and all that... most of the time these people are old or atleast older.... Finally, evolution and religion... it can easily be both. God created the earth and he stars and such and then we evolved from monkeys. It-guy who came up with the concept of evolution? Darwin... a devoute Christian... died a christian... believed in God. I am not saying that religion comes into it nesscaryly, but you have to look at it a little more. Personally evolution is part of the reason humans are so prevalent today... but it cultural revolution that made us the predominate force on this planet. (not like a communist revolution) Basically the revolution was that we stopped acting like cattle that survive in vast numbers and we started living like wolves in close nit packs... Why? so we could eat meat. This is also why Incest became a Taboo and why men controlled society for so long. It all goes back to the wolves. Note: this was all stolen from my dad. He is genius... but sort of annoying at times. You got it bud... it is not only evolution and creationist (correct term instead of religion), but also revolution... Oh and everyone go see THE CORPORATION. Your rambling communist that runs with the wolves. -Al -Al
from it-guy :
hey...for has to be God vs Evolution...i don't know enough about the eastern religions to be able to reconcile the 2 together...or maybe just blame it all on my primordial mind...and heaped on that..i am the is all right or left...east or west...up or down...gotta keep it simple...unless of course someone will 'summarize' the whole hinduism/buddhism thing so i can make a fair judgement call...keep your stick on the ice VIN...;)
from godmoney :
libet: uh... ok. i'm going 2 tell u what margolin told me when i had beef w/my ex-teach. CONFRONT HER. u need 2 tell her that there is lack of communication, w/e, between u2. otherwise, grin + bear it. in life a bunch of ppl will talk a bunch of shit, u just need 2 ask urself if there opinion means nething in the 1st place b4 u let it get 2 u, k? love u lots: VIN.
from aeka :
::vents:: she gave me another D! WTF? I saw no grammatical errors...she disagreed with me, so she gave me a D! It's not like I wanted to read Ethan Frome anyway...miserable book...
from aeka :
vin! gotta tell you this! True friends and I solicited the services of a prostitute on Saturday, but then again, we were all very hyper at the moment. Vin, you haven't lived until you have been yelled at by a pimp...
from callmedum :
well, to start off, thank you for reading my diary. i had no idea anyone but myself and a few of my friends took their time of day to read it. also, thanks for complimenting me on my writing. i don't know if i'm a great writer, but i enjoy writing in my diary and in my online magazine. i will not disclose why or how i got depressed, but i will say that i am what most of people i know say a 'depressing, sarcastic, cynical person'. but if you would like to know more about me or why i am depressed, you're welcome to keep reading my diary. also, how did you come accrost my diary? well, you can leave me a note. -dum
from lynseysam :
er thanks I guess:) the white stripes are good!
from aeka :
umm...I can't stalk you without a passoword...
from itsjustmeliz :
Ahhh... I feel for you Vin. *sighs* Woe is us! Woe betide us! And I am Chinese, originally from Singapore but then we moved to this ned-infested hell-hole that is Scotland. Curses! But it's not so bad, perhaps in time I will grow to like it. Mucho love, Liz xoxo Oh! Thanks for adding me! *kiss*
from godmoney :
Where did u get the idea that I dwelled on a guy�s physical appearance? I just don�t like starting off a relationship on the foot �I wish u were cuter.� I don�t ALWAYS go 4 the abercrombie-cut or hot-punk look. I�ve liked offbeat guys before, many many times. I�ve liked overweight guys! I�ve liked unpopular guys! I�ve liked guys with ::gasp:: acne! Confidence can go a LONG way. But there HAS 2 b physical attraction, like I said, �even if [he seems sexy] to me and no one else.� There HAS to be. Also: if the Libet issue is mentioned one more time (in her defense or mine) I will delete the note + it will be like it didn�t happen, end of story. I DON�T WANT to get in2 this again, because between u + I we�ve said everything that can possibly be said short of me getting really personal and making ppl want to hurt themselves. Which I can do pretty effortlessly. I was just out-loud wondering if Libet agreed w/u, not actually hungry 4 her opinion, just really curious about a quality of mine I�d never really considered. Again: where�s the proof that I�m over-rigid? I HONESTLY just don�t see it� I see it as the opposite: I like just about any well-adjusted guy who makes a joke at me. But settle, I will never do. I have friends and a new book and blogging and reading and Baptist Boy to keep me from sighing over a void in my life that can be filled only by Prince Charming. Also: I encourage ppl 2 be judgmental (like u r now), because I love when ppl talk 2 me ~ me. It�s like, �Wow: ur so wrong/ right + I find that fascinating: PLZ con�t!� finally: I AM NEVER UPSET W/U, ONLY WORRIED IF U R UPSET W/ME, VIN.
from itsjustmeliz :
I also added you! You fabdabulous person, you! Liz xoxo
from itsjustmeliz :
Yay! Got it! And don't worry, it's being taken to the grave... Liz xoxo
from qtcommunist :
Yo Vin, Physical apperance is held with in the eye of the beholder. Thsi means that beauty is subjective. Don't fall into that mass concensus of good looking or not. I am sure that you are a pretty girl, not that I can tell from typing. I used to think I was ugly as well, but I got over it. Next, if you want to fly solo that is fine. I am not saying that you should pick some guy up or settle. Well, if you want a guy then sort of settle, you have to look past people simple physical apperance... especially if you want them to look past yours. The standards thing was just about how you seem ridgid and unforgiving. A little too staunch and strong minded. I am extream left, but I listen to the ramblings of conservatives and christians... The next thing, you shouldn't have to encourage people to judge you... I find that people are much to judgemental and I try to discourage this behaviour as much as possible. About Val... I don't know her, but I think that she doesn't really understand the situation... next her comment was a little too vague and I simple deconstructing it. Sych as secrecy is needed from time to time... but I think that secrecy in the situation we were persented with was not the best choice... (not that it was really secrecy in the first place) Finally, About Libet... we don't really talk about you. If you want to find out what she thinks about you, you may write her and ask. I am petty sure she will be relatively receptive, but I am only guessing to a certain extent. Can you dig it Vin??? Sorry that I seemed a little testy, but I just finished driving and it is a little stressful for me. (because i could kill a person very easily or get killed myself when I am in an automobile... especially with all the snow that we get up here from time time... Well I hope that I clerified myself and I hope that you are less upset with my notes... Your composed communist Al
from junejuly :
If you like Jennifer Tilly you have to see Hide and Seek. Crazy bitch holds Daryl Hannah hostage. So cheesy and great. -- Drop me a password yo.
