messages to invisiblepal:
(click here to add new message):

from hcatty :
...ah... I SO know the pain of the underappreciated cashier. What's worse? The underappreciated cook. "... it's going to take you 20 minutes to make a BURGER!? What's wrong with you!? Just put the %^$@#* thing on the grill!!!" ... not understanding that the 6 orders ahead of theirs take priority. Grr...
from hcatty :
New year's resolutions??? HA! I did NONE of the 2007 ones, and I made only one for 2008. And that one is to save up and fly to Australia to visit a friend lol It's more than likely that one won't happen either. I just really need it to. :o( Ah well. How ARE you????
from hcatty :
Holy Crap! You're alive! ALIIIIVE! AAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Oh ... *ahem*.... I mean. Good to see you! Hear from you! ... read you... ? So what's up with the new dude, hmm? Write more SOON!
from invisibledon :
yeah I'm going to try again this year what about you?
from hcatty :
Congrats on NaNoWriMo! Yikes, glad your mom is doing well - I know how scary that can be. Here's hoping for a peaceful, happy Jan & February.
from hcatty :
Hey Lady, miss reading your updates! Hope all is well. How'd the NaNoWriMo go?
from tithonus :
For your body?
from hcatty :
YOU'RE BACK!!!! And where have you been, young lady!? ;o)
from hcatty :
I started to take the Nurse Betty quiz, but couldn't get through it lol. I'm sorry about your bunny :( sometimes I think that dogs should become an endangered species. Blah.
from hcatty :
Will you post what you did get written??? Cause that would be awesome! *hugs* back atcha ;)
from hcatty :
Hey girlie-girl! Guess your supergold ran out, the comments don't work anymore. I was just wondering how the NaNoWriMo went for you?? I know you did fabulously, because you're fabulously talented! ;o) Hope you had a wonderful holiday, and that you have a great New Years. God bless!
from invisibledon :
happy holidays - thanks for the card girl - sorry I can't send you one no return
from john-boy75 :
thanks for the well wishes!
from hcatty :
*sigh*..... I haven't been around D-land to do more than update mine. As "crazy" busy as you lol I think I'll join the NaNoWriMo next year, as this year is just waaaaaay too much. And I so appreciate your confidence in me, to mention that I should join :o) *HUGS* ;o)
from invisibledon :
yeah I have made a few posts in the regional thing but no one talks to me - I'm up to around about 9000 words now - but didn't write for like 3 days so I need to get cracking or I'll be screwed - what about you are you posting or putting up any of your work?
from john-boy75 :
well I don't know if its anything to be envious of. Its scary not having a job at the moment. It was just something I had to do, because I couldn't stand another day in that store. I had to think of my own sanity and health first.
from invisibledon :
Hey I'm doing the NaNoWrMo thing too how cool you are in there as well. I'm up to around 6200 words and spent last night trying to map out somethings with the ttory. Good luck to you on that :)
from hcatty :
Oh that so brought tears to my eyes when I got it in the email. Which is completely opposite my reaction when I got to the bottom of the email lol Conflicting emotions to top off a great message. Bah! Anywhoodoodles, you haven't updated in forever, and I'm curious if you're doin alright, or just breathin'?? Hope things have picked up!
from hcatty :
yyeeeeaaaaaahhh I wanna know! lol awesome... posting in code....
from hcatty :
there's no such thing as too pesty, unless you've got a nasal voice LOL Yes, I did go and see them, and I think they're SO cute!! Are you serious about the purse? OMGOSH, it's adorable, isn't it????? Big? tiny? Whatsitlooklike!?!?
from john-boy75 :
Its better to do it after hours at my store, and without any customers or co-worker BS, like last Saturday, it made the job easy!
