messages to omorfia:
(click here to add new message):

from timdangerous :
In the off chance this triggers an active email, I miss you terribly. Where are you? I cannot believe its been eight years since you were here. Do come back and talk to me! xoxox
from haloaskew : did have a sucky-ass Sunday, didn't you? What's going on with your life these days?!! I'm gonna have to whip up some more cupcakes cuz I done ate the last batch (or in street slang: "Bey-atch") I cannot wait to try your favorite cocktail recipe! I have a feeling we'll be wearing frosting on our heads by the end of the night.
from dana-elayne :
Just so you know...I miss reading you!
from haloaskew :
Heh! Thanks! You haven't posted in forever! Look, I'm listening to a Shania Twain song right now...which means you need to post, so I don't have to go to such extremes to occupy my time in the future.
from purpleworm :
nope it's me with the blonde moment I listed my email wrong duh, it's really [email protected] not .com think I'll go fix that entry too thanks!
from spacepope :
I haven't left a tribute to The Dark Damsel even; and as you know I loved her to death. Yup let me know about the new one plus answer my mail of a few weeks back and tell me how you are.
from spacepope :
I am not going to leave a are still with us.
from purpleworm :
LOL well if you want personalized emails I'd need to know where to send them hehe or if you use yahoo messenger at all I'm on there a fair bit these days, Plus yep i know how to pick the good ones I think, Haloaskew seems to be one of us alright (not sure if she's taken to me yet though hehe)
from spacepope :
It is done now. Of course I love you. In Aus I had a 'hissy fit' at someone else...I just sulked because you didn't respond to my messages BEFORE I set out for the big red downunder. Take care xxx
from purpleworm :
Maybe I shouldn't mention it out loud where they could hear it (whispers "you know swelled heads & all") Not that my opinion will likely make any earth shattering changes in their lives hehe but aye they are pretty cool terrific people.
from haloaskew :
Thanks! The Moneigh done by Our Mims isn't one of the ones I have stored here...I have 3 done by some lesser known horses, but they're still adorable! The people who started the program (ReRun) have gotten several REALLY famous horses to do some (Derby winners, etc) and I had a chance to view them before an auction last year...many of them went for THOUSANDS of dollars! Cigar (who won 16 races in a row -- very beloved and currently at the Kentucky Horse Park) was only one of 2 horses that actually used a paintbrush in his mouth to paint! Cool beans! And dad's doing ok. Thanks for asking! He's back home now and my brother and sis-in-law are looking after him for a few weeks (he might still have to go back in the hospital at some point though...he really went home sooner than he should have, but they couldn't keep him against his will, and he's STUBBORN!) So we'll see how that goes! Hope all's well your way -- I'm still trying to catch up on everyone's diaries! :)
from yamaa :
Thanks darlin'! I am a wuss when it comes to piercings on myself. Always worried they would get caught on things & torn out.
from purpleworm :
You just keep on enjoying yourself while enjoying my sex life as much you like. Although maybe I should leave my email so you could share ... j/king hehe sort of ;)
from pipersplace :
Thanks for adding me. That's sweet of you.
from purpleworm :
Oh goodness no that wouldn't be rude in the slightest. You just keep on cumming back as often as you like ;) Glad you liked my diary, it would have been interesting to have had a chance to read yours too.
from rs536-2000 :
Thanks! I wasn't sure that you were still reading, since you aren't writing...
from hissandtell :
Hi doll - can you PLEASE drop me a note when you decide to resume writing? (Notice I said WHEN, not IF, darling.) Love you, R xxx
from mireillie :
Are you really done? Email me at mireillie[spamsucks] or hail me on yahoo messenger as mireillie or bloodredtresses on aim, eh? I'll miss you if you're going, and I want to hear from you either way, K? Happy Belated New Year, school has hijacked my brain!
from antipodean :
I hope your diary is only 'to be continued'. It will be sad to see you go, like a best friend moving away. Keep in touch, and don't let Brian boss you around.
from enondoiel :
Thank you so much for your sweet note and your concern. It is, thank God, nothing... deadly. But it made me really scared, scared of suddenly being an orphan :) I will email you this week!
from candoor :
merry happy new year :)
from iwantoomuch :
WOOT! I shall be there with bell bottoms on! Whereabouts exactly? Uh. We should probably email that kinda stuff. Huh. Psh it's only January, we'll coordinate it. YAY!!!!!Ness!!! This is way solid, man. Beans again!
from iwantoomuch :
Had a nice Christmas, how was yours love??? HellOOOOO! Yes I'm about 45 mins drive away from the Gold Coast can I come visit!!??!!??!! Beans, I say!
from bettyalready :
Please tell me you're coming back!
from enondoiel :
*mwah* I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the best in 2005! I tried sending you a pre-Christmas email, by the way, but I don't think you got it because I got an error message. Am I right? And: Of course I've been good! I always am :)
from mireillie :
Merry Christmas! Love and wishes for a wonderful 2005, Blanche
from zombieslayer :
Merry Christmas, dibb. Nice of you to drop by. I hope your day was good, warm, and soft. Sending blushes back at you.
from larrielou :
*secret giggle* I got you a present. It's awesome. I'll need your address again so I can send it. Virgin blue are having a sale at the moment, and I want to come down to give it to you in person, but I won't. Pity..... So, address, please! *end with another secret tee-hee*
from iwantoomuch :
Okay THAT'S IT! I am packing Brian's suitcases and throwing them out on the lawn and then running over them with my car! Go-WAY Brian. Go-way. Hi! A hug? *SQUISH* I love you, beans. xoxoxoxo
from dana-elayne :
Holy crap! So no poor yous or wailing or gnashing of teeth, but *eep* and *HUG*, I hope all goes completely well.
from mireillie :
criminy! I finally have time to read and discover you have a brain tumor. Um, no poor you, but hugs just the same.
from hissandtell :
Well. Fuck me. Love, R xxx
from candoor :
thanks for the smile you inspired with your words (and for the comfortable expressions of self you share :)
from hissandtell :
How marvellous! Congratulations, darling. I'm so glad you have this avenue to shout it to the world, too. When my doctor first told me the same thing several years ago (she also added a few weird adjectives like "tight" and "clean" and other words I've blocked out since) I really felt I had no one to share it with. It seemed a tad personal to bring it up at work during morning tea banter, and a little skitey-boastful to start talking about it at dinner parties with friends...not that there's anything wrong with that. Love, R xxx
from bettyalready :
Fortunately or unfortunately, I have no trouble talking about my uterus. In another diary I had the monthly "Tampon Talk" but sorta had to stop that since I'm pregnant. It was sort of a get-to-know-your-uterus or get-to-know-someone-who-has-one kind of thing.
from bettyalready :
Yea for perfect uterus's! I must have a decent one since I keep POPPING out babies.
from iwantoomuch :
Hello honey I miss you so! *hugs for you* I'm sorry I've missed so much. I was going to go back to Uni next year and now I'm not! I'm 22. I'm not in love with the stupid boy anymore. There's nobody else. Nobody but you baby ;-). Heh. How's your stuff? Beans!
from mireillie :
Physiology has been eating up my time and my brain. I'm sorry about Cass. Bless you, sweetie! Take care, eh? Love, Blanche
from zombieslayer :
Oi! Can you knight me? Sir Zombieslayer...I can see it now...shining armor and all the serfs I can eat...
from augustdreams :
Heh. It was when I was going to college in Gardner. They were offering $10 an hour to be a nude model for the art classes. That appealed to my exhibitionist streak. (Heehee - streak! Pun not quite intended.) I figured those art students might be sick of drawing naked women with perfect bodies. ;D So I brought my naked, imperfect self right up there. The only drawback was having to walk past a bunch of drawings of myself later when they hung the damn things on the wall. *EEK!*
from bettyalready :
OH NO! How did I miss this? I'm late in telling you I'm sorry she's gone, but I am. Poor little girl! She might now be actually sitting on the lap of the human Mama Cass.
from dana-elayne :
*hugs and warm kitty kisses* from me and simon. I'm sorry about sweet baby cass
from larrielou :
Oh my god, I just read your last entry - I'm so, so sorry. You poor thing! I don't know what to say. I'm feeling for you so much, it's a terrible thing to go through. I'm sending some strength with this note, and lots of love...
from hissandtell :
Oh, darling, I'm so very sorry. Love, R xxx
from augustdreams :
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do or if you need to talk, I'm only an email away. I love you.
from timdangerous :
I'm truly sorry love. ***hugs and such***
from enondoiel :
Oh my God Morfie... I'm so so so sorry. It doesn't help, I know, but still... I'm so sorry. Hang in there, please.
from bettyalready :
poor kitty. one of my mom's twin kitties had a mass under her tongue and that sucked. such a sweet kitty.
from hissandtell :
You want what's it his pants, ay? Well, in lieu of that, could I interest you in a six-inch plaster dildo? Let me know. And do enjoy the squealy bouncy times ahead at la maison folle! Love, R xxx
from zombieslayer :
Hi. Glad you're enjoying my diary. You want the whole story? It might take a while, I'm afraid *Grins* And as for volunteering...
from enondoiel :
Horniness is usually a happy feeling though, so I assume all is well :) Unless it's frustrated horniness, but wouldn't you know: One can make that feel good as well!
from hissandtell :
Weis bars. Oh, god. Since I gave up eating icecreamy crap, they're the only frozen creamelicious treasures I allow past my lips these days. Mango Weis bars - Blackberry Weis bars - Tropico Weis bars - yum ...
from hissandtell :
Oh, baby, right back atcha! How thrilling it always is to read a literate authentic Australian voice - someone who uses words like "dill" and "sissies" the right way! (Verrrry "Muriel's Wedding" or "The Castle", darling. I love it.) I can't tell you how pleased I am to be trawling through your older entries; your writing is nothing short of fantastic and you appear to share my, ah, interest in fruit as erotica ... and cheesecake. And cocktails. And Keanu. Oh, and the song "Electric Dreams". Ahhhh, bliss. Love, R xxx
from chaostraffic :
Being somewhat of a nerd in High School it was required of me to play Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short). It was the original role playing game; whereby a DM (Dungeon Master) helps to direct a group of characters (created independantly by the individual players) through an adventure by way of a semi-randomly determined storyline and random encounters with various other characters & creatures. In it's most basic historic form characters traits and battle outcomes were created on paper via rolls of various sided dice to determine the outcome of the adventure.
from augustdreams :
You know, we have a *lot* of citrus in Florida! C'mon down and I'll lick orange juice off... er... I mean, um... I'll buy you an orange! *innocent look* Ha! That woman's an idiot. I had that happen once, only it was some dumbass guy who thought his girlfriend had a boyfriend at my cell number. He finally quit calling after I screamed a few completely insane threats into the phone. Heh. He got all scared off by a short little redhead who won't even kill a cricket. Loser! ;D
from enondoiel :
Thanks, love. I take great pride in it ;)
from larrielou :
we HAVE to get to the weird pet place this time!!!
from larrielou :
Hey again. If I get the time off work (fngers crossed), it will be the very first week of January. Plan is for about 5 days. It would be awesome to see you and do the markets again (you can't turn your back on tradition!!!), but I wouldn't expect you to host me for ALL that time!!!
from larrielou :
Yes, it is a movie. As soon as you said the lyrics, I thought of the movie. Mind you, I can't think of the title. By the way, I will probably be heading your way again early january!!!!
from enondoiel :
Spooky! I have to say, I'm sad you're removed all your comments about people. When I have a bad day, I visit profiles where people have me on their buddy list, and feel better as I read their nice comments. Yes, I am stupid. No, I have no intention of stopping :)
from enondoiel :
No, it's not too much to ask... But politics always makes my head hurt. I wonder what it's like to be a politcian? Hmm. I should probably be glad that I don't know. Luv you too *mwah*
from chaostraffic :
I've been so busy with reading work stuff that I haven't been able to do much pleasure reading, but soon as I get past this stage, I think I'm going to dive back in to all things TR.
from chaostraffic :
Hey did I ever mention that I loved that Jitterbug Perfume book?
from chaostraffic :
Um that little list of performed tasks is entirely too damn long. You should warn a brother before they get halfway through. Good deal though.
from orpheusd0wn :
I realize that the name of the entry was "parties and slacking off", but just then I could have sworn I read "panties are sliding off", I could only smile.
from orpheusd0wn :
Ugly mug? You have such a sweet smile and beautiful baccarat crystal eyes, it's a face to remember and fall in love with, but never ugly.
from augustdreams :
Awwww, Mia is so precious. I want to buy her a late birthday present. (Horrifically enough, I have actually SEEN Boobah and it gave me a nightmare! I watch zombie movies without blinking yet weird, shapless blobs with all their bizarreness give me a bad dream! *shaking my head*) I have the awful feeling the Christmas gift I sent for Mia long ago never reached you? :( Damn the mail! I'll wait until I can send her a gift expressmail so that I can track it and make certain it reaches that little cutie-pie. I'll put something in the package for you as well. Ooooh, and can I please see your pictures? Craig sounds wonderful. Anyone who makes you feel so happy kicks ass in my book. *Tons of hugs and kisses* Love you!
from dana-elayne :
Ohhh pictures :) I love pictures. May I see? PS. Mia is a dollbaby!
from larrielou :
YAY for finishing! YAY! Of course they're going to miss you! Congratulations - I'm so happy for you. BTW, I will take all wolf whistles aimed at me graciously :-D thanks
from bettyalready :
Have I said before I love the layout? I LOVE IT. But really, that is super cool that you got that kind of send-off.
from larrielou :
can't wait to see photos!
from bettyalready :
I love this layout. Everytime I come here, I want to take a huge bath and I just can't right now.
from larrielou :
thanks for the non-sympathy :-) I'm okay, really. The only reason I was in for so long was so they could cover their arses... hope all is good with you.
from enondoiel :
I haven't written about that "problem" in the diary, so you haven't missed it! The fact is that I don't like discussing it, but suffice to say it's nothing dangerous. Just a little problem that I really want to go away :) That didn't clear anything up, did it? Sorry. If you really want to know, you can send me an email and I'll explain it to you! :) xxx
from enondoiel :
I'm so happy about you and Jeremy! I don't know exactly what kind of relationship you guys have, but if he makes you happy then surely it's all positive! *hugs*
from larrielou :
Were they febrile convulsions? As in, did she have a temperature/illness at the time? Has she had an EEG?
from candoor :
I still love your writing, ok? :)
from augustdreams :
You've Got Mail! And... um... HELP! :/ (The email will explain that.) Tons of love to you and your fuzzy ones.
from augustdreams :
*MWAH* Whenever we have our visit, I'll be saving some of that just for you. ;) Love you! Oh! And could you please send me a list of five things that make you smile. Things that I could find pictures to represent? I'm working on a gift for you. :)
from dana-elayne :
*huggles* I'm sorry about Cass (and I'm sorry for Cass' mum) I hope your own mum starts feeling better soon.
from littlemummy :
Okay.. first of all... I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU ON NOT REMEMBERING MOVIES! Sometimes I do it the next month after watching it. I am forever renting movies I've previously seen, and only once the movie is half over, I ask... did I watch this before. Kyle answers in hysterical laughter. Only when I LOVE a movie, do I remember it.. all of it. I also have the whole photographic memory thing going on. Just not with movies. I can remember conversations and books and rooms and everything. Not movies. Then there's the whole lusting after odd people.. yes, yes, YES. Perhaps it's the age? We get hornier in our thirties, right? I swear, I'm a nymph now! Poor Kyle. ;-) See? Aquarius on a Pisces Cusp born in 1976. Eerie!
from augustdreams :
Oh, sweetheart! I'm so excited for you! Please email me soon and tell me more about this new guy in your life. He must be amazing if he's won your heart, my beautiful Miss O. *MWAH!*
from augustdreams :
Thank you so much, sweetie. I worried about all the animals, too. They had a shelter set up on my county just to house pets for people who had to evacuate. I love you. I'm off to catch up on your diary! :D
from timdangerous :
Okay, and I'm insanely jealous as well. Okay, there damnit! *Grin*
from timdangerous :
A MAN!?! I am so happy for you! No, really I am! *hugs*
from joleen :
Aha! So there's a man now. Well, good luck with that. :)
from dana-elayne :
Oh, oh, oh! A new boy...
from larrielou :
Hey, I was trying to see those great photos again in your private entry, but that password no longer works :-( I have a surprise for you, by the way.
from augustdreams :
I love you. You'll have all of those things, my gorgeous Miss O. And to whomever is out there waiting for you, you are so very worth the wait. And thank you so much for your comment. *MWAH* EMW can kiss my unhealthy ass. Pucker up, buttercup. >;)
from slushfile :
Where are ya? I'm back and trying to catch up with my old d-land friends. Hope all is well. -tootles
from yamaa :
Tanks! I'll return the flavor, if'n you don't mind.
from enondoiel :
*blushes* You mustn't flatter me like that! Makes me cocky :) So, how are you holding up? Diaryland withdrawal symptoms?
from enondoiel :
Hey! Taken a vacation? Here I come back and then you disappear? *hugs*
from haloaskew :
Checked "me email"? Apparently I'm either too tired, or hanging out with too many Irish guys at work....
from haloaskew :
You're never gonna believe this, but right after I posted that earlier note to you, I checked me email and read this: "Dear Best Friends Network Members, A few humane groups are currently asking their members to write to their local PBS station to ask them to air a film by Julie Lofton titled Best Friend Forgotten. We�d like to suggest that you give that a second thought before sending off a note. Here�s why: Unfortunately this TV movie is a classic piece of stereotyping of the humane movement, as in: Pet overpopulation is an unending tragedy, shelters just kill millions of animals, no-kill shelters are nice but useless, and only few animals get adopted. The effort was doubtless well-intentioned, and the producer even came to a No More Homeless Pets conference in Atlanta and filmed a few interviews there. But you'd never know it. The movie focuses on action shots of animal control officers lassoing stray dogs, lots of sad shots of cats and dogs in cages, and scripted commentary by actor David Duchovny with no serious mention of what can be done and is being done." What the fuck?! Talk about bizarre...Stephen King needs to write a book about me, pronto!(it's probably already being published). I'm gonna wish for some more money too...and a goldfish named "Gummy Jones." What do you want, while I'm on a roll with the psychic plane?
from haloaskew :
Weird, ain't it? Who shall we wish for next? DAVID DUCHOVNY. He's gotta be getting a divorce from that no-talent blond bimbo Tea Leoni soon, right?
from augustdreams :
*MWAH* Thank you so much, my beautiful, lovely Miss O. We really must have a visit. I owe you countless hugs and kisses. You're not really faking it either - you really *are* strong, and brave. And, of course, gorgeous! :) {{{Hugs}}} Okay. I really AM going to bed now. Sweet dreams to you and your fuzzies.
from candoor :
I love you. There, I said it. If you were here I would show you. But you are there and so I say it. I love you. There, I said it again. Hope it was good for you to.
