messages to misfitstray:
(click here to add new message):

from jarofporter :
welcome back! glad to see a post from you again!
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks for the note! Lol, my cat is not fat. Really. It's just that every picture I take of him for some reason makes him look that way. So don't ever ask me to be your portrait photographer! About writing a book...ok, sure, what the hell, why not. It would be nice to have LITERATE groupies for a change :)
from jarofporter :
hi! great to see an entry from you again! if you're thinking of having a small house built, i've been looking at these. i really like them and may build one myself in a few years. -
from dangerspouse :
Oh, I forgot to add: I STILL LOVE MY HAT! It gets comments everywhere I go :)
from dangerspouse :
Ok, the CDC link you sent me was very interesting. Thanks for that! But there is a difference between pathogen reduction and "to clean from negative energy". I won't point out that our ancestors also had an average lifespan of something like 138 minutes, so they're not always a good source to cite regarding health matters ;) But then again...if it's "super-in", then I'm all for it! :)
from jarofporter :
i burn sage in every new place i live, i think it's really helpful for my peace of mind.
from dangerspouse :
Congratulations on the move! I hope you're able to swing that new house soon. Er, forgive me for laughing at the white sage treatment though ;)
from nineofswords :
Congrats on the sale of your apartment at over the asking price! That is awesome.
from portlypete :
Management was created to come up with inexpicable decisions like the one you describe. The workers just have to tolerate this as it does, at least, stop them from medlling in the stuff that really matters.
from catsoul :
11.9.2021. Glad to see that you are writing here again more often. Rest and heal that back, that is such a pain, I can relate. Peace within yourself. =^..^=
from jarofporter :
sorry to hear about your exams, but very excited for you about selling your place, and that you got a much better price for it!
from nineofswords :
I agree, cancer is the devil. I'm doing well though and I am about to update right now!
from nineofswords :
Thank you for your kind note and the well wishes!!
from jarofporter :
what will you do with this practitioner certification? you may have mentioned it, but i don't recall. and i've been lazy with house projects too - no worries, they'll still be there when you get around to them! ;-)
from nineofswords :
I love the show Prodigal Son! Tom Payne used to be on The Walking Dead.
from swordfern :
I live in BC. I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have about towns or lakes here in BC! I have travelled to many places in the province. The landscape is varied and beautiful. (I came across your diary via Jarofporter's diary)
from kelsi :
That fireplace looks amazing!
from kelsi :
This is a new house so there really aren't many big home improvement projects to do, yet! I'm finally figuring out the furniture I want to buy, and I've started making plans for my yard and garden, once the snow melts. :)
from kelsi :
I am so impressed by your home improvement projects!
from nineofswords :
Thank you for the box, Part Two: So the next morning after I found the package you sent, I showed it to my little ninja and he did indeed lose his mind. I told him I have a friend in Germany who sent this box and there are some surprises inside for you! I showed him everything and he hugged and kissed the Ninjago set and he pointed out Sensei Wu and he was telling me exactly what this was and the episode of the show that it came from. He said "Who is your friend? Where is she? Do I know her? Tell her I love her!". He was super intrigued with the chocolate Santa and all the other chocolate things. He made quick work of the chocolate Santa. He has just been asking me for some of my printer paper and now he has his own sketch pad. I'm unlikely to get many sketches out of him, but I find papers with Game codes and passwords on them. He's a little computer whiz. So the box was a big hit and you have a new Ninja friend.
from nineofswords :
I found the package from you on my doorstep at about midnight my time!! The postman snuck up and didn't ring the doorbell. Thank you so much for all this Christmas in a box! I couldn't believe what a big heavy box that was. I have opened it and looked at everything and then replaced everything (because my boy is already in bed asleep and I want to let him see everything come out of the box. I put everything back in the box except the Stollen, because I had some immediate plans for that. haha. The boy is going to lose his mind when he sees that Ninjago Lego set. We needed a Sensei Wu!! He is going to love everything about that. I thank you for each and every thing you put in that box. You are so thoughtful and good at choosing gifts. I love and miss Germany and even seeing the box you sent it in was fun for me. I really have been missing Germany a lot lately. I need to do something nice for you! I couldn't believe the size of that stollen!! That is about the size my dad makes it. The ones we buy in stores here are tiny and don't taste as good as this one you sent. It is delicious. It's like a fresh one from a bakery. It's really good and I thank you so much for sending it to me. All the German goodies reminded me of Christmas in Germany and that is one of my favorite memories of my life.
from nineofswords :
Yuck. Cigarettes are stinky AF. I would be very unhappy if I couldn't escape that smell. I hope you make a nice profit on the sale of your home.
from jarofporter :
hi, thanks for the note! i'm sorry about the new neighbors, having to smell smoke all the time is awful. hope you find a really good new place soon!
from nineofswords :
Awesome! I will message you on facebook with my address. :)
from hitch-hike :
My field is library & information science. There's a lot of behind the scenes work, but I work with the public. I frequently am a guest lecturer and show people how to use the information sources in various fields (I've done everything from humanities to science and health care). I also get students started on doing background research and the various ethical issues involved (plagiarism, scooping, etc.). This stuff changes frequently and is considerably different than it was 10 years ago, so I'm always learning something new!
from hitch-hike :
I work in higher education! It’s like being in a relationship you can’t stand but don’t leave because it gives the minimum and it could be much worse elsewhere. A colleague and I reached a mutual agreement on this conclusion! We stay for the kids and because there’s things we like a lot about the profession, hahaha!
from catsoul :
11.4.2020. Sorry to read about your sister's passing. I too haven't talked to my sister in at least over 8 years I guess. I still send her a birthday card and Christmas card with a gift card. I never get either from her. Don't know why she stopped contact, I just let it go. Peace. =^..^=
from kelsi :
I'm sorry about your sister...
from jarofporter :
"It's never too late to learn something new." exactly! which is one reason i study languages... and i'm hoping you win the lottery soon!
from kelsi :
Thanks! It's just me and my dog :)
from kelsi :
Awesome! That's some impressive work!
from hitch-hike :
Wow, you're my inspiration for renovations! My place isn't bad, but I'd sure love some updates. I'm going to guess it took 2 weeks of pretty steady work to get it all done?
from nineofswords :
Very impressive! You've been very busy. You are going to have a whole new place with all your repairs and renovations.
from nineofswords :
I DO see your flat stare! haha. I have a flat stare in support of your flat stare. I'm glad your tub is resealed and I hope wasn't too terribly expensive to get everything fixed. I am VERY interested in your past life regression experience. I hope you have lots of details to share afterwards. I am planning to get an akashic reading at some point. I've been putting it off for some reason. It goes into past history of the soul.
from nineofswords :
So sorry about your leaky pipes!! I got a laugh out of reading about your very heavy sigh and flat stare when you found the source of the stink. I can just imagine it. Sometimes the joys of home ownership are over-rated. ha. I recently opened the cabinet under my kitchen sink and discovered about an inch of standing water in there from a leaky garbage disposal. Very annoying, but an easy fix.
from nineofswords :
I am interested in past life regression, but haven't made any serious plans to do it. I have read some books about it though.
from nineofswords :
Thanks for the info about Covid in Germany. Sorry you didn't win the lottery. I hope there is no second lockdown. I'm like you, Covid hasn't changed my life very much, but I do like to have the option to go on vacation, even if I don't actually do it. Our mask rules are a lot like what you described and I am actually getting used to it. I will be so glad when it is over and life goes back to normal.
from nineofswords :
I'm glad you are really ok! One of my great fears is being in a kayak. I feel like I would flip over and be trapped upside down under the water. I've never tried it. There is probably some easy way to get back up or something. Fear of the unknown, I guess.
from nineofswords :
Hi there! I'm curious: How are things in Germany relating to Covid-19? Are businesses closed? Are people having to wear masks everywhere? I am sick and tired of everything about Covid. Frustrated!! You are frustrated with everything in your life right now. My mom used to rearrange our furniture in the house and make it look like a whole new place when she needed something different in her life. Maybe you should buy a new fun thing or paint a wall in your house a new color. Make a change in your environment. Sometimes that will reset your outlook.
from jarofporter :
glad to see an update from you, sorry it seems to be on a negative note. what's going on? feel free to email me if you'd like to chat a bit.
from dangerspouse :
You poor thing! It sucks getting stuck in a mental malaise like that. I'll indeed cross all 11 of my fingers for you. Hang in there!
from nineofswords :
Nice to see that you are feeling better!
from hitch-hike :
Same here... it's been hard to write here these past 2 months. I'm not sure what sheltering in place did to make that happen! But, it sounds like you were able to enjoy getting things done around your home!!
from jarofporter :
hi! great to see a new post from you! :-)
from nineofswords :
Wow. 12 years sounds like a long time when you are talking about a job you don't like. I understand wanting to hang on to your good salary. I had medical benefits and a high salary with my old job and it was worth it to hang in there for a number of years, but it finally got to the point where I welcomed the devil I don't know instead of staying with the one I was used to. You might be able to find another position that pays as much as your current job. Or maybe you will finally win the lottery!
from nineofswords :
I hope you are feeling better and are less depressed. You should be having some nice spring weather by now. Maybe that will brighten up your days.
from dangerspouse :
Haha! Yeah, that wolf is pretty damn cute. No shame in coming in second to that. He even has a prettier tail than me - which is not easy! Thanks so much for the great note :)
from hitch-hike :
2020-02-09: Thanks for sharing the pictures from your England trip! They were very soothing, and it sparked ideas for places I'd love to see!
from catsoul :
1.29.2020. Hi. Just wanted to tell you I also love your photo of in the woods and water. There is a similar place in the woods below the dam here that is also very similar, I will have to go a wandering and see if I can take a photo of it. Will have to wait many months though for warmer weather. Peace. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
I love that picture! Any chance you can return and take another one in the snow?
from dangerspouse :
Hooray! Mine's your favorite picture because the others suck! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR!! Lol - thanks babe :)
from jarofporter :
thanks for the b-day wishes!
from catsoul :
1.20.2020. Hi. Sounds like you have a challenge. I know you can felt the curly haired doggie. Your creativity and art is so, so amazing. Can't wait to see pics of the doggie. Peace. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
Your photos look professional, my friend. You are a very good photographer.
from secret-motel :
Wow, those are great pics. You have such a good eye.
from catsoul :
1.12.2020. Hi. Those photos you took felt like I was on your journey hiking with you. The are so, so beautiful. Thank you for showing them. Peace. =^..^=
from kelsi :
Those are some seriously fantastic photos. The lake district looks absolutely beautiful!
from dangerspouse :
Polish the floor with my hat? MY NEW HAT?? Forget it. Replacing a wife is easy. Do you know how hard it would be to get another form fitting felted wool chapeau from a genuine Green Mountain Yak? Jeez. Think these things through, girl! (And I absolutely LOVE your pictures. Bravo!!)
from dangerspouse :
What's to catch up on? All you need to know is "Opa!" and "Yobo". There. You now know Korean.
from nineofswords :
I just read your entry and I am SO envious of your long vacation. If I took off for 7 weeks, I wouldn't have a job anymore when I got back. I enjoyed your entry a lot. I laughed so hard at your ::flatstare:: incident.
from nineofswords :
I would be happy to provide a loving home for your Christmas Stollen next Christmas. Very nice of you to offer. My dad makes it from scratch and it takes all day long! I cannot get enough of that stuff.
from dangerspouse :
Your welcome, it was the least I could do! OMG - i totally forgot about the Carnivorous Green Yaks of Mongolia!! Thank you for reminding me, I'll offer a retraction in my next post. Whew.
from nineofswords :
Hi friend! I have been lazy about updating and busy with work. I often have things I want to write about but somehow it doesn't make it to an actual entry. I am going to try to update more often because someone cares. :-)
from nineofswords :
I know Killswitch Engage. They are very heavy.
from kelsi :
Your fall weather over there sounds glorious! We've had some nice days but also lots of unusually cold days, and now it's like the middle of winter - snow, wind, ice, well below freezing. btw, Halloween in the US isn't a work holiday - we don't get a long weekend. But enjoy yours! :)
from hitch-hike :
To answer your other question, I found the retreat through a website called Ayamundo, and one of the hosts is Sandra.
from hitch-hike :
Hello! The courts banned ayahuasca in the Netherlands, so I was glad I was able to go to a retreat while I had a chance! They can blend it with something else now, but cannot give it by itself, which is what the place I attended now does. It was a very interesting experience, but the feeling one has after stepping off a roller coaster lasted a little longer than I would had liked!!
from jarofporter :
and no, i wouldn't be angry with you for that - i've felt that way many, many times in the past, so i understand! :-)
from jarofporter :
good to see another entry from you - i always enjoy your pictures! my vacation doesn't start until thanksgiving week here, but then i'm off the rest of the year!
from hitch-hike :
Hello! The upcoming vacation sounds so refreshing! Send those long holiday vibrations to us wretched people in The States (most people get 2 weeks paid time off if they are lucky).
from jarofporter :
i have the same issue w/finding a new job - age, but also specialized industry. it's frustrating. sorry i haven't replied to your email yet, read it then forgot to reply. will do so soon!
from eatmorepizza :
Misfit! It's been too long! So good to hear from you. I hope things are going well in your world. I'll have to catch up on some entries and see whats up :)
from hitch-hike :
Hello, thank you for the add!!
from catsoul :
8.13.19. So glad to see you back. Hope all is a.o.k. Peace. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
I hope you are doing ok, friend.
from jarofporter :
i would like for you to 'spill your guts' if you're comfortable doing so. if not here, then send me an email... either way, good to see an entry from you again.
from nineofswords :
Hi friend! Unfortunately, I do not get more money when I cover for people because it is a part of my job. I have a regular assignment and I also have to cover. It usually doesn't take me 8 hours a day to do all of it though.
from jarofporter :
thanks for your note, it's apprecaited
from dangerspouse :
"Insidious dogs!" LOL! Yup, you nailed it. They're loud, too - did I mention that? OOOOOoooo, Christmas is coming! Can't wait to see it, thanks babe!!! :)
from narcissa :
Thank you so much..’I’m working my way through slowly- this has been a bright spot in a brutal week. I really appreciate the effort.
from catsoul :
4.10.19. Hi. I like your new background. Glad you get to work from home the rest of your work week. I am sorry to read you are so out of sorts. That sucks royally. Rest, relax, and hydrate. Peace. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Gadzooks, I can't seem to find your email address anywhere. Probably because I'm a typical guy and can't remember your real name. Go figure. Ok then, shoot me an email to: notepad101(at)gmail and I'll get right back to you. Hurry, my poor head is FREEZING!! ;)
from narcissa :
oooh thanks! (i don't check that account that often!) i'm going to check it out
from dangerspouse :
Woo hoo! Swag! GREEN SWAG!! rush, babe. You gotta take it easy on that back. Seriously. Bad backs are no joke, I hope you find relief soon. Oh my god, you're learning Korean? That's so impressive! 고맙습니다 !
from narcissa :
how about email? i'm at narcissadiaryland [at] and you want some music back i can send you links... i'm mostly streaming music these days!
from narcissa :
i'd love to get some music from you! People have been sending all kinds of things - for example, in the last week I got: Tedesch1 Trucks (Blues Rock); M0onlight Benjamin (voodoo rock?); this: (Afro-Latin?); old Ethiopian: ; R Kelly; and Barr Brothers (Montreal indie). So.... i will legitimately listen to anything (except, actually, R Kelly). That's so kind of you! I can send you some back if you tell me what you like to listen to.
from nineofswords :
I've been missing in action lately and I just got caught up with your last few entries. I loved your pictures of course and I'm sorry to hear you have been having back pain. I've been in the same boat! I somehow hurt my sciatic nerve and it has also made my knee hurt so I have been crippling around in pain for a few weeks. I got some shoes called "Vionic" that make your ankle line up the way it's supposed to and it has relieved the knee pain a lot. The sciatic pain is still there, but it's getting better. I'm glad yours is getting better too.
from kelsi :
Alles Gute!
from jarofporter :
sorry to hear about your back, i know exactly what you mean about that kind of pain! hope it's better soon.
from dangerspouse :
Holy kimchee, yobo! That was some list! Lol - you like the tearjerkers, huh? I'll pass 'em along to NewWifey(tm), thanks very much :) Will also see about that Rakuten thingy. I'm not sure if we get apps, and I don't have a tablet or smart phone, but maybe she has something she can watch it on. Much appreciated! Kamsahamnida!
from whaleart :
I think the mailpeople of Korea ARE disappearing packages.. I've tried addresses in Eng/Korean.. neverrrrrr gets there. I have a Canadian/schoolmate friend working there, and I'm leery of trying to send her anything beyond letters -- letters arrive. Packages vanish.
from whaleart :
I had no luck sending carepackages to Korea, either. They always seem to get lost in the mail. :/
from dangerspouse :
Hey, what k-drama(s) are you watching? My wife is jonesing for a good new one! :)
from dangerspouse :
Heyo! Wow, that's so cool that your FitBit has been giving you satisfaction for TWO YEARS now. Pretty amazing! Hey listen, don't pressure yourself to get the hat done on any specific timetable. You've got enough going on in your life. I'm not gonna turn into an icicle without it, so no worries. Que sera, sera.... :)
from dangerspouse :
"Might"...? Lol...
from dangerspouse :
HAHA!! You've discovered my tiny, tiny secret. Lol. Well done! Ok, I'll take your word for it that my conversion attempt was a hilarious failure. OR WAS IT? It turns out that...well yes, I am a hilarious failure. But there's a reason this time. The tag on my cap says 7 3/8, which I assumed was the designation in inches. But it's not! Looking it up online, a 7 3/8 hat size is actually the designation for a hat that is 23 1/8 inches - or 58.7 cm - in circumference! I had no idea I had such a fat head! And now you know, too :)
from dangerspouse :
Make sure it's accurate to that last decimal place ;)
from dangerspouse :
18.7325 cm :)
from dangerspouse :
BABE!!! Whew, that felt good :) Ok, hey, if you're dead set on crafting a chapeau for my overly corpulent noggin'...sure, go for it! One stipulation: I insist on paying for it. Including shipping. If that's amenable to you, then I eagerly look forward to having an authentic HOPEFULLY VERY VERY WARM ALMOST TO THE POINT OF BEING UNCOMFORTABLY SO handcrafted Misfitstray Industries, Inc. hat of my very own. 7 3/8, green. Do you do earflappies? That would be cool too. And finally, thank you. You really are sweet :)
from dangerspouse :
Oh my gosh, what a sweet and generous offer! I am overwhelmed that you would do something like that for someone you don't even know. Thank you so much. I think it would be inappropriate for me to accept a gift like that though, as I know that both time and money are rather at a premium for you. I would feel terribly guilty. So please accept my heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude, but I think I'll continue the hunt on my own...and honestly, the hunt itself is part of the fun. It gives me something to blog about :) All the best!
