messages to oh-sweet-pea:
(click here to add new message):

from kats :
from emeraldtiger :
Oh my gosh, I go for many many months at a time now without logging in but I happened to today and saw that your name lit up. There were three people on my "buddy list" who also rarely rarely ever write and their names were all lit up. D-land was a different time and place but I too have a soft spot for it and for the space and purpose it filled back in the day. Hope all's well. btw, i still like.... sandwiches ;-)
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, welcome back! Glad you're still married and blah blah blah blah blah :)
from jimbostaxi :
Welcome back to Dland :0)
from bananaseat :
Last year was terrible for me too and I did not lose my mom. Depression can creep up when you least expect it. It was also my worst year professionally since I was like 22... ugh. I hope this year is better for both of us!
from myra-lee :
Thanks so much for the nice note, nice lady. You're an Internets celebrity, and I'm flattered you even thought of me! I'm truly sorry 2010 sucked so terribly for you. I didn't like it a whole lot either, but my petty gripes are nothing compared to what you've gone through in the last year. But putting your 2011 goals on paper -- that's something I can't seem to do, so bravo, there! Onwards, indeed!
from ceildah :
I'm glad you are back! It's a skeleton crew here anyway, we need you! Hugs and solidarity to you, you've had a rough time poor lady. I hope 2011 is sparkling and full of lots of magic. Can I email you? I need to talk BUSINESS. pineapple2u AT thanks!
from mavenhaven :
Hey lady, I missed your new post until just now and I guess I'm mostly reiterating what I said earlier (scroll down!). To be gentle with yourself, and realize that a year isn't that long, and that with big loss it's normal to experience depression. You can still get things going! All the best for 2011.
from emeraldtiger :
Thanks for the new year's wishes. Right back at ya! Yes, 2011 is going to be a fantastic year. I'm ready and it sounds like you are too!
from theshivers :
sending a big hug right back to you! Here's to everything we learned in 2010 and what is hopefully a much more peaceful 2011...
from ceildah :
just popping in to say hi, I hope things are good at your end J. x
from rue-madame :
Thank god it's nothing serious, and you're ok.
from emeraldtiger :
Good! That's great news and I can only imagine how relieved you are. Here's to good health and happier days, J. You've had a rough winter/beginning of 2010, so I wish you many good things ahead.
from mavenhaven :
Good good good news!
from theshivers :
so glad to hear the good news! Cheers...
from theshivers :
as someone who's been through this testing process I know how heavy and scary it is .... I'm sending you good, healthy thoughts
from mavenhaven :
You've been through so much recently--and during your mom's entire illness--that I'm not surprised you can't shake the sad, heavy feeling. I've got no words of wisdom other than to be good to yourself and let yourself be sad and let your friends and man lighten you when you're with them. Fingers crossed for your biopsy results. It's just one thing after another, isn't it?
from emeraldtiger :
oh no, that is scary. i'm thinking about you and hoping everything turns out to be ok. yep, this is the place to write about anything you need to or feel like writing about--the good and the bad and everything else.
from arajane :
oh geez. scary stuff. glad you're writing about it here--sometimes it feels good just to get it out there. thinking about you and hoping you get nothing but good news!
from ceildah :
J, great to hear from you, even under such sad circumstances. Thinking of you and C. big hug x
from rue-madame :
Sending you love + hugs, J.
from emeraldtiger :
Hi, I am thinking about you and your mom and your family! Take good care. xo
from mavenhaven :
Oh man, J. Sending you big love.
from arajane :
i am so happy to read your words here again, too, even though under such sad circumstances. i am thinking of you, your mom, and your family, and happy knowing that you get to be together now. i hope you are well and taking good care of yourself. xoxo.
from ceildah :
Hey you haven't been here in a while, hope all is ok for you.. X
from theshivers :
Sending you good thoughts and cheer -- and a mandate that yes, you must put ice cream on the agenda.
from rue-madame :
I'm sending you courage from over here, J. xo
from emeraldtiger :
Ditto what Maven says. Totally. Blogs and the way people use blogging have both changed, become less anonymous, less diary-like and all that, but you have to have a space like this. It must be so hard--I can't imagine, but just know that I'm thinking of you! (And on an unrelated note: thanks for the b-day wishes!).
from mavenhaven :
It's good to have one corner of the internet in which to keep it real, right? As we go less and less anonymous with blogs, sometimes it seems like life is all happy fun times, arts and crafts and recipes. I feel this way about my own blogs. Anyway, I'm thinking of you. I can hardly bear to imagine what this is like.
from arajane :
ok, i can't let you knock seattle any more! i can see how it can be off-putting to the visitor in that it's hard to understand how to navigate the city, but living here is the best! the bus system is great and it's a wonderful walking city. i love my neighborhood and i love that i can walk or bike almost anywhere. i love that i live near a bunch of beautiful parks. i love that there are trees everywhere and water and lakes and mountains. i love all the different restaurants, many of them super affordable (and hello, we have more ethiopian restaurants than almost any other u.s. city--how cool is that?!). i love our weather. i love the views. i love it, period. anyhow, if you want any other great seattle recommendations for when you're here, let me know. i think this city has so much to offer and i hate to think that there's someone out there who doesn't yet appreciate it to its fullest!
from rue-madame :
J, sending you as much encouragement and strength as I can muster! xo
from msamy :
It's been a long time, but I wanted to say that my thoughts are with you about your Mom. Keep strong, lady.
from emeraldtiger :
oh, yes, you totally should go to hawaii sometime--i think you'd absolutely love it!!! i am sorry to hear about the latest with your mom, and it makes me sad. just know that i'm thinking of you & sending love & strength. your mom is lucky to have a special, thoughtful daughter like you!
from theshivers :
I am so sorry about your mother. Just sending you very good thoughts and saying a prayer for your mother's comfort.
from rue-madame :
I am so sad to hear the news about your mom, J. I am sending you lots of love and strength! xo
from myra-lee :
I'm so, so sorry about your mom. My heart hurts for you. You're very right in realizing that your friends won't mind if you (fanciest of bakers and makers) skip one Christmas of baking/making. Sending you love.
from arajane :
i'm so sorry to hear about your mom. as a hospice volunteer myself, i can vouch for how wonderful a service it is, and i'm sure your mom will get great care. take care of youself.
from mavenhaven :
Sending some love from the internets.
from emeraldtiger :
oh gosh, j, it must be so very difficult to hear about this happening to your mom, especially not living near her, and all. i hope you can go be with her as soon as you can. {hugs}.
from emeraldtiger :
maybe! you should give it a try since strawberries are perennial. and your winters are relatively mild. (i know you had april snow, but what i mean is that it's not cold like toronto or montreal). just start watering it and sunning it, and if it revives, then great. you should definitely grow strawberries again (new and/or old). gardening is fun.
from emeraldtiger :
crazy spring snow! last spring, it snowed a little bit here on easter. it was more like a dusting than a real snowfall, but still. snow! in april! before you know it, you'll be planting tomatoes, though.