from godmoney :
I love Val and I loved Val�s note and u r walking the fine line between endearing and retch-inducing with your defense of her. We�ve all stated our opinions, could we leave it at that, plz? Plz? Ok: onward + 4ward (yey: things r gonna get riled up again :)). The thing is: the small stuff GETS to me. Like, I have very clear-cut turn-ons + turn-offs. I am able to excuse certain shortcomings (if the guy has other things in his favour), but there are certain turn-offs I JUST CAN�T ignore. I kno myself well-enough 2 forsee how certain relationships are ill-fated and just plain not-fun. A guy thinking I�m god�s gift to mankind just because I give him the time of day makes me want to puke. An unsexy guy having a vulgar sense of humour makes me want to retch. Some dumb kid swimming in arrogance makes me stiff. This isn�t �small stuff,� these are WARNING SIGNALS. If I were to dive into a relationship where I had to make major compromises, that would NOT be discovery�it would be DESPERATE. I can�t just fall in love with every guy that has a kind thing to say in my direction. I know what I�m looking for. I can sympathize with my suitor�s predicament and recognize his sweet-sweet nature, but I�m not about to accept a date in the name of mutual self-growth. I�d rather wait out all eternity for the lead singer who smirked at me from across the way at a concert. It�s sweet when people settle for less and end up being better people for it, but I�m not that mature at this point in my life. I want a guy that�s really smart, secure to a degree, really funny, and seems sexy to me (even if to no one else). I don�t think I�m superior (wow�does this self-hate not come across enough? The people that know me, know I hate myself. Period), I just don�t feel that I�m obliged to have an open-mind about dating when I�m �in no rush �cause I like being solo� (AM). Also, I have issues about dating guys that are my equals. I just NEED to go out with men I perpetually feel unworthy for. I�d rather have the guy adore me than respect me, because guys generally tend to the latter and it gets stale. I know I have jealousy issues. But if u saw what I looked like u�d understand. Not that I care so much that I get too depressed over it, but I�m pretty ugly, Al. And when guys play me I feel like I�m being made a fool of. Am I really that rigid and close-minded in ur opinion? Explain more, please, because I don�t totally see it. Does Libet agree with you? Because she does know me. And Al: I ENCOURAGE ppl to be judgmental about me, I really lap it up. Thanks for taking the time 2 reply�ur friend, Vin.
from qtcommunist :
First off Val!!! I have no idea who you are, but I think that you are offering an slightly uninformed opinion... the matter does not really concern secondly and thridly sometime silence is the correct course of action. I could list off many examples... the one in question though it was not really the best course of action and the friend did come clean, very clean... it was only that she was unsure of her feeling in the situation in the first place and did not want to report false news. NEXT. Standards... at first it was jsut a light hearted comment to get things riled up again, but I will jump into this thing head first. I am a wish washy let things fly type of guy. Not much gets to me... I also have certain standards and when choosing a partener these standards are at there highest. I can sympathises with you there Vin. But there comes a time when you just have to forget the small stuff and dive into something you are unsure about. It is called discovery. About your self and others. Often times those little things that you thought you could handle get to you. Or you realise that the standards you had set out and broke was a very good thing that you did. Standards are the falicy of superiority. Do you like him? Is he attractive? And will he treat you with respect? Or in your case Vin, be loyal not nessicarely respect... I am hypothesising here. Finally. About the off the cuff remark about you dumping a guy because he so much looked at another girl. It was a satical comment on how I believe you are a little to ridgid. Like the xians that won't let gays have there marriage. If I believed in God and that God was going to condemn all those gays then I would give them the choice to marry and then burn in hell for eternity. Thank goodness I don't believe in Hell, Heaven, and that guy peiople call God. But it seems that you are just as ridgid and closed minded as the people you distest SO much. I understand I am being a little judgemental myself and I apoligize for any harm I have inflicted. Val... I will have to get to know you better, you seem like another girl that likes to argue and get into the gritty philosophical discussions. So to wrap things up... tolerance is good!!! Argueing is Good!!! Girls behave and be nice!!! And sorry... I just finished driving for an hour and that always makes me a little irked. Your flying communist Al.
from re-lit :
I'm not quite done the lyrics yet. I still have to finish them and then record with the lyrics. I was just curious how you found my diary?
from itsjustmeliz :
*grins* Why thank you. Thank you very much. I'm glad you read and you like. How did you find my diary? And can I get the password to your diary now? I'm curious, see. Liz xoxo
from theelsons :
To be dishonest by keeping silent because you fear that speaking the truth might upset, disturb, or freak someone makes you a small and loathsome person. To speak out honestly about something to which you are committed even if it upsets, disturbs, or freaks someone makes you a hero. To be a mench one must be willing to suffer the consequences of their own behavior, honestly and openly. Perhaps your friend is young and immature and hasn't learned the harder lessons of life yet. Love, Val
from theelsons :
I want to see the Smashing Pumpkins vidio, damn it. Where oh where is MTV when you need it. Here's a strange diary I saw today that you might like (Hey, another monosyllabic 'v')It's called THE DIARY FROM HELL and you kind of get an idea where she's going with it but I don't think it's very hellish at the moment, just kind of fun. Love, Val a.k.a. theelsons
from qtcommunist :
Standards... Ha... I don't know what I mean by this, but I think that I will explain myself later... Your standard communist -Al
from godmoney :
al: i don't WANT to overcome my anger + i don't owe it u 2 or ne1 else. and B is 2 creepy 4 me. and K is too distant. there rn't ne REAL prospects, so i'll continue 2 let my mind drift to The Walking God ("i care about you, Vineeta" ::drools::). the reason i've never had ne real experience, more than anything, is that i have high standards.
