messages to nora555:
(click here to add new message):

from lovelydaisy :
my old pw didn't work! WOuld like the new one my dear!
from krugerpak007 :
What is it with men in general? Hang in there hon.
from krugerpak007 :
Please can I have the password? xoxox Kathy [email protected]
from lonelylatina :
what is it about the online guy you don't like?
from lillymoon :
4/26 WTF! You knew something was up with him! Convenient how he just dismisses the fact that you 2 have been intimate and can just switch to friends like that. What the Fuck ever. Tell him to hell. After all this shit. I met someone, let's be friends!! Funk all of that. That's guy speak for "Hey this might not work out so stick around. PFFFtt
from jt76 :
I lost your password!
from lonelylatina :
please post a pic. your diary is locked so i'm sure it's ok to post it ;)
from angelic7626 :
Picture Picture!
from jt76 :
Damn you, woman! ;-) Thought we could compare notes- Emily and I had 'sexapolooza' over the weekend. hehehe
from angelic7626 :
well regardless, it sounds like you had lots of fun in doors and out.. haha.. at the moment, that's all that matters... :) and wow... i need to get it together... i'll probably have a small child at 31..aaww. that just scared me..
from lonelylatina :
awesome trip. perfect and oh so romantic, just like in the movies :)
from jt76 :
You left out the best parts! How many times? What positions? Where in the cabin? LOL
from lillymoon :
She Shoots, She Scores!!!! Now that is what I'm talking about! Glad you had a great time!
from coldandgray :
Yes, you are a kick ass beeyatch!
from lillymoon :
What a fuckin GREAT ASS! Girl, why you 2nd guess yourself is beyond me! I said it once I'll say it again, you are gorgeous! And ballsy for putting your ass up there!
from coldandgray :
Nice ass, haha! Congrats your your FIRST date. Cool.
from clarity25 :
Hey, Nice ass, girl! lol, seriously! I'm jealous! Loved all the pics in your entries recently, You're a beauty. Also that picture of your mother in the park was so touching and wonderful. What a lovely moment captured. Congrats on your date too!:)
from jensanimals :
Could I get your password, please? I read your other diary, but would like to keep up with what's here as well. You can email it to me at [email protected] Thanks!
from lonelylatina :
...out of season that is too funny :D that's one of my fantasies too, to do it by the fireplace. oh yeah baby. how exciting for you. can't wait to hear the details ;)
from lillymoon :
WHAT IF YOU HAVE TO POO????? LMAO I was laughing so hard the stitch in my belly button started to ache. Then you take some matches and smoke a joint in the can after you poo! HELLLLLOOOO. You are too funny!
from lillymoon :
Damn Girl. I know about this cause of our conversation. Well, yes you are smiling in your Blackeye pic. Crazy Xica! Hope you heal up quick. Lonleylatina's right emotions are still high. It'll be ok! : )
from lonelylatina :
damn girl you're going through so much shit. (you) sisters are still mourning the loss of your mother and emotions are real high right now. i just want you to know that i don't think you're selfish at all. we all have to do things to take care of ourselves like working out and stuff like that. i don't see how that makes you selfish. i am sure you take very good care of your family. you're in my prayers... you look so beautiful in the before pic. hot in your previous entry you were brave to put up a pic when you say you were overweight. how did you lose the weight?
from clarity25 :
Oh Letty, I'm so sorry to hear about the fight. It sounds so horrible, That's an awful thing to have to go through. But I have to say, that based on what you said Marilyn was screaming at you..I don't blame you lashing out at her. I would have flipped out too. She had no right to say all those horrible messed up things. I hope your eyes heal quickly and you feel better soon. You're in my thoughts...
from lillymoon :
Oh I feel your pain! I had surgery yesterday and he knows this. Mr 26 that is. I have texted him 4x telling how much pain I am in. Has he called, texted? No. Every other boy toy has! But he did call me Tues at 12:30am and asked me to come over, there I went! After he walked me out to my car and kissed me and told me he will be thinking of me and to text him. He can call me then but when it means the most, he can't. Maybe I just loopy cause of the pain pills right now. No I'm loopy, period! Dumb Dumb Dumb!
from lillymoon :
I read my note to you. I mean I hope things look up for you. It looked like I was having hopes for my ex and that is a negative. LOL
from lillymoon :
Hey hey, yeah you did lose weight. You can tell in your face. I cant wait till my face get thinner. So you woke up naked. Did someome have a drunk fuck and forgot?? Well at least it ws with your husband. No harm in that. I didn't post it on my site cause I didn't want my roommate to read (cause I would get a lecture)but I had sex with my ex right before I left to Chicago and it was great! I told him I didn't want to get on a plane and not have sex cause you never know what will happen so he did me the favor. We used a condom which was weird cause we never did. But things are different now. Well I hope things look up.
from lonelylatina :
aww girl you gone and made me cry. that last part where you're talking about your parents picture made me cry. you are very lucky to have that pic.
from lillymoon :
I just got to the part where you post your pic. I finally have a face to the "voice". I have to get my picture up. K let me keep reading.
from clarity25 :
Guys can suck sometimes. I understand how you want things to be straight and forward, you don't want to play intentionally not calling him or avoiding his calls just to make it more interesting for him. But sometimes it seems like guys need that, otherwise you're "too available" and lose interest. They like the chase. I don't know what's wrong with men. *sigh*
from lonelylatina :
wooohooo you saw my baby Mark. ok,i guess i can share i need to get that movie too. take care.
from lonelylatina :
can you please give me the username and password? thank you. [email protected]
from mzletty :
Hey I'm locked out!
from brunette99 :
woo-hoo! you got the job! miss ya
from krugerpak007 :
Congrats on the job! And I am sorry things are shitty again with Dave, I know its not easy...Take care sweetie and remember I am here... xoxox
from mzletty :
Congrats on the job! Hey I LOVE 80's movies too
from clarity25 :
Congratulations on the job!!
from jensanimals :
WooHoo, Way to go!! Glad to hear you got the job. I sure hope things improve for you and Dave,soon. I know how hard it is when you are not sure of things. Anyways, Have fun at the tailgate.
from clarity25 :
Hey girl!! I missed you too!!!!! All these exclamations in eachother's! I'm glad your interview went well! You ARE bad ass! That's such a sweet gift and inscription in the journal for your daughter. cellphone?! haha! seems like everyone wants one nowadays..pretty soon children will have them in Kindergarten. Oh and yes, I remember "Valley Girl"! (I loved that film! But Nicholas Cage looked so doofy than and the clothing he wore!! )..Hope things are improving with you and David, and that life is running always helps to improve my mood too. Getting new films always thrills me. love ya -Clarity
from jensanimals :
Congrats on the interview. Did you get the job? Hopefully he did not even mention the black eye. That would be mighty rude!! But then again, I am sure they don't want any husbands coming after employees.If that were the case. P.S.. Did your sister close her diary??
