messages to occoquan1:
(click here to add new message):

from jackthripper :
Mon ami, having read your latest, it breaks my heart to know your health is so fleeting. I do hope that the treatment works miracles for you. I have never been very good at prayer, but I will send you my quiet wishes. As for the kindness you sent me in your note, I will try..the best that I can. You know me so well, that perhaps you even know what is best for me now as well. That is a comforting thought. I do have things to say soon, in my diary, of course. Hmm...I miss you, my Salem, my James, your Jack..
from jackthripper :
I envy your new darlings..
from jackthripper :
Never was there a more kind and gentle Master as I found in you, good Sir. It breaks this boy's heart to recall even if it was only in written words. Still, I sleep more soundly just thinking on those moments.
from jackthripper :
Indeed we are very old friends...a love/hate relationship embodied to be sure. But I don't feel that I am Master of anything, not even myself. Perhaps that is why I give this body to others. A slave can't wander without a lead for long. I do miss when it was yours...
from dangerspouse :
That's great!! Lol...good for you. Seriously :)
from dangerspouse :
Are all of your entries going to be full of dolor and ashes now? Has nothing good happened in your life since you began writing here again?
from jackthripper :
In response to your latest...I often feel - selfishly - that I know that more than anyone in the world. But then, I suppose everyone who loses someone or something dear to them feels that way. If you need, please consider my heart open should you require comfort.
from jackthripper :
It seems so long since we last spoke. I feel at fault for it. This humble one apologizes that I was away so long. There are reasons...but too much time passed anyway. Just know that you too were never far from my thoughts nor my heart. I can only hope life has been kind to you, my Salem. How I have missed you so.
from jackthripper :
Certain to say you are missed in the empty chamber of this old majestic heart. Return with loving swet intentions 'fore I lose it all in wiley ways of self-repressed longing, Maitre... Dare I say it? Your love, the oxygen upon which my breath relies? Always, my love.
from ashen96 :
Okay than�.I just want to thank you really quickly though. I know it seems sorta weird me coming out of no where and asking if you could give me advice. You really don�t know what it means to actually talk to somebody in person. I think the thing I�m most confused about is rituals. I�ve read books and they all say to put things into your own words, but what if you screw up? What if you make a terrible mistake and the ritual is a failure? I don�t even know how to make a ritual my own, I don�t know what is needed I guess.
from ashen96 :
Okay I know you don't know me, but I was searching through diaries and happen to find yours. I would love to talk, since I have been inerested in Wicca for quite some time...and I know this my sound stupid but I have to many questions left on answered. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. -ashen
from jackthripper :
I'll always want you, Maitre. Always. Not a day passes that I do not think of how you would taste, feel, smell in my arms, and perhaps...myself in yours. I know you don't understand my actions now, but you'll see. Things will get better.
from jackthripper :
I'm sorry to be such a disappointment to you, Maitre...I suppose you don't wish me to be yours anymore? Am I to be punished for going away? I only did what is right. Why should I stay only to worry them, to cause them grief for the things I do..and don't do. They are better off without me. Miss them? Of course I do. Regret? I always will. But I'm thinking of them. With me in the picture, they'll never be truly happy..I'm sorry, Maitre.
from jackthripper :
Love me, Maitre? How could I spill these words from my kiss thee with? Always. But I believe first I wish to violate you sweetly using only my tongue, only at first sweet darling. My musings? Darker, says my beloved one? Are they truly...I see nothing. Nothing but the same, darling. As always. I love thee. ~ Your Slave
from jackthripper :
I love you, Maitre. I miss you, the taste of your tears. I must ask of you a very grand favor...something too delicious to speak without a moan and a tainted, breathy sigh...Please, Master, command me once more.