from empezar :
happy spring! i've relocated from my old 'sls' diary. hope things are magical and life is full of bike rides beyond compare in your world. -s
from emeraldtiger :
xoxoxo thanks sweet-pea! i hope you're doing well these days. i still love it whenever you post updates!
from msamy :
hang in there, sweetpea. i know this isn't easy stuff to deal with, i remember from when my dad was sick. But just keep thinking the best thoughts you can and i'll send some your way too...
from ceildah :
Dear J So sad about your mum. Must be really hard being far away from her. Take care of your self hon, S x
from theshivers :
how crazy is that Elyse thing? It's here in my town, so it's gotten a lot of buzz...weird and sad.
from bethb :
hi sweet-pea, a few years ago, my mom went through a pretty bad cancer fight too. i'm almost thankful for it, because it really made our relationship stronger. It's hard, really hard, but sometimes a lot of good can come out of these scary times. and it's kinda lame to say this, but know that there are a lot of diaryland folks who care about you and your family and are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. xoxo
from emeraldtiger :
from mavenhaven :
Aw, man! I'm sorry your sack is so sad. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I'll be thinking of you.
from ceildah :
thanks for the birthday wishes! it was a good day! I hope your trip is going really well! post us an update if you have a moment and can work the foreign keyboards! Hope your Ma is doing ok too. ceildah xx
from emeraldtiger :
oh, god, i'm so sorry. i'll be thinking about you & your family. please know that there are a lot of people here that care very much.
from myra-lee :
Oh god. I'm so sorry. You and your mom are in my thoughts.
from alure :
i'm sorry to hear about your mum :( i'll be thinking about you and her
from arajane :
i'm so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. i'm sure it's very scary, but it's great she has such a wonderful daughter like you who cares so much about her. thinking about you and your family...
from msamy :
i'm so sorry to hear about your mom's illness, but i'm very glad the operation went well! These things can be so stressful, it sounds like you are doing a great job of keeping yourself sane. Get some rest this weekend, lady!
from ceildah :
great that the operation went well - im sure the chemo will be as sucessful. your mum sounds a-mazing. Edith Piaf! have a good restful weekend. sarah x
from rue-madame :
Oh little sweet pea, I am so sorry over the news about your mom. I am sending you courage from afar! xo
from emeraldtiger :
oh no! i'm so, so sorry to hear it's cancer. i'll definitely think some good healing thoughts for your mom. i hope the surgery goes well, and i will be sure keep you and your family in my thoughts. be well. xoxo
from myra-lee :
Oh god, I'm so, so sorry that the tumor is cancerous. You are in my thoughts, and I hope the surgery removes all of the cancer. Even if you can't be there to hug her before the surgery, I'm sure your mom knows how much you wish you could be there. xoxoxo.
from sls :
i'm so sorry to hear about your mom. i'm sending her lots of healing thoughts (and lots of supportive ones to you, too).
from ceildah :
oh man. That Sucks hard. So sorry to hear that Jeanette - sounds like your mum has a wicked attitude. Let's be hoping for some good news.
from emeraldtiger :
i'm sending you warm thoughts. strokes are scary! i definitely know how stressful it is to think about and deal with all the issues tied to having aging parents. i can only imagine how hard it must be for you, knowing that you live far away from them. {hugs}
from ceildah :
oh sorry to hear about your mum. that's awful - poor thing! hugs to you to day and boo hiss to the tax man. It must be such a nightmare dealing with your own taxes.
from ceildah :
love those trees on your guestbook page! glad your travel plans are coming together. you are more than welcome to crash at my place if you head through london: pricey place. b lovely to meet you. x
from emeraldtiger :
could you send me your current e-mail address please? :-) it is fine if you want to just e-mail it to me at emer@ldt!ger AT d-land. thanks!
from emeraldtiger :
not sure if i said so somewhere or not, but hope you're off of crutches. so glad the move is done!
from msamy :
Lady! Our lives are mirror-like in similarity. When I moved in December, I actually sprained my ankle carrying something down the staircase on moving day!! I walked it off like "coach" always said to, and got the day finished, but still, it was laaaame. I hope you feel better soon! Remember, RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation!!) xox
from emeraldtiger :
good luck w/ the move! xoxo,
from breadisdead :
get well soon! hope you are feeling mucho better!
from emeraldtiger :
yikes, that's scary. glad it wasn't worse. and yay for the new apt!
from myra-lee :
Yay for new apartment! As for character, it can be overrated. Our new place has lots of character, and we're freezing cold. And one of the doorways is about five feet tall (cute!) and we keep hitting our heads on the door frame. I swear I'm going to suffer a concussion at some point. So, your new place sounds comfy...and you can bring the character. I'm sure you will. Congrats!
from jinkymarvels :
oh yes, sweet sweet-pea, let's swap away! that is a sufjan song that was commissioned by npr or something like that. for a story about a bird maybe? anyhoots, i have your email so will send addressy info there, and you can do the same. yay how exciting!
from bananaseat :
i actually like the freedom of dland. like how your template can be anything, and you can give a password to non-dland users if you want to protect your site. and i have had TERRIBLE experiences with blogspot. what problems do you have with it? maybe i'm just easy to please.
from rue-madame :
If you do decide to migrate, please let me know so I can keep up! I'm fairly happy with my change of venue, though I do miss some of d*land's hokey charms...
from mavenhaven :
I am so jumping this ship in a few months. No reason the archives can't stay here, you know. Also, you could put a little redirect code in your d-land page...and I think there's even a little code that will highlight your name in a buddy list when you update your new and improved (hosted elsewhere) blog. I'm just sayin.
from emeraldtiger :
i understand staying. this is where it's all at--the good & bad. i think i might still have a handful of regulars too, so while DL is outdated, it's easier to come here than redirect to the other names/spaces. also...most guestbooks are busted.
from rue-madame :
that's some haircute, I dare say!
from myra-lee :
Cute new haircut! Yay! Next time you and Cornelius are in Southern California, you'll have to stay with us in Silverlake! Somehow, the new apartment is much better than the old one. You guys would enjoy cycling 'round these parts, I believe. xoxo.
from myra-lee :
Cute new haircut! Yay! Next time you and Cornelius are in Southern California, you'll have to stay with us in Silverlake! Somehow, the new apartment is much better than the old one. You guys would enjoy cycling 'round these parts, I believe. xoxo.
from rue-madame :
Did you make those cards with your Gocco? So great! I didn't realize you were selling things thru Etsy. Please send or post a link!
from sls :
ooh so nice to see you now both on flickr and also on etsy. we are neighbors thrice over! happy holidays!
from rue-madame :
Thanks for the link to those hip hop tracks! They... rockit! (that's my 80s Herbie Hancock shout out)
from ceildah :
i sent you an email to your diaryland email address...with some europe tripping around ideas..i don't know if you got it? i hope so! your trip sounds exciting. I'm scheming my own one for this summer at the moment. Hoping to head to India/Laos/Vietnam. But we'll see...