from jt76 :
Good luck with your interview....and if they ask about your face, just tell him that you and your hubby like it rough ;-)
from krugerpak007 :
Gosh, we are exactly the same, you and me. I wish you were here. i would hug you, and tell you everything will be ok. It must. We both need to be strong and carefully figure out what exactly we want. Its not easy I know. I know exactly what you are going through. Please keep in mind I am here all the time and sms me or email if you need to vent. Love Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Hope you are ok.....I miss you!
from krugerpak007 :
When did I miss your birthday? Happy Birthday! I am worried about you. Please drop me a line. I hope you are ok! xoxoxo
from jt76 :
Hope you're having a tolerable day, birthday girl!
from lonelylatina :
wooohooo.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! hope you have a good one take care
from brunette99 :
from krugerpak007 :
I am only catching up now. I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time now. I wish I could help and say the right things. I just know that you and I are so damn alike its uncanny. If you ever need to talk, I am here sweety. Take care, thinking of you.
from jt76 :
I hope everything is ok, Letty. For what its worth, I think you did the right thing.
from brunette99 :
hey, you know im only up the me
from sapphyr :
Oh, God, I'm worried about you...please let me know you're okay.
from brunette99 :'ll be fine, just relax and take it one day at a time.........did i mention i miss you?
from lonelylatina :
welcome back from paradise girl. we missed you. sounds like you guys had a great time.
from jt76 :
Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good time- lord knows you needed a vacation.
from wish4u :
Im so glad you had a good time,you deserve it! But I am so jealous. I WILL go there one day. I'm glad your back though, I missed you updates.
from krugerpak007 :
Happy Birthday to your young mommy! And soon to you...Hope all is ok with you, you hsven't updated and I am having withdrawal symtoms. Let me know whats happening job-wise and you-wise-ok.? You are worried about and loved! xoxoxox
from clarity25 :
.."P.Ditty will kill you if you don't vote, Mom" lol! Thanks for your encouraging note and I hope you have an awesome awesome trip. Looking forward to the pictures!
from wish4u :
Awww that is so cute how your kids thought P diddy was coming for them cause they didn't vote. I laughed my ass off at that one. Good Luck in counseling:) One thing is for sure right? It can't make things any worse, so I guess that means it can either get better, or the situation will stay about the same. I hope everything works out for you! Oh, Girl, go get away, and have a blast! I know you will! ..... oh and PLEASE take pictures! xoxo Crystal
from wish4u :
Damn girl, mad props to you for everything you have been through and you are still standing strong! Sorry about you being layed off,'s their loss right? I enjoyed your diary very much, I'm adding you to my fav's and I'm gonna read you everyday! Keep your head up! ~Crystal
from artofliving :
oooooohhhhhhh who's the hottest girl in the world?!?!?! LETTY LETTY LETTY!!!
from brunette99 :
hey.........i saw your pics, you two looked good!!! I took the survey already!
from krugerpak007 :
LOL. sounds like you guys had an awsome time...xoxox
from artofliving :
i'll TOTALLY take you out for beers, girl! ESPECIALLY if you want some company in hawaii!!
from clarity25 :
I just took your survey! I'm so sorry about your layoff, that's stressful, but you seem to have the right perspective and the bar idea sounds cool! Everything in life happens for a reason, I know you'll get through this! Have fun in Hawaii! You're so lucky (take pictures so I can see them and dream.. someday!) As for Boatboy, It's hard to set boundaries in relationships, they just form this life of their own and overwhelm you. But if taking a step back is what you need, than that seems to be the best decision. I hope you have a great weekend. -Lots of love, Clarity!!
from krugerpak007 :
I love you to bits. You are so like me....Please cme over here, please......We would have the most awsome time...Thanks for putting a smile on my face. I can totally relate. The thing is it becomes an addiction-doesn't it? I wish you could teach me how not to get my feelings involved. I fall for a person after the first damn kiss. Mmm. I could learn a lot from you. Take care sweety and enjoy the rest of the weekend. xoxox
from artofliving :
hahahah!!!and what shall we pay for these beers with!??! Love you girl!
from brunette99 :
I mmmmmiiiiiissssssss yyyoooouuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from lonelylatina :
Have a great time in Hawaii!!! Make sure you take lots of pics.
from krugerpak007 :
Oh Lettie, I am so sorry about the layoff. Did she do it totally legally? I am very sorry. I am sure though, that you will get over it. As they say, a change is as good as a holiday! I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully you will find a job that you love, new people, and everything good. I loved your winter entry. And I love you! xoxox Kathy
from lonelylatina :
hey lety, wasn't this morning so beautiful. i too love it when the mountains around here are covered with snow, the sun is shining and the air is cool and crisp. beautiful. especially after the rain, everything seems so clean and fresh. i've never been to mt. baldy (although everyone i know has). i usually end up going to the azusa canyons to play in the snow. i hope you have another beautiful day tomorrow. take care girl.
from clarity25 :
Thanks so much for your last note! It cheered me up, but than again..your notes always do. I'm sorry you've been in a funk lately, you've been dealing with alot of serious issues and juggling the new found responsibility of being a single mom. That's alot of stress, but don't be so hard on yourself. You'll get through this, you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for!! Remember, YOU'RE the bad ass one:). I'm here if you need me! I hope you feel better! P.S. those pictures of Nikki and her friend are so cute!
from krugerpak007 :
Wish I could spend some time with you at the watering hole!xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Wow, you had a good time at the bar! I can't believe there was a fire! Gosh, that only happens in the movies-no? Anyway its great that you could rely on Dave and that he came for you. I am sure though that if you didn't have him, another solution could have been worked out, so don't let that make you make any quick decisions. Give yourself some time. I am glad you are ok, that your documentation is all fixed up. Hawai! Wow. Take care sweety! And the photos of Nikki and her friend are lovely! xoxox
from lonelylatina :
Ditto to what jt said. You are the mother of his children. You are his best friend. Of course Dave is gonna come and help you out when you need it. No need to feel like you owe him. I'm sure you would do the same for him. You would, right? Take care girl.
from jt76 :
Well first of all, just because Dave was the only one who could have helped you at the time, it doesn't mean he's the only one who could ever help you. Any good friend/ boyfriend/husband would do the same- he just happens to be filling that role right now. While it was a very good thing for him to do, it doesn't change things. The man is walking on egg shells in fear he is going to lose you. Just stop and think for a moment if he would act that way under different circumstances....sounds like he wouldn't normally be quite so forgiving. Hell, I don't know why I'm writing this on here...I could have just sent you an IM....DUH!