from chaostraffic :
I just have to say that I read that "Jittebug Perfume" good stuff...granted after I read that one I felt like my brain was on acid for about a week but then I guess thats what happens if you take Robbins with a double shot of "entirely too seriously".
from enondoiel :
I'm afraid to jinx it so I've decided not to tell, but if I do get it, you can bet your ass you'll know! Love the photos, by the way :)
from dana-elayne :
Awww, Mia is precious as always. What a cute pup too! I don't care how big he is, he looks like a cuddly little guy! I can't believe that someone would harm such a face. I mean look at those eyes. *argh* I could go o and on about how some people should NEVER be allowed to have furry people. But, I'll save that for another day. I'm glad he's in good hands now. Did I miss his name?
from enondoiel :
Well, it describes me very well, I was nauseatingly proud when I came up with it! To answer your question, I went to Italy with some friends, it was this year's summer trip. How's winter down there in that funny land where your lovely self lives? Cold (I would think not)? Thanks for signing :)
from mulher :
What's the best way to get from Brisbane to Byron Bay? I'm trying to figure out how to plan my trip. Plus, I'm staying from Dec. 17th-27th. I only have housing from the 17th-23rd (I think)... ARRGH!!! Help!!
from augustdreams :
*Mwah* Thank you so much, Miss O. I love you. :)
from ghostlight :
I tried your guestbook, but it didn't work. Listen, O, you NEED to tell us (me) what is going on. What e-mail, what amazing experience, what giddiness?
from enondoiel :
Thank you! You're so sweet :) Watch out or you'll blow up my ego to unnatural proportions *lots of hugs*
from augustdreams :
Hey! Now we finally know the time difference between us. It's quarter of four in the afternoon here. So that means... um... aw, crap. It's still confusing me. ;) I love you! What was your just-before-falling-asleep experience? If you wouldn't mind sharing it.
from adoptme :
A kitty named Monster is cute but a dog named Dementia is like a dog named Leukemia.
from enondoiel :
THANK YOU!!! Gee, by the way, I just noticed you love Bill Murray too. Yay for older men!
from augustdreams :
I'm so happy that your mama-one's okay. *HUGE hugs for you both* And aiiieeee! I so completely want Cthulhu slippers! ;D When I get paid this week, those puppies are mine. Heehee. Fear the elder god attached to my feet!
from foolosophy :
hey, im glad the results came back good and that it went ok...
from dana-elayne :
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! I'm so happy for the mama one :) and for you.
from larrielou :
oh my god! She was fully concious and aware of it all? I was POSITIVE they'd give her dissociative drugs. I'm so sorry; that's terrible. I hope she's ok.
from foolosophy :
hope it goes ok
from augustdreams :
I'm sending prayers and good thoughts for your mom, and for you too, my Miss O. I wish I could be there in person to hold your hand. Love you.
from mireillie :
Babe, I have been such a suckass at keeping up with good thoughts and such and I hope everything goes well with your mom. As far as can be quite cathartic. I bitched and told the whole internet and the world I hated them a few entries back. Snark is good, sometimes. Snark away, baby. I think you deserve it, considering the circumstances.
from augustdreams :
Thank you so much for your sweet note. And I'm so sorry that you've been worrying about your mama, too. {{{{Omorfia}}}} I'm sending all the love and good vibes in the world your way.
from dana-elayne :
I'll be thinking tons of good thoughts for your mom.*good healthy vibes*
from augustdreams :
Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful furbaby mama! :)
from mulher :
I'm not going to get my hopes up yet... but it looks like my law school is giving me the opportunity (assuming they pick me and my boss lets me go) to take a class in Australia in December. It's only 1 week, so if I can go, I'd like to try for at least 2... but I've never heard of Byron Bay, which is where the school is. That, and the fact that I have no idea where that is in relation to where you are. I mean, Australia's big and all but ... where are you?
from foolosophy :
*grins* that is awesome news, im so happy that the pups ok... i dont know how it would feel.. but there was word of having to get my dog put down if i couldnt find a place... just some fucked up and stupid suggestion from one of the executors... and that really fucking hurt... so... im glad its all good :)
from avantbedroc :
funny you mention that. i had to go into Virgin today because i thought i was hearing Prince tunes coming from within and then i heard that stereo line. Prince is one fine little man.
from iwantoomuch :
! When! When! There will SO be hot chocolate. (Eee!)
from iwantoomuch :
I HAVE to see those two movies, man. Let's go!
from tinyhiney :
Saw your comments...I don't know much about Rimadyl (sorry!) (I might have read that it can cause liver problems) but I do know that some people give their dogs glucosimine (sp?) for arthritis. Maybe you could give that a shot. It's sold over the counter here and people use it as well. I hope Cass is doing ok!
from pepsiweasel :
good luck with cass. poor puppy. animals seem to have the truest emotions and pain is not a good one to see on their faces.
from tinyhiney :
Oh wow, I just went through the same thing with one of my dogs, only it was from too much Lysodren which she takes for Cushing's. She's fine now that we have taken her off it. The vet had said she might get sick and throw up from it but didn't mention stumbling, falling, lack of appetite, or sleeping for 48 hrs straight from too much of the stuff. I really hope Cass is doing better now that you've stopped the Rimadyl.
from foolosophy :
i hope cass is ok *hugs*
from timdangerous :
That Rimadyl sounds evil love! *Good thoughts for Cass*
from euphorically :
I really hope everything is ok with Cass. The worst thing in the world is watching an animal in pain.
from themoodswing :
If you like I can give you my vet's details. They're out the other side of Cranbourne (on the street where I used to live) but they're worth the travel. I wouldn't take my babies anywhere else. *cuddle*
from tinyhiney :
I'm glad to hear Cass is ok. :)
from my-reply :
Hello, I'm Katie, I thought I would let you know that I didnt sign your guestbook, someone else did and I would appriciate it if you deleted that gbook entry, im sorry, thank you
from rs536-2000 :
Hope you're doing ok. Please come back soon!
from wilberteets :
I am hoping that my employer left himself open for a lawsuit. I am going to consult a lawyer, and if I have a legal leg to stand on, I am suing them to high heaven. I have a feeling they will be covered under the law though. The state I live in seems to lean heavily towards protecting the big guy and screwing the little guy. Everything they've done has been so ridiculous and outlandish though, that I am hoping I can sue and win. At the very least, I can cause them a Medicare audit.
from larrielou :
Hey! I miss your entries. Couldn't wait to tell you this: I wore my funky Vic Market jeans to art for the first time the other day, and I was the coolest kid in class - EVERYONE commented :-) THANKS for convincing me to buy them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from snizzpod :
I miss you, Omorpheus.
from littlemummy :
Are you sharing your new home on the internet?? Just curious.. cause if you are....
from augustdreams :
I loved your entry. You're right, I'd never want to be anyone else. *MWAH*
from silver-blue :
*just saw Weds' notes and giggles* Hm.. now where could that little ooze spot be *starts looking under your arms and checking down your sides* Don't worry, we'll find it
from augustdreams :
*MWAH* That's a birthday kiss! :) Has your book arrived yet? I just sent you some birthday goodies. Oooh, and are you really thinking of visiting the US in 2005? I'm going to have the hot cocoa and snogs all ready for you. {{{My beautiful Miss O.}}}
from orpheusd0wn :
You know it's funny, sometimes I miss me too. Could I send you a shirt? How would I go about that? Would you email me your address? Have I asked you this before? You ever just know there was something you had to do? I would like to send you a package of things from me.
from larrielou :
Oh. God, I must have been half asleep reading your entries to think you had a new job. Sorry!! Um...yeah. That's my excuse. Art's good, half the group are little 18 year old teenie bobbers anyway, who frown at my hippiness...
from chanter :
hey, did you get my message from some time back? we seem to be missing each other. anyway, best wishes on the job and the move and on good things happening in your life.
from larrielou :
Argh! How could I miss the fact that you were moving? AND got a new job??! Argh!!! Omorfia!!! Wow, such big news!!!!! Tell me the goss! I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to ask. I just must have...somehow missed that. Argh! Wow!
from ittybittycat :
I saw own of you banners. sorry about your nana. I know how you feel. My uncle died not to long ago. I miss him terribly... *HUGS* feel better. Everything will be ok. :)
from foolosophy :
too late to leave some lovin? *hugs* missing passed ones is very sucky indeed :( how u been girl? long time no hear... something funny i always get, in the task bar the title for ur diary just says 'blow me..' i find it funny anyways :p catch ya later girl
from timdangerous :
Everyday is love Omorfia day, didn't you get the memo love?
from augustdreams :
Oooh, I was looking at your rings and had to join some of them! Did I tell you I'm getting a lizard tattoo on my foot? Ah, yes. Round boobs are excellent. I prefer bras that don't make 'em look all pointy, too. Love you, my Omorfia. :)
from joleen :
Wow, I was JUST writing about "Irreversible" in my LJ! Amazing. And I told someone in comments that not many people have seen it. So, yeah, wow. Yes, she's beautiful, but the rape was so hard to watch. The head bashing too, I actually averted my gaze after a few bashes, couldn't help it. And the music, oy.
from augustdreams :
Mia is SO adorable. Sweet little blue-eyed babykins. Give her a hug from me. And I'd love to see pics of your family! :)
from augustdreams :
*MWAH* Thank you so much for the support, love and positive vibes. I love you, my Omorfia. You can come and crash here ANYTIME. And I still want to visit you, too. Legos, hot cocoa and snogging shall be ours! :)
from haloaskew :
I'll assist you! Oh wait, fuck...I'm already, wait...nebba mind, I'm a glutton for punishment! Bring it on! P.S. Baby is SO CUTE!
from timdangerous :
i wanna see!
from dana-elayne :
Oh my gracious, she's simply too adorable. I love her BLUE eyes and those little dimples. She's going to be a heartbreaker!
from tinyhiney :
Happy Belated Birthday to you!! Sorry I missed it!!
from timdangerous :
*I* am not afraid. At all. Bring it on! Mr. happy says hello.
from iwantoomuch :
I missed it! Where have I been? I love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! xoxoxobeansoxoxox
from foolosophy :
*hugs* happy birthday :)
from larrielou :
Argh! I missed it!!!! Stupid night duty... I'm so glad other people didn't. Happy belated birthday, and 28-ness!
from augustdreams :
Hey! We can both fit our nasty bosses with cement overshoes... and be each other's alibi! *evil laughter* You know what helps stress even more? Showering with a friend! :D *innocent look* I'll bring the herbal essence bodywash! I'm thinking of Cass. Aph and Woodstocky send her fuzzy hugs.
from dana-elayne :
I do that same thing. Mutter, mutter, mutter until it's all out. Sometimes I fill a sink too and stick my head in and just SCREAM! It gets everything out and no one has to hear the screaming! lol
from chanter :
hey, i'm alive! i sent you an e-mail yesterday. e-mail me at chanter202-at-hotmail-dot-com. sorry to cause you worry. :(
from larrielou :
This time tomorrow....!
from augustdreams :
May I please, please, please read your 'let it all hang out' journal? Unless it's too personal. 'Tis okay if that's the case. It won't hurt my feelings. Hmmm... my update (go one back to read it) doesn't mention cock per se... but there was certainly some action goin' on Saturday night at the Augustdreams house. Yes, indeed. *Huge Grin* I love you, my Omorfia. One day there shall be snogs and hot chocolate! This, I vow!
from timdangerous :
The universe certianly has a sense of humour. May I bend your feet?
from augustdreams :
I'm sorry you're feeling so scared. It's a terrible, helpless feeling to worry about someone you care for, and the only drawback to having far-flung friends. I'm thinking about you.
from foolosophy :
its a nice thought, not scary... hope u get on to him
from timdangerous :
You crack me up miss, you really do.
from haloaskew :
Don't forget to add the line from Life of Brian: "life's a piece of shit, when you look at it..."
from iwantoomuch :
*HUGS* Thank you. :-)
from enondoiel :
First: Thank you so much for your message in my guestbook, I was really upset and frightened, and just getting ot out of my system was good. Thanks for your advice, I'll be sure to keep them in mind. Second: Cheer up! :) This too will pass, and when it has, you can look back and laugh at how good you're feeling now (or then... Or... I'm lost. You get the picture, right?). *hugs!*
from iwantoomuch :
HUGS AND BEANS!!! And thinkings of you and wishes and feeling the same-ish and GOOD VIBES for work survival. Had a kit, I'd send it to you.
from timdangerous :
Slurpees rule! *big hugs and furry kisses*
from enondoiel :
The bubbles are back, yay! The kind soul who helped you with hosting your images deserve a... basket of fruit or something. I love quizzes (or questionnaires, to make it difficult), but I'm afraid I'm just not enough into music to manage to do the lyrical one. I'd be very short of answers! And: Shortbread! I want to taste that sometime. I hear it's a British phenomenon, so I guess it makes sense that you have it in Australia! Anyways, have a lovely day! Oh, and: Happy New Year!
from wilberteets :
Thanks for the compliment. My DSL has been down again, but I finally got it going again!
from larrielou :
Yay! I'll email/whatever you closer to the date. Have a great week.
from dana-elayne :
You can just send me the image to my email and I'll give you the link where its hosted!
from dana-elayne :
I'd be happy to host your bubble image if you'd like :)
from dana-elayne :
The Di Vinci Code: First, you have to like thrillers. Second, you have to keep an open mind about the secret societies, etc. The book opens with the murder of a famous Frenchman. He leaves clues to a long kept secret. The book is fairly fast paced. If you have an uninterrupted afternoon/evening, you should be able to plow through a major portion. It is full of lush detail (which I like). Plus, it actually keeps me guessing about where the plot is going. The ending...was supurb! Its not my favorite book ever, but it was well worth the time spent reading it. And, I'd read other Dan Brown works now. :) That's my mini-book review.
from augustdreams :
Happy 2004! I hope it brings you good times and good things. I saved a midnight kiss for you, and promise to deliver in it person one of these days. :) *Mwah!* Lots of love to you and your fuzzy ones from me and mine.
from tinyhiney :
Thanks for the nice note!! Happy New Year to you and your dogs from me and mine!!
from larrielou :
Happy New Year to you too!!! Hope it's a great one. I'll be back in Melbourne on Feb 6th-8th. With my mum, so up to you if you want to catch up. Maybe we could meet up at the markets? Wait, no. You'll let me buy too much :-) :-) Of course you can add freefalling to your favourites...thanks for asking :-)
from living-lulu :
Thank You..thank you and Happy New Year!
from myramains :
Hey! Thanks for both reading, and for the plugs. I appreciate both a whole, big helluvalot, especially since my hit counter went Pffftlzp, and now it seems I have had exactly four visitors since August. I'll be poking around your diary now! :) Thanks again.
from iwantoomuch :
Merry Christmas Omorfia!!! I'm a little late, but I still have hugs! ((((((you)))))) oxoxo
from forestdream :
Enjoy the breadmaker! They're the most wonderful things. And I'm glad you had such a lovely Christmas :)
from joleen :
I'm so glad you had a great Christmas! Thanks for your lovely message in my guestbook, and I'm really flattered you've been enjoying my diary. I'm going through some things now, internally, so my writing will be up and down. Thanks for reading, as always. Happy Holidays! And love, and peace to you and your family.
from dana-elayne :
Ohhhhh! The crystal, the earrings, AND a Miss Piggy doll! Wonderful. You're spoiled...AND you should be.:) Happy Holidays.
from milkmaid :
Well Merry Christmas to you as well! Sounds like you had a perfect day. (Isn't it weird how your Christmas is done when ours is just beginning? We're only having coffee and breakfast - and you're going off to bed...) Cheers!
from enondoiel :
That was a really nice story perfect for Christmas! Happy Holidays!
from tinyhiney :
Hi! Thanks for the links to this diary and to Adopt Me too! It's nice to hear from another wacky dog person. I've been reading some of your entries and have already used one of your quizzes. I know I'll be going back to read more of your diary. Thanks again for linking to me!
from enondoiel :
Seriously, have you read any of my older entries? The SHAME!!! But I'm against deleting them, though, so they're staying. Unfortunately. But yes, I've given up on the swearing. Comes through from time to time (like today), but only when it fits (sort of :P)! I know, we're kind of alike in how we write, we don't share everything. But it's the little things that make life interesting! So my diary is rather a record of little things. Because they're often forgotten when they should be remembered! Or something like that :)
from iwantoomuch :
Then BEANS!!! I have bean off going crazy. I hope that I am back! I will just go crazy over here, instead of away! xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Hey Miss Omorfia! I hope you are well. Beans?
from augustdreams :
Mwa-hahaha! Oooh, yes. A definite Freudian slip! :D I'm going to go and correct it now! And I'd love to go ghosthunting with you. I've got Tuesday off, and I know I'll be sore and tired when I finish my Christmas shopping. So I'll settle in with some hot cocoa and tell you about our '8 Gates' adventure! I love you! Keep an eye out for your Christmas card. *Hug*
from larrielou :
Nah, not back. Just didn't want to lose my entries into diaryland cyberspace before I saved them all (and I'm too lazy to save all 714 entries...) And I'm planning on bringing Mum down sometime - for a girls' weekend. Early next year, or whenever virginblue have a sale. She'd love to meet you and your cats (especially Monster and Bambi :-)
from haloaskew :
The Five People You Meet in Heaven is about five people you meet in heaven. Ha! Basically it deals with someone's journey to heaven and five people who were in his life directly or indirectly. He thinks he had a boring, wasted life, but these people show him what his life on earth was truly all about. Very thought-provoking with lots of surprises!
from sexyoldman :
Thanks for coming by and saying hi. I just read your last entry about lusting over the men at sound nice and normal to me! Have you posted any pics of yourself...I did see the entry with the cats, but didn't see any of you.
from bestiary :
Thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement. Once again, you make me blush :) P.S. Your layout is way up there on the gorgeous scale - I love the colour.
from augustdreams :
*MWAH* Thanks for dropping by my notes. :) I'm good. I'm so happy you liked your poem. *doing a patriotic dance* How are YOU doing? It sucks a big, juicy lemon that they didn't hire you. Their loss will be someone else's gain, sweetie. Someone will be *VERY* lucky to have you as an employee. Love ya!
from dana-elayne :
*GRRRRRRRR* I'm sorry that you didn't get the job. That's just stupidwrong. *huggles*
from augustdreams :
I love your newlayout! :) Bubblebaths rock. Want to join me in one? *winking* Love ya!
from timdangerous :
I love the new layout, it makes me giggle.
from littlemummy :
Hoping one of those people isn't me...
from timdangerous :
hugs hugs kissy kissy.
from dana-elayne :
Love the bubble layout. Its prettiful. And Corey? Ummmm, *ew*
from haloaskew :
Thanks! What a wonderful compliment!!
from lagrimitas :
Hope all turns out well. Really like the new layout =) I was rather fond of the dragon one though, I love dragons =D
from lagrimitas :
Glad your well, it does seem like an angel was watching over you. Makes you think plenty when something like that occurs. =)