from dangerspouse :
Those pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS! Good to see a new post from you, and I wish you all the best for 2019 :)
from jarofporter :
YaY, new post! :-) Yes, I'll email you again, be sure to check junk mail folder. I'll also see about adding my contact info to my new template, I didn't realize it was gone.
from jarofporter :
Hi! Are you still around? Been a while since you updated, wanted to know you're ok. Oh, and Happy New Year!
from nineofswords :
I love the snail and the bear! I have nothing to show so far. I haven't even attempted felting yet. I got a kit last year for Christmas and haven't done it yet. It seems like time is flying and I'm not getting anything done. I love your hiking pictures too!
from u-saved-me :
your new favourite singer does have a very lovely voice, thanks for sharing that. the way they shot the video with a drone makes me really dizzy though, woah.
from kelsi :
Beautiful pictures!
from jarofporter :
oh, and thanks for your concern, but i'll never do medications again. I tried 4 different ones; 2 SSRI's, one NDRI, and Bupropion, and they all messed me up, really bad. Like, hallucinations, major anger issues, or sleeping 14 hrs a day. never again...
from jarofporter :
i knew you'd pass the oral exam, nice work!
from kelsi :
from catsoul :
I am so, so very happy for you that you have passed your written exams. Congratulations!! Sending positive thoughts for you while taking your oral exam part. You can and will pass those also. Peace. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
Congratulations!!! I celebrate with you!!
from jarofporter :
congrats on passing! bet it's a relief to have that successfully behind you...
from nineofswords :
I'm glad you haven't contacted the Iranian guy... that seems very sketchy and dangerous. Good luck on your exams. I am so glad you feel pretty well prepared. You can do it! I'm jealous of your long vacation time!!! I can only take 1 week at a time, tops. When I am gone, it puts a stress on the others. I have over 200 hours of vacation time built up, which is 5 weeks, but they will only allow me to take 1 week at a time.
from kelsi :
Oh boy, be careful! That guy sounds really suspicious.
from nineofswords :
That fox paperweight is adorable. I received a small felting kit from my sister and I plan to try it soon. :-)
from secret-motel :
I would exercise extreme caution navigating darknet territory. It's not as "dark" out there as some people think. Lot of folks (including western authorities) using infrared, if you know what I mean.
from nineofswords :
Good luck on your exams!! I prayed for you to get more motivated and to retain the info and pass your exams.
from nineofswords :
Good luck with your studies. I bet it will be worth while to put all your focus on passing that exam. In the US, pharmaceutical reps make a lot of money.
from nineofswords :
That last entry was brief and to the point. You have a solid plan. Use drugs and rob a bank. LOL
from nineofswords :
Very smart of you to get second hand furniture and recover it!
from jarofporter :
very cool furniture - now i wonder what it will look like when you've refinished/re-covered them!
from nineofswords :
Welcome back!!!!!!! I'm so glad to see you posting here again!!
from kelsi :
Glad you're posting here again!
from jarofporter :
would love to see pics of the 70s furniture, if you get a chance...
from jarofporter :
hi again! *waves*
from catsoul :
6/27/18. Hi. Glad to see you writing here again. When Laila was here, your felted squirrel got a lot of runs and walks in her jogging stroller. That girl loves to run I tell you. I have to ride my bike to keep up with her. Take Care. Peace. =^..^=
from jarofporter :
saw you were thinking of coming back. would be cool if you did, but i wanted you to know that, though i don't leave notes all the time, i check your site every day. :-)
from kelsi :
Thanks! I hope you do come back - it doesn’t look like this place is going away after all (I hope)!
from jarofporter :
it's funny - i was just thinking the other day, "i kinda wish it was still winter, so i wouldn't feel guilty about sitting on the couch reading all night".
from nineofswords :
I might get a pod or something for the overflow if there is any overflow. The mover guy is coming over tomorrow to re-estimate. I am thinking of having a garage sale too. But I really don't want to. Too much trouble.
from jarofporter :
damnit, i knew it started with a Z! oh well, sorry about that! :-)
from achmardi :
I'm in IT support for a bank.
from nineofswords :
I know your gypsy soul wants to roam!! I grew up in a military family, so we moved a lot and I love to move to a new place and learn what is good about it. It's hard for me to let go of my current house, but now I am getting more excited about my new place. I'll put up some pictures soon.
from achmardi :
I honestly got excited about that movie when the trailers first came out, but then lost track of time and didn't realize it even came out in theaters, haha. Like a year ago??
from achmardi :
I probably could move away, and have thought about it. But I like it here, and want to see if I can give it a chance. I don't want that trauma to own this city, because it's lovely otherwise.
from nineofswords :
I just now found your note, on March 20. So I will now begin sending you some good money vibes. You should expect and start looking for money to come to you, or see ways you can reduce costs. I will read up on your personality type. I wish everyone who reads would tell me their type! Interesting.
from jarofporter :
Some of the things I like to do when I have time off & no money is getting lost in a fantasy book, or maybe rearranging furniture to make the place seem 'new'. I know you 'felt', do you make any art? Painting, drawing, writing, etc? I'm sorry to hear about your health struggle with the ticks, that must be difficult. :-(
from jarofporter :
Thanks you! And, it isn't that I'm not interested, it's that there are other things in which I'm more interested right now, you know? :-)
from jarofporter :
Oh, also, here's the "About" page for the hut builder. Looks like he's in Queensland, Australia.
from jarofporter :
house will be officially sold end-of-business on Friday, 3/16! Tracking school sounds interesting, but I don't know that it would ever be useful to me, as I don't tend to hike/camp/etc.
from nineofswords :
I am happy for your decision to leave your congregation. You will enjoy your life more with less restriction and God will love you anyway! God didn't make up those rules the church places on people. Church doctrine is just man made rules. In my humble opinion.
from jarofporter :
above all, we must be honest with ourselves. if following another path is what you need, be strong. life is about growth, not stagnation, and if you're ready to move on to something better, you're ready to grow! I'm just an internet-ghost, but you have my support, if that helps. :-)
from catsoul :
Thank you for your kind and loving words about Taffy. She was such a sweet girl. Take Care. =^..^=
from jarofporter :
glad you're posting again - good luck with your training, hope your races go well!
from nineofswords :
Oh yeah, you don't have any of that pre-Christmas panic like us Christmas shoppers do. I bet the whole thing seems like a nuisance to you. I'm glad you had a nice restful time to just do whatever you wanted to do!
from nineofswords :
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, my friend. My sister gave me a felting kit in my box of delights! I'm going to try it.
from jarofporter :
hey, are you still around? haven't seen an entry on your other page for almost two months, just want to know if things are ok?
from nineofswords :
I did find some good houses! They have a lot of good ones for sale and more being built. My sister found a house to rent but she also has more recently found a house that she might buy if everything checks out. She is moving next month if her house sale goes through.
from nineofswords :
I think his doggie treats made him sick! I've been reading online about possible causes for gastroenteritis and I found some stories where a lot of dogs have gotten sick from chicken jerky treats and about 20% of them died! Jax begs for those treats and he won't come in the house unless I give him one (before he got sick) and I think he was having too many of them (my fault for being weak and giving in) But I am all done with those treats. I'm not buying any more of them. Homemade treats will be the only treats from now on.
from jarofporter :
the "health issue" was just a little dark humour. i'm probably fine. :-)
from nineofswords :
Thank you for the well wishes. :-)
from jarofporter :
Yes, pretty excited about it! Just not about the actual moving of things; will be better once I'm living there. The pic you posted of a site for a house is beautiful, I hope you can build it someday!
from jarofporter :
I'm still reading! Sorry about your race time, but these things happen on occasion. Really liked the last storm-cloud picture too - hope you enjoy your time off!
from nineofswords :
Not quite the Whitehouse, but certainly a lavish Estate. My sister said she is sort of embarrassed at the opulence and my mom says she won't know what to do with herself in a house that big. I say I am used to it already!
from jarofporter :
...and you would be quite welcome to visit! (weren't you thinking of a trip to Canada at one point?)
from jarofporter :
Thanks for the good wishes! It does look a little "castle-like", doesn't it!? :-) And yes, typically, houses in the US are unfurnished, but sometimes people will leave the appliances like refrigerator, dishwasher, oven/stove. and laundry machines. in this case, I think those stay, and i will probably leave mine in the current house when I move, too.
from dangerspouse :
Hey hey, look who left me a note! Thanks babe, me and my unmanly hairless legs have missed you :)
from candoor :
So where did you move to? Like I am here a few times a year, if that, but still find smiles and memories and new words from old friends when I return. I moved terms of many times in online writing spaces and lose readers every time. I think I have a few now, though only one keeps in touch in my current incaseitmatters at blogspot place. I try to remember to write in a notepad and copy and paste into the online boxes so I won't lose anything I've written because it may mean nothing to anyone ever, but to me it's my mind dump and I sometimes learn from sorting through the dump. Hope you are well wherever you are. :)
from nineofswords :
Hi friend and fellow hermit! A new car?! That's a good thing! Congrats!
from dangerspouse :
Lol. I'll let her know! :)
from kelsi :
Hi! The tart cherry stuff is supposed to be really healthy, anti-inflammatory to help with muscle recovery after a workout. Also has melatonin so I have these smoothies at night after boxing or yoga classes. ||| Roth IRAs are retirement accounts that have some tax advantages over other investments. At some places like Vanguard (and not like my credit union) you can choose which funds (stocks, bonds, etc.) you want to invest your IRA money in. I'm not very knowledgeable about financial stuff so am just getting started with this but it's exciting. ||| Nice to hear from you! Hope things are well in Germany!
from catsoul :
hi, you are probably right on with my dream. I been working on just accepting Sadie's health challenge. We all are getting older and with that some things are slowing down or not really working like they did when we were younger. Sorry I haven't written you yet. Am I able to just mail a card or do I have to buy special air mail stationery like in the old days. Have a great rest of your week. Take Care. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
My luck jumped over to my daughter one time. I talked her into entering a drawing at Walmart. The prize was a $50 gift card. She said "I never win anything." I told her just try it! Expect to win! She won. :-)
from nineofswords :
Noooooooooo... I like reading about your life! I've been off D-land for awhile and I've been inconsistent about updating ever since he died. Every time I write, I think about the fact that he won't read, because he's gone.
from eloira :
Sometimes, taking a break from somewhere is necessary. Do it if it's right for you :) As for the pics, no problem!! Er... Which FB one are you though?? More than one :/ I'll find you though, even if I have to add everybody haha!
from kelsi :
Bahhh, sorry you'll be leaving diaryland :( but understandable.
from jarofporter :
:-( not as easy to follow you now, but i've bookmarked the new page. if you don't mind my asking, why no more d-land?
from dangerspouse :
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!! Er...yes. Beer would be fine. Thank you.
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god - I AM on my period! You could smell it from there?? Wow. I gotta get pads with wings. (And that was a wonderfully sycophantic note. Thank you. If you ever come over, you can have a slice of bread. And maybe some slivovitz if there's any left.) :)
from eloira :
Good luck with your goals - it feels good once you've been going a while! I'm hoping the motivation is catching - need some over here :) Have you used the dye yet by the way? Awesome choice of colour (not that I'm biased!)
from kelsi :
Wow those animals are amazing!
from dangerspouse :
You do incredible felting work. I love the animals particularly. Bravo!
from dangerspouse :
HA! NOTHING! My new phone cost me N O T H I N G. The phone company's letter, as I mentioned in my entry, said they'd exchange it for free - and they did! So there. Another reason why I don't want a $400 tracking device! (You did it? You cut your hair?? *sob* I'm so sorry....)
from jarofporter :
tough break, sorry to hear it! ;-)
from dangerspouse :
40 inches of snow!! No wonder you have blisters, poor thing. Hope you get to rest those paws for a while now that you're back. (And please, please, DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR!!) :)
from nineofswords :
In the end, I learned that the whole problem happened because that account is an interest bearing account, so the bank has to report earnings from that account to the IRS and the name they had down is not matching the name I file taxes on. I file taxes on my maiden name, but I kept my married name after I divorced because all my professional credentials are in that name. It's all fixed now, because I changed the name on the account to match the name I file taxes with. Yes, I need to drop the married name! :-)
from eloira :
Sadly not - I'd love to, but nobody else wants me :( Hehe, true enough, the mountain will be in Peru, not the UK! Trekking part of the Andes seemed a good idea at the time...
from nineofswords :
I'm sure the boss is worried about too many resignations causing her to look bad. She can pass off 2 resignations as coincidence, but if a third and fourth person leaves, it will attract attention from higher up. I'm glad that sleeping in your car is a choice and not the only option. I would be crashing co-workers homes left and right. LOL
from nineofswords :
Jax is doing very well! We haven't started any obedience lessons, but the vibrating collar absolutely worked on him and he does not bark at the neighbor anymore. I have a big privacy fence so there is very little danger of him getting away when we are home, but I do need to get him trained to come to me when I call him so he will stop if he gets away at my parents house again. He is such a little sweetheart. I cannot express how lovable he is.
from nineofswords :
I feel so bad for you sleeping in your car and having a migraine. I wish you could go to your comfy home after work every day.
from catsoul :
Thank you eveor so much. I am also glad you enjoy the pics on FB. I love the pics you post also.
from nineofswords :
Thanks for the good advice. I didn't even think about obedience training for Jax. He really needs it. How wonderful it would be if he would return when I call him. Usually if I say "Chew bone" he will come right to me, because he wants a treat more than he wants most things. But he doesn't answer even for a treat if he is on the loose. I guess he likes freedom more than treats. I'm going to check into obedience training for him!
from dangerspouse :
I love that little bag! So cute. And yes, I've been snipped :)
from catsoul :
Thank you also for leaving notes and reading about my life. Merry Christmas to you. Take Care. =^..^=
from jarofporter :
from jarofporter :
thanks! i left her a note to see if she'd consider giving me a p/w, but just knowing she's still around makes me feel a lot better.
from nineofswords :
Your little visitor is going to have the time of her life. :-)
from secret-motel :
Very lovely pics and words about Ruegen.
from nineofswords :
Awesome photos!
from nineofswords :
Thanks for the insight. I have wondered many times how it looks to people who live in Germany. The videos and news reports I've seen make it look extremely dangerous. Radical Muslims say that they have a plan in place that is working. They admit freely that they move into other countries, bring countless more immigrants in, produce many children with the goal of becoming the majority and then they change the laws of that land to Sharia law, under which all non-Muslims are relegated to second class citizens, to be harassed and attacked until they convert. Islam has 2 goals, caliphate and Sharia. It is currently underway. You can look at other countries and see this happening, so it all adds up. I would love to visit Germany again. I don't feel safe right now, but maybe I will at some later time.
from kelsi :
Neat pictures!
from jarofporter :
Got your email, will hang on to it until I can financially afford to travel again. Thanks!
from nineofswords :
This video sums up the general impression I am getting about the "refugees". What do you think about this?
from jarofporter :
Thanks. Next time I come to Germany, maybe we can meet up? I think you're no more than a couple hours from my friends there!?
from nineofswords :
You inspire me with your trips that you take. I should be going more places. The trip to Ruegen sounds so great. I went to East Germany while the wall was still up. It was a very strange experience. I got 8 marks to the dollar so it was really fun shopping there.
from kelsi :
Thanks for the well wishes! I think I'm getting better, but it's taking a very long time. Enjoy your vacation - it sounds absolutely lovely! :)
from mistfree :
Ha! Dangerspouse is such a funny guy! I was encouraged by the days you made it to the gym! Made me get my act together and go yesterday. Its been 5 days for me. Don't you have showers at the gym? That (in addition to the date potential) can also be your motivation!
from dangerspouse :
Lol. It doesn't matter how much training you do or how seductively sculpted you become. If you don't get that shower, all bets are off. Good luck! :)
from dangerspouse :
Here's the plan: convince yourself that if you're in good enough shape, you WILL win that date with Henry Cavill. You'll be back in your serious training regimen in no time! You're welcome :)
from nineofswords :
I didn't think about the language difference with the Alexa. In the Alexa app, you can go through and enable the features you want her to be able to do. I'm sure they have many German ones. While you are not loving your Echo, I have just received an Echo Dot for my bedroom and tonight I am ordering one for my kitchen and one for my dad. The echo dot does everything the full size Echo does, but is missing the bigger speaker. The one in my bedroom sounds fine and can function as an alarm clock and read me bedtime stories. LOL
from nineofswords :
The VW bus is SO GOOD. You are really good at this felting thing.
from catsoul :
The van is pretty cool and it is huge. Not much else happening around here, no snow yet but they say this weekend. Take Care. =^..^=
from mistfree :
You are so very smart to not have high expectations about living with someone - especially after watching romantic movies. Or even rom-coms! How do I teach my neighbor that? Sorry you're missing your doggy!
from dangerspouse :
Awww, it would be nice if you could have your doggie back. They are indeed the best roommates. (I do have to disagree with you slightly regarding the universal unfitness of world leaders. Bhutan has had exemplary ones, even to this day. If it weren't for the fact that my commute would suck, I'd probably move there.) :)
from dangerspouse :
You're so generous! I may take you up on the asylum offer. I'll even cook for you in return! Prepare to get very, very fat :)
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Thanks for the note :) Now that I'm allowed to come cook for you, you're BOUND to get better! Hang in there, babe.
from nineofswords :
Get well soon, friend! In the US, you can say "Alexa, ask Earthquakes what's shaking" and she will list all the earthquakes that happened in the past hour. I wonder if it's the same for Germany.
from nineofswords :
We had a great time in the Ozarks! It was pretty, but not as colorful as we hoped, because the weather was too hot this year for the colors to get completely vivid. The peak of color will happen in a week or so.
from kelsi :
I don't really know what will happen, just a guess - I've sent Andrew a few emails over the last few years that have never been answered, there are a lot of things still broken from when he switched servers a couple years ago, and I can't imagine too many people are paying for Gold memberships anymore. Doesn't seem like he's interested in diaryland at all anymore.
from kelsi :
Oh, a running award, very silly and embarrassing.