from artofliving :
DUDE!! I knew you'd love the Yellow Pages story!! I was suprised when I didn't hear from you about it!! hahahah!! You can TOTALLY hire me to just hang out and make you laugh alot if you want...seriously. I could help the kids with homework too...AND I MAKE KICK-ASS MARGARITAS!! love, miranda
from jt76 :
One of these days I'm going to make a bet with you to see if you can go out and NOT end up hooking up with some random white boy.
from clarity25 :
Hey girl, I loved the photographic interview!!! The picture of you on the sofa made me laugh, that looks just like me on Monday morning..same exact expression and posture too! And the picture of David holding that big beer! classic! Also the shopping cart and how you captured the smog (I'd only heard of it in CA, but never saw a pic of it!) The final picture was gorgeous, the sun peaking through the Hope you're having a great weekend!
from krugerpak007 :
I loved all your photos and your photo interview thing. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a good weekend with Audrey! xoxox Kathy
from lonelylatina :
thank you for the birthday wishes :D
from lovelydaisy :
So sorry i can't read, so i will just let you know that i would love to get ur PW, just email me at [email protected] :) Thanks :)
from jt76 :
Fantastic entry, Letty.
from clarity25 :
That's a tough and emotional situation you're in, I can understand your frustration and your confusion. I think things will sort themselves out in time, this is the hardest part. I'm thinking about you,girl:). Hope things start looking up..
from jennlynn24 :
hey girl, i went on to read ya nd you are "blocked" anywya to get your password? email me at [email protected]? i love reading about you!!!! :)
from krugerpak007 :
Do you think that maybe after been with someone for so long you fall out of love. Or maybe just out of lust. Maybe it's a natural thing. And we are not as abnormal as we think? Mm. I don't know. Life is confusing. I hope you have a good weekend sweety. xoxox Kathy
from brunette99 :
I really don't need to ask you for your password cuz I pretty much know all the important stuff anyway.........but for future reference, I'd still like it!
from artofliving :
thank you girl!!! I really needed that reinforcement right now!! you rock socks!
from jt76 :
I'm devastated! I'm your boyfriend and you've aready cheated on me! hehehe- and you're prob the prettiest girlfriend I've ever had! ;-)
from coldandgray :
Mother May I?
from lonelylatina :
can you please give me the password? pretty please
from megslife101 :
whats up with that bitch!!!
from soverycherry :
You're all locked up! Could I get the username/password, please? :)
from jt76 :
Argh! You've locked your diary! Any chance I could get a passwaord?
from artofliving :
so what if i go in there and tell her that I don't want to resign? Isn't that just going to cause drama fo the rest of the time I work here? (I've been job-hunting all night on THEIR computer using THEIR pen writing on THEIR paper and calling on THEIR phone. Oh yeah. And what *shall* I say over the p.a. as I walk out the front door with my desk burning away??
from megslife101 :
ok hooker thats what you ar you no. just palying. I am now proud to call you my sister!!! Hey did you ever think tat maybe david is trying to acess your account . oh and its about time you let that harry little monkey shave. ****I would of kept the 15.00 dollars your already going to hell infidelity.****
from clarity25 :
wow!!...sounds like you had an amazing time!! I sensed that you and Boatboy would end up meeting again and having another passionate encounter. It seemed unevitable:). It sounded wonderful! wow!
from lonelylatina :
wooooohooooo you go girl!!!
from krugerpak007 :
Stop feeling guilty and stressed. You are a good person. I promise you. You are EXACTLY like me. I wish you were around here and we could get together...Take care and keep smiling, and be in touch! Love Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for your gorgeous comment. You made me smile! I know EXACTLY how you feel. Gosh when you write, it's my thoughts. Really! You are lucky your husband is so understanding and so in love with you, to give this break a chance, and to give you guys a chance. I know how difficult it is. On one hand you love him and want to be married to him, on the other hand you want more. More excitement, things that make your heart flutter etc etc. Right? If only we could have the best of both worlds....I probably sound awful to others but I know exactly what this feels like. Hang on there, I am on your side! xoxoxo Kathy
from jt76 :
Ok, the fact that this dude sent you a nasty email should tell you all you need to know. Your comment was absolutely rational and, frankly, correct. If he can't see that- and recognize the logistical impossibilities of you two actually having a relationship outside of the internet- then you need to cut his creepy psycho stalking ass loose.
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your note, You had me cracking up. Your notes are always making me smile! That wedding you went to sounded really cool..tattoos, piercings and mohawks! Wish I had been invited, what fun! As for Internet boy, you'd be better off forgeting him. It will probably lead to heartache and pain in the long run..who needs that? (ach, where did my romantic idealism go?!) Sorry, I didn't write back to your last E-mail..I'm sick and dying here with snot running out of my nose. ugh. being sick is so yucky.
from krugerpak007 :
Glad you are havng fun, and you sound so happy. I wish I was like you. And had the guts to do what you are. You are a very wonderful, strong woman. Take care. xoxox Kathy
from clarity25 :
I didn't know Anthony had a book, I have to look that up! Have fun at the wedding tomorrow
from megslife101 :
it would be so funny if internet boy was internet girl. you would never live that one down ever.
from clarity25 :
First of all..thank you so so much for your E-mail..I'll write more in my E-mail back. I'm so glad you and Dave are working through things, and went on your first date. Starting from scratch and taking things slow is the best thing. Good luck. As for the internet man, Everyone is saying he's psycho..he may or may not be. Naturally you should approach with caution as far as actually meeting him and all that. That might not be the best idea. But I can understand your attraction to him and the way the conversations make you feel...(that was an interesting chat tidbit you shared by the way)
from artofliving :
p.s. you let me know when you want to re-celebrate your 21st birthday!
from artofliving :
awwwww!!! you're so sweet honey!
from artofliving :
i love you, girl...two things, online shit = bad shit. promise promise promise!! and also, it's okay to miss him but remember this is best for both of you.
from jt76 :
OK- the inernet guy is bad news. All signs point to sociopath. If this guy is pressing that hard to meet you- and you don't even live within the same time zone, he's got problems. You need to ask yourself why he's trying so hard to meet up with you- why can't he find someone closer to home? And believe me, there are prob a dozen other girls he chats with that he's trying to meet as well. This may all sound a little jaded, but if there's one thing I've learned in this world- expect the worst from people, and you'll rarely be surprised. Anyone willing to fly halfway across the country for someone he's never even met has some serious social issues that you don't want to be a part of.
from megslife101 :
okay letty its me your sister! you need to stay a way from that guy on the internet. you are a beautiful girl and i think you like the atention more then the conversation. you can meat perfictly normal people right were you here. remember my dream that had to mean something!!!!!!
from jensanimals :
The guy may not be crazy.. I know of people who have met online and chatted for months,met and moved in together. One friend of mine has been with her boyfriend for 3 years after meeting in a chat room.But, then again, he may be crazy.. You also hear about the I would just be cautious and if you do meet, make it somewhere very public. For now, I would just enjoy the chats and have fun.