from jackthripper :
Wishes for your saftey, wishes for your enjoyment on your long venture away from home. Have fun, sweet Maitre. Endure the trials, all that Mickey has to offer. I've missed you. A fiery heart from my longings to yours...Jack
from apologetics :
In many cultures time is not linear. The Chinese, for example, believed that all history was circular and that everything was just going in circles (all sense of progress was thus non-existent and simply illusionary). The chaote Fenwick Rysen experimented with time in his somewhat avante garde time servitor experiment, Fotamecus. Fotamecus was designed to influence the perception of time as opposed to 'clock time' (which is depicted as being ruled by Chronos, whom, Fotamecus is also waging war against). Fotamecus can be used to contract time or to expand time, and it is designed as a 'network' so that those who compress time don't also feel an expansion of time as a consequence later on (because someone else who would need for expansion of time would recieved the subsequent expansion). Altogether time is a very slippery thing. It is certainly not linear, even to scientists (as seen in Einstein's theory of special relativity). And definitely anything but linear and predictable for anyone who has ever experienced a drug trip (2 seconds = 2000 years sort of experience).
from thehour :
*sniffle and big hugs*
from jackthripper :
I'm sorry for the hurt you felt having to take your little ones to the vet, but it had to be done, lovey. But that's the feeling parents get when they take their kids for shots. Heehee! And mercy for the healing energy, mon ami. I do hope it helps...though I feel better every night. I know it's been but a few still feels like it has been for much longer. Beloved master, rest well. I love thee eternally..
from raveneys- :
Oh, well thank you, Salem. I appreciate that you're taking the time to read my nonsensical ramblings. Hehe. I see Jack has been your number one fan here in your notes page. Hehe. Oh, I plan to leave the diary up as long as you need, Salem. Just let me know. Thank you again, my friend.
from jackthripper :
The temptation to post it was simply too was a love that needed to be shared by any and all who would have it. Darling, I will try your love spell..I'm curious to see who comes up in my dreams. *wink*
from jackthripper :
That was really beautiful, love. You know, reading makes me very curious about your beliefs. You shall have to tell me about it in more detail. I'd love to understand it better. Not to mention it will give me the chance to get a little closer to you, sweetheart. I miss you.
from thehour :
i know... i'm so angry. the average temperature here has been.... 70 degrees. in our COLDEST month. it was cold for like two weeks in december and that's IT. what's up with that? i'm getting cheated out of my "winter". yeah, the days are gorgeous, but it's all about balance. and i am VERY worried about what the summer will bring.
from datura93 :
Such wonderful advice. I know that I sometimes need reminders to keep things into perspective. Just today I took a lovely walk out in the snow with my dogs and visited my favorite birch tree. I'm so glad I did! Thanks for being you, salem! *blessings*
from jackthripper :
You always provide comfort, my love. Even when you say nothing...even when you remain quiet your heart screams volumes that leave me breathless. I fall victim to a sensuous swoon..unlike any familiar warm embrace known before it. Pay no attention to Victor. As I said, he is a lion with a vicious temper. But he pays well and he's become a frequent client. I need it right now. We all do. If it bothers you so, my love, fear not. Gabriel already warned him that if he ever laid a hand on me again he'd decline any further offer, no matter the price. Besides, it was nice to have Gabriel icing me down that night. He may have used ice, but it was the fire in his eyes that healed me all the faster...And now, a song. Loving you...Salem baby, easy cause you're damned do do do DO *high pitched scream as I stomp down on a floorboard, causing it to fly up and hit me smack in the nads*
from jackthripper :
You always seem to know just what to say. Even if the advice you gave in this latest was towards yourself. Yours is such a sweet and gentle heart. Sometimes this life is damned unbearable...but somehow, you make it all seem a little nicer, you put us more at ease. I can't tell you what a valuable service THAT is to us, my love. I love you. ~Jack
from thehour :
awwww. how cute that your kitties are so enamored with the trees! munchkin's been sleeping under our every night. :) i'm glad you updated. i was wondering how you were!