from eloira :
Mine's also a dark blonde, but I lighten it as far as I can to make the colour intense and true to shade. Depending on the colour, it may work but every brand is different. I coloured blue straight on the underneath once and it went peacock green! It was awesome, just not what I was expecting hehe! Do a small test strand and see - people won't notice so much and it'll give you the chance to see what works :)
from eloira :
Oh wow, a metre high is impressive! I love basils. My seed collection is up to 6 different types. Ruby basil is one of them and one of my faves too! The colour we use is by Goldwell (Ilumen?), though even supermarket brands such as Swarzkopf work well too. I've used Directions but don't find it lasts - good if you're unsure I suppose. At the moment, my roots are pure blue, the lengths turquoise with shocking pink streaks. That's just me :)
from eloira :
Oh, and no such thing as 'too old' - the world can never have too much colour! x
from eloira :
I actually work in a cafe, but squash a lot into my spare time! This year I have been part of a local crayfish study and one to monitor the dormouse populations. I've never overwintered basil. I find it gets too big and woody. I never trimmed it back much though! Hoping yours makes it through :)
from nineofswords :
Yes, I will be worried either way, but of the 2 evils, I'd rather have the arrogant blow hard who says things rudely than the career criminal who will jeopardize our freedom as a nation. It's completely amazing that these two are the chosen representatives of the two big political parties.
from nineofswords :
The slippers are very cute! You are really good at that. Your vacation planning is impressive. I am lucky to get one real vacation trip planned in a year. The rest of my time off is just long weekends with family events or odd days off here and there. I am going to try to do more next year. You've inspired me.
from nineofswords :
Awww, that is sweet. My mom would take Dexter, but I live 5 hours away from her so it would be a hassle to get him there. He used to love this lady that runs the kennel, but last time he stayed she said he has turned into a grumpy old man. He is one spoiled chihuahua.
from mistfree :
The Kiva site is very interesting. I may consider signing up to make some loans. Hope you find something wonderful to do on your afternoon off!
from catsoul :
I go to the person's archives now and click on the latest one. =^..^=
from mistfree :
Too bad your hike was cut short and your tomatoes aren't producing fruit. Even though we woke up to 58°F (12°C) it will got up 20° and be a sunny warm day by noon. I'll send you some of my sunshine!
from catsoul :
hello...sorry to read your hiking was cut short. About patience, no worries there. The tomotoes here are also slowing not producing. Heavy frost was here a few days ago, but I put all the plants in the garage. I drag them out for sun each day, and then drag them back into the garage. I just don't want to see the end of the plants or flowers. Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Your felting work is beautiful - again! That purse is just too cute. Well done! Mmmmmm, onion tart. Save me a piece, I'll trade you for a bottle of slivovitz :)
from dangerspouse :
You're correct about saffron normally looking more threadlike (you've got a good eye). But I didn't want to write anything disparaging about it in my blog because the girl who gave it to us might see it. It really IS saffron, but to be fair, it really was inferior grade. They were pretty much the tailings which weren’t fit for sending to market. The first few dishes I cooked with it were remarkable for their total lack of saffron flavor, which is highly unusual because saffron – the stuff you pay out the wazoo for – is SO strong, as you know. Normally two full cups should last the entire cook’s life, his kid’s life, his grandkid’s life, and two more generations after that. But I ripped through two cups in under two years because I had to use literal tablespoons every time just to get a hint of flavor out of it. Honestly, the only thing the REALLY tasted of saffron was this damn shrimp dish – and that took a quarter cup to pull off! So now you know :)
from nineofswords :
Actors get too many tempting offers all the time. Rock stars too. They are hopeless for long term relationships.
from nineofswords :
Congrats on your tax refund! I have an extension till October to do mine, but I need to get it done. I dread it because I am worried I will have to pay in. "Stinking like a beaver" is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. :-)
from nineofswords :
I'm so happy you are getting an Echo!! I love mine so much.
from nineofswords :
Thanks for the compliment my friend. You are not giving yourself enough credit! :-)
from kelsi :
Nah, I don't think it's Lyme disease - we don't have that in this area and I don't think I've ever gotten a tick bite. And I don't have any other symptoms, just a couple sore toes. If we can't figure out what's going on, though, I'll definitely bring it up to my doctor.
from nineofswords :
Us 2 hermits have a good bit in common.
from nineofswords :
Little red frog = Adorable!
from nineofswords :
Wow! That was some pretty good advice I gave you, huh? Yes, I think I will be ok. I'm just tired of feeling scrutinized and I need less pressure on me. Thanks, friend! ((hugs))
from dangerspouse :
Wow, that was pretty sad. What's up? Are you really that despondant just because you don't have the gift of bullshit??
from nineofswords :
Congrats on getting your taxes done! I still have to go do mine. Before October.
from dangerspouse :
Great pics! Good luck getting all that money back :)
from nineofswords :
I didn't know about the phone case or the letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw your entry, I went out to the garage and thank goodness I still had the box the bunnies were shipped in! I had only opened one flap of the box and I reached in there and pulled out the bunnies and didn't see anything else. The case was up against the side and the letter was on the bottom under the packing paper. I'm sorry about that!! I love the case! And the letter!! Vielen dank!!
from catsoul :
I am impressed!! Great job at getting thru the paper pile and almost done with the tax shit. Almost done, you can do it. Take Care & take time to watch something good. =^..^=
from kelsi :
I've only gotten a few ripe tomatoes so far - a few black cherry tomatoes and some northern delights, which are small red tomatoes. The purple tomatoes turn red when ripe and they're all still mostly purple, so not ripe yet. Other than that, they're all still green, but hopefully start ripening soon! It's easy to get impatient, I think, because it takes so long!
from peggypenny :
Ha ha, regarding note to dangerspouse, "get um get um, ha ha owls!"
from catsoul :
Just wanted to stop in and say hi is all. Thanks for asking. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Thank you for complimenting my fowl penis :)
from jarofporter :
these are over-the-counter supplements (no prescription from a doctor) and say right on the bottle, not to be taken for more than 2 months at a time, with a 1 month break in between. something about not messing up the body's natural hormone production? anyway, glad you finally found a good place! Just for fun, I took a look at houses in Germany (Thüringen Stadt), and found many I liked - wish I could find a job over there, but I need to speak German fluently, I think, in order to do that. Oh well.
from dangerspouse :
Awww, I hope you feel better soon. At least you get to recoup at home for a few days, rather than at the office. Way to go, to your friend! I was curious about that, in light of you previous post. Hang in there, sicko :)
from catsoul :
howdy....sorry you have had a week long headache/migraine. Isn't a week long migraine too long? Great to look forward to 6 days to work from home. I like being home also. Have a good day. Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
That's really odd about your friend's trepidation surrounding the open water swim. A shame, really. I hope she conquers it someday. Sorry you can't watch the Olympics!
from catsoul :
Thanks for the note. I just had to write what happened to get it out of my mind. I don't dwell and live in the moment. You know I sit and watch the wildlife. Have you every felted a bird? I would love anything you create because it comes from your heart and kindness. Take Care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
hi, I have hung laundry out and the only issue is the pine sap that lands on the clothes. So I have to use a dryer. Pine sap is so hard to get out of cloth. I wish I could but I would have to have a clothsline on the road, don't think that would go over well with the neighbors. Hahahahaha. You are so kind to send someone your felted creatures. You are soooooooo awesome. Take Care. The weekend awaits. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
I'm looking forward to the felted bunny. :-)
from kelsi :
I majored in German in college but don't use it anymore and have forgotten a lot. But every once in a while it comes back. :)
from kelsi :
Schade! Aber es muss irgendwo ein Geschäft geben, die ausländische Süßigkeiten importiert, oder? Coffee Nut M&Ms schmecken.
from jarofporter :
ah, i see what you mean, it's probably an assessment test!
from jarofporter :
agree with both yours & dangerspouse's assessment - very nice! (although i'm a bit concerned with her client's form on lunges...)
from dangerspouse :
WHOA HO HO! You've got good taste in babes, babe. Bianca uber alles!
from nineofswords :
The eye candy gym girl looks EXACTLY as I pictured her.
from nineofswords :
I got your email and answered it. :-)
from dangerspouse :
I KNEW YOU LOVED ME!!! xoxoxoxoxdo
from nineofswords :
I'm glad my spooky powers don't scare you. You are inspiring me to join the gym... but I don't know how much inspiring it's going to take before I actually do it. :-)
from dangerspouse :
C'mon already, sneak a pic of the Blonde Bombshell and post it for the rest of us to enjoy, too! :)
from nineofswords :
If your boss would fire you and go through the hassle and expense of hiring and training a person to take your place, he's a fool. I understand the worry and it's always good to keep an eye peeled for other jobs or even better, have multiple streams of income... but I seriously doubt you'll get fired for a typo. Hang in there, friend.
from jarofporter :
no furniture - typically, the only thing that might stay with the house is appliances (refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, etc) but that's not always the case either. and yeah, i agree about the 2nd house, but what i need most of all is garage space. if the 1st doesn't work out, i'll keep looking!
from kelsi :
My goal was two hours, got 1:58!
from catsoul :
I agree with Dangerspouse, chocolate and add ice cream too. I get in that sort of mood every once in awhile. I don't know what to suggest because everything I try doesn't work. I usually go outside and work, hard work like splitting wood for the firepit. OK hope it goes away. Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
from nineofswords :
Yikes! I hope you are feeling better soon.
from dangerspouse :
Lol. There's no shame in having crushes. It means you're still human :)
from atwowaydream :
Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say.
from atwowaydream :
You're right, I totally did do both and it felt good. :) That's a damn proper bad-ass bike right there!
from dangerspouse :
Motorized bikes have indeed been my main obsession, but by no means my only one. I began racing bicycles also in high school (on a Peugeot), then in college I used bicycles and Nordic skiing as a way to cross-train for fencing (I was on my college team). I sold the racing bike and got the triathlon Centurion towards that end, as it was higher quality and better for distance rides. I can see why you miss riding - it's a hoot, ain't it? Maybe someday you'll win the lottery and I'll see you post a pic of your new carbon fiber dream machine. Here's hoping :)
from dangerspouse :
I actually do have a tri-bike, but you'd probably laugh at it (and by extension, me). It's a late-80's Centurion "Dave Scott Ironman" that I purchased new and have had ever since. But a couple of years after I got it I put it in storage for various reasons. Just this year I finally dragged it out and had it spiffied up by a local shop and started riding it again. It looks near brand new, and rides great - although decidedly more low tech than the current crop of aluminum framed marvels. I love it, even if it is out of fashion. It's like my wife that way :)
from nineofswords :
Eeeeeeeeeee!! A rabbit you say? :-)
from dangerspouse :
Whoa ho, look at that silver rocket! She's a beauty!! Damn, I have serious bike envy. Great stuff, babe :)
from nineofswords :
Yes, I agree with you about my friend. They have a crisis every few months and someone always gives them the money to get out of it. They don't even see the need to make a living for themselves.
from dangerspouse :
Oooo, what kind of triathalon bike do you have? You're amazing!
from catsoul :
It was pretty good, I have to use soy milk. There is still alot left because I only eat about 1/4 cup at a time. I made a double batch because my husband eats alot of it. So thanks for the idea. I am thinking of making a lemon pudding next. Take Care. =^..^=
from jarofporter :
that's what i mean - billy could be a nickname for either a guy or gal... how can i tell, damnit!? lol
from catsoul :
oh my gosh, if you go to BC, Wisconsin is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Also I luv pudding, even better when it is made from scratch. I need to make some pudding now. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Pudding! Pudding pudding pudding!! Mmmmmmmm. Did I mention I love pudding too? PUDDING!!! (And thanks for the note, kiddo. Really nice of you.) :)
from nineofswords :
A kidney infection is a bladder infection that has made it's way into the kidney. I may only have a bladder infection and a sore back for some other reason. Not sure, but either way it is treated the same. I am getting better.
from nineofswords :
The meerkat is also adorable!! Are you doing this without a pattern?? I'm amazed by this. I think meerkats are one of the cutest animals in the world. I really loved that racoon you did and I think I would choose a racoon. Have you ever done a rabbit? How did you learn to do this?
from nineofswords :
I'm curious to see the meerkats!
from nineofswords :
I saw a felted fox for $290 and a whole collection of adorable mouse characters for pretty high prices. The weather is hot and dry now, and the water has receded! Yay.
from nineofswords :
OMG, I just took my own advice and looked on Etsy. I searched "felted animals" and saw a range of prices. You should go look. There is a very small bunny for $54. There's a tiny sloth for $28. Why have I never heard of felting before??? So cute!
from nineofswords :
Does it take a long time to do the felted animals? I would love to see a felted meerkat! You could sell them on Etsy or Ebay if you like doing this and you can get paid enough for it to be worth it to you. I have no idea what to charge. Maybe you could look on Etsy and see if someone is making and selling something like it and see what they charge?
from nineofswords :
Your friend is going to love the raccoon. What's not to love? It's adorable!
from jarofporter :
love it, fantastic job!
from dangerspouse :
That is too stinkin' cute!! Seriously, bravo and well done. It's a keeper!
from nineofswords :
That racoon is flipping AWESOME!!!! You did that very quickly!
from catsoul :
Wow, that is sooooooooo good, the raccoon. Excellent, your friend will treasure it. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the note back! I've missed you :) In about 3 weeks I go in for my pre-op clearance, and hopefully get my arm fixed shortly thereafter. Thanks for asking!
from nineofswords :
Another great batch of pictures! Makes me wish I was going on a European vacation.
from dangerspouse :
Wow, what terrific photos! I love the new layout, too.
from nineofswords :
Magnificent pictures!! You should be a paid photographer. Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures!! I feel like I just went on vacation. I'm glad you are home safe.
from nineofswords :
Be safe!! Take pictures if you can!! Don't starve!! I cannot believe it's already time to go! I will miss your posts. Come back with stories!
from jarofporter :
hope you have a great trip!
from nineofswords :
OMG... Jamie. Yes. Maybe you should take a big duffle bag in case you see a Jamie out there in Scotland. (nab him) If I were going to Scotland, I would touch every magic rock I saw, trying to get kidnapped by highlanders. haha
from catsoul :
Thanks....I just haven't had time to ask. We were outside today for 7 hours, we even ate outside. It was so much warmer out and not as much wind. I hope your three weeks go by really quick for your vacation. Take Care. and thanks. =^..^=
from atwowaydream :
Of course! If you want to just email me at [email protected] (Yes, I'm still living in the nineties) and if you wouldn't mind providing me with your password, too.
from nineofswords :
Please disregard the last note I sent before this. I just set up an email address that I know will work. Please email me at [email protected]. :-)
from nineofswords :
Could you try to email me at this diaryland email? I tried to email you and it didn't work. try and see if it works?
from nineofswords :
I love the round stones and the porches, the bathtub, the setting, and the location of that house. It is right on the little river that runs through the middle of Estes Park. It;s within walking distance to town. It is way too much house for me and my nephew. I love it, but would like a smaller version of it in the same location. There is a more affordable house that I'm considering, but I am not ready to sell my house yet so I'm just dreaming at this point.
from jarofporter :
hi! wondering if you'd mind sharing a password? :-)
from nineofswords :
I cannot in any way afford 1.1 million for a piece of real estate at this point. But I am pretty good at manifesting so I won't say never. Here's a link to my dream house. You should be able to see all the pictures in the gallery if you copy and paste this address in your browser:
from catsoul :
Morning....I just play FV. That is an impressive Candy Crush score by the way. Have a great Tuesday. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
Yezzzzz... Henry Cavill. Eye candy.
from catsoul :
hi. Your arms probably hurt from gardening. Will you be able to play Candy Crush on FB? You could be my friend on FB. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
Ok, I don't know if I can manifest for someone else. But I will try. In my opinion, when my child receives, it equals me receiving. Her financial struggles are a problem to me, so I feel like I can manifest my own wish for her to get more money. I also wish for you to get some kind of a windfall, big or small in the next week, somewhere, somehow... so look for it and post about it if you receive something without having to pay or you find money or are given something... so by Friday, April 8th.
from nineofswords :
I googled for an answer about what you call the pad on the ground under your tent. Someone said it is called a ground sheet and it is to keep moisture out. Then you have a pad for inside the tent. I know nothing about camping. I'm a house cat. haha.
from nineofswords :
Yes, my insurance will cover the carpentry, but they won't cover the water heater tank which was faulty and was the thing that broke and caused all the damage. The insurance adjuster is planning to attempt to get money out of the manufacturer of the faulty part.
from catsoul :
Thanks again friend. I really, really appreciate this. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Sure you can fix the link. Thank you so much. Have a great day and upcoming weekend. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
You can bake the chicken wings too. Mine were time consuming because I peeled the skin off! You can just bake a big pan of wings and still do the same hot sauce and butter mixture on some and lemon pepper on the others. And yes, I am old enough to have a grown daughter. However, I was only 5 when she was born. Not really. I was very young though and I have many times been asked if she was my sister so it's not all over for me. LOL
from nineofswords :
My 2 favorite ways to do chicken wings: deep fry the wings, no breading or anything, just the frozen wing sections fried until they are crispy and well done, then coat them with a mixture of 1 part Tabasco sauce and one part melted butter. Just put them in a bowl and pour the butter and hot sauce mixture right on them and stir to coat. That makes good hot wings. The butter cuts the hot spice. The other way is fry the wings and then coat them with a pretty good sprinkling of lemon pepper. I did some great wings baked in the oven, but that was quite time consuming.
from catsoul :
Awesome,it is beautiful. Thank you so much. =^..^=
from catsoul :
So sorry you are sick with the crud. Rest and drink lots of fluids. Gatorade is your friend. Take it easy. =^..^=
from catsoul :
you could just surprise me. That would be alright. There is no rush whatever. Thank you. =^..^=
from catsoul :
good morning...sunny here today. No I don't. You cou
from catsoul :
Thanks for offering to help me. I am excited. I am thinking that I would like mermaids. You could email so I can give you my number code or whatever it is called to work your magic. Ocean colors to go with the mermaids. Thank you ever so much, I appreciate it greatly. Have a great Friday. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
I'm sorry you are sad. If Winter ever stops you will probably get a new supply of happy feelings. I'm doing ok now. I've just been sick, then busy, then traveling. I should be able to get back on track now.
from catsoul :
hi....I really like your new layout. I still haven't figured out how to change anything. You are so tech smart. Have a great day. Take Care. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
What's going on? I hope you're ok.