from dana-elayne :
OH MY GOSH! I'm so glad that you're okay. How very scary! What an idiot that person was for not turning on his lights or anything. *huggles and bubble baths* I'm SO happy that you're just sore and without a car. You are irreplaceable.
from haloaskew :
All is well, fair Omorfia. I've been busy. Thanks for thinking of me...will update, um, eventually!
from bestiary :
Are my eyes deceiving me or do you have a new layout? Sorry if it's been new for a while. I've been busy lately and have lacked the time to pay my buddy list a visit. Thanks for making my latest entry a favourite of yours. I was almost reluctant to post it - writing about my lovelife, or lack thereof, tends to invite badness. But it was a nice...release to write on that topic.
from larrielou :
Aw, thanks. I added heaps of red cordial to it, and it was bearable. But the after effects of it are SHOCKING. Ugh, toilet how I hate thee....
from jason75 :
now the invite goes out and we are in WA.. save me some cake
from augustdreams :
I loved your entry for today. (Sept. 21) Beautiful! I love teh scent of fresh cut grass too, and your book does sound divine. Can I join you in the tub? Bliss! :)
from augustdreams :
I want to join you at the pub! Can Aph come, too? :) I'm so glad to hear your mama-one is feeling better. Give her a hug from me. I'm not sure if you've tried to email me - my centralpets account is down. They had some big server crash. (Arg, I say. Arg!) Love ya, my dear Miss O.
from iwantoomuch :
from lagrimitas :
that was just too cute, my kitty Tigger must have either liked it as well since he keeps trying to pounce on the keyboard and is purring like crazy! hehe perhaps he is attempting to hit the high note as well =)
from augustdreams :
La-la-la-la! Just dropping by to sing happy melodies and dance with you across kitchen tiles in our socks. :) The fuzzy pets send you fuzzy hugs. I think most of the time *real* strength isn't always feeling strong and brave, it's carrying on even when you feel weak. Mars sounds beautiful. Love you, Miss O!
from haloaskew :
"Shoestring" potatoes are just little cooked salted potato sticks (they kinda resemble short shoestrings, hence the name) that you can buy in the snack aisle at the store over here. Big hit with kids. They come in cans and you can grab a handful and pop 'em in your mouth. Yummy!
from lagrimitas :
Wish things were running more smoothly, sending well wishes to your entire family and good vibes your way.
from iwantoomuch :
Thank you SO much for the offer. I am feeling better now, but that makes me feel all warm and tingly and BEANS. *nods*
from haloaskew :
Awww, thanks! (P.S. Did you know that you're getting close to entry #666? Too bad it's not closer to Halloween...BOO!)
from augustdreams :
I'm a good kisser! I'll come and keep you company. I've usually got some horrid sort of illness brewing so maybe our germs will get together and form a chorus-line! :-D I'm so sorry you're sick. Want me to come over and do naked Patriotic dancing for you? I got no rhythm baby, but I'll show you how to make a tissue dance. (Put a little boogey in it! *silly grin*) You take care of yourself, my Omorfia! Don't work too hard! **hugs** Love you!
from lagrimitas :
Hope you start to feel better soon *hugz*
from haloaskew :
Thank you! Here's a cupcake. No, wait. Take two. :)
from augustdreams :
You're definitely not the only one! Heeheehee...I start laughing every time I look at my new layout. OMORFIA'S GOT THE BEET! :-D Love you!
from silver-blue :
Aww I'm jealous! I wanna go inside that house!! As for the Cry To Heaven scene.. which one? There's quite a few in there.. I think it would be safe for me to say both hehe
from silver-blue :
(your guestbook hates me) I have read the witching hour. After reading all the vampire chronicles that were out and waiting for the next I started reading her one off books and decided to leave the mayfair witches til last and to a certain extent I did, I just couldn't find the other books for sale hehe I don't know which book you're talking about although Memnoch The Devil was religiously concerned and I quite liked it. I like anything I read of hers and you're right.. it's hard to say which one is a fav if you think about it too much but all I can say was Violin was not it. I like Cry To Heaven though.. have you read that? By the way.. yes we do live quite close to each other hehe I don't think there's anywhere else that has a house asbeautiful as that. Where abouts are you?
from iwantoomuch :
Kay. (Beans).
from iwantoomuch :
I wish I could come over there and give YOU a hug! ((((Omorfia)))). I need hugs. And you need hugs too, whether you actually do or not. Okay I just got home from work and it's all babbly. BEANS!!!!
from augustdreams :
I love you! How are you doing? {{{Omorfia}}} I'm thinking of you. I tried to send you an ecard but it bounced back on me. I shall try again! For I shall not let the strange curse of our email I've lost my train of thought. My heart and thoughts are with you, sweet one.
from iwantoomuch :
A million, billion, trillion hugs and snuggles of comfort to you my darling Omorfia I am so sorry to hear about Humphrey! I know you will miss him so very much and nothing I can say will bring him back, but I am here for you and I love you.
from chanter :
oh, sweetie i'm so sorry to hear about humphrey. that's awful. big hug to you from the other side of the world.
from augustdreams :
Eeeee! Thanks for the note. :) I love you, my Miss O. Hugs to you and all the furbabies. Did you get my last email? From my centralpets addy? **hugs**
from omorfia :
this diary needs a disco nap. i've decided to lock up again - please - no more notes. i think i'll just open every now and then and if you are so inclined, you can read the back issues. crap and inconvenient for you, i know. i'm sorry. but best for me.
from sicluceatlux :
miss diamonds is officially dead. this is the new me.
from erinlew :
glad you are back! now that my parents know about my diary, i'm thinking of changing mine, too. let me know if you do change (you can keep the URL secret and i won't mind) - how you feel about the decision and whether it's good or bad etc.
from haloaskew :
Thank ya! Can I eat a cupcake off the stripper? Heck, I can do whatever I want, I'm the birthday girl!
from augustdreams :
You're locked! Is everything okay? I love you, O.
from haloaskew :
I'm locked out! :( Hope everything's ok with you...
from littlemummy :
I hope you're okay, my love. If you are sharing your password, I would be honoured to have it. I miss my Aquarian on a Pisces cusp twin!
from iwantoomuch :
You're LOCKED. With a PASSWORD! A password that I don't HAVE! So I can't SEE you in there! And that makes me SAD. But I still love you, so don't feel anything except my swooping love that i am vibing your way right now. Oh yeah. Hem. Beans?
from orpheusd0wn :
Sweetest Omorfia, you've locked your diary. I do hope you are well. If there's anything that can be done from this side of the pond, let me know.
from dana-elayne :
*gasp* locked? locked? NO! I hope everything is okay.
from mulher :
Madame, have you gone completely bonkers? How am I supposed to get through my morning routine without a password to your diary now????
from gypped :
omorphia! you are so locked, it's not even funny. what's going on?
from iwantoomuch :
I love you and I miss you and now I want to hug you! bEANsandstuffxoxoxo
from haloaskew :
Awww, thanks so much for your note! It's wonderful to know that even after his passing, Izzy still touches people's hearts!
from augustdreams :
Damn! You wouldn't have a copy of your reply, would you? I've just now fixed the filters on my email addy. It was shoving things in my junkmail inbox. When did email get so complicated? [old lady rant]Why, back in my day...all we had was one gosh darned box and by God, we were happy to have it! [/old lady rant]*Heeheehee!* Could you please email me again at that address so I can add your supersecret address to the filter thingy so it won't send your emails to that great ethernet in the sky before I get to read them? Geez, this is a long note! Wanna come over and take a shower with me? Ahhh, nice cold water and a gorgeous Omorfia! Heh. heh. Oops. I think I meant to just think that. ;) Love ~ Nicole
from augustdreams :
I just sent you an ecard! :) Did it arrive safely or did your email send it out to frolic in cyberspace? Love you!
from haloaskew :
Why thank ya! I always try to see the humor in everything...the shittier things get, the more savage I can be! ;)
from iwantoomuch :
I need to give you a big squishy hug! There are people listening who don't need all of the information my babbles would provide. I'm just in love with another boy and I feel completely awkward, but that's what I do best. I don't know when I'm coming to visit you! I just hope that it's as soon as possible. Can Gemma come too? BEANS!
from timdangerous :
Would it be a "shocking" experience then love?
from iwantoomuch :
from dana-elayne :
No, you don't sound whacko at all. I just feel as though fate is trying to tell you BOTH something. I mean for the two of you to meet where both of you hardly ever venture. It just seems too much. I hope that this turns out well. *squeeze*
from haloaskew :
Thank you!! :)
from raven72d :
Ahhh-- but who is Voodoo?
from haloaskew :
Yeah, I really like that John Mayer song when I first heard it...I actually thought it was that lead singer (Peter somebody) from that duo Go West in the 80's (remember the song "Call Me"? He also did that song in Pretty Woman - "The King of Wishful Thinking", I think...) Anyhoo, the album's pretty good, but I listened to that one song over and over and started to tire of it...*sigh*
from chanter :
okay, it's sent. :) i hope it comes through.
from chanter :
aw, you're so sweet. :) thank you. i did get your mail, by the way. i hope you got mine -- i just sent it yesterday. ::smooch::
from augustdreams :
Yes, yes! It shall be a yearly tradition. *grin* Thank you SO much for what you said about my entry for today. I would never tire of that, it's a thrill for me every time someone tells me they were moved by something I've written. Especially when it's someone I love! :) No matter how long it takes, one day I'm going to make my living just writing. No more stinky theme parks giving me the boot when I'm sick, or demonspawn kids breaking my thumbs - just me and my words. Ahh, bliss. Hey! I need a picture of you and Mia to take to camp with me this summer. I want friendly faces smiling at me while I'm up there in the Palm Tree-less wastelands. (Heh.) Maybe you could get Jas and your mama one in there, too. Well, now that I've done my daily ramble in your notes, my work here is done. No, no. Don't thank me, good citizens. *heeheehee* Love always, ~Nicole
from augustdreams :
Thank you! I keep going to my diary just to look at the layout. I love the Palm trees here so much, seeing them there makes my heart fill up with happy! :) Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my last entry, too! I love you. Oh! One last thing. Seeing as it's my birthday this weekend...can I lick frosting off you? *big grin* Love ya, ~Nicole
from erinlew :
I will go dancing with you! I do not drink alcohol, but that does not mean I don't have fun (or that people don't think I'm drunk anyway). I am dying to go to that Extreme Karaoke thing, too...
from iwantoomuch :
Thanks ((((((you)))))! She's okay, she'll probably get to come home at the end of the week. It just gave us a bit of a scare! I will save up! And come down to visit you at a non-busy time and we will have lots of fun! xoxobeansxoxo
from augustdreams :
Okay, Omorfia's email. Now you've done it! You have forced me to post her birthday card message HERE, in her notes. You thought you'd foil my plans, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU??? Well, think again, buttercup! *Mwa-hahahahahaha!* Here ya go, sweetheart. There was originally a beautiful poem and picture to go with this, but I'll send those later - when your email stops hating me. ;) --------------------- My beautiful Omorfia, I've got all kinds of Birthday wishes and presents for you. Some of them would be illegal in some states so I'll save them up for when I come and visit you! *heeheehee* I wish you all the happiness in the world, all the joy in small things like happy dogs, purring cats, light breezes at night, dancing with the moon, naked dancing, snogging and cocoa at just the right temperature. I want you to know that you're a kind, generous, loving, perverted, hilarious and talented woman with a spirit that shines like the sun. Life is about the journey, not the destination. You'll find your true path and passion, sweetie. But you're already a success, because of all the love you give and all the love you get in return. I love you, Omorfia. Happy 27th year! May this be the best one yet! And my our friendship last forever. Love always, Nicole
from augustdreams :
I didn't get your rambly email. Please give me the address of your email provider as it is high time I kicked some ass. ;) Love and patriotic dancing, ~Nicole
from augustdreams :
Did you get your ecard? I remember you said your email was being cranky lately. Dang email! So, when do we get some new Mia pictures? Patriotic snogging, Nicole
from augustdreams :
You've Got Mail! Wheeeeeeee! Oh, and remember...never trust a Walrus! Heeheehee. Love, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
YAY! Then I shall come to visit you in (pick a month)!!! beansBEANSbeans
from haloaskew :
Ohmygod my pets are driving me mad as well...I keep feeding them and they act as if they haven't eaten barely a kibble in days. If Nub doesn't get OFF the kitchen counter soon, I'm gonna have to do something drastic. Like stick a piece of tape on his head to keep him busy. Ha! Anyhoo, thanks so much for mentioning me in Sunday's entry! The whole thing named after ME...WOWZA! Too wonderful!
from iwantoomuch :
Would it just annoy you if I came to visit you on a Monday and then left on the Wednesday after?
from haloaskew :
BTW, thanks for the note of caution regarding nasty neighbors doing bad things to people's pets...that thought actually ran through my mind over the weekend. Most of the time, I'm right by the boys when we're out on the balcony, but they do sit out there alone sometimes, so I'll keep that thought in my mind, just in case!
from haloaskew :
"Inky pinky ponky"! hee!
from haloaskew :
Thanks, sweetie! I love your diary too! :)
from lagrimitas :
glad it was nothing might just be from the cold =( hope you start to feel better soon enough =)
from lagrimitas :
WOW what results! hehe, and nice slip up at work its naturally human though hehe have a peachy weekend!
from iwantoomuch :
I think I'm late with this note, so I shall text my number to you in the morning. I will hopefully talk to you soon! And, I wanna see the Mia photos. xoxoxobeans!
from iwantoomuch :
Yes I am here! I didn't get any notes to tell me about your notes! Huff. But here I am and BEANS and now I'm going heh. oxoxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
YAY! (((((((((Omorfia)))))))))!!! Big gladness that you're okay.
from iwantoomuch :
I would LOVE some beans! And a HUG. I have presents to send you! Where is your address? I think you should accidentally tell me exactly where you live on purpose. BEANS! xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Good luck at the doctors!
from jason75 :
on a less interesting note than my diarist night thingy is that I am a home loan person type as well.. so if you want like honest type advice on home loans.. send me an email and will let you know
from larrielou :
He he he. You sent it to yourself! He he he! </cackle>
from diarytag :
Tag! What is currently on your bedside table?
from iwantoomuch :
Feel better Miss Omorfia! Beans and stuff xoxoxo
from ozbtvs :
Happy Birthday for yesterday. Sorry I'm a bit late.
from ozbtvs :
at this point I don't give a damn about the card, I have more important things to think about. them being work and organising something for the Shave For A Cure fundraiser. I am sacrificing my curls for the cause.
from rainman73 :
Hey, how ya doing ? ! Just thought I�d let you know about this nifty site I�ve come across for fans like me and you of Stevie Wonder. You get points for stuff that you do like requesting songs on the radio, doing quizzes and polls. You get to trade these points in for cool things like posters, cd�s and other swag. If you fancy it head over to It tells you all about the �Conception� tribute album that comes out on 18th March as well. Theres loads of other artists that they do e teams for too, check em out at
from iwantoomuch :
YAY for the new quote! xoxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
((((((omorfia)))))) *shoos those bad dreams away* Here, have some BEANS!!! xoxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Elloooo! Are you there now?
from augustdreams :
Eight hatchling Sea Turtles with the letters T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U handpainted on their shells to you! :) Isn't it wonderful when someone understands? ~happy sigh~ You're right. Nothing wrong with needing time to yourself. Oooh, and I sooo wish you could come to the slumber party in June! But don't worry...I plan to come and visit you this summer and we'll do some serious Patriotic Dancing! (and snogging, and giggling, and making play-doh creations...) Love and thanks for being so wonderful, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! I've been having trouble with my computer and I thought I had shut it off last night, but apparently it decided it wasn't finished yet! I found your aim window at the bottom of the screen just before, but I couldn't read what you had written because everything was frozen. Eek. Anyway, I'm sorry that you didn't get an answer! I really wanted to talk to you too! I hope you have a great night though :-). Beans again! xoxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
*grins* YAY! I HOPE so. Thank you for being so wonderful. I do think that there is staying at Gemma's house and visiting her parent's house in the country to fit in too though, so I'm puzzled as to how we shall fit it all in. PLUS. How am I gonna carry all my shopping home? Hehe. Oh! But you have to come to the country house because it's in the COUNTRY. And, there was something else but I've forgotten. Beans!!! xoxoxo
from augustdreams :
THANKYOUTHANKYOU! :) Thanks for sharing my giddiness over that comment. I would love to share my story with you! I promise to send you some of it *very* soon. Oooh. New hairstyle goodness! I think this calls for some Patriotic Dancing! (Snogging, too. 'Cause there's never a wrong time for some snogging!) Love and smooches, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
YAY! And I get to see your new funky hair in FEBRUARY! In less than a month! Because it's all about me coming to Melbourne hehe. I'm excited for the cutting of your hair!
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! I got the tickets! 4th to 14th! I'm an excited little cookie. BEANS I TELL YOU! xoxoxoxo
from chanter :
it was so good to hear from you! i'm sorry that i missed the picture you had up on your site, however briefly. thank you for your note and for the holiday wishes - i hope the year to come brings you love and light. (and i hope the weeks to come bring me an e-mail from you!)
from iwantoomuch :
Merry CHRISTMAS my darling Omorfia!!! I hope your day was spleeeendiiiiid. LOVE Amz
from iwantoomuch :
Hellooooooooooooooooo there! I cannot WAIT until February. Seriously cannot wait. WHOO! How ya doing chicka? (MWAHbeansxoxoxoxo)
from iwantoomuch :
(((((({((((((Omorfia))))))}))))))! Oooh I slipped in a bit of a snuggle there ... I hope that's okay! Hee. (XOXO)
from iwantoomuch :
You need a drive in the countryside and snuggles and wine! And fruit salad with cherries in it, for it is fruit salad tuesday once again! LOVE to you, m'dear. (((((hugshugshugs)))))
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}} I'll come and walk with you, and make you laugh. You're never alone, because you're always in my heart and thoughts. Aph and Woodstock love you, too. If you ever feel lonely, just close your eyes and think about how many people out here love you. Hugs to you and all the fuzzybutts! Love, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
I know, it's okay! He's so RUDE. Hrmph. But anyway, I hope you had a lovely day!
from vikingcelt :
I'm glad you're enjoying my little story, O. Thanks for all your encouragement! I'm in a slump, but I feel like if I can make it through this, I can make it all the way. It's sure made the month of November go quickly! ~Sadie
from iwantoomuch :
((((Omorfia!)))) That is all.
from devian :
don't sweat it! the important thing is you came and did leave a note! i don't consider it rude :) i also love tom robbins, and of course, j.k. rowling. but tom is so good...huge fan of "even cowgirls get the blues".