from it-guy :
hey...i do know about cladogenesis, predation, natural selection, and the bunch of Darwinian theories...mostly from Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and the Discovery channel...but none of them explain why humans evolved beyond apes who were already...depending on their habitat, near or at the top of the food chain...what forced us to is obvious that we have and still are...but have to tell me ok....;)...and i love you too...;) this platonic????...;)
from qtcommunist :
Yo Money! I got to say you really like to use the Doublespeak interweb lingo. With all the number insertation etc. It is confusing because I am old and do not use MSN. I guess, I am just a little grumpy because of my late night last night. I am wondering is it that much fast to type like that? Or do you do it for the novelty or what? I am intrigued... -Al
from dailywisdom :
Could you re-send me a user name and password? I wiped my hard drive and everything is gone. :( Thanks! :) Jamie
from qtcommunist :
So anyway, Which one will you pick? B- or K-? Watch out for the rebound though, that can always be a problem, but I am sure you will have very little difficulties with such a thing. BTW: Excommunication? Vin, you know better, show me your personal strength and over come your anger. You talk about boys, but it is there deep inside woven... subconsiously... maybe you are worried that you will find on of these guys and disobey your own rule of chicks before dicks.... I only speculate. -Al
from godmoney :
Hello, buddy, the only reason I �freaked� is because she didn�t tell me in the first place. She should have told me, �Hey Vin, I think I may like Al,� not wait til it was all sorted out and then �surpise, surprise.� I am so not angry w/u. u owe me loyalty at all. She does. U can corrupt libet 2 ur hearts content and y would I even hold that against u because I hereby disown her. I thought I made that clear. I am done with venting. That itself was a waste of my effort, I only did it to save me the trouble of actually e/ming libet (which I never plan to do again, let it be known). Long story short: supposed confidant kept big secret from me, too little too late. If I was important 2 libet she would have not made me an afterthought in all this (you can say otherwise and I will not budge from this position). I do feel like I�ve been wronged but that�s all I�m devoting on this topic�like I said, not worth the energy. Again, I don�t want to pull a Fred Durst and �Break Stuff� because this issue is so trivial to me.
from qtcommunist :
Yo Vin, Listen up. The reason I believe that Libet didn't tell you are this. 1. She thought you would freak. (Which could be a just reasone for being worried about telling you, because you did freak... jihad from Vinetta the up holder of reason and non-religious beiliefs) (not that it doesn't create a desired affect and very clear and desicive message attached) 2. She didn't know what the hell was going on. This was really a weird sort of thing that went hay wire. I was not really expecting this... I don't think anyone was. 3. Things only picked up crazy style on the 14... (how cliche is that?) today is only 3 days later in the earliest of morning. that means she told you yesterday. (Time 1:52). I really don't know. I didn't tell you because you never asked. i know that that one will make you upset. Why are you not declairng jihad on me? I am the basterd that is bad. I am the foreign devil that is corupting your friend with these philosophy follies of emotion... You could even renouce the whole ... shit I don't know. E-mail me with some complains and anger and shit. Vent I wan to be blasted. Yell your freaking head off and lets get some stuff resolved. You are too smart just to declare war. I know you are upset, but people are just being human it is natural. Let's solve problems and call each other names and shit. Vin, you are pretty important to me and I barely know you. Think about your emotion and your value you are to Libet. You know that she really likes you. Hell, she likes you more than she likes me. If you feel you have been wronged then say it and give her a pieve of your mind. but don't eliminate contact. Even if you do end up wanting ot destroy her or something, you got to keep in contact to do so. Come on now, Vin. Blacked eyed dog. -Al
from theelsons :
Vin is a darling. Thanks for the note. We saw a couple of bands you might enjoy reading about in todays diary (2/16/04). Love, Val
from godmoney :
ha ha ;p he writes the Johnny the Homocidal Maniac comic series and its spinoffs. SO GOOD. u have 2 take my word on it. go out and get the special edition today--i GUARENTEE that u'll be in stitches (no pun intended).
from qtcommunist :
Jhonen Vasquez nope never heard of him, must be good at spelling if he can spell his own name.
from godmoney :
do u read Jhonen Vasquez, comic book genius?
from qtcommunist :
Nobody should be calling you a Bitch, unless it is in a humorous fashion... Donnie Darko... OH MY GOD!!! (not that I believe in god) This is a Movie custom made for you Vin. You will LOVE IT.
from godmoney :
lol. wow: if i had a nickel 4 every time i was called a bitch by an intimidated member of the opposite sex. i am the only person in the world who hasn't seen Donnie Darko. w/e i go 2 blockbuster w/my friends i'm like, "let's rent Donnie Darko, i haven't seen it!" and they're like "We have." i guess w/e libet + I g2g we're gonna have 2 rent it. we could have hooked up @ another summer program, but no-o, libet had 2 sign up 4 some stupid econ course.
from qtcommunist :
Well, It is up to me to stnad up for the gents. It is not there fault... it is there penises fault. They want to get laid, but don't know how to do it. They are brash and idiotic because they have so much 'sex' going through there brain that they can not stop to smell the roses. Libet, If you get rude with guys like these they will only call you a bitch... which is TOTALLY unwarrented, but they are men and think that they need to conquer everything. As well they are probably pretty intimidated by your intellgence, but do not want to submit themselves to humiliation. I bet one of those guys are soft on the inside, but put up this front so that they are not attacked or made vulnerable. I sit here giving progressive advice, falling head over heels, and I can do this because I can be ME. In middle school, not so much high school. I was young and immature, but soft deep down inside. i just didn't want to show it to anyone and no one asked to see it. Maybe these boys deserve a good thrashing, but I know all they want is a big hug. (not that they should get it... I never got it for being a dick.) I say to you ladies, do what you believe is best... i am just giving a bit of an insight to these boys mentality... not that it is 100% anyway. Happy Valentines Day. I got my chocolate and my hands to romantize with today. Sorry for being crass, but boys will be boys. You male communist. -Al
from qtcommunist :
I also have not read those books, looks like youa are light years ahead Libet. I saw Donnie Darko and i have so say that it WAS FUCKING AMAZING. The one peoblem was that the religious people were way to over the top evil. I don't think anybody is like those two. (Gym teacher and Love-fear guy) I can also see if you saw this movie that you could be filled with a little comtempt for thos e that believe in God. I also must say that I am the same page as you Vin. Wouldn't be awesome to believe that everything was all right and the big guy had it all worked out. To bad he doesn't exist, eh?
from godmoney :
intelligence doesn't equate with social competence. sometimes ur ideas r stupid. i think i'm socially incompetent and i feel sorry 4/ disgusted w/ myself sometimes but these dudes have NOTHING going 4 them. they need 2 wake up and make some positive changes because even tho they don't see it, their attitude causes more depression than it relieves. i wouldn't concern myself 2 much w/the inner workings of their psyches, tho. the reason they've come this far is that they isolate themselves w/in a "intellectual outcast" clique who enourages similar unwieldy behaviour. boys, ew.
from aeka :
Why is that you think? They are pretty intellectual guys...but they are pretty chauvenist if you ask me. For example, I like a guy who is intelligent, comprehensive, AND treats me as an equal! Jared and I were friends (key word: "were" because I don't think I even want to talk to the kid anymore) and all he would do sometimes is disparage my ideas...especially my scientific ones. For example, once I got this crazy idea that if you genetically alter a virus, you can make it resemble a chromosome, and Jared's like, "that's stupid" well, not verbatum, but that's what he meant. Then David, my friend who is two million times smarter than Jared when it comes to science said, " makes sense, but a lot of extensive research must be done" So Jared and Matt are these two nerds who can't get girls like us (because we refuse to "swoon" before their over-inflated intellect) and like to disparage our thoughts. Did Matt ever disparage your thoughts? Seriously, if he does not stop bugging me, then I'll have to get rude--and I hate that...but it must be done.