from nineofswords :
Yes! Whey powder is just a protein powder. Mine is low carb and vanilla flavored. You can make all kinds of protein shakes, smoothies, and you can bake with it. A Z pack is a 10 day course of antibiotics crammed into 5 doses. It knocks out my bronchitis without making my stomach upset or giving me an allergic reaction. They work well for me.
from nineofswords :
Thank you. I'm trying to get better. I'm about to go to the doctor and get a shot. :-(
from nineofswords :
I like Evans Blue a lot. You should at least take a charger cord with you to power up your devices in towns once in awhile. You need at least a smart phone I would think, just in case you need help. If you are even going to be near a signal. You can get a very small power source that will quickly charge your phone and won't add much weight.
from jarofporter :
from dangerspouse :
I have to ask this because I don't own any myself. Why do you have to bring ANY digital devices? Can you just go and experience all the things you're about to do without distractions, or the need to document it all?
from nineofswords :
Bates Motel is about to start with a new season and I can't wait. I think the first 3 seasons are on Netflix. Love Vikings!! My game name in Clash of Clans is Ragnar. haha
from nineofswords :
It is very kind of you to offer to take me on a hike. Maybe someday... I will have to toughen up first. I would do nothing but whine and complain on a hike right now. ::truth::
from nineofswords :
Have you ever read the book "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed? It is about her 1,100 mile hike through the Pacific Crest Trail. It seems like such a harrowing under-taking. I do want to visit Scotland someday.
from nineofswords :
I thought your hike vacation sounds dangerous, but my idea of roughing it is staying at Best Western instead of the Hyatt Regency. I'm not very outdoorsy. But it worries me that you are worried. I don't want anything to happen to you!
from nineofswords :
Lovely felting! I've never heard of felting before, but you do it very well!!
from dangerspouse :
I see them now! Woo hoo! Great handiwork, kid :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey - it says "User deleted this image". We can't see them, so I guess they really ARE camo, huh? If that was an intentional joke, then well played! :)
from dangerspouse :
I like those slippers. I couldn't see the camo ones though, so I guess they work. Does it look like you're walking on pegs with no feet when you wear them? Hey, sorry about your NJ friend. That's too bad. need to feel sorry for me regarding my little medical adventure. I always play things up for the interwebs, it really wasn't as devastating a procedure as I made it out to be :) But I appreciate your concern!
from dangerspouse :
My wife just said, "1256? She's doing GREAT!" She's been stuck at Level 1479 waiting for the latest level to be built. They just finally posted it yesterday, so she's looking forward to increasing that number. Hope those sleeping bags are as warm as you say they are!
from dangerspouse :
Ha! You know what? I don't know. All I know is that she keeps complaining that she gets to the end of the game and then has to wait until the programmers put up new worlds. So whatever the highest level is, that's where she's usually parked. I'll ask her when I get home, though :)
from dangerspouse :
1229! You rock!
from nineofswords :
Thank you for your kind words.
from nineofswords :
The only reason I haven't killed him already is because I love him too much. haha
from dangerspouse :
Thanks!! You should get one - it would help pass the time on these cold, grey days. Anyway, you can borrow mine next time you come to NJ! :)
from catsoul :
Happy January....three pairs of mittens and a skirt, wow, I am impressed. I also don't like the finishing part of the projects. I get the 7 year thing about relationships. One of my marriages went on for 7 years, probably 7 years to long, hahahaha. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
You and I have a lot in common with relationships.
from dangerspouse :
I feel bad for your brother. On the other hand, you are ROCKING Candy Crush. That makes me happy :)
from nineofswords :
Beautiful pictures!! That vacation time sure did go by fast.
from catsoul :
No snow how fabulous. Sounds like you are enjoying your vacation so far except for the cash flow out for the car. You need it in great working condition and glad it is working. Take Care. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
It would be so nice to have a long break from work at the end of the year. I'm going to have a long weekend over Christmas and then another long weekend the following week for New Year's Day. But no long breaks for me... I know you are enjoying your time off so much!
from nineofswords :
I googled Waldwirtschaft and looked at the pictures of it. How I would love to go there! 1700 Euros is a lot of geld. Congrats on your like-new ride!!
from nineofswords :
You probably don't have amazon prime in Germany and this is vital to the Echo since it plays the music from the Amazon collection and it plays Pandora which you also don't have there. It's probably all about copyright and permissions. But eventually you'll have something like this.
from nineofswords :
I'm surprised the Echo hasn't been adapted for use in Germany. The internet is global and instant, you would think it could be done. It's probably all about licensing and legalities.
from nineofswords :
Yay for vacation!!
from nineofswords :
Thank you for your kind note. :-)
from dangerspouse :
Awwww. I hope you feel better soon. And I hope the snow stops soon!!
from dangerspouse :
816? Amateur. NewWifey(tm) is on level 1287. Keep practicing, chickie. :)
from dangerspouse :
Lol. If I ever DO interview BillY Burke, I'll tell him you said that :)
from nineofswords :
Now you've got me thinking who I want my android to look like. Androids for everyone!!
from dangerspouse :
Lol. That was my reaction when I heard his name too. Glad I'm not alone in that! :)
from nineofswords :
I am very smell sensitive too. I love the smell of oranges, but one time the maintenance men put orange scented stuff in the air conditioner vent at a place I worked at and at first I thought it smelled wonderful, but within about 15 minutes, I had to leave because it was making me nauseous.
from dangerspouse :
Lol - time to get a motorcycle. Much cheaper to repair. But in the meantime, yay for proper steering!
from nineofswords :
I love Bergamot too!! I used to have a little bottle of Bergamot lavender oil that was like catnip to me. I used to carry it around in my bag so I could take it out wherever I was and smell it every now and then. I bet it's in one of my purses right now. I also like Earl Grey tea because of the Bergamot.
from nineofswords :
Beautiful, beautiful pictures!! Thanks for posting that.
from catsoul :
Love the awesome pics. Great day for a walk it looked like. Have a good week. Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Such beautiful pictures! And cocks...which I really appreciate, now that I'm gay.
from dangerspouse :
You don't believe me?'s on the internet - it MUST be true! Now go back to your bird watching and be at peace :)
from dangerspouse :
What a dilemma. You have my complete sympathy. The feeling of well being derived from physical closeness with another transcends the mere temporary release from horniness, and I'm sorry you're deprived of that. I know I wrote some rather, um, derogatory things about JW's recently, but I certainly don't wish any individual to suffer no matter what their belief. I hope you find succor somehow.
from nineofswords :
About your faith, question a religion that would kick you out for sinning because humans are sinners and we sin. That is why we needed a savior to begin with. You cannot avoid sin, you can only be forgiven. I mean, we can be as good as we possibly can, and then we still sin in thought and some deeds. Can't help it. Human beings cannot achieve perfection. The Bible says if you think on it, you might as well have done it. The thought is a sin as well. Don't live an unfulfilled life because some other imperfect sinning humans may shun you. Just my opinion.
from nineofswords :
The artist was hiking in the woods and saw this bear cub sitting under a tree, watching him. He took a photo and used that as his inspiration for this painting.
from nineofswords :
White lightening is clear, high proof, moonshine liquor. It will definitely warm you up. It makes a pleasant buzz.
from nineofswords :
Thanks! <3
from dangerspouse :
A month off! Good for you! Plenty of time to scan the want-ads :)
from dangerspouse :
Wait - are you saying it's possible for one to keep one's horniness in check? Wow! I never would have believed that was possible. Kudos to you for developing such a rare skill! (And I still like that picture out your window.) :)
from dangerspouse :
Your libido's gone?! Oh well, I'll strike that activity off the list for when you visit, then. Hey, I love that pic out your front window. Doesn't look depressing at all! Hang in there, kiddo :)
from nineofswords :
I've never had my eyelashes dyed. Hmmm... Maybe I'll try that.
from dangerspouse :
HAHA!! Ok, you are the ONE exception. You're welcome any time (and I didn't know you were one of "them" - sorry!). I gotta warn you though: your literature would quickly become kindling. :)
from nineofswords :
1.) We are all aliens, somewhere. 2.) I feel sorry for my nephew too. It makes me sad when he is sad. 3.) I have lived in cold climates and hot ones and I think I would like to live in a place with 4 distinct seasons.
from nineofswords :
Snow? It's still hot here!
from nineofswords :
How lucky for you that you've missed out on tomato worms. They are exactly the same color as the stalk and they blend right in. You don't see them until one day they are bigger than your middle finger. When you try to remove them, they hang on relentlessly with countless grippy little legs. If you step on one it goes SPLASH and nothing is left of it. So incredibly disgusting.
from nineofswords :
You farmer, you! I grew some tomato plants last year. Regular bog tomatoes and one big potted "Sweet 100's" plant. The sweet 100's are cherry tomatoes. I was cured of my desire to grow tomatoes by the big fat green tomato worms. They freaked me out so much, I didn't plant again the next time. Schoen erdbeeren!
from catsoul :
I think Jerry's are called grape tomatoes. I find grape tomatoes alot tastier myself. Just so you know in case you want to plant some next year. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
I like to read about your life. I envy you being in Europe so close to so many great things to see. I hope you get to do some traveling soon.
from jarofporter :
thankfully, i know what my pain is from - congenital issues with my right leg/hip and thoracic spine. nothing major, but enough to cause back pain, headaches, and occasional nerve pains in my extremities. nothing to be done about it, unfortunately...
from bedbunny :
CANDY CRUSH IS THE DEVILS WORK! ... I think the original one makes people gouge their eyes out more than the soda saga one.. I'm glad I refrained from gouging out my second eye though since it seems like braille smart phones are still a ways away.. good thing they've put it on drive up ATMs though!
from dangerspouse :
Everywhere, huh? Post pics!!!
from dangerspouse :
DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR! FOR THE SAKE OF MEN (AND SOME WOMEN) EVERYWHERE, DON'T DO IT! (Oh god, my wife is addicted to Candy Crush. Her level is in the thousands now, and when she gets to a tough level I don't dare even talk to her. Women!) :)
from nineofswords :
Thanks friend! :-)
from dangerspouse :
Oh man, I hope the guy comes through with a cheap(er) turbo fix. That really stinks :(
from jarofporter :
yes, unfortunately, Europe will have to wait another year or two. I checked to see where Zweisel is from my friend's place and it's about 3.5 hrs south. he lives just south of Erfurt in a little town called Föritz.
from nineofswords :
Your power steering went out. I think this is a sign from the universe that you should apply at BMW and get that Beemer on the cheap!!
from dangerspouse :
"Thrust" is almost always the right word. But not this time. Still, we know what you mean and I'm sorry you have a bad one. Saabs are (were) nice cars. We have a 2003 9-5 wagon I'm currently in the process of trying to sell - if you could get over here, I'd give it to you free! Good luck kiddo, I hope everything works out for you with the car and kitchen :)
from dangerspouse :
Let's see, which picture looked out of place there? Hmmmmmmmm......
from nineofswords :
Beautiful pictures!!! Thank you for posting those. It makes me feel like I have visited Zweisel! I lived in Gelnhausen when I was a kid. I love Germany.
from nineofswords :
Yessss. take pictures... I wish I was in Bavaria for Autumn!!!
from secret-motel :
Welcome back! Glad you got the treatment you needed. I hope you feel much, much better!
from nineofswords :
I'm so glad you got your surgery and are doing so much better!! Your last entry before you disappeared seemed very miserable and then there was nothing for a long time. Congratulations on getting your health back!! I think applying at BMW sounds like a great idea. Welcome back!
from catsoul :
So glad that you are feeling and doing better. I was starting to wonder if you had started writing in another site. Just glad to read that you are doing alright. =^..^=
from nineofswords :
Are you ok?
from nineofswords :
I'm so sorry you are going through so much pain. I hope you can bump up your surgery date and get your health back. Please try to focus on your health and know that once you feel better you will be in a much better position to work on your financial situation. Best of luck to you.
from nineofswords :
Wow! Sounds like you are having Texas weather!
from nineofswords :
I miss my ex who I stupidly still love even though I shouldn't.
from nineofswords :
Coding used to not be as important in the US as it is now with the start of the "Prospective Payment System". Now the codes really drive the payment so if a coder doesn't know how to code for a certain prospective payment system, the hospital loses huge amounts of money. If you code wrong you can get to little money for your facility, but if you code wrong in the other direction, it's fraud. Countries where they have "free" healthcare calculate the reimbursement differently so the codes don't matter as much in that setting.
from nineofswords :
We have different payment systems for different levels of care, so a short term acute care hospital has different conditions on their payment and how it is calculated than a rehabilitation hospital or a long term facility. The codes are used to tell the story of what exactly was wrong with the patient and how it was treated. Physician office visits are far less complex and are pre-coded, but a human being is required for decisions and judgment calls in more complex inpatient hospital stays. Many countries use ICD-10-CM codes so I assume there are coders everywhere, but maybe not in as high demand as in the US. I've considered trying to get a job in Germany or Italy at a US military hospital. I've seen the jobs posted.
from nineofswords :
Have you ever thought about medical coding? I don't know how it is in Germany for coding, but in America there is a demand for coders and lots of extra money to be made. It requires schooling and such. You may be able to get some customer service jobs that you can do from home.
from nineofswords :
I'm sorry that you are having so much pain with your hip. I hope you can get your surgery soon and that it fixes the problem this time.
from nineofswords :
There's nothing to forgive! I don't mind at all. :-)
from whystinger :
Love your writing about half truths!
from nineofswords :
Poor piggies. What a horror story to be born and raised just for food. I don't knowingly buy GMOs. I also avoid grains, processed foods and sugar. I eat pretty healthy and run on my treadmill like a hamster in a wheel. :-)
from dangerspouse :
Hey kiddo, thanks for the thoughtful note! You're pretty sharp. That was the medication the doctor gave her initially, but she had a bad reaction to it. The side effects were worse than the initial complaint. So they switched her to the old Gold Standard medication - which used to cost obscene amounts of money but now that the new stuff has supplanted it the price has dropped to where even poorly paid radio announcers can afford it. Hooray! Seems to be doing the trick, too, albeit slowly. Thanks again, babe :)
from nineofswords :
from nineofswords :
It's too bad that video won't play! These houses out here are big. Americans are known for conspicuous consumption, aren't we? When I first moved into this house it made me a little nervous, because it's too big to watch every area at once. I also felt a little bit guilty because it's way more than one person needs. Now it feels like the perfect size though and I wouldn't want to downsize. I often have house guests and need all the space though.
from nineofswords :
I am a medical coder for 18 hospitals. I'm totally responsible for 3 hospitals, but I also cover for 15 more if other coders are out and I audit other coder's work. Every disease, problem, injury, and procedure has a code that is used for billing and research. I read the charts and assign the codes. I like my work. I also have to take calls at times, but it's not often so I can listen to music and just mute it when it's time for a call.
from nineofswords :
I'm glad you were able to get a good internet radio app. I listen to mine all day every day, while I work. I don't know acornotravez, but I will check it out. I live in a very nice suburb of Houston. So I have the benefits of the huge city while living in a small town setting. My suburb is referred to as a "Livable Forest" because it was built into a 14,000 acre forest without removing the trees and nature. My only complaint about this place is the heat in the summer. I like the mild winters though.
from nineofswords :
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that you can't get Pandora. I was never legally married to the ex I talk about here, but we were a couple for a long time.
from nineofswords :
I *think* you can use Pandora anywhere. Go to and sign up. It's free, and it's user friendly. If you take the free account it will play a commercial or two every now and then, but it's not too bad. You can type in the name of some band you like or a genre of music that you like and it will play songs that you are likely to enjoy. If you like it, you click on the thumbs up symbol and then that song and more songs like it will be added to your channel. You will eventually build a channel that plays all your favorite stuff. It's great. If you pay about $5 a month you don't have to hear any commercials. I use the free one. I also listen to full albums on youtube. Good stuff!
from nineofswords :
I'm diabetic. It was getting worse until I cut out the carbs. Since you have no issues like this, you could just use graham cracker crumbs and it would taste great. I've never used spelt before. I need to try that.
from nineofswords :
Oh, I'm sorry about your hip. I hope you get your surgery and it fixes everything this time. Regarding the almond flour, I would suggest using graham cracker crumbs and just making a graham cracker crust. It would be awesome. If you want to keep it very low carb, you could make an alternative low carb crust. I read that you can make a crust with ground flax seed in place of almond flour, but I haven't tried this, so I can't vouch for it. I would suggest very finely ground hazelnuts. It seems like that would work perfectly.
from nineofswords :
What is wrong with your hip?
from nineofswords :
Thanks. My dogs are small, but their personalities are very large. :-)
from dangerspouse :
So is mine!
from dangerspouse :
Considering your lifestyle, I think a stuffed panda is in order. For one thing, the longevity of those things is off the charts. Unless you run over it with the lawnmower, you'll never be devastated by its passing. Cheap to feed, too. Just a few plastic eucalyptus leaves every few days. (And sorry to hear about the hip. I hope the pain meds help carry you through until the surgery.)
from nineofswords :
Both of my dogs are adorable, but the baby is just ridiculously cute on a whole new level of cuteness. I will try to find a picture hosting site so I can put a few pics in this blog. Or maybe I'll go all out and pay Andrew for a full account with pics and everything. LOL
from nineofswords :
Wouldn't it be terrible if I took you up on your invitation to come visit and then I never left and was the houseguest from Hell?
from dangerspouse :
Aww, thanks very much for the note. But hey - now's a great time to bring over all the babes you want! Wifey can barely stand, let alone object :)
from nineofswords :
I envy you for living in Bavaria!!!
from nineofswords :
PS: Don't kill yourself. Find a sex partner instead. :-)
from nineofswords :
Yes, I love Seether and Breaking Benjamin!! I've seen them both in concert. My narcissistic ex looks a lot like the singer from Seether. (Shaun Morgan). I also love the band "Puscifer" (Same singer as Tool) "Man Overboard" is a good song from Puscifer. The band Chevelle is also good. Estes Park is really beautiful. It's at a very high elevation in the Rocky Mountains. My parents will be there in a couple of days!
from nineofswords :
I stay in Estes Park, Colorado when I go on vacation. I rent a condo there. I love the bluesy sound of that John Mayer song and I love his guitar playing. My favorite band is Tool. I listen to harder alternative rock mostly, but I like this bluesy stuff too. I adore Hozier as well.
