messages to mrflibble:
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from nimiiwin :
I LOVED Jitterbug Perfume! When I read it, I called people all the time to read them bits of it. The one I remember is "August in New Orleans is like an obscene phone call from nature." Which, having been in NOLA in August I can tell you is true!
from crowhihs :
We are reading the EXACT SAME BOOKS! At least we each know we have excellent taste!!!
from intheory27 :
A random click of the mouse, but I love your taste in literature. _Love_ is as phenomenal as all of Morrison's work, I assure you, and of course, brilliance with the F. Scott. :) Enjoy the day.
from metallic-666 :
Hey nice profile lol if you got msn add me! [email protected]
from caspia :
I'm plugging the twins-fan ring that my sister runs. More importantly, it's good to find people from Roseville around here.
from roapearl :
It's a pleasure to have you join my ring. ::Rimmer salute:: Eccentricity is wonderful, innit?
from youscareme :
I clicked on your banner, and am happy to find out that you're from Minnesota. I'm from Minnesota, too, St. Cloud, specifically. Just thought I'd leave you a note. :)
from clcassius :
I saw that you're the only other person who listed H.L. Mencken as a favorite author, so I simply had to pop by and say hello to a kindred spirit. I wish we had happier times about which to write. I wonder: who made the comment about American losing its (her?) virginity? Personally, I likened it to America getting a swift kick in the pants, but I think both metaphors work! Anyway, my intention was to come by and say hello, so hello! :) I enjoy your diary and hope you might visit mine!
from lunardwarf :
I'd add some notes, but I need to know if this is in the octave or the decative scale? Holly's decative scale is a little trickier to do computations in because of the imaginary note i, but it is more interesting, too!
from prnstr23 :

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