messages to iratelobster:
(click here to add new message):

from gumphood :
It's okay. Some diaries die. Some come back! Some people die...but some people turn dying into an advantage. We call those people zombies
from gumphood :
and beans
from gumphood :
hey there. Welcome back? I just noticed some updates. Why does the mother not like you. You seem like an awfully nice girl. this is all.
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
now the pictures are gone
from gumphood :
school has taken you.
from gumphood :
It wasn't bad but you spelled true tuer which doesn't follow suit. The first and last letter need to be the same.
from nihilistbear :
Okay it's all unlocked and fixed up now! Thanks for being patient!
from nihilistbear :
Hey there... I locked my diary for a short time so I can do some major maintenance... it'll be open again in the next couple of hours... sorry!
from gumphood :
how did they find you. Was it like...I am an irate lobster. I am on diaryland...I mean... did you tell them, or did they see you writing it?
from gumphood :
I make bad note due to night of driunks
from gumphood :
no for real, living with people is hard, but in college everyone puts on a show for the first few weeks. Wait a bit to evalutate. If they really are awful then things will pan out. Trust me.
from gumphood :
this diary rocks
from gumphood :
hahaha. tits....anyway I hope that you have a good trip. Maybe if you close you eyes and don't hit any garbage and pee in your wet suit it will feel like a carabeian. carbaean. pirate.
from dinguspie :
hmm. like the diary. but it's overwhelming trying to read a new one from scratch. Any place you'd recommend to start?
from nihilistbear :
May I just say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! again... I already did in the comments on my review, but I'll say it again because you just made my day 9 million percent better. THANK YOU!!
from gumphood :
I don't like it when people die at the end of my dreams, unless its me doing the killing. what was my last note. I am really sorry about that....
from gumphood :
wank...wank wank,
from gumphood :
2 do I check my log...logs...IM logs sicko. and Behold...the power of feet...ewwww
from joeparadox :
Nothing is funnier than rereading AIM logs. NOTHING.
from gumphood :
hahaha. I think conversations like that make me want to talk to you online. Now my damn internet just hase to work. I don't think I hit the letter "z" yet on the keyboard. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz there we go. all better.
from opalreviews :
Hi, do you want to review for us? Marie told me you talked with her about it a long time ago, and I forgot, and I'm an ass. We'd need you to do about one review a week (esp. during the school year). If this sounds cool, just email me @ [email protected] Thanks, Sandy
from gumphood :
did you get your questions. Sounds like a fun weekend.
from gumphood :
I posted them in a previous entry. I think it to be one entry ago. If you miss them at the bottom, I am really sorry. kudos lobsert.
from gumphood :
you didn't ask for questions, but you got them. If you want them
from gumphood :
your button seems to not be working....check it out on my diary and tell me my mistake.
from dearcynthia :
'found you through your banner. your boyfriend is cute!
from heyjude85 :
LOL nice gump-banner. Very creative!
from gumphood :
that will do. that will do.
from gumphood :
No you aren't a bad dork...I like dorks...hehe. porn. Andrew scold you!!
from gumphood :
You slime makes me feel icky. I like your banners. I have new one. It says Cheeze it. I hope you like it:) Your porn idea isn't bad ~HumpGood.
from gumphood :
your banner is up. make a new entry. EEEEK
from zostrich :
very very true. ive never seen it, but rochester better kick as much ass as i want it to.
from gumphood : --------- now that I look again...It kinda sucks.
from gumphood :
Dude, no one likes the Monkey banner. I like it. I like yours. I click on yours. ... Hmmm. I think we are on the same boat. God no one likes the monkey banner. I thought it was funny!!
from joeparadox :
GO GO GO! Do not miss out on Cheesefest 2003...It is SO worth it.
from opheliatl :'re at school freezing while I'm at school burning up in this 85 degree weather...wanna trade for a day? (oh wait, that doesn't really work!) :(
from gumphood :
okay darling lobster. I want to trade. I want something for your knowledge and apparent space on how you can play music. These are things I need and you have...what do you need?
from gumphood :
This sounds like a terrible situation. I am very sorry that this is happening to you. It just doesn't seem fair.
from diary-rating :
Ta da! Your new diary rating is ready for pick up at
from scottwinters :
You will. I have a mandatory waiting period. You will be called up to the big league soon enough
from gumphood :
Hi there ... Remember. The key is gloves. When I cook I look like the michelan man. yep...I wear tires all over my body...with a tire hat. Worst note ever.
from funda :
I just had a strange and wonderful experience. Do it again?
from gumphood :
uhhh. You don't look spanish in your profile picture. Then again, neither do i
from gumphood :
Yeah I usually like to fuck with angry people. I find that if you just act a little crazy they get madder (which is funny) or leave you alone. Either way I am happy. EX: Why are you mad at me? I am a Bear. I think its amazing that a Bear can type. I know its bad, but just typing alone is amazing with my big paws. --They usually hate that.
from gumphood :
The deal is done. My site should prove it. Choose your Gecko...choose wisely
from gumphood :
perhaps but last time I did that I got a freakin crocadial. I mean, I don't want to pay baby alligator prices and just get a croc of shit.
from gumphood :
I will agree to this only if I can wear live gecko's for earings. ... not nipple rings. No wait....yeah...not nipple rings.
from gumphood :
I have a monkey?
from gumphood :
since I don't have a banner. You are gonna get like 5 notes and they are all going to be from me. Thats some pure disappointment.
from gumphood :
I liked that you just started and yet have a much better banner than me.
from cherry-girl :
I smell your brains, too.
from extra-shoe :
hey. i was just looking around diaryland and came accross your diary. you may not care, and prolly dont. but i thought id just comment on your entry with the buddy lists.. i feel the same way :)
from abacinate :
I loveth your diary :)
from asteroidbelt :
i like what you have to say about that safe sex poster. it is total bullshit. however i didn't read yer entire page because i was suddenly attacked with copacabana. ugh. please don't use an audio file. i'm already listening to something.
from xxjunebugxx :
from iratelobster :
Yes, I added my own note because I'm lame.

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