from nineofswords :
I went all the way back to your entry with all the facts about you and many of your facts are also true facts about me. :-)
from nineofswords :
I love your pictures from the June 7 entry!
from nineofswords :
Bruce Jenner is famous in the USA. He was an Olympian athlete in the 70's. He has recently revealed that he has always wanted to live as a woman and he is currently doing that. He began the process once before and stopped due to concern for his children. They are all grown up now and very supportive of his decision. Hey, Ich leibe Deutschland!!!
from secret-motel :
Jon Voight is amazing in Midnight Cowboy. Everything about that film is pretty great.
from secret-motel :
Ha, yes, well the men aren't on my radar. But the ladies never fail to make me swoon.
from dangerspouse :
I've heard of Bamberg. I'm sure it's very nice, but that guy had no business pontificating about apples that way. I hope your dinner went well!
from eatmorepizza :
Hey so that email is so old that it doesn't even work anymore haha. The email I use now is basically my name, any chance you have an email I could send to you?
from eatmorepizza :
Saw you were also online, it's a shame this site doesn't have a chat feature... oh well. Hope you're doing well!
from dangerspouse :
from dangerspouse :
How could anyone NOT love M&M's (peanut!) and Oreos?? I assume the evening was a smashing success. Lol...speeding, huh? Where's you learn that - New Jersey? :)
from dangerspouse :
WOO HOO! I mean, seriously, what else is there to say after an entry - and note - like that?? :)
from dangerspouse :
Dammit. I checked everything off on your list except "Onion Breath". Damn my penchant for Sauce Soubise! Oh well. Hey, if you finally break down and hit the sex club, we expect a full report. With pictures. Good luck, horn dog!
from secret-motel :
Ha, thanks! But I think I'm nearing critical mass and will soon have to consider paring my collection down a bit. It's not that I have so many records but that I have so little space :={
from secret-motel :
Congrats on moving into your new place! I'm glad you aren't living in your car anymore!
from dangerspouse :
God. Women always over think these things. Yes. Do something. If he's got someone, he'll tell you. (Or he won't tell you and there'll be a messy scene sometime months later where you get terribly, terribly hurt and maybe end up in prison after some rash act of retaliation. But that's better than being bored, isn't it? Isn't it?) So yeah: go for it.
from catsoul :
yes she her so much. Thanks for asking. Can't wait to see pics of your new home. Eight days until the 1st....hope you get in there sooner. Take Care. =^..^=
from dangerspouse :
Just got your note - sorry for the delay posting, replying, and everything in between. I just suck at this! But I still love and miss you :)
from jarofporter :
from catsoul :
2/19/15...hi I am read "The Purity of Vengeance," by Jussi Adler-Olsen. He is from Denmark. I have read all of his books. Start with: "The Keeper of Lost Causes," then "The Absent One," and "A Conspiracy of Faith." The main person is Carl and his staff. They solve some bizarre closed case crimes. If you start with "The Keeper of Lost Causes" you will get the background of them and Department Q. I really like Jussi Adler-Olsen. Let me know if you try out his novel. You stay warm in the car for heavens sake. Take Care. =^..^=
from jarofporter :
sorry i haven't replied to your last email yet - will try to finish it this week. translating to german is difficult! :)
from dangerspouse :
Grumpy and Horny? Weren't they two of the seven dwarfs? Well, good luck taking care of both problems! (And I suspect they could both be solved with the same thing.) :)
from dangerspouse :
from jarofporter :
guess what? Notes are back! :-)
from secret-motel :
Ha, thank you!
from dangerspouse :
Did you say "boobs"? I've gotta see that movie!
from dangerspouse :
Hey hey, congrats on the apartment!! I hope the rest of it goes smoothly now. And it will if you GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND TURN OFF THE STUPID MIND NUMBING, TIME WASTING TV SHOWS! Oh, and well done on the nUzzle thing, too. :)
from dangerspouse :
HA! Yeah, keep saying "nuzzle" if it brings you joy. Who am I to squelch that? And yes, I'm feeling a bit better now. Thank you so much for asking :)
from dangerspouse :
Thank you very much for the sweet note you left me about my dog. I really appreciated it. Best of luck with the place in Zwiesel, I hope it works out for you this time. You deserve a break! (Lol....oh, and it's "nozzle", not "nuzzle". You don't want to nuzzle a gas jet. Trust me.) :)
from dangerspouse :
Oooh, I just saw the new entry. Nice cooker! Let's hope you don't have to resort to using it as your primary means of food preparation, though. If it ever comes to that, call me and I'll airmail you out some homemade provisions to tide you over. (And regards my last comment: yes, I know they don't celebrate Thanksgiving where you are. But HAPPY THANKSGIVING! anyway.) :)
from dangerspouse :
You know, NewWifey(tm) and I put a pic of us doing the nasty on our Christmas cards every year, so if you get on our mailing list.... (Hope things work out for you with the car and the knee, in that order - having a car is more important than having health, of course. Really, it sounds like this is a tough stretch for you. I hope there's smoother sailing ahead soon. Happy Thanksgiving!)
from peggypenny :
sending you good 'car and apartment luck' Peggy
from dangerspouse :
Of course there's male anime porn. This is the internet! Search, and ye shall receive. (Search for "hentai" if you want the REALLY good stuff. I think there's even a section for it on RedTube, if your sick, twisted desires ever lead you down that path. You gorgeous creature.) And hey, once you find those dwarf trolls in your car, hit 'em up for some dwarf porn! They all have some. You get to see all their shortcomings. ;) (And seriously: good luck with the car and the apartment. You certainly have been going through a rather, ah, 'interesting' stretch lately. Which sucks.)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, I just saw you added me to your favorites. Thanks so much, that's very flattering! Guess I'll go reciprocate :) Ta!
from dangerspouse :
No, we don't have either of those two cars in the States. They look cute though - I hope you can find one in your budget!
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for the info! I wonder why we dont have that name here. Apparently, he's also the patron saint of soapmakers and chimney sweeps - Now Im trying to weave a story about fires and sweeping chimneys and getting cleaned up again! He's a busy boy, that Florian! s x
from stepfordtart :
Is Florian a popular name in Germany? I dont know any Florian's here but its also the name of the eldest son of my friends near Frankfurt. I dont even think we have an equivalent (like John/Johan, Steven/Stefan etc) s x
from stepfordtart :
Aww, thank you! How's things with you? Better than they were? s x
from catsoul :
7/7/14.....That house is awesome. Think positive that you get it. Take Care. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Not sure how you injured your achilles tendon, but I have achilles tendonitis and they had me doing stretches for it. Also had me sleep with a splint of sorts to keep my tendon from pulling tight. Another runner told me to help it heal, don't go barefoot in the house, wear a nice supportive shoe or running shoe. that helped the healing speed up.
from eatmorepizza :
There's nothing wrong with being middle class. But a lot of people could argue that there isn't a middle class anymore.
from catsoul :
1/24/14....just checking I sent you an email, hope you got it.
from catsoul :
The light bulbs are going around and around in the socket and not being able to unscrew. Cheap light fixtures I guess. My husband got one out yesterday. So only two more to get out and replace. =^..^=
from movingsands :
I vote for sofavariation :)
from eatmorepizza :
Haha, thanks for the holiday advice. My family situation is really tough. I love them to death, and they love me. I think it comes down to the fact that I am living a life no one in my family has lived before. My dad just wants me to be happy and successful, and I'm sure, to him, it looks like I'm throwing my life away and refusing to grow up. I'll just have to prove him wrong.
from catsoul :
I am so excited someone is interested in what I read and gush about. OK, The author is Jussi Adler-Olsen. There is 3 books now he has written about "Dept. Q" the first one is "The Keeper of Lost Causes," the 2nd is: "The Absent One," and the 3rd is: "A Conspiracy of Faith." I am hoping that he continues with another novel with the same characters. He is a Denmark writer, and whoever translated it did a wonderful job. Do you speak Danish? If you do you could read it in Danish? Take Care and if you decide to read this author, let me know what you thought about it. =^..^=
from raven72d :
Good videos.
from catsoul :
Ouch, that sucks. Take it easy now, it will mend and you will get back to racing. Take Care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
hi, sorry about how you are feeling. If a person is taking antiboditics, you should also be taking acidophollis. Antiboditics kill off the good bacteria in your gut as well as the bad. Acidophollis puts good bacteria in your gut. You won't get diaherra as bad. Please don't look at my spelling, I don't spell very well. Take care. =^..^=
from stepfordtart :
Henley is about 60 miles from here - if you can send me a note with your email address I know several good websites which might be useful for finding a nice bed and breakfast. s x
from stepfordtart :
Youre coming to the UK? When? Where? Oh, SO many questions! s x
from stepfordtart :
I agree - smoking is disgusting. I cannot now imagine why I ever did it. My husband still smokes and it is just revolting. BLEURGH! s x
from stepfordtart :
No - you are excused because you arent English! :-). Ive seen that new Bourne movie - it was quite good but a bit too much 'James Bond' and not enough 'Jason Bourne' for my liking. Its not very realistic, but as action movie go, its pretty exciting. s x
from elusive-you :
yeah. i'm gonna keep looking for full time or something with better pay at least (though $8.50 is decent).
from elusive-you :
i didn't get the "real" job, though all of the part time jobs wanted to hire me (so that's good).
from elusive-you :
thank you!!!
from stepfordtart :
Hahaha! I dyed my hair blonde for ten years. Yep. I looked cheap! Now I have hardly any hair do you think I'll look less cheap? I just bought a hair dye today but its not as fair as I usually had - just a kind of beige colour. Got to wait til I have a bit more hair before I try it. : ( s x
from stepfordtart :
what a funny little film! Thanks for that : ) s x
from secret-motel :
Thank you for that kind note. That's very sweet of you!
from stepfordtart :
Great video! Thanks for sharing. s x
from stepfordtart :
Thank you! Thats so kind of you. s x
from stepfordtart :
*stands up and applauds* WELL DONE! Im so impressed - top 10 placing and in such hot weather too! Yay! s x
from stepfordtart :
I havent decided yet - it depends how the money works out over the next few months and also how well I feel after my operation. If I decide to go then I shall most definitely let you know! s x
from stepfordtart :
Those parsnips sound yummy! Congrats on the running, sounds like youre doing great. Ive just been invited to spend some time with my German 'sister' in the summer - Im trying to work out if I can afford to go as I havent seen her in TOOOOOO long! s x
from secret-motel :
I hope you get the job! Good luck!
from acornotravez :
Aw! I love you too! Hope your 2012 is a good year. Stay warm tonight with all the sleet and winter mix weather!!
from catsoul :
Wow, you read that book fast, was it really great? I can't recall the title. It is nice that your friend is concerned. Enjoy the long weekend. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Hi! Just stopping by to say hello! Hope the hairdresser visit is fun, and what's this about dying your eyelashes? Wow, sounds very fancy. Hope you get healthy soon, the flu isn't very fun. Stay warm!
from stepfordtart :
Golly! Does that make me a Style Guru? heehee! Or maybe its just that you can see how little maintenance my chopped off locks need! Hope it all goes well s x
from stepfordtart :
Never be afraid of offending if you are writing what you really feel to be true. We cant all have the same view, that would be very dull indeed. Not everyone may share your view but we are all adults here and if you offend someone, so be it. Next time it might be someone else, writing something which offends YOU! s x PS I hate that snow-rain stuff. Its the worst bits of both kinds of weather!
from secret-motel :
I'm as healthy as horsemeat. A little coughed-up-blood has never kept me down. Anyway, my doctor is in jail. Again. At least I scheduled a phone appointment with my nurse. She always calls me at strange times--like at three in the morning, with a lot of background noise. Like she's calling from some windswept mountain high above the earth.
from stepfordtart :
Hope the boob squashing went ok - as you know, the alternative is way worse! lots of love s x
from acornotravez :
I love throwing stuff out, it's very liberating. Also, there's this TV show here in the states called "Hoarders" where they show these people who have a hoarding problem. Everytime I watch that show, I get paranoid that I may turn into one (not really) and it makes me want to throw out all stuff that's not necessary. Very inspiring!
from stepfordtart :
Cold feet = yuk! But isnt it just the best excuse to soak your feet in a nice bowl of warm water and some kind of lovely-smelling bath stuff when you get back? Especially if you can also add to that a large mug of hot chocolate and a soppy film on TV! Its sunny here too - we've been shopping and now Im just thinking about cups of tea and chocolate biscuits! s x
from stepfordtart :
Josh Groban! My lovely friends The Allen Family are Josh Groban fans - look, see! . I hope that your health improves, dear, and that you find a way out of this sad time in your life. I found some information about Black Friday here; We dont have it in England but I guess its the same as the Boxing day sales. s x
from stepfordtart :
Oh, please dont feel sad for me! Im feeling positive about the whole thing right now. I know Im going to be ill for a while but then I *should* be well again. Right now I dont have any pain and dont feel at all unwell - I have spoken to my children and they are dealing with the news with such maturity. They are wonderful. I have marvellous family and friends (both 'real life' and 'cyber friends') and I have nothing to feel sad about. Thank you for thinking of me, it means a lot. s xx
from stepfordtart :
Sucks? Awww :( I hope for not too long. s xx
from acornotravez :
Love the pics!! Thank you for sharing. You are really cute on your bike eating a banana... reminds me of myself on the rides I've been on. I've eaten SO many frickin bananas!
from catsoul :
Great pics & a delight to see your environment. You look so athletic & a banana to boot!!! =^..^=
from stepfordtart :
Norway looks great (and so does that PIE!!) s x
from stepfordtart :
False alarms are good - Im kind of hoping for one myself! Hope the mammogram is equally uneventful for you. s x
from stepfordtart :
Hello! Your writing style reminds me so much of speaking with my 'German sister' (she's really a friend of our family but Ive known her my whole life), who lives a fair distance north from you, near to Darmstadt. I hope you dont mind if I add you as a buddy. s x
from catsoul :
I agree with you. Our lives are a cycle, and death is also a part of living and the culmaniation of the journey. Glad that you found another person to talk with. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Oh my god, I am so mad at that therapist person from half way across the globe! One word: Schadenfreude. Jesus Christ, what an asshole! Excuse my language Miss Misfitstray, but that person is horrible. I wish I could help you find somebody to help talk it out, to help guide your thoughts. So frustrating. Oh man oh man. I'm here if you need an ear, you know you can always direct message me on twitter. That guy deserves a slow, painful death.
from catsoul :
You would make a kind and caring daughter, please don't cry. Thanks for your sincere comment, I always appreciate hearing from you. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Hey there, I really hope the meeting goes well today. It will be really good to talk to somebody who cares and who can give your thoughts some positive direction. I used to go see a counselor when I was going through my divorce and it helped immensely. And your coworkers really deserve a "shittiest persons" award for not including you in signing the card/getting a present! That's really disheartening. I'm sorry. I agree with Catsoul- get your body fixed. Your mind is part of your body, and your body seems to be out of whack. The mind-body connection is so very powerful, we forget about it. You are a smart, strong, beautiful young woman! Don't forget that. =]
from catsoul :
hi, thyroid issues aren't anything to fuck around with. I have thyroid health issues, as you are aware of for sure. Your thyroid also affects so many other systems in one's body. I am sure you have researched the thyroid and the affects on the body. The low calcium some say is related. Sometimes our thyroid steals from other things in our body. I read alot, but I don't know all the answers. I just have become so in tune with my body. You being so athlete I am thinking also has a bearing on how your thyroid functions. Potassium is also wrapped up into the functioning of our thyroid. Anyhoo, our bodies are out temples, and we have to nuture and care for them. Without a fit home, our souls won't soar. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Ugh! I hate it when people have bad breath! Yucky.
from catsoul :
Glad you are feeling better. So you are back to knitting. I really should get into knitting again, I always say that. You take care. =^..^=
from secret-motel :
Thanks! Yeah, I don't write about "real world" stuff, much. My day-to-day life is mostly uneventful, so I resort to working with whatever is banging around in my head.
from catsoul :
I hope that you feel better real quick. As for the mountain temptation, I know that I would choose the sunshine and the outdoors. You can connect with your soul and true self in nature. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Oh yeah, it's really really REALLY hot! Forgot that you can't do the heat, I totally see your point. =]
from acornotravez :
Hi!! I'm glad you're going to go see the Dr. about your head, the appointment will here in no time. Yoga is great, I love it. Do you have Bikram yoga in your city? I started doing it about 4 years ago, and it's worked miracles on my anxiety and anger, like night and day. And it's tough!!
from catsoul :
I know how tough it is to make the attempt to act "normal." Sounds like a good plan to go and talk with someone. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Dude, if you get that job in Canada. I'm so going to start properly stalking you!!! (Just kidding!) No but seriously, that'd be really rad. ALSO, didn't mean to leave you hanging on Twitter about what "wedge" shoes are... they are a type of really trendy shoes that chicks wear when they want to look hot (I used to have a pair), there's lots of different styles, but I was talking about the kinds that have, like, rope-looking stuff on the heels and kinda around the whole shoe, or cork. If you google "DSW" and "wedges", you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. (DSW is a women's shoe company, stands for Discount Shoe Warehouse.) luv ya! -Aims
from catsoul :
I didn't know that about the water in the legs. That is interesting, but to bad for you. So wow, maybe a new job in Canada, then you would be a northern neighbor. That would be cool. Take care and stay cool, it is getting more humid here as I write also. =^..^=
from eatmorepizza :
You're a sweetheart, misfut.
from acornotravez :
Helloooo out there in Diaryland! I say your name, and all I hear back is an echo!!! I hope you're alive, and Norseman didn't kick your ass too too much, dear. Just let me know you're alive, ok? If you don't want to talk (about it) I totally understand, no worries my friend. -Acorn 8/13/11 Saturday
from acornotravez :
Good luck with Norseman!! I forgot to tell you 'good luck' yesterday, I'm a bad friend! I can't wait to hear all about it: the highs, the lows, the hours on a bike, swimming, and the dreaded last part of running! Hope you were able to stay warm, girlfriend.
from secret-motel :
I agree with you about TV. I gave up watching it when I moved out of my parents' house when I was young. I've never regretted it, never felt like I was missing out on anything. There was a TV when I moved into secret motel. I immediately disconnected it and put it in the closet, to make room for my stereo. It's been in the closet ever since.