from hcatty :
Hmmm... sounds interesting. I might just have to request one when I see what they look like lol
from hcatty :
LOL Don't worry, I know the feeling. Except I typically AM that peppy... without the coffee... EXCEPT WHEN I DON'T HAVE MY VITAMIN B! AAHHHHH!!! (don't ask lol)
from tithonus :
Consider yourself noted! ;)
from hcatty :
Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! Just leaving you a note! teehee
from tom-seb-jak :
from hcatty :
aw! Hey thanks for adding me! :o)
from meggie816 :
Hey buddy, I don't care about the similar colors at all! Don't even give it a second thought!! Thanks for the consideration though!
from hcatty :
well, I admire your restraint. Personally, I'dve thrown more than a mushroom at him!! Bravo on keeping things "polite"
from christa02 :
i clicked on your banner just wanted to say i love the medievil pic on your layout. I had the same pic on my calender once. :)
from mania0270 :
hey! I saw your invisible girl banner! nice job :o)
from hcatty :
I am now addicted. What happened with Pepsi Guy!?!?!?!
from hcatty :
Hey!! Saw you're "Invisible Girl" banner. I like it ;o)
from invisibledon :
in deed it is crazy - I don't think that when I started this thing that I would end sticking with it this long or having nearly 1000 entries
from invisibledon :
I know what you mean I need to do the same thing too but there is so much there I'm not sure where to start
from invisibledon :
Wow I remembered that one too here is the link to the mission you asked about
from doritawes :
new layout's are fun. ecspecially when they are very pretty like yours! ~Tori.
from tithonus :
Nope. It's like, one of those prophecies that comes true regardless of what you do to try to change it. You know the ones, where your efforts to prevent its fulfillment actually cause it to come about, that kind of thing...
from invisibledon :
s� sono scrittura giusta buona una certa poesia italiana
from invisibledon :
YAY! you are the best invisiblearmy member - how are things other wise?
from invisibledon :
that is kind of freaky and strange now you have to watch the show - how are things going?
from invisibledon :
hey got your card the other day you are the bomb - and I remember the pepsi guy
from invisibledon :
coolio I got your letter yesterday - excellent mission statement.
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays -2003
from doritawes :
glad to see that you're back, sorry about all the stuff that's been happening though :\ Hope everything works out soon! ~Tori.
from doritawes :
hey! if you come back on d*land, this is my new username. My old diary (jbdash182) is still there, I'm just using this one now. :) ~Tori.
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03
from raven72d :
Books... try Christopher Coe's "I Look Divine"... And, yes, I like reading your diary. After all... InvisiblePals are distantly related to Invisible favorite friends on Hokkaido.
from jbdash182 :
Love the diary, love the layout, love the quotes. Love it all. Plus, you have Office Space in your profile, I love that movie! You're going into my faourites, i need more diaryland friends. Come check out my diary sometime- it's nothing special, just me complaining about my life and other random what-nots. ~Tori.
from invisibledon :
thanks for the Birthday card you are the bomb
from drunklazy :
You might like 'Number 9 Dream' by David Mitchell
from john-boy75 :
I don't really get into football that much, although I do follow how the Kansas City Chiefs are doing, since they are the closest time to where I live. My former store manager thought they were so great. I do enjoy the Superbowl partys that ive been to over the years.
from invisibledon :
yeah I noticed that having to highlight things to read them
from invisibledon :
Have a great holiday weekend 8/29/03
from john-boy75 :
I guess maybe screwing overs is just the nature of grocery stores. It doesn't make it right thought. I've felt alot better this last week since my promotion, I don't dread going to work everyday, and I don't feel like I'm being used everyday.
from john-boy75 :
do you get screwed over in your store alot too? I FINALLY got the promotion that I've deserved for a long time. Hey, better late than never right?
from invisibledon :
welcome back !