from reddirtgirl :
Yeah, Lorelai and Christopher had this bizarro quickie marriage in Monet's garden outside of Paris, with now previous planning, no apparent wedding license, etc. And don't even get me started on the fact that 5 months ago, she was on her knees begging Luke to marry her. I guess when you're ready, you're really ready.
from breadisdead :
Ooh! does your diaryland email address work? if so i will send you a list of tips for Berlin. and one or two for London aswell. that is pretty impressive to plan it a year ahead!
from breadisdead :
yep i think i will have to just go with a simple web-safe font. everyone should have the scrawly-letter font though, really.
from emeraldtiger :
wow i just had my anniversary here too! i joined a year after you did. it's amazing to think of the changes in our lives that are documented here. it was kind of weird to go back re-read several of my earliest entries, and actually a little painful, b/c i was having such a tough time when i started writing. wow.
from tinyvessels5 :
hey, no worries, i totally understand. i never use my name in any of mine. please delete.
from emeraldtiger :
i still love to read you, too, sweet-pea! yes, knowing the history/context behind present entries is d-land's staying power. it's like we've watched some friends here grow/develop in neat ways! gosh, remember when you could log on here back around '02 or 03, and your whole buddy list was lit up? and how lively the interaction was? fun times! although, i kept getting tricked into clicking on one of the million banners of some user named Leslie-Irene! haha.
from msamy :
Thanks for your nice words lady. I feel a bit better having blurted it all out. And the kids were fun and good today, so all in all not a bad day! They all call me "Ms Amy" too.
from emeraldtiger :
i know how you feel about sundays! i'm also dreading the shorter days. as you know i have some night classes this fall. it's a tough time-slot, but will be more brutal as it gets dark earlier.
from rue-madame :
Nouvelle Vague is that French band that does covers of punk and new wave hits? Dance with Me is Lords of the New Church or something, and it's on the new album. The song's great, isn't it? I lovelovelove it.
from emeraldtiger :
Aw, I know how hard it is when good friends move. One of my girl friends got married and moved to California over the summer and it's just not the same here w/o her. Myra-Lee is right that good friends are hard to come by (and I think esp. as we get older that's true). But, having friends elsewhere means you have people & places to visit!
from reddirtgirl :
I know the GG season premiere wasn't great, but I was prepared for it to suck so hard that I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not anticipating any return to the glory days of season 1, though.
from myra-lee :
I just watched Legally Blonde by myself the other day! It's so good. I hate when good friends move away. They're hard to come by. I feel for you! But you're awesome, so you will attract new awesome people to you, I'm sure.
from bananaseat :
i never check my notes! oops. hmmm, is there something better than signmyguestbook that you know of? i got 5 emailed comments last week from people telling me it was down. whatta pain! (i am putting a package in the mail tomorrow... no shampoo this time though, sorry)
from alure :
i'm jealous of all the fun stuff you do with your mister!
from emeraldtiger :
(im talking about the possible job)
from emeraldtiger :
rdg is right about signmyguestbook. what i wanted to say recently after catching up on your entries was that you should f/u if interested b/c it conveys enthusiasm & there's nothing to lose!
from reddirtgirl :
Thanks for the nice note! I'm sorry signmyguestbook is such a stinker. I definitely feel like I lucked out in a huge way with this job. I'm a bit nervous, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
from mavenhaven :
Dude! I too am riding the wave and am feeling so amateur with the Diva Cup! And am on a LONG road trip and about to be camping! I hope my skills improve, because I love the concept of the cup, but so far the leakage factor leaves a lot to be desired.
from myra-lee :
Oh Jeannette, if you could've seen him, you too would've hassled the Hoff. He was such a doorknob. Sooo, how did things go with your second interview? I hope it went well. xoxo.
from alure :
i've used something similar to that diva cup...i dont remember the name, but i LOVED it. so much better than those damn tampons, and WAY better than pads. i say, go for it!
from reddirtgirl :
Woo-hoo! Croquet rules.
from alure :
i would TOTALLY go to that party! i always want to throw fun parties (and i tried with a bad-girl themed party where the invites were even made on the backs of naked men playing cards) but i never seem to get much of a response. so i've resigned myself to the knowledge that i will be a fantastic party goer, but not party thrower
from grlscout :
Hey darlin! Could you email me, so I cn email you my password? Thanks!! [email protected]
from mrs-roboto :
I love the leisure club idea. Hey when are you and C coming this way? The hot tub awaits!
from mavenhaven :
Would tooooootally join your leisure club if I lived by you. I am so into leisure.
from theshivers :
Ok, because it is a small, small world (after all), i have to tell you this: I know S.Britt! He designed our wedding invitations...
from alure :
happy birthday!
from theshivers :
not only do i love the bike but i adore the owl pillow on the couch!
from alure :
i sent you an email with the password from [email protected] you got it!
from alure :
that is a lovely bike!! where did you get it? i need to find me a road bike for transportation now that gas prices are such that i can't afford to get around :P
from reddirtgirl :
Yeah, the real estate thing is the pits, both in that it's impossible to get a house and in that it's all I can talk about. We're middle class! There should be a house for us!
from mrs-roboto :
Where is Nelson compared to Vancouver? Sadly, I imagine Nelson wouldn't be an option for us since we're not Canadian :(.
from breadisdead :
hello! i should have said that way before now. do so enjoy your diary. an inspiration, to say the least. ex oh ex oh.
from mavenhaven :
No dude, it's when you keep burping the flavor up, so it's like you're tasting it all over again, and not in a good way. You know if it had something to do with poo, I'd be much more explicit...
from mavenhaven :
True story: my old boyfriend FB came up with the name for Surly bikes; he used to work for their parent company. They started up right here in MN, and that pic on the front page of their website is a photoshopped picture of hallowed music venue First Ave in Minneapolis. Getting a custom job sounds like the right move, madam. You'll be so happy you did it.
from enondoiel :
Yo! I just wanted to say I've been reading and very much liking your diary, so I figured I'd add you to my buddy list just to make it easier on myself :) I love the chocolate fortune cookies and the fact that my boyfriend and I are not the only ones who like to roam around and exploring cities! Cheers.
from mavenhaven :
Those are some mighty nice thrift scores.
from imaginekm :
you are the coziest person i've never met!
from theshivers :
i've been watching the Lazy Sunday clip all week - and thank you, thank you for posting the link to the Peanuts's been forever since I've seen this...
from shadowdress :
oh sweet pea!! how nice to get a note from you. i am well! i feel i should write you a letter and perhaps i will. it is quite a shame that i have abandoned my diary and therefore keeping you and others who have won a more-than-diaryland special place in my heart (read:kyla) but i do always check up on two of you, even though i don't write. you guys never fail to make me smile or inspire me in some way.
from ebm :
HOT SMOOTHEE. your layout is awesome.
from imaginekm :
i've always wanted to try it a royal pain to do at home? do you know a good informative site that will take me through it? you're so creative with all of your little arts & crafts- it's inspiring!
from imaginekm :
It's such a fun game- a well kept Canadian secret. I received your CD last night and I'm in love with it- thank you for the generosity! I'm huge into making mixes- maybe I'll send one back to you. Have a great day.