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! I miss you big time. Come back, and stuff. Beans?
from iwantoomuch :
Let's do lunch. :-)
from iwantoomuch :
Dude, I think my jewellery apprenticeship that I have not been offered yet will take me about four years. Heh. So, we should just get Melbourne to offer me a job and a place to live, and then have it dust its' hands and smile. And I shall love Melbourne even more than when I started! BEANS!
from iwantoomuch :
Oh. That was so beautiful. *sigh*
from augustdreams :
Thank you, thank you! :) It's my dream to one day get paid for writing silly things. Maybe it'll come true! How's my Omorfia? Thank you for the sweet email, too. I understand sometimes it's hard to find a moment during the day to breathe, let alone write long letters! So, don't worry, no rush. I'm happy anytime I find a lovely surprise in my inbox. :) The Stingrays, Dolphins, Tree Frogs and tiny Lizards all say hello! Aph and Woodstock send you their love. Lotsa love and snogging, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
YAY! Also, when I come down there, I'm going to practice moving down there. This will involve me saying at every store we shop at, "I could work HERE." That will involve me drawing more attention to us than is probably necessary. WAIT! We're BRILLIANT! So that works out well. Oh the fun we'll have! (Hehehe poor Omorfia!) BEANS, luvvy, BEANS! (I'm excited)
from iwantoomuch :
Awwwww she's SO CUTE! She's just gettin' CUTER. Okay I'll stop now.
from iwantoomuch :
When does daylight savings end? I want to see the saving of the daylight!! And ... hi! BEANS!
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! When I come visit you, where will I keep my SHOES! Hee. xoxoxobeanoxoxox
from iwantoomuch :
WHOO for new BRAS!
from bestiary :
Thanks :) I can't believe I put it off for so long. How liberating it was...And yet, at the same time, how benign and insignificant a thing to fear.
from iwantoomuch :
((((((Omorfia)))))) You'll get her back. You'll get everything back. And we'll go driving.
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}} And how's the world's best auntie doing? :) Aph and I would gladly move over and give you room to snuggle under the quilt with us! **Huge hugs and kisses** Love, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Ohh can we go to the drive-in?? Can we can we?
from iwantoomuch :
from ozbtvs :
hello, how goes thee omorfia, melbourne's greatest aunt????????? just thought I'd leave a message saying that Mia is just the cutest lil gal that I've seen for ages. I'd say she's cuter than my nieces were as babie's but being a biased uncle, I can't.
from iwantoomuch :
I wanted to leave that there all by itself, so it looks kinda creepy. But as it turns out, I can't. So, BEANS!!!
from iwantoomuch :
I am so stalking you in February.
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from devian :
i really do love your diary. so beautifully constructed. and i too love armistead maupin.
from iwantoomuch :
!!! She's so gorgeous!!! I want more photos!! Ahem. Hi! :-D beans beans beans beans beans
from iwantoomuch :
Yah! I'm just on my Dad's computer for today is all. :-)
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! You need to come back and update, cause I miss you and everything revolves around me! Hehe. Oh poor Omorfia, you can't get two days peace and quiet! Aye. BeansBeansBeans!
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}} I *promise* that I'm sending you an email with all the juicy details! (I know, I know. I'm such a horrible procrastinator! Feel free to pelt me with recently thawed Trout for not having sent you one already!) It's sooo exciting that the little one finally arrived. I'll bet you're the best aunty in the world! Love, love, love and Patriotic Snogging, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Especially because you said enchanting, I'm going to smother you with brackets. ((((((((Omorfia)))))))))) BIGLOVE, Amz. Ooh ooh and bEAns!
from iwantoomuch :
Elloooo Miss Omorfia! Work crap sucks. Heh. But it does and so I've come to give you lots of BEANS!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox whoo!
from augustdreams :
CONGRATULATIONS AUNTIE OMORFIA!!!! Give that new little one a kiss on her sweet, newborn forehead from me. :) (and one for Jas, too.) Oh...and *wicked grin* I'll be right over for you to kiss it and make it better. *giggling inappropriately* Next summer...there shall be PATRIOTIC DANCING! Enjoy that sweet little niece of yours and take care. Love always, ~Nicole
from missdiamonds :
*squeals* congratulations!! I wanted to call you while I was at work today but I thought you'd be exhausted and probably drooling all over your neice...neice!! you're an aunty!! duh Gem hehe congrats again honey I'm so pleased I actually sat and did girly clapping and bounced in my chair when I first read!! ok I'll stop being scary and leave you alone now. I hope Jas and baby are well and that I see photos soon! *HUGS* byebye! *waves to amz* helloooo! hehehe (ok i'm really going now) xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
MIA!! That's beautiful! Happy Birthday Mia!! WHOO!
from dana-elayne :
Welcome to the world kitten :)
from forestdream :
Congratulations! It finally happened - and I'm so glad it seemed to go smoothly. Oooh, this is so exciting. I can't wait to hear more about her :)
from chanter :
i *love* starfish and coffee! well. the whole album, really. anyway, you have fine taste. btw, didja get the e-mail i sent a while back?
from iwantoomuch :
Dang! That there was swell, Omorfia! Hee. YAY!!!! (((((Omorfia))))) BEANS! Thank you lovely! xoxoxo
from ozbtvs :
thank you very much for your birthday wishes. I'm a happy chappy right now. I hope you have a nice day.
from iwantoomuch :
Tripe, my foot! And I'm probably more excited about the baby than I should be ... hmm. BEANS!!!
from iwantoomuch :
Is the baby here yet!? Hee. Well ... is she?
from larrielou :
Whoa! Slow down!!!!! Thanks for your excitement, firstly! I don't know what to think at the moment. I'm waiting to hear back about Brisbane jobs to see where I stand....!!! Scary stuff, this adulthood.
from iwantoomuch :
YAY! That's all I ask. For now. Mwa ha hahaha. Okay I'm done.
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
I know the baby isn't here yet ... pfft. I'm just excited, you see.
from iwantoomuch :
Are you gonna show us photos of the baby? Heh. But are you? Hey, I too like BEANS!
from iwantoomuch :
And (((((Omorfia)))))!! I'm so glad you're okay!
from iwantoomuch :
YAY FOR PHOTOS! I LOVE the one of you in front with the sunnies. And I also LOVE the ones of your mama-one. Beans!!
from iwantoomuch :
Yes, but why is Coldplay stuck in my head then? It's not even a song I know. It's the song from the ad and I've never heard it all the way through, so the same line keeps repeating itself over and over and I'm not even sure I've got that line right. Blah. Alloo. Peppermint aero?
from iwantoomuch :
That made me sit up and pay attention! Thanks :).
from iwantoomuch :
I wanted to send you another squashy hug for cheering me up, because you rock and squashy hugs are the best! *squashyhug*!!! (heh!) BEANS!
from iwantoomuch :
If you're not too tired, busy, whatever ... aim workin'?
from iwantoomuch :
Ooh a slap on the ARSE! Well! I'm thinking that putting 'ooh' on the start of that sentence just made the whole thing wrong. I shall never diss your lovely town again, eh? Yay for Signs! I'd like to see that again. I'd also like to see Heaven when it comes out. Mmmmm Giovanni and Cate. I'd also like to see AP3, but I'm afraid that ol' Seth bothers me with this crazy new hairdo I see. Disturbed I am! Disturbed! Here the note endeth, and such. :-D BEANS!
from iwantoomuch :
(((((Omorfia)))))!!! AlloooOOO! I just thought I'd come and yell at you before I do anything else. :-D Hee. And BEANS. MISSED ya.
from iwantoomuch :
Okay, it's cool. Maybe I'll talk to you when I get back. And I wish I could give YOU a big hug! If the baby arrives while we're away, tell her I said she's beautiful and she's lucky to have the best Auntie in the WORLD. I'm sure you'll tell her that anyway. You know, if she arrives. Whoo! Love ya, see ya soon! xoxoxo
from chanter :
I didn't get your e-mail! At least not any that you've sent in the past month. I'm happy that you e-mailed me, tho. :)
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia? Are you there?
from britneypink :
I feel like I'm reading the true plot of what went wrong before Resident Evil took over.
from iwantoomuch :
*giggles* It's in my head! But I'm afraid that's where it'll have to stay, as I'm off to work! ;p BEANS! And such.
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
Yay! Yup, I hope so! Haven't really worked that one out yet. Bless you and your throat! Poor Omorfia! Feel better xoxo! Mwah!
from iwantoomuch :
You have to hop in Gemma's luggage! There's still time! It'll be grand. Or, you know, I could just come visit you around ... January sometime ... hee! It's Friday! xoxoxoBEANSxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
I found myself missing you today ... is that odd? Come and watch fireworks and listen to 'sexy boy' with me!! (Hey, we can watch Keanu if ya want to) Beans!!
from iwantoomuch :
Or some ... BEANS?
from iwantoomuch :
I would LOVE a chip sandwich! Don't suppose you'd care for a strawberry milkshake?
from iwantoomuch :
Of course not! Everybody needs to be looked after. You don't have to not need anybody to be strong. xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
I am now! Except, are you? Curses on the notes section for having no time! Perhaps if it did, it would be crazy, like guestbook time though. If you get this message now (11:48 P.M.), sign on and I shall stalk you (maniacal (is that a word) cackling) and BEANS!!
from iwantoomuch :
and everything turns out right in the end, if you have faith! And stuff. Rock on, with going back to your old job! How's your foot?
from iwantoomuch :
*crosses fingers* It's all good! YAY FOR AUGUST! Sue their rotten carpark arses off! (Ahem). ~~~magic healy type stuff~~~
from iwantoomuch :
Oh dear! (((Omorfia))) you sit down and I'll bring you cups of tea and magic heal-y medicine and and and CHOCOLATE!! xoxoxo I so hope you're feeling better soon! LOVE!
from augustdreams :
I loooooove you! I owe you a good, long, juicy email. I promise to deliver this weekend. *heeheehee* I also owe you kisses 'n hugs and Patriotic dancing. I haven't been by your g*book in a bit...but not 'cause I haven't been reading! I'm wiped out from working so many hours but reading your diary is always a joy so I make time for it. :) Oh! And thanks for the definition of "sook". How entirely inappropriate! HE was being a sook. The big, ugly wanker. Love and sunshine, ~Nicole & The fuzzy ones
from iwantoomuch :
Thank you (((Omorfia))) for saying that. *Beans*
from iwantoomuch :
well besides *my* momma ... :-)
from iwantoomuch :
Yes, I did read that Ani DiFranco poem. I think I gotta start finding out more about this Ani chick. You are the best Momma I know!
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
Yay! Now I have three! You wanna sit in the front? (I don't know where I'm going). It's gonna be a blast! You bet.
from iwantoomuch :
Heh thanks! I think I'm finally done with the music, authors and movies ... but I'm stuck on the diaries. I definitely wanna put some new comments up there. It's a crazy time! Pizza?
from iwantoomuch :
:D (((((((((Omorfia)))))))))
from iwantoomuch :
Aw they are gorgeous!! (((Omorfia's pets)))
from iwantoomuch :
I decided to buy you strawberry cheesecake and a bag of straws, because you never know when you might need them!
from an-insight :
Arrrggghh, that blows. As they say, "Bad cop! No donut!" ;^)
from timdangerous :
I am not familiar with the laws there Omorfia, but if that happene dto me here, I would make the court appearance and tell the Judge what you just told us. Odds are, he would scold you for being "forgetful", but toss the fine, or reduce it at the least. I'm not familiar with the conversion rate AU/USA, but that seems seriously steep for an expired registration. Do you have any friends in law? *hugs and kisses* I'm really sorry!
from iwantoomuch :
((((Omorfia)))) :-) How was your day?
from askaphrodite :
I love you! I'll bet you smell wonderful. Love, Aphrodite
from iwantoomuch :
Nothing I've ever heard you say has been selfish, and remember that you can say anything at all that you're feeling and it won't make you any less of a person. There are no responsibilities here, though I guess whatever you say will inspire feedback that may be unintentionally worse than the silence that would greet you otherwise. Still, no matter how many times I'd tell people not to hold back on something they want to say, there will always be things that I'll have trouble revealing. I know I'm young and stupid, but I'd prefer to leave you a note than not say anything at all. Beans. xoxo
from iwantoomuch :
I just saw you in red on my buddy list and went, "Omorfia! We love her." Not out loud of course, but I thought it very clearly. Yah. (((((Omorfia))))). Beans. xoxoxo.
from enidhere :
thanks for your note...hope you get some sleep soon...and thanks for that interesting take on Monica.
from iwantoomuch :
Well now, nobody seems to be having good days lately. What is wrong with the universe!? I seriously object. So I bought you a present. You can open it if you like. Sorry about all the sticky tape. It's a funky candlestick holder! With candles! And it matches everything in your house! Wow! xoxoxo BEANS. Heh.
from larrielou :
And have you heard the results yet? I've been thinking of you all the time. It's bizarre who/what you're thinking of in awkward kind of moments...heheheh: too much information?
from larrielou :
Oh, I know! This *was* seedless. But they still have those little white seeds! :-D
from iwantoomuch :
(((((Omorfia))))) How about a healthy slice of strawberry cheesecake! How's Cass doing? And how's the bub? Hope you're well, xoxo! Beans!
from augustdreams :
You remembered it's my Birthday month! *wagging my tail* Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Actually, my birthday is June 19th. I'll be 11 years old. My mom found out when she found my AKC papers. Then she felt really guilty because she'd gotten the date wrong! Don't tell her it's okay with me, though. That way I can look sad and insulted at her and she'll give me sugar-free doggy cookies! Thank you for being so nice to my Nicole. She says good things about you! Have you got anything to eat? Can you send me some stuff from your kitchen garbage? That's the best stuff! Have a day full of good smells! Love, Aphrodite
from augustdreams :
{{omorfia}} Awww, you know I'd blow off Brett if you showed up with some Legos and hot cocoa for some snogging! ;) How's Cass? Thank you for the lovely email! I shall reply ASAP! 'nighty night, beautiful! Love and sleepy smiles, ~Nicole
from timdangerous :
((((((Omorfia)))))) Sending mega-waves of positive energy your way. Luv Ya! ~t
from iwantoomuch :
Wish I could give you a big hug! Poor Cass - I don't even know what that involves, but I'm hoping for the least scary option, come biopsy. ((((((For you and Cass!)))))) and get Willy Wonka out of your head! Put something less wistful in there :-). Beans. XOXO
from augustdreams :
{{Omorfia}} Have I mentioned that I love you? :) They've got Jungle Lego sets now...little Lego 'gators! Wheeee! I'll pick some up, and you bring the hot chocolate and we'll have us a party. (and snogging!) Thanks for the g*book love. You always make me smile. Love and Sunshine, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Oh no, she doesn't! Whoops, there I go not explaining myself again. Sometimes I get two songs stuck in my head at the same time - last night it was My Old Flame by Peggy and the Willy Wonka song. Ah ... yeh. LOL. (((Omorfia))). I hate not knowing too. I think I keep acting on the wrong signs. But you know, we can count on Beans!! Whatever that means ...xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Glad Brodie's out too. Crossing my stuff for Cass! Before I forget. and stuff. xoxo
from iwantoomuch :
*squeezes your hand*
from iwantoomuch :
Oh gosh, that's beautiful! I'll have to remember that ... ((((((Omorfia)))))). Hey, we just watched the season finale of Six Feet Under! Did you? I wonder if it'll be on next week. Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
Oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting that either! Heh. Thank you *so* much! I'm all inspired and a little high on chocolate (want some?) but wow, you've just made me so incredibly glad to *be*. Beans!! At lot of them. :-) xoxoxoxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! Hi!! *waves madly*
from augustdreams :
Thank you so much. I love you, too. Queen of the Obvious *smile* but I really needed that tonight. Thanks. Love, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
I wanted to say thanks for the offer and for the support, xoxo! Things are going great today and I'm so tired I have to go to sleep! Also, I bought you strawberry cheesecake because you missed George at the Tivoli! Don't worry though, they'll be around again. Hee. Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
Heya. I'm tired :-). I just wanted to say thank you and happy birthday to Jas!! And I miss you too - I hope everything's going well with work and your kitties and doggies and your mama-one! BeAnS!! xoxoxo
from lostnfallen :
I just had to say I LOVE that chinese dragon on your diary =)
from boardybabe :
helps if i tell u my email! [email protected] - anyone can read it, i dont mind, hence the online diary! as long as ur not my bf's mum!
from boardybabe :
hey dude, just to let you know run into trouble with my diary - worst possible scenario - boyfriends mother found it and read the whole damn thing!! theres was a mega, mega bitch session about her - ouch! so ive locked the baby email me for the password if u like, ciao for now!
from iwantoomuch :
You are so wonderful! oh wait i said that already ... heh. My mind is all over the place, so when I settle down I'll be able to write again. I so want to be the way I was when I started! But anyway, I love you very much and i'm on a total high right now (big grin) and the mush is a side effect. LOL. Hope you have a lovely day! Eek i hafta go! Byeeeee! xoxoxoxo
from wolligog :
hi there, how goes thee? I'm ok. I hope you had a great day at the beach with your sister and your cute lil doggies. How goes work????? Working at a book publisher sounds interesting.
from augustdreams :
Omorrrrffffiiiiaaaa! Want to do a naked patriotic dance? :) Yaay for getting some time to bond with your doggles. And so many congratulations on your new-ish job! They're damn lucky to have you. Hmmmm. Monkyes! Monkeys! Llama Llama Llama! (I shouldn't eat chocolate covered coffee beans. I really shouldn't. *popping another one*) Love and Sunshine, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
You are so wonderful! Thank you for your words and your encouragement, it means a lot. Beans!!! Love ya heaps, xoxoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
((((((((((((((((((Omorfia)))))))))))))))))))) Okay it's not the same, but there ya go anyway! Beans :-).
from iwantoomuch :
Beans!!! You have yourself a rocking Saturday night, now!
from iwantoomuch :
I thought I left another message here, but apparently not. Huh! So I came to test out the colours thing by saying BEANS and by doing a little skip around the posies thing, which really, diaryland should allow more room for in here.
from augustdreams :
*heeheehee* You can jump outta cakes naken and make lewd remarks to me aaaaanytime, cutie-pie! *lascivious giggles* Love ya, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Yay Friday! And yay George! And yay these new Yellow m&ms that are white chocolate with mini m&ms inside! You have to find them and buy them and eat them, they rock!! :-D Beans! Heh
from augustdreams :
Omorfia!!!! *high fives* I attribute human emotions to everything, too! (This, um...includes stuff like rocking chairs and small lizards...) I always thought I was the only one! Wooooo-hoooooo for us! The Queens of Anthropomorphism! We rock. Love ya lots and lots, ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and I hope things are better for you today. xoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Okay, damn, he didn't yell at the neighbours. But someone will! Because holy hell. Anyway, I think I lost my point, and that note I just wrote (rhymes, whee!) was damn long (and with paragraphs!) and I think you get the gist anyway. So beans!!! xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
How did you get purple??! Oh wait I got that. Was it red? *shakes head*