from invisibledon :
hey got your poster in the mail last night - too cool promotions coming soon. gotta scat work and all you know
from invisibledon :
Happy Valentines Day @-'---
from starlight42 :
Hey- I just joined the Days of our Lives ring. I've been watching for over ten years...anyway, read a few of your entries. I can so relate to your mom problems! I don't know what makes things worse, when you ignore your mom & her being mad at you & her nasty comments (those do hurt) or if you yell back & make valid points. I'm 27 and my mom & I don't get along well, it's an up hill battle, I know. But I believe there has to be hope eventually...good luck. Don't let her get you down. That's probably what she wants.
from tithonus :
Bad situation. :( Is there really nowhere else you can go?
from invisibledon :
Happy New Year
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays
from invisibledon :
how you doin'?
from lousrose :
ah, sorry about that hun, and I must say that I have joined the pack and love your diary as well! you're such a nice girl.
from mangofarmer :
I clicked on your banner. I'm glad I did. Great diary! :)
from nicoleprice :
Thought I'd say hello and not be rude. You know, the voyeuristic dine and dash. Yes, your banner brought me in too. :0)
from mechanica :
I clicked the banner, and you quoted Itylus, i love Ity! Bravo with the diary also. I will be back for more later.
from lousrose :
where the fuck's the fucking lestat art gallery? LOL sorry I'm just confused. you do have one, don't you?
from invisibledon :
from lapisllong :
O):o) no prob - i was wanting badly to make something with that pic, i just thought i'd offer it to you first after i stumbled on to your diary!(o:~
from lapisllong : ok, so it's more than a smidge . . .
from lapisllong :
hi, i'm mis and i found this awesome pic that really makes me want to alter your template just a smidge . . . PLEASE!
from invisibledon :
I really like friend wrong numbers
from shelly10 :
hi, i noticed that you are part of the Dayzaddict Diaryring, i was wondering if u knew who Isabella mom is. Like Brady's mom's, mom. if u know the answer can u plz email me at [email protected] u dont have to tho thanx loads Shelly
from iden :
from jonzo :
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook, at your request I have dug out the BFWF file and got a couple of good ones up for you this week. Thanks for noticing.
from jerica21 :
Thanks for Welcoming me to the PA diary ring! My hometown is in Southwestern Pa. I also like your diary!
from jasonismygod :
Thanks for making the PA ring possible cause i got mad love for my home state. <3 pa <3
from mandypandy83 :
To the owner of the Days of our Lives diaryring:
from invisibledon :
tri bon aka mucho gusto
from ezlyconfuzd :
Hey! thanks for welcoming me.. I'm 16/m from northeastern PA and new to diaryland.
from invisibledon :
grr don't you hate it when the stuff won't post
from invisibledon :
ah the cool relief of not feeling the sunburn pain anymore-- or is that not the case?
from invisibledon :
use calmine(sp?) lotion -- I got a really bad sunburn in Brazil and that is what they used --it works of course you are pink but you don't care because you feel better
from invisibledon :
why are you feeling crappy?
from invisibledon :
Hey thanks for dropping by and saying hey what are you up too?
from joeparish :
well then, if for no other reason, you have to get liquered up on yer 21st because it is written thus in the book of Joesus Krist. So there. What else is yer 21st b-day for if not spending the next day with a horrible hangover?? I ask you that! hehe :)
from invisibledon :
what up
from invisibledon :
from jonasty :
hehe! hi :) nice diary!
from wonderwall :
i like you :)
from invisibledon :
Hey what's up
from invisibledon :
from chi-ha :
thanks for the birthday wishes :) i don't even know you and you beat my mom to saying it. anyway, i dug he music on yesterday's entry. it was very chill, like your layout. rock on!
from ranger75 :
Thank you for the welcome. I was born in Chester back in 1949, when Chester was a really nice place to be born. Wouldn't raise wolves there now.
from iamtheslayer :
Will you be MY invisiblepal???
from meggie816 :
Let's list things that are better than Pepsi Guy: EVERYTHING! Now let's list people that are meaner than princess: NO ONE THAT WE'VE EVER MET. I feel so bad for you! I agree with whomever it was that said his boot-ay needs to be kicked from here to BFE. Geez! What a looooser!