from catsoul :
Bergen, and no I don't speak Norweigan anymore. I recall knowing a little when we would go and visit my grandparents. My grandpa and grandma spoke it back and forth to each other. Now my dad's parents came from Poland and I am able to speak alot more Polish, because my dad can speak Polish. My dad took out 5 letters in our last name so that people could pronounce it easier. Thanks for asking. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Thanks for the update, and you mentioned my son's name, :) The waiting is the hardest part, I can't image. I envy you your abilities and health. Good luck, and yes I do care about the people I have gotten to know what they write about their lives. Now you know that I am Norweigan and Polish!! =^..^=
from catsoul :
Oh my gosh only 12 days to go to the Norsemen. It is like the 12 days of Christmas waiting. My heart skipped a beat when I read that it is in Oslo, that is a scary and sad place right now. Glad to read that your thigh muscle is healing so well. Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
Do you like to read classics?
from acornotravez :
LOVE the pic! 7/17/11
from acornotravez :
I'm sending healing vibes your way! I agree with Catsoul: listen to your body, be good to yourself. Sounds like you are with all the treatments, healing oils, etc. =]
from catsoul :
7/13/11..Sorry to read about your calf muscle. You wrote is it all worth it. Well only you can answer that. My opinion is that, maybe your body is telling you something. You can be healthy and in shape, and not push your body to the extremes. I have read what you write for years, and you have proven to yourself that you can do all the marathons. My question for you is: are you somehow unconsciously punishing yourselt through your body? Are you trying to prove something? So with that said, don't hate me for asking these questions. I just know that our bodies, give us signs, that perhaps as we age, we should lighten up, and we can still be healthy and in shape. Good luck with the muscle recovery. Don't stress yourself, let it heal. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Ha! Totally wish I could visit! ... Hey, meant to tell you I did some research on Norseman, and that just looks incredibly insane! But I know you can do it, and I can't wait to hear how it goes. So amazing what the human body can do. Remember, so much of it is mental, you know? They taught us this in Bikram yoga class: "The mind gives up before the body does."
from acornotravez :
I. LOVE. YOUR. BIKE!!!!!!! The wheels are particularly snazzy!
from eatmorepizza :
Thanks misfit, I promise to take better care of myself :)
from acornotravez :
Awesome!! Congrats on your FIRST triathlon! You're amazing, girlfriend! ... Hey I know what you mean about spending money on gear for biking and all that stuff. But it makes you want to keep riding and running and swimming because you've spent so much money on all that equipment, you can't just let it sit idle in your closet! .. oh and also, wish I could ride on the Autoban with you, that sounds fun!! I went to Germany with my ex husband back in '06, we rented a car and he drove on it, but I didn't. We went to Oktoberfest in Munich, too. Would love to go back sometime! Maybe one day I'll make it back and we can ride the mountains... that would be cool! =D
from catsoul :
6/14/11...Wow, congratulations on your race outcome!! That is soooooo awesome to me. Being 37th is just a number, you finished that accomplishment. Not alot of people, including myself would even do that. I am so impressed. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
Dude! 77F is not hot! It was, like, a hundred degrees here in Houston yesterday, ha! But I was not out jogging in this heat, that's for sure. ... So, I figured out that time zones-- you are 7 hours ahead of me, it's like you're in the future! Reading your tweets and stuff, you're always going to bed when I'm in the middle of my work day, and I'm alwas envious. So, it's 4 am right now where I am, so it's 11 am where you are.. I'm betting you're on a bike ride! (or a run) Hope you have a lovely day. PS Hey did you go to that dinner with your friends Friday?
from acornotravez :
Yay! Glad you got your race bike spruced up, it's gonna ride like a dream, now!
from catsoul :
Thanks for the words of confidence from you to me about the upcoming interview. Sorry to read that you have been having a couple of sad days, I hope those feelings soon pass for you. I have them myself sometimes. May I suggest doing a little FarmVille! :) Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
No cry! I know you'll feel better soon, have some ice cream, and go look at pictures of Vin Diesel on the Internet (before he got fat, of course!) =]
from catsoul :
Hang in there about finding the right job match for yourself. It is out there. Glad to see you writing again. Have a great weekend. Take care. =^..^=
from acornotravez :
You're amazing! I would love to go on hikes like you do in the mountains, sounds really really cool!
from acornotravez :
Ha! No, I don't carry all that crap with me on my bike! That would be too hard. No, we drive in out cars out to these little towns outside of Houston. We keep coolers of ice with all our picnic food, beer, wine, hummus, etc. It's like a potluck, you never know what everyone's going to bring. So, we'll all park our cars at a public place like a school or college. I do carry a camelback with water with me on the actual rides, yeah. I'll put some snacks in there, for sure, but I try to keep it to a minimum. Well, you know! You go on long(er) rides. =]
from acornotravez :
I haven't been to the doctor in a whole year! You're right, I need to go. I got it checked out a few years ago, but they didn't find anything. Both my mom and sister had gallstones and had to have their gallbladders surgically removed - they're both overweight and don't have as healthy of a lifestyle as I do. I keep thinking I'm just postponing the inevitable by eating healthy all the time. I've found if I eat several high fat meals in a row (which I did last week prior to my GI problems this weekend), I start to manifest gallbladder symptoms. Very hard to describe the feeling.
from secret-motel :
I am not going anywhere. I was a little tipsy when I posted that entry. And frustrated with DL. Actually, I am tipsy right now. You are a nice lady. Sometimes I can see way past all this blurring.
from catsoul :
Congratulations on your accomplishment! You achieved your goal. Have a good rest of the week. Take care. =^..^=
from catsoul :
hi, yes it was another Monday. I wish that I could get up and go to work now more so then ever. I used to think, gosh another Monday, but not anymore. I envy people who have a job to go off to, even if they don't really like it. It would be so nice to have some extra money. Take care and you are one day closer to your weekend. =^..^=
from avantbedroc :
that helmet is almost art! did some reading on HSP, sounds interesting :-)
from avantbedroc :
i am constantly trying to end my relationship with coffee. i thought it funny though, you had a cup & then went back to sleep!!
from avantbedroc :
have you ever tried to quit coffee?
from acornotravez :
Hi there! Don't you have a big run on Sunday? I seem to remember... Just wanted to say that I hope it goes well! And good job fighting off that flu! =]
from swimmmer72 :
Yep, I checked, Regina - still have your email addy! You'll get a key! :)
from acornotravez :
Response to your tweet: Community is a sitcom on TV, and they did an episode last night that centered on the game D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), and it was hilarious!
from acornotravez :
Dude! We need to do a search on the interweb about what these dreams mean! 10 people! ...they probably deserved it.
from acornotravez :
Sorry about your spill, that sucks! Glad you didn't break anything.
from acornotravez :
I knew you'd like one of the bands mentioned. Isn't Client great?!? Try listening to the Kindle Remix of "It's Not Over". Great song.
from acornotravez :
Music suggestions: Client, Goldfrapp, Eels, Pulp, the Secret Machines, Silversun Pickups, and definitely the Yeah Yeah Yeahs! Hope that helps! =]
from acornotravez :
Restabs! You're awesome. Just please keep this behavior in your dreams, ok?!? =]
from catsoul :
How about giving them a small crockpot, that is useful. Take care. =^..^=
from mrbradley :
Good luck with the surgery. I pray for a speedy recovery, but enjoy your time to rest. :)
from acornotravez :
Hey girl, good luck with the interview! And I'm sure the surgery will go fine, and you will be recovered in no time!
from avantbedroc :
oh Missy, lots going on in your life right now! wishing you the best & DONT GET SICK!!xx
from acornotravez :
SGU = Stargate Universe. Only the best sci fi show on TV right now! I never watched any of the other Stargate series (there's like 2 others), but it's on my list of things to do! I like any kind of show or movie about space or aliens. =]
from acornotravez :
Yum! That sounds really good, although it sounds more like what we call an "apple crisp" vs an apple pie. And I've never heard of vanilla sugar! That sounds really yummy, too. Thanks!
from acornotravez :
So how'd the pie turn out? I want to hear all about the pie: from scratch? Or did you buy a pre-made crust? =]
from acornotravez :
Hi! Thanks for your kind words. I hope I heal quickly so I can start biking again. =]
from avantbedroc :
blah! yo-yo!!! YO-YO!! YO!!!!!!!!!! ♥
from avantbedroc :
77, an excellent place, an excellent number ->
from avantbedroc :
Only 2 months till October!
from secret-motel :
Thank you. You are very kind.
from foreveragain :
Ich kam zur�ck! Mond nicht mehr. Ich hoffe, das macht Sinn!
from axde :
of course i think i have control over myself and my life. why do you ask? im sorry about your mother and sister. cancer is awful.
from swimmmer72 :
I have achilles tendonitis in both ankles now, left ankle more severe, but it is manageable. I use ultrasound, heat, ice, and TENS and they don't prevent me from running. My right knee is the main problem now. It is very sore and I have to be careful with it. I've run 3X this week - easy runs with lots of stops to stretch. I call them "rehab runs" and it is as good as it gets. I'm trying to be patient - not easy when you really want to run! :)
from swimmmer72 :
57 degrees is way too cold!! Not only to just go in, but especially to try and compete. I don't think I'd compete under those circumstances - even in a lake, I like the water temp to be in the 70's, at least. Warmer in a pool. There will be better days!
from axde :
im sorry.
from secret-motel :
I hope you get the job. Working closer to home is always a nice perk. Good luck!
from avantbedroc :
good luck!!
from secret-motel :
I'm not going anywhere. Just letting my mind wander.
from janus23 :
Always the best sort of feeling, to know exactly what the next step is. Congratulations!
from janus23 :
I'm still around and reading your entries when I can. Hope you're feeling re-energized! What is this about baptism?
from axde :
oh and about the job, i won't know until around wednesday. the job is seasonal so they are waiting until the plants are properly developed to be tended to. i hope i get it. i'm also taking care of a friend who got kicked out right now, but he isn't pulling his weight. he just plays video games all day and hasn't looked for a job yet. just eats my cooking and plays my video games. it's stressful, considering the food is scarce, and i'm not prepared to be someone's stand-in mother.
from axde :
you don't have to do that. i'm sure it would be very expensive. i will manage, but i appreciate your kindness more than you know. and don't be lonely. i'm far, but i'm your friend.
from axde :
your notes and generosity and goodness has just made me cry. thank you. please, be well. for me, okay?
from mrbilly :
May I suggest some Bjork for your iPod, she's great to run to... speaking of which, I have a 13 mile half Marathon tomorrow! Wish me luck!! (I'm going to need it) x
from avantbedroc :
Why Toowoomba?!? Funny lady...
from axde :
dont forget king david's harp. wouldnt you like to be serenaded by that?
from mrbradley :
I don't have the recipe as my cooking skills are too meager to fix it properly. I'd pass it along if I did, though. Sorry. :-/
from avantbedroc :
translators are amusing - the rock in the bed in front of the surf
from moonsocket :
it's been a little bit.....i actually did live in vancouver for almost 8 years. i consider that city home more so than where i live now, where i grew up. why were you there? tell me stories!
from avantbedroc :
hello my little puzzle
from janus23 :
Being a bit weak together makes us that little bit stronger, I hope. I'll be alright soon enough and I hope you are too.
from avantbedroc :
fuck, it looks like i've been drinking!!
from avantbedroc :
as long as it's alcoholic, it's good
from avantbedroc :
as long as it's alcoholic, it's good
from avantbedroc :
i spy with my little eye...
from catsoul :
Thanks for your kind words. It felt like such a relief to just purge the feelings I had. Thank you. =^..^=
from janus23 :
I hope you're felling better, as well. I'm sick of feeling weak as well, we'll fight this off together!
from mrbilly :
Hope you feel better soon. xx
from secret-motel :
Oh, but I swear it's true! And Kurt was there, too. He derailed a train, you know, leaving his sweater on the tracks. And we talked of the moons of Jupiter, amplifiers stacked up there in darkness and dull pink cosmic haze. I miss everyone I never knew.
from janus23 :
Thanks, I don't mind at all, though that is my last Twitter for a bit. I have things I need finish for the semester and in general before I fall to another obsession.
from janus23 :
I wish I could understand more languages. I actually enjoy when you use German in your blog because it makes me think and look for parts I understand without the translation filter. Some things are best left in the original.
from janus23 :
For your sake, I hope it isn't swine flu. Though it seems like everything points to it being comparable to the regular season one.
from moonsocket :
i bet german is a whole lot tougher! holly mcnarland is, in my opinion, one of, if not THEE best female vocalist in canada. tragically underrated. so much talent. watch some of the live footage. gives me goosebumps!
from moonsocket :
sour throat!!! yes! best description ever! i too have a sour throat. but mine is from drinking too many tall cans of beer and screaming like a fool at the big semi-final football game yesterday! [feel better soon]
from janus23 :
I think someone made it up as a half-joke about personality types and cliques in the community. It is somewhat true that there's a sort of unspoken hierarchy, just like any group. I hope you and your friend are doing alright. And no one can pilot a leaf, you have to let it land where it may sometimes.
from secret-motel :
I'm sorry about your friend. I hope his surgery goes well and he sees a speedy recovery. I bet it's comforting for him to know he has you for a friend.
from kraven :
Find me a position and I'll think about it!
from kraven :
Sorry to hear about the troubles.. and I hope the email didn't bother you. I was just feeling... ramblingly when I sent it.
from permeation :
Hello dear. I've closed Permeation for good. I'll be in touch if I start any other projects, xx
from moonsocket :
the metal is definitely an acquired taste! i only recently got into it. over the last couple of years really. i like the brutality of it. it helps to keep me sane! ;)
from secret-motel :
Thank you! I'm horrible with paint, so it's probably better that I stick to words. Though words can be just as messy.
from janus23 :
I'm sure there's a funny saying that sums up the sentiment better. Now if only I could follow my own advice. Thanks for listenig to my rantings.
from catsoul :
You have just got to flirt with this guy, have some fun!! =^..^=
from secret-motel :
I should be a prime example as to why it's better to stay AWAY from isolation fluid. It's nothing more than a prolonged drowning.
from moonsocket :
not as scary as i was hoping it would be! fun though, right?!!
from janus23 :
I thought you might appreciate it. ;D
from mrbilly :
I have never gone running in the night - I must try it sometime. What time are you out?
from axde :
i agree so much. please be well, my friend.
from moonsocket :
too little too rare, are the right words! i know. i used to write multiple times a day. i find i'm too busy lately or just at a loss for words whenever i do have the time. it saddens me. i hope it's just a phase!
from mrbradley :
from axde :
oh, i understand so much. believe me. i just hate that you feel it right now, even as i type this to you. i don't know how anyone moves on from anything, but i know that they do. you're a strong, golden person. i think the last thing you should believe is there is no hope. maybe there is none in him anymore, but there is hope in you, there is hope in someone else, and i have both hope and belief that you will out-live this tragedy.
from swimmmer72 :
You'll do fine. Just remember to have fun with it and everything will be ok. :)
from axde :
and please, don't let your heart hurt anymore. i beg you!
from axde :
let's be honest, you're right. she's not very mature at all. but i'm all for seeing the good in people... until they bring out the bad in me...
from axde :
i think i would respect the relationship more. basically she's his fuck buddy. if things were different, i would only be sad, not angry and sad both.
from axde :
they certainly are not brilliant all the time! miss, i would more than enjoy a rendezvous with you.
from boxx9000 :
marlene ♥
from secret-motel :
I'm often resistant to change--epecially since I tend to be a creature of habit. I have to get really uncomfortable before I dare to make changes. But I guess the real trick is making thoughtful, rational changes rather than spontaneous changes.
from catsoul :
Oh the joy of new knitting magazines and so many ideas. I knit alot of scarves and shawls. Did you know that at the Lion Brand Yarn site you can join and then get free knitting patterns. I hope that you get more sleep soon, I so hate when I am in that flip and flop, toss and turn, cycle of soooooo little sleep. You take care and take care of yourself. =^..^=
from axde :
oh gosh, i wish we were friends in real life. i would love to knit with you and then go for a long bike ride, find some sunflowers to pick, and then carry them home. i'm sorry your heart is hurting. i hope you know that pain doesn't stay forever. you are a lucky soul, in and out, with the capacity to affect those not even close enough to touch you.
from secret-motel :
Aw, transitions can be awfully trying, can't they? It's comforting to realize that they are just transitions and that, soon, you'll get to relax and breathe.
from axde :
no, he's not the cowboy. it's a very complicated situation. it's certainly flattering, but it's a weight to carry. it alleviates nothing right now.
from avantbedroc :
did u get that plant?
from kraven :
Hey! Now that you're a painting expert.. I can hire you to do my place?
from axde :
oh gosh, i think the same and more of you. i hope you are enjoying your new place.
from boxx9000 :
So nice to see you back again. It made me smile to hear you were tired from moving BoXxes! How can that be? You're a triathlete! You swim, bike AND run. sheesh. Today is a low energy day for me, I think I have run myself down with all the stress involved with the start of the new school year. Somehow it all works out, it always does. GOOD LUCK on your race.
from boxx9000 :
from mrbilly :
Glad the move went smoothly! Hope you're settling in okay. xx
from boxx9000 :
from swimmmer72 :
I guess I should explain my entry. It isn't a matter of being sad - I'm not. Or lonely. There are times when I feel an infinite weight, for lack of a better way to describe it, and it's in those times that I realize at least part of my journey isn't meant to be shared and I'm on my own with it. And, rather than be saddened, to rejoice in the ability to learn about life from it. Yes, and to be thankful in knowing that there are people out there willing to leave notes of encouragement. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart - your notes are appreciated. :)
from boxx9000 :
My greatest FEAR is of being lost. It doesn't make any sense either, because I've never been lost and not been able to find my way back.
from moonsocket :
thank you! this makes me happy!
from axde :
maybe it's your greatest fear and your greatest hope that dictate your life
from boxx9000 :
from boxx9000 :
I envy your energy.
from axde :
oh lawdy, have fun with that religious talk. i'm really bad at having those. always inopportune, always awkward. good luck to you, though.
from boxx9000 :
Your card arrived today. THANK YOU!!!!!!
from boxx9000 :
What would you really love to do for a living?
from boxx9000 :
(((hugs))) sorry you are feeling sick? What do you have? Is it anything to do with the triathlon you just completed?
from mrbradley :
Congrats on finishing! That's far better than I could even hope of doing. :-P
from boxx9000 :
I think you did GREAT on your triathlon. I'm impressed. WOW!
from mrbilly :
Hey, congratulations again! Still seems like a pretty good time to me! Your woods sound interesting - deer and boars etc., the only thing I ever see when running are squirrels, gnats (that bite) and hornets! I think most animals in English forests are nocturnal. Foxes, badgers etc.