I'm finding it very hard to concentrate because the people across the road are using microphones and loudspeakers (the same thing?) to talk to the people in their *very small* backyard. This is just to remind us neighbours that they are just too cool for words, because they have parties once a fortnight and play crap music and am I getting off the topic?

Okay, a lot of what you're saying, I can relate to, but I didn't want to say I'm going through the same thing, because that type of thing is significantly different for everyone. And I feel like saying that I pretty much love ya, no matter what you say, but I don't think that helps. I understand though, and that's the hard thing about diaryland and a lot of the time I say things that I maybe shouldn't or I delete a lot and lately I feel like I haven't been saying anything as though I can't remember how to write entries. And I don't remember why I started, but being a part of this community rocks and I don't want to give that - or the ability to express myself, or the fact that I own a little place - up. and i have to come back and finish coz my brother's gonna go yell at the neighbours, whee!

from omorfia :
from omorfia :
from iwantoomuch :
Wheee Rage! :-D Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
(((((((Omorfia)))))))! Eesh is it time for the vibes again? If so, vibesvibesvibesvibes! Heh. It's so hard starting new stuff, even without having to learn extra new stuff! Stuff stuff. I'd make you a big cup of milo and find us every flavour of Freddo even though we just had Easter And! We could watch Groundhog Day and I could show you all my pictures of Seth Green. Hehe. Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
Presenting myself as the crazy, scary person in your notes section. Sorry 'bout all those notes! Heh. {{{luckluckluckluckluck}}} I'm going away now I promise.
from iwantoomuch :
So what is green?
from iwantoomuch :
Oh no wait, apparently red is green. Um. Red ...
from iwantoomuch :
Okay apparently purple is green. purple ...
from iwantoomuch :
-{-{-{Luck}-}-}- and Beans!!! xoxox
from iwantoomuch :
No it's yours! Yay! And I know I've heard of Merrick and Russo but I just can't remember seeing them before. Strange ... did I get the names right? Heh. Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
YAY!! ((((Omorfia)))) Happiness at new job! *does an excited jig* Ohhh :-D this is wonderful! BEANS! Amz
from iwantoomuch :
Ooh! And I will work in the bakery! Although, I won't make any of the food because I will want people to buy it, so I will also volunteer my services of picking up the town's litter with one of those cool long spear things! Ahhh ... yes. I think we should Shhh me here. Heh. Beans!!
from iwantoomuch :
Ooh that didn't make any sense either! I'm a crazy, crazy girl. Giles is on tonight! And also! Six feet under!!! It's a very, very, very good episode. Well, at least the transcript was fabulous. Hee!
from iwantoomuch :
I remember now! Not breaks rocks ... bread rocks! Hmm I've put entirely too much energy into this, but now I can move on with my life! Heh. Party in the magic faraway tree!!! (Beans!) Amz. xoxoxo
from dana-elayne :
Ohhh sounds like a plan--I'll trade you goo goo clusters and moon pies for tim tams :)
from forestdream :
Isn't it cool? I decorated the big pool house too, so much fun! I'm no good at building houses with two stories, I just end up making a huge flat one, and it takes my Sims ages to walk from one end to the other.
from iwantoomuch :
What the hell is breaks rocks? *laughs at herself* Anyway! Happy Easter!!! Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and beans!!! xoxoxo
from timdangerous :
dear omorfia,
i still love you, please come home.
(p.s. i think i'm pregnant)
from shutupmom :
from iwantoomuch :
Breaks rocks. I won't say good luck, because you're not getting one ounce of yourself worked up. I won't mention anything about vibes either! But Giles is cool!! Ungood luck to you!! ;-) Mwa! And um happy good Wednesday! Oh yes. Beans! Amz. xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Hey dude. Odd greeting, yes. Anyway. *sprinkles fairy dust around for no particular reason except it just occurred to her to do so. Damn word occurred how do I spell that I'll never know?* ((((Omorfia)))) Is it time to send good vibes again? ~~~~vibes~vibes~vibes~~~~ Lalala. *does a little jig* Beans!!!!!!!! ! :-D Amz. !@#$#%^&*(~)
from larrielou :
I know! I noticed the same thing tonight actually! Bizarre. All I can say is you've got hidden talents, girl. More than any of us ever dreamed of. And I so need sleep. Heh.
from larrielou :
Heh. Um. Damn. It was kind of a rhetorical question. I didn't really want anyone to agree with it. Sheesh. As if I don't have a big enough complex already!!! :-D
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}} Sweetie! Are you okay? Head wounds do tend to bleed A LOT and look really scary! :( I'd have cried, too! Make sure you take some Tylenol or something and try an ice bag if there's a lump. 20 minutes on then 20 min. off! Sorry! I sound like your great aunt Gertrude, don't I? *smile* I can't help it! It's that stint in nursing school. :) Anyhow, I love you! And yaaay! You took that cool test. I definitely see you the way it says your friends're lovely. ~Nicole
from an-insight :
Good for you! I hate it when people contact you just to tell you, in a nutshell, how wrong you are and how right they are. As if you don't have the right to your own opinion without some lunkhead needing to force theirs on you. Sheesh.
from augustdreams :
I believe in magic, too. :) I'm sure your star is a sign that things are going to change for the better. I HATE miserable jobs. I hate co-workers and bosses that leave you full of rage and slugging down the Pepto straight from the bottle every night. Grrrrr. They DO NOT deserve my beautiful, wonderful Omorfia. Want me to call 'em up and tell 'em that!? Love you! ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Oh, thank you so much! That makes perfect sense. Though I seriously felt like I'd abandoned my baby, or something! Scary. Beaaannss. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
I hope your mama feels better and I hope Jas feels a lot better, but mostly I hope you feel MUCH better and recover from the sickness and the sucky jobness soon. Tomorrow is Saturday though! A good day. Apple skittle? (I can't give these things away). Heh. Beans? Amz. xoxoxo
from iwantoomuch :
Two more days 'till the weekend! Yay!!
from august-x :
ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME??? Joseph S. Christ, that's the most incredible thing possibly that anyone's ever said to me!! Thanks for letting me know. I may never get over this. You never did write about your childhood.
from iwantoomuch :
I'm reading transcripts for it! It just gets better! Argh have to go! I'm good how're you?? Beans!
from augustdreams :
Please stay tuned for this brief message: I LOVE OMORFIA! :) Why? 'Cause she's sweet and funny, and she kicks ass and she's a wonderful mama to all her kitties and doggles and she's a great friend and her entries make me laugh, smile and think and now I must go because I have terrible cramps and because I've used the word 'and' entirely too much for one paragraph. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
from iwantoomuch :
Hi! I miss you! Hope everything okay .. that the tests went well and that you're all happy and enjoying the Fridayness that is this weekend! Yay! BeansBeansBeans! Amz.
from dana-elayne :
O--in Georgia the rates of pay are based on two things years of experience and the county in whihc you live. I live in a poor county so I have a lower pay rate than someone who lives in the capital of Georgia, Atlanta. However, I have few "headaches" too. :)
from iwantoomuch :
oh happiness and relief for you all! :-D Glad today went well, fingers crossed about the tests. Yay!! And Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
Oh poor Jas! ((((Jas)))) I hope everything goes well tomorrow! Stupid fucking doctors. No offence to the good ones ... whoever they are ... if they exist. I'm sure everything will go fine, I'm glad the baby's okay! :-) xoxo Beans!
from iwantoomuch :
See, now I'm sending you the 'feel better damn quick' vibes!! And oh my gosh, i know! Come on AIM and talk to meeeeeeeee! Or is my AIM thingie being stupid again? *taps the box* ~~~Beans~~~ Amz. Right next to each other! In the same place! Hee!
from timdangerous :
"All Hail the Snot Queen."