from jackthripper :
I am ashamed that I had no seen this note sooner for it breathes brilliance into life, these words. You are alway so beautiful to me and you cannot imagine what joy you bring my sometimes suffering heart. It is lonely here, often, despite my constant companions. Yet I find an indescribable void longing to be filled. I find comfort in you. Perhaps you have inspired in me the poet you spoke of to invoke those dreams of others. I can only hope such is true.You are beautiful and magical and without the tainted touch of this world's cruelties. I admire that in you. I admire you completely. Always, with thoughts of devotion and longing, Jack
from thehour :
lol at the hallowthanksmas! it's so true! i may need to adopt that word. i certainly bitch about the way it blurs enough... and now i have the right word for it. ~~ i did see GoF. it was wonderful! i actually jumped a few times and got tense more than a few times. the dragon scenes alone were worth the price! i am however upset about some things being left out that made the story, but also understand that the movie was long enough without adding in every detail. although i would have gladly sat for another hour if need be. :) glad to see you back!
from jackthripper :
Darling, am I the only one that notes you? haha. Sweetpea, there's no way in Hades I'd ever let you go if you were to land on my doorstep one day. You'd get the whole rainbow package (no pun intended) and then some! And don't worry, I'd be gentle *wink* This is SexKitten, signing out~
from jackthripper :
I understand now what you meant by my "common good". Sometimes I go blank, sometimes my state of mind is just out of it..and honestly, sometimes I'm just tipsy and English takes on a whole new set of brain cells...You always make me feel as though I'm standing tiptoe on a pedistal I don't even deserve. You are too darling and so serenely sexy at the same time...but you know I'm a little sex kitten for you. haha! Sweet sweet Salem, choose now. Trick? or Treat? (look at your options carefully and consider what i do)
from jackthripper :
On the contrary, m'love. Your words breathe more life into my soul than you can possibly comprehend. I often feel my responses to you do not nearly the amount of justice you deserve. So often is my mind "blown" I am left breathless and struggling to find a way to express myself in return. My common good? I think I do understand what you mean by this...I suppose it is just hard to understand. How can anything I am be considered good..? I need not an answer...perhaps it does me good to think on it. Precious one, I owe you so tenderly in so many ways for the kindness you have never ceased to share, the beauty you embody constantly, so capable you have become in stealing my attention in day dreams as well as night fantasies. My heart goes with you, beloved. In my dreams you play, in my heart you shall remain. A kiss, love.
from jackthripper :
Sweet Salem, my cherished friend across the don't know what you do to me. The words alone bring tears to my eyes, bring chills down my spine and I wonder if my dreams of you will ever come true..
from jackthripper :
I'll never forget, sweet Salem. I'll never forget how loving you've been to me. Often I imagine your words are better than the pleasures my clients can bring. The physical is merely one sensation...when there are others more powerful. And you are capable of inflicting such things without the slightest touch of one of your lovely hands against my quivering flesh...
from jackthripper :
You have my heart, sweet Salem. I've fallen in love with you as dearly as I swoon for the sounds of my violin. You are so tender in your language to me I sometimes wonder if you are whispering just beside my ear. What a lovely thought indeed. I love that you can see beauty in the things I describe. I oft forget they can be there...I wish there was a way to thank you for these things. One night, m'love.
from fiongalla :
Joey Ratzinger = Pope Benedict XVI. He was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became pope. The Vatican recently published a document calling for the removal of all gays from the priesthood and the seminaries on the grounds that they were responsible for the sexual abuse scandal. It is, of course, absolutely ridiculous, and it makes me sad that the church I grew up with is behaving so abominably. And there are people who wonder why I left ... Love, F.
from jackthripper :
ive done it
from fiongalla :
Thanks for the welcome back note. It was good to hear from you. Love, F.
from jackthripper :
Thank you so much, my dear dear friend. I have thought long and hard about what you have said. My conclusion: I'm going hunting.
from jackthripper :
I suppose that is my challenge...can I find beauty in shadows? I believe that is how I keep my sanity sometimes...I don't know what I would do without you, my friend. I love you dearly.