from secret-motel :
I'm wishing you well in tomorrow's competition!
from axde :
the bible is the most beautiful book ever written, hands down.
from permeation : was only temporary. Back in full operation now. x
from boxx9000 :
sorry you're not feeling well. Does the time of day make a difference with your meds? On an empty stomach or with food?
from catsoul :
I find your life and writings colorful! I would so enjoy seeing some photos of the old houses, I really was intrigued by the cemetery photos. Take care. =^..^=
from boxx9000 :
I sent you an email. THANKS for the post card offer, that makes me feel very HAPPY!
from secret-motel :
Hmmm...that's odd. Try this one: [email protected]
from axde :
green is such a great color. how far away do you live from your work?
from boxx9000 :
from faucets :
I'm not sure what "doing well" is, exactly, but it sounds like you did amazingly! Congratulations!
from bombasine :
congratulations on your race!
from catsoul :
Congratulations on doing so very well in your competition! So when is your next race? Pizza sounds so yummy, enjoy. Take care. =^..^=
from mrbilly :
Hey well done on the triathlon! I've always wanted to do one of those but I can't ride a bike (I find it really hard to balance the bike because of my labyrinthitis). And to come first in your age group, and 11th overall, is fantastic!
from swimmmer72 :
Very good!! Even the running! Consuidering the weather and the fact it was the last leg, I think you did fantastic! We will have to argue over pizza another day, since I've had some damn good pizzas in different spots here, but that is mostly a subjective opinion anyway. To each, his/her own! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Good luck on your race! I'm always nervous before a race too, but as soon as it starts, I'm ok. You'll do great! :)
from kraven :
Hrm.... where would you want to go? Some place remote, but still sophisticated enough have organized triathlons?
from faucets :
What did you try?
from boxx9000 :
How did your interview go?
from faucets :
And, ah, thank you for complementing my painting. I'm starting to have more and more trouble getting things out there, so I appreciate the good words. And I'll be thinking and praying about you and your triathlon. That's very exciting!
from faucets :
A triathlon! Wow!
from axde :
for you and our adventures, i will create beaming.
from axde :
dang, if you didn't live so far away i would LOVE to train with you. not that i have anything to train for. it would just be a lot of fun, i think. be well, good luck.
from swimmmer72 :
Relationships rarely have anything to do with intelligence. Nor should they, at least on some level. I guess you need to think about what is most important and then dedicate yourself to it. No, writing about your triathlon isn't boring. Besides, it is your diary and you can write about whatever you want, same as everyone else. You are good at them (triathlons) and enjoy doing them, so why not write about them? :)
from kraven :
*ding* Sie haben eMail!
from secret-motel :
How is the valerian tea working for you? I've heard about it for a long time. I've also heard that it sometimes produces very vivid dreams and can alleviate depression. Do you find that to be true?
from swimmmer72 :
Your 1000m in 14:30 IS pretty good, I think. I've been trying to remember my old times and I seem to remember doing 800m in about 11:35, which would be about the same pace. I only swam a 1000m a couple times but I think I was about where you are. Re: PT. You have to be careful mixing coaching and relationships. I had to remind myself of that when I coached. I was very close to my swimmers, but had to maintain that strict coach/athlete relationship. To do otherwise just causes problems. PT should know that. Good luck.
from bombasine :
converting vinyl to mp3 is not hard to do! you only need (1) an RCA-to-1/8� headphone jack cable and (2) an mp3 encoder that allows you to record audio from your line-in. audacity is a free download, and i don't believe the cables are too expensive. it's worth trying!
from swimmmer72 :
Swimming-wise, I was usually a sprinter, but as I got older, I started trying some distance races. For one, it was a lot less competitive as EVERYONE wants to swim the 50, but the 800, 1500, etc, - not so much. I did well in some of the competitions I entered, winning 3 golds in my last Empire State Games. You'll do well - just get into a good pace and work into it from there. :)
from axde :
i cant imagine why it wouldnt be
from janus23 :
Despite all my wondering and being forced to grow up, I'm still a kid. Guess some things have to be done the way they've always been done. Thanks for the reminder that things aren't so bad. =p
from theswordsman :
For triathletes all I had to do was search for trathlon until I found a publication, then I look to see who they're following. There are so many spammers out there that going through their followers is a bit dicie. But lots of runners, cyclists and triathletes have profiles of them running or swimming or with their bikes so you can pick them out. If I was looking for something like flyfishing or rowing or knitting I'd probably do a Google search on those keywords with the word "twitter". If there's something in particular you're looking for, I could probably help you find it.
from l-alle :
ooooh i like this new layout! [well, new to me since ive been MIA for a hundred years.] but also [hugs]- things will get better. easier. and you are amazing. dont forget that bit.
from boxx9000 :
I miss my mom, too. (((hugs)))
from janus23 :
You always have a way of letting me know things aren't so bad. If you repeated yourself I didn't notice, your notes are always thoughtful and very much appreciated.
from axde :
i 100% agree. things are growing darker. there's a light up ahead.
from axde :
i see what you're saying, but i don't see the end of the world being near as far as wars and illnesses goes. i think through time things just get more complicated. like how knowledge is accumulative. for a while we thought the world was flat. now we can touch screens to talk to one another. everyone's thought the world was gonna end in their time forever and ever, but i also don't doubt it much, either, mostly because i don't know. but hey, if the world ends, know you are a precious and good soul who has affected someone far away.
from secret-motel :
RE: Lessons. How true. What are these people? Hand rails? Flashlights? Mirrors? Sometimes they are lessons in human nature. And Somtimes they show us some facet of ourselves we never realized was there. Sometimes they are stumbling blocks--and we can learn from them, too. And sometimes they are temporary angels or human lighthouses--we look back and wonder how we ever made it through a particular phase of life without that reassuring halo. And I guess we shouldn't mourn when one goes away--or is taken away--but eagerly anticipate the arrival of the next one and all the new lessons we have yet to learn.
from boxx9000 :
That's your thyroid? hyper or hypo? What kind of symptoms have you been having?
from catsoul :
That is a low level. I know with the mediciation you can bring it into the normal range. You will most definitely feel so much better and more like yourself. Take care. =^..^=
from swimmmer72 :
Wear something expensive. If you are right and this next interview is more of a negotiation, then you should show them you won't come cheap! :)
from axde :
i've never heard of the world ending in 2014. i got mine from the mayan calender, but it was a sarcastic remark in the first place. even if i did believe it, maybe i'd be better for it. when you think time is fleeting, you tend to savor so much more. i want to be that way. i hope you are well.
from bombasine :
i like a lot of different music too! recently, i've been listening to a lot of glitch, like matmos and lithops. i love the countertenor voice, both in early music arrangements and the growing modern repertoire. i like singer-songwriters like karen peris, john darnielle, andrew bird and laura veirs who write amazing lyrics, and there is a soft spot in my heart for nineties indie rock! i am also a huge fan of the sugarplastic - it's almost criminal, how underappreciated they are. i like prog-rock and jazz rock, especially the recent sound we are now hearing out of sweden, and when i am working i like ambient or minimalist electronica, or drum and bass, or really, really loud metal. there's really no genre of music i don't like at least a little bit. and best of luck on your job interview!
from faucets :
from secret-motel :
Great news! You sound excited. I hope you get the job!
from swimmmer72 :
Third interview is a pretty good sign. Typically, they have either already decided or are bringing in the one or two people who will. Your enthusiasm and desire for a new job works for you. Good Luck! :)
from axde :
haha, no i'm glad you told me. thanks
from axde :
i love your german friends notes. wish you well as a breathing human being and not a robot
from theswordsman :
OK, excellent try, but I knew them both for months and am looking for something they have in common that I didn't spot until long after I last saw them in person.
from swimmmer72 :
re: a man. I heard they had them on sale at Walmart - buy one, get one free - but I guess they don't have Walmarts in Munich... ;)
from boxx9000 :
congratulations on the 2nd job interview (fingers crossed for the 3rd interview) I hear you on the chocolate cake (I an dream can't I?)
from bombasine :
i first became aware of her when she was in damian rice's band. i could not believe she was only a backup singer, and i'm so happy to see her embarking on a solo career. i love to find out about new artists! what music do you like to listen to?
from boxx9000 :
fingers crossed. good luck on your job interview. visualize where you want to be. believe.
from janus23 :
Sounds like a plan, I'll keep you posted on plans!
from bombasine :
i was thrilled to discover that lisa hannigan had released a solo album earlier this year, and her music videos are magical! have you seen the one for "i don't know?" <>
from secret-motel :
I'm not much of a traveler. I fear I would be lost in Europe. Utterly lost. Lost and hungry and far from home. Hmmmm...maybe that could be a GOOD thing for me. Or maybe not.
from catsoul :
I can so relate to your entry you wrote about wanting to know more of the whole story. I like to know the details and how they all mesh together. I find that when talking with people they don't want to cut through the drivel and really get into talking about what matters. For myself I tend to get to the core of the matter exteremly fast. I love to sit and watch people also. Have a great Saturday. Take care. =^..^=
from secret-motel :
All those found things begin and end within me. P.S., I think PT is lucky to have a woman like you smitten with him!
from swimmmer72 :
Regina, make sure you are getting enough rest. A fitness regiment as intense as yours will leave you drained in all of aspects of your life if you don't. It won't help your times either if you get run down - at best you'll plateau, at worst, you'll start to regress. A body and a brain need a break from time to time, and you'll come back even stronger if you give yourself time to recover. Good luck! :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: family. I can relate to that. At one point, we all lived in Buffalo, and one at a time, the family moved away. Went away to college and never came back, or simply relocated. When I was the only one left, Buffalo became much less like a home and more like just the place where I lived. Especially at holidays. Always good to connect, huh?
from swimmmer72 :
Triathlon transitions were always my problem, too. I'd always be the first out of the water, often by a wide margin and I'd get my arse kicked simply trying to get on the bike; shorts, sneakers and all. Hrmp. It seemed like a dumb thing to need to practice, but yep, transitions are a big deal. Good luck with that! :)
from janus23 :
Definately, if I can make it that far in the EU. A coffee or something sounds good.
from boxx9000 :
"The journey is the reward. Rewards are always changing." I like those words very much.
from boxx9000 :
My grandma used to always say when people were acting really weird that it must be a full moon out. I suppose that ties in with the werewolf stories, too.
from boxx9000 :
Hi. I saw you added me as a fave. thanks. Happy Easter. Peace, love, health, and happiness. ~BoXx
from secret-motel :
By the way, thank you for the rainbow! I hope it's not wasted on the likes of me, as I tend to utilize only the blacks, greys, forest greens, and navy blues (my four favorites!).
from janus23 :
Not yet, travelling and taking a bit of time off is all I can hope for. Jobs are a bit hard to come by at the moment, and I'm hoping there will be something come fall.
from permeation :
(Aw, Thank you.) x
from swimmmer72 :
It sounds like a tough decision. Financially, you'll save in some areas and lose in others. Time is a factor. Then, as if all that wasn't confusing enough, deciding if living with another person is really what you want to do. I hope it works out for you! :)
from janus23 :
I'm hoping, and I'm going to keep trying. The fact that I only have two more weeks of class is dawning on me.
from swimmmer72 :
Over here, a good used car is still ridiculously expensive. What kind of car do you have? I'd suggest holding out for a while longer, unless you need the money soon. Good luck, Regina!
from janus23 :
Unfortunately, as my father, he's used to making the rules. How are you doing?
from swimmmer72 :
No major competitions, just a 5K or two. I enjoy working out a lot more than I enjoy the races now and I'm much happier just getting up in the morning and figuring out what I feel like doing - kayak, run, bike, hike, etc - and then going on from there. That keeps me in good overall shape if not great race shape and that's good enough for me. Good luck with your training! :)
from swimmmer72 :
No, Regina, you are far from a hypocrite OR a trainwreck! It sounds like training is starting to crank up. I'm betting you are looking forward to nicer weather! :)
from secret-motel :
By the way, you WILL find a new and wonderful job. Of course you will.
from secret-motel :
Jeezus! I'm exhausted just READING about your training/workouts!
from janus23 :
It was late and infomercials were on (those really long commercials) about how to get the best home improvement supplies for less, by paying them yearly membership fees. It's one thing to take pride in your home, it's another to think that competing with your neighbours for the prettiest steel stove that is rarely used is worth anything at all. As for your education, I wouldn't worry too much. All that matters is the confidence to admit ignorance and willingness to learn.
from janus23 :
Good to know the comfort is mutual. As for caring too much about what other people think, it comes up alot. Definately trying to limit that. From the sound of it, we are our own worst critics.
from secret-motel :
I WOULD like to come in. I promise I won't pee on your floor.
from janus23 :
*Wills the "but" in the last comment to disappear.* I didn't mean to make it soun like a bad thing. =p
from secret-motel :
You may not be sure, but I am. If I was a stray dog, I would make a beeline for your front door.
from janus23 :
You get bonus points for the compliment, but you just made me smile a bit. Now if only I could spell at 3 in the morning! Thank you for your kind words, they couldn't have been more timely.
from swimmmer72 :
You do the best you can. That way, no one, not yourself or PT should be disappointed. You've been working very hard - whatever comes out of it is going to be good! :)
from secret-motel :
Tula was so lucky to have picked you.
from catsoul :
I think of my Katie each day also. My other two little doggies also have her bones to chew on. I know it it bitter sweet, to have loved your best friend for such a short duration, and yet know that she is better in another place. Tula is waiting for you over the bridge. There is a poem about our beloved pets who die, it is about a bridge and how they wait for us until we meet again. I know my Katie is waiting for me and her other doggie friends here. It is good to know you have a caring watcher from afar. I just had to write to you because I understand your tears of aloneness. Maybe Tula is trying to tell you that it is alright for you to find another buddy at the shelter again. Take care. =^..^=
from swimmmer72 :
It sounds like you have a nice view from your window! Good luck on that job! :)
from l-alle :
thank you for the kind note about the photos. :]
from secret-motel :
I don't think you're cheap.
from l-alle :
ack! be careful biking in the snow!
from secret-motel :
Sorry about the scrapes and bruises! But I'm very glad you weren't seriously injured. Very, very glad.
from swimmmer72 :
Ouch! Sorry to hear about your bike accident! I have thought about getting the bike out, but experiences like yours are keeping me walking. Thanks for the info on Smart cars - I wish they were readily available over here. As it is, I'll have to go to a neighboring city (Cleveland, Buffalo) to get one. It doesn't appear they have spent much time or energy marketing them over here.
from secret-motel :
No free samples?! Another dream is dead.
from swimmmer72 :
Yes, that definitely represents a difference between European and American culture. Smart cars are the rarity here, despite all the really good reasons to switch to them and stay away from giant SUV's (and RVs)! Could you tell me a little bit about how Smart cars are regarded on your side of the pond? Like reliability, durability, workmanship, that sort of thing? In other words, do people that own them LIKE them? I'm really interested in getting one, but there is virtually no information except on the internet. :)
from secret-motel :
You're right, you're right. But I was a little bit stunned while it was happening. Strangers don't approach me very often--especially pretty strangers. It was only after it was over, that the little hamster in my head began to run again, turning the wheel and firing all the mechanisms allowing me to contemplate what had just happened and what I could have and should have done.
from l-alle :
i think yr lovely and i dont think you should worry about snap-judgments from people who dont have enough information about you to have an informed opinion. also- american coffee is bad?! is it american brand coffee? or just the way we prepare it? im intrigued! teach us how to do it properly!
from swimmmer72 :
Some good questions! Myself, I don't worry much about my online stuff. I enjoy the interaction, and think I do a good job keeping it in perspective. I have met a few people from Dland, for example, with mixed but mostly good results. Probably will eventually meet more, yourself being a definite possibility. While fun, I understand it isn't completely "real" and I keep it apart from my day-to-day life. The exceptions being the ones I've actually gotten to know in "real" life, and there are only a few of them. I think I would stress about this a lot more if it was actually connected to my real life, as in people I work with, etc, reading it.
from secret-motel :
Thank you! A really big hug for you in return
from secret-motel :
When it comes to cd's vs. lp's, I really don't prefer the sound quality of one over the other. But there is something about lp's--the oversized artwork, the feel of the vinyl, the way it catches the light. The sound of the needle when it hits the surface of the record. It's like putting on a really old sweater. Very comforting, I think. Maybe that's what people mean when they say that lp's sound "warmer." Because it's like putting on a really old sweater.
from eatmorepizza :
you're coming to the US? yay! where?
from eatmorepizza :
but if you wrote in german I couldn't read! I know what its like to begin censoring yourself in the diary because you feel the privacy has been lost... my opinion is screw those people. Write from the heart, exactly what you want to write. Writing for anyone but you is silly... believe, I've tried :)
from l-alle :
[this is me giving you a standing ovation] that was incredible!
from swimmmer72 :
Will you camp again this time? The weather should be a little warmer and maybe you can get a run or two in! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Sounds like you need a day to yourself - just for you, completely unscheduled. Don't let yourself get run down! :)
from eatmorepizza :
have a great unplugged week! and if D making you cry is a bad thing... tell me... I know some people, things can.... be "arranged" cracks knuckles. haha, just kidding
from l-alle :
have a safe trip, you! be careful, have fun and bring back a full report!
from swimmmer72 :
Have a good trip to New Jersey. I hope you have some fun and are able to stay warm and dry! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Thanks for the tip on Kenny Wayne Shepard. He's a good one. I like his music, but don't have any, so this is my chance. Sick day - head cold, bad cough, stomach flu. Not a good combination. Yes, of course you are camping OUTSIDE. I haven't done winter camping in a long time, although I have done it. Now, I prefer a nice warm motel after a day of hiking around outside. I give you credit for sticking with what you like to do. :)
from swimmmer72 :
They are predicting highs of 4 degrees Fahrenheit next Wednesday. That's about -25C, roughly. Now, let me get this straight - you're camping in your tent OUTSIDE?..... YIKES!!
from mrbilly :
As you go through life, you're constantly changing. I'm not the same person I was ten years ago, I doubt you are either. I think you have partners that match how you are at the time. For instance, I met up with a girl I dated for about a year ten years ago. We had both changed so much we couldn't either hold a conversation.
from mrbilly :
I don't know why I compare my diary to others. I like the fact my diary is boring and nothing ever happens in it. It's its unique selling point. But a lot of diaries on d-land annoy me for some reason... and I don't know why that is....