from godmoney :
lol. do name dropping w/me and i'll, like, turn in2 a neanderthal before ur eyes. i have read precisely NONE of the books u mentioned. lol. there r a million guys out there in the pitiful Jared/ Matt prototype. they nurture arrogance has a defense mechanism.
from tool-nin-fan :
I need the user/pass again.
from aeka :
lol, it certainly does...Anyway, it was Jared who said that Crime and Punishment was a "chick-plot", and that it reminded him of Jane Eyre. Vin, you do not know how much this kid frustrates me! Personally, I don't even think he's read Dostoyevsky, because obviously he doesn't think what the author is all about (conscience, remorse...). I'll bet he hasn't even read the damned book! It's like saying that De Tocqueville makes no sense when you haven't even read Democracy in America. He angers me...and he really does remind me of Matt. Mainly because because he thinks he's a hot-shot genius...who can get the girl.
from godmoney :
Assume + u make an ASS of U + ME. as a matter of fact, i HATE classic lit. i like the pleasure i derive from a book to be favorably disproporitonate to the effort i pour in. with some exceptions (vanity fair, gone with the wind) i spurn anything big and bound and rumoredly overrated. al: i just take it super-personally when ppl i kno mock the concept of god by making him this petty father figure. i pray that one day i'll be converted and i can have, like, half of my mind pleasantly numbed. i'm so serious.
from aeka :
Vin, assuming that you have read Crime and Punishment (which, I am certain that you have) what would you say to someone who claims that the story itself is a "chick-plot" fit for the likes of Bronte and Austin? Just answer me now, and I'll explain afterwards.
from qtcommunist :
Yo!!! You know who you remind me of Vin? You remind me of my friend Oliver. He is a guy that can't really get past the fact that some people believe in God. He is not a stupid guy, it is just that he has very strong opinions and can be very silly. TO quote him "Ahhh!!! Religion is so stupid!!!" I agree, but he just feels the need to sperate those that believe in God and take part in a religion from himself. This is not always a good idea. Our job is to influence people into making the progressive choice. Sometimes we have to do this with in the confines of a 'sacred' text. I am an athiest, but I have to interact with christians etc. and I enjoy doing so. Calling someone a xian. Seems a little extreme even if the teacher does make an off the cuff remark from time to time about religion. Just as long as he allows you opinion you should allow his. Vin, you are a smart girl, but you have to realise that you have to be open to express your progressive views to everyone. Don't say: "Can't convert their vote because they are to religious" or something like that. It is like the vegitarians and the Omnivores. I eat meat, but I am sympathetic to the vegitarian cause. I've dated one and it was... well now that I think about it that could have been the relationships flaw... Nahh!!! LOL. But seriously, don't limit yourself and isolate others... but if you are using xian in a humurous sarcastic way to evoke happiness then please continue... don't let it get carried away though. Another thing to watch out for. Usually those most opposed to a certain religion end up converting to it. He he he. Your open minded communist. Al
from godmoney :
altho Dr. O is a crazy xian, i think. he talked about how he prays to god every night and al was right in deeming him a potential shady character. there r a few intellectuals out there who subscribe 2 organized religion, and i don't know how much faith i can invest in that bunch. i think it's cool that he teaches philosophy at a night school instead of a REAL college.
from aeka :
You guys kill me...your teacher sounds pretty cool, along with that Dr. Oliviera character.
from godmoney :
from theelsons :
may i have your password? please. --val
from qtcommunist :
I love being cute. What can I say? So is that like, um, your come back? I think that means I win, eh? Not that it is competition. what else is there to say? The victorious communist. -Al... come on Vin let's see those gloves. I want to spar.
from negroleaves :
well thanks.
from godmoney :
ok, then. rn't u having fun coming up w/cute closings--;P. the book goes in2 that, actually.
from qtcommunist :
Yo Vin, I never said that ethics don't exist. I just said that A: ethics are not emotions and B: logic is not nessicarely ethical. Now this is where you say: "JC you stupid commie basterd WTF is ethics then??" Good question glad you asked. Sort answer is I don't know. Long answer is: Ethics are a combination of social norms that are generally accepted by the vast majority of the population. It is a fluxuating abstract concept that changes with the allowances of the social norms. IE. a breast would never be shown on tv in the fifties, now it happens more and more. Not just a Super bowl revence. Ethics also can be specified to a group such a business ethics or legal ethics. These ethics don't always coincide with general ethics, but for the most part they do. Generally, a person who believes themselves to be ethical will take pride in his 'just' actions and shame in hie 'unjust' actions. This does not mean that shame is unethical or that pride is ethical. I hope that satifies some of your curiosities. That sneeky communist Al.
from aeka :
::sighs:: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Our first fight...sort of. I actually say that because I've had to live in poverty (Cuba), and despite the fact that we're doing fine here, I still can't let go of the old way of life, you know? I know you love me, because you haven't given me a virtual slap or spanking yet : )
from godmoney :
lol... thanx 4 planting the chorus of an MNM song in my head. i think guilt is one of the few "true" emotions. w/e i feel guilt, i sort of question it (do u really care ~ that kid on the side of the road or r u kidding urself to glorify something that doesn't exist?) and cherish it. there r fucked up ppl in the world who DON'T kno right + wrong, and that doesn't mean that RIGHT and WRONG don't exist. u urself used the term "ethical." So don't ethics exist? y else r u communist unless it's because u want 2 see the betterment of mankind? because u see a corrupt society + u want 2 restore a sense of justice in the world.