from clarity25 :
Hey girl, I'm back..I'm so sorry for everything you're going through. Things will get better in time, right now is the hardest part..figuring out how you feel, what exactly you want, staying strong and sticking to it. I believe in you! I understand about you not showing your husband your diary..for the first time I hid the "dream" entry from Eric (and eventually deleted it) Some things you just need for yourself. Also, your sister-in-law is a psycho, it's good that you just deleted that insane letter! Don't listen to her, she isn't even involved. It's between you and David. Noone has the right to judge you!. Also, more details on internet boy!.. I can understand the attraction to someone you don't even know in every day happens:). Though I have to say..I always wondered about phone sex! You're in my thoughts, and I hope things start looking up for you! -Lots of love, Clarity
from artofliving :
sweet love, I haven't been able to check up on you much lately and holy shit!! I jsut got a chance to catch up and...I'm honestly very proud of you, baby. I know it's hard but sometimes you gotta do that shit to get anywhere new. You're indescribably bomb ass for being so strong about all of this and I'm actually very inspired. Fuck what everybody else says (his sister) it's not their life, it's yours. Lemme know when ya wanna go out for a beer, I'll be legal on Sunday. Much love, kitty cat.
from lonelylatina :
it's sounds like you really need this need your space right now. good luck girl. wish you the best.
from coldandgray :
stay strong, sister
from krugerpak007 :
I don't think its a good idea for him to read. This is your space, you place to confess, to rant and rave and to be yourself totally. I am sorry you guys are going through such a hard time. Thinking of you, and e-mail me anytime-ok? Love, Kathy
from jt76 :
If you let him read your journal, its usefulness will disappear. A friend of mine gave her journal address to her boyfriend, and how she can't write anything in it- because what she usually wants to talk about is him.
from lovelydaisy :
Thanks Letty :) They came out really well for a friend taking them. I hated the dress, it didn't fit well and it wasn't at all what i had in mind, but when it's last min, it's alright :) have a wonderful weekend and I hope the best for you and your family :)
from jt76 :
and the answer is........BOSCO
from jensanimals :
I am so far behind reading you. Sorry that things are not going well right now. Maybe this separation will get him thinking. It will probably be good for you. Me and my husband have been apart for 7 months, and I think that things will be better when we get back to each other. I am HOPEFULLY back for good. I will play catch up soon. Hope things improve soon. Take Care
from krugerpak007 :
Gosh, I missed a few of your entries. I think you are not selfish at all. You have to feel happy and content. You only live once. Maybe having a break will put everything in to perspective. I think you are a brave, amazing woman. Stick with it, and things will get better. And we are all here to lend a helping hand with whatever we can. xoxox Kathy
from clarity25 :
Oh my god, I'm so sorry you're going through such a difficult time right now. I wish I had the right words to help you through this. It takes alot of strength and courage to do what you did. You're following your heart and doing what you believe is right. If living the way you were living was tearing you apart, than you need to step back from it and take care of yourself. Perhaps the distance will help you sort through your emotions and feelings, to help you figure everything out. You're in my thoughts, Letty! I really hope everything works out, I'm here for you if you need me.
from jennlynn24 :
I hope everything works out! :) (oh my password is charlie.. i had to lock it for work reasons)
from lonelylatina :
you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others....i don't think you're being selfish,it's just something you have to do
from jennlynn24 :
girl iam sorry! you really do deserve better, i am sorry, you really do. you are so full of life, but he takes it out of you. what do i know....
from clarity25 :
I was just going to tell you that you're beautiful..but everyone beat me to it. Damn. Well, anyways..thanks for sharing your pics!
from jennlynn24 :
You are beautiful girl!!!! :) Have a great day!
from krugerpak007 :
You are beautiful! Those pictures are lovely, thanks for sharing. I can so relate to you in everyting you say. You and me are one of a kind. xoxox Kathy
from clarity25 :
Thanks for the note, and the compliment on my drawing.:). You have every right to hold your head up high and feel good about yourself. You've been through alot, you deserve it. That's a difficult situation you're in.. things must be so crazy for you right now, between your friendship with "the other guy", your sister's E-mail and trying to sort out everything with David. Just want to let you know I'm here for you and I hope everything turns out okay!
from jennlynn24 :
I am sorry life is so hard with David. I hope it gets better. but know you are worth more than he gives you. you only live once. Do you really want to be miserable? It sounds like the kids are the bonmd that holds you together when things are bad. Just know you are beautiful inside and out. Dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Have a great day!
from krugerpak007 :
Just catching up now...Congratulations on your anniversary. Thanks for sharing those gorgeous photos with us. Really beautiful, and you and Dave do look so good together. You and I are so similar, it is scary! Have a good weekend. xoxo Kathy
from jennlynn24 :
how f-in rude is your sister in law.. id be pissed. i am glad you are so happy now, and f- her! :) I am glad you also got to finally see your Beastie boys.. your too cute! have a great weeekend!
from gypsy-poet :
Isn't it funny that the times when you need it no one is there, and the times that you don't there are people ten feet up your ass with unsolicited advice about things they do not know anything about?? I feel for you, and hope that you can tell her to pound sand in as nice a way as possible...
from lonelylatina :
Aye pues, esta sister-in-law. She said it herself,"i dont know whats he's like at home..." That's right she doesn't know. As a sister, I totally understand where she's coming from. I am tempted at times to tell my sister-in-law on how she should treat my brother, but you kow what? IT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Whatever is going on between a couple is between them, right? are you gonna respond to her e-mail?
from lonelylatina :
How romantic! That was so sweet that I even cried reading about it. Congrats on your anniversary.
from clarity25 :
That's so romantic!
from clarity25 :
You don't suck, everything happened for a reason. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sorry to hear about the argument, and all the pain you're going through. I really hope everything works out. Have fun at the Beastie boys concert tonight..I wish I were going too!
from dreame403 :
Thank you for leaving me a note!
from lonelylatina :
woooohoooo, the beastie boys!!!! tell adam i said hi ;) lol
from clarity25 :
I loved the pics, Carlos is quite a handsome boy..He's going to have alot of girls swooning in a few years,(If he isn't already!), Nikki is so cute! and it was great seeing your husband for the first time..are those karate moves he's doing?..I have some pictures of Eric doing the same thing, so I'm curious!lol. You both look so good together! Thanks for sharing them!
from clarity25 :
I don't think you're wrong for feeling the way you do, It's normal to be curious and wonder "what if..". I wonder that too. I'm beginning to realize that holding a marriage together is alot of work, I hope you figure out what you want and feel happy with it. Sometimes life can be so confusing, I feel for you! I hope everything works out, just remember that there's nothing wrong with how you feel, don't beat yourself up about your emotions. I'm also psyched that you got a digital camera..look forward to seeing pictures in the future! (aren't digital cameras great? I carry mine with me everywhere) P.S. Thank you so much for your support during my pregnancy scare, that really meant so much to me. You're really awesome, do you know that? Hope you have a good weekend!