from weevil :
Pepsi Guy needs to be drop-kicked all the way to Antartica and LEFT THERE! Sheeeesh.
from invisibledon :
me... Oo Oo .. pick me pick me Mr Kotter .. I can drop kick good Ebsteins mother taught me how
from invisibledon :
yeah -- federal government, there are worldwide posting on there -- opm is office of personnel management -- if that isn't right go to and there should be a link to it there
from coffeegrrrl :
hey!! Just wanted to thank you for welcoming me to ur ring! also wanted to let you know i hope ur week least it's half over now...
from meggie816 :
Well who needs to talk about boys anyway? THEY'RE STINKY! Pha! You're MUCH better off without a guy who has stupid, stuck up friends like his ANYWAY.
from invisibledon :
I would be there to talk to you about it but they took my MSN messenger away
from meggie816 :
More teddy bear guy! YESSSS!
from invisibledon :
Happy Saturday
from meggie816 :
Hehe, I LOVE reading your entries about the teddy-bear guy, they give me a warm fuzzy feeling! So, do we get to know this guy's name? What's the deal here? C'mon from one giddy girl to another, fill me in here!
from invisibledon :
Happy Valentines Day
from meggie816 :
Heh, most guys suck. Especially that kind...
from invisibledon :
I think that reminds me of ...
from meggie816 :
Guys claiming that they don't play games already makes me laugh. Whatd'ya know....
from invisibledon :
Why are you sad?????? is it the Drew not starting thing?
from invisibledon :
Thanks you are a doll
from invisibledon :
congrats on your Pats -- hey how do I change the font style?
from invisibledon :
cool thing you wrote -- I was going to say something witty and smart but decided not to do it because mostly I couldn't think of anything
from weevil :
Hi! I like your new layout too. :-D
from invisibledon :
I like it, you are definately skilled
from meggie816 :
But of course your new layout is cool, would it be anything else?
from punkfan :
thanks* hahaha
from punkfan :
thansk ill let ya know if i have any questions. :o) xoxo-tara
from invisibledon :
Thanks you're da bomb -- what chats or messengers do you use? if any
from invisibledon :
Sorry you have to take care of "typhoid mary" hope you don't get sick -- you guys have been swaping germs for a while now -- I've noticed -- so whats going on, on days
from invisibledon :
You're right it was creepy when you catch her
from invisibledon :
thanks for the TV fix you rock girl
from invisibledon :
Sorry about your aunt, don't feel bad about how you feel concerning death and funerals, the person who is gone from us had an individual relationship different from anyone else -- we can't be expected to mourn in mass or to grieve the same as others. If someone says you are not showing that person respect or something else negative on how you react to death they are the ones being disrespectful. Each person I have know who has died meant something different to me some where close others were not, I was fine with going to a funeral for some and not with others, sometimes I knew what to say to make others feel better but mostly I didn't -- the one thing I have learned is trying to conform to a universal ritual for saying good bye to the lost is counter productive or at least it has been for me. sorry so long How are you doing?
from meggie816 :
Your NEXT entry needs to include what songs all of your favorite lyrics are from! Because I'm now commited to finding them out and listening to them. I mean hey, with lyrics like those, the songs can't be anything but great!
from weevil :
Merry Christmas to you too, invisiblepal! ^_^
from itylus :
Meeerrry Christmas, yeah!!!
from chi-ha :
thank you, merry christmas to you as well :)
from dancinggypsy :
thank you! happy holidays!
from invisibledon :
I have to wrap the presents I bought oh man I am so forgetful
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays
from meggie816 :
Ahh, I just caught up on some of your latest entries (I'm such a slacker when it comes to reading some days...) And let me tell you a few things (1)I like the layout it reminds me of a mixture between paint and "Billy Elliot", maybe that only makes sense to me.... and (2)we're ALL tempted to jump onto the Bobby band wagon now and then. Don't feel bad, he's just GOOD like that! (But don't add him if you don't want to... make a statement!)