from imaginekm :
Thanks so much- Your new bangs are rockin!
from twttrmchn :
I'm totally making that soup with the leftover pumpkin from when I made a pumpkin pie from scratch on Sunday. You inspire!
from almostgoldsf :
Those buttons are delish! And I undersatnd comlpetely about being unable to resist the lure of the farmers market's treats...
from mrs-roboto :
I didn't find you socially retarded at all. We all spoke about how great it was to hang with you and C the next day as we strolled on Main and spent money. I found the loveliest necklace there too. Thanks for the tip. If you should be in the Seattle area in the near future, you have many places to crash.
from badmj :
Hi I just wanted to say I like your diary
from summerjazz :
hi sweetpea we have a lot in common well just wanted to say hi write back bye
from mrs-roboto :
My thoughts are with C's grandma. I recall you speaking about her before, around the time you were preparing for the wedding, and she sounds like an amazing woman. I got your wedding CD this weekend and I can't stop playing it! Great choices.
from mavenhaven :
*Thank you!* Your layout is super-cute. You can rest assured I'll be back to snoop around.
from mrs-roboto :
We may actually be in your neck of the woods on 9/3-9/4 - will you be around? Perhaps we can grab a drink?
from mrs-roboto :
It is an awesome ride! You should definitely do it next year, in fact maybe we can ride together. Our friends were somewhat less slow paced then we were but if I do it again, I wouldn't increase the pace at all and I think I might stop at the Oyster bar on Chuckanut as many other riders had for a snack. I had your number and was going to give you a call but barely made it through dinner without falling asleep that night. Plus there were soooo many people on the street for those darn fireworks. And when did the Brass Monkey on Denman become Central? BTW, your wedding pics are beautiful! That dress takes my breath away. You looked so gorgeous.
from twttrmchn :
Thank you for sharing your photos. The wedding looks beautiful and honeymoon like so much fun.
from mrs-roboto :
welcome home!
from myra-lee :
p.s. I hope you guys are having lots of fun! xoxo.
from prettye :
hey whats i am new hope we can talk write back bye prettye
from theshivers :
happy wedding!!!!
from mrs-roboto :
Everything is so beautiful - the book, the cookies, the cd! It's all perfect. It's going to be a wonderful wedding.
from emeraldtiger :
PS: Calif. ideas: wine country is fun. i think touring napa or sonoma w/ your sweetie would be romantic & sweet. now, i don't know this 1st hand b/c it's been so long, but i recently read there are now a lot of creameries in wine country where you can tour and sample cheeses along the wine tasting trail (a perfect mix)! maybe worth looking into! also, if you're near the monterey bay, consider renting a kayak one afternoon. if you're lucky, you might see some adorable baby seals while paddling!
from mrs-roboto :
oh gosh - it looks great!!! love it.
from mrs-roboto :
oh I am certain you'll do a great job.
from mrs-roboto :
That's beautiful! Did you screenprint the leaves? I love the sequins. Please keep posting your progress.
from waterwings :
thanks so much for the tips. i'll try calling some hostels tomorrow. i saw somewhere that universities in the area open their dorms to guests/travelers, have you heard anything about this? i forget which schools...but it was pretty cheap.
from mrs-roboto :
Good luck!
from waterwings :
hey jeannette-- is it difficult to get a private hostel room in the summer in vancouver? if so, can you recommend some local hotels/motels that are one the cheap but decent side? thanks, lisa
from emeraldtiger :
thank you for the b-day wishes! :-)
from mrs-roboto :
Oh I can't wait to see the finished product! I am working on an applique skirt right now (however I am using polar fleece). We'll see how it turns out.
from shadowdress :
thank you so much for the info!
from shadowdress :
were you able to mix inks to create new colors when you printed with your gocco? i'm going to get one and i'm wondering if i can get by with the basic set of colors they provide.
from mrs-roboto :
I want those shoes too!
from mrs-roboto :
Oh it's beautiful!!!
from mrs-roboto :
I am sorry we missed each other (I forgot too) but next time we will definitely get drinks!
from shadowdress :
i never knew how warm a digital hug could be. thanks, sweet pea.
from mrs-roboto :
sadly [email protected] keeps bouncing my mail! email me @ Abesundatyahoodotcom and I'll reply.
from mrs-roboto :
hey! I have many, many suggestions. where can I email you?
from demoderby :
oh and also, the moore hotel is a good/cheapish place to stay in seattle! and it's right down the street from the crocodile cafe. i hope the seattle ladies will agree with me... maybe there's a better place that i don't know about.
from mrs-roboto :
I don't have any ideas (I suck at confrontation) but I do have a ton of sympathy. Good luck.
from shadowdress :
hi. just sent you a couple of e-mails but i'm posting here as back up because i'm not sure if the address i have for you is still correct. let me know if you don't get them -- [email protected]
from twttrmchn :
I'm just at the point where you let your readers know that "the boy" is in fact Cornelius and that you're in love with him. What a great symmetry to this recent entry! Congratulations!
from theshivers :
oh my goodness! congratulations! And yay!!! Very big yay!!!
from laura-jane :
from mrs-roboto :
They are beautiful! I have been sewing stockings too! It's such a fun gift idea.
from mrs-roboto :
Oh I like this new design even better then the last!
from killdestroy :
what?!!! lookit your cute layout. we are probably never going to see each other again! what are you doing for halloween?
from demoderby :
i ordered the boots from here: i really wanted the floral ones but i thought the brown/pink ones would be a little more practical. plus brown and pink!! yay!
from mrs-roboto :
That's too funny, we were in all the same places. Please pretend my garden was weeded - hee hee. I would have totally come out to bowl had I known you guys were there and I really want those low rider bikes although I am not sure where I could ride one except on Alki. So did you get a better feel for the city? Will you come back and play soon?
from myra-lee :
Hi Lady. Sorry I took my morning grumpiness out on your friend in your guestbook this morning. That was quite lame of me!
from dancebandit :
oooh. your new layout is so pretty!
from arajane :
woah, that's the weirdest thing... i just left you a guestbook note about the chocolate cake and just as i clicked to add it, i saw a note arrived from you! so yeah, let me know if you're interested in the chocolate cake recipe and i'll send it to you!
from the-ordinary :
i'm glad that the chocolate chip thing bothers you too. i felt like maybe i was being weirdly obsessed with something unimportant (which is something i tend to do quite often).
from faux-pas :
London Ontario... well, I'm just here getting my MFA (at Western). I'm from Vancouver and will be returning home in less than a month (WOOHOO!). Did you go to Western? Thanks for the heads-up about the Outsider Art Gallery in Chicago - I'll be sure to check it out.
from demoderby :
hahahaha ha. around here we call shaq "the mouthbreather".
from chadmuska :
you have one of the loveliest templates i've ever seen! it's beautiful!