from qtcommunist :
"If ethics don't exist, how come we guilt? how come we feel compassion? how come it's been proven that dogs and babies have compassion?" Vin, Are you ready??? ALLLRIGHT. Feelings do not translate into ethics. That is the answer. You can stop reading if you believe me, but I know you want the explanation. For example: A man gets off and feels good about molesting children. He feels happyness and good. He even believes that the children are asking for it. Is this moral even though he feels no guilt? Is it moral because it makes him happy? FUCK NO!!! Another one: A boyfriend cheats on his girlfriend and falls in love with his mistress. He knows the 'right' thing to do is to break up with his current girl and move on. But he doesn't because he feels no guilt in dating them both so keeps his girl friend on side. He feels no guilt... He lies to keep both for his personal pleasure. Is he ethical? Nope, but just because he is not ethical does not mean that he feels no guilt or no remorse. An ethical person would, but this character does not. Next thing: Is love ethical? I would argue NO. It is an emotion. Ethics do not coincide with emotions. Perhaps in a perfect world they would, but not in this one. Bring that to class. Anything else I can do for you? The commie is back. -Al
from godmoney :
"no fucking shit. V is for Vile. we are all different and have our ugly demons that prey on our clear-headedness. i like to be blunt about mine." or "i know, Libet, I didn't really mean it. i'm not phony at all--i don't even care about money or image. i'm above that: i'm marxist."
from aeka :
You are always complaining about being's not the end of the world you know...
from charminggirl :
yes, there are so many terrible covers out there... urgh... icky.
from aeka :
::laughs:: just another wanna-be Reznor hussy huh?
from godmoney :
wait! al! i have a question: if ethics don't exist, how come we guilt? how come we feel compassion? how come it's been proven that dogs and babies have compassion? emotions aren't inventions of humans, we just give names 2 universal experiences.
from godmoney :
competition? i scoff @ such a concept. i have no competition w/ne1 who spells "girl" w/out a vowel + can't think up a more creative s/n. obviously, this child is delusional.
from aeka :
::pants:: You! Have! Competition! I found a diary by the name of "Reznorsgrrl" hint hint REZNOR....don't worry, I got pissed off for you. Sounds like someone is trying to take your husband.
from godmoney :
fuck... i'm confused again. ur right: logic + morals ARE at odds w/each other. maybe i'll be inspired next class... blind date 2nite!
from qtcommunist :
Logically you should simply ignore your feelings. If he is swarmedby others move onto the next guy. But would that be the right thing to do? Would it cmpliment your personal morals? Dating one guy because he is free, but knowing that you want another? Logic and morals are not intertwined. Hitler was logically justified, but his act was not moral. The problem with logic is that it can fall into traps. And these trap can lead to some crazy things. Morality is too fucked up. I don't have enough time in a day to even start to begin an investigation into such a word. I wish I did, but I got to write about Purpose. I know this is a shitty thing to do. Simple attack a statement then leave no other statement to define my meanings, but I will present you with the finest of paragraphs on morals in less than a week. Satisfactory Ve-Nee-Ta? IS that the correct pronounciation?
from aeka :
He's a loser, and you SHOULD be proud
from godmoney :
can i tell y'all something? ok, 2day he was talking w/girls like craZ so i was mad-jealous but when we had freetime i was chatting w/Erin + he came up + started chatting so i segued in2 an adjacent convo but he hung out w/E but i kno 4 a fact that J doesn't <3 talking 2 E just cuz she has a different sense of humour so maybe he was hanging out just to be in my proximity? he kept butting in my convo. but then in calc he didn't say nething but he didn't have a real op cuz i cut him off once when he tried (i think) + the covo i was involved was continuous. half of me: #1) i want 2 b manipulative + be his best girl--which is, like, my recurring role in the theatre of life, and have that victory/ spoils. #2) i want to salvage my dignity and not go chasing after him (like LITERALLY every1 in the freakin' classroom) and be on my own and take comfort + pride knowing that i was that girl who got over him. thoughts?
from godmoney :
Ok. That's actually what I was thinking, so we must be right and Dr. O must harbour some religious agenda. What a shame. Morals are just projected empathy + overanalyzation. I have no idea what ur talking ~, Al.
from qtcommunist :
It's the Carnavoresque!!! Holy shit you girls know of the Carnivoresque??!?!?! Alpha Males and such... wolves... AHHHH!!! _AL
from aeka :
Not morality exactly, but our ability to rationalize. When the alpha male in the wolf pack mates with numerous females, it's ok--because they're animals I suppose. It doesn't hurt them, maybe because they do not become attached at the level that we do. Juan is hurt, and personally, I think that Nicole is insentitive for doing that to him. Mainly, because I have experienced such things, or at least, we humans are familiar with the pain that accompanies such particular circumstances. We get hurt, therefore, we classify it as immoral. I would say that owning another human being is immoral, but maybe we just view it that way because we it's wrong. A child steps on a flower, and I usually don't think twice about it--after all, I'm not a flower. A human whips a Negroe (and I do not use that term in a derogatory manner) and we see it as wrong. I certainly would, because I am human, and I can see myself in that place. I say that it is immoral because it disturbs me and it terrifies me, and I think that it can happen to me. Therefore, in order to protect myself, and the rest of society, I put a "taboo" sign on it.
from godmoney :
i think i agree w/u--but i want to agree w/Dr. O. Like, if Nicole told you that she cheated on her boyfriend Juan, and Juan is in love with her, and she has no intention of telling Juan that she fooled around in his absence--doesn't that scream, "IMMORAL." doesn't ur heart break? Practically speaking, it's prolly best that Juan doesn't find out--historically, ignorance is bliss. but something inside us tells us that deception is WRONG and Nicole should confess. there's no explaining it--it's just WRONG. and, the example Dr. O used, is SLAVERY. owning a human being can never be justified. ever. it wasn't moral a thousand years ago and it isn't moral a thousand miles away. maybe an inborn sense of morality separates us from the animals. i don't kno!
from aeka :
I don't believe that there are "true" morals that one is born with. We do act out of our own human impulses, and most of the time those result from the endangering of your life, and therefore you would have to act. Those things come naturally, but they are hardly classified as morals, at least not the morals that you might be referring to. Experience shapes our morals and our definition of right and wrong. What we oftentimes think of as a generally accepted "right" is just a generally accepted solution that came about from some sort of an eye-opening experience. Killing is wrong--so I have heard, but this is just agreed upon by many people. Who decides that killing is wrong? The commandments? The weeping children, mothers, and wives? Lying is also wrong--so I have heard. People say it is wrong because sometimes lying causes harm--Blue Collar crimes involve lies, and also a huge dent in someone's paycheck, and if the company dissolves, the employees will be out of work--there's your experience. Because of that lie at the adminitrative level of a mega-corporation, thousands are out of work, thus, people have stipulated that lying is wrong in this instant. Experience is what I am trying to get at, this is what shapes us--the knowledge that we derive from it.
from godmoney :
put away the thesaurus, libet. what r some true morals, then?
from aeka :
Many of the things we view as moral are stipulated, and oftentimes born out of experience. Many things in this world are based on laying precedents.