from jackthripper :
The poem broke my heart...mainly because we have to know that it is relevant beyond Katrina. We will lose her one day, New Orleans that is. I hope to whatever diety that lies beyond the stars that I will be food for the daisies before that day comes. If I have to watch my city fall that is a devistation far greater than any ugly hurricane. And thank you for your support with concern to Gabriel (and I). I'm hoping to pull him out of this before we become yet another drama (much to the pet peeves of many readers).
from thehour :
better late than never is right! and it sounds like it was such a beautiful (and productive!) ritual. exhausting indeed, but in a good way. ~~ the board, destiny... hands down. i'm so glad you got it for such a fantastic price! what are the odds? ~~ and i am also ready for fall. unfortunately it will reach you before it reaches me. and your descriptions just made me want it more. and cloaks! i would LOVE to have a cloak! one day...
from jackthripper :
I was sorry I didn't have an entry for you at that time, sweets. Perhaps you will enjoy the one I've put up now. Love and roses.
from jackthripper :
I wept. It's been such a long time..
from thehour :
the board is beautiful! such wonderful detail and a gorgeous finish. i hope you get it! let us know... good luck!
from thehour :
oooh, they have such wonderful ouija boards on ebay. some really beautiful ones. which one did you like? post the link! :)
from datura93 :
Love the poem salem...great imagery! Oh and I just wanted to comment that I so love graveyards as well. I can't think of a more peaceful place. One of my favorite things to do is just tombstone readings, imagining the lives of the people resting there...their stories, their families, their lives. I dunno. Call me crazy =)
from thehour :
was that a complaint? ;) it always seems that my entries get very long when i don't mean for them to. *shrugs* sorry. :) i'm going to be trying to just eat more ground pork, chicken, or turkey to replace the beef. that's usually the kind of beef we buy anyway. it has just gotten to where i'm almost obsessed about it. i think about it often and it does bother me. but K is a big meat eater so i need to substitute SOMETHING.
from jackthripper :
Merci, m'love. I will be back as soon as I can.
from thehour :
thanks for the encouragement! although i think i digressed a little today and starting feeling antsy/nervous just thinking about stuff while i was at work. *sigh* it will take time. ~~ i can't believe the horrible person you posted about. why? i just don't understand people in the slightest. and that's all the energy i'm devoting to that. ~~ definitely time to see the doc if something feels off. you don't want to take a chance on that. sad that we have to be so cynical now with practices in the medical field as well as government, etc. so sad. but even more sad... it's TRUE! hope the doc figures it out for you. hugs!
from jackthripper :
I wanted to thank you for the birthday greetings, my dear friend. It was a crazy night indeed. As for my mother, care to join me for a dance?
from datura93 :
On my note page you said: "I am so glad you find my diary worthwhile...which is more than I can say about myself personally. The heat has literally got me down and out." Oh you poor dear. Sounds like you could use a HUG. **HUGS** Is there a particular reason why you are feeling so down?
from datura93 :
Hi there Salem! So glad you were finally able to get in ;) It's been too long...I've missed you. I just visited your diary as well and as always I am impressed. I love how you live it EVERYDAY... certainly a doer, that's YOU. I find it very inspiring. As a side note, it's hot hot hot here too so all I feel like doing is hybernating. That and working on my tarot project. I plan on scrying into each and every card of the major arcana. It's a plan at least. Take care and bright blessings!
from jackthripper :
I'm the same way when it comes to reading. Some just can't wait to get through so you can plow through the pile waiting, collecting dust in the corner.'d wait a lifetime to read through it, hoping it will never end. I've read only a few like that. I love the similarities.
from ladyaudrey :
I just wanted to say that seeing the notes you left for me has been helping me. It truely helps to know someone is out there who truely understand and cares. Thank you for your kind words, dear. They are always appreciated. I may not leave as many notes as you leave me, but I do read your diary as well, dear. Thank you so much for letting me know someone out there in the cyberworld cares and understand. Brightest Blessings! Lady Valkyrie (Lady Audrey)
from jackthripper :
Thank you, my sweet friend. Sometimes...the days really aren't as great as I make them sound but...I love to write. More than anything I love to make what is written sound interesting. Turn a piece of coal into a diamond as it were. The support you offer as well as a few others is truly appreciated by myself. Thank you, good sir.
