
born-again crazy christian, reactionary and rebellious. suffer from a generalised anxiety disorder which freaks me out regularly. muso and singer in band. i'm waking up now to find out who I am, and what this world is. and how I can get involved. get Invisible.

My favorite diaries:

stoneager profile - diary
comments: he's a good egg - and I miss seeing him around
epiphany profile - diary
comments: always good to read a teacher's diary
tokyo4u profile - diary
comments: writes loads and always somethng to say
savecraig profile - diary
comments: this guy makes me chuckle too
lil-arsonist profile - diary
comments: likes such similar films to me
mojo1915 profile - diary
comments: left me a nice note, so I'm gonna keep reading
ooberfaerie profile - diary
comments: made me one of hers, so she must be one of mine
mr-sparkles profile - diary
comments: Has a twisted view. I'd hide the knives if he came visiting...
ben-g profile - diary
comments: another Christian dude with interesting views
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: definitely king of the diaries
twobobs profile - diary
comments: Love the way these guys' diary is like a collection of hate emails
thiswonthurt profile - diary
comments: someone else with an anxiety disorder, and those of us who've had one need to learn to help each other
ravenheart profile - diary
comments: intelliegent discourse
unclebob profile - diary
comments: twisted, bitter, funny!
leonmcphelps profile - diary
comments: great entries, each with a photo to illustrate the story. Leon is the man!
lisamcc profile - diary
comments: I like the entries - not updated that often, but pretty readable
nypizzas2 profile - diary
comments: I'm enjoying watching it pan out
porktornado profile - diary
comments: If we could all act like this at work...
jerkcomics profile - diary
comments: hey - reality comics...
jesbohn profile - diary
comments: Ascerbic yet deadpan
jesuisladym profile - diary
comments: A good friend
rae-babe profile - diary
comments: Currently deployed in Iraq, and worth reading for that reason alone
theyknew profile - diary
comments: Because they do know

My favorite music:

comments: young, dumb, and everything I wanna be!
Jane's Addiction
comments: back and beautiful! How decadent and sumptuously sexy and regal. Bring it on, perry!
Bob Dylan
comments: if i could write even a tenth as well as the king!
Led Zeppelin
comments: the birth of cool. robert, I love you!
Jeff Buckley
comments: I could die hearing some of his lyrics, and the beauty of his voice leaves me breathless

My favorite movies:

Donnie Darko
comments: i freaked when the rabbit spoke. beautiful and sad
American Beauty
comments: funny and frightening
comments: too gorgeous for words
comments: da-da-daaa da-dah-da-dah-da. i love Gilliam!
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
comments: sheer celluloid genius - calm, hysterical, seditious, and all with down-heeled southern glamour.

My favorite authors:

Grant Morrison
comments: you opened my eyes to fiction being more than reality
Stephen King
comments: well, i like a good yarn
Alan Moore
comments: yeah, I'm a comics fan...
Kevin Smith
comments: Comics, films - he's a genius!

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last updated: 2006-05-02 15:27:08
this user's total entries: 544
user since: 2003-10-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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