from laura-jane :
Bah! I'd pay $50 for your wardrobe in a flash! Damn living on an Island, and damn my inability to pay $100+ to come and get it via the ferry. Thanks for the guestbook entry: I never know what is too much information, so I'm glad it was readable. I concur, the Svend situation is extremely bizarre. I think I watched three different newscasts with the story because I couldn't quite compprehend the bizarreness of it all. Hope your soon to be Birthday is a success! --Laura-Jane
from theshivers :
ok, guestsbooks suck; take two: I can relate to your feeling old/creative slump issue - i go through that all the time...and speaking of creative (how's that for a segue?) do web site design, correct? I'd like to talk with you about that - maybe via email?
from primessa :
LOL! I imagine that you are the person I am when I'm not in this universe. If my friends knew that I had a diary, they would think yours was it. Who are you!? *sly grin*
from ceildah :
gourgeous! I'm jealous:)
from the-ordinary :
all of the weddings i've ever been to were mennonite weddings, or weddings of people that really aren't mennonites but come from mennonite families. those are fun because they have dancing and beer, but they also have a lot of people standing around looking disapprovingly at the people drinking and dancing. also, i've never heard of any non-michigander using the word yooper.
from snideblonde :
First, sweet peas are my favourite flower. Second, I go to the flea market at least once a month and if I see a "I will hold your teabag" vintage ceramic, I will send it to you in the mail.
from ceildah :
Im sorry but I love your pity party. Misery loves company. It will get better soon once the sun starts shining, thats what I keep telling myself anyway:) My uterus sends your uterus best wishes on kicking fibroid tumor ass. Have a good weekend:)
from cornnugget :
I enjoyed reading your recent entry. You sound like someone who appreciates the little things that make life go 'round.
from ceildah :
damn that fibroid tumour. Who does it think it is taking up residence in your uterus. I hope it goes away quick smart mate.
from grlscout :
Ditto on the "fibroid tumors are very common" sentiment - my Grandma, aunt and friend Leanne all had them and they were all extinguished without much muss, but alot of fuss because, dammit, it's scarey! It'll be ok - try not to worry too much :: Scout
from mrs-roboto :
fibroid tumors are very common and harmless so I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope thats what it is.
from ceildah :
congrats to C on the job - wicked!
from manukenkun :
hey meeting up with exes and realising you just think 'huh?' is a good but strange feeling...
from asteroidbelt :
sometimes i wonder if the fear of america's poor neighbourhoods are more fiction than fact. i've heard so many people in canada afraid to go to the poor areas of canada too for the same reasons. but i'm like you, i'm not afraid to go anywhere because i'm not involoved in the drug trade so no one bothers me. it's all very confusing.
from heidiann :
Small world! I finished reading "Sarah" last night! =)
from ceildah :
A video store would be so good...with a small coffee shop as well perhaps..! Nice idea. This is the web page of my favourite video store: Would Kaza and others like it hinder a business venture of this kind though...?
from thatmarygirl :
your diary makes me feel all cozy. also, yo la tengo. yes.
from asteroidbelt : has handy videos showing you how to do stitches that you forget.
from gypped :
oh, sweet pea, come on and dance with me, come on come on come on come on and dance with meeeee.
from manukenkun :
Oh the guestbook gods don't like me that's for sure. I hope you are relaxing after your other peoples families experiences of the last little while, i'm seeing way more of Simons family than I think is totally normal- they're ever so nice but still I wonder if it's not a little odd to spend so much time with people you are related to...
from grlscout :
Oh, look how cute you and your Kitty cat are! But of course you can have my coordinates: they're: scout and pwd: cookie. Happy Holidays!
from jennyj :
I love your tree ornaments! Now I wish I'd put one up. Meh. It looks a lovely happy cosy place. Season's Greetings!
from theshivers :
ok, so i lied...i'm actually baking this weekend...just wanted to give you an update
from theshivers :
yes! I got it Tuesday....thank you SO much! Been knee-deep in my term paper so I haven't read it yet, but I'm looking forward to it this weekend AND to baking you some (hopefully) yummy cookies....x0x0~S
from tcklyrpharsn :
oh my goodness! you truly hate monty python? how come? I need deets...
from mrs-roboto :
Hey I loved the zine! It was a definite bright spot in a fairly crap ass day! Is the address in the zine still good? I'd like to send you a surprise!
from jetbot :
from theshivers :
cool! i know you've been super-busy so thanks for taking the time...any baking requests? Anything you *don't* like?
from theshivers :
hey, did you get my e-mail about the zine/cookie exchange? and here's hoping on the job!
from mrs-roboto :
Oh I wanna zine too! I can offer a suprise package of crap - er - I mean really good stuff I've found at the Value Village.
from theshivers :
hey, i would loooovvveee to get a copy of your zine if possible! i can trade you something... a mixed CD, baked goods...something!
from the-ordinary :
the first thing i ever knitted was a scarf too, but i totally screwed up casting off and it made me so sad. i'm glad yours was successful!
from msamy :
Funny you mention Mr. Haack, because I recently found this old record of his at a thrift shop in suburban Maryland. One of the ones he did with Esther Nelson for kids. Its pretty awesome, full of weird bleeps and bops and all sorts of bizarre lyrical hoo-ha along the lines of Electric Lucifer, but for kids. If either you or your fella wants a copy, you should let me know. I'd be happy to dub one once my record player is fixed!
from heartshaped :
hey pretty.
from asteroidbelt :
you're very welcome. i'm glad you were able to find a couple good ones.
from mrs-roboto :
Sadly, John did no covers but he was awesome anyway. It was an excellent show.
from asteroidbelt :
you've been busy travelling around like a monkey! hmm.... it's too bad you'll miss the sale we have a lot of records!
from tcklyrpharsn :
That's a tough one... because they probably like to use their windows, too! You could just dance around naked and chanting while sacrificing rubber chickens until they HAVE to shut their windows, just to maintain their sanity. Or you could flash lights of different colours into their apartment constantly. Good luck with that, though.
from the-ordinary :
yay for michigan's rest areas! wooo! and the corn palace is great. i went there once a long time ago and bought a red necklace made of corn (well, of course) that i wore every day for forever.
from shadowdress :
thanks so much for the postcard!! i'm glad your trip was great and that it filled you with resolve. -b.
from laura-jane :
Welcome back!
from shadowdress :
Your entry has really struck a chord with me. I've been thinking very much about these things, too, even though my situation is different. I feel all this pressure now that I'm in my 30's to make some huge decisions about the future. I had settled on the idea of maybe never having children before I met John. Lately, I think about whether or not John and I will have a kid together all the time. I still feel too young for this. I always thought I'd be so much more grown up and accomplished by now. Where did the time go?
from asteroidbelt :
i get my haircut from an awesome lady who cuts hair at home. you interested?
from laura-jane :
Ahha! You have biked the elusive Pender Island, have you? In the 1970s, my mom inherited three run-down properties there (just land, without houses/shacks or anything), but I haven't been over there in about ten years. I am trying to coerce my mom and my sister into going biking on Pender for the day, or maybe camping there. Any tips on where to stop for lunch/what to do? Oh, and congratulations on the fruitful phone interview..! An interview via the phone would be a nightmare for me--I am prone to really very bad phone awkardness. As always, I enjoy your diary immensely. (And I must agree that an evening of pie and board games is tops.) I hope all is well!