from godmoney :
NO! just is NOT moral! Just is taxing Bill Gates 6% and taxing the trailer trash 6%. Moral is taxing Bill Gates closer to 50% and cutting the trailer trash some fucking slack.
from qtcommunist :
Charming!!! Indeed. So basically we are stuck in a definition trap. But what we got so far is: Law doesn't equal Just. Moral=Right (not conservative right) and vise vera. Does Just=Moral? What do you think? I think it does.
from godmoney :
Laws are, at best, just. Right: �conforming with morality� Moral: �Conforming to standards of what is right.� Charming!
from qtcommunist :
LOL!!! Awesome. Anyway: I think that the legal thing to do is simply the generally accepted rules of society, but it does not make them just. A Rich Man who makes millions of dollars off a reciepy he created sues a poor man who uses the same reciepy to sell to customers. The Rich Man is decistating the poor man, but in our legal system it is the Rich Man who is the victim. Fucked up, eh? What do you do if your on a small island with a psychopath, a rapist, and a lawyer and you only have two bullets? Any guesses? You shoot the lawyer twice to make sure he's dead.
from godmoney :
cute lawyer joke. i know that legal doesn't mean moral. everyone knows that. seeing beyond the rules is part of moral development. the question is, are all of our consciences saying the same thing if we listen hard enough? is there a foundation of ethics that applies to the entire human race? or is morality this sentimental notion, and just self-righteousness borne of environemnt? i don't know. thinking of a definition for the word "right" would be a start.
from aeka :
I like the entry on Ethics. In business law, when asked the question, "is that 'right'? we are taught to respond, "It depends on who's ethics". Like, something can be ethical, yet illegal, and unethical and legal. One of the best things that law teaches you is that ethics don't really exist--at least not the way we percieve them. Ethics can vary from person to person, therefore, according to my personal ethics, it would be ok to lie in court--not that I would... btw, what's the difference between a lawyer and a whore? give up? the whore stops screwing you after you die! lol, well, this is how we pass the time in law class...
from godmoney :
(rofl @ libet) seriously. i hate him. he picked a fight w/me 2day ~ gay rights + it's like unh-uh--DON'T even go there. SERIOUSLY.
from qtcommunist :
Crazy!!! That is all I got to say about fishnets. Whips are good too, I actually met my first girl friend when she was weilding a whip on Halloween... Ahh the good old days. Now Halloween is barren for parties atleast up here in Canada.
from aeka :
I love fishnets! As long as I can have a whip and other vinyl accessories along with the hot pink lipstick and a black shirt that has the words "Good kitty gone bad" written in red--oh yeah...I have been thinking about the Kierkegaard wedding, and I'm thinking Mansfield Park-ish...the Thoreau will be quite simple--let's all grab ourselves a brown bag lunch and head into the woods.
from godmoney :
C just suggested that 4 the Reznor wedding the bridesmaids dress like trampy skanks (or skanky tramps). so, i hope u like fishnet, Libet. o, just joshin' ~ newspaper stuff. 4 the first time i didn't feel totally self-concious.
from aeka :
There is nothing wrong with pursuing a relationship with a dead man...anyway, tell us about your conversation with K, ::sings:: there's something about blondes...btw, do NOT invite a Poloc to your wedding, or else I won't go! LOL
from godmoney :
BY THE WAY GUYS, I HAD MY FIRST COHERENT CONVO W/K. TODAY! I was being cute-funny + made him laugh a lot. wedding bells will be ringing ne time now...
from godmoney :
::cough:cough:: UNHEALTHY ::cough:cough:: you KNOW necrophilia could get u in big trouble, right, Libet? what can i say--there's something ~ them crazy xians. ;)
from aeka :
Great! ::vapid giggle:: now I can tell you guys about my new love! Alright, don't laugh, but I think that I am developing feelings for Soren Kierkegaard...he's way cuter than Aaron. I didn't see him today--which is good, seeing as how Soren and I are happy together.
from qtcommunist :
High school girls. EEEEEEEEEE!!! followed by extactic giggles.
from godmoney :
Vin, yours truly, has volunteered 2 host the Romance Board. Feel free to be shallow + act like a high school girl--in fact, it's encouraged!
from godmoney :
i'm over him--really. i love how ur notes section has become, like, the message board.
from aeka :
wait--didn't you WANT him to sit by you? Come on! Say it... ::gives slight nudge::
from godmoney :
thanx 4 reading! as always, with love, VIN
from qtcommunist :
Hey Money, About the guy friend that has fallen for you. I feel SO bad for him. I was in his situation before... it sucks. Anyway, you know maybe he is more of a possibility then you think? Just thinking out loud. Well, hopefully he will be more mature than I was at 15 and your friendship will not be affected, but be kind and gentle and if possible go on a couple dates, give him a chance, and partake in some free supper. You're a lucky Girl Vin. But than everybody is lucky... unless your gay, because then your president (who supposedly represents you) has now deemed your orentation unacceptable. I wonder Mr. President, is an American Citizen who is gay is he as equal as the next American smo'? -Al
from qtcommunist :
Hey ladies, (mostly money though) What has been up? Gay rights I see... I didn't predict that!!! Eh, Vin. It's funny that G W Bush dislikes gays, because he is a cock sucker. (I apoligize for the low brow humor)Anyway, If your gay and like the cold there is always a place for you in Canada... soon you might even be able to get legally married. ::Crosses fingers:: Isn't everyone in the states created equally? What happened to Gay people? I guess it is SO politically incorrect to go after a racial minority that they just pick something you can't overtly see. What the hell is wrong with the Republicans, eh? Do they NEED to be picking on someone all the time? The Blacks, if not the blacks, then the mexicans, if not them, then the Gays, if not them then the Canadains, if not us then some other unlucky country that will probably get bombed, because they don't buy American. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THIS IS A MESSAGE TO REPUBLICANS: CHILL OUT!!! Maybe Smoke a little doobie to take the edge off, but don't pick on others. (I am sorry for pick on you republicans BTW.)
from aeka :
I'm going to have to write it in my blog--the whole Abigail Williams thing. I just think that teachers should grade stuff based on grammar and cohesiveness, not on whether they agree with the shit or not. Some of the best writers have been radicals. *When it comes to guys, I like any personality that isn't my own, because I suck.
from aeka :
"At a religious conference last year he called homosexuality 'something so nasty and sigusting it makes God want to vomit.' " What the fuck is that? Didn't I once say that Puritans were evil?
from aeka :
Vin! that was sooo sweet! Yeah, I know how hard it is when one of ur guy friends fall for you. If only you had feelings for him huh? Then it would all be bliss.