from hissandtell :
Thanks so much for your lovely notes, Salem. I'm glad you were able to cleanse and energise your altar; that's a task I'm looking forward to doing soon too. Actually, my fingers are itching now and I need to get in there and reclaim my space and feel the power again. As always, I love reading your words and always find so much inspiration in what you write. Much love, R xxx
from thehour :
the rain sounds wonderful. i love the rain. it's cleansing and lifts my spirits. we haven't seen rain in quite some time. yesterday afternoon as i left work, the wind was blowing and there was a blanket of large gray clouds overhead. i could smell the rain in the air just waiting to come down... but it never did. it missed us. i was a quite disappointed, but just being in the cool wind and shade of the clouds lifted my spirit. enjoy your rain. is there any better weather to be at home in?
from jackthripper :
I appreciate your kind words, dear Salem. I did empathize with him completely, to be in the situation he was in. He needed help. Though I cannot be there every day to watch over him, I have helped the only way I can, which will be to a greater advantage in his least in one aspect. I don't know if I am his angel..but I do believe he was mine.
from jackthripper :
I do claim that child as mine, despite what the mother says, though you won't ever find me on the evening news "crazed man steals child from trailor trash mother". No..butI've made serious and helpful arrangements for that child that has nearly put me in the poorhouse. I dont know why I feel such an obligation to help that boy...well, maybe I do. In any case, thank you for the support, my dear Salem. Blessings.
from thehour :
i liked the duck too! although i kept seeing it out of the corner of my eye and thinking it was a person staring at me. because i have issues. :) i think he also served a purpose, but i couldn't tell you what it was.
from jackthripper :
write me an e-mail. ill send the password to you, dear. [email protected]
from daisydee1 :
I'm so sorry about Jason. He was my age; I can't imagine leaving earth at this time. Luckily, you are I are still here, and his spirit will live on through you. Blessings. ~D
from hissandtell :
Oh, darling. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Jason. Anything like that is completely awful, but finding out about it so long afterwards always seems somehow worse. I guess all we can do is make even more of an effort to keep in touch with those we love, while we can. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Thinking of you, possum. Happy Valentine's Day and all that mushy-smoochy stuff. Love, R xxx
from jackthripper :
My friend, I went back through those past six entries to see what had made you feel this way..I felt nothing for them. But then, I suppose it is my life, isn't it? Others may see something there that I couldn't hope to see and perhaps, I don't want to see. I am sorry any tears had to fall from your eyes. My words, my life, aren't worth them. I find tears to be too precious of a thing, an emotion revealed in liquid love. Eye diamonds..despite the faint tinge of horror brought on to make them swell. Merci and blessings, my dear friend.
from jackthripper :
Au contraire, my dear friend, I'm just the lowly scribe of a life gone mad. But what a ride it has been. And it will only get better, I'm sure of it. I owe you a debt of gratitude for always being there. Always offering a kind and listening ear. (I know I never took advantage of it but to know it was available was always something that had great meaning to me.) I hope your holidays went well, in whichever way you celebrated. Blessings of love always, dear.
from datura93 :
Hey there. So sorry to hear about the discombobulation and the falls. Should I be worried about you? Take care :)
from daisydee1 :
I am into Egyptian magic right now too. I don't know much (although I like to pretend I do), but have found this particular path enthralling and enlightening up to this point. Hope things even out for you soon. :-)
from hissandtell :
I was just thinking about you, Salem Drake, and wondering where you were and thinking it was high time you updated! Glad you're back, but sorry you're snowed under - things are sure to get better in the new year. Small steps, darling. Love, R xxx
from jackthripper :
Email me if you want the password to my diary [email protected]
from datura93 :
Hi Salem! Im so glad your father is up and doing better... he's lucky to have your support. I also wanted to let you know that I have the inner and out temple of witchcraft books on my wishlist since you've obviously enjoyed them so much. I'm thinking I may buy them for myself for Yule. Take care! )0(
from daisydee1 :
I like your diary. I hope you don't mind if I put you on my buddy list? :-)
from jackthripper :
You have exquisite taste, my dear. I'd love to get to know you. ~Jack
from hissandtell :
Just wanted to remind you how much of a doll I think you are, darling; I enjoy your words so very much. Your mention of your cats and birdy missing you when you go to work and being so pleased when you get home really touched me. I'm so grateful that I get to spend most of my time with my furry and feathery babies these days. The separation anxiety used to be awful for us all! Love, R xxx
from ladyaudrey :
I hope you don't mind but, I enjoy reading your diary so much I decided to place a link in my diary that leads to yours. May you have a blessed Lammas. Much love and light to you.