from krugerpak007 :
I can totally, totally, totally relate. I feel the EXACT same way. It's amazing. Hopefully we will do the right thing!! xoxo Kathy
from irishblueyes :
Hi. I'm new to your diary but a lot of my other diary friends read you and I clicked you tonight from one of their profiles and was so glad to find your current entry. As you'll see if you check it out, my current entry is much the same. Maybe in the earlier stages, but I'm glad to know that I'm not the only woman who feels like they missed out on their younger, single years and then got married and started to regret it. I could really relate to your entry, so thank you.
from lonelylatina :
You've heard about "a woman's intuition", well maybe David is experiencing "a man's intuition". I think he suspects that something happened on the cruise. Don't you think? Anyways, I really hope you guys can work things out and I also hope that writing in this diary helps you. To bad some vatos don't believe in counseling. Be strong woman, be strong.
from krugerpak007 :
I don't think you are the one that screwed up here. Honestly I think you are being far too hard on yourself. He is very very insecure by the sounds of it. I am not sure how you can make him boost his confidence. But of course you need your space. Its only natural. And what he said to you when he kissed you is just not on. What the hell is that? I am sorry, I think he is being totally unreasonable and too hard on you. He is very threatened obviously, with your new found confidence and the fact that your have lost weight and are looking good. I think that maybe the 2 of you should go for a few counselling sessions maybe? God, look at me. You would think I am Miss Perfect Wife the way I am giving you advice. Sorry. I don't mean to preach. I just don't think he is being fair to you. I hope you guys sort things out and he starts realising what he could lose... take care honey. xoxox Kathy
from lonelylatina :
Ok, so I've been reading your past entries about your life. It's been so interesting. But the way you talked about yourself, I had this image in my head of this really ugly ghetto looking girl. Then today I got to the entry where you posted a picture of yourself. Hellooooo, you are one fine chica. Where do you get off even thinking that you might be ugly? You are totally cute and you know this maaaaannn. You are those girls that I can't stand looking all cute and pretty. So whatever (holding my hand up to your face) LOL I have to get back to reading your diary. It's great reading, just great. Take care girl. Oh yeah, I LOVE THE BEASTIE BOYS :) The first concert I ever went to was the Beastie Boys with RUN DMC. Remember that one?
from krugerpak007 :
Oy. Sounds like you are feeling miserable..I can only relate when it comes to stupid, lazy coworkers. They drive me absolutely fucking crazy. So I am glad you vented. I hope you feel better. And think of me next time you want to kill her. I am exactly the same at work. But try not to let anyone at work make you cry. It's just work afterall. Ya, right, I wish I could listen to my own advice..But really, they are NOT worth it! Have a good weekend. xoxox
from clarity25 :
"Why has no one ever told me that I was cross eyed!!!!" see,.. because your NOT! lol. You always make me smile! Anyhow, Gwen stefani can pull anything off. I want to be her when I grow up too. Good luck with the baptism..;)
from lonelylatina :
Thank you my friend. I'm looking forward to reading your diary. Take care :)
from krugerpak007 :
I also have this loose, gross skin. I hate my tummy. I am so embarrassed of it, its scary. But wow, that is very expensive. Maybe when I win the lottery. I am glad you and Dave seem ok again. I guess marriage is like a rollercoaster with ups and downs.I guess we just have to try and make sure there are more ups then downs. And I know its difficult. We have to work hard. But usually its worth it. Have a good weekend. I hope you don't suffer too much at the baptism.xoxox Kathy
from starlight42 :
Men are weird...hope things get better. One thing I've learned is that relationships can be so hard, and it really does take two people to make them work.
from clarity25 :
P.S. Cool blond streaks!
from clarity25 :
WOW!! You're so beautiful and cute too. What an amazing combination! It's cool to see someone for the first time after writing back and forth for months, you were just this blurry silhouette in my head before. I loved the pic, thanks for sharing it! Hey, you should do the photographic interview thingie too. I'd love to see your version. I hope things improve with you and David, and a tummy tuck...are you sure? Isn't it painful?
from krugerpak007 :
I think I am away when you are online because of the time difference, maybe on the weekend we can catch each other. Wow, this soccer thing is quite a saga! Wow, a tummy tuck? I would love to have that. You will have to share all the deails with me... Things with dave sound a tad bit better? he just sounds so very insecure at the moment, probably because he is scared of losing his beautiful woman. Maybe you need to try spoil him a little to lift his self esteem? Take care and have a good weekend! xoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Do you know how absolutely beautiful you are? No wonder Dave is so damn jealous and behaving like that. You are lovely and sweet and he better hold on to you. Take care sweety. Kathy
from lovelydaisy :
My Blaine has been pissed off at me for one thing or another in our lives, it goes on. The soccer thing is a load of crap and if they think that you should sacrifice soccer over college or a planned holiday, he should be glad you still willing to play on his team. I would tell him where to go and how to get there with that attitude of his. Soccer isn't your life, your family is. GRRRRRR
from krugerpak007 :
Hey, of course you can add me. I am flattered!! xoxox Kathy
from clarity25 :
Your last note made me smile, I loved loved loved your mirror entry, That was so real and true, honest..I could relate with everything you wrote. You just captured so much in that entry, damn! You just nailed it! I read it over twice. Hope you have a great for my b-day, That's a secret..Okay, I'll write it in an E-mail. Lol. I never like to celebrate my birthday, I just like throwing parties for other people.
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for your note. Gosh, your entry about the mirror-amazing. I am that 15 year old girl too. I wish you stayed nearby. I would pick you up, and drag you out with me. For hot chocolates and muffins and a long heart to heart talk about husbands, losing weight, cute men and gosh, everything else that we have in common. Hang in there, and when you need a hand, I am here, and will try support you anyway that I can. Take care and try have a good weekend. xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for your note sweety. I don't understand Dave's way of thinking. God, men can be so weird. It is so hard to get them. Especially when they never really say how they are feeling. I am so sorry things are lousy now. I think he just feels very threatened basically. You have come out of your shell. You look great and feel great and he just does not know how to react. And he is probably so scared of losing you. I hope you guys find a way to get through this. I also know exactly how bummed out not hooking up with boat boy probably feels. I go through that daily. And even though I know its wrong, I can't help it. So I know. Don't be too hard on yourself sweetie. And don't blame yourself all the time. You guys will get through this. Give it time. xoxo Kathy
from clarity25 :
Thanks so much for the awesome note you left over at my made me smile. You're so cool..( I sound like a groupie) You know what I mean, your comment "What's with the new image?" for some reason cracked me up. It's only temporary, there's a story with it.. I'll share later. I'm still searching for that perfect layout image, I'll just change it once a week until I do. Anyhow, That note your sister left on your car is so sweet! But I'm sorry about the problems with David, Hopefully in time that will change. I think every relationship goes through a rocky period like this, like a cold wind. It subsides..