from asteroidbelt :
who is the hipster musician??
from cerebrate :
I am growing my bangs out, too. It's hell. it just is. Mine are finally long enough to be pinned back, but it still looks so dorky. I want them to be long enough to tuck behind my ears so I can be done with them. This has been going on for about 10 months and they are just to my eyes. If I brush them forward, though, I look like Joey Ramone! I'm growing out the rest of it, too - it's to the middle of my back, about bra area. I don't know why and I know that one of these days I'm going to go to the hipster salon and demand an Amelie haircut and all this growing time will be for naught. Because that's just what I do.
from might :
did you ever see the episode of freaks and geeks where the parents play pit?
from whitelipstik :
rats. that's so awesome! i only wish that would happen to my almost-moved-out housemate, who is also boorish and boring. by the way, i love your new layout...i'm trying to come up with a new summer layout myself but inspiration seems to have left me.
from asteroidbelt :
i hate self-rightous vegans. le boring.
from dixiefever :
No harm in going without TV... unless you, like I, have friends who'll happily sit there discussing it as you get slowly more irate! Actually, going without TV for a year just led to me drinking more, so I'd address the matter with haste were I in your shoes...
from yellokitty :
happy beelated birthday, hope it's as happy as you deserve it should be. :)
from waterwings :
no apples in stereo. sorry! cursive and the appleseed cast are playing saturday. versus is playing friday.
from waterwings :
ok i couldn't get back to your guestbook for some reason. anyway, that place on alder doesn't seem bad. basically its on 4th and alder which should be pretty safe and quiet enough. it seems like lots of the stuff you want to do is in the SE part of town [dots, bealuhland etc...the cuban place is gone i think]. therefore it would be better to stay at the hostel. however, your hotel would be right near all the major buslines, so getting around shouldn't be a problem. the only thing to keep in mind is that busses tend to stop running around 1. as for the bookstore its no place to visit.
from sambadelic :
My hub and I had this conversation the other night (after about 4 glasses of Merlot apiece) while listening to a Donovan album, about who would win in a fight, Donovan or ? We tried everyone we could think of, even Twiggy, but he came out with his ass whipped every time! (Twiggy got him with her superior leverage and amphetimine powers.)
from asteroidbelt :
haha this town is so small. and i love berts. and yer friend is nice.
from heartshaped :
perty layout. i'll be back. <3
from sukirella :
hullo, happened upon your diary and I was fond of it. love the pictures of the coffee mug and the motel sign
from girllogic :
hi. thanks for the note re proctecting duct/duck tape. i answered you in that entry. and if you ask me, they are a bunch of quacks!
from sambadelic :
I just wanted to say that I love that last entry with the party photos. Your layout is an inspiration for me and my html aspirations!
from kissoff :
oh that sucks. Your temp agency sounds a lot like a bad ass pimp. I picture them in a crushed velvet purple suit and white fedora .... menacingly swinging a straightened out clothes hanger while yelling" I gots to get my money". Good luck, i've had to work multiple jobs many times and working two jobs at once is just too god damned hard.
from sambadelic :
I'm thinking: Go with the graphic temp thing. I would.
from pollymoog :
O for oh-sweet-pea, much like me.
from milkrock :
hey pea...yes, i have abandoned my diary once again (i'm a dork, i know). i'm just too darn boring. but yeah, knowing fickle 'ol me, i'll probably start jottin' again sometime later. but thanks so much for inquiring! =)
from burkenstocks :
are you one of them CANUCKS? if so, consider yourself lucky. and holy shit, you linked my diary. k-rad. -joe.
from milkrock :
woops, i guess the message in your guestbook did go through...
from milkrock :
i tried to leave a message in your guestbook, but is acting all loopy. in fact, the notes section is acting all loopy on my computer also.. but anyway, i really hope your interview goes well. and i'm most positive it will. i'll be thinking good, good thoughts for you! =)
from nosecandi :
oh sweet pea, what was I gonna say? oh, hey the mountain goats, I think I like them already, what kinda music do they play? I know this was really random, but thats okay, we're all friends here.
from milkrock :
sweet pea! sugar lump here. i have moved!
from thetempgirl :
Ahh, you ride your bike by my house regularly?
from ihatepizza :
Oh where oh where could our little song be?
from kissoff :
Oh girl, not only is your diary amazingly gorgeous but we're neighbours and shit. East siiiiide forever. If I ever see you slumming at the Ivanhoe i'll buy you a beer.. or stolen cheese. Did you know we have a whole seedy underworld network of cheese stealing criminals, selling cheddar and gouda at rock bottom prices. You can hear them whispering " yo baby, I got some brie" down around pigeon park. My vote is for circles on the table, free form curves are good.
from brooksie :
i really love j'aime ma vie!! who is it by?
from natasha5 :
from girl-n-bloom :
all that can be said is bravo.
from girllogic :
thank you [50ft] queenie. yup, i just got your lovely 'zine. haven't perused it yet. but, it looks tempting-tempting. thank you. thank you. thank you. [btw- i'm soooooo envious of your peko peko/milky girl stamp. oh, where did you get it from?]
from snoozer :
tra la la. so i was poking around my guestbooks and such and i see a note you left me and i don't know if i saw it before or if i replied or anything, but i visited your diary and golly it's pretty ! providence is sunny and pretty and perfect today so i'm gonna go play. keep in touch, dogg...
from coolassaward :
When's the last time you got an "AWARD" for being you? Do you like your ego stroked? Do you like stroking other people's ego? We all need a good stroking now and then. Have you ever gone to a diary and what the diarist wrote brightened up your day? Or really made you think? Have you ever wanted to let that person know what thier writing and diary meant to you? Well Cool Chicks is the place for you. I know your like what the hell is Cool Chicks? Or maybe you already know what a Cool Ass Chick you are. Well good! But isn't it time to let the world know about your Cool Chickiness?
from spreewitch :
from aineko9 :
i hear you on the whole not feeling motivated thing. i'm right there with you. it's raining out, and all i want to do is sleep. it will get better, right?
from aineko9 :
the cake sounds divine! next time i'm feeling domestic, i'm gonna do some baking. :)
from hoagiejoe :
You got some really good favorite movies.
from girllogic :
keep writing password free! yes, do. btw- can i get a copy of your 'zine? pretty-pretty sugar-topped please.
from cerebrate :
Oh dear, I love you and I think you're swell. Your diary is swell. Don't you change a thing, and don't apologize for ranting about your privacy being violated by an obviously childish and pissy little girl. Some people need to get a grip and grow up, no? I keeeees you. *smooooch*
from emilydoll :
hey! why not mention how even though you two broke up, your ex has been paying for your rent and will until you are finished school so that you don't have work and study at the same time.... why not put a LOCK on your diary and give out passwords if you care so much, my dear?
from yellokitty :
hi girlie! i like the new layout, tres cute!