ROTFLMAO! You just made Quote of the week! God I love you! Hope you feeling better soon sweetheart!

from iwantoomuch :
You know, I'm never leaving you notes when I'm tired again. Apparently I'm supposed to leave you a proper note, but I'm not very exciting currently so let me think. Aw, my poor kitty ran into the glass door, thinking it was open, as he was bound to do sometime. He's settling in lovely and he snuggled up to me this morning and helped me miss my lecture! I love my kitty!!! Still got my fingers crossed for your job sit. ... I figure if it's taking this long for something else to arise, it better be damned good when it does! Arise. A new job ... beans!!! Amz.
from timdangerous :
Thank You Sweetheart!
from iwantoomuch :
Hiyeee!! I have to leave you a proper note when I'm not tired. What is that with me lately?! I need to stop going out at night. Yes. Beans!! AMz.
from timdangerous :
i await in a high level of anticipation of the reason poor sis is tossing her cookies in your water closet.
from iwantoomuch :
Yay for your yays! I bought more hair putty today, so yay for that! Heh. I am a punk rock wannabe. And yay for beans!! :-D amz.
from mulher :
egads... it just occurred to my silly self that I may have offended dear Nige. God I hope not, because after a bit of catch-up reading, Nige is delightful... mea culpa mea culpa mea culpa... it must be the vibrators, yes, that's it- they've made me an even more insensitive dolt than was thought possible
from iwantoomuch :
Hey, my messages are getting longer and longer! Weeeeiiird. Or not.
from iwantoomuch :
(((((Omorfia))))) Let me send you a present! Hee. I wrote something deeply profound and inspiring regarding your work situation, but then when I re-read it, it appeared that it was to do with something else entirely. And I'm very tired and forming sentences is hard work. While you're depressed, just remember that I love ya and I'm going to bash up the people at your work. And now that Crappy Thursday is over, your Mama is nearly home! And *it rains beans or something*. Beans! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Phew whatta dream! ;-) I meant to note ya about your bitch co-workers the other night, but the last couple days went by in a whirl! Or maybe that was just yesterday? Anyway, I'll come and kick their asses! Or you know, not. Anyway, I hope you're doing okay and that all the karma and good energy I'm sending you right .... now, will help a much betterer job come about! Because damnit! You deserve more. Beans!! Amz. :-)
from timdangerous :
from timdangerous :
Should we publish our dreams then, you and I?
...and what dreams they are at that!
from leopardray :
All better! I just shrunk down the images a little. That was the main problem. They were all hosing everything up with their gargantuan size! Now we can bask in the lovliness of it all. :)
from iwantoomuch :
Oh boy! I so love your new layout! I feel I've got a bit of an English accent going on, but you know a bit of an Austin Powers type of English accent and I think I've said too much ... Beeeeaaaaannnnnsssssssssssssssssss
from leopardray :
HAHAHA! I've never ever heard someone refer to herself as a "dildo." Don't worry about hosing up that one note. So, 1. Would you be interested in sharing where you learned about that flush diet with me? And 2. I saw the ghost of my grandfather when I was about three. He was in my grandma's bedroom. I can still picture him. I ran out to the living room afterward where my dad caught me. Both my folks remember this. I was horribly pale and frightened and said that I could see through him, and he was white. He had died a few months beforehand. I don't think I even knew what a ghost was back then. Anywho, there's my story. :P Quite interesting, eh? I looooove hearing personal accounts like that, too. Your stories were enthralling.
from augustdreams :
~*~HAPPY ANNIVERSARY~*~ wOw indeed! A whole year of Omorfia! *tossing confetti and Guinea Pig hair all over* (Sorry about the g*pig hair.) I'm so glad you found d*land, too! If you hadn't...I'd have missed out on such a wonderful friendship, and d*land would've missed out on a great writer! Love always, Nicole, Aph, Woodstock & all the 'gators (and the Emu's too...even though they poop whenever they see me.)
from iwantoomuch :
Hey, I love your messages! Don't change them! Stern face. ;-) And Happy 1st Anniversary!!!! You rock!! BEEAAANSSSS!!!!!! Amz. (Um, I sound 8. Heh)
from petite-bijou :
Happy Birthday Omorfia!
from timdangerous :
Bappy Hirthday!
Hippy Bathday!
Dappy Hirthbay!
Happy Birthday Omorfia!!!
Yay! I did it!
from iwantoomuch :
No worries dude. ;-). Glad you had a good day then! Mucho happiness to go 'round! Beans, beans and more beans!!!!! Love ya back - Amz.
from larrielou :
You're welcome! BUT. Green man is so mine. :-P
from wolligog :
Happy Birthday, I hope that you have a fantabulous day and get lots of great prezzies. Huggz etc from Dave
from be-zen :
Only little ol me once more, sorry sweet. I had a main main purpose to my last note. Enid Blyton and me are well well acquainted, and my oh my, I do believe 'The Faraway Tree' and 'The Wishing Tree' were worn thin as can be. And Jim Morrison, we share that word man. 'I touched her thigh and death smiled.' Glorious Jim. <3
from be-zen :
Just cruisin past and thought I would make with the notes. Happy Birthday beautiful and I do so love your layout with the whole of my heart. Mexican rocks yes oh yes. Avocardo anything rocks, yes oh yes oh yes.
from iwantoomuch :
Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy BIRTHDAY to yoouuuu today!!! :-D I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL day!!! Heh. There, I'm done with the crazy singing. (Yes! I was singing!) Okay, it's almost 4 I really should get to bed ... (beans) Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
No, you rock, miss almost-birthday-girl!!! B e a n s.
from timdangerous :
weeeell now, i screwed that up royally, now didn't i? i don't feel so bloody sharp now! that tends to bring ya down a notch. LOL, maybe that's just what i needed then. So....anyway, hugs and kisses anyway babes! xoxoxox
from timdangerous :
(((( Omorfia ))))
from iwantoomuch :
My cat is sitting on top of my CD player and thinking "I am the king of the world." Perhaps not, but he says 'hey'. I wish you luck in your revelling! Absolutely beans!! Amz.
from larrielou :
oh my god. This is.........wait till you hear what I just did. In reply to your note, I just wrote *laughs at Omorfia tripping over, and swallows a fly*..........
In my own notes section.
from larrielou :
it's my turn for your guestbook to hate me....I love reading your stories - they're spooky and cool an' stuff. I sent off your photos today...and realised I didn't have your last name!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you're getting a package with just your first name on the front...I think this makes you so much cooler. Like Madonna or something. Really.
from iwantoomuch :
Rude! How would she like it?!! Evil *grumblegrumblegrumble* ... Beanies! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Happy Valentine's day! I have the Buffy musical songs stuck in my head! You'd better watch it when it airs here, dude! Then we'll see who's laughing. (Probably you still. LOL) Beeeaaannsss for ya! Amz.
from dana-elayne :
Happy Valentine's Day :) I wish you lots of chocolate and some kisses!
from august-x :
Happy Valentine's Day to you, my love! XOXOXO
from augustdreams :
Happy Valentine's Day!!! *Mmmmmmmmmwah!* Yes. Definitely time for one of our patriotic dances. ;) I love you! ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You sure? Because, the 'ahhh' seems strangely appropriate, considering your entry. Heh. Beeeaaaansss!!!!!
from iwantoomuch :
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Byrds of Paradise had SETH in it! I would ... well I don't know what I'd do to get my hands on just one episode of BoP. Yeah. LOL. I can't help it ... he's just a darlin'. Sorry for screaming at you! I just realized that's not a real nice way to start notes ... but at least I'll end it in Beans ...
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}} Awwwwwww, I love you even more than my Alligators! **huge hugs** I've just been having technical difficulties. Heeeey, did you get that *really* long email I sent??? it involved tongue twirling. I sent it on Friday, I think. If you didn't get it I'm gonna kick some Yahoo ass! Much love and patriotic dancing, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Well I'll certainly think about it LOL. I don't know what to think about that ghost story, though! I'd say I thought it was a bit scary, but I don't want to let on that I'm a wimp ... even though I er, mentioned that in a recent entry and ... hmm, Beans. Amz
from timdangerous :
So share with me! ;)
from timdangerous :
Would you have me any other way love?
from timdangerous :
Will Omorfia have bad dreams?
from timdangerous :
Now why are you biting your lip love? Tell me ALL about it.
from augustdreams :
I did! I did! I did see your puddy tats! *grinning* You know what? I left a note at Lara's diary gushing over their utter cuteness. (D'oh) They are indeed some of the cutest kitties on Earth! Give them all big hugs from me and kisses on their fuzzy little noggins. :) Love ya, Nicole
from august-x :
Dewdess, I can't get over the similarities between your dream and mine. Do you think it's a different experience from an 8-year-old to a 28-year-old, or do you think it basically means/feels the same? Only asking rhetorically, y'know. Ta ta.
from iwantoomuch :
Join me in a business venture ... erhm, a shop! In which we sell clothes and teapots and record players and ... and ... and Beans!!!!! Wheee! G'night! :-D Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Your kitties are beautiful!! Aww beans! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Yay! Thank you!! I'm so glad you encouraged me to go back! And I'm so relieved I got in, finally, after all of this ... hee! Beans!! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Hey Lara!!! *waves* Oh, I should probably write this in your notes, huh? ... heh. Hi Omorfia! Hehe. BEANS!!!! Hey, go check out my other note at Lara's book!!! (Now that I've said that, I'll probably note the wrong book. :-D Kay, m'moving). Wheeee!
from iwantoomuch :
Yes, beans! Eh?
from augustdreams :
Hey, stop that laughing! ;) *goes off to look for her cowgirl outfit* Did I ever tell you I've got a black cowboy hat? Hmmm? We have rodeos down here so it'll finally be put to good use!
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}}I love you, toooooo! *grabbing Omorfia for some more not unpatriotic dancing*
from iwantoomuch :
I think it's great that Jas is keeping the baby and wonderful that you're going to be a kick ass Auntie. :-). Beeaannss! Amz.
from augustdreams :
Happy (belated) Australia Day! *dancing around happily because she's not sure if clapping or flag-waving is in order but dancing is aaalways in order!* Update, please! I miss reading your lovely words. (I need my Omofia fix at LEAST every other day. *grin*) Love and Amphibians, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Um yeah. Heh. Hope you're having a nice time in Ballarat! *sheepish grin* I read that, I swear, it's just that my brain can't form memories. So I'm gonna leave quietly now ... *departs, whilst banging her head loudly on things* ... it's been a long week. Heh. Beans!!! (escapes)
from iwantoomuch :
Where ARE you?? Come back, come back! Come back before I start to think you died tragically! I miss you! Come back and just say you're here. I'm gonna start to freak out soon! Because I do that ... ((((Omorfia)))) ... did you say you were going away and I missed that part? *toddles off to read Omorfia's last entry* But I'll be back! Oh yes ... 'cause I'm your stalker and stuff. and I have no shame. Which I mean that in the sarcastic sense ... ah yeh. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Arghhh! I even put the minus sign in! *Huff*. Sorry 'bout the mass notes dude...I so wish I was multiple people instead of just multiple notes from me. That's gotta make some sense in there somewhere ... . Love ya! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Freaking font size!! Argh. Beans. Testing ...
from iwantoomuch :
Omorfia! Buffy's on tonight! Heh. I can't help it I'm obsessed. It's such a cool episode, you should watch it! Yeah! Okay I'm done now. Beeaaannssss.
from iwantoomuch :
Ahem. Yay!!! You survived your cleanse!!! Rock on, you! Beeeeeeaaaaanssss!!! Amz.
from wolligog :
my only experience skiing was like this. I fell my ski took off and nearly went plummeting over a cliff. way scary. that night got drunk and injured my knee after falling asleep lying across the bunk. (scout hut, bunk made of logs). overall a great weekend especially the singalong to crocodile rock on the way back to ballarat
from iwantoomuch :
*drools over Seth in The Spy Who Shagged Me* Yay! and Beans!!!!!!!
from iwantoomuch :
Thanks mate. :-) xoxo.
from iwantoomuch :
Peggy Lee died yesterday! I mean on Monday. But! I love her! This is not good. Sorry, but now it's all I can think about. Thank you so much for the luck wishing! You're the best! :) (((((Omorfia))))) and Beeaaaannnnsss. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Ooh! What comes after Aquarius?? *expresses non-knowledge of star signs* I know you've mentioned the cusp you're on, but ... yeah. Yay for Nicole winning a GG! Yay for Rachel too! And those two guys who won the award at the end for ... A Beautiful Mind? because they were so sweet! And then some yayness for Baz. And ... Beans! And stuff. Hee. Amz.
from augustdreams :
Omorfiiiiaaaa! I looove yooouuuuu! Just so you know. :)
from iwantoomuch :
When's your birthday??!!! ...*cuts out pictures of Liv Tyler* ...
from august-x :
A background fixer-upper. Now I have a term for it. I'm one, too!
from iwantoomuch :
Dude ... I was gonna come in here and say how I would so slide down the snow on my bum as well, but now that just seems silly. I know what you mean about your sister! Well, I don't know personally, but I get you. Does that make sense? Who knows, it's 3am. Anyway, it should be fine. Everything will work out in the end. I mean, it's 2, fucking 002! What's up with this year??! Huh. Beeaaaannnss!!! ((((Omorfia)))). And I would so slide down the snow on my bum! Heh.
from iwantoomuch :
Happy Saturday!!!! Heh.
from iwantoomuch :
Have you ever seen the snow??! *Has a mild case of snow obsession* Just wondering ... Beans!!!. Or did I ask you that? Huh.
from augustdreams :
I know just how you felt, sweetie. When my Spike died (at very nearly age 16!) I could barely function for a couple of weeks and the sorrow went on much longer. I thought my heart was broken for good. It will be much worse when Aphrodite goes, because I really feel that she's my canine soulmate. *sigh* There is truly nothing like that incredible bond you have with an older dog, is there? I wish you many more happy years with your sweet doggles. People who don't understand the depth of our friendship with our furry ones are missing out on something amazing. *sniff* Okay, now I'm going to cry. *sniff* In other news, it just hit me that you must have the most adorable accent! Want to come over and whisper sweet nothings to me? ;) Love ya, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
The first and only time I went to the drive through, I saw Edward Scissorhands! And I was about ten! So that wasn't very romantic, no sir. Well you hope you would certainly hope not wouldn't you?! Yeah. Anyway, I completely understand about your animals and I think Ela is beautiful name! Beans! Amz.
from augustdreams :
Thank you, thank you, thank you, sweetie. :) I appreciate the support. Do you want to be in on the "feed him to the 'gators" plan? I still need someone to kick the garbage bag a few times on the way to the 'gator pit! ;) Love ya, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Yay! It's deaded now. Heh. I completely forgot about it until I read your note and then I was looking around for the bastard! I just swung my curtains open with it hovering above my head! ACk! Damn spiders. Thanks mate!!! :-D Amz. BeANs.
from augustdreams :
I'm sorry about your bad dream! *shudder* :( Want to know something really strange??? I've had that dream about Aph...where there are two of her and I'm horrified because I KNOW the clone is evil but both of them ACT like the real Aph. :( On a lighter note, I was LOL at the story about your step-sis getting up-close-and-personal with her George Micheal poster! *Grin* Love ya, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
I am asleep. But I wanted to note you. You rock! Amz. Heh. Beans!!
from augustdreams :
Just a reminder: ~*~I love you, Omorfia!~*~ Aphrodite and Woodstock do, too. They're nice that way...any friend of mine is a friend of theirs. (And, thus, obligated to bring them good things to eat upon visiting. *grin*) Hugs and smooches, Nicole
from timdangerous :
zo, mein frauline...tell me aboot zees dreems yoo zar haffingk....
from iwantoomuch :
Is alibi the right word? *shakes head* Fried, I tell you.
from iwantoomuch :
Work on Sunday?! Do you sell fruit? Or cream buns? Or gospel? Heh. This makes no sense! Shoot your boss. I'm your alibi. Hahahahaha. Ahem. Amz. Beans
from iwantoomuch :
No reason. I was hot. I think my brain got fried. LOL. I really don't remember. *shrugs and rubs her eyes tiredly*. How ya doing? Amz. Yay BEANS!
from iwantoomuch :
Smantastic! No not that part, just ... the word. Beans, chicka! In other news, A (clever disguise there, huh? Hehe) wasn't working tonight, but A came in anyway! I totally ignored A however, because I was busy. I am ultra suave. But smantastic! So it all evens out ... Mr Twiddle could cheer ya up, ya know! "Oh, Twiddle!" Heh. Or not. Gone now. Amz. A big, purple swirl of smoke arises and when Omorfia looks, Amz is gone!. Smantastic!
from augustdreams :
I know how you feel, Omorfia. I HATE people who hurt animals, I don't know an obscenity strong enough to describe them. Immoral, ugly souled genetic mistakes. If you ever catch one of them, count me in on the torture. And thank you for not sharing the details, but I'm so sorry that you had to read them, and so sorry that some poor, innocent animals were hurt that way. :( I'm going to go hold my Aphrodite and Woodstock and give them a big hug. Love ya, Nicole
from timdangerous :
you are not alone in your hatred of these people. when i was younger i was a member of an outcropping of a fairly well known animal rights group. i lived in the carolina area at the time, and headed an illegal night raid on a cosmetic testing lab. we freed all the bunnies, except the ones that were already blind, which some of us kept as pets. this group got the head of the animal control fired, as he was taking the just caught dogs out and shooting them to save on vet bills. we had a large demonstration and wound up throwing red paint on a lady coming out of the local furriers. needless to say now, but, i agree with you 100%. you find 'em babe, and i'll reload your pistol for you!
from iwantoomuch :
Okay .. it's all good. Except I lost a message. I swear there was a message in there that is there no longer! Aren't you glad that you're the person I'm ranting to? Heh. Don't you feel uber special? Yay Omorfia! Heh. (Sorry). I'm gonna go now. Byee!! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Something weird is going on in my notebook! I got the end of your message though ... that was from you wasn't it? ... And then I left some messages for myself. Heh. Blackcurrant pastille? Amz. BeansBeansBeans.
from iwantoomuch :
How did work go? *Looks into her crystal ball* Ooh interesting ... Yes, yes, I see very interesting job things for you! Heh. *Sends all her cool job vibes down to Omorfia*. Amz. *Dusts hands*. Beans ...
from wolligog :
to be honest with you I think it's going to be a long hard torturous job traversed between now and getting a job, and somehow I am not all that positive that I will get one, heck, I can't even get a darned interview. :(
from iwantoomuch :
Today, I handed in ma forms and so now I just have to play the waiting game. Fun, fun! Eh. Have some Milo!!! :) And Humpy is way talented!! Amz.
from larrielou :
YAY! Thanks again, you awesome person you. I would gladly email you...except I don't know your address :-) I haven't gotten any emails from you, so..... As for the airport, we're right to get from there, thanks :-) the only time I'd need any help would possibly be when Kate's going back to the airport and I'm staying - but I'd just need directions and stuff to find your place :-)
from iwantoomuch :
Very few people like white chocolate. All the more for me! Mwa hahahaha. Um. I don't remember the chocolate you're talking about. Maybe it's a Melbourne thing. Like portello? *shrugs*. *Tosses beans around the room*. Amz.
from wolligog :
sorry if I sounded rude asking you to add me to your favourites list. now about a more important subject chocolate, yummo. you could always try cadbury dream or even the cadbury dream ice cream. btw there is a new flavour tim tam - hazelnut praline
from iwantoomuch :
I think everything will be fine! I just enjoy stressing myself out is all. :S. Okay, do you prefer dark, milk or white chocolate? And do you remember Caramilk?!! Amz. Beeaaannsss.
from wolligog :
just out of curiosity, have you ever checked out my diary? feel free to add me to your buddy list, I would be so grateful if you do and make my diary just a tad bit more popular. I only have 3 people that have my diary listed as one of their faves.
from iwantoomuch :
Love you. It's not actually the school that has the documents and it's not the uni that needs the documents and that's why the whole thing is kind of hard, but thank you for your advice, it always rocks out! I'm just gonna ring up a whooooole bunch of people tomorrow, so wish me luck! Heh. Beans, and calm, got it! Amz.
from danaelayne :
Ohhhhh I was Arwen too :) We're sooo purty and cool*L*
from iwantoomuch :
Yay! You got the Liv! *Happy dance*. And I got the Cate! Whoo! We so rock. ((((Omorfia)))). Amz. OOh! Beans, o' course! :-D
from wolligog :
hey there, I hope you had a great nye. mine was fan-bloody-tabulous. I got really really drunk and did some of the dorkiest dances known to pplz. I even tried to dance to the cover version of 'Thank God I'm A Country Boy'. Notice the emphasis on tried? Anywayz, I hope that you have a rocking 2002, I will if I get a job soon. Catch ya on the flipside.
from danaelayne :
Enjoy Harry Potter...I liked it so much better the second time. :) Hang in there kiddo. :)
from diarytag :
We are getting ready for the second round of tag, and we realized you have not joined the new list...if you would still like to play please join!
from iwantoomuch :
from iwantoomuch :
Uh, I wanna see what crazy kind of dreams I'll have tonight. Because I'm too lazy to move all of the crap under my bed. Heh. Tomorrow with the move-age, I swear. Red thing, okies. Something couple-y? ... O ...kies. Hee. Beans! Amz. Thanks, mate.
from augustdreams :
If it makes you feel any better about the Orson Welles dream...I once had sex dreams about Kelsey Grammer. (yeah, I know!) Oh...and your g*book entry left me feeling all giggly and giddy. :) {{{{Omorfia}}}}
from iwantoomuch :
Ack! (((((Omorfia))))). Damn, ya rock! Love ya, Amz. Beans 4 eva! Heh.
from iwantoomuch :
What's this about Elijah!? *Raises eyebrow* Heh. Okay, but seriously, did you notice the whole Sam/Frodo thing?! My gosh! They are my new favourite couple. Even though they're not a couple ... at all. Really. Haha. And Orlando is just gorgeous. And the movie is just gorgeous and I saw Seth today so go me! Beanssss!!!! Amz. Rock on, chicka.
from larrielou :
really really really?????? How cool are you???? Um, you may want to hide valuable antique vases or something though.....
from larrielou :
Hello hello. Happy New Year to you too! Okay, I'm coming down on Jan 31st...shit! That's only 29 days away! We're MAYBE staying at Kate's friend's house, but she's only staying 2 nights, and I'm staying 4, so.....
from timdangerous :
orson welles? omg you crack me up grrrl! laughed 'till i cried about the bag of sand. honest to god, once the funk of the morning wears off once i wake, i think to meself, "i wonder what omorfia has been into?" some people have coffee, tim has omorfia. love you!
from augustdreams :
2001 blew the goat!!! Let it be known. ;) Here's to a wonderful 2002, may it be filled with fun, health and happiness! And may all your kitties and doggles be healthy, happy and never out of their favorite treats. I loved reading about your New Year's Eve! Good omens, indeed. Did anything point to a visit from a far off friend? *smile* Because that's one of my resolutions. Of course, I'm so terrified of flying that I'd need a Valium and a wouldn't mind carrying my limp yet happy self off the plane would ya? :^D Happy New Year, I love ya! ~Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Happy New Year! 2002 ... check it out all balanced like. Beans, Amz.
from danaelayne :
Happy New Year :) I hope it's a wonderful year.
from wolligog :
hey there sexy, I hope you have a fantabulously coolleriffic nye and a safe, prosperous and happy new year. best wishes from the davemeister
from timdangerous :
did you recieve my note?
from iwantoomuch :
LOL! I was totally thinking that and I was gonna go back and add something about meaning an actual room. Because seriously, I've written about five entries tonight that I've erased and started again because I'm just too weird! And completely high on sugar! Did you notice? Hahaha. Beans dude!
from iwantoomuch :
You inspire me. And the cups rock! Heh. Beanssssssss ....
from iwantoomuch :
That witch with the butterfly wings your sister gave you sounds so unreal! But the ghost thing ... freaks me out a bit ... althouh it's cool hearing about it! Beans, dude. Amz.
from wolligog :
Hi There, I'm glad u had a great Christmas Day, and you were roughly 30-35 kms away from where I live. Have a Happy New Year.
from iwantoomuch :
Merry Christmas chicka!!!! May the day bring you all of the stuff that is Christmassy and of the heavenlyness! Dude. Beans, Omorfia, Beans. :-) Amz.
from augustdreams :
Merry Christmas! :) {{{{{omorfia}}}}} Guess whaaaat?? You can start being on the lookout for your Christmas card! Love and sugar cookies, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Love ya. I can't help fretting .. it's my nature. LOL. Kay, I'm thinking up the good stuff now. *g*. Bea-ans. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Ahh ... I'm scared of doing something stupid and fucking things up. Actually, I'm scared that there's not actually anything to fuck up. LOL. And he's just basically one of those guys you have little fantasies about whilst you wait for Elijah Wood to come and beg you to go away with him to his secret romantic hideaway place, ya know? Sigh. When my mind stops buzzing, there will be more, I promise. :-D BEANS. Amz.
from augustdreams :
I'm SO glad she's feeling better! Give her a hug from me and a kiss on her furry little noggin. :) rock too! *grin* Hey Media...kiss our big, bare butts! *Mmmmmwah* Hope your holiday is filled with joy and sugar cookies! Love always, Nicole
from iwantoomuch :
Heya! Yay for you with the house aloneness! Whoop! How's your little Cassa pup doing? The touch typingness of you rocks out! And *blows raspberries* to Cruise and Cruz. How dare they come to Australia! Or something. Want some pez? Amz. Beans. Beans. Beans!
from leopardray :
You amuse me this much: 100%. Thanks for your supportive guestbook entry. Oh hmmm, I make it sound like you're a heavy-duty brassiere. Well, whatever works. Anyhoo, thanks. :)
from wolligog :
If consistancy is a sign of a person having no imagination, is consistant inconsistancy a sign of an imaginative person who has no imagination?
from iwantoomuch :
You crack me up. That is all. And Beeeaaaanssssssssss. Amz. LOL.
from augustdreams :
Come give me a fashion show in all your new undies! *grin* I promise there'll be lots of wolf whistling! Heeheehee! Oh! And guess what? I got your Chriiiistmas present todaaaay! But I'm not tellin' ya what it is! You'll just have to wait and see.:)
from iwantoomuch :
Heya! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I just sort of got knocked off my path, ya know, but now I've got my center back! I'm so glad you watched Buffy again! Did ya like it, did ya did ya!? Because next week is Band Candy and it's just so perfect. If you're like an adolescent boy, I'm like a three year old. Fun, fun! Loving your work, dude, you make with the inspiring people up just by being you! I adore Dogma. *wonders what else she can fit in the note while she's here* Uhh Beans o' course! :) Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Dude! Buffy's on tonight! With Sethy goodness! You should watch it! Hahaha. Haha. Beans. Amz. :-D
from timdangerous :
wooooohooooo! *whistles* *hand clapping* *wolf-whistles* oh yesssss!
*passsing out*
from wolligog :
I hate shopping with my sisters for the very same reasons, how long do you need to look at clothes for, especially girl's clothes, they look better with someone wearing them. *whistles* I may not know what you look like but the thought of you modelling the knickers and bras, scwhing. I bet ya looked way totally sexy.If I don't catch ya before xmas, have a Merry Christmas...
from augustdreams :
Ass bras! Heeheehee! I hear you about shopping. I refuse to try stuff on when I'm shopping. I hate the stuffy little dressing rooms and the time it takes. I'm also not overly fond of seeing myself nekkid under neon lights half a centimeter in front of a full length mirror! Oh! And guess what? Looks like I won't have to pretend you-know-what during certain festivities. I actually am really sick! :( Ahhh, the mixed blessings of it all. Love always, ~Nicole
from timdangerous :
"Ass Bras"
You crack me up grrrl!
from iwantoomuch :
I am SO the same with shopping! I hate it most of the time because it takes up too much time! At least with the clothes. Don't mind shopping for *things* though, coz there's plenty of them around everywhere! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
BEANS! Stalks away ... lalala.
from iwantoomuch :
((((Omorfia)))). Amz.
from larrielou :
Hey, do you remember me saying I may be coming to Melb? Well for once it could actually be more than just day dreaming! *sings* Lara's coming to Melbourne, Lara's coming to Melbourne......!!!!!!!
from iwantoomuch :
Did I write something back yet? Beans! Amz. Who must be on something ...
from wolligog :
hey there. Yeppers, I do live in Ballarat. to be more precise, I live in Wendouree. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? anyway, I hope that you have a great xmas and new year. I might be working in melbourne for a couple of months, next year, if that happens, are there any restaurants that you would recommend?
from augustdreams :
I love "The Scream"! One of my favorite paintings. Aph wanted me to leave you a note reminding you that we both love ya. She said that it's always a good time to say that to the people you love. Aph's pretty wise for a creature that tries to make a snack out of Guinea pig poop.
from iwantoomuch :
Hee. You're funny. Okay! I'm going to apply which doesn't mean I'm going to get in. My chances are odd. But maybe I'll do like a Bachelor of Arts or something? Thanks for your advice! Especially since I was kinda leaning that way anyway. Heh. Luv ya and the Beans! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
John Goodman voice, totally get. I'm so in love with Quince and he's a balding, middle aged man! But he's Quince. Ugh. But I give up on men. Haha! Amz. Beeaanns.
from augustdreams :
Don't you just loooove a sexy voice? Oded Fehr could read my the phone book...I'm still be quivering with lust! Mmmmmm. Oh! and...yes! Hot chocolate. Legos. Snogging. ~contented sigh~ Pencil that in, okay? ;)
from timdangerous :
*gasp* (feigning shock)