from krugerpak007 :
I can't imagine how it must feel to grow up without your dad, I can only say that I am sorry for you, and I am glad though that you had a loving family who took care of you. I hope you have a good week. Kathy
from lovelydaisy :
great thanks :)
from lovelydaisy :
this is CarrieM, i changed my diary :) have a great day :)
from clarity25 :
I've had that happen to me too with the ice pops freezing to your! I had to do the same thing. I'm sorry about the situation with your father, I could understand how it could bring up emotions like that. Hope everything is going okay with you and David, you're in my thoughts:)
from krugerpak007 :
Gosh, I can relate to every single thing you have said. I also feel so guilty about my thoughts about other men. I love my husband too. And I would die if he left me. But I don't understand why I ahve to flirt and behave in the most ridiculous ways..I wish we could get together. Hang in there honey-we will figure this out! I hope!!
from clarity25 : had quite a time on the I have more to say, but I'll put it all in an E-mail. :)
from krugerpak007 :
I may be a bad person or something but I see no reason for you to feel guilty. You do not get the attention you are obviously craving, and deserve so you found it somewhere else. I can relate I guess. Don't feel guilty. Just hold on to the memories. xoxo Kathy
from mzletty :
Hey whos boat boy? I haven't heard the story No Fair!!
from krugerpak007 :
You are a young, gorgeous woman. Go knock em dead with your cute clothes!!! Boat boy? Aaah, you deleted the entry...not fair! xoxo Kathy
from clarity25 :
I'm sorry about all the stress with David and dealing with his emerging insecurities. You're handling it well, it's important to try to get to the root of why he's feeling that way.. Hope everything turns out okay and you feel better... As for dressing young..I still shop in the Junior section! So don't feel bad!:) you should see me!. I think that sometimes as well,though..
from krugerpak007 :
He is so threatened by you now. You have to hold your head up and do whats good for you. The important thing is for you to feel good, and to be rpoud of what you have accomplished. I am so sorry that the 2 of you are going through this. I think he just has to get used to this. Give him a chance. especially since you love him so much. Communication though is the key. I hope things start looking up. But please be proud of all that you have accomplished! xoxox Kathy
from clarity25 :
Hi, thanks for the last note, I'll write you an E-mail tomorrow and we'll catch up! Last night I read your self esteem entry with my sister, we both completely related with what you wrote. You're so honest and true to yourself, I admire you immensely! Hope things are improving with your relationship, you're in my thoughts!
from chris-n-ty :
Be sexy, girl. You made me smile today. Thank you.
from pissedkitten :
hey it's clarity's sis, new name. I really related a lot to your last entry. I feel the same way. I ALWAYS feel ugly, & it was good to see that I'm not alone when I do that. So thanks for being so honest, & hopefully we'll both find that self confidence:]
from clarity25 :
Remember if you need to talk, I'm here. Hope everything works out, and he stops throwing accusations around.
from krugerpak007 :
No, no, no. Keep up the good work, love yourself and be happy. I know what you mean about him not making you feel happy anymore...I wonder if all relationships and marriages go through this? Sometimes I think I got married too young or too soon. I feel like going out and experimenting..Anyway hang in there. xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
I only read a couple of your entries, but boy can I relate. About the marriage and about the boss....I hope you have a good week! xoxo Kathy
from clarity25 :
Hey you're back! Glad to hear you had a good time partying! but sorry about the work you had to confront when you came back and the frustrations with your husband. I hope everything works out!
from clarity25 :
first of all, thank you so much for your kind, loving, supportive notes and E-mail during this week. It's been hell for my whole family and I truly appreciate how you've been there for me. you probably wont get this note until after your trip..(lucky girl!) but I caught up on your entries..hurrah on your braces being removed and the beastie boys concert, I also really liked the entry with your description of Tina. Hope you're having a great time!
from girlsmad :
hey, found your diary through my sister. I liked your 101 things about yourself. (I always thought I was the only person scared of aliens)
from jennlynn24 :
;)I am glad that your mom is in high spirits and you have such a positive attitude! random question, whats Quincenera?
from starlight42 :
So sorry to hear about your mother. That must be very scary and stressful for both of you. The spread of AIDS and HIV is something that really needs to be given our attention. I don't know if you read my entry last week about Africa and their outbreak, but it's downright scary! Also, like the new design. It's actually one I used last year about this time :)
from clarity25 :
Wow, YOUR entry made ME cry! I'm so sorry for your mom and her illness. The description of her life and your relationship, with it's complexities and everything was so moving. Thanks for sharing that. I still call my Mom "Mommy" too:), and whatever problems we have in life, I still love her above all too. Man, what's up with making eachother cry, we gotta stop this. lol. I look forward to your "to do" list too, and I admit..when I first looked at that topic, I was uninspired too. Than I just went with it. Thanks for your compliment, I'm saying a prayer for your mother. -Love Clarity
from clarity25 :
Hey, sorry to hear about the soccer game loss. "I hate that team..just don't like their whiney style" lol!! that cracked me up, you're so cool! I wasn't too keen on that muslim bashing chain letter either. ugh. Also you're right, girl, money Does NOT buy happiness. You really have the right perspective:). The stories of your life really inspire me. and btw, I was so honored that your husband sat down and you read my writing to him! wow! He didn't fall asleep with all my ramblings! that means alot to me. thanks for telling me! I was thinking of sharing a few journals with Eric too..But I'm afraid he'll get addicted. (like me) than I'll have to share D-land. lol. Hope you're having a great day! -Love Clarity
from jennlynn24 :
Oh no worries!!! I just was making sure that my mom or someone at work didnt find my website or random stuff like that... Thanks girl! Can I add you to my buddylist? I wanna start reading your entries!!! :) YOUR THE BEST!!! Im gonna delete that entry :) Im not really a bitch (well....) heheh Have a great day!!!
from gypsy-poet :
Um yeah..I have an "Outdoor cooking island with refrigerator"... of course we call it "the gas grill and coleman cooler" It's all perspective right??
from clarity25 :
Actually I believe her concerning Vince Vaughn. Don't kill me..(smiles)..but personally I think he's pretty creepy looking. If I met him in real life, I would probably run away..but my sister LOVES him.:).
from clarity25 :
oh, and it's cool you joined P-O-Y too. yay! (ha, I'm such a dork) -love Clarity
from clarity25 :
HEy girl, my god, your note had me cracking up. "Don't be Maaadddd, but I just wanted to say "hi". lol. Thanks for your support, you really have the biggest heart and you've become truly a wonderful friend to me. Just wanted to let you know. By the way, I loved your last entry describing how your relationship with your husband developed, Thank you for sharing that story with us.. and what a story it was! You've been through alot and you amaze me with your strength.