from jasminegurl :
i can't leave you notes in your guestbook...but i wanted to say go you!!! your weekend sounded so perfect! i had more to say but i forgot...until i remember:)
from aineko9 :
so my girl has an admirer? it was bound to happen that some guy would fancy you.
from wolligog :
hi, whilst on the subject of icecream, I had a pint container of picnic icecream the other night. I think 500ml is a pint. anyway it's chocolate ice cream, caramel icecream with peanuts and bits of chocolate with a caramel sauce. yummmmmmmmo :o)
from wolligog :
hi, I hope you had a great nye. I sure did. What's ben and Jerry's (some sort of fruit juice?). Anyway, I can imagine the currency coversion thing as it would be worse off exchanging aussie dollars for american ones.
from jasminegurl :
happy new year girl!
from jasminegurl :
so glad you had a good one!!!
from aineko9 :
merry christmas sweetie
from jasminegurl :
mmm curry squash soup. yum!
from aineko9 :
(((sweet pea))) hugs to you!!
from jasminegurl :
glad that you've got it break from school...sounds like it has been preety hectic for you. i'm sure your time off will be better than you think...hope so anyway. oh-sweet-pea=coolest gal in vancover!
from wolligog :
hey there, I know what you are going through there. my ex had her new man move in on the scene with in 6 weeks of dumping me, and what was worse was she was seeing him online at the same time she was seeing me. anywayz, what are u studying? I just finished an advanced diploma of accounting.
from wolligog :
would you believe that I thought you were in your mid 20's based on what you write? It's great when pplz think you are younger than what you are isn't it? I'm 33 but not many pplz believe it. As a matter of fact I had trouble getting served at the pub between the ages of 18 and 24 without showing id.
from wolligog :
hi there, Personally I think that looks are not everything to go by, I look for someone with personality too, cos I like being able to have a decent convo. oooh mashed spuds, I love spuds, whether they are mashed, roasted, chips or just plain old cooked in their jackets. I hope you don't mind, but I was wondering how old are you?
from jasminegurl :
i have been reading your diary as well. it was recommended to me by my great friend. you are a fun girl and so cute...keep having fun!
from cerebrate :
Oh, I like you. Oh yes I do.
from wolligog :
hi there, I've been reading your diary and I could think of several similar things that have happened to me. but then again I'm a bit of a gutless wonder sometimes. There is this girl who goes to the same college that I go to, and I think she is schwing hubba hubba chicky babe, and when I talk to her I have the urge to put my arms around her and kiss her. I know her age but I don't know if she is single or not. She was saying goodbye to me on monday cos she has finished her course and I was wondering to myself if I should ask her if she is single or not, but by the time I decided, and went outside to ask her, she was no where in sight, and I will probably never see her again. I can be such a loser at times.
from adman :
Hi there...I can't believe it's been 12 days since I wrote you....sorry?? Get all the ramblings from my site, cause for the moment...I wish to appauld you for your latest diary entries. "Oh-sweet-pea assertiveness training" looks like it's paying dividends. You seem to be a different person on the outside...but your "Strathcona Lee" entry is right out of "Bridget Jones Diary". (if you haven't already seen the movie, perhaps you may see a few traits of yourself) Anyway...let's not beat around the bush, and assume anything. If Lee is putting drawings on your sign-up slip, ask HIM why. Not Nichole. Cycling by his house is quite simply, game playing. You are, I feel, beyond that. Next time you see Lee, ask him about the may get a logical answer, which may, in fact, deflate your illusion. If your assumptions are correct, he will answer in a way that will allow you to assess his intentions. Smile at him, but don't show your hand. may want this relationship...but do you NEED it? DAC
from aineko9 :
we are definitely leading paralell lives! crushes are so much fun. hope you're enjoying yours! i'm certainly digging mine.
from aineko9 :
looks like we both had a stellar weekend. we deserve it.
from ohj :
hi, i'd like to get in contact with you, if possible. please email me or something.
from adman :
I'm not sure I should send you this song. But I'll post it on my site, so that you can decide on your own, whether to read it or not. It is a simple love/hate song I wrote in college. It was the lowest point of any relationship I had ever had. I was in deep....and she wasn't. It really hurts to sing this song, so I always play it very slowly, with alot of guitar lics. It reminds me of your situation. I'm not sure it will help, but it may help you to understand that 'most everyone' has been where you are. Love DAC @-->-->--
from aineko9 :
hey girlie, it's c from bustieland. thanks for the link. check me out as well. you're so cute, ryan's totally missing out!
from adman :
Just read you diary. Sorry to hear your having a bummer day. Remember....bumping into Colin is going to be a regular occurance. Once you left Ryan, you felt free...liberated...and somewhat dissilutioned. "All is not fair in love and war" Your urge to call him is natural, calling someone else, was a great idea. I won't take offence to your gender related slight about how men "hop from girl to girl without any mourning period". Trust me...we men mourn...but just in private. I still mourn to this day, women who I left, with hurt feelings, perhaps unwarranted, perhaps not. Ryan wanted to be friends when you split. You said no. Perhaps your answer might have been "not now, but maybe later" Delivered in such a manner that he understands you are vulnerable, but not taken for granted. When your ready, have coffee with him surrounded by old all your old friends. Have an "I'm sticking with my decision look & I'll be just fine". Laugh, joke, smile and enjoy. Everyone has feelings. And is very frustrating. Even when your married for 15 years. I make choices today...based on the choices I made when younger. Decisions have profound consequences.
from wolligog :
hi, I added you to my fave diary list. you can add mine to yours if you want to. To do this, simply click on Edit My Profile, then click on the click here in relation to your profile (favourite diaries, music and so forth) then scroll down the screen until you see the section for diaries and enter my username (wolligog)
from wolligog :
the list thing is a list of fave diaries.