your so fly!

from timdangerous :
omg! i'm in hospital and omorfia finds love! i'm so happy for you! *hugs & kisses then*
from iwantoomuch :
The away time was lovelyness. And yah, a New Year! We all need one of those. Why don't they have them more often ... *shrugs*. I bought lotsa the clothes. Mmm. The clothes. Yay! Amz!
from iwantoomuch :
Ooh lego. Can I come!? I'll bring the cheesecake! And the beans! Aren't new clothes the coolest? Stalk ya later, chicka! Amz.
from augustdreams :
Awww, I'm sorry you're feeling so melancholy. If I could I'd come over and make you a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and bring over a really cool set of Legos and Colorforms to play with. (mind if I join you? *smile*) Love ya, Nicole
from leopardray :
Hey there, Lovely... you sound like a vivid dreamer to me! Actually, your second-to-last entry was one of two that I happened to read that day about vivid dreams, and I myself have written about them because they're getting more and more vivid, so ta-da! You are one-third the inspiration for the ring - I'm glad you joined! I hope you're doing okay... you sound like you've had some semi-morose days lately. I understand the power of music that way, too. Anyhoo, take care.
from iwantoomuch :
Ah! Yayness!!! U rock mate! I'd write more but I'm late! Going away ... to the beach! Woot! Have an awesome week!! Byeee! Amz. The BEANS!
from larrielou :
Sorry for worrying you :-( Thanks for caring so much - it never ceases to amaze me how close you can feel to people you've never even met!!! Oooooh! The Scott gossip was sooo worth the wait!! WOOHOO! Man, if only I could find my own little Scott around here somewhere...!
from augustdreams :
{{{Omorfia}}} Thank you so much! :) Your entries are always inspiring me...glad I could return the favor. Oooh. Your evening on the dance floor definitely sounds luscious. Heeheehee. You go, sexy thang! ;) HUGE hugs to you and the furbabies.
from wolligog :
I can't access ur diary, it keeps asking for a password. Does this mean I won't be able to read ur entries????
from larrielou :
*gasp* you've passworded! PLEASE tell me this doesn't mean I'll never hear the Scott update - do you know how dying I am to hear about it???? Also, thanks for thinking of me...I'll probably update tomorrow...maybe
from iwantoomuch :
Ooh! Wootwoo for you and the Scott! And yay for dreams and stuff! YAY! *claps hands* Beans, beans, beans. Amz. but not all the beans...
from wolligog :
decided that I would test a guess of mine out and you happened to be the lucky person who I tried this on
from wolligog :
hi there, it's moi again. coolleriffic or what hey? anyway, just thought I'd let you know that I added ur diary to my favez list, I hope u don't mind. Feel free to add me to urs, I have two people that have added me to their fave list. In ways, it makes it seem as if I'm a bit of a boring old codger type wowser. Anywayz, how does one go about changing their diary layout to something that looks coolleriffic like yours and amz's do? I think the standard design is a bit boring, and would love to put a guest book and one of them chat gizmos in mine as well as a couple of pics of (yep you guessed it) sandra bullock. maybe even one of smg and one of alyson hannigan
from augustdreams :
Ooooh! I love the new layout. Very you. So how are ya? We've got to chat on AIM soon. Don't you just love dreams that make you wake up feeling all emotional and happy? Lots of love to you from me, Aph & Woodstock.
from iwantoomuch :
*claps her hands* Wow!!! Yay!! Lookatyou, Lookatyou!! You're all new with the layout! Damn we are groovy chickas! LOL. Beans, Omorfia, beans! Amz. I so dig that! :-D
from leopardray :
Let's see if this works. Okay, so I'm going to send you all three - YES, ALL THREE - layouts. You can choose whichever. Do you know how to set it up? Let me know if you need help. Bye!
from wolligog :
Yes!!!! It Worked. I think let me know if it did pleaseAMZ & OMORFIA totally ROCK.
from wolligog :
I think I might have made something work. WOO HOO
from wolligog :
hi, I'm just wondering if it's ok if I add your diary to my fave diary list, you seem really cool. Are you a redhead too, cos all of the redheads I know rock. Amz is trying to teach me that html stuff for here, but so far I can't get any of it to work (I must be a dunderhead sometimes). PS, that Scott sounds like a very lucky bloke.
from iwantoomuch :
... you had to use the colour and the underlining, didn't you? Oh well. One step ... at a time ... LOL. Beeeeaaaaanssss. Amz!
from iwantoomuch :
Holy crap ... that was bigger than I thought it would be ...
from iwantoomuch :
You sparkly person! You teach me all the html I know! MOUSE ... elephant ... BEANS. Shit I hope that worked. LOL. Amz!
from iwantoomuch :
Sometimes I think we need more space in these here notebooks ... from GUESS WHO! Oh my gosh u guessed! U are good.
from iwantoomuch :
Oh! Oh! and Mr Bean is on right now how freaky! Ohmygosh! Okay ... maybe notsomuch ... iloveputtingwordstogether ... Yay! Amz. Beanies.
from iwantoomuch :
No, I'm sorry I can't do that. You're way too entertaining to not have around. Oh and there's this thing where U ROCK!! M'glad you like the green and the Seth ... he's looking damn fine. Beans! Amz.
from omorfia :
kill me now
from omorfia :
*<*font* size*=*-2>*I HATE HTML*<*/font*>*
from omorfia :
and just because I am thorough .. *did someone say anal?*<*/font*>*
from omorfia :
heheh .. I WON!!!
from omorfia :
AGAIN!!!! OMG! *<*/*font*>* it better work this time ...
from omorfia :
ooh, it didnt show up! cont' >type whatever here* thats betterer! how rude
from omorfia :
*feeling all rescued* :) you can make text smaller by typing this (with the *'s of course) ... <*font size=-2*>type whatever here* you can substitute the 2 for 1 or 3 or whatever .. same goes for making it bigger +2 or +3 or whatever :) *yaY* ~ beans, chica .. beans ~
from iwantoomuch :
Bounces into the room to rescue Omorfia ... did it work? Are you all rescued? Lemme know ... and how do I make my text little? Amz! ... beans ..
from iwantoomuch :
Hey ... I'm sorry work sucks. Tell me if you need rescuing! I know this stalkerish person ... and die Nifty Nev, diiieee! Ooh, how was the fancy dress party? Do tell! Do! *Whispers* I've never heard of Bobby Darin ... but may I say I love the way you write! I may? I love the way you write! Oh and ... and BEANS! Amz! Yay! Wishes kick ass ...
from iwantoomuch :
Hi! Thank you! Sorry! Yeah, um ... you know now! Heh. *Carves a big slice'a blue Happy Cake from the Home Icecream Delivery Man!!! (Whoo he's the best!)* Mmm ... blue ... sprinkles ... caaaaake. Dude, you shoulda come to my party! Melbourne is just so restrictive ... hahaha. Amz! Beans!
from timdangerous :
have i mentioned lately how cute you are?