from p-o-y :
Welcome to Pieces Of You!
from mzletty :
Nice layout! Had to make sure I was in the right place the first time though...heheh Have a great weekend-Lety
from gypsy-poet :
That story was so good. Moving even. The truth of your world is so amazing. Thanks for sharing that, and for making me cry at work! ;)
from yecats79 :
Hey...I found your diary through Clarity and I just had to tell you that I thought I was the only one who is inexplicably attracted to Michael Rappaport! My friends make fun of me but I can't help it.
from clarity25 :
Okay, I've been reading so many entries about "I Love the 90's", I'm so JEALOUS! I want to see that show! All I have is reruns of "home Improvement" and "Golden Girls" dubbed over in German here on T.V. (having a brat fit) I loved "I love the 70's" and "I love the 80's". I think my sister will tape it for me. But it was fun reading your entry, haha pogs and barney..Also that club "NoDoz" sounded cool, and I love your description of your outfits. ah, the 90's.. for me..1997 was my best year.
from gypsy-poet :
OMG... you were reading my mind today. I was surfing for one of those new LV purses..the white ones with the pretty colors LV's all over it... I am not big on expensive items like that for myself. For my husband and family I go all out. But, with my raise, or maybe for Christmas while the Husband is deployed I might get one... or maybe not. I just don't know... lol
from gypsy-poet :
I really like your new lay out.. I am not that creative either..but maybe past and present could be like ... ebbing and flowing? Ocean related stuff? Just a thought...
from clarity25 :
oh, I love the new layout, it's so reader-friendly and nice to look at. Peaceful. I like your little description in the corner "I...cuss alot" lol!
from starlight42 :
congrats on getting your braces off! good luck with the design- I can do a lot with mine, but I've never made my own, just made a lot of changes. It would be hard to start from scratch- with a blank screen!
from clarity25 :
No, you're right, the picture link isn't working. A great place to find Templates that you can custom design is "Pistachio Designs", that's where I found the basic structure for the one I have. If you click on my design link, it will bring you to a large selection.
from clarity25 :
I loved your description of the family at the t.v. set. It just had this heart-warming moment in time quality and that's what life is all about. Plus, your relationship with your husband sounds so strong and the trust you both have in eachother is wonderful. Nice new layout by the way!
from gypsy-poet :
I really enjoyed your entry today... it is so sweet to see people who trust and love each other so much... at least now-a-days! ::hugs:: to you both
from f0xfire :
I found your diary through clarity25. I read most of your entries, I really like your diary! I'll be adding it to my favorites list.
from chris-n-ty :
Congratulations! (I also think Vin Diesel is unattractive.) I started crying when I read that you called your grandmom "Abuelita." I call my brother-in-law's mom "Lita" for short. And I miss her a lot. Thank you for sharing everything with us!
from clarity25 :
Okay, that was hands down the best "100 things about me" I have ever read!! (the crowd cheers behind me) I loved it!! I didn't know you were writing a novel..What is it about? I'm with you on the anti-celebrity gossip show statement, I also want to learn how to ride a horse..(or just get on the back of one and fall off, I don't care. Just to find out what it's like.), Sublime IS the greatest, Vin Diesel IS butt ugly..I'm with you on that one. Also, I eat anything with seafood in it as well. Some of your answers had me giggling ."there is a beer bong in the back of my truck", "I want bag pipes to be played at my funeral" Some of them were so cute too "I'm really dorky". It just made me like you all the more, we have to hang out sometime! Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your list! Happy 100th entry!:)
from carriem :
i am so broke too. I am borrowing money to keep my power from being shut off. IT sucks, i hate it. No more. I might cancel the wedding, that is bad :)
from clarity25 :
Hey, I loved reading your answers to the survey! As for 30 year olds being cute..of corse, look at Jennifer Anniston, She's 34,and she's cute. By the way, 5 Euros translates into 6 American dollars. Yes. I know, that's alot to give a homeless stranger on the street. If I make a habit of it, I'll go broke!
from mzletty :
Hey Letty! Yeah Wally World is Walmart! hehehe I have nicknames for everything; bad habit of mine!
from clarity25 :
Hey, I liked your last entry. I had always wondered where Nora came from:), also you're not the only one that hates housecleaning. Hope you have a great 4th of July. Wish I were in America, because as you can probably guess.. we don't celebrate it here in Germany.
from chris-n-ty :
Amen. Thank you for putting all of that into words. Priorities are out of whack nowadays.
from clarity25 :
For your 100th entry, you should do one those "100 things about me" entries, I don't think you have one yet and I would love to read it!
from megslife101 :
from mzletty :
I usually spell it LETY (my mexican friends said it was the mexican way, whatever) but growing up I spelled it Letty so I guess it just depends on my keyboarding/writing mood! I had this one guy(*Whispers*whom i had the biggest crush,shh don't tell anyone)friend who was from Africa and he would call me tisha. I loved it! (only cuz i had a crush on him!)
from clarity25 :
true to our formula: Oh thanks for your note, here's another note from me:). The concert sounded like a blast, and I can totally understand your desire to get all your friends together to go on a big vacation. I hope that works out. That's my dream too.. I think back to all the friends I left behind at college and wish I could have a vacation with them, create new memories. Sometimes I worry that I'll never see them again and that depresses me...:(.
from megslife101 :
from clarity25 :
Hey again, Wow, sounds like you had a crazy night. I've had nights like that, drunk with people I would never in a million years hang out with had I been sober and than vomiting afterwards.. Than crying because I threw up. The next morning I didn't want to drag myself out of bed, but life went on. I always laughed about it later.. Thanks for your E-mail address, I'd give you mine right away but I only have an office account that my boss reads. I'm going to sign up for a Hotmail account, than write you and answer your questions later on this week.
from mzletty :
WOW...I just read your "life story entry" and I was almost moved to u happen to be latina by chance? Are you still with the boyfriend you met when u were 15?
from mzletty :
no they haven't call. They shall call in 2 weeks....hopefully
from clarity25 :
Wow, you're a cool mom. My mother never took ME to a concert to see Gwen Stefani. I wish I were going..I love No Doubt! As for vacation locations, you should seriously think about going to Europe. You can get a hotel in Amsterdam for 45 dollars a night, party hard and than take a train and visit us in Germany. You can also hit France and Spain while you're at it. Flights are cheaper than you think, if you go during the right time of the year. Look at "Singapore", I once found a flight for 350 dollars there. Hawaii is nice too of corse if you're looking for beaches and Greece is beautiful. Have a great weekend!