from datura93 :
Good for you for becoming a witchvox sponser! I keep telling myself that I need to do that too...someday :)
from hissandtell :
Hello, darling Salem. It occurred to me that it's been AGES since I said hello, and now the thought of your herbs running wild and fragrant is filling me with joy (especially since I'm looking out to this cold dead stark winter-frosted garden of mine). Oh, and I'm reminded how much I love your diary, of course. That is all. Love, R xxx
from thehour :
that law is completely ridiculous. that makes me so angry! so does that mean that you cannot list your brother or sister if they are the same sex as you either? come on! nobody should be able to dictate who we feel comfortable enough to give the authority to make such decisions! okay.. only bad words are coming to mind now.
from thehour :
just wanted to let you know that i stopped by. found your diary through datura. and i'm with her... i'm so jealous you got to see madonna! what a treat!
from datura93 :
You are going to see Madonna? I am sooooo jealous! Have a great time! )0(
from datura93 :
Hey there...thanks for including the picture. I love being able to put a face to my "buddies" names ;) Bright blessings! )0(
from hissandtell :
Yes, you know, I always speak of Ronald Reagan and Gay Pride in the one sentence! Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Another inspirational entry, darling Salem. I'm glad your birthday was so special and that you scored so well in the presents department! (Now you'll have to change your profile, yes?) I can't wait to see Van Helsing - Hugh Jackman is here promoting it at the moment and there's a big interview with him on TV tomorrow night that I simply can't wait to see. It's wonderful to read that things are looking up with your dad, too. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
What a beautiful greeting, darling! Your entries always make me smile and feel so positive and strong. Love, R xxx
from datura93 :
Hmmmmmm...sounds like quite a powerful incantation! Do you plan on involving your dad in the ritual or do a private thing? Does your dad know about your witchiness? I've been very open with my family, but they pretty much just see it an one of my eccentricities and don't really BELIEVE, ya know?
from datura93 :
Do let us know what you discover about the voices that your dad hears...inquiring minds wanna know. That does make me worry though. Is he showing any signs of confusion or dementia? Blessings! )0(
from datura93 :
Hey! You set up your profile and added me on! Thank you so much for the comment! And it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that has gone through the disappearing entry fiasco... Bright blessings!