from qtcommunist :
"Remembering is power, forgetting is bliss. I don't know if your mad at me just give me another kiss." -Some stoned guy
from godmoney :
from aeka :
Don't you dare question your intelligence! Vin, I too suck at math, and it's not that we are really bad at it, but when we compare our math skills to our writing skills we do suck. Imagine, not being able to write. I know plenty of math geniuses who couldn't analyze a book the way we do, much less write one. I love you!
from aeka :
ok, I have really decided to get forget about him--I was really frigid with him today--first step. Vin, I feel that it truly is me? btw, good luck tomorrow my dear Putka!
from qtcommunist :
Hey Vin, Nice note, but please leave alittle context so I know exactly what it means. About the love interest, try not to get too hung up. Love is over rated as well acomplishes nothing. (not to say that we don't all fall in its little traps now and again.) And about writing about the love interest. Do it. ANything to make you feel better do it. I got over countless relationships, just be writing... as well you get some really great pieces of work. So I guess love isn't all bad, but the motive behind everything... or at least most things. I think I have a love hate relationship with love... awe, I'm just a big old sappy romantic when it comes down to it... I am just in denile. -Al
from godmoney :
Also, I think we all have to define love for ourselves. For example, I still uphold that I loved Mike.
from godmoney :
O, thanx, u 2, Libet. My philosophy is write w/e is weighing on my mind + step back + judge myself + understand myself better. I AM disgusted with myself for J--maybe more than ur disgusted w/me, but it is such a statement of my character I can't repress it. I understand myself better through this blog because my real priorities shine through. I can sift what I do for attention with what defines my psyche.
from the29th :
thank you for your notes, that was very kind and i appreciate them enormously.
from aeka :
The only problem that I had with those entries was that it was painful to see them. It was painful to see me going through that--like, self pity. I couldn't stand it anymore, so, I erased it. Then, I tried not to mention him, but I failed because I have done so in a very subtle way from time to time. These days I am talking about it more openly because it doesn't hurt. I like writing poetic entries and what not because I like to read my own stuff. Therefore, I take the liberty of putting some pizzaz to it--for my pleasure only. There are people out there who think that it's nice and beautiful, and there are others who completely hate my "style" because it's too heartwrenching/take out the tissues/heavy/what the fuck are you talking about? Either way, I don't write my diaries (or any other piece of literature, unless specifically asked to do so) so that people can understand. I only find pleasure in self-expression. My friend Paul says that love makes you stupid, and I believe him, because when I was still moping over Roger, my entries were really weak! Now, things are up and running again. Hey Vin, do you think that I REALLY fell in love with him? I'm beginning to doubt that these days...after all, had I really loved him, I wouldn't be over him quickly. love ya--Libet Thoreau ::giggles:: btw, Happy Chinese New Year! have a good year of the monkey!
from godmoney :
I disagree. I think of my diary not as a tool to flaunt my higher intellectual thinking or mental discipline or knack for clever wording, but as a collection of my innermost thoughts, a sanctum of honesty. So ::sighs:: if I torture over J 24/7, I need 2 write about him 24/7 in reflection. I'm not trying 2 b anyone i'm not in my diary. Unfortunately, I happen to be shallow. "I want to be the girl with the most cake/ I am so real I am so real I am beyond fake." -Hole
from aeka :
Well, I'm actually pretty cool about the whole Roger thing now, so that I can talk about it. These days, I have just been reflecting on it--no emotional attachment whatsoever. Remember that time when I erased all of my stuff? Well, I did that because I still wasn't over him, and erasing all of my stuff was just another one of those immature actions that I take every now and then. About the J thing, listen, I know that it's difficult not putting him in your diary (then, what else is there?), but you have to try. I am going to try to not mention A ever again--or at least, for three weeks.
from aeka :
::bows:: You are the next JCO/Eva Peron/Queen of Sheba/Mrs. Putin (I know you like that one). Does my writing evoke such crazy/beautiful (isn't that a movie?) thoughts from you? I am sooo touched! Btw, you have to read my blog tonight so that you can hear about my mortifying moment in AP class today. I hate those people! lol
from bottledbitch :
thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for the compliment. sometimes they are just greatly needed and even more appreciated. amazingness as well = someone who can compliment without alternative motives. <3
from qtcommunist :
Hey Vin!!! VERY interesting note. Very personal... i like that. It is funny how we change in one environment to the next. I would ask you to be more out spoken and less manic depressive at school. Hey if people don't like you then fuck em'. A lot of people in high school are super superficial. NOt that it changes outside of school or after school. About your father... I used to get slapped around as well by my step father. He is a real pain, but i put up with him. I am bigger than he is now so he will get floored next time he lays a finger on me. You get respect from your mother and sister... that is important and a real character booster. If your family loves you then anyone will, when they get to know you. You are smart as a whip and twice as quick. BTW how did you do on your tests? I guess you don't really know, yet. I guess in the grand scheme it doesn't matter... but i'm curious. As for the Presidential address, I suggest you tape it if you can't watch it. Anyway, it is important to see how he attempts to manipulate the American people, your peers, my neighbours. Keep your chin up kiddo, we're all in this together. With compassion -Al
from destinymaker :
hey thanx, any chance of accessing ur diary??
from qtcommunist :
Yo Vin, I had this great note, but my internet disconected before it could be dropped off. G.W. is addressing the nation tommorow and i was wondering if you wanted to write a reply to what he said. Then you and I can exchange replies. We can also count how many times he messes up. I got some predictions. I bet you he will talk alot about Mars and lunar expeditions. I bet you he will mention all the "valuable" information they got out of Saddam. I bet he will talk about Mad Cow disease and Canada might get mentioned here. He will also use the wwords that he loves the most: Terror, Fear, Security, God, Evil, Good, and most of all JUSTICE. (even though I don't believe in his type of murdering justice.) Talk to you later -AL
from godmoney :
u r my more intelligent half... call me the next JCO + we'll be even ;P
from aeka :
thanks--I felt inspired. These days it's becoming more and more easier for me to write. You compare me to Thoreau? ::tear:: That's so sweet...
from aeka :
I'm NOT cheating on you!!! roflmao
from stopit-billy :
lol thanks. i have to write an essay for my AP application on a book that has a powerful effect and lotf seemed like an easy choice. i just didn't feel like actually doing it lol. xoxo
from aeka :
::sighs:: lol, Destinymaker I think is the name...I'm telling you, you have already read the diary.
from aeka :
roflmao! ok, that's by far the funniest note that I have recieved from you. I believe that you already read her diary... lol, I love you Vin : ) VIVA LA REVOLUCION!