from wolligog :
btw, u sound really coollacious.
from wolligog :
I noticed your name in Amz's note section of her diary and thought I would drop by and say hi. Amz makes me feel old sometimes too, but hey we are only as old as we feel ain't we? feel free to check out my diary sometime, I am listed in Amz's fave diaries.
from l-preview :
Hey there, lovely. Go to the index page and you'll see your gargoyle. Go to the archives page (linked on the index) and you'll see your mermaid. The dragons I captured for you are still hanging around the first entry. Any more ideas? Where should we go from here?
from iwantoomuch :
Yeah, I'd like to collect umbrellas. (Straight face). Hey, I'll save you some you some fake wine. ;-) Or you could just get your ass up to Queensland! What, you're cold?! Today, after running the tap for a few minutes, I had to leave a glass of water in the fridge to get it to cool to room temperature. Ikes! Heavens! Beans! Luvyalots, Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Oh yeah. You're totally invited to the picnic, duh! You're just supposed to 'get that', didn't you know? And, and, and U SO ROCK back!!!!! Yay beans! Amz. Where did the beans come from?
from iwantoomuch :
Hi hi! Now ain't that a cute phrase. Hi hi! Who says that? What was I gonna say? Oh! Harry Potter! It's strange how I haven't sat down to read the books, but yet can just get how so many people (and especially adults) could be so in love w/ it! Of course you are! It's Harry Potter! Yay that! (My mother is calling her doll Harriett Potter). (That's way too weird a sentence to leave on it's own). (Too bad). (Brackets rock). Amz!
from iwantoomuch :
Hey you! I was just about to come in here and kick your notebooks's ass, but then I saw you had updated. YAY! Keep doing that, I like it ... Amz. (Scary person) Mwa ha.
from leopardray :
Okay, made some changes... go look at your dragons. Remember, it can all be changed, but those are some samples. I picked that particular color scheme because it seemed dragon-like. But then, you like the greens... blues... pinks... oh hell, just make up your mind. :P Joking... I'm just cranking out ideas here.
from leopardray :
Hi! Sorry your day was lousy. I unlocked the dairy, so you can go take a look-see. Sorry about that! I'm not sure why I did that. :P
from iwantoomuch :
Awwwww. (((((((Omorfia))))))). You make me all happy and squeaky and stuff! Look, I'm squeaking right now! Heh. Okay so you can't tell, but imagine a whole bunch of happy squeaks and that's me. Amz. (I'll be stalking you). (Squeak to ya later). Hehehehehe. Hey, I said I was lame.
from leopardray :
Okay, last layout is up. Now I'll make a few you might like. Be picky! Be picky! You need to get what you want! Oh my, that sounds bad... ;P
from leopardray :
Hey there! Good, I'm glad you like this stuff... I love Chinese dragons too!!! I'll find you a lovely one. I've got one more layout, and it's a blue oceany theme. It's a lot like the green one. I'll stick it up later today. The g*book thing actually goes right to your regular guestbook. Cool, eh? So let me put that one last one up, I'll scrounge up a dragon, and fix something up for you later. Bye!
from iwantoomuch :
Hello, I'll be stalking you for the next thirty seconds. Please attempt to be freaked out by presence and keep your head and arms inside the vehicle at all times. Do not feed the stalker or encourage her in any way. Thank you. This has been a really lame post. Amz. Disclaimer: Stalkers are bad, usually. Notes: Doonas rock out. (Stalks off).
from leopardray :
Hi! Okay, I'm taking note of all the things you're asking about. Yeah, of course I can stick a dragon up... were you thinking along the lines of a detailed dragon, a Celtic dragon, a Chinese dragon...? And yeah, those colors were a bit, um... vivid. Anyway, I've got a third layout up, and I'll put up a fourth after I've heard from you again. Then I'll gather up all your comments and we'll take it from there!
from iwantoomuch :
CHEESECAKE DAY!! Thanks dude, I need to spread the word. Mm. Strawberry baked glazed cheesecake. Or is it Baked Strawberry glazed cheesecake? Or Glazed baked? *shrugs* at least the cheesecake part's in there .. right? Amz. Stalks off. Heh.
from leopardray :
Can you actually believe that I forgot about the Notes thing? Okay, I've got the second layout for you to peruse up. Check it out at . Oh yeah, and I'm glad you did tell me what you liked and what you didn't. You have to be "picky" and critical if you want to get what you like, so don't be afraid to do so! :) Later, lovely lady.
from iwantoomuch :
This many?
from iwantoomuch :
Oh, hey. I'm leaving you another note in an attempt to appear stalker-like. Is it working yet? I know I've left you quite a few notes, but how many notes do I have to leave exactly before the whole stalker thing comes into effect? And are you sure you want a stalker? I mean ... especially such an obvious one ... who spells your name wrong ... omorifia ...
from iwantoomuch :
Dude, I just realized that I spelt your name as Omorifia in my last entry. Hahaha. How embarassment! So sorry about that! It's cool though ... I fixed it right up. Anyway, it's seriously like 3:22am and I'm still up! I should go to bed! I don't know what is wrong with me. Yeah. I'm kinda tired. Thanks for noting me! U rock! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Heya! Yay your stars!! My stars told me I need to hold it together and not act impulsively or something. I'm like pshaw! Acting impulsively is the best! Erm ... sometimes. Not whilst driving, though, haha! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Dude, don't you just love my sucky usage of the Bold? What's up w/ it not working for me lately?! *stamps foot* Ack. Yeh, just ignore that, heh. Moi!
from iwantoomuch :
Buono giorno principessa! Or something like that. Yah! I'm almost certain I sent off an entry last night ... that ... has apparently dissolved into nothing. *sniff* It was so precious. Not. :-D You party on, Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Hi omorfia i'm on holidays! Whatshouldido??? I know! I'll sleep in! Hahaha. I am so cool. Ack! Must vote ... and they don't even have lamingtons anymore! Bastards. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Well ...? Did ya win?! Amy waits impatiently. Eats a lollipop. Checks the fridge. Ooh Flakes! Yummy. Amz. Mwa ha ha.
from iwantoomuch :
Hee. I would've come saved ya, but I thought that would've appeared stalkerlike. And we can't have that. Because we know how obsessive and stalkerish I am *not*. Heh. Don't laugh I'm being serious! *g* Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Thanks! I'm freeeeeee! Well I wasn't till about 6, but then I gotta drive on my own! Wha! U are totally right, first alone driving expy is awesome! Amz.
from schizogirl :
hi! Thanks for jumping into the Accelerator.
from iwantoomuch :
Dude, is it *crunchy* peanut butter? Because I hate that. lol. For me it's aaaalll about the smooth! Hee. Yes, weeeird hours. Not sure about the daylight savings thing. Tired. Hahah. Amz. Yay Freddos!
from iwantoomuch :
Heya! *waves a lot* I bought you a limited edition, hard covered version of The Magic Faraway Tree! Now you can relive your adventures with Moonface, what'sherface and the Mr Kettle dude all over again! Yay book! Hahaha. (I suck at cheering up). Amz.
from larrielou :
from timdangerous :
"from omorfia :
yeh .. well I am kinda funny looking :p"

i am quite sure you look just fine. while i've never seen the wrapper, the insides i have, and you are a beautiful person.


from timdangerous :
*tim watches omorfia walk away...



from iwantoomuch :
Mmmm chocolate chip tim tams. Ya know, I just randomly found *another* packet in the fridge the other day! This household is OBSESSED!! (yayness). Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
(((((omorfia))))) - everybody needs hugs! You're the best. I'm all freeeeeee. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Yes, obsessed. Oz is real, ya know. (Omorfia raises eyebrows). Much with the Oz obsession ... had to come out sooner or later. He's our guy. Not your and my guy ... the MIAn's guy! I'll explain later. LOL. Party on! Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
I can't remember what I was going to say. But heya! I hope your nails stay cool! And party on and have one of those raspberry split iceblocks, coz they're way yummy. Amz!
from timdangerous :
So now i have two princess's in my life? cool. ~wink~


from leopardray :
Haha! You make me laugh so bad. Thanks, but I realized that I have one more screening process to go through until the publishing is set in stone. I'll find out tomorrow what all I have to do. I don't know what the chances are, but I've made it this far! And, my little note-leaving demon, do you realize that you comprise 75% of my notes?! ;P Keep it coming, that's the stuff. And I've only read a few of Anne Rice's things, including the Witching Hour. Working on that series now. Okay, so maybe I don't leave 75% of your entries, but mine are always loooooooooooooooooooooooong. Have a good night, O, you goofball.
from iwantoomuch :
That irks me too. How rude. I have a stomach full of pizza. That makes me happy. And full. Hyah. Cya!
from iwantoomuch :
P.S. Do you *have* Franklins down there? Because otherwise, replace No Frills, with Savings. Or whatever. You get me!
from iwantoomuch :
I would make you hot milo with just enough full cream milk and two sugars. I rock out! I hope you have lotsa soft tissues! Nothing's worth than lots of snot and No Frills. Gah. Feel better! Amz
from iwantoomuch :
That's what I was forgetting!!! *runs back to add* :) Ugh. Of course! Haha.
from iwantoomuch :
I knew you'd get the Tim Tams! But then most people do, huh? They are bad, *wrong* people who do not bow down to the gods and goddesses of tim tams creators? Anyway, I'm with what ya said. Go you! Also, I'm quite a fan of Enid Blyton meself. Like ... Mr Galianos' Circus (was that it?), Mr Twiddle! I so love Mr Twiddle! Haha. And The Magic Faraway Tree. Ohhhh. Stories, stories. Amz
from iwantoomuch :
Owww! You poor thing! The first time I ever fainted was when I was in grade 4, after I'd gotten stitches out of the back of my head. I woke up in the garden down the stairs and I thought I was in a forest somewhere in a dream. It was kinda cool until my Mum got mad at me for scaring her. Haha.
from timdangerous :
oh drat! i was so looking forward to it too! by the way, i love your evil grin, is there by chance an evil laugh to accompany it?


from timdangerous :
oh my! i've never been rolled before.
you'll be gentle with me won't you?
it being my first time and all.


from timdangerous :
Well, that answers that question, we can't.

Haha! phew. the jokes on me, huh?


from timdangerous :
Why can't we link diaries in here?

weird t

from iwantoomuch :
duuuuuude. well that just sucked. apparently you can't link diary's in here. Oh but it's good, coz now my head has shrunk back to it's normal size!! *claps herself* ...whateva. Oh but ... check out the Member's Area!! Hee. *blows kisses*
from iwantoomuch :
You are so the coolest person. Check out my super ability to link now! Yay ... and I'm a show off. *claps herself* Party on.
from timdangerous :

thanks, love. needed that.


from iwantoomuch :
Fretting a bit. Still a bit ... huh ... on the whole matter. I'm just ... considering career options. What do you think I should do? I'm not joining the army or anything. Shikes. Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Yay!!! I'm super happy that Monster peed!! *offers party chocolate* mwa ha ha. Oh yeah, and Natalie must've been hiding from me or something, coz ... that bitch! I've now been out of the state. Yay me! Yay Monster! Yay Omorfia! Yay party chocolate! It's a party. Amz
from iwantoomuch :
I crossed my fingers! Sending all my happy, good, healthy energy Monster's way. Duuuuuuude ... Aria stuff later. *sends kick ass vibes*
from iona :
hi, you seem to have a lot to stress you out..but you seem to remain strong. Best on the days ahead of you. Many Blessings!
from iwantoomuch :
Natalie is going down! any other requests? Hey, if ur watching, look out for this scary redheaded freak in the audience (like way up the back, mwa ha) with glasses and a flesh and black lacy type dress. That's me! Mwa ha. I'll wave/hide, whoo! Poor Monster. Poor Omorfia. Chocolate?
from iwantoomuch :
How's Monster? Hope your dogga's doing cool. Peace, Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
By the way, I completely forgot about Felicity!!! .. so it wasn't on at all? Grr Chanel 7. How much do they suck? Amz
from iwantoomuch :
Augh! How come you get Seth sex dreams and I get evil buses and license angst! LOL. ... Just lucky I guess. Mmm coke bottles. Amz (party on)
from iwantoomuch :
Ahhhhh, you left me a note, I'm so excited! LOL. Dude, we used to have pink panther bars in The Queensland Show showbags as well! Damn but they were good. I re-added that quote thing to my profile in the hopes to trip out more people. *wonders how many words she can fit in this one message* *g* Oh! and I totally love your love of the moon! I'm the same! Also with rainbows and stuff ... I dragged my mother outside the other day. Mwa ha. Take it easy, Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
Heya! Toffee apples are the coolest! Okay, because it reminded me and for no other reason (also coz you live in Australia ...) do you remember Choo choo bars? And Pink Panther bars? LOL. Okay, don't mind me I just haven't had a toffee apple in yonks! ... you can get them at Woolworths right? Party. Amz
from leopardray :
Hahaha! No worries about looking like a g-book hog. Your messages are always welcome. I would have been happy to share the decent non-soymilk kahlua with you, except 1) my boy was already bummed that I drank most of it, and 2) you live on the other side of the globe. What's cool is that as I am a raging insomniac, I'm writing stuff in the middle of the night, prolly about the same time you're writing stuff too - which is day for you. Deep thoughts... okay, it's 2 AM. Don't expect too much from me. Have an excellent day/night/whatever! ~Sadie

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