from adman :
Wow...just read 'purplegirls' message to you. I just love her. But I had no idea that she had such an up and down relationship record. What pleases me most is that she messaged you, and that YOU...MY SWEET OLE PEA....are getting stronger and happier each day. The fact that a stranger spoke to a very good sign. I do have a few questions. Like what is "flash class?' and how can you afford school & a single apartment when it sounds to me like your not employed anywhere? It really doesn't matter really, it's just that sometimes people have really neat answers. So happy that your happy. DAC @-->-->--
from purplemin :
Adman said to visit you as he found you and said you were cool(my words)!! God have i been where you are now, life is such a bitch, i know what you mean about wanting to die, it's amazing the way our minds react to things and how some peeps sit down and want give up and some peeps get straight back up and carry on, i'm the sit down and die type. And friends are the medicine masters, i have a bunch of great friends too and have been known many a time to spend 2 hours on the fone to them crying and going over and over the same shit trying to reach an answer that isn't there, now this is what kills us i, i don't believe we ever get the answers we want because there not going to tell us what we want to hear. I was in a nightmare relationship for 4 yrs(1 of 2 nightmare relationships) and he twisted my mind and broke me down, when he left for the umpteenth time(this was to be the last) it was when my back had gone and i couldn't walk for 2 weeks, stuck on valium and allsorts, then to boot my grandmother passed away, so i phoned him to cry and sound pathetic(i mean surely these awful things happening would bring him back)and he said he was sorry and hoped the funeral would go ok, and then basically put the fone down on me. And do you know at the funeral i didn't know if i was crying for my grandmother or him, and i can not bring myself to ever forgive him for this. And then a month later coming up for xmas he got in touch with me and basically wanted to get back together, and i even thought about it, i spent some time with him over xmas and the more i saw him the more i realised i didn't love him at all any more, i was just scared of being on my own and seeing as i was getting used to that i realised i was better off alone. Time is a wonderful healer sweet-pea and you can't put a time on it, you just have to feel the way you feel, embrace it because that is who you are and slowly but surely you will come back around. You are so lucky you have moved this will help you and as you come around you will start to believe that things happen for a reason and that maybe this wasn't the worst thing in the world. if you ever need me i am here. purplemin ^�^
from adman :
I noticed you don't have a favourite diaries list yet....perhaps you don't read anyones diary? If you do....I would be honoured to be the first to grace your list. I was soooooo pleased to read your last diary entry. And extreamly pleased that you noted at the end, "Phew", refering to the good and bad times. You have a great gift...the "letter box" of life. You know what box to put the bad letters in, and what box to put the good, the great, and the wonderful letters in. The Mail Man (Life) delivers everything... (He's paid to do that) and it's up to us to sort out the junk mail. Your happiness...makes my world a brighter place to live.
from adman :
OOppps.... I guess I should read your diary entry before I ask any questions....cause it sounds like you are settled in to your 'new' place...with all it's advantages and disadvantages. Assuming, that you are a tenant and not an owner of the spot, a quick call to the landlord or building maintence should take care of the refridgerator. Once the coils are cleaned, and the motor serviced, it should quite down...(now if it doesn't, tell them you want a new fridge...or at least a quieter one) keep in mind, they have many vacant apartments they could switch it with..(then it becomes someone else problem) Electricity outlets could become an issue. Assuming it is a "one room bachelorette" the minimum requirement is 3 outlets per room. The must also include one outlet for the bath, and one in the kitchen, not including fridge and stove. Hope this helps.
from adman :
I looked at your fav list and like you, I have very few fav's on my list. That is simply due to the fact I have only a limited time to communicate each day, and I am somewhat selective on who I communicate with. Often, you will find lyrics to songs in my diary ( mostly from the 1900's to the 80's).... and it's not because I'm old, but that I studied music from 1890 to 1945. There are very few songs during that era that I haven't heard. Equally, as a composer myself, I will often post songs that I have written. If the emotion I am trying to portray needs defining. I hope your move is going fine, it done? and that the rain has not given you a bunch of "soggy boxes" to move around. Are you moving very far? Somewhere nice I hope. DAC
from wateryone :
I keep feeling super guilty, like there's something I should be doing. Damnit, I should have made brownies!
from wateryone :
heh.. record stores and public libraries make the world go round!
from adman :
One more thing...please read my diary entry for Nov.1st,'s for you...As well, may I enter you on my fav's list?
from adman :
My dear 'sweet-pea' there is "hope" for you yet. For hope does not "suck", (as your diary label states). You would not be 15% recovered if you had no hope. what brings you to 16%. And thank you...for your kind and thoughtful words. A friend in a friend indeed.
from adman :
Just read your diary...and I can sense your anguish. Packing, is like preparing for a funeral. You find things, like "little memories" wrapped up inside an old photo... or tickets to a dance...the dress you wore. You don't know whether to throw it out or keep it...but please trust me...keep it. People are telling you "it will get easier once he moves out"...and they're correct, to some extent. In accuality the loss or the 'miss you' factor is slowly replaced by new ideas and activities. will ALWAYS miss him, as I do my friends...some I haven't seen in 25 years. You had 3 complelling questions at the end of your entry, I will attempt to answer them with experience and honesty. Q1.When will I start feeling better ? The moment an hour goes by and you haven't though of it. You will be 10% there. When a day or two go by with no thoughts,30% OK. When a month goes by, 50% better. When a year goes by, and all you can remember are the positive things from your relationship. Then you are 80% better. You will only be 100% cured when you talk to one another, each of you secured in another relationship, and praise one another for what you've taught & learned along your journey, and laugh unabashed at your immaturity. Q3. When will I stop being in love with him? Trust me, you will never stop loving him. It's just the love will slowly change to endearment, because you had special moments, unique moments, and perhaps a lot of 'firsts'. Time can never change that, it is a living part of your heritage. Here's a short personal story to tell you. All during school, from grades 4-8, I was totally infatuated by this beautiful redhead named Shelley. We played harmlessly together, but in the back of my mind I always hoped that it could have been more. She moved away up north and for 2 years I never heard from her. Then one day she called, and asked me if I wanted to visit. I did. All through grades 11,12,13. (your from Ontario so you understand the 'old'way) we had a lot of firsts toghether.(no details please) We went off to different colleges and soon drifted very far apart. I went to the Maritimes for 3years and fell in love. We moved back to Toronto. 5 years went by and we had twins.(boy and girl) Mrs.was working down on Bay ST. While I managed McDonalds. Then one day the phone rings...and it's Shelley. (how she found me is another story) Anyway...she tells me that she's hospitalized with a stroke and is somewhat paralyzed and in a wheel chair. Her husband is leaving her because he doesn't have the patience and the tolerance to take care of her. She asked how I was doing, so I told her. I could hear her pause before she spoke.." I always knew you were going to be successful, I am so proud" I was speechless for a moment, then I remebered a time when we were together in Highschool. I remember, because it was a time when we were questioning our relationship. On the phone I reminded Shelley of that time, and she said "yes, I remember what you said." I said "no matter what happens in our lives, or where we end up, please remember Shelley, that you will ALWAYS be, my FIRST love." She was crying when we hung up, then I whispered..."and I still love you as I did then" 2. When will things get easier? I hope your sitting down as you read this. IT NEVER GETS EASIER, it only gets harder. Life and challanges never issue gets resolved and two more pop up to replace it. Start getting used to it NOW...and prepare yourself mentally & physically. It's gonna be rough...but trust's gonna be the biggest thrill ride of your life.
from wateryone :
heh, riding down hills fast is a favourite past-time too, you haven't done it till you've done it in New Zealand.
from wateryone :
I'm glad you tripped over me, tripping is a favourite past-time. I was looking foward to the interview until I broke our food processor. I used to pretend I lived in the public library when I was little! Oh, and I *heart* people who read comics. Have a nice day.
from adman :
Halifax isn't the way it used to be...but neither is Montreal. I was born in Ontario and grew up in an area just outside of Toronto.
from adman :
Have you always lived in BC ? see, I lived in St.Andrews, and Saint John, New Brunswick...and your entry about Halifax made me think that maybe... once... you had been there. PS, Nice thoughts are my specialty.{{{{mmm))))
from adman :
Sounds like you may be from the East Coast...and hey...why the tears? And name a carpet, anywhere, that doesn't need a good soaking now and then.

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