from godmoney :
lol. it's certain.
from lysistrata39 :
Thanks for the compliment. It's cool to have sox out there to rock. Come back again soon.
from qtcommunist :
Hey more blabing if you want to read it. you know where. -Al
from godmoney :
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! libet, u crack me up! ::calls: Putka! hold still! the handcuffs will chafe your wrists!::
from aeka :
My stalker!! lol...hey, the KGB came to my house last night inquiring about a certain girl with dark hair who allegedly ran off w/ Vladimir Putin. Say, Vin, you wouldn't know anything about that would you? ::gives inquisitive look::
from qtcommunist :
I asked you a couple questions on my diary notes page...
from qtcommunist :
Hey Godmoney, you got a great list of authors. I was wondering which of Sartre's books is your favorite. I have just started 'Colonialism and Neocolonialism' and this book reads similar to Micheal Moores book 'Stupid White Men'. Another good book. Shit thier is so much out there. PS. Don't you find Marx a little long winded? Don't get me wrong he is amazing, but alot of his works are sooo huge and slow.
from godmoney :
lol... i meant after u sign up where can u get the codes... nvm. :)
from pornoviolent :
from it-guy :
hey...thanks for your insight on 'organized religion'...and that bit of movie trivia...even though i am no better of for it because you are not sure if it was fred or frank...i am betting on fred seemed the church going type...but what do i know...never met either of them...and no fair locking your diary...not that life is fair anyway...but if you want another reader...send me the login info...and what is a 'fitty baby momma'?...bye to you too
from lovingmysky :
thanks for the note you left me... is there any way i could get your username and password?
from iseemonsters :
yes, wainwright.
from godmoney :
I idolize courtney because she's a GENIUS at lyricizing angst (I can TOTALLY relate to her on a girl level) and she is just living this surreal life, fooling the whole world into thinking they have her pidgeonholed. "Irresponsible," yes. "Scum"--I beg to differ. *Thanks for being such a sweetheart, Jaime.*
from lifes-a-bich :
How could you idolize such scum?
from loopyboi :
where are you? i miss your entries. :):):)
from ifeelhatred :
Yeah the pixies are great. I know...I know...I care too much sometimes but that probably is because I don't really much of a life out side of my room. I have nothing else to care elast not humans anyways..
from suicidewish :
uh...ok...i dont' really know how i'm supposed to percieve that...but yeah...
from loopyboi :
I'm so glad that somebody else is politically aware of the gay marriage goings-on. This is an absolute travesty. I am saddened that most people look at this as a gay issue, when in fact, it is an equal opportunity issue. There are so many things that politicians could be fixing, and their priorities seem to focus on war, and weapons. Let's elect Howard Dean. I think that we will see a better America, if he becomes president. :)
from loopyboi :
xoxoxoxox Have a great day. :) Email me the login info when you get a chance? addy is: [email protected] Jamie (loopyboi)
from frail :
i LOVE liz phair. have you heard exile in guyville? it is my audio bible! :) thanks for checking out my diary.
from tool-nin-fan :
You misunderstood what I wrote. Trent Reznor gets accused of copying Ogre from Skinny Puppy all the time, so I was trying to get a huge NIN fan of mine interested in them. He was being a jackass and I got upset with him. I'm sure you know some idiot fans that are completely ignorant of who paved the way for NIN.
from tool-nin-fan :
could I have the password?
from tokyo4u :
If I become famous you can marry me. And Oasis is one of the best bands ever, sure Noal and Liam are a little rough on the edges but they sing like gods.
from sketchyboy :
Ta for your msg. Yes - I genuinely am a born-again Christian. What strikes you as weird about that? Sketchboy.
from veryscary :
You're fucking review is up. Sorry for the delay. If you have any problems, questions or comments, leave them in our notes. But if you just really want to fucking bitch at your reviewer, please contact them personally. Thank you and goodbye.
from aeka :
Vin...I'm suffering reading Walden, your diary is my only salvation at the moment. Toodles and smooches--Libet
from loopyboi :
What you wrote about Michael literally brought a tear to my eye. I'm so glad that I am not alone in supporting Michael. This extortion attempt is crazy, and I too, love Michael. When I was an awkward kid in school with few friends, I always knew that Michael was waiting for me when I turned on my cassette player. He was, is, and always, will be a friend to me. None of my friends would commit such a heinous crime. Ever. ~ Jamie
from godmoney :
this is me balking at the fact that someone besides Libet is reading my diary... i love u
from loopyboi :
Geniuses do commit suicide. I know this for a fact. ~ Jamie
from loopyboi :
You have me listed as a fave diary AND you like Nine Inch Nails. I like you already! :) Jamie
from unsweptroom :
thank you. i saw you mentioned oates- one of my all time favorites. have a good night.
from corajoy :
Love your layout! As for what you mentioned, it's a different Chris Rice, And yeah, I knew that about Oscar Wilde. Not my place to judge him, and he was an awesome author. Thanks for reading! Joy
from loser-gemini :
hey...thanks for the note??? even though u dissed one of my fave books. well, bye fellow loser gemini!
from tool-nin-fan :
no! lies, all lies! Actually I was refering to the song Vacant ;)
from tool-nin-fan :
nin rocks my socks. Love the diary.
from courtneydoll :
from stopit-billy :
hey! i just wanted to let you know that your absolutely right about NIN and that they are absolutely incredible. anywoo..leave me a note anytime you please. i'm very lonley. :( lol Tata* ~Rebection
from no1wakefan21 :
I've never read the book ACO. I'm planning on doing that in the next few weeks, though. I guess I'll have to see just hooooow good you are when I read it myself.
from aeka : you have become a daily diarist.
from minstrelite :
I had to add a second note after perusing your blog. You are obviously quite intelligent as well as erudite - the latter not being one of my traits, as I am a very poor reader and rarely do any reading. I reiterate my wish that life will hold the very best for you. :)
from minstrelite :
Thank you for the note. I appreciate that very much, and I wish the same for you.
from soandsotgs :
Hi, i saw this site and thought it was great. being a membe of the AIM-ME diaryring, i thought you might get a kick out of it too... it's great to throw on your profile
from godmoney :
I'm Afraid of Americans... Best Video Grammy Award.. I'm familiar :)
from i-am-malcuy :
Dude, you like J.D. Salinger too, who da man ;) Stabbing Westward, check out "Torn Apart" and "Waking Up Beside You", and David Bowie "I'm afraid of americans" if ya don't know about that track yet.. Have a nice life ;)
from firepixie04 :
I love you, Vin!

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