from mzletty :
Thanks! I haven't recieved an official job offer yet actually but I'm still happy!-Letty
from clarity25 :
Your last two entries, the one about your children and that comment that you got, and the one about the terror in the news and the men in Iraq both had me nearly in tears. I can't really put my thoughts in words right now, but they were both really powerful entries. I read them over a few times and than sat back in my chair. just thinking. you are such a strong person, and I really admire that about you. Just wanted to tell you that:)
from megslife101 :
from megslife101 :
im mia hahahahhahah
from carriem :
yay!! Horrah on the raise :)
from clarity25 :
Yea, Soccer is definitely growing on me. It's addicting and fun. It's so cool that you play by the way. I would probably end up running away from the ball than towards it. I took your Pulp Fiction Quiz and guess what? I'm Fabienne too..(sigh) but hey, Fabienne isn't so bad, she's kind of cute in a way "I wish I had a pot belly.." That's great news by the way about your friend from the past getting in touch with you again and I really loved your entry on your husband for Fathers Day. It was really touching, He sounds like a great man and Father. You're lucky:)
from starlight42 :
hey- you should be very proud that you own your own home! A lot of people end up renting their whole lives...
from mzletty :
Hey I love, love Grease...the movie I mean!-Letty
from mzletty :
Hey thanks for adding me to your faves! I love your name by the way! nice to meet ya..take care-Letty
from starlight42 :
Found you through another diary I, that's some story about your friend. I'm glad she finally got ahold of you! Hopefully you guys can also get together again soon. It's rare when you find a person you can become so close to.
from clarity25 :
I'm sorry about your drivers License. Is there a way to get it back after a period of time? I hope so. How are you feeling? Well, if it cheers you up..I don't have any prejudice against beer! not "just smirnoff ice" lol (yea, really classy). You should come to Germany some time. We'll have a few beers and catch a soccer game (fussball). There is plenty of crazed fans and cheering here. It's easy to get into the spirit. btw, Holland and Germany ended in a tie last night, 1 to 1.
from clarity25 :
That sounds like such a frightening experience, I can't even imagine what that is like, I just hope you feel better. You sound like you have an amazing husband that loves you more than anything. You're in my thoughts. :)
from chris-n-ty :
Hee hee hee! Yes, you can steal it. :) I am looking forward to finding out the color of your bathroom. LOL
from clarity25 :
Hey! thanks for the awesome encouraging note you left me! Even though I have a hard time believing any compliments people give me, It really means alot to me when I get one. Now, whenever I feel low, I think of your "bad ass" comment and I can't help but smile. Your note really made my day! Btw, you're pretty bad ass yourself. (I hope you know that!)
from dreame403 :
i just saw the note you left me. I dont mind if you keep reading and thanks for adding me to your favorites.
from clarity25 :
hey, thanks for your note. It was encouraging and really made me smile. I always enjoy getting notes from you. By the way, I really liked your cast page. It sounds like you have wonderful children and I have a similiar relationship with my sister. Although, we have a bigger age gap between us, She has a diary as well and is the only one that knows that I have one online too.
from jensanimals :
Hi.. I found you through your sisters diary. Just thought I would pop in and say Hello. I sat and read every one of your entries.I am going to add you to my favorites. Hope you don't mind.
from megslife101 :
from clarity25 :
Wow, you had a shot gun wedding in Vegas! That's not something many people can say they have done. Everyone talks about it, but few people have the courage and spontaneity to actually pull it through.. That was a great story, I understand your stress about having a wedding ceremony for family and friends. But when the time comes, I think everything will fall into place.
from chris-n-ty :
Wow. I read all of your entries (instead of working!). You are amazing. You're a great mom, and I admire you to no end for wanting to make a better life for them. Nice to meet you. :)
from megslife101 :
from tvmppayfoggp :
A diary is like a soap opera. Both follow lives through days and weeks and months and years, if it gets that far, through change and evolution and what not. What will little Ethan become as he get older or, well, I don't yet know the names from the real soap opera, like the little baby from The Bold And The Beautiful. The only thing is that a soap opera's long lasting intentions are defined where as a contractless diary is based soley on the whim of the individual. I've come across several soap opera's already, one in which I found a note from you saying something like "as if my diary was interesting", this diary resembling the musical aspiration of a young blonde haired boy from The Young And The Restless; actually I only saw a brief advertisement for that episode so I really don't know much about it. But I've come across several soap opera's already. Won't you read them and follow the many great saga that are apart of a never ending story...
from clarity25 :
three questions: 1.) what do you like best about your life? the least? 2.) What was the biggest change that occured within you when you had your first child? How did your life change? 3.) If you could wake up having gained one new ability or quality what would it be?
from clarity25 :
Hi again:), thanks for your support on my current problem. It's such a good feeling when a friend betrays you, your feeling alone in the world and you read a note from someone on your side, that says "f her". I needed that. By the way, your diary already kicks ass. Don't beat yourself up about spelling errors or how you articulate your words. You write freely, honestly and from your heart. That's what keeps it real and that's what everyone should be thriving for. Who cares how witty some people are ,amusing the masses,with 3,000 readers and their great spellcheck program. If they're not growing from the experience and being true to themselves..then it's all meaningless drivel. that's my opinion.
from prgat14query :
Hi, I guess I just wanted to say thanks for signing my guestbook. Not many people do and I guess you're right, I maybe do need it. Also, thanks for reading my whole diary, acknowledging my loss, and saying I'm not a failier, that all means a lot to me. What you said about being an ever changing person, that really made me think, and you're so right. Anyways, I'm short on time, bye...
from clarity25 :
Hi again, I like your new page layout! Marilyn Monroe is an amazing actress, and "The Misfits" is one of my favorite movies. You mentioned you needed some more help with setting up your diary. A good place to start is, they have an amazing selection of templates there. Just copy and paste the HTML info into your own template. I found a layout I liked and then used it, but created my own image and replaced it with that. HTML can be a bitch to figure out and it took me 4 tries to get it right. But I can explain it later if you'd like (the best I can, that is). But actually your page looks really good right now, the only problem might be the text overlapping the image. But that's just an aesthetic thing. I'm so sorry to hear the horrible news about your siezure. That must have been frightening, disorienting and then having to worry about losing your license on top of that. I hope you're feeling better..I know these are weak words compared to what you went through, sometimes it's hard for me to express what I mean I'm just really sorry that happened to you.
from clarity25 :
Hi, Thanks for the note. I just read all your entries and I'll keep reading. I was amazed by your life story, the struggles you've been through and how strong you are. I can also relate with alot of the emotions you describe, We have alot in common. I also have a brother in prison, Also confused about this whole thing in Iraq. I really enjoyed your open style of writing, and your honesty. Please keep writing! You also seem new in Diaryland, I've only been writing for a few monthes myself. But if you have any questions, about getting a new template or setting anything up.( Or just feel like chatting ), write me!

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