from stargazer41 :
I love working with crystals, and also tumbled stones. Now I will have to get some turquoise and amber, wouldnt you just know those 2 I don't have. Now I have a quartz crystal that I had wired wrapped for me, funny thing about it this, I had bought a big bag of mixed quartz points off of ebay, there were many lovely ones, but this one crystal I kept picking up and rubbing all the time, it gave me comfort, it always felt so good and right in my hand, and it was the most visualy unappealing crystal, sooooo I decided that the crystal had picked me , and had it wrapped for a pendant, well the lady who did it told me, to always hang on to this crystal, it had the most loving energy she had ever come across. So needless to say after recieving it back I cleansed and charged the crystal and always have it on me now. And slowly but surely the bag of points i had are almost gone, i love to give crystals away to friends and people who I feel need them most. Ive also noticed that when buying crystals, the most with empathy dings and such seem to have the most energy, now I have some that have been all polished and made pretty....well let me tell you , thats all they are is pretty.... it seemed to have someone sucked the energy right out of the crystal blessings kelly
from stargazer41 :
Hello , Yes it was very exciting for me to get the chance to meet and get a reading from a medium. It gives me so much comfort to know that Edith is looking over me. In life she was a real nuturer of children, wonderfull wife and mother. My only regret is I didnt ever get the chance to know the woman very well. I would really love to further my abilities as a healer, I have a book on reiki, guess its time to dig in and start reading it. When I layed my hands on my husband it just seemed like the natural thing to do, it never entered my mind that it couldnt be done. So when will the doctor get back the tests on your father? I hope its nothing serious, and can be easily remedied Blessings Kelly
from hissandtell :
Darling Salem, thanks for the cute note! Did you happen to read my previous entry about the 80s rock star who's promised to visit me? Well, he once lived with Gary Numan in a caravan in the back yard of Gary's parents place in London, and they were best friends there for a while in the 80s...can you believe it? I just thought you might find that fun fact slightly interesting! Love, R xxx
from stargazer41 :
Hello, I just read your last diary entry and was very interested , I hope things work out for the best with your father Blessings Star
from hissandtell :
Well, you sound as if you're in a good place! How wonderful. I too was so excited when I finally fitted out my Goddess Room and got my bookcases and altar all sorted. The whole area now is truly magickal and pure. It's made a huge difference to my spellwork, I'm sure. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Hello, darling! Thanks for putting me on your buddies list and for the sweet words. You know I always love your stuff, don't you?
from hissandtell :
Fiona cops a lot of flak in this country as a shameless media tart, but I find her quite fascinating, extremely articulate and a very positive and informed role model for witches. Have you read any of her books?
from hissandtell :
Your skiing weekend sounds awfully appealing. I hope you have a wonderful time and make it to that crow's nest!
from enchancea :
its ok. It always happens when I get an IV. Im not gay but my best friend is a lesbian and my mom has gay friends and I dont think anyone should try to stop the union of two people. I mean if people can marry dead people whats wrong with actual living breathing people getting married?
from datura93 :
Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that you can keep track of your "favorite diaries" even with the free version of diaryland. All ya gotta do is enter the names into your profile, just like you did for your favorite bands and movies. Hope this helps! The only helpful thing about doing it this way rather than bookmarks is that diaryland lets you know when the people on your list have updated. Have a great day :)
from datura93 :
Just wanted to poke my head in here and say hello! I noticed you are a favorite of both hissandtell and enchancea so I felt inspired to check you out...I'm glad I did! Your entries are inspiring and I look forward to reading more. Mind if I add you onto my favorites? Bright blessings! )0(
from enchancea :
good to hear from you again!
from hissandtell :
Hello you! I'd just finished reading your latest entry today and then found your message. What lovely thoughts - thank you! I think of you often in your new home, collecting your ouija boards and surrounding yourself with your beautiful magick. And I'm still looking forward to the photos of your new perfect witch's cottage, too...
from enchancea :
Congrats on your award
from hissandtell :
Hi again Salem - just reading about your new home and your plans to turn it into the Witches Cottage of your dreams has made me feel all warm inside - good luck with the move and the renovations/decorating! Please post some photos when you get the chance!
from enchancea :
Silver is ok, I have alot of her books but have no use for them anymore, as I am drawn towards different things. But I must say her "teen witch kit" was a rip off. have fun with your herbs.
from hissandtell :
Hi Salem: Enchancea's diary said to check you out - I'm glad I did - I'm working my way through your entries and enjoying your perspectives. "Garden Witchery", "Cunningham's Wicca in the Kitchen" and "A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook" arrived in today's mail, and reading your diary has inspired me to get my herb garden back up to scratch again after the drought (and hungry bunnies and potoroos) wiped it out earlier this year!
from enchancea :
Ive been obsessed with Salem for years now. I swear one of these years Im going there for Samhain. For like 2 whole weeks. I really would like to move there for some reason. To me, even though Ive never been there and only seen a couple pics, it seems like home
from ordinarykat :
Happy Lughnassadh/Lammas

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