from meggie816 :
Trust me, I have nooooooo problem with being added to ANYONE'S fav. list. Ever. In fact, I think that's the sweetest thing in the world!
from invisibledon :
hey I know that all alone feeling -- you always have me just a note away
from meggie816 :
Thanks for the note YOU left ME. It was really nice, and I'm glad you liked my diary! Woah, what a cool feeling!
from invisibledon :
whats up?
from invisibledon :
OOO OOO I notice something new OOO OOO pick me Mister Kotter OOO OOO
from xbreakinme :
aww im sorry! um i think i am it gives me a sort of comfort but email me for the username and password! [email protected] sorry for the inconvenience (sp?) :)
from meggie816 :
You get that need to protect people too, and then it turns out that what you REALLY want is a big hug and a warm cup of hot coco? Woah, I didn't know that HAPPENED to anyone but me......
from fickled :
i got here through invisibledon's profile and omg you wrote about the "oh" face in your profile....and your diary rocks too
from invisibledon :
sO what up girl, me just avoiding tasks and stuff I'm getting vacation slack -- I'm going to be off in a week for two weeks and with they holidays too I find it very hard to stay focused -- but I'm trying very hard. So how is work ??
from invisibledon :
Oh hey I had to leave in the middle of days yesterday did sammie and austin get it on and did John beat Bradys ass for spying on him and Victor what did victor do ?? Oh there was something else too I forget argh
from vampyre666 :
Thanks invisble pal!!!!!
from invisibledon :
So hows it going on the mission -- I know and a new one to boot -- you cut all your hair off too a while back right -- just curious
from invisibledon :
Oh ok I finished my state how are you doing on yours -- most of them don't have there notes turned on and I notice not that many people really update all that frequently --i did get a few questions so I decided to do the entry about what it was and not have to write back to everysingle person
from invisibledon :
oh no you know what happened -- some one else besides me has left you a note on your note pad OMG -- ok I'll live I think -- I hope -- more than likely I will --so whatcha readin'? huh huh what's it about? huh huh
from ashnwild :
Hey thanks for commenting on my page. I like your set up! And Office Space rocks. :)
from dancinggypsy :
hi! thanks for checking out my page... i took the liberty of read some of yours too, and i really like it. the layout's really cool. as for mine, it's definately i work in progress.
from invisibledon :
I'll always leave you notes -- cause you da bomb baby
from invisibledon :
Happy Thanksgiving
from invisibledon :
I'm all puzzled -- get it -- Ooo Ooo I'll go to pieces for you -- I like the changes
from invisibledon :
no problem on the hits == you're my invisiblepal
from invisibledon :
you up still???
from invisibledon :
you know what Im the only one who leaves you notes -- thats odd don't you think -- oh by the way i joined you ring I don't get to see days as much as I would like too see it but you know once a fan always a fan
from invisibledon :
hmmm what kind of diary ring would I join???? well I would join a ring that fit with my personality or something about me or if I thought the name was cool oh here is an Idea for a ring -- Im not a ring whore -- cause there are so so many of them here in dland I even let a few into mine just because I might have to dump a few but you're in like flynn or something like that
from invisibledon :
Oh that is such the cool banner -- Im jealous
from invisibledon :
I miss my invisible pal
from invisibledon :
congrats on the A -- you Rawk girl -- you all that and a bag of chips
from invisibledon :
you can come live in my world -- you fly toward the second star on the right then straight on 'til morning -- I'll be the one in the green tights -- don't worry about the pirates we have a croc that keeps them in line
from invisibledon :
Hey thanks for the birthday wishes and yeah it was fun -- did you see my college pic previous entry -- I have found a few more -- not too many pics get taken when you are invisible

back to invisiblepal's profile
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