from secret-motel :
Tears of joy, I hope.
from mrbilly :
Hi, it's outwalking. Diaryland won't e-mail me my password so I now have a new username (rolls eyes). Sorry. :/
from secret-motel :
You are very sweet and too kind to me. Thank you. I don't really have any wishes left. Maybe to just stop wishing. Or wanting. I hesitate to explain "isolation fluid." Whatever you imagine is probably more interesting that what it really is. Yep!
from swimmmer72 :
Very good questionaire!! I'll have to take a shot at it myself when I get caught up! :)
from l-alle :
tula :[ [hugs to you]
from secret-motel :
Happy New Year to you, too! How do you like 2009 so far? I am well into the second day of the new year. So far, so-so.
from swimmmer72 :
Regina, I hope your year gets off to a good start, too. You deserve only the best! :)
from ollia :
Happy New Year! And thank you -- I'm well. Doctors just suck around here. And they have their regulations and all that kind of thing.
from eatmorepizza :
happy new year to you! Thanks for being apart of my blog life, haha
from l-alle :
that note? is one of the nicest things that anyone has said to me in all of 2008.
from secret-motel :
You have a point about 5:30 am. But it's also a lot closer to dawn than 3 am. To me, 3 am is really the deep end of the night. And the liquor stores close at 2 am here, so 3 am really seems like the abyss. And Purgatory appeals to me as an indeterminate point between destinations. I'm not good enough for Heaven--and hopefully not bad enough for Hell--so there's always Purgatory, the deserted subway station at 3 am.
from swimmmer72 :
Why a stone? That doesn't seem like a good thing to turn your heart into! Are you enjoying your time off?
from secret-motel :
I really like that quote: "God came to earth to set up a religion and the devil came right behind him to organize it." Where did you get it?
from eatmorepizza :
darn, it didnt copy the picture, but if you put in the link it should show you.
from eatmorepizza : this is a candy cane. they come in many flavors, but the original is peppermint. You either eat them or hang them on your tree... or both :)
from ollia :
I'm sorry that you're feeling a little glum. Whatever you do this Christmas, I hope it makes you at least a little happier!
from secret-motel :
I spent last Christmas alone, thinking it would be a great relief. But it really wasn't. If I had my way, I would just sleep through the whole damn thing.
from swimmmer72 :
I'm sorry about the loss of your mother. It's one of those losses you never quite get over.
from randomlush :
Thank you so much for the note! That is one of the nicest things anyone has said to me! And the piles are nice! It's better than having everything everywhere (like Me) :)
from ollia :
Thanks so much!
from eatmorepizza :
Sounds like the party is kind of fun, huh? I hope you find someone there to keep you from feeling lonely, I'll be there in spirit! haha
from janus23 :
Thank you for your kind note and the favourite. It's good to know there are people reading it, if only to make it feel that little bit less selfish.
from aetherface :
But even the coldest stone is missed when it is thrown away.
from aetherface :
Also, this diary is a compilation of the things I can't always share with everyone. And also, about "Stricken" ... The title relates to the definition of poignancy, and the entry itself is sort of code for "Hey, if you find me reading from this other diary, it's me!" And unfortunately, I cannot read/write or speak German. It's one of the many languages that my school does not offer in a classroom setting.
from aetherface :
Beautiful painting. I love the use of line.
from ollia :
What are your feelings on the color pink?
from ollia :
I don't think so... I think that maybe it's so gradual, no one feels anything.
from raven72d :
I'd like to see Morocco and Tunisia... I've been to Turkey and Syria, but never North Africa...
from ollia :
I totally understand the pile thing! And the yarn in little cubbies is cool. I could see that becoming a sort of pop-art thing. Also, your swatches are lovely. (And thank you for the video!)
from swimmmer72 :
Cake (the hike) is good, made better with icing (amazon order -a DVD!). In other words, a good day made even better! Thanks for the comment! :)
from ollia :
I'm so with you on the matter of hands. I always pay attention to that, as well as teeth. Also, the comment on droolers gave me a laugh! (And, I'm glad you're a Bowie fan -- we'll have to compare notes!)
from whystinger :
Cool template. I knew someone else who had a similar picture.
from randomlush :
Thank you for the kind words :) Pretty table and nice bike!!
from swimmmer72 :
I think that's a great idea, too. How much extra time will you have when you come here next month? No real mountains around here, not what you are used to anyway, but lots of good trails. Let's think about it! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Wow, that's a beautiful bike!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Your... I missed the first "Y".
from swimmmer72 :
our swimmimg times aren't bad at all. I'm trying to make the conversion from yards to meters (Most meets here are yards, we only do meters for long course), but while they may not be your best, they are still respectable. A lot of factors come into play for getting a "good" time, so maybe you just have to isolate one aspect of your training to get back to where you want to be. You'll be fine - I admire your perseverence! :)
from secret-motel :
Yes, it's as good as being in a pharmaceutical candystore. Well, almost.
from ollia :
Oh, it's quite alright. Sometimes I do the same thing. But don't be envious! It just makes everyone sexually frustrated. XD
from randomlush :
Aww, you're so sweet! I like you a lot as well! I'm sorry to hear about your childhood, the bad parts at least. Oh, and congratulations on the 11 pounds in two weeks! Holy crap, that is a lot and fast!!! I need to hang out with you ;)
from deepest-blue :
It will only be closed for the weekend. Long story... damage control. Will be back up next week so keep your eyes peeled x
from ollia :
Yes, I can see how anyone would have trouble understanding Southerners. Sometimes, we slur our words together so that they become one really long, conglomerated noise. And, as my friend Beth likes to say, we all speak in phrases instead of sentences.
from ollia :
Feel better soon!
from ollia :
Thank you so much!
from raven72d :
i must thank you for the e-mails...and we must exchange more stories of our lives and adventures...
from l-alle :
he loved his job. he loved his coworkers. he died Very Suddenly. :\
from l-alle :
a ghost of a a person that used to work there years and years ago, actually. i guess he hangs out in the sales department [where he used to work] a lot and so everyone else down there has gotten used to it- but. i have not.
from swimmmer72 :
re: strong as... Why wouldn't that be a good thing? :)
from ollia :
You're so sweet to me!
from deepest-blue :
Ok, well thanks! Re the present.. don't know if we're going to make it to Xmas atm, so presents for him might be something less I have to worry about!
from raven72d :
e-mail soon...
from deepest-blue :
??? How?
from raven72d :
Vielen Dank'!
from raven72d :
I love weather like that...
from ollia :
Aw, thanks! You're really kind.
from swimmmer72 :
I'm not in Zion now, just writing a story loosely based on an actual hike back in 2004. The temps then, back in May would have been cool at night but getting into upper 80's in the day. Summers frequently get over 100 F and it is mostly sunny as they get very little rain. Zion is part of an overall geography called the GRAND STAIRCASE that exists in the southern half of Utah. You'd like it. Thanks for the continued interest! Interesting entry on Siddharta BTW! :)
from l-alle :
brief tizzy complete. its open. ;]
from raven72d :
Exactly. One lives in a web of voices, and voices are one's friends and lovers and support net.
from swimmmer72 :
And, yes, the swimsuits look good. Probably even better with you in them... ;)
from swimmmer72 :
I'm glad you're liking the story! I knew that you, more than anyone, would enjoy the pictures. They are all from Zion National Park, in southwestern Utah. Also, the header says AGING, not old! There's a difference! :)
from raven72d :
Never blush. Especially not if you look good in that blue swimsuit.
from raven72d :
I liked that Rated-R entry. And I do agree with your sentiments. We must discuss things more.
from raven72d :
I love the blue swimsuit.
from swimmmer72 :
Two things: You are right - love can't be demanded! Also, not really mountains, but I'm going to be showing about 3 or 4 days worth a beautiful rock formations with spectacular rock walls that people do indeed climb. Not me, I take the trail. :)
from ollia :
I just had to come by and remind you how much I love your diary.
from randomlush :
I love how honest you are. It's refreshing :) Oh and EMT stands for Emergency Medical Technician. It's like a paramedic only not as much schooling and the scope of practice is a lot more limited, they can't do injections, etc.
from raven72d :
I read it well. My doctoral thesis required me to do archival research in Vienna. I read it, but I've lost most of my spoken German.
from raven72d :
I admire your courage in that regard. And I'm working to feel the same about myself and the girls I care about.
from raven72d :
American popular culture in the Year Eight is obsessed with bad psychobabble fears--- the idea that any age difference in relationships is "inappropriate" and a sign of grave psychological of course the witch-hunt fears that any older male is "preying" on his younger girlfriend...
from raven72d :
I do need that sense of purity... I starve sometimes...but I need physical exertion, too.
from swimmmer72 :
J has to respect your priorities, and if you're not in the mood, you're not in the mood. It isn't something you can just turn on. Simple as that.
from raven72d :
I've never done rock climbing or mountaineering, but I am fascinated by stories of climbs and climbers.
from raven72d :
No hell, no heaven--- not Christian, not Buddhist... But the film about the Eiger sounds fascinating.
from l-alle :
im glad that it worked! [i always swoosh the crumbs out of bed! i dont leave them there!] :D
from swimmmer72 :
It's funny how a person can feel the imminence of something different on the horizon. I hope your's is a good one. Also, "torn apart" would be a better way of putting that. I hope your week is going well! :)
from raven72d :
I was trained as an historian, and then as a Rechtsanwalt--- so: everything. Anything. Just tell me about how you ended up in Munich, tell me about
from raven72d :
I hope you will tell me more about you one day... Your history is intriguing...
from ollia :
Oh, no -- I don't think you're too curious. I'm not exactly sure why I did it. I just thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I _________."
from swimmmer72 :
Knowing both sides - the ups and the downs of reklationships - only shows that you've been there before and know better than to be careless. It's hard to find a good balance - sometimes I think I'm too cautious, too. I don't think you are a coward. It seems like you're just trying to be sensible and caring with other people's emotions. Not completely a bad thing!
from raven72d :
I know--- reality always tries to interfere with my scripts, alas!
from swimmmer72 :
I like triathlons but I'll never do an Ironman. I've done one marathon and can't imagine in my wildest dreams doing another AFTER a 2.4 mile ocean swim and a 112 mile bike ride. Short stuff suits me just fine! Still, I'm glad to hear you are pushing yourself and striving to be excellent! Have fun on your time with J.! :)
from raven72d :
Oh--- thanks for adding me.
from raven72d :
There's a bad habit I have of over-planning, of running films in my head long before the real event...
from ollia :
This is true. She *did* look incredibly happy. And you're certainly welcome!
from randomlush :
Wow! I am so jealous of your life right now! Want to switch places? All the pictures you posted are beautiful, I am jealous of all the places you travel to. You are beautiful! I love the picture. I would also be interested to see the pictures from your special shoot! Take care and I am glad we've reconnected.
from ollia :
I don't know! A very confident one, I suppose -- she has no discreet way to tell him "no" until he's back in their apartment.
from ollia :
That's what I told her -- let's hope.
from permeation :
I think that's precisely what I'm going to do. Showers out of the way, now I just need the strength to get dressed and go outside. Let's hope I don't pass out as soon as I smell all that fresh air! xx
from permeation :
Aw, thank you. If I don't get out of this flat soon I'm going to start going completely insane.
from swimmmer72 :
I think you are right. Personally, your idea about planting trees is a great one. Whenever I buried one of my pets, they'd always get a shrub. Jake's Lilac; Joni's Lilies; Jennifer's Potentia; Sam's Rhododendron. You get the idea. I've always thought of statues in cemeteries in a sort of Freudian sense, that they are all made for "important" men with a giant phallic symbol to compensate for, well, you know what that compensates for, right? Yep, a tree is better... ;)
from swimmmer72 :
You had asked if I could correct your English, so here goes: dyed (not died); figure (not figur); nauseating (not nauseously); caught (not catched); and in cold blood (not cold blooded). You write very well and I'm very happy that you make the effort to write in English since I always wonder what I'm missing when you write in your native German. So, please, I'm just trying to help. I have to give you credit - I had 6 years of German through high school and it barely helps at all when trying to read your German entries. I lack the motivation or perseverance that you have to learn any language besides my own, even though I think of doing so often. Besides that, interesting entry! Personally, I don't think dreams mirror real life urges, and in this case I hope I'm right! :)
from likepaper :
[blush blush] thank you.
from swimmmer72 :
Your Alps look a lot like our Rockies - Colorado and Wyoming with the sharp jaggedness. Very beautiful! :)
from swimmmer72 :
And, BTW, I think you are very pretty! :)
from swimmmer72 :
No, silly, you have a sweater on.... ;)
from raven72d :
Music suggestions--- excellent! Many thanks. I'll track them down and listen.
from theswordsman :
Thank you.
from l-alle :
and you are _not_ dumb. thAn is used for compArisons, thEn is used to infer some kind of timE. [hope this helps!]
from l-alle :
please do! :D [and good luck w/ yr interview!]
from l-alle :
ha! well thank you! [i promise though, if youd seen me at science night...]
from l-alle :
which part?
from swimmmer72 :
Well, that's definitely a different look!! I'm not sure which one I like better, but I can absolutely say that when you change things around, you do it in a BIG way!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
That's a beautiful poem. I wish I still knew German and could read it in it's original words, although I really appreciate your efforts in translation. Thanks for sharing! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Spectacular pictures!! I love the mountains, too, although we only have "hills" around here, not real mountains like out west. 6,000+ is a decent climb as you can tell from the views once you get to the top! It's my turn to be jealous! The highest "mountain" in Pennsylvania is only 3,213 ft(Mt Davis) which is over 2,000 ft LOWER than Denver! The peninsula "altitude" is probably less than 200 ft. Your hike looks like it was a good one! :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: time. I probably am just as much to blame for time seemingly going by faster as I RARELY slow down, like an energizer bunny. Yes, I know exactly what you mean and wish I could slow things down. Time is a blur as it flies by.
from swimmmer72 :
White blouse? You didn't do yourself justice with your earlier description - you are a cutie! My German is much past rusty, it is virtually nonexistent, but judging from the size of those beer steins, I didn't need English to figure you had probably gotten "just a bit tipsy..." Very nice pictures - it looks like everyone had fun!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I finally got to the point where I realized some of my changes were counter-productive. They were happening in places that didn't mean that much to me anyway, so I ended up changing (or trying to) unimportant things. My job being one of them. I'm ok with most of the things in my life now. Rather than full scale CHANGE, I seem to go through ADJUSTMENTS as I fine tune or evolve through life's demands. I like it as it isn't quite as disruptive. For example, I've lived in the same place for 9 years now and have no intention of moving until I put PLAN B into play. (I don't know if you have read back that far, but in 2020 I'm going completely mobile!) A lot less stress and wasted time as a result. You were mostly talking about marriage, and yes, I can see your point. There is a big difference between doing something solitary or as a couple. Good entry!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
"what the world needs is people who have come alive" I LOVE it!! What a fantastic quote!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Thank you for all your comments and notes, Regina! I have to get caught up on some of my replies, but yes, they are coming soon. I hope you are having a good day! :)
from boxx9000 :
I LOVE all your pictures. I found you by accident. ~BoXX
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! That's an excellent pictorial of what your day consists of, from start to finish! Thank you for sharing that - it gives me a good idea what your life in Munich is all about! From the loneliness of your solitary bike in the bike rack, does that mean you are one of the few that bike to work? I have a TREK, too, and ride my bike when I go in during the day (although I work mostly evenings). Anyway, thank you again! I enjoyed this! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Am I wrong or do you get to travel a lot? If so, I can relate! :)
from swimmmer72 :
You're going to CAMP in January? YIKES!!! Well, good for you - I gave up winter camping years ago! Thank you for your comment about my pictures. IF your current pictures don't turn out the way you want and you'd like to try another photographer, yeah, I'd LOVE to give it a shot! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
It's great that you're going to be in the US. It's too bad it has to be in January and February! Hope things are well - email coming your way! :)
from swimmmer72 :
1. I THINK.... bad spelling! :)
from swimmmer72 :
two things: 1. I thing more pics of your daily doings would be excellent and I'm really looking forward to it. 2. Sex. Isn't getting older a definitive thing? I completely relate to the need for independence. I've lived on my own most of my life and have a hard time imagining it any other way, BUT, throw sex into the equation and it starts to get complicated. What I mean by that is that there seems to be a natural conflict when sex comes into the picture - the need (or just plain desire) for sex versus the need or desire for independence. Once you've had the taste of either one, it's hard to go without. I'm still trying to find a comfortable middle ground which is probably why I'm struggling with the idea of getting deeper involved with the relationship I wrote about it my last entry. I guess I take it one day at a time. You seem to be handling it well, at least staying true to yourself, which I think is the best thing a person can do. :)
from swimmmer72 :
Ok, patiently waiting! And, I promise - honest opinion coming back! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I sent an email to the addy that was attached to the Dland note alert, ending with (I think that is what it is) Does that sound right? In any case, you should have it by now, so please let me know if nothing shows up. I hope you're having a great day! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I'm sure you're not ugly. Are we ever going to get to judge for ourselves? ;)
from swimmmer72 :
I was a good swimmer, not a great swimmer. High school, college, and masters. I swam competitively until the pool I swam in got torn down about 5 years ago, but would get back into it if conditions were right. I still run 5K's and even did a marathon last year (ouch!). Bike a lot, but don't race - most people that race have better bikes than I do and if I'm going to get beat, I want it on equal terms, not just because you have a $2,000 bicycle. My competitive fires are still warm, but I don't get worked up about it like I used to. :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: speed. A triathlon is less about speed and more about endurance. Besides, after biking, running seems to make your legs forget how to move. Try some interval training if you decide you really NEED to get faster, although, for me, I mostly do it for fun at this point. BTW, the biking is where I always got my arse kicked; I was almost always the first out of the water, but it was downhill from there. Good luck and have fun! :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: triathlons. I bet you're a pretty good runner - it seems like you climb up mountains a lot so you must have leg strength. You'll do just fine! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Re: sexuality. Very enlightened view, especially the ENJOYMENT part. In this day and age, it's more important to enjoy than any of the other particulars, whatever they are. Why define a label for yourself? You know what you like! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Beautiful pictures (the mountains 9/29)!! And, no offense intended, but I'm glad you post in English at least some of the time. Your English is MUCH better than my German!! :)
from permeation :
hi. i've emailed you the password. thanks for wanting to read. x

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